home · Measurements · False ceiling in oriental style. Ceiling for the living room in oriental style. Fantasy suspended ceilings in the luxurious interior of a hammam with a swimming pool

False ceiling in oriental style. Ceiling for the living room in oriental style. Fantasy suspended ceilings in the luxurious interior of a hammam with a swimming pool

The East is the territory from Central Asia to Japan. The interior design of the countries located there varies greatly, so we will only focus on the Middle East and the design of Muslim interiors, which are characteristic of Arabs, Persians and Turks.

Stretch ceilings in oriental style

IN eastern interior Each element has a deep meaning, all details are balanced and skillfully selected. Let's start with suspended ceilings.

Color spectrum

If the ceiling is bright, patterned, colored, then the walls are decorated monochrome in light colors. If a lot of ornaments and colors are used on furniture and walls, the ceiling is made white or very light.

Therefore, oriental suspended ceilings come in two types: rich and modest. If the task of the ceiling is to unite and highlight contrasting parts of the interior, its color is selected to match one of the main colors used in the design.

For example, if the walls are dark blue, the canvas can be made pale blue glossy. For warm scarlet or orange walls, a beige or ocher stretch ceiling is suitable. A feature of oriental interiors is drapery.

Airy, light fabrics (silk, organza and chiffon) are used to drape not only windows and beds, but also suspended ceilings. To do this, when installing the frame of a multi-tiered structure, thin rings and hooks are attached to it, and weightless colored fabrics are attached to them.

Photo printing

Rich fabrics of tension structures for oriental interiors are decorated with arabesques - patterns with floral or geometric elements in the form of constantly repeating repeats.

Ornaments are printed on large-format printers with silver, gold, emerald, turquoise, blue, cyan and lilac ink if the ceiling is made for a bedroom or bathroom. The cool range of colors helps you relax and unwind as much as possible.

For the halls of residential buildings, coffee shops, tea houses and restaurants, it is recommended to install ceilings in a warm color palette. Elegant, luxurious interiors are created using golden and ocher, orange and coral, sand and terracotta, pink and crimson shades.

The harmony of peace and bliss is achieved by smooth, rounded lines and shapes. Ornaments and patterns applied to stretch fabric should be repeated in interior accessories: on sofa arms, carpets and curtains.

Multi-tier systems and lighting

A feature of voluminous eastern ceilings is the use of arches and domes. Only tension technologies make it possible to implement these primordially oriental architectural elements.

Multicolor bright ceiling structures additionally decorated with rhinestones, ribbons, chains and stones. The lighting on the eastern ceilings is also special - green, blue or crimson, transforming an ordinary room into a fairy tale.

Oriental style lighting fixtures are very decorative. They can be shaped like domes or carved balls, resembling castles and fountains, with rings, chains and other forged elements. The colors of the lamps are motley, mosaic, like a kaleidoscope.

Oriental interiors are designed for relaxation, living with taste and joy, for languid bliss and pleasure.

Living room in oriental style

As an example, let’s describe a large dining room in a country house, which was converted from two adjacent rooms and decorated in oriental style as part of the “Hacienda” program. Our craftsmen installed an oriental-style stretch ceiling for this room.

The color scheme was chosen by the designer based on the favorite accessories (vases from Vietnam) of the dacha owners. A lot was used in the interior white, pastel blue and yellow. The second direction of the design was the interpretation of ancient ornaments in a new way.

The floor was covered with mosaic porcelain tiles imitating marble. Tiles with a floral pattern of smooth lines (islimi) were used.

One wall was decorated with decorative plaster, very popular in the Ancient East, the rest were painted white, and blue-gray in the niches.

Instead of a window sill, there is an artificial stone countertop around the entire perimeter of the large living room.

In this case, the simplest stretch ceiling in the oriental style was chosen - matte white single-level, in harmony with the white walls. The batteries were hidden behind bars with a geometric pattern in the form of the sun and stars (girikh); the same bars decorated the top of the walls.

Mirrors and invisible spots around the perimeter (reflection and light) additional ways visual increase premises. The main lighting was lamps on long legs with white carved shades.

The furniture was chosen very harmoniously: a blue soft sofa and pouf, translucent designer stools made of blue and orange glass, a white spacious chest of drawers and a round wooden dining table veneered with oak.

Cabinets with fronts made of glass covered with gold film in oriental sprayed ornaments are lined up as a wall, and there are dark consoles on the sides.

Homemade paper clocks in the shape of the sun, painted with copper paint, were used as accessories.

And in conclusion, it’s worth saying that in general, any textures and color combinations can be safely used to decorate a ceiling in an oriental style. The main thing is to combine them correctly with the rest decorative elements and pieces of furniture used in the interior.

Oriental style in the interior has a special magnetism, thanks to which the room is perceived as something fabulous. Fans of this style direction strive in every possible way to convey all the magic of the East in creating the design of their own home. The aesthetics of Asia and Africa have always attracted special attention from European peoples. This style is considered a great idea for decorating a country house or apartment.

When mentioning the Far East, many immediately imagine scenes from popular fairy tales. But this style includes not only Arabic motifs, but also Asian ones. The philosophy of many exotic countries is clearly visible here. It should be noted that the style in question is a combination of two completely different cultures. Each of them has unique and characteristic qualities that reflect specific device everyday life Before moving on to arranging a home in this style, you should take a closer look at its intricacies.

Style directions

The existing stream of designs called oriental style is divided into several fundamental directions. It should be noted that they are radically different from each other. This makes it difficult to confuse them. For example, all varieties of this style have significant differences. Before you start decorating a room, you need to clearly define what result you plan to achieve.

The style itself is divided into:

  • Arab;
  • Asiatic.

Each of them has its own characteristics: colors, the use of certain materials and decorative elements. It is the latter that help achieve an interior that would create a unique atmosphere. It is perfect for brave individuals who love non-standard solutions. This type allows you to develop individual, unique living spaces.

Arabic style

A room in this style has a large number of subtle details that highlight its character and beauty:

  • flashy, rich colors (mainly red, chocolate, copper, peach, yellow);
  • complete absence of sharp transitions and stripes, perfect smooth surfaces;
  • absence of boring components of the overall decor;
  • the presence of vaulted ceilings and similar door portals;
  • openwork carving;
  • an abundance of various spectacular textiles (carpets, bright pillows, upholstery, curtains);
  • presence interesting game sun rays due to the presence of chandeliers with glass parts, rhinestones, and beads.

All details are aimed at developing a pleasant, relaxing environment. Expensive furniture decorated with beautiful carvings is used for decoration. In the East, ceramic furnishings have always been valued. Characteristic features of the interior are: embossing, mosaics, bright carpets.

Attention. It is important that the room is filled with handmade decorative elements. This way she will get a unique character and personality.

Chinese style

It features a minimal number of things. There is no abundance of luxury here, but there is a lot of furniture. All components form one harmonious space, conducive to relaxation. According to the Chinese, the combination of scarlet, white and black symbolizes harmony.

This direction has its own distinctive features:

  • Color. Red is considered the favorite color of its people. It is a symbol of strength and life. It is often combined with black. Two other colors are of particular importance: lemon - the color of the ruler and sky blue - fame. Famous personalities This country uses the color blue very carefully. They simply do not want to show their high status. The combination of fiery red, white and coal black in the Chinese imagination forms boundless harmony.
  • Floor. Provides a durable coating stone tiles or parquet. It is important that the color scheme of the floor is close to cherry. It is advisable if these are bamboo planks. An additional option is a mat-type carpet.
  • Walls. They can be painted or plastered. Sometimes paper wallpaper is used (which is preferable since it was invented in China). Often the walls are decorated with spectacular paintings - these can be mountains, trees, birds, flowers, sakura. Each such drawing, in the minds of the Chinese, carries a certain symbolic meaning. When choosing wallpaper to decorate a room, you should ask what the chosen pattern means.

African style

It is built exclusively on ethnic ideas. Natural materials are used in the African interior: wood, ceramics, textiles, sandstone slabs. Here it is customary to emphasize the close relationship with nature, flora and fauna, religion, and superstitions. It is customary to use figures of birds and animals in the interior. To create a special atmosphere, all kinds of picturesque fragments of trees, compositions of dry branches, and imitation skins of wild representatives of the African continent in the form of carpets are used. This is where the popularity of shaman masks and decorating the mansion with primitive weapons originates.

As for color, exclusively deep shades of coffee, tangerine, coral, beige, and yellow are used here. Thanks to natural shades, a pleasant environment is created. The following materials are used for finishing the floors: wood, parquet, artificial sand-colored stone. The walls can be plastered and then painted. It is allowed to use wallpaper that imitates animal skins. The furniture needed is simple, without frills. Rattan, bamboo or wood are more suitable. An African home cannot have a lot of upholstered furniture - this is not typical for this style.

As for accessories, they can be used in unlimited quantities. They create a unique ethnic flavor, which is business card African style. By using black furnishings, you can add expressiveness to your home.

Moorish style

It is unique, reminiscent of an oriental fairy tale and completely captivates with its sophistication, sophistication, and luxury. Surprisingly, the style did not originate in the vastness of Mauritania. Although in the Middle Ages this is what Muslim countries on the African coast were called.

Neostyle, invented by the inhabitants of Europe in the second half of the nineteenth century, was called Moorish because it absorbed the features of Islamic art. It also has medieval features of Egyptian, Indian and Persian artistic images, as well as the specifics of Arab traditions.

This style is distinguished by its originality and exceptional extravagance. It is characterized by architectural elements in the form of domes. The walls and ceiling are completely covered with a neat, perfectly written weave pattern geometric shapes and floral elements. This style emphasizes the corners, giving the interior an expressive appearance.

Large and voluminous leather chests with metal corners, as well as low octagonal tables are considered part of the Moorish interior. The following furniture is also used: ottomans, stools with carved legs, upholstered in durable silk. Furnishing items should have bright, flashy colors. It is advisable if the furniture is black. Decorative items are wooden pots with ornaments, jugs, vases, and other vessels with elements of simple figures.

Room design features

It has characteristic design features that make it difficult to confuse it with another style direction. It is distinguished by:

  • Splendor, luxury, abundance of details.
  • A large number of interesting patterns, complex ornaments, mosaics.
  • Dim, warm lighting.
  • An abundance of textile elements, for the creation of which fabrics such as velvet, satin, organza, silk, and brocade are used. You can make textile accessories with your own hands or to order.
  • There is a smoothness of the lines, as well as a complete absence of clear geometry. Arched vaults are used to zone the room.
  • A special look to the room is given by furniture, which can be represented by low sofas with an abundance of soft pillows, beds with a luxurious canopy, screens, ottomans, chests. The furniture is heavy, carved and trimmed with semi-precious stones.
  • The color scheme of oriental interiors is represented by natural muted shades: terracotta, ocher, beige, sky blue, lilac, crimson, orange, rich green, turquoise, sand. A golden hue is a must in an oriental-style interior. It is presented in abundance in the decor of textile elements.


Oriental style decor in the interior is distinguished by some features, in particular, the division of the room into certain areas, each of which is designed to perform certain actions. The most important thing where it is recommended to start the design process is dividing the room into main functional areas. If you plan to arrange a room large sizes, then it should be conditionally divided into two main zones:

  • recreation;
  • eating food.

But if the object is small in size, then these two zones need to be combined with each other. The relaxation area must be equipped with a large and soft sofa with many colorful pillows. A table should be placed in front of it for receiving guests and friends. The eating area should be furnished with an impressive number of ottomans. A low table should be placed in its center.

The main requirement for pieces of furniture is comfort and convenience. Sofas should be upholstered in satin or silk. If desired, instead of colorful upholstery, you can throw a satin blanket on top.

Attention. Instead of a table you can put flat chest, which is covered with silk cloth. This move is more preferable for an oriental-style interior.

Finishing walls, floors, ceilings

To decorate the interior, you need to use contrasting colors or, on the contrary, soft pastels. The culture of the East combines the traditions of some countries. They are united by the use of natural raw materials: iron, wood, bamboo.

Usually the walls are finished in a minimalist style. It is characterized by the following shades: sand, cream, cherry, red, brick. All directions are characterized by the use of natural finishing materials.

The flooring can be stone or wood. The universal color of the ceiling is snow-white, but the use of a shade of the walls is allowed.

The Asian direction is characterized by a contrasting finish using beams made of dark wood, which form a rectangular lattice with fairly voluminous cells.

The Arabic style requires smooth forms, as well as exquisite painting. The ceiling can be made multi-level (stretch or suspended). The interior is perfectly emphasized by skillful carvings or overlays with its imitation.

It is recommended to paint the walls with an appropriate coloring composition or cover them with wallpaper with gold ornaments. You can use plain wallpaper in orange, peach, gold, terracotta, wine or brick shades. If you like carpets, you can decorate your interior walls with them.


All trends in this style feature only natural furniture. Typically, wood of different species is used for its manufacture. The decoration is carving or inlay with semi-precious stones.

Familiar upholstered furniture is used only in Arabic, Moroccan and Indian styles. But other styles do just fine without it. Only small ottomans and miniature sofas are used there. Great importance is attached to furniture finishing: spectacular upholstery made of natural silk, velvet, brocade, neat embroidery, oriental ornaments.

Furniture in oriental style is always distinguished by its massiveness, naturalness and beauty. The use of plastic or cheap upholstery is unacceptable here: real wood and natural fabrics- these are the main features of such spectacular furniture.

The wood of furniture must have its natural shade - it is preferable that it be dark. The most important rule in creating an interior in an oriental style is the use of low furniture. It is also desirable that there be little of it. Space is another feature of this style direction.

Decor and accessories

The correct oriental interior is one that contains an abundance of various themed accessories. There should be no random things that act as interior elements. We must not forget that portraits and sculptures are not characteristic of the oriental style. But the abundance of ornaments is welcome here, and they can be depicted on everything. You can decorate tablecloths, carpets, walls, and furnishings with spectacular patterns.

The basic rule is that all ornaments on objects must have the same style. This is the only way to create the right oriental interiors. Special attention attention should be paid to carpets made from natural threads, which are valued in the East. If you choose them correctly, you can use several in one room at once: to decorate the floor and walls.

Popular accessories for the room include various openwork lamps, luxurious chandeliers, hookahs, silver and porcelain cutlery. They will only complement overall design premises. Floral ornamentation is traditional for dishes in this style. You can also use special bamboo accessories for the room. Textiles occupy an important place in oriental design: lush drapes, rich curtains, expensive tablecloths.

Features of room design

Any room decorated based on one of the style trends of the oriental style should provide comfort. Moreover, functionality and the latest technologies are completely inappropriate here.

The eastern room is a relative, generalized concept, since the culture of the same name is quite diverse. Motifs in the interior can be elements of several eastern countries: Morocco, India, China, Japan.

The main features that characterize this style are:

  • smooth shapes of furnishings;
  • corridor with arches;
  • vaulted ceiling;
  • ornaments in the form of flowers, fruits and berries on dishes, furniture, wallpaper, textiles;
  • finishing with gold, silver, semi-precious stones;
  • the presence of shiny and shining surfaces;
  • a huge number of small details;
  • rich colors;
  • luxury in every detail;
  • use of natural wood.

The main attribute of the bedroom is a large canopy bed. Windows should be decorated with thick curtains made of expensive fabrics with ropes, tassels and fringe. The bedroom should have an impressive number of accessories: carpets, lamps, paintings.

Another feature of this interior is the unusual headboard of the bed. It is preferable if it is forged and upholstered in velvet. As for the shape, it is the pointed headboard of the bed that looks more harmonious. It is important to choose beautiful textiles for her and a pillow.

Living room design

Luxurious living rooms are a special type of design, incomprehensible to the Slavic peoples. To create it, it is customary to use the following bright shades:

  • all shades of red - cold and warm;
  • sand, caramel, honey, golden shades;
  • brown, brick, terracotta colors;
  • orange, peach, coral tones;
  • colors of raspberry, fuchsia, lilac;
  • emerald, turquoise, blue colors.

The walls of such a living room will be much more impressive if they are decorated with silk. These unusual wallpaper will make the interior more comfortable. Another option for decorating the walls is to paint them in a pleasant shade. Painting surfaces in any red tone gives the living room a truly Chinese style.

You can decorate the living room interior with poufs, low stools, a carved coffee table, wall cabinets with matching paintings, and shelves.

Kitchen Design

When creating a kitchen design, you should use several directions. The main design features of this room are:

  • combinations of warm colors;
  • bright accents;
  • use of natural materials;
  • low furniture;
  • abundance of textile elements;
  • utensils for tea ceremonies.

Silk wallpaper, mosaic for an apron, cork panels. The ceiling, as in the living room and bedroom, should be decorated with elegant vaults, arches, and wooden grilles.

You can give your kitchen an oriental style using windows. Special surfaces made of frosted glass with Arabic motifs. It is allowed to install bamboo curtains and blinds.

The walls and floor can be finished with natural stone, ceramic tiles and marble. Using these materials you can decorate not only the walls and floor, but also the countertop.

Bathroom options

Decorating this room makes it possible to use all the souvenirs brought from your travels. They can decorate the interior as well as the living room. It is better to first divide this room into main zones, using partitions, screens, niches, arches, columns.

The main features of this room are rich shades, the presence of natural stone, colored glass, embossing, and forging.

Such an interior must be filled with an atmosphere of relaxation. As for plumbing, it is better to choose a classic bowl-shaped washbasin, and a beautiful rounded bathtub. It is advisable if the washbasin is made of copper, and all pipes, taps, and visible communications are painted golden. This will preserve the atmosphere of the East, without a hint of modernity. The bath itself can be placed in a special round niche in the floor.

Balcony decoration

For people who are fans of the East, the balcony can be the first place to experiment. Naturally, this place cannot be decorated with boxes of vegetables. This should be a relaxation area with wicker chairs, a glass table and a garland on the wall. All free space should be filled with flowerpots.

It's very important to be here good thermal insulation. The bright shades present must be balanced with dark ones. It is preferable to use combinations of chocolate color with a golden tint, and burgundy with a hint of lilac.

Organza, which combines two contrasting colors, is perfect for curtains. A deep shade can show through a translucent, lighter tone. The finishing touch to such an interior will be the bright, seductive aromas of the East: grapefruit, peach, sandalwood, lemon, lemon balm. They will highlight the beauty of the interior and help you relax after a hard day.

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Ceiling for a living room in oriental style

Ceiling for a living room in oriental style

The eastern living room is in most cases associated with vaulted ceilings, and if you don’t mind that the room in this case will visually become smaller, you can use tensile structures to create a domed vault. If you are more satisfied with a regular horizontal ceiling, then here are several options for its final finishing.

Firstly, to give an oriental flavor, you can use cornices painted in oriental style, and secondly, you can decorate the ceiling itself in the Arabic style, while the ornate design does not have to be applied with a brush, as medieval masters did; it is enough to order suspended ceilings with the chosen ornament using photo printing technology. However, you can decorate it yourself by purchasing a special stencil and first practicing applying paint on a purchased sheet of drywall (Fig. 97).

Rice. 97. Stencil with a characteristic oriental pattern for painting ceilings

In addition, you can leave the ceiling without additional decor, but paint it in warm beige-peach tones, which will help visually reduce the ceiling and give the room the intimacy characteristic of any oriental room.

Another option is to cover the ceiling with decorative plaster, imitating stone inlay, which will give your living room the look of an oriental palace, especially if certain parts of the ceiling are highlighted with fresco wallpaper.

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The main features that define an interior in oriental style are the following:

  • Smoothness of shapes in the outlines of furniture; corridor full of arches, vaulted ceiling.
    Oriental style ceiling is a real art
  • The use of intricate patterns in inlay and painting, rich finishing with gold, silver, mother-of-pearl, glossy surfaces.
    Oriental style decoration is a riot of shapes, patterns, gloss and intricate patterns
  • An abundance of accessories in the form of pillows with hand embroidery, figurines, frescoes, vases.
    Despite the large number of decorative elements, they all fit harmoniously into the overall picture and do not clutter up the space
  • Bright colors in the interior or rich interior accents against the backdrop of a neutral but warm palette.
    Thanks to the variety of colors, it is almost impossible to feel sad in such an interior.
  • Sophistication and luxury in every detail.
    Eastern rich people have always known a lot about luxury

A traditional oriental style interior involves the use of wood, natural fabrics, ceramics, and mosaic decoration. Any eastern room, including a corridor, living room or bedroom, has its own design rules.

Living room

In order for a living room in an oriental style to not only display all the flavor as fully as possible, but also have the highest level of functionality, it is important to adhere to some rules. The first thing that is important to remember when creating an oriental interior is the harmony of the combination of the overall picture and each individual element. As a basis, you need to take one style direction (Indian, Arabic, or). For original contrast, you can add notes of other styles.

Modern living room in Arabic style is harmonious combination luxury and convenience
Japanese style, in turn, will delight connoisseurs of laconic rigor and restraint
An Indian-style living room will appeal to those who want to plunge into an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility

What is an oriental style living room without furniture? The shapes of each piece of furniture should be smooth and squat. In addition to the obligatory sofa with a wide seat, the interior is complemented by poufs, armchairs or banquettes. One of the main features of a living room in this style is the presence of a soft carpet with a floral or geometric print. To decorate the walls in the living room, you can use embossed wallpaper, imitation of expensive fabrics, decorative plaster with overflows.


To give the design bright colors and a special flavor, you can color the interior with pillows of the most different forms and colors

Lighting in the living room should create a slightly mysterious, but at the same time cozy atmosphere. The main source may be luxury chandelier made of expensive glass or crystal.

Muted warm light allows you to achieve an indescribable atmosphere

Kitchen with Oriental elements

The main features that characterize the kitchen interior are comfort and functionality. Therefore, when planning a kitchen design in an oriental style, you need to take all this into account. In cases where the area is large enough, it is possible to distinguish between the work area and the family meal. As the main material for furniture, it is better to give preference to natural wood or its imitation.

For furniture, it is better to use valuable types of wood, such as oak.

Color palette varied: this includes “imperial” yellow and red (the color of good luck), a combination of sky blue and bright turquoise with a gold frame. In the design of glass elements of furniture and furnishings it is used stained glass technique. When choosing a sink, preference is given to natural stone or its imitation.

Great importance It’s also worth paying attention to little things, like a stylized chandelier or small decorative elements

To emphasize the oriental style, you can organize a place for tea ceremonies with a low table and a sofa with many bright pillows.
It must be remembered that the design of a kitchen in the style of the East should be not only luxurious, but also functional. The floor can be monolithic of stone or tile (marble, sandstone or ceramic). Can be used for walls cork material, wood panels or plaster.

Don't forget about modern kitchen appliances, which fits well into the overall picture

Bedroom decoration

You can take the idea of ​​Scheherazade’s tales “A Thousand and One Nights” as a basis. A traditional oriental-style bedroom should evoke fairy-tale associations. The whole atmosphere of such a bedroom is sensual, mysterious and original. As color base Usually offered are juicy apricot, turquoise, azure blue, peach, and light purple. To add a splash of color, add elements of passionate red, deep blue, purple, amethyst and hot pink. To decorate the walls, you can use wallpaper with silk-screen printing and oriental patterns (Turkish cucumber or paisley pattern), fabric covering, draperies or decorative plaster.


The oriental style “loves” zoning, so dividing the bedroom into zones can be done using a fabric canopy or painted wooden screens

The oriental interior in the bedroom has its own ancient traditions, one of which is emphasizing the area at the head of the bed with a hand-painted niche, Persian carpet or tapestry. If there is a loggia adjacent to the bedroom, you can stylize it to resemble the East.

Such a niche can be filled with a pattern or other decorative elements.

The traditional ceiling in eastern bedrooms is deep blue, like the vault of heaven. You can depict zodiac signs or the starry sky.

Corridor and loggia

The eastern corridor is usually replete with vaulted arches and lamps. The perfect solution– a play on the contrast of dark and light shades. Light walls can be complemented with wenge-colored wooden panels, and paintings with images of sakura, bonsai or Arabic ornaments can be added. The eastern corridor enjoys subdued and slightly mysterious lighting.

Small corridor in oriental style

If the corridor has a small area, one light source is enough; if it is more than 3 meters, then several of them will be needed. Often the loggia does not receive due attention in style design. In fact, the loggia is another room that can be used as an office, a place for relaxation, or even meditation and yoga.

When creating an oriental interior in it, it is necessary to use natural materials(wood, bamboo, a lot of textiles). Stylish interior must be balanced: light shades are complemented by deep brown, saffron, gold or purple.

When choosing this style for yourself, you need to remember that this is always an interior full of mystery, luxury and a bright holiday. Regardless of whether it is a loggia, a corridor, a bedroom or a living room, an eastern room can convey the atmosphere of a fairy tale, alluring mystery, but at the same time, comfort and tranquility.

Everything you wanted to know about oriental style interiors

The oriental style in the minds of most individuals includes exoticism, bright colors, songs and dances. These include the culture of China, Morocco, Turkey, Japan, India, and the United Arab Emirates. These countries have always attracted tourists with their love for their traditions, despite fashion trends. The oriental style in the interior has always stood out for its color and comfort, so modern housing decorated in this style will always be appropriate.

Oriental style is a rather vague concept. It is mainly divided into:

  • Arab;
  • Asiatic.

The room with an Arabic-style interior contains the following elements.

  • Lots of small details.
  • All colors are rich and catchy.
  • All lines are streamlined, there are no corners.
  • The ceilings are vaulted.
  • There is a large amount of ornamentation and carvings.
  • A large number of different textiles are used in the design.

In such a room you want to relax, unwind, and escape from extraneous thoughts.

The room, decorated in Asian style, is distinguished by its minimalism. It is characterized by:

  • large windows letting in a lot of light;
  • a minimum amount of decor and furniture.

Separately, we can say about Japanese and Chinese styles. They are distinguished by their restraint and conciseness. More minimalist - Japanese. The room, decorated in Japanese style, is dominated by natural colors: white, gray, brown, beige.

The interior of the Chinese style is distinguished by the use of a large number of bright colors such as red, yellow, green, and blue.

People with different life principles, financial status, and political views can be lovers of oriental interiors.

Distinctive features of the room design

For people who are not familiar with the subtleties of design, the concept of oriental style includes all its subtypes. But, it is still possible to identify features that are unique to this direction.

1. Zoning.

The design of a house or apartment must begin with distribution functional zones. If the room is spacious, then it can be divided. For example, the living room. Traditionally, it can be divided into a place for relaxation and a dining room. IN small room everything is combined.

The “king” of the relaxation area is a huge sofa. For convenience and comfort, a large number of pillows are provided. The upholstery is always smooth, pleasant to the touch, and in rich colors. A wide, low table is installed in front of the sofa. You can put a hookah and treats on it. The same piece of furniture can be placed in the dining room.

Oriental style in interior design

Modern room design in oriental style

Oriental style room interior

2. Decoration of walls, ceiling, floor.

When decorating rooms in an oriental style, you need to stick to 2 options: use bright shades or pastels. Natural finishing materials are preferable: bamboo, wood, some types of metal. Relief is not required for walls; they can be warm shades: sand, cream, beige.

You can “put” stone or wood on the floor. The ceiling is usually white, but you can play with contrast and make the floor and walls the same color.

You can place several large dark beams on the ceiling.

The oriental interior is distinguished by smooth, soft forms with painting applied to them. The ceiling can be suspended, have several levels; the use of decorative overlays with a variety of imitation is popular.

The walls can be painted or covered with wallpaper. Preference is given to materials made of gold, silver, and with eye-catching ornaments. The wallpaper can be plain, but the shade must be warm: gold, orange, brick.

The wall can be decorated with colorful carpets, ostrich feathers, ancient weapons, knives.

Oriental style in the interior of the apartment

Apartment design in oriental style

3. Furniture.

In oriental interiors, they prefer furniture made from natural materials.

Massive soft sofas installed when decorating a room in Arabic, Moroccan, Indian styles. In all other areas, preference is given to small ottomans and armchairs. For upholstery, materials such as silk and velvet are used.

The Indian interior also stands out with its smooth lines. Chinese and Japanese, on the contrary, highlight straight lines, squares, rectangles; you can install wicker furniture.

4. Decor and additional accessories.

All types of oriental style in the interior are given great attention details. However, every little thing has a specific meaning. Portraits and sculptures of people are excluded. The most preferred are ornaments. They can be anything and can be applied to almost anything: furniture, dishes, textiles, clothes, carpets, tablecloths.

A large carpet with ornaments is highly valued in the East. They can hang on the wall or cover the entire floor.

Accessories can be lamps different sizes, on which embossing, beads, silk threads, traditional hookahs, jugs, porcelain cups, dishes for sweets, chandeliers, vases of different sizes are applied. Accessories made from bamboo are very popular.

Ideally, a small fountain, an aquarium, a waterfall, or an artificial pond would fit into a room decorated in an oriental interior.

As bright accents You can place paper lanterns and massive fans around the perimeter of the room.

The atmosphere of a fairy tale is created by a large number of colorful textiles: cushion covers, sofa and chair covers, curtains.

Oriental style in interior design

Modern room design in oriental style

Oriental style room interior

Bedroom decoration

A bedroom decorated in oriental style represents lightness. It is distinguished by the following factors.

  • Lightweight, weightless fabrics.
  • Natural materials.
  • Geometric lines.
  • Low placement of furniture.
  • Bright, rich shades.

The main decoration is a massive canopy bed. Thick curtains with tassels and fringes are hung on large windows. There must be a lot of accessories and additions: small colorful pillows, carpets and runners, lamps, floor lamps.

Oriental style in the interior of the apartment

Apartment design in oriental style

Living room decoration

Classic Europeans will be unfamiliar with the oriental style of the living room. The color palette used is very colorful and rich, preference is given to shades such as red, orange, ocher, peach, emerald, aquamarine, and honey.

The walls of the room will look expensive and chic if you use silk-screen printing for decoration. You can also simply paint them in a warm, natural shade. In a Chinese interior, you can play with contrast and make one of the four walls brighter.

If the room is large, with high ceilings, then you can make them dome-shaped. Details are decorated with ornaments, paintings, and a variety of lighting fixtures.

Oriental style in interior design

Modern room design in oriental style

Oriental style room interior

The floor is decorated with parquet boards or ceramic tiles. Colors and designs finishing material are selected so as to create a pattern with meaning. When registering Japanese or chinese style The cork covering will look harmonious.

The living room must have upholstered furniture. The owner himself determines what it will be - luxurious or discreet. The upholstery can be decorated with silk thread.

Additional items may be:

  • stools;
  • low tables;
  • cabinets;
  • wall and floor shelves;
  • fireplace.

It is for tea drinking that you can install a wide table and next to it, lay out several small pillows on the floor.

Oriental style in the interior of the apartment

Apartment design in oriental style

Kitchen decoration

When developing a kitchen design, you can safely imagine and combine several oriental styles.

  • Basic preferences.
  • Shades should only be warm.
  • You can highlight several accents with bright colors.
  • Working materials are only natural.
  • All furniture is on low legs.
  • A large amount of textiles.
  • A large number of different dishes for tea drinking.
  • All shapes are smooth and rounded.

The interior of a kitchen in an oriental style is easy to create yourself. It is enough to use a small mosaic when decorating a kitchen apron; it is better if the wallpaper is silk, but it can also be made of paper or panels, preferably cork. Decorative vaults, beams or gratings are suitable for the ceiling; the color scheme can be any.

Windows play a big role in decorating a room. Alternatively, replace ordinary glass on matte, apply several hieroglyphs or oriental patterns on it. You can protect yourself from the sun using bamboo curtains.

Oriental style in interior design

Modern room design in oriental style

Oriental style room interior

Decoration of the hallway and loggia

When you first enter a house whose corridor is decorated in an oriental style, you may be very surprised and confused. A large number of lighting fixtures, vaults, and arches catch the eye. Perfect place, where you can play with contrast. Painted in bright hues the walls can be diluted with dark beams or panels, images of sakura, and ornaments. The lighting should not be too bright. Ideal if it is muted. If the hallway area is small, one will be enough lighting fixture. If more than 3-4 meters, a larger quantity will be needed.

Oriental style in the interior of the apartment

Apartment design in oriental style

IN Lately It has become very fashionable and practical to decorate the loggia as a separate room. The designer is offered a huge number of ideas on how to design it. This could be a place to relax, an office, a bedroom. All surfaces can be covered with wood, textiles, bamboo. It all depends on the financial capabilities of the owner. Light colors can be diluted with brown, gold, and purple.

Having decided to create an oriental-style interior in your home, you must remember that there will always be a feeling of a fairy tale, a mystery, a holiday in front of your eyes. bright colors and meaningful ornaments. The room will be calming and relaxing. For a complete feeling of relaxation, you can install candles or sticks with the scents of patchouli, jasmine, orange, and cinnamon in the room.

Video: Interior in oriental style

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