home · Other · The interior in the “tilde” style is eternal summer, with its sunshine, warmth, comfort and peace! Interior dolls - varieties and role in the interior Interior doll in tilde style

The interior in the “tilde” style is eternal summer, with its sunshine, warmth, comfort and peace! Interior dolls - varieties and role in the interior Interior doll in tilde style

Dolls in the interior– interesting design solution. Handmade figurines bring a special atmosphere and a piece of the soul of the master who created them to the room. Charming tildes are easily recognizable. These cute, funny, disproportionate dolls are deliberately simplicity, which evokes the warmest emotions and brightest feelings. Such figures are intended not only for children, they will delight adults as unusual souvenir or original item interior

Tilda dolls in the interior: what is it

Tildes are special dolls, made in the form of a human figure, animal or inanimate object. Their author is a Norwegian graphic artist designer Tony Finnanger, passionate about handicrafts. The first tilde appeared in 1999. It gave its name to the most popular hobby today. Each of these dolls is, in fact, a designer toy. Finnanger regularly produces branded materials for tildes, patterns, and patterns.

The talented Toni has built a whole world around her dolls. It is very feminine, cozy and cute. To everyone who is interested in him, the designer gives advice on decorating the interior with accessories and toys in his style, and also offers kits for embroidery and scrapbooking. All tildes, dolls for interior decoration, have a set of unique features:

  • plump figures. There are no thin people among the tildes. They all have nice soft smooth silhouettes and quite appetizing shapes.
  • Conventional features of doll faces and animal faces. These are black, close-set eyes-nodules, a small embossed nose and tinted blush. This sketchiness makes tildes similar to primitive dolls and gives them a special charm.
  • A recognizable color scheme with calm, but at the same time rich shades. Quite often there are figures made in pastel colors.
  • Laconic, thoughtful design. The dolls are not overloaded with small elements. Finishing details are used very carefully and extremely concisely.

Like any rag dolls Sewing tildes with your own hands is quite simple, but the first figure should be easy to make. A flying tildo cat or snail is ideal. It is better to purchase a pattern in a specialized store or find it on the Internet. Next step - fabric choice. The easiest way is to go to specialized salon, where handicraft supplies are sold.

Need to find natural materials pastel shades with small prints, combining texture and color. Most often they are selected among fabrics for patchwork. If visiting such a salon is not possible, you can try to find handkerchiefs in suitable colors. Suitable for limbs and head natural fabric, colored with coffee, tea or onion peel. A strong gelatin solution is usually used to secure crumbling sections. They carefully coat the edges of the part.

Tilda dolls in the interior will look decent only if they qualitatively sewn. Special attention is given to the seams. They should be smooth, neat and made with very small stitches. If you have no experience in such work, it is better to use sewing machine. There may be some difficulties with the limbs of toys. Without processing they will be sloppy. You need to make several cross stitches in the folded areas, which imitate the joint and give the opportunity to the doll's leg or arm bend.

Dolls' hair is traditionally made from bulk yarn, but you can do it differently. Plumbing linen is thoroughly washed and rinsed in a conditioner solution. Then it is dried and combed with a special comb for cats. The resulting soft long strands of flax fibers will make excellent hair for tilde. Tiny buttons various forms and shades can be made from dough based on flour and PVA, tinted with acrylic or watercolor paints. For handbags and shoes of dolls, you can take leather from old gloves.

Collections of dolls in the interior begin with the very first figurine. You can find ideas for creating toys at numerous master classes on the Internet. Tildas, according to craftswomen, differ from other toys by a special property. They seem to tell the seamstress what to do. After completing the work, you get a figurine with a special mood and character. Creating the first tilde is an introduction to a new world. Simple, sweet and very feminine.

In our master class, we invite all lovers of textile dolls in the Tilda style to make their dream come true and try to make a wonderful angel with their own hands. We will sew an angel princess for a girl, in pink flowers, lace and ruffles.

Step 1. C color scheme We have decided, now we choose the fabric. We took original fabric from the Tilda collection for the dress, original plain fabric for the body and checkered fabric for the pants

The fabric for the dress is very beautiful. You need to take a large enough piece for the dress and a smaller piece for the hands, and match them with flesh-colored pieces for the head and palms

For the arms we will need a piece 17-18 cm long

For dress and head about 35cm

For the legs we take two types of fabric - checkered and flesh-colored. It will be panties and feet

We put all the pieces of fabric face to face: a piece for a dress with a piece of flesh-colored for the torso, a pink piece for arms with a cut for the palms,

and leg cuts. We stitch them on sewing machine, departing from the edge by 0.5 cm. Stitch length 1.5 mm

We get these connected pieces of fabric. View from the back side

View from front side. Foot fabric

Fabric for body and arms

At this stage, we iron our blanks well, iron the seams in the direction of stuffing the doll with holofiber, that is, in the direction of the body tissue

We put together our preparations front side to each other, as shown below, and pin along the seam. This is necessary so that the seams between the fabrics on the doll’s body are smooth and beautiful.

Step 2. Now we apply the patterns of the body, arms and legs to the corresponding blanks. For convenience and clarity, we have cut out

copies of arms and legs made from plain paper

But in this case, we have simplified the master class, because it is designed for beginning craftswomen who do not always have on hand special devices for sewing. Outline the pattern with a simple pencil without pressing too hard. We cut off the pattern. Contours are clearly visible

Since we are making Tilda the angel, we came up with wings for her and drew a pattern for them ourselves. We got something like this

We place the pattern of the wings on a piece of white fabric (2 layers), pin it together and also trace it with a simple pencil. Unfasten the pattern, leaving both parts fastened

You can sew the body parts and wings along the lines using a sewing machine. Stitch length 1.5 mm. We sew along the contour without cutting out the details. We especially pay attention to the joints of the fabrics, making sure that there are no shifts at the seams, otherwise the joints on the arms, legs and head will not meet and will be crooked. After the body parts are stitched along the contour, you can cut them out. For this it is good to use zigzag scissors. When the fabric is cut this way, it will not bunch up and wrinkle at the folds of the body after turning it inside out.

If you don’t have such scissors, don’t worry, you can cut with ordinary ones, but then you need to make special notches in the folds of the doll’s body. To show this, we will also cut out the parts with regular scissors.

Step 3. We begin to carefully turn the doll’s body inside out from the leg. We push the sock inside the leg with a wooden stick and continue to move it along its entire length until it appears at the top. Then, pulling it, we twist the entire leg

For turning out such thin parts as doll parts or straps, there is a convenient and simple device like a turning and stuffing tube. With its help, work will go faster and much easier. It looks like a tube with a wooden stick and it happens different sizes. In our master class we tried not to use it, remembering that not all craftswomen have such wonderful helpers

After the leg is turned out, we begin to stuff it with holofiber - a special filler for toys.

Carefully, slowly, stuff the leg. pushing the holofiber towards the foot and compacting it tightly. The leg should be firm, but not stone-packed.

When you have filled your leg with holofiber approximately 15 cm from the heel, you need to stop and form an imaginary knee. This is necessary so that the doll sits with her legs dangling elegantly.

Just before the knee, reduce the degree of padding. We pin the place of the knee with a pin across the seam

Manually carefully stitch the leg with small, beautiful stitches along the pin, leveling the holofiber in the stuffed part

We stuff the leg to the end, less tightly around the knee, then more tightly, and at the very end we again reduce the amount of holofiber, otherwise it will be difficult for us to sew the leg to the body and the doll will not fit well. We sew up the top of the leg manually with small stitches, without processing the edge in any way - it will still hide in the body

We do the same with the second leg.

Now let's start turning and stuffing the arm, we do everything by analogy with the leg, with only one difference at the end, we will pay attention to it later.

Turn it inside out


And at the end, we don’t sew up the hand, but turn the edges inward and stitch them by hand to hold them in place. This is necessary so that when sewing the arm to the body, it looks natural and voluminous

We do the same with the second hand.

If the joints of the fabrics on your arms and legs are not so even, at the end you can decorate them with lace, you will see this later.

Let's start stuffing the body. First you need to turn it out. In the photo below you can clearly see the cuts in the fabric that imitate a cut

zigzag scissors

The folds of the neck can be glued with a special textile glue, then the neck is guaranteed to be firm

Turning it out from the top

Afterwards we stuff the body with holofiber. Head and top part the bodies should be stuffed very tightly, special attention should be paid to stuffing the neck, the bottom of the body closer to the legs is less dense, this will help to beautifully sew the body to the legs and the doll will sit more comfortably.

This is what all the parts ready for fastening look like:

Step 4. Fastening the parts is a rather painstaking process, you need to be especially careful. We attach the legs to the body, to start chipping everything with pins

At this stage, be sure to check whether the seams from the legs are coming out of the body, whether the edge of the body is sticking out, whether the legs of the body are evenly fastened at the back and front

After everything has been checked and fastened correctly, we begin to stitch it manually with small stitches, removing one pin at a time.

In the end we get these beautiful legs with a body. If the legs and body at the point of fastening were heavily stuffed with filler, it would be extremely difficult to fasten them

Now our doll is gaining its features and can already sit

First we fasten with pins as follows

And then we sew the arm to the body along an oval outline

If suddenly the arms were not sewn beautifully and evenly, at the end we will show how this can be done unnoticed with the help of lace.

At this stage Tilda looks like this

Now let's work on the wings. When stitching them, we left a hole of about 3 cm unstitched at the bottom, through which we then easily turned the wings out

We fill the wings loosely with filler and manually sew up the hole, gathering it a little, giving a more natural shape to the wings.

We chop off the stuffed wings with pins along these lines. We will sew along them with small stitches, imitating feathers.

This is what happened in the end

Step 5. After the body and wings are ready, the doll needs to have her hair and face done. For hairstyles, we have different threads, both original Tilda hair, and threads for the hair of other textile dolls. We choose threads that are used for larger dolls to make the hairstyle fuller and fuller. We are sewing a princess! Choosing a dark color

Front view

And we begin to wind the threads between the pins

From the back we wind the threads first horizontally, and when the head tissue is closed, then vertically

To liven up the hairstyle, let one light strand follow the contour of the face.

At the bottom the hair is in loops for now, then we will cut it and make it straighter

When we visually like the hairstyle and there are enough threads, we begin to sew it to the head. We choose threads to match and then they will not be noticeable at all in the hairstyle

When the hairstyle is sufficiently fixed, we can shape it and change it the way we like

Step 6. Making the face. Eyes can be drawn acrylic paint, it is indelible. Make small dots with a thin brush, but this can cause difficulties for an unprepared person, and in order not to spoil the doll, we will make the eyes from threads, or rather from one thick thread. We pierce the head from the back, pull out the needle at the site of one eye, then stick it horizontally in almost the same place and pull it out at the site of the second. After this, we stick the needle in almost the same place and pull it out from the other side of the head. You get two wonderful eyes. How our princess immediately came to life!

Let's blush our cheeks. You can buy regular blush and use them, you can use dry pastel (crush it first and rub it on your cheeks), or you can simply draw a blush with a thick and soft colored pencil

This is such a cute angel!

Step 7. Dress Tilda. Further, everything you see does not have to be repeated exactly, because continuous creativity begins. Clothing for Tilda is your imagination and choice, it can be anything you want. We will only show one of the options. We choose the fabric for the skirt, it will consist of several layers, lay it out, combine it, choose

There will be a gentle skirt on top Pink colour, from the same Tilda collection as the previous one. Use a sewing machine to stitch the edges and baste the lace at the bottom.

We sew the lace and make the side seam of the skirt. We still get a straight skirt. We will be gathering the top of the skirt into pleats at the moment

sewing it to the body

Make a flounce from white fabric, sew a beautiful delicate mesh along the bottom

We process the edges of the flounce and sew it to the top of the skirt

Tildas are not quite ordinary children's dolls. They are interior toys. The Tilda brand hides a whole system of room decoration using primitive fabric products. Tildas are naive and romantic, comical and sweet. These dolls will turn both your home and office into a cozy corner.

“Tilda is salvation from gray everyday life,” as Toni Finnanger herself said.

Tilda dolls are incredibly easy to make, but at the same time they are unique interior accessories. They are good in quality original gift an adult and a child. Children love tildes because they are easy to understand. But still, tildes are not intended for squeezing and rolling in a doll's stroller. You just have to admire the tildes.

Tilda is suitable for decorating an interior in a rustic, primitive, or country style. These dolls can be placed in the hallway, kitchen and even in the bathroom. Place them in places on beds and sofas, armchairs and shelving, open shelves and window sills. Tildes would also be appropriate in a high-tech interior.

Tilda is easy to distinguish from another textile doll according to some characteristic features. Outwardly, she is memorable for her small eyes (black dots or nodules) and rosy cheeks. Tilde always has smooth, rounded lines. For sewing we use delicate materials pastel colors and shades. Well, every Tilda has given name. Tilda is often used as a family amulet.

Toni Finnanger herself loves her Tilda very much and believes that it is not worth purchasing a “ready-made” doll. A person himself must sew his own Tilda and put a piece of his soul into it. That’s why the author and owner of the brand only sells materials and patterns. Some people think that stitched tildes are from different countries(including Russia) have their own characteristics, just like the tildes of each individual needlewoman. But this is not entirely true, because the individualization of tildes is hampered by their “designer origin” and strict genre boundaries.

Each needlewoman works in her own way with the design of the Norwegian artist: this is manifested in the selection of fabric, compositional solutions, the plot component of the toy, and accessories. There are not so many varieties of Tilda, and fans are constantly coming up with something new. But a tilde character sewn by any needlewoman should be clearly recognizable as a tilde (a doll designed by Toni Finnanger). Otherwise, it becomes just a designer soft textile toy, as a last resort, a “tilde style” toy.

In this regard, the tilde is unlikely to take root in the world of designer dolls, where the uniqueness of the author’s handwriting is a fundamental factor.

We will not focus on the design features: best tips given by Toni Finnanger herself. Study her own works through photographs, books and booklets, and you will understand how she achieves such expressiveness and harmony in her dolls.

Tilda is a whole world of ideas for decorating and decorating your home. Textile primitive toys will serve as unique, “author’s” interior elements and will bring a joyful and playful mood to your home - after all, they contain a fair amount of self-irony.

Vintage decor salon

Tilda dolls can be “placed” in the kitchen and hallway, placed on sofas and armchairs, open shelving and window sills. The serene moose will settle down on bookshelves, a coffee fairy scented with fragrant beans will delight coffee lovers in the kitchen, adorable scops owls in nightcaps will hang on a string in the nursery, and a caring bath angel, sitting on a towel, will be waiting for you in the bathroom.

However, the Tilda brand is not only primitive toys, but also a whole concept for a special interior decoration, combining several style trends, including country, vintage, shabby chic.

Ideas by Tone Finnanger, designer and creator of the Tilda doll, home decoration will allow you to get away from boring standards and plunge into a colorful and warm textile world, the femininity of which will appeal to soft, romantic, creative people, and the clearly expressed retro note will appeal to admirers family traditions. Magic blankets, soft pillows and bedspreads, warm slippers, funny household little things: envelopes, decorative hearts, cosmetic bags, pincushions, teapot warmers, covers for stools - will create comfort and warmth in your home.

With fabrics in the “Tilda” style you can “dress” a shelf for kitchen utensils, put tilda vegetables on a dish, plant textile flowers in pots, display a set of decorative boxes on a chest of drawers in which “things with a pedigree” will be stored - letters, photographs, trinkets dear to the heart . Crafts in the “Tilda” style are characterized by a “pattern of time,” so things from “ grandma's chest" - canvas curtains, old boxes, vintage chairs, and all this in a fairly “worn” condition.

Tilda animals are best friends at home

Tilda appears in a variety of images. In addition to the lovely rag beauty, among the members of the friendly family you can find nimble pied hens, flying cats, cheerful frogs, wise elephants, and lop-eared hares.

The hare people are especially diverse. They are invented and created in various images and outfits. These are girls bunnies in romantic dresses and panama hats, and mischievous boy bunnies with a car in their paws, and entire families led by a businesslike father hare and a thrifty mother hare. And they are always inimitable, invariably funny and good-natured.

Among the tildo life there are also many inhabitants of the country garden: frogs, dragonflies, chicks, pot-bellied bumblebees, snails on wheels. Cutie lambs and sheep, geese and ducks, pigs and cows, cockerels and hens, rabbits and lambs can make up a whole home farm. Each animal, lovingly crafted by a Scandinavian needlewoman, differs from its predecessor in its individuality. So, in a sweet couple of giraffes, she is a flirtatious fashionista and a laugher, and he is a well-read and educated intellectual with glasses. Tony never repeats himself. Her imagination knows no bounds either in the choice of material or in giving a finished image to the toy. Each chicken has its own character. Every little detail is important in every goose - be it a bow made of string or a flirty hat on the back of the head. In her fairy-tale world, cats can fly, hares can catch butterflies, moose like to philosophize, giraffes read newspapers, and frogs prefer to while away their time fishing.

Winter, spring, summer - we celebrate the holidays with Tilda

Tilda also contains decorative ideas for decorating your home for the holidays and family celebrations. It seems that the designer’s new books “Winter’s Tale” and “Angel of Love” convey the very spirit of Christmas.

You can write your own winter's tale. Place a group of Santa Clauses on the shelf above the bed - let them wait for you to wake up, scatter bags of gifts around the house, decorate the windows with figurines of chilly winter angels in white, gray and pink, and dress up Scops Owls in Christmas pajamas in bright red colors. Then you can get to work on the Christmas tree - hang gingerbread men and soft toys-tildikas that are safe for children: hearts with appliqués, apples, snowmen with bright scarves and coffee bear cubs. Tony suggests making each season unique. It's so fun to celebrate the changing of the seasons!

Her Easter collection- rabbits with curled ears, cockerels and laying hens, a garland of terry lambs, perky ducks on wheels, bouquets of the first flowers, wall panels with applique - impregnated with delicate spring mood. In the Easter kitchen, wings forgotten by the angel hang on a hook (what if he comes back for them?), jars of grandma’s jam are covered with white caps instead of lids, on a baking sheet are fragrant Easter cakes that have just been taken out of the oven and decorated with festive caps.

On warm days, Tony invites you to take a walk around country garden. “Ideas for summer in Tilda style” contains sewing instructions gardening tools, textile daisies, dragonflies, frogs, birds and bugs. Summer crafts are inspired by the theme of the sea, sand, shells, sailboats and relaxation in the countryside, so they are dominated by shades of turquoise, green and soft pink tones.

Delicate tilde doll

Boho style is original, eccentric, shocking, filled with grace and fabulously romantic. Do you like to combine incongruous things and experiment with looks? Then you will love the Bohemian style. We are used to seeing it mainly in outfits or interior design. A bright new product - tilde in boho style. And an unusual souvenir in the form of an elegant and romantic doll in the shabby chic or Provence style will not only become a faithful friend for a child, but will also decorate the interior of a family nest.

Tilda in a romantic look

Shabby chic is the personification of noble antiquity; translated the name sounds like “shabby chic.” It has a subtle charm, evoking associations with delicate rose petals, natural beauty and a light spring breeze.

Tilda in shabby chic style
Shabby chic - tender romance

Provence is a combination of simplicity and elegance, French notes with the aroma of the sea, bright sun and lavender.

Provence is a combination of simplicity and elegance

Both styles are consonant with each other, sincere, giving rise to a wave of tenderness, peace and tranquility. This or that direction is usually used in interior design, creating fashion accessories, interior decorations.

Interior in shabby chic style

Tildomaniacs could not ignore the sophisticated conceptual styles, picking up fashion trend. This is how a separate category of toys in the shabby chic style was born. The stores also offer exclusive toys in the Provence style, but their prices are often steep. Studying detailed master class, you can create your own doll world, filled with grace and beauty. Before you start working on a designer toy, you should get acquainted with the characteristic features:

  • Color spectrum.


True shabby chic and Provence are characterized by the use of delicate color palette without “screaming” shades. Marshmallow pink, sky blue, light lemon, lavender or mint are the perfect colors for a feminine doll's dress.

Shabby chic and Provence are characterized by the use of a delicate color palette
  • Naturalness. They do not tolerate falsehood, so it is not recommended to use outright synthetics in creating rag dolls, especially if the gift is intended for a little princess. Use linen, chintz or cotton, airy natural materials.

It is better to use natural materials when creating dolls
  • Decor. Delicate embroidery, crocheting elements, elegant tatting lace, a characteristic floral print and much more will successfully complement the romantic image of the stylish doll. Glass, wooden or porcelain beads are suitable for decorating this rag beauty.

Graceful lace will successfully complement the romantic image of a stylish doll.

When starting to create toys in the Provence or shabby chic style, you can not hesitate to use ready-made ideas from experienced needlewomen. The work is undoubtedly painstaking, it will be useful for beginners in the process step by step wizard class, and the reward for your efforts will be a chic tilde in a luxurious designer outfit.

Do-it-yourself Tilda doll

The many faces of boho

The style is so diverse that the designers had to highlight several separate “branches”, each of which has its own characteristics. Tildomans believe that their boho or boho-chic doll has a soul. Therefore, when starting sewing, it is worth determining the style in advance:

  • Classic. Traditional boho is classic combinations velvet and corduroy, wool and knitwear, decor in the form of antique lace, beads, wooden buttons.

Classic tilde boho
Tilda in a boho outfit
  • Glamor. This branch contradicts classic boho, but has a right to exist. He is impressed by lightness, luxury, and contrasting combinations. When sewing glamorous tildes, furs, bright floral prints, satin or chiffon, a lot of guipure and lace can be used.

Tilda in glamorous style
  • Eco - naturalness, naturalness in every detail. Linen and cotton, natural shades, vintage decorative elements, decorations for dolls made of leather, suede or wood.

Eco style doll
Eco - naturalness and naturalness in every detail
  • Hippie. The most original and striking phenomenon in fashion, which is characterized by ethnic elements and prints, embroidery, knitted details, fringe and even burlap.
Tilda in boho-hippie style


Tilda snail
Tilde bears

Yes, there is a ranking of directions, but no one can forbid combining, imagining, and creating. It is in experiments that completely new ones are born design ideas DIY clothes for dolls.

We sew a fashionable tilde in boho style

Sewing tildes in the style of Provence, shabby chic or boho is similar, but requires a little preparation from needlewomen, familiarization with the principles of one or another fashion direction, its characteristic features.

Sweet tilde in Provence style

To sew your own masterpiece - a stylish rag doll, you will need a pattern. As a rule, it is universal. We transfer all the details to the fabric, sew them together one by one, leaving holes. We stuff each element with soft filler, sew up the holes and connect all the parts.

MK Flower Angel Tilda. Part 1

MK Flower Angel. Part 2

MK "Flower Angel Tilda". Part 3

The workpiece is ready, and now it needs to be dressed up. To sew Nice dress, you can use one of the following methods:

  1. Create your own pattern.
  2. Use ready-made adult patterns, reducing them to doll size.
  3. Use ready-made kits to create doll clothes.

The last option is the simplest, but lacks the imagination of the needlewoman. If working with patterns is too difficult, you can sew a beautiful layered and fluffy boho outfit without any template. Just cut a circle out of fabric, cut a hole inside, overcast, stitch, insert a ribbon or elastic. We will sew several layers of frills on top of the workpiece. To do this, you can alternately use lace and multi-colored scraps of fabric. Add decor in the form of buttons, beads or seed beads. A beautiful and bright skirt for a beauty doll is ready.

Making a pattern for any doll

We cut and sew clothes for tilde

The longer we remain children, the more wonderful miracles happen in our lives. An exclusive Tilda doll in a romantic shabby chic look, a naive Provence style or an original boho chic look will appeal to young and big fashionistas.

A cute doll will be a great gift

Imagine, create, create entire collections of clothes for your favorite toy, changing the doll’s image and mood every day.