home · On a note · Which is better in a mattress, linen or felt? Spunbond in the domestic production of mattresses. Methods for making coconut coir

Which is better in a mattress, linen or felt? Spunbond in the domestic production of mattresses. Methods for making coconut coir

The coconut orthopedic mattress has its own characteristics that you need to know about in order to accept correct solution: to buy or not. We invite you to study the issue in detail.

How coconut filling for mattresses is made

Coconut coir is a 100% natural fiber from well-known coconuts. During the season, up to 120 nuts are collected from one palm tree in Sri Lanka or India, which are soaked in water for 10 months. This makes it easy to separate the fibers from the shell. The coir is then manually sorted and sent for drying. For mattress fillings, only short and highly tangled fibers are taken, which resemble haystacks before being sent to production.

Manufacturers use two main technologies for processing coconut coir - latexing and pressing.

In the first case, coconut flakes or fiber impregnated liquid mixture natural latex, turn into a solid slab that does not crumble or crumble. The ideal ratio of components is 50 to 50. In Russian mattresses the proportion shifts - 70 to 30, which increases the hardness of the filler. The introduction of latex into the composition increases the elasticity and strength of coir, making it more durable. By definition, mattresses with such filling cannot be cheap.

As a more affordable alternative, the technology of pressing coconut fibers and then punching them with special needles is used, which also makes it possible to increase the service life of the finished product.

Advantages and disadvantages of coconut mattresses

Like any product, coconut orthopedic mattresses have both pros and cons.


  • absolute naturalness, environmental safety and harmlessness to human health;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • not subject to rotting;
  • high orthopedic indicators;
  • perfectly ventilated;
  • is not a breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria and insects;
  • good orthopedic effect;
  • long service life;
  • high-quality heat exchange.


  • enough high price;
  • latex coir has a characteristic rubber smell, which the manufacturer warns about in advance and which disappears a few hours after opening the package;
  • pressed needle-punched coir is stiffer and less durable than latexed coir, and if the loads are incorrectly selected, it can quickly lose its orthopedic characteristics, delaminate or crumble.

How to distinguish a quality filler

There are several simple ways determining the quality of coconut coir.

Firstly, to reduce the cost of products, unripened fibers that have a light brown tint can be used. Collected in right time coir has a deep brown color.

Secondly, the filler must be elastic, dense and resistant to mechanical stress.

Finally, the thickness of the coconut layer in spring models should be at least 3 cm. With a smaller figure, the coir should be supplemented with layers of other materials.

A removable zippered cover will help you evaluate the “filling” of the selected mattress.

How to choose an orthopedic coconut mattress

When choosing an orthopedic mattress with coconut filler it is important to determine its basic parameters.


You should be comfortable, because during sleep the body needs to accept natural anatomical position . Only in this case will the muscles be able to relax and problems with the spine will not arise.


Coconut coir is found in one form or another in both spring and springless models. And in both cases, it increases the rigidity of the mattress. But even if you really like hard mattresses, it is better to take a closer look at models in which this indicator is not maximum, as well as those where the coir is softened, for example, with latex.

Coconut mattresses are not the best option for older people, as they can cause unwanted pressure on tissues and cause discomfort.


For people weighing up to 60 kg who like medium-hard mattresses, mattresses with a block of independent springs with puff filling - coconut and latex (natural or artificial) - are ideal.

For those whose weight is between 60-90 kg, it may be recommended mattress with multipocket springs (500-700 springs per square) and alternating layers of coir and latex. As an alternative, you should consider purchasing a springless model with the same filler, but the thickness of the latex in it should be equal to or greater than the thickness of the coir layers.

With a weight of 90 to 120 kg, you can again ask the price for “multipocket” models, but with a large number of springs - at least 1000 per sq.m. Layers of filler can also alternate, but the thickness of the coconut layer here should be greater than the soft fillers. Models with a predominant thickness of coconut filler are suitable as springless analogues, while inserts from other materials are acceptable.

For those who perform in the heaviest category, experts advise choosing a mattress only with pure coconut filling, without adding other materials.

For spring mattresses, a bed base with narrow slats is suitable; for springless mattresses, any base is suitable.

Combination with other materials

To improve consumer performance coconut fiber often combined with other fillers. In addition to the latex mentioned above, it can be struttofiber, holofiber, polyurethane foam or felt.

Springless coconut mattresses are ideal for children, especially babies. The fact is that in newborns the spine is perfectly straight and does not have that S-shaped bend that acquires with age. Coconut mattresses perfectly support the spine and prevent it from sagging.

When purchasing, it is important to pay attention to the fact that the case is made made from natural material, e.g. 100% cotton. All children's products must be manufactured in accordance with GOST standards and have certificates of quality compliance with accepted standards and norms.

Which manufacturers have coconut mattresses?

Almost all mattress manufacturers have mattresses in their lines with pure coconut fiber or various combinations. Latexed coconut board from the German concern Enkev is used in their mattresses by the Toris and Vegas companies. Ormatek offers the Orma Lux mattress with three layers of coconut coir, and Askona offers the versatile Harmony model with a layer of natural coconut.

How to properly care for a mattress

All recommendations for caring for the product are indicated in the passport. However, there are some standard tips. Coconut filling will last longer if you do not allow children to jump on the mattress. If the model is thin, it is not recommended to twist or fold it. The mattress should be stored horizontally. And don't forget to turn it over periodically.

Qualitative coconut mattress will serve you long years, if its parameters are selected correctly and operating conditions are met.

Felt- this is the name of felted goat, sheep's wool or linen, usually used in mattresses in the form of panels. The material has been known for more than 2 and a half thousand years as an excellent heat insulator and protection from harsh climatic conditions. Today, felt is the main filler for many types of orthopedic surfaces.

Advantages of a felt mattress

When making felt chemical substances are not used, so it is considered environmentally friendly pure material, hypoallergenic and safe. The structure of wool allows us to obtain a dense material thanks to high-temperature pressing technology. Another undoubted advantage of felt is that it holds heat well. Therefore, sleeping on a mattress with a layer of felt will be comfortable and pleasant.

Features of the material

Since the material has quite high strength, it is often placed on top of the spring block as a layer between it and more sensitive layers. None of the traditional materials - foam rubber or batting - can provide such protection. Otherwise, after just a year of use, the springs begin to bulge outward, preventing proper sleep.

In latex demons spring mattresses use felt layers of high rigidity to provide a strong frame for the product. Another direction for using felt is its use as a flooring material for particularly rigid models, for example, made from coconut coir.

The following advantages of felt can be listed:

  • This natural material, in which there are no chemical binders such as adhesives;
  • has high strength;
  • durable;
  • improves the orthopedic properties of the product;
  • removes moisture from the body during sleep, absorbs it and easily releases it when drying;
  • performs thermoregulatory functions;
  • has high breathability;
  • has an affordable price.

Latex and coconut coir are the most popular materials for making the base. springless mattresses. Therefore, when choosing a mattress, buyers invariably face the question: what to prefer - a model with a latex or coconut block? You will find the answer if you carefully read the features of both options.

Latex mattress - rubber guarding your sleep

Expensive natural latex is produced from the sap of rubber trees, hence its other name - rubber. Since in pure form Natural rubber is relatively easily destroyed; during the production of latex foam, additional stabilizing additives are introduced into the mixture.

Springless latex mattresses http://www.moon-trade.ru/bespruzhinnye-matrasy/ have the following advantages:

    high elasticity due to the polymer structure of the material;


    softness with the ability to retain its shape for a long time;

    antistatic properties;


More affordable springless blocks are made from artificial latex, as highly elastic polyurethane foams created on the basis of polyols are commonly called. This filler gives the mattress greater rigidity and resistance to strong pressure.

Coconut coir mattress - healthy exotic

Coconut coir is the long, tough fiber that covers the coconut shell. Subsequently, these fibers are compressed into blocks, which are covered with fabric during the manufacture of the mattress. Thus, unlike latex, this filler is 100% natural.

The list of advantages of springless coconut coir mattresses includes:

    natural rigidity and elasticity;

    excellent orthopedic properties;

    good heat transfer;


Coconut coir does not absorb foreign odors, dust mites and mold microorganisms do not grow in it, it is absolutely safe even for allergy sufferers. There is only one drawback to mattresses with coconut filling - a higher price. However, as a compromise option, you can purchase a mixed or puff type product, in which a block of coconut coir is combined with a layer of latex or polyurethane foam.

In the design of a mattress, spunbond, first of all, acts as a cushioning (shielding) material, i.e. protects softer flooring materials and upholstery from springs. The screen is used only in spring mattresses; it is installed after the spring block to increase the service life of the fillers. The shielding fabric insulates the spring block and does not allow polyurethane foam to fall into the spring cups of the block. Depending on the required rigidity, they can be used as a screen. various materials: burlap, calico, spunbond, lavsanite, felt, plastic mesh etc.

In modern domestically produced mattresses, spunbond and felt are the most widely used shielding materials. I must say that just like in the segment upholstered furniture, spunbond non-woven fabric is used in the manufacture of cheap category mattresses. First of all, because for the production of more expensive mattresses a completely different composition of flooring materials is used, due to which spunbond, as well as its more expensive woven counterparts, is most often not required. The fact is that in mattresses in the “above average” price category, non-woven fabrics such as:
. Felt;
. Lavsanite;
. Coconut coir;
. Srootofiber;

Thermopressed felt (KM - construction material) is a material obtained by sintering synthetic and natural fibers, which are waste from weaving. The composition may include various threads, wool tow, pieces of batting, and small shreds. The density of this material is 500 g/m2, giving the mattress hardness and durability, and serves as an excellent insulating material.

Lavsanite is an insulating material consisting of lavsan threads fastened together special technology. The density of lavsanite is 300 g/m2 and serves the same purposes as heat-pressed felt.

Coconut fiber (coir) is a hard filler that is usually placed on top of heat-pressed felt or lavsanite and serves as additional insulation for spring blocks. It is a strong, environmentally friendly, durable, natural material obtained from a natural product and bonded with latex glue. This material is well ventilated and allows moisture to pass through well, while remaining dry, as it has an adhesive water-repellent protective film.

Strutofiber is a tubular polyester fiber impregnated with silicone. It is elastic and soft, environmentally friendly, has a heat-protective and sound-absorbing effect. There are 4 types: pure polyester, with cotton fiber, with wool, with seaweed, with horsehair. Strutto with additives increases the density of the material by 1 sq.m. As a result, rigidity also increases. They are also used for people with a diseased spine, osteochondrosis, etc. Thickness 2cm, density 760g/m2, width 2m. Thickness 4 cm, density 2200 g/m2, 1520 g/m2.

All these materials serve to achieve additional hardness, elasticity of the mattress, surface leveling, etc., but in addition they also serve as an excellent insulator for the spring block. Thus, if a flooring material with a high insulating ability is used, then there is no need to lay spunbond as well. Another thing is if hard flooring material is not used (usually an economy-class product), then the soft element of the mattress must be protected from the influence of the spring block with spunbond or other woven material.

A classic economy class mattress has the following design:

Cover: quilted on padding polyester/wadding, jacquard/calico fabric;
. Foam rubber (polyurethane foam);
. Spunbond;
. Bonnell spring block.

As soft element It is possible to use natural latex.

If we are talking about middle and premium class mattresses, then there are possible various options composition. However, the main feature is that a layer of heat-pressed felt is added directly to the spring block with a density of 500-600 g/sq.m. Batting (300 g/sq.m) and other materials described above can also be used. Some mattress manufacturers, targeting consumers with “above average” incomes, note a tendency to switch entirely to felt or thermal felt (more cheap option felt), as on more quality material, which has additional functions.

At the same time, speaking about the two main insulation options - spunbond and felt - in no case can they be called substitutes for each other. These are two different classes of mattresses, and the materials are different various functions. It should be borne in mind that there are also models using felt and spunbond at the same time, or coconut coir and spunbond.

To insulate the spring block, a fairly dense spunbond of 40-100 g/sq.m is used.

If there is a need to buy a new mattress, remember one of the conditions that you will be guided by when choosing: a normal mattress should not be thinner than 17 cm. It is not forbidden to compress the mattress when choosing. And if it turns out to be thinner than 15 cm, pass by without hesitation.

Spring mattresses

Based on the type of base, mattresses are divided into spring and springless.

Spring ones are good for their orthopedic properties and are affordable. They have a medium degree of hardness. It is better not to buy them for children and elderly people.

Spring mattresses are further divided into two subgroups:

  1. With Bonnell weaving - the springs are located in a common frame.
  2. With blocks of independent springs.

When choosing a mattress of the first group, keep in mind that the thickness of the wire should be at least 2.2 mm, and the number of turns should be at least 4–5. By saving on springs, the manufacturer significantly reduces costs. And the service life of such a mattress is significantly reduced. Only machine assembly from Spuhl guarantees normal quality.

Bonnell-type mattresses are considered by many to be a thing of the past. Their advantages are reasonable price, average hardness. Withstand significant weight loads. Disadvantage: hammock effect when lying down.

By increasing the spring density by square meter, the manufacturer is trying to achieve a greater orthopedic effect. But such mattresses are much more expensive.

A relatively new word in mattress production technology is mattresses with independent springs. This is when each spring is separate. When using such a mattress, the load is distributed over the pressure areas in a kind of wave, which provides greater comfort.

A variety of this type of mattress is a multipack. In their production, special blocks with independent springs– from 500 pieces per square meter. These products are ideal for comfortable rest and sound sleep: people of considerable weight and married couples feel great on them.

Popular types of mattresses with independent springs:

  1. Soft mattress - with a three-centimeter latex covering.
  2. A medium-hard mattress – covered with a three-centimeter layer of latex and a 1-centimeter layer of coconut fiber (coir).
  3. Surface-hard mattress - with a three-centimeter coconut fiber cover.

How to choose a springless mattress

If you are a fan of increased rigidity of the surface on which you sleep, or are choosing a mattress for a teenager, a springless mattress will be the best choice. Such products are quite expensive, but have a number of advantages:

  • Promotes the formation of correct posture;
  • Prevents curvature of the spine;
  • Recommended for people with back diseases, osteochondrosis, scoliosis, diseases of the joints and circulatory system.

Types of springless mattresses by type of filler

The most popular and in demand are the following types of filler:

  • foam rubber (polyurethane foam);
  • coconut fiber;
  • latex;
  • memorix.

Latex mattresses

Latex mattresses are luxury products. They have excellent consumer properties:

  • Hypoallergenic
  • Durability;
  • Environmentally friendly;
  • Ability to maintain a constant temperature;
  • Air permeability;
  • Elasticity, excellent orthopedic properties.

Latex is an elastic porous material obtained from the sap of the Hevea tree (a tropical tree).

Latex mattresses can have varying degrees of hardness.

The disadvantage is the high price.

Polyurethane foam mattresses

Artificial latex - highly elastic polyurethane foam - is a worthy replacement for natural latex. Mattresses with PU foam filling are less durable than those made from natural latex, but have no less high consumer qualities:

  • Not less than 10-year service life;
  • Recommended for the prevention of vascular diseases and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

European high-tech material called Natural form is even more durable than other types of foam rubber (up to 15 years).

Mattresses with coconut filling

Inside these mattresses there is coconut fiber (coir). Advantages of the material:

  • High strength and rigidity;
  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Hypoallergenic;
  • Air permeability;
  • Moisture resistance;
  • Elasticity.

Coir mattresses are widely popular due to their high consumer qualities and versatility. They are suitable for healthy and sick, adults and children, including newborns.

Mattresses with memory effect (with Memory Form fillers, fiberlux)

These are expensive products with a high degree of comfort. Gently respond to pressure and heat. When the load increases, they are easily crushed without offering resistance, and in the absence of pressure they smoothly restore their shape.

How to choose a quality mattress

It is impossible to determine correctly Which orthopedic mattress better to choose, without taking into account individual characteristics and preferences. If you like to sleep softly, choose foam rubber; if you like to sleep hard, choose coconut fiber.

Before buying a mattress, it’s a good idea to equip yourself with knowledge about some of the tricks that manufacturers go to in order to reduce the cost of production.

  1. The quality of the spring unit may deteriorate if the manufacturer reduces the number of springs. The surface of the mattress should be elastic, dense and perfectly smooth.
  2. Replacing the surface layer with batting instead of foam leads to good savings. But remember - such a layer does not have elasticity, it quickly falls into lumps.
  3. A mattress filled with coir cannot cost less than $150. A cheap coir mattress is a reason to be wary. Perhaps the manufacturer used coconut fiber, compressed using phenol adhesives, instead of coconut flakes and latex. Unlike natural filler, this type of filler does not have hypoallergenicity, breathability and other advantages of coir. And such a mattress can fall apart before your eyes.
  4. Under the guise of a jacquard covering on the top, they may slip you something like a cotton fabric or other fabric that is highly electrified. Is not the best choice, so make sure of the quality, try to pull and rub the fabric a little. Compound upholstery fabric, which inspires confidence, is about 30 percent synthetics and at least 70 percent natural fiber.
  5. The mattress must have a quilted cover. It is definitely worth checking the quality of the stitching - there should be no skipped stitches.

General questions for mattress sellers

  1. What blocks are used in the mattress: how many springs do they have - with what number of turns, with what thickness of wire?
  2. What type of filler is used (foam rubber, latex, felt, coconut, fiberlux)?
  3. Were adhesives used for production?
  4. Type of upholstery material (non-woven, silk, jacquard), its composition.
  5. Quilted mattress or not?
  6. Is there a removable cover?

Don’t be shy to ask the seller for all the details that concern you. And let your purchase be successful, your rest comfortable, and your sleep sweet!