home · Other · Water-based paint for plaster. Paint for outdoor work on plaster: types of compositions and features of working with them. Is coloring necessary?

Water-based paint for plaster. Paint for outdoor work on plaster: types of compositions and features of working with them. Is coloring necessary?

For comfort in the room, after plastering works it is not necessary to glue the wallpaper or putty the walls, it will be normal to just paint the entire area. Typically, such a repair, where the plaster is painted, is carried out in several cases:

  • if the office is painting plastered partitions and walls, this room does not need wallpaper;
  • if it's big production area, then somehow wallpaper and putty in this room will be inappropriate.

We can draw the appropriate conclusions and confidently say that the painting of plastered surfaces will be relevant in the place where the room needs to be given an aesthetic appearance without any monetary costs and with a small amount of time.

A worthy replacement for wallpaper can be the painting of plastered walls.

Coloring tool

At present, it is difficult to say which paint is best to use after plastering, as it may be that the paint for internal walls not suitable for your home. The main thing is to pay attention to the fact that the same paint can have qualitative differences. This is mainly manifested in the brightness and saturation of its shades, or in the consumption per 1 sq.m.

Usually the quality of such material depends on the manufacturer and pricing policy. But this does not mean that it is necessary to acquire the most expensive paint. To begin with, it is best to consult with sales consultants so that they can help you find the “golden mean”.

Acrylic paints

Acrylic-based paints are a good and quite popular material among the people. It is used for coloring living rooms and premises with high humidity.

Such compositions have the following characteristics:

  1. They respond well to evaporation, which is why during operation they can be wiped with wet wipes without any problems, their aesthetic appearance will not be spoiled in any way;
  2. For tinting, manufacturers have released a large assortment various shades and colors, thanks to this quality, the coloring composition can be found for any room interior;
  3. After applying the composition to the plaster, the walls of the house will have a matte surface;
  4. The material that is made acrylic base, affordable, in the trailer it is the very “golden mean”, between quality, modern technologies, production and price.

There are nuances to which you should pay attention. This type of paint is not recommended for those rooms in which there is a risk of liquid getting on the walls or ceiling. This can safely include bathrooms, rooms for washing cars. For contact with water, it is best to choose coatings developed on the basis of latex.

Acrylic paint is recommended for use in rooms with high humidity.

Latex formulations

The main point of working with this type of dyes is to dry the material, which is gradually converted into a thin but durable film layer. Thanks to this property, it is possible to wet cleaning in the house, as well as from its outside, because all compositions made on this basis are not afraid of direct contact with liquid.

The composition of this paint has both a glossy and matte surface, which is well suited for painting plastered walls. If the wall has decorative plaster, then it is the latex composition that is most suitable for it, this is all because no other material can highlight the volume and texture of this type of putty pattern.

Water-based paint based on PVA

Water based paint, which is based on PVA, is a rather convenient option for painting walls in the “cheap and cheerful” style, and even with a good appearance. This water emulsion, although not rich in color choices, is simply created for a room in which there is no need for a special design and color saturation. The main thing to remember is that the material from the water-based emulsion cannot be used in rooms with high humidity, as well as in those places where it can be wiped with wet wipes.

Need to know! For color saturation, PVA-based water-based emulsion must be applied in several layers. For a stronger effect, it is advisable to prime the wall of the house before work. Such an event, first of all, will enhance the adhesion of the paint to the plastered surface, as well as reduce the consumption of the water-based composition.

Water-based waterproof paint based on PVA with the addition of acrylic

Oil and alkyd paints

Such paints are characterized by color saturation and a durable layer after drying, but have some drawbacks. Namely:

  1. Strong toxic odor. It is difficult to work with such paint, and not everyone can. After it dries, there will be no smell, but even your neighbors will feel the evaporation of the paint during operation.
  2. A small selection of colors and shades.
  3. High consumption of paint and its high cost.
  4. If you work with a roller or brush, the painting speed will be slow.

In general, painting plastered walls with such materials is often used, especially in rooms with high humidity. The service life of such surfaces will be long and will not require intensive care.

Wall surface painting

In this case, when painting walls with any material, whether it is a water-based emulsion or a latex composition, outside or inside the house, you should remember some nuances, then your plastered wall will turn out beautiful and of high quality. Work process:

  1. Before painting exterior or interior walls, prepare the surface. In this case, such training is one of the milestones before special events. Thanks to the latest technologies before painting, the surface can be cleaned with a special device, as well as putty or cement-sand mortar. If this is not done, then a “web” of cracks and chips will catch your eye.
  2. With the help of a brush or roller, all dust and debris is removed from the surface, then it is primed, as mentioned above, all activities are carried out specifically in order to reduce the cost of materials. For this coloring, you can use any primer based on acrylic.
  3. To choose a coloring method, you should focus on the paint used, or what features this structure has. If an alkyd composition is used in the process of work, and this production room, then there is no way to do it with a spray gun. When all these activities are carried out in the living room, it is best to use a brush or roller for painting.
  4. Paint preparation. If we are talking about alkyd or oil paint, a solvent is used to achieve normal density, if the composition has a water-based material, then in this case you will have to resort to color saturation before you can achieve a good result with the paint.
  5. Painting outside or inside the house on the surface is carried out with a roller, all movements are performed "from top to bottom". With such work, the interior or exterior wall will look in one tone.

Need to know! Whatever you work with, with a roller or a spray gun, it is advisable to cover all surfaces with a film so as not to stain the furniture and all other things in the room.


In this article, the methods of painting the finished plastered plane and the process of performing this action, at home or on the street, on internal or external surfaces, were considered. Now everyone can buy a special coloring composition and do everything in their home necessary measures for painting interior walls with plaster.

  • work must have good elasticity. The “fault” is the notorious change in size (expansion and contraction) of the surfaces of the facade, which occurs as a result of sharp drop temperatures.
  • Paint for facades should have increased resistance to ultraviolet radiation, that is, the ability to long time keep its original color unchanged under the influence of direct sunlight.
  • The paint must have increased stability to abrasion. After all, the facade of the building, among other things, includes areas near doors, windows and the sidewalk, which are quite easily dirty and even wiped as a result of constant touching.

In addition to the qualities mentioned above, facade paint is also characterized by one more property: dullness. The fact is that on a glossy surface, all irregularities become more noticeable. At the same time, the matte surface is characterized by the ability to "hide" minor flaws: recesses, protrusions, chips.

Typology of facade paints

The modern market offers the consumer the following types of facade paints:

  • silicate;
  • lime;
  • Cement;
  • Acrylic;
  • Silicone.

Let's consider each type in more detail.

Silicate facade paints

The basis of silicate paints for the facade is silicate glue (it is sometimes called "liquid glass"). The composition of paints also includes a special filler (usually also silicate) and various mineral pigments. This composition provides good resistance to ultraviolet radiation, wind and precipitation for a long time. The service life of such a coating is about 20 years. In addition to the advantages mentioned above, silicate paints have one more thing. important quality: good vapor permeability. Thanks to her, the painted walls practically do not get damp.

Among the disadvantages of silicate paints, we note poor abrasion resistance and low elasticity, sooner or later leading to cracks.

lime paints

As a basis for this type of paint is used slaked lime. Virtues These colors are few. The most important among them is relatively high price. Due to their good bactericidal properties, lime paints guarantee the absence of fungal deposits even on the most damp wall. However, due to good vapor permeability, walls covered with a layer of lime paint will not become damp.

disadvantages lime paints have much more: such paints quickly get dirty, easily become unusable under the influence of precipitation, and their color range, in fact, is limited only to white and light pastel colors.

cement paints

Cement paints are a somewhat modernized version of lime paints: not slaked lime is taken as the basis for their manufacture, but Portland cement with the addition of various pigments. This paint gives the facade a slightly greater resistance to damp climates and precipitation. But unlike lime paints, cement paints cannot boast of a bactericidal effect.

Today cement paints are used very rarely, despite their low cost.

Acrylic paints

Acrylic facade paints today can be called the most popular product in its segment. Acrylic resins are used as the basis for this type of facade paint.

The reason for their popularity is their relatively low cost and a large number of merits. The only characteristic in which acrylic paints are inferior to paints made on silicate base, - low vapor permeability, which can lead to excessive moisture formation. However, this disadvantage is compensated due to the almost zero hygroscopicity and resistance to abrasion.

Most acrylic paints are made in water based, but there is also a certain group of acrylic paints, which are based on various organic solvents. The latter are recommended for use as a coating for very worn facades, on which the plaster does not hold firmly.

silicone paints

Facade paints based on silicone can be safely called the best option among all those named. Silicone facade paints are characterized by the following virtues:

  • The paint applied to the plastered facade of the building makes it completely hydrophobic. The walls literally repel moisture from themselves: both rain and fog simply flow down the walls, leaving no wet marks on the surface of the facade.
  • The walls covered with silicone paint breathe. The fact is that the vapor permeability of the paint is ensured due to the abundance of the smallest pores in the paint layer.
  • Excellent adhesion to all types of walls, including all types of plastered surfaces.
  • Very serious resistance to ultraviolet radiation, any aggressive natural phenomena, sharp and frequent temperature changes.
  • The facade, painted with silicone paint, practically does not electrify, and, therefore, does not attract dust.

Among shortcomings- high price and somewhat more modest indicators of wear resistance and elasticity than acrylic paints.

How to calculate paint consumption

Let us take the liberty of presenting a certain algorithm, with the help of which it is possible to make a more or less accurate calculation of the facade paint consumption per 1 square meter painted surface.

  1. Calculation of the total area of ​​the facade to be painted. This is easy enough to do. The first step is to measure the length of the wall and its height. These indicators should be multiplied by each other - we get the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall. The next step is to measure the total area of ​​all windows and doors located on a given wall. The total area of ​​all openings is subtracted from the total area of ​​the wall. Calculation of the area of ​​​​facades is complex geometric shape carried out like this. The facade is "divided" into simple rectangles. We calculate the area of ​​each of them. Then we add up the results.
  2. Multiplying the facade area by the average paint consumption per 1 sq. meter. You can find this indicator on the packaging with paint - any manufacturer must indicate it on their product. The indicator obtained as a result of the calculation is multiplied by the estimated number of layers of paint (by 2, 3, etc.).

When calculating the amount of paint, 2 important nuances should be taken into account. The first of these concerns the thickness of the paint. Consider the following: the thinner the paint, the thinner the applied layers are, and, therefore, the paint is distributed more evenly and efficiently, allowing you to save money. The second nuance concerns the quality preparation of the wall before painting. Keep in mind that the approximate material consumption that can be found on the paint container is indicated with the expectation that the paint will be applied to a primed wall. If you plan to paint the walls directly on the plaster, the paint consumption will be significantly higher.

Facade painting instructions

Is there any step by step instruction facade color? Let's try to consistently answer this question.

Surface preparation before painting

In the event that the plastered facade has already been painted, the preparation of the walls before a new painting directly depends on the condition of the old paint and its type. For example, it is quite possible to use water-based acrylic paint on old paint of the same type. Moreover, if the color of the new paint is similar to the color of the old one, the wall does not even need to be primed. If the wall is covered with a layer of oil enamel, it is preferable to clean off all old paint before applying new

The condition of the plaster should be assessed. The surface can be considered ready for painting if the plaster:

  • does not crumble;
  • does not leave marks on the palm;
  • does not get dirty when touched;

If the wall or part of it does not meet these requirements, putty must be resorted to.

The facade should be primed with a deep penetrating primer. This will give the surface greater strength and significantly improve the adhesive properties of the paint.

facade paint on plaster for outdoor work will help to make the surface better. Most often, such a finish needs final processing. This will give the house an aesthetic appearance.

The main advantage of painting is that beneficial features finishes are enhanced. It is noted that the paint has:

  1. Moisture resistant. Thanks to this property, the walls get wet much less, which means they can stand for a long time.
  2. High resistance to environmental influences.
  3. Hygroscopicity. The walls do not accumulate condensate, which is formed as a result of the fact that the temperatures inside and outside are different.

Painting prevents penetration into the walls and the development of harmful bacteria. Paintwork materials retain their qualities in a large temperature range, which is especially appreciated in regions whose weather conditions are distinguished by frosty winters and hot summers.

Paints differ from each other:

  • shelf life;
  • maximum indicators of humidity;
  • temperature regimes;
  • level of biological protection.

If staining is done with an expired product, then this composition becomes inelastic, it cannot be applied evenly. There are several types of facade paints for plaster for outdoor work, namely:

  • acrylic;
  • silicate;
  • silicone;
  • cement;
  • calcareous.

Acrylic paints

This type is one of the most economical and versatile. The binding element is polymer compounds, thanks to which the final product becomes strong and reliable. Acrylic types are resistant to adverse weather conditions. They do not freeze in the cold, they can be applied at sub-zero temperatures.

This coating protects the facade from the occurrence of bacteria and decay, is not exposed to sun rays. It has the following qualities:

  • does not burn out;
  • does not crack;
  • does not wear out.

These paints should not be used for plaster with sand and lime bases. For similar cases silicone compounds are suitable.

silicate materials

At the core silicate materials lies glass, which acts as a foaming agent. This fact significantly limits the palette of shades. The composition contains mineral pigments and fillers. The advantages of facades treated with such paint are:

  • strength;
  • durability;
  • passive attitude to ultraviolet rays;
  • excellent water resistance;
  • resistance to various biological influences.

A facade painted with such a composition will be ventilated and breathe throughout the entire service life. So he has nothing to be afraid of dampness. Approximate service life is 20 years.

The disadvantages include the fact that they are subject to abrasion, mechanical stress. The paint is not elastic, as a result it cracks. Such compositions are not endowed with thermal properties.

Silicone compounds

Facade silicone paint is very popular. It has good elasticity and strength. The price of such a solution is much more expensive than the others, but it is universal. After application, the facade becomes breathable, does not become damp.

Silicone paint is distinguished by the fact that it adheres well to the surface, in addition, it has the following characteristics:

  • not afraid of heat and frost;
  • does not fade under the influence of sunlight;
  • does not attract dust.

It combines best properties other decorative mixtures. It may well decorate the facade.

Thick latex structured paints are commercially available. They have added plasticizers. This textured finish is a good substitute for decorative plasters. According to the method of application, it represents the type of "fur coat".

Lime-based and cement-based paints

Lime material is based on slaked lime. This type of finish is one of the simplest, so you need to choose carefully. If you save on the acquisition, then in the future you will need significant cash costs. The walls will need to be updated every year as they will start to get dirty and washed away by rain. The composition is not practical, but its bactericidal qualities and an increased degree of vapor permeability are noted. If the facade is trimmed correctly, then fungus and mold will not appear on it. The color of lime compounds is limited to white and pastel shades. Sometimes bright pigments are added though this species characterized by rapid burnout, as a result, the building will lose its beautiful appearance.

Cement materials have similar properties with lime. The difference lies in the fact that they adhere better to the base. This quality allows the painted surface to withstand precipitation more stoically. However, such a facade is not resistant to the appearance of fungus and mold.

Criteria for choosing paint on plaster

When choosing paint, be sure to pay attention to the fact that they are glossy and matte. This fact gives them different properties. Glossy ones are characterized by greater brightness, they shine in the sun, so it is often advised to purchase them. The degree of gloss indicates the resistance of the material to contamination. The more gloss, the better the dirt will be washed off.

However, you need to be aware of the disadvantages of these compounds. It lies in the fact that for application it is necessary to have absolutely flat surface, because they show all sorts of flaws on the plastered wall. Matte products, on the contrary, are able to hide existing flaws.

Many owners suffer from the fact that the facade of the house loses its appearance after a few months, so they want to purchase a facade paint that has the greatest resistance to dirt and dust. Ideal formulations for this moment does not exist, but there are those that will help keep building surfaces as clean as possible for as long as possible. These facade paints on plaster are able to form a hydrophobic shell, which, in turn, has self-cleaning qualities. As a result, dirt simply lingers on the surface of the wall, and during the period when it rains, it is washed away.

Fully these properties begin to act 30 days after staining is performed. In the first place among the products with hydrophobicity, silicone-based compositions are located, followed by acrylic and silicate.

Facade paints for outdoor use are best used in light pastel colors. In this case, it is easier to choose the color of the roof. by the most optimal solution is an option when the facade of the house is lighter and the roof is dark.

If there is a fear that the house will become inexpressive, you can use two shades of the same color. For example, lighter to make window and doorways, railings, steps. Even a solid and gloomy facade will be enlivened by highlighting some elements.

Using facade paint in several tones will help emphasize the horizontal division of the wall. This will completely change the feeling of the object. For example, if Bottom part building is covered with paint that is darker than the top, then the house looks somewhat longer. Appearance becomes more refined. And in the case when the roof is painted with a dark composition, the building looks more solid. It must be remembered that on dark-colored compositions, dust is not as noticeable as on light-colored ones.

To obtain an excellent result, work with facade paint must be carried out under certain conditions. The temperature outside must be at least 10°C. It is necessary that the surface of the facade is dry. It is forbidden to paint after rain, as well as in very hot weather. It is desirable that the sun's rays do not fall on the surface to be treated.

Paints for the facade on plaster have different characteristics, cost, so it is advisable to give preference to trusted manufacturers. In order for the coating to turn out to be of high quality and durable, experts do not advise saving on this material.

Facade paint on plaster for exterior and interior use are different compositions in which the emphasis is on certain qualities that correspond to their scope. So, painting facades requires a mixture that is resistant to moisture, temperature extremes, ultraviolet radiation, etc. For interior spaces, vapor permeability and safety are important.

In this article, we will analyze both types of paint for plasters. In addition, here we will talk about the process of painting walls with their preliminary preparation.

Painting of plastered facades

Facade paint on plaster for outdoor work, or rather its quality and correct application, has big influence for the service life of the plaster. Therefore, savings in this case can lead to even greater expenses.

Types of facade paints

  • Acrylic compositions. good adhesion with walls and a high degree of protection from external influences. Biostability is quite high. The most common options are water dispersion. Organic acrylic paints are less common. All of them are very well tinted.
  • Based on Portland cement. Moisture resistant and inexpensive paint, but the level of protection against fungi and mold is low.
  • Lime paints for a facade on plaster. Vapor permeable, with high biosecurity. Suitable for painting on the damp surface of fresh plaster.
  • Silicone paint on plaster for outdoor use. An acid-resistant water-repellent film is created on the surface silicone resin. The vapor permeability of the walls will be average, just as if they were covered with silicate compounds, which will be discussed below.

Paint for the facade of the house on plaster: you can buy compositions with any characteristics

  • Silicate paint for outdoor work on plaster is weather-resistant, thanks to the features of the composition - calcium borate, alkali-resistant additives and liquid glass. It penetrates deep into the surface, protecting it well from atmospheric influences quite chemically resistant. Vapor permeability is average. The disadvantage of the silicate composition is the impossibility of tinting into bright colors.
  • Perchlorvinyl paint. Its main advantages are low price, wide color palette and the possibility of application on the street even in the cold. It has high chemical and biological stability. Disadvantages - it is highly flammable, during the painting of the facade on the plaster it emits toxic fumes and smells strongly.

Painted house facades

How to choose the right composition

When choosing a composition for painting exterior walls on plaster, it must be remembered that: the coatings on the outside are subject to temperature changes and the composition must have sufficient elasticity; the walls take on atmospheric precipitation - the painting of facades on plaster should be as hydrophobic as possible; facade surfaces are not protected from sunlight, which means they must be resistant to ultraviolet radiation; the lower part of the walls and the space around the doors are often subjected to mechanical stress.

Note:if you are going to tint plaster over another layer of paint, you should consider the type of its composition. Painting of exterior walls on lime-cement plaster is carried out with a lime composition, on acrylic - acrylic, etc. If it is impossible to determine the composition of the old coating, then it makes sense to make trial stains and see what fits best.

Compatibility of types of plasters with paints

Preparation of facades for tinting. Clarification of the expected consumption of the compositions

First of all, standard actions are carried out to determine the state of the plaster itself and eliminate existing defects. The surface should not crumble and dust. If necessary, the walls are leveled with putty. After that, a deep penetrating primer is applied to the walls. The preparation should be taken very carefully, since the service life of the new coating depends on it.

To find out the consumption of facade paint per 1m2 for plaster, you will have to perform simple calculations. We find out the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach of the outer walls of the house and multiply by their number; we find out the total area of ​​​​all door and window openings and subtract it from the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls; we multiply the result by the average consumption per 1m 2 - you will find this figure on the package. If it is supposed to apply several layers, then the result of the calculations is multiplied by their number.

Calculation of the area for painting

For your information: the bulk of facade paints are applied in two layers. The exception is lime compounds, - they overlap the walls in three steps. You should not save and reduce the number of layers, otherwise you can get an “apple” effect: spots of the same color will show in some places.

Technology for painting decorative plaster on facades

First of all, the composition must be mixed, - with a mixer or just clean wooden lath. Next, add color, if necessary. In cases where the coloring area is large and several packages need to be tinted, the pigment for each of them is measured exactly by weight or volume so that there are no discrepancies in shade.

When applying the first layer to the plaster, the movements of the brush or roller should be vertical. The second layer should be applied with strokes horizontally, on the cross of the previous one. So the overlap will be the most dense, without spots. You should work quickly, covering as much area as possible at a time. The day is chosen warm, dry and, if possible, windless.

Painting walls after plastering with a roller

Interior plastering

Paint for interior plaster work is most often used on ceilings in living rooms and rooms. general purpose. Walls are usually processed in this way in the corridor and in the kitchen. However, there are exceptions to everything.

Types of paints for plaster for interior work

  • Water based paints. Widely used for plaster work. It is easy to work with them, there will be no problems with tinting either. Non-toxic, refractory, no pungent odor, vapor permeable. Moisture and abrasion resistance is average. Not suitable for use in showers and bathrooms.
  • Latex paint for decorative plaster. Thanks to the polymer components, the finished coating is resistant to mechanical and deformation effects. Walls covered with latex paint can be washed with a sponge and various chemicals.
  • Acrylic compositions for work on plaster. Like latex, acrylic mixtures withstand deformation and mechanical stress well - due to the composite that is part of them. Well tinted, easy to apply both with a brush and with an airbrush.

Interior paints

  • Silicone based paints. Forms an antistatic, water-resistant coating with medium vapor permeability. Forms good adhesion to any kind of plaster, cleans with sponges and brushes. Perfect for showers and bathrooms.
  • Oil paints. Forms a washable, matte or glossy surface. Works well with almost all types of paints. Minus - a pungent smell during application. The consumption of oil paint per 1m2 on plaster is quite high.

Colored plaster in the interior

Selection criteria and calculation of the amount of paint for plaster inside a house or apartment

Of great importance is the operational load of the room in which you are going to paint the walls on decorative plaster. So, compositions for use in the corridor and in the kitchen must have high resistance to moisture, household chemicals and physical influences. The last two parameters are not important for processing the ceiling. Coloring mixtures for plaster in children's rooms should not only be washable, but also safe.

The higher the vapor permeability of interior paint, the better. In favor of this quality, when choosing, you can even sacrifice some other parameters. The use of "breathable" mixtures provides a good microclimate in living quarters. This is especially true for bedrooms and children's rooms.

Green color

Note:unpleasant surprises will help to avoid the purchase of paint and related products - solvents, putties and primers - from one manufacturer. As a rule, their compatibility with each other is indicated on the packages.

The amount of paintwork materials is calculated in the same way as for facade works; we consider the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, subtract from it the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwindow and doorways; multiply the resulting number by the consumption figure / m 2 indicated on the package.

Do-it-yourself preparation and painting of decorative plaster

Work to be done:

  • Align walls vertically and horizontally, if necessary.
  • Clearing and puttying small defects in plaster walls for painting.
  • Grinding surfaces first with large, and then fine emery.
  • Dusting of leveled and polished surfaces.
  • Single or double processing primer composition, depending on the requirements indicated on the paint package.

Application of the composition with a roller

We open the paint cans and stir well, add color if necessary. In an inconspicuous place, we make a trial staining and see if the resulting color suits you. If not, we correct. Further work is carried out in in the usual way, - movements crosswise, using a paint brush or roller. The softness and length of the pile of the latter is determined based on the quality of the plaster - for smooth coatings a foam roller is suitable, for embossed ones - with a napped fur coat.

Painting decorative plaster in two colors. Video of working with textured bark beetle. In a similar way, you can paint the Venetian coating.

For your information: the necessary conditions work and the time required to dry each layer are indicated on the paint package. They must be observed as precisely as possible.

At the stage of completion of the repair, when there are Finishing work, walls are often leveled with plaster mixtures. When the plane becomes even, it is additionally treated with other materials. A good and quick option for finishing is considered to be painting plaster, which gives the room completeness and comfort.

If we compare the use of wallpaper and paint, then the first option will be the most suitable if you plan to make luxurious interior focusing on details. If the repair is carried out in the office, or the production room is ennobled, it would be more appropriate to choose wall plastering and painting. The same applies to cases where the owners of the apartment are limited in funds, and this type of decoration will not only save time, but also finances.

To carry out painting, it is necessary to competently approach the choice of the composition for processing the walls. Today, the following paints are used for this:

  1. Acrylic. These compounds are popular with consumers, as they have a number of properties. Painted acrylic paint walls tolerate moisture well, so the masters recommend using them in bathrooms and corridors. A rich color palette, as well as a pleasant price-quality ratio, makes acrylic compounds the leader in the finishing market.
  2. Latex. It is desirable to process with these paints the plastered walls on which it was used decorative plaster. After applying to the surface, the paint forms a thin protective layer which is resistant to water drops. Latex compositions are represented by two types of structures: glossy and matte.
  3. Water emulsion. The basis of these products, in addition to the color filler, contains water and PVA glue. Such material is unlikely to be suitable for painting wet rooms, but it will be appropriate if you want to create an unpretentious environment that does not require elaborate colors. Water-based paint is rightfully considered the most affordable.
  4. Oil. Possess rich colors but have a strong odor. In addition, if you apply the material with brushes and rollers, the speed of work slows down significantly.

When choosing a composition, pay attention to the label - it should indicate optimum temperature at which it is desirable to apply the finish, as well as the properties of the paint during use.

How to paint walls with cement plaster?

To level the walls, two types of plaster are used: gypsum and cement. The first involves the use of drywall sheets, the second - the dilution of a cement-sand mortar. In two cases, the method of work will differ, and the selected coloring composition will differ in its properties.

To begin with, we propose to consider the question: how to paint the plaster on cement base? Experienced repairers most often use water-based paint because of its ease of application.

Apply material as with hand tools- roller and brush, and using electric sprayers, in the case of a large amount of work.

Water-based paint contains organic additives that determine the color saturation. Although the gamma is not rich, the composition is appropriate for decorating a room that does not require pretentiousness.

During the work of painting walls on plaster, the material is applied evenly over the entire surface. Due to the fact that the composition of the water emulsion contains liquid, it partially penetrates the porous structure of the wall. Another part of the remaining liquid evaporates as the finish dries.

By painting the plastered walls with a water-based mixture, the wall receives breathable properties. For example, when using oil paint, this effect cannot be achieved. In this case, the wall will allow air to pass through, which positively affects the microclimate in the room.

Plaster wall painting

Before painting walls sheathed gypsum plaster, it must be puttied. The use of putty is considered obligatory step in the finishing of drywall sheets paintwork materials. If this step is not followed, there is a risk of lack of adhesion between paint and gypsum plaster.

To work with putty GKL, water-dispersed and acrylic compositions are used. The latter must be made on the basis of water.

The whole process of finishing walls with gypsum plaster looks like this:

  1. Cleaning the surface of sheets and trimming edge seams.
  2. Filling the joints with sickle. At this phase, a starting putty is used, which is intended for surface treatment in a rough version.
  3. Puttying the entire surface of the wall to hide the heads of the screws and possible cavities.
  4. The second layer, on which the finishing putty is already applied.
  5. Grouting the wall with a grater with sandpaper.
  6. Primer plane, as well as the simultaneous removal of dust and dirt.

At the end of these activities, gypsum-type plaster is painted after puttying. For this, rollers and brushes are used; for convenience, a special container is used for rolling out the tool.

Use a thin brush to work drywall corners. It is inconvenient to paint walls with one roller because of its size. The most optimal will be a roller with an average pile length.

On the video: painting the walls after plastering.

Process technology

Before proceeding with the procedure, it is necessary to prepare the walls. It is best if the plaster is fresh and has been applied recently. In the case of an old coating, it must be restored:

  • Plastered walls should be checked for defects: depressions, bumps and cracks.
  • Detected flaws should be eliminated with putty.
  • The dried leveling material must be cleaned with fine sandpaper, thus providing the surface with high adhesion.

Do not forget that if the repair is made from scratch, then at least 60 days must pass from the moment the cement plaster is applied to the start of painting work. This period is due to the fact that during the drying process, the walls that are plastered are prone to shrinkage. If you try to apply paint during this period, there will be a big risk of it falling off in the near future.

Prepare everything necessary tools, as well as the material with which the wall will be painted. Next, proceed to the preparation of the puttied surface:

  1. Clean the plane of possible dust and dirt, using a wide brush with hard bristles.
  2. Prime the surface with deep penetration- the plaster has large pores that perfectly fill the soil.
  3. Before painting the plaster, wait until the wall is completely dry.

Sometimes the owners wonder: is it possible not to prime the walls before painting. The answer will be unequivocal: a surface covered with soil always adheres better to finishing materials. Do not neglect this stage of preparation.

For industrial large-sized premises it is more expedient to use a spray gun, and for living rooms you can get by with a brush and a roller.

Painting walls after plastering is considered a simple procedure that can be carried out by a person who does not have skills in similar work. The process consists of several stages:

  1. Dilution of paint. Open the jar with the composition and mix it a little with a brush. Use color to get the color you want. If an alkyd or Oil paint– add a little thinner to the mixture according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  2. Before painting the surface, pour a little of the composition into a tool break-in container.
  3. It is desirable to carry out internal work with constant air circulation, thereby ensuring the safety of the master and contributing to fast drying paints.
  4. Take some paint material on the roller, run it up and down the wall. With such movements, continue to process the entire surface of the wall. Make sure that the roller does not leave streaks, this may be due to the abundance of paint on the sides of the tool.

Do not forget to cover all items during finishing to protect them from the coloring composition. Place painter's tape over the areas that don't need painting.

As you can see, the procedure for painting walls covered with plaster is quite simple. To do this, you just need to choose correct composition and a set of tools. The result will bring joy and help to improve the level of skills.

How to paint plaster correctly (2 videos)