home · Other · How to insulate a summer house from the inside. How to insulate a garden house - we provide comfortable outdoor recreation in winter. Features of warming a country house

How to insulate a summer house from the inside. How to insulate a garden house - we provide comfortable outdoor recreation in winter. Features of warming a country house

With the onset of cold weather, many summer residents who decided to winter period admire the beauties of nature outside the city, are seriously thinking about proper insulation of its own, which will greatly increase the energy saving of heat in it. Since these works are now not cheap, and materials sometimes have exorbitant prices, we bring to your attention the information, using which you can make the insulation of the cottage with your own hands.

Yes, you can more thoroughly insulate your country house, for example, to carry out heating, all kinds of underfloor heating, etc. BUT ... it is more and more realistic to do this when the house is just being built or even earlier - when drawing up a summer cottage project, where all the necessary communications will be included without fail. And what about those summer residents who recently bought a house in which heating system not provided at all?

Using our tips, you can quickly, efficiently and inexpensively make your country house hic!

So, warming a country house: where to start?

The first step is to carefully examine your entire house and examine all the places through which heat can escape from your home. If not detected in time, and subsequently not eliminated this problem, then, in this case, even the most expensive and high-quality heating system will not be able to heat your house enough and make living in it as comfortable as possible!

We will take a set of measures that will help us properly organize energy saving in your home.

The most popular materials used for home insulation are mineral wool, polystyrene foam.

By insulating the entire house from the outside with these materials, you can achieve an excellent energy-saving effect. However, this pleasure is not cheap! Nothing, take care of the external insulation gradually. Even if this procedure will take you a year and a half, you will definitely be satisfied with the final result!

  • We create a strong frame, it is also called a crate, with which we will strengthen the insulation around the country house;
  • Treat the walls of the country house with any antiseptic designed for these purposes;
  • It's time to protect the insulation with wind insulation or vapor barrier (the technologies for using one or another insulator depend on the chosen insulation material);
  • Put the frame for the exterior and sew everything with siding;
  • Thoroughly plaster the insulated wall.

Many novice "builders" believe that the thicker the foam, the better thermal insulation in the house! This is an erroneous opinion! In fact, high-quality thermal insulation will provide strict adherence technological process wall insulation, according to all existing rules.

Many summer residents argue among themselves about how best to insulate the cottage: from the outside or from the inside?

Let's not get into arguments - in the end, every point of view has the right to exist! We note that interior decoration walls with any insulation will definitely take some usable space premises, but the external one will not affect the space at all, but it will certainly entail a slightly larger cash outlay!

As always and everywhere, it is up to you which side you will insulate your country house.

The most affordable and popular upholstery insulation for the interior of your home is mineral wool. Let's take a look at her example today. detailed instructions warming the inside of the house with your own hands.

  • Initially, we make a frame (metal from profiles, or wooden from laths). In the manufacture of the frame, the width of the roll should be taken into account mineral wool, cotton wool should lie easily, but tightly between the slats or profiles.
  • Insert mineral wool between the profiles;
  • Sheathe the walls with OSB boards, subsequently they can be easily covered with stain or painted in any desired color. Even more popular finishing material is drywall. It is easily attached, wallpaper, tiles, wall paneling, paint and many other finishing materials fit smoothly on it.

The bulk of the cold air enters the room through the door, when it is opened and closed. However, it often happens that the doors do not fit tightly to the boat, there are multiple gaps through which cold air gets into the house, and the heat constantly leaves.

To avoid such heat leakage, we suggest that you start insulating the front doors in your country house.

Here are a few materials that have been successfully used as insulation:

Rubber pasting (glued on the boat from all four sides);
Felt (also laid and nailed along the edge of the door).

These methods are successfully applied if your doors are made of wood, but what about those summer residents who installed metal ones?

For metal doors, we suggest insulating the door leaf itself.

How can I insulate a metal door?

  • cut a few wooden beams(2 - 3 pcs.). The length of the bars should be equal to the width of your front door. We fasten the bars to the door with through bolts, and the bolt heads should be on the outer side of the door;
  • We tightly insert sheets of foam between the bars, by surprise;
  • We cover the insulation OSB sheet right size(we cut it exactly to the size of the door), fasten the sheet with screws to the wooden beams.

That's all warming! Thanks to your efforts, now not only will cold air not be able to enter your house, but warm air will not find a single crack through which it can slip out. The house will remain at a stable comfortable temperature!

Windows, as well as doors, can be conduits of cold air into your room. In order to protect yourself from such "unauthorized" penetration, you should take some measures, namely:

  • We reveal windows with broken or cracked glasses and change the glass in them to new and intact ones;
  • With the help of "grandfather's" putty, we carefully cover the cracks in the places where the glasses fit to the tree. By the way, newfangled sealants are also able to cope with such a task !;
  • We paint the frames well and, thereby, further reduce the chance of cold air penetration;
  • We check for drafts under the window frames, sealant will also help us eliminate them.

However, if the gaps are too large, then it is better to use mounting foam, or simply carefully plaster the data problem areas followed by their coloring.
Our grandfathers in such cases also used cotton wool, folded newspaper, foam rubber for insulation and sealed it all with special paper using ordinary laundry soap!

Modern technologies have given us double-glazed windows that are conveniently inserted and provide the living space with the necessary heat and sound resistance. But this pleasure is not cheap!

A warm floor is a guarantee of the health of every household!

There are many different methods for warming the floor with your own hands. This is the use of expanded clay, and the laying of pipes under the floor with hot water, And. one of the most easily accessible and cheap is insulation with foam plates.

Consider the method of floor insulation using foam:

Stuffed onto an existing floor screed wooden frame, corresponding to the dimensions of the foam boards;
We tightly insert the foam boards into the resulting wooden frame (the foam can also be crushed and poured, broken and cut, but, the best way, after all, the first is to tightly lay the foam plates in the grooves);
Lay on top of the insulation floorboard, or, in its absence, OSB sheets (they can be painted, or linoleum can be laid on top of them, also with and without insulation, we look at our finances).

Floor insulation country house no longer presented you with much difficulty, since you have already passed good workout on the walls of the cottage, the front door!

We all studied at school and know that warm air necessarily rises, and cold air, on the contrary, descends. It follows that the insulation of the ceiling, or even the attic of your country house, should take a very important place in the insulation of all rooms in a country house.

Again, materials such as polystyrene foam and mineral wool (for attic spaces) are often used as insulation. The technologies for insulating a ceiling or attic are not particularly different from insulating the walls or floor of a building. Distinctive feature it is desirable (but not mandatory) to use galvanized metal profiles as a frame, between which foam boards will be laid and on which drywall will be fixed with self-tapping screws.

When using mineral wool as a heater, be sure to use goggles and gloves.

We warm the cottage with our own hands, video

You have already theoretically familiarized yourself with all the stages of warming each part of the house, it remains only to consolidate the information received with a video tutorial and immediately proceed to. Therefore, we bring to your attention our video, which will even more reveal the “secrets” of construction to you and help you independently carry out insulation work in your dacha.

Timely insulation of a country house will help keep the heat inside, but if you do everything right, energy saving can be raised to a whole level.

Not so long ago, we reviewed a topic that told us how to arrange it right. But in view of the fact that not all of us are able to immediately establish heating system or it is no longer possible due to the complete arrangement of the house, in which previously this species heating was not provided, we offer you an alternative. By the way, such a system can be used by absolutely every person who spontaneously decided to conduct winter time at the cottage or just wants inexpensive to make a country house warm.

Today we will help you to qualitatively insulate a country house with your own hands, because you can save not only on materials and technology, but also on the work itself, performing which on your own, you will save almost half of the budget for such an event.

So, we deal with the topic consistently and try to do everything right, because it is from our efforts that the warmth inside the house will depend.

Insulation of a country house: where to start

It is clear that the heating of a country house can be provided with expensive or inexpensive appliances and equipment, but even serious installations will not save you from the cold if the energy saving of the building is not debugged. Or you will have to constantly consume energy carriers and provide yourself with truly “golden” warmth.

So, we will start by eliminating the causes of the cooling of the building. The most elementary actions are a complex of the simplest works on the "organization of heat" in the house.

Window insulation or replacement

Of course, it is financially difficult to replace windows with new ones that will not let in the cold and small drafts that seriously affect the internal temperature, but it is possible if you prepared for the winter cold in advance. If there is no opportunity to install new windows in the country, and the old ones have lost weight, you will have to move on to some mandatory measures.

First of all, we need to replace broken glass, if any, to integers. You can even organize a double-glazed window by installing the glass on the sealant and pressing them with new glazing beads to the frame. When these works are completed, we exclude as much as possible through cracks in the frame and at the place where the glasses are installed. For this, special sealants and putties are used. When all the cracks are sealed, it is necessary to paint the frames.

The next step is to check if there are drafts from under window frames, and if they are, we eliminate them with sealing materials. In some cases, great help polyurethane foam and painted plaster. Further, you can apply the old-fashioned method and simply clog the opening parts of the windows with foam rubber, cotton wool, wet zhmakan newspaper, and glue them on top with special tape or paper.

Sealed windows are a guarantee of high-quality energy saving at home, but only if other sources of cold are also hermetically sealed, for example, even entrance doors.

Insulation of doors in the country

The doors of a country house are not only the main barrier to unauthorized entry into the house, but also a “valve” that should prevent cold from entering the house.

Doors can be pulled up, laid with felt along the edges or with special rubber pasting, or you can insulate the canvas itself if, say, you have a metal door in your house.

Naturally, a metal door does an excellent job of organizing security. interior spaces, but just not an obstacle to the cold, especially with the onset winter frosts. Such doors can be quite easily and efficiently insulated, while making them quite silent.

WITH inside 2-3 beams are installed on the door, across the door. You can fasten a wooden beam to through bolts, leaving only smoothed round hats outside. Next, we sheathe the doors with foam plastic, placing it between the beams, and cover it with a sheet of OSB, which we fasten with self-tapping screws to the wooden beams. The total thickness of the door of 4-6 cm will make it possible to keep heat inside the house with high quality.

Insulation of a country house outside

Certainly, this process no longer has a low price, like penny insulation and equipment for windows and doors, but if possible, you can start to gradually insulate the entire building, which will give excellent result.

Expanded polystyrene or mineral wool is considered a classic external insulation, but today you can find a dozen more worthy materials, but the cost is already more expensive. So, choose the cost and go to work.

It is important to follow the technology, namely:

  • Create a high-quality crate - a frame for fixing the insulation from the outside;
  • Treat the walls with an antiseptic and lay the insulation material, fixing it to the frame or directly to the walls (for example, polystyrene foam on "mushrooms");
  • Protect the general layer of insulation and the walls of the house with vapor or wind insulation (depending on the chosen technology and insulation material);
  • Install the frame under exterior finish and sew up the house, for example, with siding;
  • Working with expanded polystyrene, it will be necessary to make external plastering of the finished wall, or to finish the walls in a more original way.

They say that the thicker the layer of insulation, the better the heat will remain in the house, but we insist that it is possible to insulate a country house with high quality only if you strictly follow certain rules, and not just choose a thick insulation.

Insulation of a country house from the inside

How to properly insulate a country house, outside or inside? Here it is up to you to choose, because how many masters, so many opinions. The only thing we want to say from the outset is inner lining premises will take away certain area, the external one will cost a little more.

Insulation of the walls of a country house from the inside can be done inexpensive material, for example, mineral wool, which today is considered not only the most affordable, but also the most practical. Of course, you can also choose special insulation boards that are offered on the market and can show a wide variety of characteristics, but the choice is yours. Today we are considering mineral wool and saving money.

Under the internal insulation of a country house or even just some of its premises, you will need to build a frame, which can be made of wooden lath or metal profile. Further, mineral wool will need to be installed in the frame, which is very simple to do, especially when the frame is prepared taking into account the width of the mineral wool roll.

After insulating the walls in the country, you can proceed to the sheathing of the frame, not forgetting, of course, about the vapor barrier. Here you can choose for yourself - OSB, which can be painted with stain and varnished, or left unfinished for several years, or drywall on the walls of the cottage, on top of which you can glue wallpaper, lay layers of paint, ceramic tiles, wood trim, lining and so on.

Insulation of the floor of a country house

Warming the floor in the country - important point, because it is from the floor that the legs freeze, from which the whole body freezes. Therefore, the legs should always be warm, and only a warm, well, or at least just a non-cold floor can provide this.

We recommend insulating the floor in the country with foam high density, which is laid on the floor screed with the installation of a special wooden frame under the subsequent flooring. Having installed the timber required size on the floor, observing the indentation steps according to the size of the foam boards, you can start laying the insulation. Do not forget, the foam can be cut and cracked, but it is better to insert it very tightly between wooden crate under floor insulation.

At the end of the process, we lay a board or OSB on the floor, adjust the dimensions and decide how it will suit decorative trim gender.

Insulation of the roof of a country house

By insulating the roof, we prevent heat from escaping from the premises, because, as you know, warm air always rises. Thus, we can also make an excellent barrier for the entry of cold into the premises of the structure. In short, with the help of insulation, we create a certain type of thermos, the heat in which should be kept perfectly.

by the most important requirement for such a "thermos" is high-quality ventilation.

Insulation of the roof of the house takes place on attic or in the attic, if one is equipped, but since we are trying to start with simpler options, we suggest that you do not spend much money on finishing these premises, but simply insulate the house from the inside, that is, put insulation on the ceiling itself. this work, as well as the previous ones described by us, can be generally combined with quality repair, because insulation quite often intersects with drywall or wooden materials finishes that create ideal surfaces for high-quality decoration.

So, here, too, it all starts with the frame. It can be a tree or a profile, it all depends on the requirements, possible costs and the type of work. We suggest starting from a galvanized metal profile, which will need to be installed around the perimeter of each room (strictly according to the level), thereby forming guides for the crate. Next, we will need to strengthen the structure and make it transverse, between which the insulation will be laid (and on which, subsequently, it will be possible to install plasterboard ceiling).

When the framing is complete, carefully lay down the mineral wool, using eye and hand protection, and then move on to the ceiling finish, which will include vapor barrier and ceiling cladding over the framing.

Styrofoam can also be used to insulate the ceiling in the country.

Warming of a country house on video

Do-it-yourself warming of a country house- not the most difficult process especially when everything is at your fingertips. Everything here, as in any repair and intermediate work, rests on finances. But there is also positive side, insulation of the walls of a country house, ceiling and floor, you can do it yourself, and it is on this that you save 40-60% of the total cost of such an event.

There is nothing better than a weekend or vacation spent in your own country house. This type of recreation is especially appreciated by residents of large metropolitan areas, and therefore they often visit their country estates even in the cold season. But the design of suburban buildings is not intended for comfortable living with low temperatures air, therefore, in this case, high-quality insulation is necessary, the organization of which has its own characteristics.

The thermal insulation of these two types of residential buildings should occur according to a different scheme. These differences are due to the fact that a private house heated throughout the year, while internal temperature in the country it falls heavily in the cold season.

The main task of thermal insulation of the house is to retain heat inside the room. This can be achieved most effectively by creating an internal and external insulation. The dacha, in turn, is heated only if it is used, while achieving comfortable temperature for a short period of time. Such sharp drop conditions is very harmful for the construction of buildings and finishing materials.

Therefore, when deciding how to insulate a country house, it would be preferable to choose only thermal insulation from the inside, which will reduce Negative influence from a sudden increase in temperature. At the same time, the warm-up time of the room will be reduced, as energy consumption for wall, floor and roof insulation will be reduced. An important advantage of this method of thermal insulation of the cottage is its low cost.

But only insulation from the inside can lead to the development of fungus, which occurs due to the dew point shift (the boundaries of condensation inside the wall, which can shift under certain conditions). Therefore, in order to avoid such consequences, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • A layer of vapor barrier film is required between the insulation and the wall. On this aspect repair work it is highly undesirable to save.
  • Regardless of whether you use a heat insulator in the form of plates or rolls, the joints between the pieces of material should fit snugly together.
  • Also, there should not be an empty space between the wall and the insulation layer. Therefore, before starting work, it is desirable to treat the surface of the wall with an adhesive.
  • Almost the only way to significantly reduce the humidity in the country is the system forced ventilation. If you have the opportunity, be sure to equip your seasonal suburban housing with it.
  • The thickness of the insulation layer should clearly correlate with a number of parameters, the most important of which is climatic conditions in the region. Information on specific calculation formulas can be found on the Internet.
  • Before starting work, it is necessary to treat the walls from the inside with an antifungal compound.

If you follow all the above tips, then such internal thermal insulation will be quite effective and at the same time you will have to avoid problems with the fungus.

Internal wall insulation

There are many ways to organize wall insulation from the inside, so we will consider only the most popular ones. For this type of work, mineral wool, glass wool and polystyrene foam are most often used (on Russian market presented under the name "penoplex"). Last option most preferable, as it has high vapor barrier parameters. Consider the algorithm of the simplest thermal insulation on the example of foam panels:

  • The quality of thermal insulation from this material largely depends on the base surface to which it will be attached. Therefore, before starting work, the wall must be thoroughly cleaned or even leveled to a draft.
  • After waiting for the putty to dry, you can apply a layer of waterproofing. But the good vapor barrier of the foam allows you to get rid of this protection measure.
  • Next, you can start gluing the foam panels. For better contact the surface of the insulation must be perforated with sandpaper or a knife. Glue is applied to one of the sides of the panel with a spatula, after which it is pressed against the wall, starting from the bottom corner. Mounting slots are treated with sealant.
  • Additionally, you need to fix thermal insulation material using dowels of the plate type.

After completing this stage of work, you need to install vapor barrier layer. It is best to use foil materials for this, which are attached to the crate. During installation, it is necessary to leave a little space between the insulation layer and the vapor barrier.

Installation of mineral wool or glass wool is not much different from the process described above. The differences are that, due to the flexibility of these materials, they can only be attached to the crate, and it will also be impossible to do without basic waterproofing.

Insulation of a wooden floor in a country house

A significant part can leave through the floor internal heat premises, especially in the presence of a basement. That's why effective thermal insulation dachas will also require internal thermal insulation this structural element.

  • The most effective will be insulation with floor analysis, which is carried out according to the following scheme:
  • A boardwalk is nailed to the floor lags, which will form a flat base surface. The best alternative for ordinary wood become OSB boards.
  • Then a layer of waterproofing material is laid, which can be used as an ordinary polyethylene film.
  • The next layer is formed from a heater. The best choice in this case, there will be porous materials that provide good natural ventilation.
  • The final stage is the installation of the second plank run, which will serve as a subfloor. At the same time, a distance of 5-10 mm should remain between the edge of the roll and the wall, which is necessary for natural ventilation. Later it can be covered with a plinth.

Choosing thermal insulation materials for internal floor insulation, you need to opt for those that can withstand large physical exercise. In particular, it can be polyurethane foam, expanded polystyrene and expanded clay.

Unlike walls, it is best to insulate the floor both from the outside and from the inside, therefore it is highly recommended to carry out thermal insulation of the outer plinth of the cottage.

Internal thermal insulation of the roof

A warm summer house is impossible without an insulated roof, since it is through this part of any structure that the vast majority of internal energy escapes. The technology is also a classic heat-insulating cake, which is mounted according to the following method:

  • The initial step is laying waterproofing materials. Slightly sagging strips of waterproofing are placed perpendicular to the rafters. The resulting cracks are sealed with adhesive tape.
  • Rolls or slabs of heat insulator are laid end-to-end between the rafters. From the inside, they are additionally strengthened with ropes or thin wooden bars. If the required thickness of thermal insulation requires laying insulation in two layers, then the outer layer should overlap the knocks of the inner one.
  • After that, a layer of vapor barrier is created. smooth surface it should be located towards the street. To fix the vapor barrier, it is enough to use adhesive tape or a stapler.
  • At the final stage, the installation of the guide crate is carried out, on which the final decorative finish is mounted.

Foamed thermal insulation is gaining more and more popularity, the technology of which is radically different from that described above. For it, polyurethane foam is used, which is sprayed under high pressure from high device. But it should be noted that this approach will require the installation of a forced ventilation system, since the foamed polyurethane absolutely does not allow steam to pass through.

To save money on warming the country house garden house Can:

  • make the thermal insulation of a country house on your own without involving employees, which will reduce the budget for this event by at least half;
  • apply cheap heaters and simple methods of their installation, or use what lies under your feet as thermal insulation.

Country houses can have different design- this is either a wooden frame sheathed with clapboard, or brick house on a massive foundation, or…. Therefore, the main ways of heat leakage can be different.

Consider how to prevent heat from leaving, how to make a country house warmer, not expensive, without serious mistakes, which would lead Negative consequences and cost overruns.

Windows, doors

A draft, if any, will carry the most heat. Therefore, old windows and doors are the main sources of cold in an ordinary country house.

The best solution to the issue of windows and doors is to replace them with new ones. modern systems, preferably multi-chamber. But if such a solution is not suitable for the cost, then everything possible must be done first of all with windows and doors to save heat.

There should be two glasses in the frame, you need to try to turn the frame into a kind of double-glazed window. It is necessary to take out the glasses, put them on the sealant, press them tightly with glazing beads - to make their joint with the frame completely sealed - for the outer and inner glass.

After that, using the same sealant, or cheaper window putty, in conjunction with matter, gauze, close up all the cracks in the frames, opening sashes. Moreover, the termination must be performed both from the inside of the room and from the outside.

Bringing windows to any acceptable state will immediately reduce heat loss by more than a dozen percent.

Doors must be closed only on the seal. Slot seals are sold (inserted into a special slot in the loot) or self-adhesives, which are easier to apply.

The simplest wooden or metal door, as a rule, has insufficient thermal resistance. It is not difficult to increase it by gluing 5 cm of dense foam or extruded polystyrene foam to the canvas. Then the insulation can simply be pasted over with any panels, dermontine to give aesthetics.

Thermal insulation of the ceiling in the country - how to do it

The next most important ceiling. Warm air rises, without insulation of the ceiling it will warm the space. Which can't be heated cheaply.

Therefore, it is necessary to lay a sufficient layer of insulation on the ceiling. Which? At least 20 cm of mineral wool is recommended.

If this does not seem like a cheap event, then you can, of course, replace it with leaves, sawdust, hay, straw, in general, “fluffy” organic matter, but preferably mixed with lime, so that living creatures and bacteria do not start there. It must be laid in a layer of 30 cm or more evenly over the ceiling. From above, press down with plywood, boards, for movement.

You can simplify such an event by laying 15 cm of foam, in 2 - 3 layers with offset seams in the layers. Styrofoam is dangerous in case of fire and is not suitable for indoor use (wooden ceiling is not fire resistant)

Under the insulation in the attic of a country house, you need to put a vapor barrier - a polyethylene film in a continuous layer - otherwise the accumulation of condensed moisture is possible in the structure.

Creation of non-cold floors

The floors in a country house are usually wooden, single-layer, and they cool the entire structure very significantly, passing heat into the ground. To make the building warmer, it is necessary to insulate the floors.

The easiest way to do this is to tear off the wooden flooring and fill the underground with a layer of insulation. If the floors are high, then the insulation will have to be fixed between the lags. After that, the wooden flooring can be returned to its place.

So, after removing the board or panel flooring, a vapor barrier is laid out on the ground - layers of roofing material or polypropylene film (more durable) are wrapped on the walls above floor covering.

After creating a reliable vapor barrier, the same organic-lime mass is poured over the ground as in the attic, with a layer of 25 - 30 cm, or more. A gap of 3-5 cm is left before the final coating.

Or expanded clay, or coal slag, sifted from fines and coal, with a fraction of at least 3 mm, with a layer of 35 cm.

If not, then a flooring is arranged between the lags, closed with a vapor barrier, mineral wool is placed on it with a layer of 15 cm, covered from above with a vapor barrier membrane.

Styrofoam is eaten by rodents, so it can be used under the floor if it is protected with a metal mesh.

Insulation of the walls of a country house

The most not cheap issue is the insulation of the walls of a country house. In terms of importance for insulation, walls are in last place.

For the walls you will have to purchase insulation, it will take a lot. Either cheap foam plastic is used with a layer of 10 cm, if the walls are concrete, brick, cinder block, or 12 cm of mineral wool, if the walls are wooden, foam concrete, porous-ceramic.

Naturally, we can only talk about the normal scheme of insulation - outside. From the inside, it is possible to insulate only under duress ... under the pressure of circumstances ..., this insulation is so unprofitable, and even harmful.

In fact, in the case of foam, you need to make technology wet facade. You can read more about how to insulate the walls of a country house using wet facade technology on this resource. It is also worth noting here that foam insulation can be done by hand.

The same applies to the insulation of walls from the outside with mineral wool. The description is voluminous, we will not repeat. Look for detailed description on the next page. It is necessary to make a frame from profiles, wooden beams, which are again sewn up from the outside with panels, siding ...

But if we consider completely cheap insulation, then you can try to build with your own hands around the country house, in fact, a false wall made of boards, plywood or some inexpensive panels for outdoor use.

To do this, a frame is installed on suspensions with a thickness of 15 centimeters of empty space, which is covered with hardwood-insulating material with lime. Horizontal bars are stuffed in increments of 40 cm so that the insulation does not fall down.

In this technology, it is only important to prevent water from entering the insulation from the outside, i.e. There should be no gaps in the outer lining. But due to the heterogeneity of the insulation layer, the fragility of materials, talking about high-quality insulation do not have to.

As you can see, a summer cottage, a garden house can really be insulated not at all expensive. The main problem with this is the complexity of the work. But if you take your time, carry out the warming of the country house gradually, then problems should not arise.