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Expanded clay concrete blocks brand M50. M50 brand solution. The ability of concrete to withstand low temperatures

How to choose the brand of aerated concrete block?

Frequently received questions about the selection of the brand of aerated blocks require detailed consideration. As a rule, the average consumer is interested in the prices of blocks and the brand of their strength (confusing it with density). But the industry cellular concrete does not stand still, today technologists have learned to produce very durable products with a low density grade.

An aerated concrete block can be roughly described by three main characteristics:

  • Density: D300, D400, D500, D600, D700 and more;
  • Compressive strength: B2; B2.5; AT 3; B3.5; B4 and higher;
  • Strength park: M25-M75.

Strength grade M is a number that shows how many kg/cm2 a particular aerated concrete block can withstand. The average compressive strength B shows the same value but in MPa. When making individual calculations, it is more convenient for the builder to operate in kilograms, and for the manufacturer when testing in pascals, which is why industry leaders indicate both brands in the tables.

The higher the density of the aerated block, the higher the grade of compressive strength, but the lower its thermal efficiency. In other words, the higher the D density, the fewer closed pores inside your block. Modern manufacturers strive to maintain a balance between the density and strength of the blocks, because the aerated concrete block must remain light and thermally efficient.

Efficiency vs durability

The purpose of the emergence and spread of cellular concrete was not only low cost blocks, but also the ability to obtain energy efficient buildings. With a significant increase in density D, the heat saving characteristics decrease.

To maintain thermal conductivity within the required range of 0.12-0.15 W/m*C, large enterprises (INSI, Teplit, Varmit, Betolex) use autoclave processing technology. Autoclave aerated concrete blocks (treated with steam and pressure) with low density D500-D600 have a fairly high structural strength B2.5-B4.

Common strength grades for autoclave gas blocks are M25-M50, their ratio also directly depends on the results of the work of specific manufacturers. For example, INSI blocks D400 (B1.5) are branded M25, and twin blocks “Teplit” D400 are branded M35. Not even able to give a universal classification GOST31360-2007 , which does not establish exact ratios of strength grades to product density.

However, the exact ratio of strength grades and block density depends only on the research of a particular manufacturer, so experts recommend that you familiarize yourself with the nomenclature of a particular manufacturer. For example, the Porablok enterprise in Kurgan produces an autoclaved aerated concrete block D600 with the B3.5 grade, and Latoshinsky Blocks in Volgograd with a density of D600 receives only B2. As a result, we get that there is only one exact consistency of density and strength in the industry today No.

Pitfalls when choosing an aerated concrete block are hidden in the production technology - the more progressive and more modern equipment and the method for producing cellular concrete, the more effective the ratio of strength and thermal conductivity of the aerated concrete block will be. As a rule, mass construction today uses exclusively autoclaved aerated concrete, which is superior to its simple analogue in all respects physical characteristics. Autoclaved aerated concrete blocks give minimal shrinkage, are precise in geometry, are placed on a special glue and can withstand greater pressure.

The cost of finished products depends on the production technology and the obtained parameters, as well as the exact composition of the unit and the capacity of the plant. Therefore, in our catalog you can find inexpensive and exclusive gas blocks that will meet the requirements of your facility. To evaluate and compare products you need to use the "Add to comparison" service, where it is easy to compare prices for aerated concrete blocks and their physical characteristics.


What else do you need to know to buy? best blocks?

When choosing aerated concrete blocks, you should not rely only on the strength grade, since the quality wall structures Drying shrinkage, frost resistance, and vapor permeability of products also have an impact. It is also worth paying attention to consumer reviews and the manufacturer’s reputation. In the A-brick catalog for you, we have collected products from leading industry enterprises that produce high-quality and certified aerated concrete blocks.

Table of strength and density ratios of aerated concrete blocks

Kuban Construction Materials Plant


Compressive strength

Cottage-Stroy LLC, Voronezh region.


Compressive strength

Combine wall materials


Compressive strength B2.0

Voronezh KSM


Compressive strength

Latoshin blocks in Volgograd


Compressive strength

Red Builder, Voskresensk


Compressive strength



Characteristics of class B 3.5 concrete

Current construction methods are inextricably linked with the use of popular building material. This is concrete that is obtained as a result of mixing binder and fillers. It may contain additives that affect performance.

The type of concrete is characterized by grade and class, which are its main indicators. Based on these parameters, customers purchase the solution from manufacturers, who deliver it to the construction site using special concrete trucks.

Volvo concrete truck

Knowledge of the classification allows you to choose the optimal mixture that has necessary characteristics, the main one being strength. By understanding the labeling, you will be able to assess the quality of the supplied solution, avoid unpleasant situations and unnecessary costs.

The class of concrete in most cases makes it possible to evaluate the real strength of the monolith, along with the grade that characterizes the limiting value of the compressive strength of the massif.

When engaged in construction, it is important to understand the classification and labeling of solutions, which will allow you to choose the most effective option using the mixture taking into account the tasks at hand. It is also necessary to master the methods of monitoring characteristics and the specifics of taking measurements. Let's look at these issues in more detail.

Brand and class are the main criteria when choosing concrete

Classification by brand

The brand of the mixture is indicated by the capital letter M and numbers ranging from 5 to 800. The complete digital series of brands is as follows: 5, 10, 15, 25, 35, 50, 75,100, 150, 200, 250, 350, 400, 450 , 550, 600, 600, 700, 800.

The magnitude of the force at which a cubic concrete sample is completely destroyed characterizes the grade, which is measured in kilograms per square centimeter. The standard by which the brand is determined must be maintained for 28 days before it is subjected to compression tests.

The strength indicator, characterized by the applied force per square centimeter, depends on the following factors:

  • volumetric concentration of the binder - cement;
  • brand of binder component;
  • characteristics of the filler used;
  • solution density.

Among the variety of concrete compositions offered on modern market, each developer can choose the required one, with the necessary margin of compressive strength.

For example, a mortar with the M50 grade corresponds to a concrete class, the designation of which contains the capital letter “B” and the numbers 3 and 5. It has a guaranteed compressive strength of 50 kg/cm². As the marking number increases, the strength characteristics increase. This is due to the use of cement best quality, increasing its percentage.

There are grades in the range from 50 to 1000, but the most popular are concrete grades from m100 to m500

Breakdown by class

Let's figure out what a concrete class is in accordance with construction terminology. This indicator is set according to the compressive strength values ​​of the concrete sample. The characteristic is indicated by the capital letter “B” and digital indices ranging from 0.5 to 60. When executed construction work the most common mixtures are in the range B7.5 – B40.

The digital value in the classification shows the pressure value expressed in megapascals (MPa). In particular, class B3.5 characterizes the ability to withstand a pressure value of 3.5 MPa in 95 out of 100 cases of application of a test load.

Brand and class indicator are similar parameters. Their differences are slightly expressed in the following:

  • The grade characterizes the average value of compressive strength.
  • The class shows the guaranteed value of strength characteristics.

The conformity of brands and classes of compositions is regulated by the standard.

The classification of compositions, according to the value of hardness, divides them as follows:

  • concrete for thermal insulation purposes, representatives of which are materials with classes from B0.5 to B2;
  • thermal insulation and structural mixtures, the class designation of which is in the range from 2.5 to 10;
  • compositions for structural purposes – B12.5-B40.

Along with classes, concrete grades are used, indicating the average compressive strength in kgf/sq.cm

For example, a solution of class B3.5 refers to concrete mixtures that have a structural purpose and perform thermal insulation functions.


Each type of concrete is produced according to technology, observing the required proportions of ingredients. The composition of the mixture depends on the specifics of the application, the purpose of the object for which this solution is produced.

For correct calculation percentage concentration of components, it is necessary to take into account the size of the fraction of crushed stone and sand, as well as their density. It is important to know the required mobility of the solution, the required water resistance and frost resistance. By comprehensively assessing all parameters, you can determine the proportions of ingredients for preparing the mixture.

Any concrete composition includes the following components:

  • Portland cement.
  • River or quarry sand.
  • Medium-fraction crushed stone.
  • Plasticizers are special additives that can be added to change the properties of the mixture as required.

Concrete must be homogeneous - this is the most important technical and economic requirement

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Where would you prefer to live: in a private house or apartment?


Where would you prefer to live: in a private house or apartment?


Let's consider how the composition of concrete M50 (B3.5), made from various grades of cement, changes:

  • the volume fraction of crushed stone, sand and cement grade M200 is 5:3:1;
  • the ratio of ingredients when using Portland cement M400 increases and is expressed by the proportion – 7:4:1 (crushed stone, sand, cement).

As the quality of cement increases, the percentage components, the volume of cement to obtain required quantity concrete mortar. For example, the mass fraction of cement, sand and crushed stone in M300 concrete, for the production of which M400 cement is used, is 1: 1.9: 3.7. It is necessary to take into account, which loses its properties over time. For example, after long-term storage Portland cement M400 can correspond to the value of M300.

Features of concrete B3.5

It is characterized by low compressive strength, the value of which is 50 kilograms per square centimeter. This limits the scope of application of this solution. It is used when executing concrete works, which do not require increased strength characteristics:

  • Pouring screeds in the manufacture of floors.
  • Preparing supporting surfaces for installing curbs.
  • Carrying out rough construction work.
  • Pouring preparatory basis for foundations.
  • Making borders.

The strength of concrete increases as a result of physical and chemical processes of interaction between cement and water, which normally take place in warm and humid conditions.

Despite the low strength characteristics, the range of use of this mixture is quite wide. If the manufacturer uses special plasticizers, then they can be used to increase the moisture resistance and frost resistance of the mixture.

The main advantage of concrete M50 (B3.5) is low price, allowing you to use it without restrictions when executing preparatory work.

The low cost is due to the reduction in the percentage of cement, which makes the solution popular when performing rough construction activities when it is not practical to use expensive concrete.


During hardening concrete products, iron concrete structures, which are not subjected to heat treatment, the acquisition of specified performance characteristics occurs at temperatures from 15 to 25 degrees Celsius. For a given temperature conditions hardening there is no loss of moisture. The change in strength characteristics occurs as follows:

  • 5 days after pouring, the composition acquires 60 percent of the required hardness;
  • within 10 days, strength characteristics increase to 70% of operational parameters;
  • achievement of the design hardness of the concrete mass occurs 4 weeks after its pouring.

Concrete needs maintenance, creating normal conditions hardening, especially in the initial period after laying (up to 15-28 days)

Acquisition cement mortar The required strength occurs when cement interacts with water, the so-called hydration of the solution. For the reaction to proceed as planned, a positive temperature corresponding to humidity is required environment. In order for the solution to harden normally, the necessary conditions must be created.

In summer, this is achieved by laying a special bitumen emulsion on concrete, covering the surface plastic film, periodic moistening of the surface.

Building structures made from monolithic concrete can be loaded if it has reached half the required strength. For example, after three days you can begin laying bricks on a pre-filled monolithic base. This is a long process and the foundation will take the full load after some time, when the walls are erected.

Areas of use

In accordance with the marking of the concrete composition, which characterizes strength, the area of ​​application of concrete changes:

The compliance of concrete grades and their classes is regulated by the state standard.

How is strength determined?

Strength characteristics are determined various methods control:

  • by non-destructive testing using special instruments;
  • by the method of laboratory destruction of cubic reference samples, when the reference sample is compressed until complete destruction. The magnitude of the force at which destruction occurs corresponds to the mark, expressed in kilograms per square centimeter;

  • using ultrasonic technology, which allows determining strength by the propagation of ultrasonic vibrations;
  • visual control methods, which are based on the depth of immersion of the striker under the influence of impacts.

Any of the methods allows you to classify the composition and make a decision about its suitability for performing the assigned tasks.


With the implementation of modern construction activities, the requirements are expanding. Today, there is a demand for compositions that have high strength, have insignificant shrinkage, and are not affected by negative temperatures. In addition, they must be resistant to cracking, have thermal conductivity, be resistant to elevated temperatures and have a long service life.

The classification of concrete compositions allows one to evaluate the possibility of their use for solving specific construction problems and choose the best option.

On the site: Author and editor of articles on the website website
Education and work experience: Higher technical education. 12 years of experience in various industries and construction sites, 8 of which were abroad.
Other skills and abilities: Has the 4th group of electrical safety clearance. Perform calculations using large data sets.
Current employment: For the last 4 years he has been acting as an independent consultant in a number of construction companies.

Buy M50 solution for everyone in Moscow and populated areas The Moscow region is offered by the StroySoyuz group of companies. Understanding that the material is in demand at almost every stage of construction, we carry out its uninterrupted production and supply.

Working without intermediaries, we are ready to offer an affordable price for M50 cement mortar. We have our own laboratory, so the high quality of our products is confirmed by research.

Where can I buy M50 masonry mortar at a competitive price?

Concrete mortar is used as a binder when performing:

  • bricklaying;
  • laying other types of stones.

It belongs to the group of complex solutions, but is less durable. The material is rarely used in other types of construction, since products made from it have low compressive strength.

The StroySoyuz group of companies sells favorable price cement-sand mortar M50. Placing an order with us means getting a material with the necessary strength and mobility, which is resistant to climatic factors, versatile and practical. Place your order by phone or online from our website.

Prices for cement mortar M50

Brand Class Options Price for 1 m 3 with VAT, rub./m 3
M50 Size M50 PC2 F50 2 880


Lean concrete looks like a non-plastic, loose mass of individual gravel granules glued together with thick cement mortar. Unlike commodity and heavy solutions, this building material can withstand minimal loads. Its low strength is explained by the reduced content of the binder component - cement, and the rigidity of the solution is determined by the increased amount of filler. This formulation allows the production of inexpensive concrete with specific characteristics for their respective application.

Properties of concrete M50

Features of lean concrete M50 - properties and scope of application

The entire range of the MOSBETONTORG company, including lean concrete mixtures, meets the requirements of GOST 7473-2010. According to this document, concrete grade M-50 with symbol V3.5 F50 W2 Zh4 is characterized by the following technological indicators:

  • strength B3.5 - a standard cube made from a mixture measuring 150x150x150 mm can withstand a load of 3.5 MPa in 95% of cases (the number next to the letter M sets the compressive strength in kg/cm2);
  • frost resistance F50 – the number of freezing-thawing cycles that concrete can withstand without signs of destruction reaches 50;
  • water resistance W2 - a concrete sample cylinder with a height of 150 mm does not allow water to pass under a pressure of 2 atmospheres during a standard test;
  • workability (rigidity) Zh4 - mixtures of this brand are considered rigid, since they are compacted within 31–60 s.

Considering its properties, M50 lean concrete can be characterized as a low-strength material with moderate frost resistance, minimal water resistance and high rigidity. It is recommended to be used to solve certain construction problems:

  • stabilizing the soil before installing foundations or floors;
  • arrangement of the base for sidewalks, road surfaces or parking lots;
  • sealing holes in the block foundation with their subsequent waterproofing;
  • devices of lightly loaded couplers (for example, in MAF);
  • pouring a rough foundation for the pool bowl;
  • concreting pillars, fences.

After laying the rough concrete layer It is recommended to coat with hot bitumen and/or compact with a roller or vibrating plate - lean mixtures quickly cement and, with proper compaction, form durable concrete. In general, their use can significantly reduce the cost and speed up construction.

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Structures with rough bases made of rolled concrete are durable and protected from cracking, subsidence and rutting. Obtaining the effect is possible only if you use a high-quality brand of concrete that meets GOST standards and customer instructions in all respects. Our company has been producing and supplying ready-mixed concrete in Moscow and the Moscow region for more than 10 years, and when you contact us, you can be sure that:

  • the cost of lean concrete m50 from the manufacturer is minimal, and its quality is confirmed by the Stroystandart certificate;
  • your order will be processed and fulfilled within one hour - we work 24/7/365;
  • at the agreed time, you will receive exactly the brand and quantity of concrete that you ordered - the company monitors production and weight control.

Experience in servicing more than 7,000 objects and recommendations from our partners allow us to declare ourselves as professional and reliable supplier building materials.

Ordering procedure – according to customer wishes

MOSBETONTORG company is aimed at building long-term relationships. For this we provide free consultations and ensure constant communication with clients - both individuals, and with legal ones. To calculate your order you will need the following information.

Concrete is a material that is in great demand in modern construction. It is used in the construction of foundations, walls, paths, bridges, etc. Moreover, in each specific case its composition must be used. The specific purpose of concrete is determined by its class or brand. The latter are usually indicated on the packaging.

Types of concrete

Currently, the following grades of this material can be used in the construction of buildings and structures:

    super light;

  • very heavy.

The concrete mixture is made using different types of fillers. The brand of the finished solution is determined by the type of the latter. Both light materials (for example, expanded clay or sawdust) and heavier ones (sand, crushed stone) can be used as filler. In industrial construction, special specialized concretes are sometimes used. They use metal shavings as filler. This solution is considered very heavy.

Concrete grade

This indicator is determined in specialized laboratories empirically. In order to find out what brand of concrete is, a cube made from it with a side length of 15 cm is subjected to a certain pressure. At the same time, they look at compressibility indicators.

Currently, there are the most commonly used main grades of concrete on the market. Both their characteristics (the table below presents them clearly) and methods of application will be discussed by us a little later. There are seven such types of material in total. Each of them is designated by the letter M and a number indicating what pressure in kgf per cm² the material can withstand. So, for example, M200 concrete is capable of maintaining integrity under a load of 200 kgf/cm².

Concrete class

The strength grade of concrete is directly related to the class of this material. However, the latter is a more accurate and specific meaning. After all, for quality ready-mixed concrete In addition to the filler and brand of cement, many other factors can influence. For example, the type and purity of filler, sealer and binder, as well as pouring methods, hardening conditions, etc.

When determining the class of concrete, its grade, as well as correction factors, are taken into account. It is calculated according to the formula:

B = R*(0.0980655*(1 - 1.64*V)),

where R is the average strength of the material (grade),

V is the coefficient of variation.

We found out that there is such a thing as concrete grades. Both their characteristics (the correspondence table will clearly show this) and the scope of use in most cases coincide with the classes. However, the latter indicator is indicated not in kgf/cm², but in pascals. The parameter 0.0980655 in the above formula is precisely the transition coefficient from one unit of measurement to another.

So, a certain brand of concrete usually corresponds to its specific class in terms of strength. However, sometimes the average and actual strength of this material differ quite significantly. In this case, the brand and class may not match. For example, concrete grade M200, due to the not very high quality of the filler or cement, may be designated as B10, not B15. The number in the class of a material shows its ability to withstand certain loads in MPa. Thus, B25 concrete can withstand pressure of 25 MPa without harm.

Of course, its cost also depends on the class of material. The solution is usually sold by volume. That is, the unit of measurement for which the price of such material is determined is a cubic meter. So, 1 m³ of a solution of class M100 costs about 2000 rubles, M200 will cost about 2200 rubles, and M300 can be bought for 3500 rubles.

Compliance with brand and class

When carrying out various types of construction work, you often need to know what properties differ between one or another type of mortar. Next, let's look at the qualities of specific brands of concrete. Both their characteristics (the table presented below will certainly be useful to many builders) and the scope of application, as already mentioned, in most cases correspond to the properties of a certain class.



As plaster

Installation curb stone

Screeds, tracks


Monolithic walls, reinforced concrete products

Bridges, bank vaults

Concrete M100

Thus, you and I are in general outline looked at what concrete grades are and their characteristics. The table shows that the scope of application of this material depends mainly on its strength. Next, let's take a closer look at how each class is specifically used. Material brand M100, for example, is not very strong. Therefore, it is usually used for plastering walls, carrying out preparatory work when pouring a road surface or constructing a foundation. In the latter case, the so-called footing is made from this material - a flat platform on which the reinforcement frame is installed.

Often this concrete is also used when installing curbstones that are not subject to special loads, pouring sidewalk paths off-road, etc.

The scope of application is approximately the same. The material is quite durable for the construction of structures that are not subject to loads, but not reliable enough for pouring “serious” objects.

Brand M200

Concrete floors and screeds are usually made from class B15 concrete. This brand is also well suited for filling small stairs, paths, platforms, etc. Sometimes owners of suburban areas even build foundations for houses with walls made of lightweight materials using this mortar. However, the M200 grade of concrete can be used for this purpose only on stable soils. Wherein groundwater must lie deep enough.

Concrete M300

A solution of this composition is an excellent answer to the question of what brand of concrete is best suited for the foundation. Also, stairs and fences are often cast from this class of material. This option is also good for construction. monolithic walls low-rise residential and commercial buildings. Brand M300 today is the most popular type of concrete among owners of suburban areas.


Pouring foundations and monolithic walls is what it is mainly used for. this brand concrete (and concrete class). The table shows that material of such strength is also used for the manufacture of reinforced concrete products. These can be beams, floor slabs, etc. In addition, M300 concrete is often used for pouring screeds and floors. Sometimes homemade ones are made from it monolithic floors in formwork.

Concrete M400

This is very durable look material used mainly in the construction of buildings and structures for special purposes. For example, pillars and decks of bridges are cast from it, bank safes and hydroelectric dams are made. The same concrete is also used to fill airfield runways.

Other indicators

So, most important parameters- this is the grade of concrete and the class of concrete. The table of their correspondences shows how durable one or another variety can be. Of course, the ability to withstand certain loads is the first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing concrete. However, there are other parameters that are no less important and determine the suitability of the material in a particular case. Therefore, there are grades of concrete not only in strength, but also in such indicators as frost resistance, moisture resistance and ductility.

The ability of concrete to withstand low temperatures

In conditions of average and northern latitudes the durability and reliability of finished concrete structures largely depends on such indicators as frost resistance. Previously, the brand of solutions in this regard was designated as MP3. Nowadays, concrete is classified by frost resistance with the letter F. The number following it characterizes the maximum number of freezing and thawing cycles that the material can withstand without loss of quality.

Like strength, a particular composition is determined experimentally. Samples are examined serially. In this case, the strength of concrete is preliminarily measured. Next, it undergoes several freeze/thaw cycles. On final stage its strength is again determined.

Currently, concrete of frost resistance grades from F25 to F1000 is produced. In private housing construction, concrete for outdoor use should, of course, have the greatest resistance to low temperatures.

However, you should pay attention to this indicator not only when constructing houses in regions with a cold climate, but also when constructing such important structures as bridges, dams, airfield pavements, and roads.

Moisture resistance grades

This indicator is important to consider when choosing concrete intended for the construction of buildings and structures operated in conditions high humidity. Water resistance is the ability of a material not to allow moisture to pass under pressure. In this regard, there are different types concrete. There are only five main brands of water resistance: W2, W4, W6, W8, W12. Previously, the letter B was used to determine the quality of concrete by this indicator.

The number after W in the marking shows at what pressure in the water column the prototype does not allow water to pass through. Testing of concrete for moisture resistance is carried out using the “wet spot” method. In practice, two indicators of water resistance are usually used:

Modern industry produces not only ordinary, but also special, hydraulic concrete. This material is different increased stability to the water. In its production, high-grade Portland cement or its plasticized version is used. There are special requirements for the quality of fillers. They should not contain any organic residues. The maximum permissible grain size used for manufacturing should be 5 mm.

Grades by plasticity

This parameter primarily affects the workability of B certain cases this indicator can be very important. For example, for pumping through pipelines or when pouring structures using machinery, sufficiently flowable concrete must be used.

The plasticity of a solution, as is known, increases with the addition of water. However, if there is too much of it, the concrete will lose strength. Therefore, to increase the mobility of the solution in our time, we use special additives- plasticizers.

This material is marked by fluidity with the letter P. In this regard, there are the following types concrete:

    PK1 - the immersion depth of the cone is 1-4 mm.

    PC2 - 4-8 mm.

    PK3 - 8-12 mm.

    PK4 - 12-14 mm.

Plasticity is determined as follows:

    A cone is made from tin with a wide side diameter of 200 mm and an apex angle of 30 degrees.

    Fill it in three steps concrete mixture with a tamper.

    Level the concrete and turn the cone over onto a flat surface.

  • They look at how much the concrete shrinks over a certain period of time.

So, when buying a ready-made solution, first of all you should look at its strength class. If necessary, you should also make sure that the grades of its moisture resistance, frost resistance and mobility meet certain conditions. In this case, the finished structure will be reliable and durable.