home · Measurements · Lilac color in the interior of a nursery. The lilac color in the interior is a spring mood every day. Lilac with light green

Lilac color in the interior of a nursery. The lilac color in the interior is a spring mood every day. Lilac with light green

Most parents consciously approach the interior design of a children's room, because this is the place where their child will spend time. most of its time.

What to look for when choosing a color for a children's room?

If you turn to fashion trends, then you can notice that recently it has become relevant to decorate a room for a child with a predominance of one, maximum three colors. But it is important to remember that there are colors that excite the nervous system, and there are those that, on the contrary, calm it.

Choosing the wrong room for a child can prevent him from falling asleep peacefully, doing his homework, and even playing.
Psychologists have proven that the predominant color in the interior of a children's room can even leave its mark on the child's character. Therefore, it is so important to choose not just a fashionable and stylish color scheme, but also to take into account the influence of a particular color on the nervous system of children.

The child’s own opinion also plays an important role in choosing a color. Of course, if he is already at the age when he can formulate and express his thoughts on this matter.

Newborns and children up to three years it will be comfortable to live in a room decorated in pastel colors. Older children will love a bright and colorful room with lots of patterns, geometric lines and figures.

Girls - pink, boys - blue?

The traditional system of color selection based on gender does not work in this case. It is not at all necessary to decorate the interior of a girls’ room in pink, avoiding blue accents. And in a boy’s nursery, it is quite possible to allow the presence of pink in shades such as fuchsia, coral or cherry.

Psychologists agree that the color pink has a calming effect on the child’s nervous system and contributes to the formation of perseverance. Children who study easily and successfully and read a lot more often grow up in pink rooms. In girls, all shades of pink help to create femininity and sophistication.

A blue children's room is more suitable for decorating a playroom or sleeping area. But to learn surrounded blue color It will be difficult for a child, because this color not only calms, but also dissipates attention, which makes even many adults have their head in the clouds.

White and beige

White, milky and beige colors are universal, they are suitable for children of any gender and age. Light shades in the nursery will help the child calm down and relax, and improve his overall well-being. But use them in pure form still not worth it. Definitely needed bright accents in the room so that the child does not grow up apathetic and indifferent to everything.


It is better to avoid this color if the child is already too calm.
If the child is too active, then green will help correct the situation. After all, this color calms the nervous system, stabilizes mood, improves sleep and concentration. Psychologists especially recommend green color for decorating the rooms in which teenagers live.


This bright color is suitable for those rooms where calm children live. The color red, in this case, will encourage them to take action and stimulate their brain function.
On active children, the red color may have a more immediate effect. Negative influence, causing them to become overly hyperactive.


There is no more suitable color for a child's room than yellow. Rich sunny shades improve mood, stimulate mental activity, and help concentrate.
But everything needs moderation. An abundance of yellow in the room can cause the child to become too active, and this can interfere with his studies.


The ability of purple color to improve imagination and promote the development of creative nature can also have a negative impact on children. After all, excessive immersion in the world of fantasy will only interfere with your studies. In addition, psychologists have proven that constant violet-colored surroundings create a feeling of loneliness in adolescents and even cause mental disorders. That's why purple in the children's room it is necessary to use it in doses.


Deep shades of blue help children fall asleep faster. Therefore from of blue color It’s worth refusing if your child has problems with school, because this color is very relaxing and distracts attention. In addition, for most people, some shades of blue depress the mood; this should be taken into account when decorating a room in blue tones.


The color gray has a positive effect on the nervous system of children, helping them grow into balanced and humble individuals. Great solution will dilute the bright colors in the children's room with this particular color.


The only color, which should be abandoned when decorating a children's room. The color black can plunge children into depression and create feelings of fear and anxiety in children.
Only minor black decorative elements are acceptable in the design of a room for children.

How to combine colors correctly?

The basic color of the children's room interior should be light and neutral. And here bright curtains, rugs, shelves and toys will help add color to the interior if necessary. Too much dark shades It's better to avoid it completely.

An ideal option when decorating a children's room would be. For example, for the sleeping area it is better to choose calm colors that will help you relax, for example: blue, gray-green, straw, muted blue, lilac.
It is better to decorate the place where the child does his homework in colors that will help him concentrate and be attentive: red, yellow, orange, blue, green.
Game Zone should be bright to improve the child’s mood.

When decorating a children's room, it is better to avoid combining two calming or two exciting colors. For example, a combination of green and purple will suppress the child’s nervous system, and yellow and orange will lead to his hyperactivity.

Color and hobbies of the child

Bright herbariums, an aquarium with colorful fish, houseplants- it all looks great against the background light walls in the room of the young naturalist. And you can also use green, light brown wall colors with light furniture and bright orange or yellow details.

For the room of a child who is passionate about sports, you can choose a harmonious combination of contrasting colors. For example, use combinations of white, blue and shades of red. Everything should breathe optimism and life-affirming energy.

The room of a young artist can be designed in light gray, ash blue and white tones. Fruits against their background children's creativity will look especially attractive. Furniture can be light: beige, green or lilac.

The color scheme for a future traveler's room may look like this: blue combined with beige, light brown and white. It should be light, without sharp contrasts both in color and in the design of wallpaper and fabrics.

There is a certain pattern: with age, children's color preferences may change. If until the age of 7-9 they like bright and even contrasting colors, then by the age of 10-12 they begin to prefer yellow, shades of green, and orange. And even later, after 15 years, children are usually attracted to the color blue.

Of course, it is impossible to take into account all the nuances. But when choosing the color of the future nursery interior, take into account first of all your child’s color preferences, his temperament and worldview.

It is completely in vain that the lilac color is considered suitable only for children's rooms. You can rarely find it in the design of a bedroom or living room, but in vain. It is the delicate shade of purple that creates a special aura in the room - mysterious and sophisticated.

Psychologists consider purple to be a unique color. It contains two tones - blue and red. Depending on their ratio, many different shades are obtained.

To get a lilac tone, white is added to the two main colors. Thus, two colors, symbolizing the feminine and masculine principles, two opposites, are combined in a new tone, forming something new. White restrains and conceals the activity of these two colors.

Purple color is unique

Purple color is not very popular in interior design

To get lilac color, you need to mix blue and red

Children show interest in the lilac shade only in adolescence, which speaks of the vulnerability and sensitivity of the fragile child’s psyche.

Adult connoisseurs of lilac are also not so simple. These are people of fine organization of the soul, creative, refined natures. They are attracted by the lilac color in the interior - it brings a feeling of lightness and airiness to the room. In a living room, bedroom or bathroom, it can create a harmonious atmosphere in combination with other tones.

The color lilac is most often used in the design of children's rooms.

Purple colour able to create a harmonious environment

Lilac color combination

Despite the fact that lilac is itself a variation of violet, depending on the ratio of red, blue and white flowers its composition includes:

  • pale lilac;
  • directly lilac;
  • bright lilac;
  • lavender;
  • amethyst;
  • blue-lilac.

Lilac goes with many colors

Lilac furniture will perfectly complement the interior of the room

Lilac color combines more harmoniously with light shades

White and shades close to it go well with all tones - from dark milky to snow-white. However best combination It will be with light shades - pale lilac and lilac. The interior will become light and airy. When using more saturated colors, use them sparingly.

  • Light shades of gray and steel can be combined with lilac in both modest minimalist and sophisticated luxurious interiors.
  • Soft pink, light green and mint tones make the room “warmer” and more comfortable, visually pushing the boundaries, filling the space with light.
  • The combination of lilac with blue and turquoise helps create a calm, peaceful environment.
  • A light lilac background is ideal for highlighting bright purple, lilac or red interior details.
  • The combination with a yellow-golden color scheme will give the room a touch of sophistication and richness.

Important! Combinations of lilac with gray, chestnut, and light purple tones are considered the best; experiments with red, orange, brown, yellow and black are not recommended.

Lilac goes well with white

When using more saturated colors, use them sparingly

You need to be careful when decorating the interior using lilac color, without oversaturating the space with it. You need to be especially careful when combining different shades of the same color.

  • Before choosing color combinations, decide how you want the room to look – “warm” or “cold”.
  • There should be only one bright color in the room - if it is lilac, then it should be complementary or accent.
  • Lilac color looks better in spacious rooms than in small ones. For a bathroom or small room it is permissible to use only pale lilac shades.

Important: an interior in lilac tones has a calming effect on a person, so the color is suitable for decorating bedrooms and children's rooms.

You need to be careful when decorating the interior using lilac color

There should be only one bright color in the room

Lilac is more suitable for spacious rooms

All shades of lilac can be divided into 3 groups.

Warm pastel shades are more suitable for the bedroom

Lilac color is perfect for the bedroom

Lilac color in different interior styles

The choice of color largely depends not only on functional purpose room, but also on the style of the interior. So, classic design prefers white or delicate lavender shade, one of which will become the background, and the second – additional. You can dilute them with silver or golden splashes.

Modern laconic minimalism prefers cool shades. Additional may be white, cream or gray colors. But he loves Art Deco bright colors, and rich purple walls can serve as a backdrop for brown elements interior, complemented by golden details. The interior will be complete if you decorate the window with lighter textiles.

Favorite shades of the Provence style are lavender and blue-lilac tones. When creating a stylization, both monochromatic wall decoration and a floral print with the same shades can be used. It is advisable to combine them with each other - if the walls are plain - textiles with a floral pattern, or vice versa. The interior will be complemented by light furniture with “traces of time” - a worn effect, small cracks in the paint.

Purple goes well with many styles

In some cases, purple can be used as an accent color

A spectacular room design in the Art Nouveau style can combine black and lavender colors. The white and black interior with bright inclusions of lavender looks original. It can be decorative pillows, curtains or a poster on the wall, a soft pouf dressing table. There should not be many such details - two or three are enough.

Country style, distinguished by its commitment to natural, natural colors, does not refuse lilac. The main, background color – brown – can be complemented with lavender-colored details. These could be ceramic vases, a bouquet of lavender on the table.

Decorating a room in one color will look very beautiful and unusual.

Purple color suits most styles

Lilac room

Of all the rooms in the apartment, perhaps only the kitchen is not recommended to use shades of lilac in decoration, because they reduce appetite. In all other rooms purple tones are acceptable.

IN modern style It is better to use cool shades

For the bedroom the right decision there will be the use of warm pastel shades

Living room

As a rule, this is the largest and brightest room in the house, so both light and more saturated shades will be appropriate here. Lilac in the living room interior looks attractive. It can be used as a main color and serve as a background for furniture and decorative items. Depending on the combination of colors, you can create a varied room design.

  • With the addition of cream and coffee shades, a cozy atmosphere will be created in the living room. Leave upholstered furniture the same tone, but make the lamps and pillows bright. The textiles on the windows should be a little lighter.
  • You can choose a light gray or cream color for the general background, and highlight the part of the wall with amethyst on which to place photographs or paintings.
  • When choosing a light lilac shade as the dominant color, make one of the walls a richer tone - lilac, violet or violet, and you will see how the interior comes to life.

In the living room you need to use light shades

Lilac in the living room interior looks attractive

The lilac color in the living room interior can be either the main color or the background for furniture or decor.


Bright colors for wall decoration are not recommended for it. Look good black and white combinations, complemented by bright lilac and purple details. These could be pillows, curtains, soft ottoman or a rug by the bed. If you want to make the walls lilac, these should be light shades.

Purple tones are also used in other living spaces, helping to create attractive design. The main thing is to correctly combine the shades with each other so that the effect of the color is favorable.

Video: Lilac color in the interior

50 photos of interior design ideas in lilac color:

The choice of color schemes for the interior of a nursery is very important, because the room should not only be beautifully decorated or comfortable, but also functional. Not only children spend time here, but also adults who prefer pastel and calmer colors to colorful flowers. However, the child will enjoy playing, learning and relaxing more surrounded by bright colors, and therefore you should figure out how to properly decorate the room. Here are recommendations from psychologists and designers on how to choose color combinations for a child’s interior.

When decorating a nursery, you must definitely consult with the owner of the room, who must express his own opinion. Parents are advised to take into account the wishes of the baby when arranging the room.

When choosing between a dark and light shade, give preference to the latter. The child will be more comfortable in a bright room, and optimal solution for children, they consider “easy” tones to perceive, which will serve as a wonderful backdrop for colorful accents (various accessories and decorative elements).

Be careful when choosing an achromatic palette. Shades of gray, black and white should not be used, as they say, “in their pure form.” Positive emotions will be given to a child by completely different combinations of colors, and the contrast of light and dark will create, especially in younger children, a negative psychological mood.

Under no circumstances choose dissonant tones. Remember that it is better to choose only two primary colors, and white will help to dilute the palette, which makes other shades more saturated and airy.

How to choose colors

Eat general tips competent psychologists who should be taken into account when choosing colors for the nursery. The moment associated with the psychological impact of shades directly affects how comfortable it will be to be in the room. Let's go through the colors of the main spectrum and their shades.

Blue and blue have a positive effect on the nervous system, but it is important to use only bright hues, especially if the room is for a small child. You can combine blue with sand, yellow and peach. Such combinations eliminate overexcitation nervous system, which is important for very active kids.

Green can be safely used as the main color; it has a positive effect on the body, increases visual acuity, improves mood, and helps normalize sleep. This best option for the background, especially if the interior combines several shades of green. For example, you can paint the walls a delicate light green, and choose the decor in colorful emerald tones.

Purple for decorating the interior of a children's room helps to concentrate attention and open the child's creative potential. Shades of this color are suitable for those children who actively explore the surrounding reality. The degree of saturation can be changed depending on age and individual preferences.

Palette from the picture

When creating an interior from scratch, it is recommended to use original way selection of color solutions - using a picture or photograph. These can be a variety of images, the main thing is to analyze the color combinations. Special applications and services that generate a color palette will help you do this in a few moments.

This technique works even in a situation where it is only necessary to complement the interior of the children's room. You can photograph a bed and a closet, for example, and then determine exactly how best to style the walls and other elements of the room.

Shades can be contrasting, complementary, etc. Remember that creating an interior entirely from colorful flowers is not recommended. A large number of bright colors will prevent children from falling asleep peacefully and feeling relaxed. It is best if the room combines calm and colorful tones.

Color combination options

There are several ways to combine shades in a children's room, and each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's consider the most acceptable color combination options.

Neutral background and accents

The first way is to combine neutral floors and walls with bright pieces of furniture, decorative elements and accessories. The main advantage of this option is that it is easy to implement. Such an interior implies the presence of accents in the form of textiles - pillows, bedspreads, curtains.

Remember that decorative elements should be pleasing to the eye, but in no case choose overly colorful accessories. If there are too many accents in the room, such an interior is perceived as “tacky” and does not allow you to relax. Choose two or three main shades for decor. In such a situation, the room will look harmonious and tastefully decorated.

As a result, colorful colors will be able to stimulate active behavior, and a neutral background will “pacify” the baby when needed. Pay attention to the child's temperament, and also ask about the recommendations of a psychologist. This way, you can choose shades individually to perfectly match your child's personality.

Children's zoning

The second option is to divide the children's room into zones. This method involves decorating a relaxation area (bedroom, with a bed) in calm, delicate shades. The play area, on the contrary, can be bright and colorful to further stimulate the baby’s activity. A place for study is arranged in pastel colors so that nothing distracts children from their studies. If the child is still a little old and does not need intense mental work or thoughtful teaching, the study corner can be decorated in rich, attention-grabbing shades.

Don't be afraid of contrasts if your child likes them. In this case, the room will not look boring. However, remember that moderation is required in everything. This is especially true for orange and red. Let the variety of shades be noticeable in the nursery, but do not turn it into an overly colorful place.

How to avoid falling into the trap of stereotypes

It’s no secret how firmly rooted the stereotype is that “pink suits girls and blue suits boys.” There are plenty of other options, you just have to try to get creative. The main thing is that all selected shades match each other.

For example, for girls, instead of the standard abundance of pink would be better suited delicate lilac as a background and darker lilac, as well yellow V decorative elements and accessories.

A boy's room can be decorated finishing materials light green and calm Brown, and let textiles and furniture be orange, emerald, etc. Use your imagination and you can create a beautiful and functional interior.

What shades can be recommended as optimal? color scheme? These can be expressive natural tones, fruity and juicy summer colors, for example, the following: carrot, light green, sky blue, sunny yellow, delicate pink or lilac, apple green.

Be sure to ask your child what colors he prefers. You should not immediately offer your options without asking your child’s opinion.

Combination of colors in the interior of a nursery - photo

Introduce beautiful interior It’s quite difficult to design a children’s room without visual examples. Therefore, we recommend that you see what combinations of various colors and textures look like in reality. Our selection of photographs will help you with this. Get inspired!

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Lilac is great alternative pink and the perfect color to decorate a child's room for a girl of any age.

  • In the evening, it will help the child get ready for sleep and relieve fatigue, and during the day it will inspire creativity, as it promotes the development of creativity and imagination.

Another good thing about lilac color is that it can be used both as a background (for example, in the form of wallpaper on the walls) and as an accent (in the form of curtains, small furniture, carpets and decor). It looks equally harmonious in both classic and modern interiors, both in small and spacious rooms, both in teenage rooms and. However, lilac and purple shades have their own characteristics that every designer parent needs to know.

  • An excess of lilac colors in the interior can tire you and make you feel melancholy or too relaxed. In addition, lilac tones are not the best background for studying exact sciences.

However, these properties can be neutralized with the correct dosage, correctly selected main shade and companion colors. In this material, we formulated 8 secrets for decorating a girl’s children’s room in lilac tones and collected 30 stylish photo examples.

Tip 1. The lilac color needs to be diluted

Using lilac as a background color, that is, in the decoration of walls, floors or even the ceiling, it is highly advisable to dilute it with neutral shades at least in a 1:2 ratio.

  • The lilac background is best complemented by a white or creamy shade. But light gray and beige tones are also suitable.

For example, the walls can be painted with lavender paint or decorated with white and lilac wallpaper, and the furniture can be selected in white. Below are examples of nursery design with beige or white and lilac wallpaper and light furniture.

Tip 2. Lilac goes best with creamy yellow and green.

When planning the color scheme of the interior, keep in mind that lilac forms especially harmonious combinations with yellow (especially creamy shades) and green tones.

  • These two colors are so cheerful and good-natured that they neutralize some of the melancholy of our hero.

It is no coincidence that in nature, which is known to be the best colorist, the combination of lilac with yellow and green is found in the most beautiful embodiment- in spring flowers. In the interior, these shades can coexist on curtains, wallpaper, bed linen, pillows, upholstery or furniture painting.

Tip 3. A newborn girl’s bedroom should be decorated in pastel colors.

As already noted, lilac color calms, relaxes and improves sleep, which means it is perfect for a newborn’s bedroom. The main shade should be light and muted. For example, it could be lavender or light gray-lilac. It can be complemented by light gray, white, beige, cream, pale green, pastel pink or blue. You should avoid bright colors and contrasting combinations so that they do not distract your baby from sleep. An example of the design of a lilac bedroom for a newborn girl is shown in the photo below.

Tip 4. It is better to decorate the bedroom of a child from 3 to 12 years old in brighter and cheerful colors

From the age of three, children begin to actively develop and learn the world, so at this age the child’s room can be bright and colorful.

  • Yellow, green, coral, blue, turquoise - these are the colors that go well with lilac, and paired with it can contribute to a child’s interest in knowledge and creativity.

But remember that bright does not mean flashy. If you use neon and too flashy colors, then only in small quantities and on condition of a neutral background.

Tip 5. You can use bold combinations in a teenager’s room.

  • Keep in mind that muted shades, for example, gray-lilac, are more suitable for, and almost any for modern ones.

Here is an example of the interior of a children's bedroom for two girls in the art deco style.

And here is an example of room design in classic style.

Photo example of an interior lilac room in bohemian style.

And shades of purple and lilac are simply created for thematic decoration of rooms. Who said that the children's room of a princess, fairy or ballerina must be pink? The lilac color is no less suitable for this. Below we present a photo example of the design of a lilac children's room in the princess style.

Tip 7. It is better to use light shades for wall decoration, and bright shades for accents.

If you want to decorate the walls in lilac, then try to choose a light shade of paint/wallpaper, especially if the room is small and faces north.

  • By the way, you also need to take into account the orientation of the room to the cardinal points. So, if the room is dark and “northern”, then it is better to choose a lilac color in a shade close to pink. But the “southern” children’s room can be decorated in any shade, but cold ones will be especially good lilac shades with more blue.

But in accents it is permissible to use not only pale tones, but also the most saturated and even neon ones. An upholstered study chair, bedside table, etc. can be bright. The following selection of photos shows examples of lilac furniture and decor in the interior of a nursery.

Tip 8. Lilac color looks best in textiles

To decorate the interior of a girl’s children’s room in lilac tones, it is not at all necessary to glue lavender wallpaper to the walls. It is much easier and even more interesting to use these shades only in decor and textiles. It is in the form of curtains and carpets, upholstery of chairs and headboards, pillows and bedspreads that the lilac color acquires texture and a noble appearance. In addition, when the time comes for a change, you can easily modify your child’s bedroom by changing only the textiles and upholstery.

A 12-year-old girl’s room is a tiny little world in which the future owner learns to create comfort and maintain cleanliness and order. Therefore, it is very important that the young lady feels comfortable here. A children's room should reflect the baby's character, instill in her a sense of style and good taste.

The ideal bedroom is a compromise between what the daughter likes and what suits her parents. Take your time to take everything into your own hands and allow the girl to participate in the design of the children's room. Let her feel that you respect her opinion and take it into account.

Most girls prefer pink colors

A little girl's room should be cozy and bright

When choosing a room design, take into account the child’s preferences

According to child psychologists, perfect option color design children's bedroom - these are colorful, but at the same time calm and light colors. That is, if you choose a green color, then let it be light green or pistachio; if you choose purple, let it be lavender or light lilac.

Bright accents can also be used here. It is permissible to choose rich colors for furniture and accessories, but the walls, floor and ceiling are usually left neutral.


A room in pink tones is a classic and slightly boring solution for a girl’s bedroom. Associations with a Barbie doll may seem too childish to a 10-12 year old girl, so you should be careful when choosing a shade of pink.

Versatile and very stylish solution will become:

  • peach;
  • ashes of a rose;
  • salmon;
  • coral.

These options are suitable for decorating a children's room. french style, glamor style, Disney or Hello Kitty theme.

Pink color can be combined with other shades

It is better to choose bright and colorful colors for a girl’s bedroom.


The calmness and lightness of lilac color make the design of a children's room for a girl cozy and gentle. Psychologists note that such shades relax and calm, put you in a positive mood and have a good effect on the nervous system.

For a small room, light shades would be more appropriate: lavender, lilac, lavender. If the room has enough light and it can boast large area, then brighter cool shades are suitable: classic purple, violet, amethyst.

In order to dilute the interior, you can use neutral colors: white, gray, beige, chocolate. To brighten up your children's room design, add green, turquoise and pink accessories and furniture.

The lilac color will add coziness and tenderness to the interior of the room.

For a small room it is better to choose light shades

Experts say that this color can relax and calm

Green and yellow

The perfect combination to instantly transform any room. Girl's bedroom, made in this style color scheme, becomes a place that charges with energy and positivity. This combination will fit perfectly into any room and will appeal to the most active and cheerful girls.

Try not to overdo it with variegation. It is better to choose delicate and slightly muted shades: lemon, pistachio, light green, mint, straw. You can also dilute it with vanilla or champagne.

Light shades

Golden, cream, caramel, almond and biscuit - any of these shades will be an amazing basis for creating the interior of a children's room for a girl 10-12 years old. The fact is that this age is a kind of border between childhood and adolescence, when the baby barely begins to feel that she belongs to the adult world. Solid girl's room, decorated in neutral colors light shades, will become a place where a girl will feel comfortable growing up and becoming a girl.

When choosing a color, consider the girl’s hobbies and age

Light shades can charge you with energy and positivity


Proper finishing performs not only an aesthetic function. With its help you can solve many other problems:

When decorating the ceiling of a children's room, it is better to stick to the traditional light version. A ceiling with imitation clouds will look very impressive, and glossy surfaces will make the room lighter and more spacious.

For the floor, choose only high-quality parquet board or laminate. Remember that carpets should be laid only if the girl is sufficiently responsible and clean, and can clean and vacuum it herself on time. Otherwise, either all these problems will get to you, or house dust will provoke an allergy in your child.

When finishing the ceiling, preference should be given to light shades

Tensioner glossy ceiling will be a great solution

The floor in the room should be made of natural materials


For the design of a children's room, furniture items with the following properties are suitable:

  • compactness;
  • convenience;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • aesthetics.

If all these components are in place, you can safely buy furniture. However, try not to clutter the bedroom with unnecessary items, since the young lady needs free space to do her favorite things without leaving the room.

Another tip is to place the bulkiest items in the background, and put the light and compact ones in front. At the same time, try not to block windows that serve as natural sources of light. Otherwise, the shadows cast by objects will visually hide several square meters free space.


The sleeping area for a 10-12 year old girl should be wide enough. The bed can be either a 1.5-bed or a 2-bed, if space allows. Very interesting are the transformable models that hide in closets, slide into the podium, or with a slight movement of the hand turn into sofas. If there are several girls in the bedroom, then a double bed will come to the rescue, which teenagers usually simply adore.

Another important point- mattress A good orthopedic mattress, although expensive, will take care of your daughter’s good health and well-being.

Cabinets and shelves

The more closets a girl has in her room, the easier it will be for her to put things in order. At the same time, although open shelves look more impressive, they are significantly inferior to closed departments in terms of functionality.

It is better to organize storage space with a reserve, since the number of things little fashionistas have is growing exponentially. A full-length mirror would also be useful, and its alternative could be a wardrobe with mirrored doors.

Compact multifunctional furniture perfect for a children's room

The room should have enough space for games and study; there should be no need to clutter the room with unnecessary objects

Hobbies and interests

Nothing will please a young artist more than a neat easel in the corner of the bedroom, and a future Olympic champion will definitely appreciate a wall bars or other sports equipment installed here.

The aspiring rock star will love it musical instruments, which will always be at hand, and the literature lover will spend more than one evening in a cozy chair next to the bookcase.

Such pleasant trifles Not only will they make the room special and support your child’s interests, but they will also let your teenager know that you are on the same page.


Teenage girls are especially sensitive to their environment. Like all women, they are drawn to beauty, and only in a pleasant environment do they feel truly at home. To design a children's bedroom, it is customary to choose one specific style that will be visible in all elements of the interior.



Imitation brick, wallpaper with thematic patterns

Simple shapes, rough textures

Avant-garde lamps, textiles with images of double-decker buses, telephone booths, and the British flag


Plain walls made in pastel shades

Elegant furniture in a classic style: dressing table, four-poster bed, cabinets with carved legs

Porcelain vases, forged elements, boxes, dolls, photo frames, watercolor paintings


Pure bright colors: yellow, green, pink, turquoise

Light wooden furniture, wicker models

Indoor flowers, aquariums, birdcage

Stretch ceilings, glossy surfaces, use of metal and glass

Only the most necessary furniture, nothing superfluous: compact, ergonomic, modern, transformable models.

Minimal decor, futuristic accessories


Bright colors, various textures, silk-screen printing

The furniture is mostly upholstered. Swap your usual chairs for pear chairs and poufs. A four-poster bed will also come in handy.

Abundance of textiles: carpets, pillows, curtains. Shelves and cabinets can be filled with souvenirs.

When choosing a room style, it is worth considering the girl’s hobbies

Every little thing can make a room special and support a child’s hobbies.

The style of the room should reflect the character of the owner

DIY design

Handmade elements will help a teenager express her individuality and make her bedroom unique. Tell the girl how she can decorate the room with her own hands, and perhaps she will open up hidden abilities to design.

  • Decorating walls with vinyl stickers. Images of plants and animals, silhouettes of a city or people - with their help you can create unique interior in any subject, and the girl will become very proud of her direct participation in the repair process.
  • Collages, wish cards, gallery with drawings. These cute objects are a pleasant reminder of the wonderful moments that have already happened and the girl’s dizzying dreams that are only destined to come true.
  • Fairy lights. It's not about shopping electrical decorations, but about homemade decor made from lanterns, hearts and pom-poms attached to a string. Japanese garlands made of balls and photographs on tiny clothespins are considered especially fashionable now.
  • Boxes, boxes and vases made using decoupage technique, which are perfect for a children's room in the Provence style. They look stylish and are very easy to make. For decoration, the girl will only need napkins, a brush, glue and varnish.

In fact, there are endless options for DIY decor: you can sew a patchwork blanket, decorate a pillow with sequins, make an original clay pot, paint the walls or make a floor lamp out of paper. You just need to push the girl to express her imagination and teach her not to be afraid of experiments.

The walls in the room can be covered with stickers

You can come up with a room design yourself

Zoning the room

A room where all the furniture is randomly arranged is not conducive to either rest or work. In it you have to constantly rush from one corner to another in order to take the necessary things located at different ends of the room. It is much more convenient if everything you need is at hand, and the layout is thought out so that one part of the room is intended for sleeping, the second for relaxation, and the third for study. This is where zoning comes to the rescue.

Of course, there is no need to build walls and clutter the room with screens. There are several techniques for dividing a room into functional areas without sacrificing free space.

  1. Wallpapers of different colors.
  2. The floor is different colors.
  3. Lighting.
  4. Sliding partitions.
  5. Placement of furniture.

Now it’s worth figuring out what zones the girl needs and what is best to place in them.

The room must have a place for games and study

You can zone a room using color, decorative items or partitions

Try not to fill the room with unnecessary objects; the girl should have freedom of action


Proper lighting plays a huge role: it not only protects a teenager’s vision, but also visually expands the space. It is recommended to distribute the lamps evenly over the entire area of ​​the bedroom, while focusing on work area. Also, additional light will not hurt in the sitting area and next to the bed.

You can complement the interior of a children's room for a girl with original and stylish models lighting fixtures.

  • Chandeliers unusual shapes- in the form of an umbrella, birds, butterflies, clouds, twigs and any other objects of the surrounding world.
  • With imitation jewelry and candles in the spirit of Disney cartoons about princesses.
  • Cascade ceiling lampsgreat option for older teenagers.
  • Spotlights built into the ceiling and walls are a universal and very functional option.

Unusual decorative elements

You can add a touch of originality to your children's bedroom by adding a couple of non-standard elements to it.

A canopy over a girl’s bed is a theme played out a thousand times, which is present on many beautiful pictures from the Internet. However, in life such luxury is, unfortunately, quite rare. Therefore, your daughter’s friends will definitely be jealous.

A carpet with an applique does not oblige you to anything and is appropriate in any room style, but it decorates and interestingly plays up even the most trivial situation.

A hanging swing on a chain is every girl’s dream and a charming addition to the bedroom, bringing coziness to it. country house. They will not only serve as a place for games and relaxation, but will also become the “highlight” of the interior.

During the day, the room should be filled with natural light

A canopy over the bed will be an excellent addition to the interior of a children's room.

Photo wallpaper is not only an effective and universal solution, but also practical. Compared to their paper competitors, they are more durable and easy to use. wet cleaning. It’s very convenient that you can now order photo wallpapers with absolutely any design, be it a gorgeous landscape or a photo of your beloved dog.

A fireplace is an interior item worthy of kings and aristocrats. However, even they would be pleasantly surprised by the convenience and beauty modern models. For a child’s room, it is better to opt for safe electric and bio-fireplaces. You can also install decorative false fireplace, which is easy to create with your own hands.

Proper layout, decoration, lighting and selection of furniture are, of course, important. However, the main rule for creating perfect design children's room - do not exclude the owner of the bedroom from the renovation. Try to involve the girl in the development of the project as much as possible, consult with her, listen to her opinion, do not reject bold ideas child, and then the interior of the girl’s bedroom will be doomed to success.