home · Installation · Service life of double-circuit wall-mounted boilers. What determines the service life of a gas boiler in a private home? A modern manufacturer of gas boilers is Protherm. What are its advantages

Service life of double-circuit wall-mounted boilers. What determines the service life of a gas boiler in a private home? A modern manufacturer of gas boilers is Protherm. What are its advantages

We are often asked the question: how long does a gas boiler last? What determines the service life gas boiler? In our article today we will tell you about this.

Scale. When water boils, the impurities it contains, mainly calcium and magnesium salts in the form of carbonates, are deposited on the walls of heat exchangers and inner surface pump housing. The rate of scale deposition depends primarily on the quality of the water. So-called, hard water contains a large number of salts, the less there are, the softer the water. But this does not mean that it is better to fill the heating circuit with distillate, which is harmful to the system. Filtration through household or, much better, specialized filters would be correct. polyphosphate filters for heating systems. Fixed polymer salts on these filters precipitate scale-forming compounds and make the water softer, which significantly reduces the formation of scale. Modern polyphosphate filters are non-toxic and can be used not only for preparing water for the heating circuit, but also for hot water supply. Well-known and widespread filters are SVOD-AS (Russia) and DOSA PLUS (Italy). The most common filter SVOD AC 250 has a guaranteed resource of 42 tons of water, this excellent result. For a family of 3 people it will last almost a year; replacement flasks with the reagent can be purchased separately.

The second factor influencing the rate of scale formation: the design of the heat exchanger. In our opinion, the most successful heat exchangers in this regard are Korean gas boilers RINNAI. Even in comparison with leading Italian and German manufacturers, we see an advantage. Thousands of boilers installed in Tatarstan and which have served for at least 7 years, even without polyphosphate filters, with virtually no decrease in flow due to scale, confirm this. Well, a simple rule: bithermal heat exchangers are more prone to scale formation than separate ones, so don’t skimp.

The third factor that determines the strength and speed of scale formation: work intensity. The more work your gas boiler does, the faster scale will form. This is one of the reasons why you shouldn’t buy a boiler based on power; it’s better to take it with a reserve. Since everything gas boilers operate in pulse mode, the frequency of more powerful pulses will be less frequent, and the operating mode will be smoother.

The pump itself is subject to wear over time, primarily the rubbing mechanisms and the oil seal, which begins to leak; this should be determined during regular maintenance.

Heat exchangers and the pump are expensive components of a gas boiler; it is their service life, coupled with the service life of the gas shut-off valves of the boiler, that limits the overall service life.

The second enemy of the gas boiler, oddly enough, is unstable electricity. It is the unstable electricity of the network that disables electronic board controls, as well as electrical and electrically controlled components: ignition unit, gas valve and others. According to our observations, only in every fifth house the electrical indicators more or less correspond to the required ones. Long-term operation of a gas boiler in a disrupted energy consumption mode significantly reduces its service life. There is a solution: install either Voltage regulator , which will level it and protect it from jumps, excellent option is an uninterruptible power supply.

To summarize our article: the service life of a gas boiler is limited by the service life of the main components. In order for the gas boiler to serve reliably throughout its entire lifespan and beyond, we recommend using an anti-scale filter and a voltage stabilizer, as well as choosing a powerful boiler with two heat exchangers, and of course, regularly maintaining the gas boiler. Do not forget also that even if a gas boiler has reliably served its term, but its generation has long been discontinued, and the service departments have no spare parts left, then it is also better to change it, or put money into the family budget to buy a new one.

Each person chooses the best for himself. Each buyer puts their own meaning into the concept of “best”. Reliability? Safety? Price? Appearance? All this can be correlated with gas boilers. What are the best gas heating boilers? It all depends on what functions are your priority.

Many gas boilers have an automation system, pumps that run on electricity. Such boilers cannot function without a constant supply of electricity. If there are power outages, such devices will not be suitable.

It is necessary to think about what type of boiler is suitable for housing: floor-mounted or wall-mounted. If you need a high-power boiler, then it is best to choose a floor-standing type of equipment. The disadvantage of such a unit is that it is necessary to allocate separate room. For ordinary cuisine A more compact option is suitable - a wall-mounted boiler.

It is worth considering such characteristics of boilers as the type of combustion chamber. Equipment with open camera burn the air in the room. Such boilers require an equipped chimney and a constant flow of air from outside. It should also be taken into account that their body overheats, so a boiler with an open combustion chamber should not be installed next to meters, wooden furniture and curtains. Boilers with closed camera They have a coaxial pipe in their structure that absorbs air from the street and brings it back out. Such a boiler is economical option, since gas and air are uniformly mixed in the coaxial pipe, so the boiler body with a closed combustion chamber does not overheat.

Modern market represents choosing gas heating boilers to your taste, and which one is better for the buyer to decide. The choice of equipment depends on the needs that are most important to the consumer.

Service life of a mounted gas boiler

The service life of a wall-mounted gas boiler is several times shorter than that of a floor-standing one. What causes such a significant difference? Direct dependence on the material from which the boiler heat exchanger is made: in all wall-mounted boilers the heat exchangers are copper, and in floor-standing ones they are made of steel or cast iron. Copper makes the boiler relatively light, but copper equipment is fragile and quickly deteriorates. Such a heat exchanger requires high purification of the coolant. If it is not cleaned, the copper will oxidize. At proper care a copper heat exchanger will last 5-10 years. The service life also depends on the manufacturer. Mounted boilers have less power than floor-mounted ones, so often when used they have to work at all possible power, this shortens the life of the equipment.

Service life of a floor-standing boiler

Floor standing boilers have a service life significantly longer than mounted ones. This fact is also determined by the material of the heat exchanger. Heat exchanger made of steel or cast iron with correct operation and the installation will last up to 20 years. Floor-standing boilers are much more powerful than wall-mounted boilers, so they are rarely turned on at full power. If you periodically carry out deep cleaning of the coolant, the gas boiler will last for decades.

Each manufacturer declares its warranty periods for the operation of gas boilers, which are based on their technical characteristics Oh. Advice: for greater reliability you need to purchase gas equipment only proven brands, for example, and also trust the installation of boilers to professionals.

Cost of gas boilers

Cost of gas boilers household use fluctuates quite within wide limits. Gas equipment, by comparing indicators on quality of work, safety, service life, ease of use, efficiency, it is possible to create conditional classification price categories.

The price of gas heating boilers can be classified into 3 groups:

  1. High-quality and expensive gas boilers of German brands.
  2. Average price of a gas boiler with good quality equipment from Italian companies Ariston, Baxy, Beretta, Ferroli, Baxy, Fondital; Czech companies: Mora, Viadrus, Dakon; Korean companies: Olympia and Kiturami; Spanish company: Roca; Japanese company: Rinnai.
  3. Cheap gas boilers from domestic companies: Zhukovsky Machine-Building Plant, Lemax, Rostovgaz Oapparat, AGRORESURS.

Review of gas boilers

"Prometheus" is a well-known domestic brand of energy-independent floor-standing boilers with a steel heat exchanger. Prometheus models are used for heating rooms large area up to 750 sq. meters. The efficiency is 92%. Micro-flare burner with automatic ignition, steel plate heat exchanger ensures efficient and safe work heating system. This company produces not only high-quality models that can successfully heat areas from the size of one apartment to large buildings of various functions, but also affordable ones. Gas boiler "Prometheus" is the optimal combination of quality and price.

Gas boilers Neva are a St. Petersburg brand of the OJSC Gazapparat company, which specializes in the production of gas boilers and water heaters. The company carefully checks and tests all equipment for performance, electrical safety and tightness. The range of gas boilers is presented in 3 classes, suitable for any wallet: “economy class” (Neva brand), “comfort class” and “premium class” (Neva Lux brand ). Since 2005, the company has been assembling wall-mounted gas boilers from ready-made purchased European kits. Since 2007, it has been manufacturing Neva Lux equipment, which has parts produced by the company itself. All boilers are made in modern design, the consumer can purchase the equipment at an affordable cost.

The Korean company Daesung is a leading manufacturer producing heating boilers. The company's boilers are economical, have excellent quality and safe to use. The first heat exchanger is made of copper, therefore it has high efficiency and, accordingly, a long service life. The second heat exchanger is made of steel plates, so hot water will always be in any quantity and instantly. The boiler is usually used to supply hot water.

The company Mimax LLC is a domestic company whose main focus is the production of automatic gas equipment. Mimax gas heating boilers have a 3 mm thick steel heat exchanger, thanks to which they have excellent heat transfer. When assembling equipment, they are used heat-resistant materials, allowing to significantly reduce the temperature of the outer casing to 40 -50 °C. The efficiency of the company's boilers is 87%. The service life of heating equipment is more than 15 years. The Mimax company has developed a series of universal boilers that operate on both gas and solid fuel. Firewood, coal and peat are used as fuel. The average transition time from one fuel to another does not exceed 1 hour.

LLC "Gastroy" is engaged in the production of gas boilers trademark"Ochag", which successfully sells 40 types of heating boilers. Among them are gas heating boilers, designed to provide heat to small rooms with an area of ​​about 1000 m². All Ochag devices are easy to use, have an excellent level of quality combined with reasonable prices.

The Protherm “Bear” gas boiler has a heat exchanger constructed of several units. This design allows for maximum heat transfer during fuel combustion. heating water. Advantages of the heating equipment of the “Bear” series: compact dimensions of the boiler, easy installation, simple control, coefficient useful action is 92%, maximum heat transfer with minimal losses, two-stage regulation.

Both on the domestic and European markets of heating equipment there are decent models, from which you can choose a boiler that suits its functionality and price.

When it comes to the economical use of equipment, it is important to take into account the service life of the gas boiler, because the more often it is changed, the more expensive the final operation of the entire system will be. The modern market for such units can offer many options. various designs. All of them are effective under certain conditions. At the same time, in order to identify the most economical gas boiler for specific circumstances, you will need to familiarize yourself with their diversity.

Classification of devices

The basic criterion for choosing a boiler is its ability to heat the designated area. To ensure that the device does not work maximum loads, you need to choose a gas-efficient boiler with a small power reserve.

When choosing, experts recommend using an approximate value of 1 kW, which is designed to heat 30 sq.m. In this case, an insulated house with double-glazed windows and insulated front door. If any of the elements are missing, 10-15% should be added to the calculated value.

This indicator is conditional, but with its help it will be possible to select the necessary equipment.

It is worth choosing according to the accommodation option, because there are two large groups:

  • floor boilers;
  • wall-mounted boilers.


The first option is in demand for heated premises with an area of ​​more than 200 m2. These units are used not only for direct heating of housing, but also to create a special microclimate in the room. It should be noted that the efficiency of such a gas boiler will be lower than that of their wall-mounted counterparts. However, this is compensated by a significantly longer service life, which, with proper care, reaches several decades.

Such indicators are achieved through the use optimal materials involved in the manufacture of the heat exchanger. As a result, due to low operating costs for large areas, floor-standing units are considered economical gas boilers for heating a private home.

Most of them use cast iron heat exchangers. Due to the physical and chemical characteristics, the used cast iron grades withstand the effects of most negative internal factors. A good help is to use anti-corrosion materials that have effective additives that reduce the appearance of rust.

Wall mounted

A wall-mounted gas heating boiler has significantly less weight and smaller dimensions, so it easily fits on a vertical surface. Such a module must be connected to several systems simultaneously:

  • gas supply for supplying fuel to the combustion chamber;
  • power supply to start the automation and circulation of the water pump;
  • heating system with expansion tank and required quantity consumers.

All economical gas boilers have a process control unit concentrated in a single place. Here you can set the temperature, get data on the current pressure, or turn off the device completely.

Wall-mounted boilers are characterized by the use of two types of draft:

  • natural;
  • forced.

Most economical gas boilers have coercive system. To implement it, an electric fan and a discharge spiral cavity are used.

Basic operational processes are regulated automatically. The positive factors of wall-mounted boilers are as follows:

  • saving usable area in room;
  • minimum weight that does not load the wall;
  • in some cases they can be converted to run on liquefied gas.

VIDEO: Which boiler to choose - wall-mounted or floor-standing

Unit service life

Most modern economical gas boilers last about 7-12 years. Their service life is affected by the quality of the working elements in direct contact with water, such as the heat exchanger and pump.

The service life of a gas boiler largely depends on the quality of water.

In the presence of high water hardness, salt deposits occur. To improve the quality of the coolant, polyphosphate filters are used. Due to the use of polymer salts in them, it is possible to reduce the hardness value to acceptable levels. This reduces the cost of heating the coolant and thus contributes to fuel savings.

The operating period is affected by the intensity of work of mechanical elements, for example, in a pump. In this regard, it will be necessary to regularly maintain it, changing oil seals, gaskets and rubbing elements.

The service life of a gas-efficient boiler is also affected by the quality of electricity. Weak or excessively strong voltage has an equally detrimental effect on the operation of such components:

  • automation;
  • gas valve;
  • ignition module, etc.

The situation can be corrected by using voltage stabilizers. They are able to maintain parameters with an accuracy of 3-5%, which will protect the boiler from failures.

It would also be a good idea to purchase an uninterruptible power supply or, at a minimum, network filter. Both devices are designed to preserve the electronic part of the boiler from failures in the event of a significant voltage drop in the network or a sudden shutdown.

Operational nuances

It is necessary to get rid of pockets of corrosion in the heating system. This is facilitated by removing air from the lines and radiators. This is especially important for open systems heating. To eliminate existing rust spots, it is enough to use special inhibitors (additives that enter into chemical reaction in the problem area).

In the summer, it is necessary to monitor the system for airing. It often helps to use the crimping method to closed systems and Mayevsky taps for open ones.

If the pressure in the system often drops, then it is necessary to immediately identify the problem, because it can result in failure of the units. The reasons for this situation are often:

  • incorrect installation of the system without the necessary slopes, which leads to airing of the radiators;
  • incorrect points for installing automatic air vents.

Ensures stable pressure in the system correct selection expansion tank. For approximately a volume of 60 liters of coolant in the system, a tank with a volume of 6 liters is needed. If there is more water, then obvious pressure drops may occur during the cooling/heating cycles, which will adversely affect the characteristics of the elements included in the system.

Carefully monitor the water pressure in your home's water supply system. If you are faced with a situation where, while taking a shower or washing dishes, the faucet suddenly starts leaking. cold water, then hot, after some time cold again, this means that the pressure is insufficient. The volume of water passing through for heating is not enough, which is why the burner randomly turns off and on. Pump up the pressure and then the boiler will operate smoothly.

VIDEO: Construction of a wall-mounted gas boiler

Any modern household heating device- This is quite expensive equipment, which is characterized by its service life. There are a large number of different models of gas boilers on the market, which differ in different performance characteristics, price, manufacturer.

In this article we will look at what factors determine the service life of a gas boiler.

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A gas boiler

Lifespan of a gas boiler

As practice shows, on average, economical gas boilers produced today can operate successfully for 8-15 years. Their service life is most directly affected by the quality of working parts in contact with water, these include circulation pump and heat exchanger.

User reviews! I have a Kiturami floor-standing boiler, and the instruction manual says that the estimated service life is 18 years. It has been operating successfully for 10 years.

If the water hardness is too high, salt deposits may form on the walls. In order to improve the quality of the coolant, it is necessary to install. They contain polymer salts, which reduce water hardness to normal.

The cost of heating the coolant will be lower and, accordingly, less fuel will be consumed. The service life is affected by the intensity of work of mechanical elements, for example in a pump. That is why you will have to constantly carry out regular maintenance and replace gaskets, seals and rubbing parts.

User reviews! The service life of the Baksi boiler is pleasing. The unit has been operating without failures or malfunctions for 9 years now.

In addition, the service life depends on the quality electrical energy. Too little or, on the contrary, too much tension has the same negative effect on work:

  • automation;
  • ignition module;
  • etc.

You can solve this problem by means of which are capable of maintaining indicators with an accuracy of 3-5%, thereby protecting the boiler from failures and malfunctions.

It's also better to install uninterruptable power source or at least a surge protector. These parts will protect the electronic part of the boiler from failures during severe voltage surges.

Nuances that arise during operation

IN heating system you need to try to prevent corrosion from occurring, and if it occurs, you need to get rid of its foci. This is facilitated by removing air from the lines and radiators. This applies most of all to open heating systems.

In order to remove rust particles, you need to use special inhibitors ( additives, which enter into a chemical reaction in problem areas).

In the summer, you need to monitor the system to see if there is any airing. Many users use it for closed systems and for open ones. Practice shows that such procedures are quite effective.

In order for a gas boiler to be able to function successfully beyond its maximum capabilities, you should purchase a device with some power reserve.

If there are frequent pressure drops in the heating system, then you need to urgently look for the root of the problem. If you do not pay attention to this and take too long, your heating device may simply fail. The reasons for this may be:

  1. Defects in the installation of the system, when the required slopes are not observed, as a result of which the radiators become air-filled.
  2. Incorrect mounting points for automatic air vents.

To ensure stable pressure in the system, it is necessary to select the correct expansion tank. For a coolant volume of 60 liters, you will need a tank with a volume of 6 liters. If the amount of water exceeds the norm, then pressure drops may appear during the cooling/heating cycles, which will negatively affect the characteristics of the parts included in the system.

Thus, only compliance with all operating rules can extend the life of a gas boiler.

Powered by gas fuel, available to customers in a wide range. Modern models have many differences from each other both in design and in functional content. Regularly improving the level of technical characteristics of such units allows the introduction of new technological solutions, as well as the use of materials with improved performance characteristics. This is confirmed by industrial gas boilers domestic production. Russian enterprises produce high-quality equipment in this segment, focusing not only on the experience of foreign colleagues, but also on their own developments. It is worth noting the economic attractiveness of mass production. Two factors contribute to this. Firstly, the payback of products, which are not cheap. Secondly, the demand for high-quality and efficient units.

Russian production of industrial boilers

Characteristics such as reliability, safety and functionality are usually applied to imported products. This especially applies to high-tech equipment. However, examples of modern domestic enterprises show that our manufacturers can offer no less quality product. Conveyors and machine tools produce parts and components according to European standards, and technologists improve approaches to assembly processes. It is also worth noting that the production of industrial gas boilers in Russia, as a rule, is complemented by design services. This means that already at the assembly stage the customer can count on full compliance of the equipment with the requirements and characteristics of a particular boiler room. This is especially important when you consider the power levels at which industrial and commercial units operate.

Unit design

Most industrial models are designed for heating industrial buildings, work premises and workshops. The design of boilers is also subordinated to these tasks. Its main element is the rod burner devices. As a rule, a group of parallel rods is used, each of which has holes for discharging the air-fuel mixture. In the process of mixing with air, a flame is formed, which evenly distributes heat over the entire area. Also, the design of an industrial gas boiler may include a water-tube heat exchanger, which is heated as a result of combustion of the gas mixture.

There are also more complex units that are equipped with flare gas burner elements. The peculiarity of such models is that the entire basic structure, together with the fan, is installed on the front side of the case. In the boiler itself there is a nozzle, which, in fact, acts as a source of propagation of flame and heat. On the market, gas industrial boilers with flare burners are available in two-pass or three-pass versions. The most powerful of them are capable of heating water up to 115 ºС, as well as producing high-temperature steam. At this point, it is worth taking a closer look at the two main types of such equipment - steam and hot water models.

Steam models

This category of boilers is designed to generate steam. In most enterprises using technological process steam, security required high pressure. Therefore, the performance of such equipment consists of temperature and pressure indicators. For the most part, gas industrial steam boilers are units that, through fire tube structures, generate steam with a productivity of at least 0.25 t/h. Depending on the requirements of the enterprise, you can choose models with higher power. As a rule, the maximum reaches 55 t/h. Pressure indicators, in turn, can be up to 30 bar, and temperature regime- up to 300 ºС. Modern models are distinguished by their ability to work on various types liquid and gaseous fuels. When choosing, it would not be amiss to take into account additional equipment in the form of deaeration devices, dispensers and bubblers.

Hot water models

Models with hot water supply are distinguished by a symmetrical arrangement of heating surfaces, but, as in the case of steam units, they operate on the principle of single- or multi-pass passage of the combustion product. At the same time, it is worth noting the multifunctionality and versatility that gas industrial boilers are endowed with. The photo below, in particular, illustrates a hot water model that can work not only on gas source fuel, but also on diesel.

When choosing such boilers, it is important to pay attention to the material of manufacture. The reliability of the equipment, its safety and, as a consequence, the price largely depend on it. In some cases, the operating characteristics of water heating devices, such as pressure level (the maximum is approximately 16 bar) and heating output, which varies on average from 0.7 to 35 MW, come first.

Assortment on the market

On this moment yet most of models available on the market belong to foreign brands. These are, for example, units from German manufacturer Bosch, which supplies models with the ability to operate on both gas and liquid fuels. Also worthy of attention are the Babcock Wanson models with maximum power up to 1757 kW. For large enterprises, it is worth noting the products of the Belgian company Prestige. It produces several installations that are characterized by high reliability and operating life.

In turn, gas industrial boilers Russian production available in the lines of the companies "Turbopar", "Gorgaz" and "Aguna". The factories of these enterprises are engaged in serial production, including units of increased power up to 3.6 MW. Models differ in the presence automatic systems, a variety of designs and the ability to adapt specifically to the requirements of the installation site.

Maintenance nuances

The long-term use of boiler equipment depends not only on the working resource provided by the manufacturer. To a large extent it is determined technical maintenance- its quality and frequency. Maintenance measures include keeping the chimney in optimal condition and regularly inspecting all combustion systems. No less important is the cleaning of industrial gas boilers, for which the burner is located on the door. In this state, it can open left and right to allow cleaning. This operation should be performed regularly, but taking into account the intensity of equipment operation.

Operational life

Subject to the manufacturer's recommendations, gas equipment can last on average from 15 to 20 years. Again, the service life period depends on many factors, including the materials used and conscientiousness in maintenance. In this regard, the service life of industrial gas boilers until the first cleaning is also important. Typically this period is 3000 hours. Necessity of implementation overhaul it is difficult to overestimate, but it should be done at large intervals - approximately once every 3 years.