home · Other · Moisture-resistant plaster for interiors. Plaster for wet rooms: properties and application technology. Ironing of cement plaster

Moisture-resistant plaster for interiors. Plaster for wet rooms: properties and application technology. Ironing of cement plaster

We all understand that a bathroom is a room with increased level moisture. To repair it, they try to select tiles that adequately cope with vibrations temperature indicators, dampness and accumulation of vapors.

But you shouldn’t relegate plaster to the background, because its quality is just as important for finishing wet areas.

Features of plaster in wet rooms

It has always been believed that bathroom plaster should be mixed with cement. This mixture could be prepared with your own hands. If we compare the cement mixture with ready-to-use dry masses, we will see a huge number of its shortcomings.

Of all the finishing building materials, only tiles can be laid on cement, because decorative materials or putty mixtures for painting will crack after some time. Thereby cement masses are used less and less.

If you are still interested in the question “how to plaster the walls in the bathroom under the tiles?” — the answer lies on the surface. Moisture-resistant plaster mixture – perfect option, if you want to minimize the time spent on bathroom renovations and strive to get a smooth and durable finish.

How to plaster the walls in the bathroom?

Plastering a bathroom with your own hands requires the master to have a certain amount of knowledge about the features and classification plaster mixtures.

There is a huge variety of moisture-resistant plasters that are specifically designed for bathrooms. One of these mixtures is a sanitizing mass, which imparts a porous, hydrophobic layer to the coating.

Nowadays gypsum is very popular waterproof plaster Rothband. To Work with ready-made composition Rotband is quite simple: it covers the surface smoothly, does not float, and mixes quickly. But, do not forget that Rotband, due to the presence of gypsum in the composition, dries quickly, so prepare the mixture for work in small doses.

Unlike the good old cement plaster, dry gypsum mixture Rotband has the following advantages:

  • without violating the technology, you can reduce the time of plastering the surface;
  • allows you to form correct angles(without using a perforated corner) and smooth surfaces;
  • Rotband allows you to start laying tiles or painting walls almost immediately;
  • the mixture has high level resistance to mechanical stress;
  • Rotband is an environmentally friendly material.

The table below shows the solution consumption per 1m2 and the price category of the most popular moisture-resistant plasters.

Plastering technology

Plastering a bathroom is carried out in several stages. Automated wall plastering, as well as handmade, requires compliance with certain rules.

First of all, you need to prepare the walls by clearing them of old dirt and dust.

So that in the future the Rotband plaster or gypsum mixture has better fixation with the surface, you can make notches on it with your own hands or use sandblasting.

The starting layer of plaster is applied using the spray method and it should not be too thick, with a layer thickness of no more than 5 mm. There is no need to level it.

When the surfaces dry, they are coated with a primer, sometimes in two layers, allowing each to dry.

The application technique is quite simple. A portion of the finished composition is smoothed over the wall using a spatula tightly pressed to the structure, after which the wet coating is rubbed with a grater.

If you want to use textured plaster, then the applied tier will be the base for decorative material. Applying decorating mass is a creative activity with which you can create not only chaotic patterns on structures, but also paint entire works of art.

How to protect corners using perforated galvanized corners?

If during work you need to protect protruding corners, purchase a perforated galvanized corner, which greatly simplifies the plastering process. The corner will help achieve an attractive appearance, better quality and more durable coating.

A perforated corner for finishing work can be of the following types:

  • aluminum;
  • made of polyvinyl chloride;
  • galvanized.

A perforated galvanized corner, at its core, forms a durable frame onto which finishing mixtures can be applied. In the future, it will protect the corner from mechanical damage.

When you install a perforated or galvanized corner, do not overdo it with putty. If there is too much mixture under it, it will “float” and you will not be able to fix it correctly.

Decorative plaster in the bathroom

Basically, tiles are used for bathroom renovations, but non-traditional designs are gaining more and more popularity. Decorative plaster in the bathroom, unlike tiles or conventional painting, will help create an original and sophisticated appearance, will allow you to bring your ideas to life. Such a moisture-resistant surface will not only please the eye, but will also last for many years.

Now there are many plaster compounds on the market specifically for decorative coatings. Especially popular are mixtures that allow you to obtain colored and embossed surfaces.

Also decorative plaster for the bathroom helps to hide subtle unevenness or defects on the walls. To do this, you just need to purchase a fine-grain mixture.

Venetian plaster in the bathroom

Bathroom wall decoration with plaster

Modern materials for wall finishing, one of which is moisture-resistant plaster for the bathroom, make it possible to use this finishing technology in wet rooms along with traditional options- tiles, painting, panels. And, if you adhere to certain technologies in using this type of plaster, it can be a worthy replacement for painting or tiles, since the material is quite original, durable and varied.

Preparing the walls

A special feature of using moisture-resistant decorative plaster indoors is the preparation of walls. The basic ability to resist moisture depends on the materials used to level the walls and form the base for the decor. Special moisture-repellent cement-based mixtures or gypsum plasters, such as Rotband, are well suited for this.

Today there are also more modern materials, for example, sanitizing plaster for the bathroom. This is a type of cement-sand mixture to which certain components have been added, thanks to which it has a number of advantages over other plaster options:

  • Creation of a moisture-proofing layer;
  • The ability to regulate the microclimate of the room, absorbing and releasing moisture;
  • Resistance to salt precipitation, which destroys most building materials, especially in humid environments;
  • Crack resistance;
  • Environmental Safety.

Decorative plaster options for bathrooms

There are a lot of types of decorative plaster, so it is difficult to subject it to a specific classification. Let's consider the main options and the possibilities of using them in a humid environment.

Depending on the substances that make up the plaster, they are distinguished: mineral, silicate, silicone and acrylic. In order for moisture-resistant decorative finishes for the bathroom to please you for a long time, you need to choose the right type, and for this it is important to know the features of each.

Mineral plaster

Mineral decorative plaster contains cement and lime. Crushed marble is also added to add texture. The larger the marble pieces, the deeper the surface relief of the plastered wall will be. This type of wall decor is waterproof plaster for the bathroom, because it contains waterproof components. This type of finish is easy to care for - dirt is easily washed off with plain water;

Waterproof decorative plaster for mineral bathrooms has good water vapor permeability. This creates comfortable conditions indoors due to the fact that the walls can “breathe”. Also, the mineral finish is not susceptible to the influence of time, endurance only increases during the aging process. Almost all types of this type of finish have a light shade.

Note: The disadvantages of this type of plaster are intolerance to constant vibrations and low elasticity. When choosing it for use in the bathroom, you should take this into account.

Polymer plaster

Acrylic (polymer) plaster is a mixture of water based, which is already ready for work. It contains synthetic resins and ash elements, and may also contain glass and crushed marble. Color range This type of finish can be selected as desired, since it can be tinted.

Before use this type finishing in the bathroom should consider all the positive and negative aspects. The positive thing is that acrylic plaster high resistance to the influence of water, on the other hand, it has virtually no ability to transmit steam, like any polymers, so it is better not to use it in rooms with poor ventilation. Also water-repellent plaster for the bathroom on acrylic base can last up to fifty years;

Silicone plaster

The composition of this type of plaster includes silicone resins. For those who plan to renovate their bathroom permanently, this type of wall decoration is most suitable. The durability of silicone plaster is more than sixty years.

The use of silicone plaster for finishing bathrooms is facilitated by the repellence of water and ease of cleaning from dirt, and mold and mildew do not grow on such walls.

Important to know: Silicone-based moisture-resistant bathroom plaster is quite resistant to ultraviolet radiation. If the room is open to the sunny side, this type of plaster will be an ideal option.

Silicate decorative plaster

The basis of this type of wall decoration is potassium glass, also called liquid glass. Walls covered with silicate plaster perfectly repel water and are resistant to the spread of fungus and mold. Moreover, this finish has high vapor permeability.

The choice of colors is unlimited: moisture-resistant decorative plaster for the bathroom based on silicate has more than 250 different shades. Among the disadvantages of this plaster, one can note the rather high price.

Types of plaster according to application technique

All of the above options for bathroom plaster allow you to realize different design ideas using different application techniques:

  • “Goose skin” or “fur coat”. This technology is performed with a piece of newspaper crumpled into a ball or a sponge wrapped in cellophane, which is used to fill the relief on the surface. wet plaster;
  • "Bark beetle." This decor is realized using a construction float and plaster with inclusions of a large fraction. The grooves are formed as a trace of these coarse-grained inclusions during the process of vertical or horizontal leveling of the plaster with a trowel;
  • Decorative grooves are applied to the raw finish using a regular or special spatula. In this way you can imitate stone or brick masonry;
  • Venetian technology on this moment is the most popular way decorative finishing walls It is realized by applying mixtures different color layer by layer, with constant grouting and scraping of layers. The result is an imitation of masonry or marble.


The renovation industry is constantly evolving and delights us with new opportunities for a creative approach to room decor. For example, until quite recently, decorative plaster for the bathroom seemed completely in an exotic way finishing, and today it is used very widely. We introduced you only to the main options for this type of coating. We hope you find this information useful.

It's no secret that moisture is an extra headache for a builder. Today, there are a huge number of different impregnations, mixtures and compositions that can protect various parts of the house from moisture. There is also a special plaster mixture that is not afraid of water. Gypsum plaster for wet rooms, like conventional cement mixture, has a number of beneficial properties, as well as some features that you need to familiarize yourself with before use.

Waterproof plaster – what is it?

Really, what is she? How is it used, and what beneficial qualities does it have? You should understand all the subtleties associated with this finishing material.

Classification of waterproof plaster

So, let's start with the fact that everything plaster compositions, including moisture resistant, can be classified into one of two categories:

  • Leveling compounds;
  • Decorative.

The difference between a moisture-resistant mixture and a regular mixture is this issue, there will only be the presence of some additives that can repel moisture.

In general, moisture-resistant compounds have the following useful properties:

  • Moisture protection. Such mixtures can be used as waterproofing barrier, both outside and indoors. Plaster of this type is not afraid low temperatures and its changes;
  • Ease of application. This is due to the fact that such mixtures contain various additives that make them very plastic. Such a composition, even with a large thickness (up to 5 cm), can be leveled with an ordinary spatula with your own hands;
  • Versatility of use. As already mentioned, plaster is suitable for rooms with and without heating, for brick, wood and concrete walls;
  • Ecological cleanliness. Despite numerous additives, all components of the plaster are natural materials and are not dangerous to human and animal health;
  • Strength. It must be said that a layer of moisture-resistant plaster is stronger than a layer of putty;
  • Economical. Due to its plasticity, the composition can be applied more evenly and thin layer, if possible, thereby ensuring lower material costs.

At the beginning of the text, gypsum plaster was mentioned.

For this reason, it would not be out of place to cite the following classification, which defines the base material:

  • Gypsum mixtures;
  • Cement mixtures.

It must also be said that all of them can be ready-made, that is, they already contain plasticizers and hydrophobic additives, or they can be ordinary. This means that you can create moisture-proof plaster with your own hands, that is, first apply a layer of simple cement-sand mortar, and then cover it with a moisture-proofing compound.

Preparing the mixture and base

Let's consider the case when we are talking about ready-made dry mixtures.

As it became clear, they are practically no different from those mixtures that do not contain any additives. The biggest difference is the price. Indeed, plaster for damp rooms costs more than the usual mixture, but you also need to be able to prepare it according to all the rules.

So, preparing the base, that is, the walls, is the most common: cleaning from dust, dirt, old paint or old plaster.

Advice! To improve adhesion, notches are applied to the wall surface, which is more convenient to do with a chisel and hammer.

The notches can be made small and shallow, but frequent. In addition, all seams between bricks and foam blocks are embroidered to a depth of 1 cm. It should be noted that notches do not need to be applied to the foam blocks, since their surface is not even.

At the second stage of preparation, brick and concrete walls coated with primers, that is, special impregnations that help increase adhesion.

It is best to apply several layers of primer at once at intervals of 20-30 minutes. After applying the last layer, it must be allowed to dry for at least 10 hours.

Plaster mixture for wet rooms is prepared quite simply:

  • A certain amount of water at room temperature is poured into the container;
  • The dry mixture is gradually poured in and mixed using a drill with a mixing attachment or manually until a homogeneous mass is formed within 3-5 minutes;
  • The solution is left for 2-3 minutes and mixed again;

Important! It is better to dilute gypsum plasters in small portions, as they dry out very quickly.

It should also be noted that they use gypsum mixtures already after the first kneading.

Application of moisture-proof plaster mixture

I would like to say right away that plastering in a damp room is no different from the same work with a regular mixture in an ordinary room.

The most the best way It will be easy to just throw the composition on the wall and level it out.

However, first you need to set up beacons. Beacons, which can be slats or metal profiles, are attached to small portions of the solution every 150-180 cm (depending on the length of the rule that will be used for alignment).

3 hours after installing the last beacon, you can begin plastering. The surface of the wall is moistened with water, a certain amount of the mixture is thrown onto it and leveled with the above tools.

After 5-6 hours, you can grout the plastered surface. Complete drying occurs after a few days, but further finishing work can be done after 24-36 hours.

If we are talking about wooden walls, then in this case everything is much simpler. The instructions provide for mounting metal mesh on logs or beams and the process of applying plaster in the same way as described above.


From all of the above it is clear that it is practically no different from the usual composition, as is the actual technology for working with it. The only requirements are humidity and temperature.

Plaster for wet rooms should be applied in following conditions: humidity should not exceed 75%, and temperature should be in the range from 5 to 30 degrees above zero. If the temperature is lower, then additional components must be added to the mixture. You can learn more from the video in this article.

It is difficult to permanently remove moisture from walls. This will only result in a loss of money and time. Moisture resistant plaster, like other materials, must be chosen carefully. It is used in the construction and renovation of buildings.

Characteristics of waterproof materials

Moisture-resistant plaster can become optimal choice for the bathroom. It can withstand splashes and even streams of water. It can be used to level walls and eliminate defects on their surface. Is not old mortar made of cement and sand, which takes about a month to harden. This is a completely different polymer that can create protective layer. It has a number of advantages:

  • waterproof;
  • easy application;
  • no shrinkage;
  • dries quickly;
  • short terms of work;
  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • environmental Safety;
  • Plastering does not require highly qualified craftsmen.

Plastering in wet rooms solves 2 problems:

  1. Prepares the foundation for finishing works: for tiling and other materials, for painting, for processing with decorative plaster.
  2. Giving a finished look to the base using thin layers of various decorative compounds.

Moisture-resistant elastic plaster is able to create even corners, smooth surface walls You can immediately begin painting or covering the wall. If the structure intended for plastering is made of a material called cellular concrete, its surfaces must be treated to protect against moisture. This coating will protect the base material and prevent moisture from harming it.

Frost-resistant plaster is in demand in our country. This is understandable, since regions with a cold climate are not uncommon in our country. This coating protects the outer surfaces of the walls from freezing and moisture.

How to choose a bathroom finish

Today decorative properties plaster mortars are quite equal to tiles, paint and panels. In the bathroom they demonstrate their vapor permeability: the walls breathe, mirrors and glass almost do not sweat. This provides protection against the appearance of fungus and mold. Decorative elastic plaster with water-repellent properties allows you to create spectacular reliefs, the color of which can be any.

There are universal solutions that combine several properties. They prevent salts from depositing on the surface of the walls and are easy to apply. Cracks do not form on the surface treated with plaster. The material does not contain harmful substances.

It is very profitable to buy dry plaster with water resistant properties. The solution prepared in accordance with the instructions saves money and is easy to use. Anyone with basic plasterer skills can handle it.

To decorate the bathroom you can use the following materials:

  • EU plaster mixture;
  • Hydro Basic 1K;
  • Hidro Plaster;
  • Profit Barrier;
  • Profit Hydrophobic;
  • Ceresit CR 65;
  • Weber. Vetonit TT;
  • Consolid 540;
  • UNIS Teplon;
  • Dufa Kratzputz aussen;
  • Founder BIGWELL T-22;
  • Founder BIGWELL T-23;
  • Kesto TF;
  • Stroybrig Tanilit RS21 M;
  • Stroybrig Tanilit RS22 M;
  • Stroybrig Tanilit RS24/1 ML;
  • Stroybrig Tanilit RS 7.5.

In addition to these compositions, there are a number of plaster mixtures from Ceresit and Knauf. There are purely decorative compositions, Venetian mixtures of different colors. It is recommended to apply a layer of wax under any plaster composition. Which flexible plaster should be chosen from the many available in the store?

Gypsum elements on the walls can be coated with a gypsum-based composition that is water-resistant. Gypsum plaster easy to operate. But cement mortar is a better solution to the problem. You can get by with a mixture of M150. It is cement based and produced by many manufacturers.

You can experiment with a cement-based solution with the addition of liquid glass. It quickly sets and gains strength, resulting in an excellent waterproof coating. Under no circumstances should bark beetle type coatings be used. It has many grooves in which mold will certainly appear over time if the plaster is done in the bathroom. Places that will be exposed to moisture should be covered with tiles.

A few words in conclusion

Moisture-resistant elastic plaster is widely used in houses and apartments.

Along with it, silicone plaster applied to walls and other surfaces with your own hands is also popular. These compounds are capable of imitating various materials- silk and metal, granite and marble due to inclusions in the composition of the corresponding crumbs. Silicate plaster It has many waterproof characteristics and creates a high-quality imitation on the surface of the walls. The methods of applying plaster for gas silicate blocks differ little from conventional processing. The manufacturer provides instructions for use of the mixture with its products.

Some manufacturers produce products that are not only waterproof, but also have thermal protection properties. Decorative elastic plaster on walls made of gas silicate blocks gives the effect of silk fabric. On the ceiling and walls of the bathroom this can look very impressive. Try it - everything should work out for you.

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Waterproof plasters are made using solutions with the addition of ceresite, liquid glass and sodium aluminate.

Waterproof plaster mortars based on ceresite

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Waterproof plaster solutions on liquid glass

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Waterproof plaster mortars with sodium aluminate

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To obtain a waterproofing solution, first prepare a dry cement mixture of composition 1: 3 by weight (cement: sand), then the mixture is sealed with a solution of sodium aluminate. Acid- and alkali-resistant concrete.

Ironing of cement plaster

To obtain a dense and smooth waterproof film on the surface of cement plaster, the plaster is ironed. Before ironing, the layer of cement plaster is leveled and rubbed. There are two methods of ironing: dry and wet.

Dry ironing can only be done horizontal surfaces. To do this, fill a small frame with a sieve with holes of 0.6 - 0.7 mm. and pure cement is poured onto it. If you hit the sieve, the cement will fall in a thin layer onto the freshly rubbed cement plaster. After applying a layer of cement 1.5 - 2 mm thick. it is leveled and compacted with a cutter, a plaster spatula or a trowel. It is necessary to level quickly, since after a while the cement begins to draw moisture from the wet plaster, turning into dough.