home · Networks · Spring awakening of flowers. Lesson about the world around us. "Spring awakening of plants." Herbs blooming in spring

Spring awakening of flowers. Lesson about the world around us. "Spring awakening of plants." Herbs blooming in spring

The most beautiful, and truly wonderful time of the year is spring. Everything around comes to life and blossoms. With the first warm breeze, and the same warm rays of the spring sun, new dreams awaken in the soul of every woman, the expectation of wonderful changes and, of course, love.

How we dream that love would fall asleep and wake up next to us, that it would bestow its gentle warmth on us, giving us a huge uplift and a feeling of incredible happiness.

This only happens in the spring. For us women, the most amazing and wonderful time is coming.

What a blessing it is that we don’t have to hide our hair under winter hats and scarves. We can walk along the city streets in a miniskirt, the heels of fashionable shoes clicking.

Everything around us awakens in a wonderful way, the whole world becomes brighter and more interesting. And people, charging with this spring mood, begin to smile at each other.

Perhaps someone will say that real spring has not yet arrived, there is snow, mud and continuous puddles all around... The figure has become fat during the winter, there is nothing to wear. And boo-boo-boo, boo-boo-boo... In a word, there is no flight of love. All these are symptoms of the well-known spring depression. But I really want to quickly wake up from this terrible winter hibernation and feel all the charm and beauty of the coming spring. So, wake up!

The task is not difficult. We should feel spring, even if there is still snow outside the window and the temperature is in the minus.

Do you think it's not that simple? But no! What is spring? Spring is, first of all, about color. Therefore, you need to surround yourself with bright, new and rainbow colors. Let's start with the apartment.

According to psychologists, there are colors that lift your spirits. It is bright green, orange and bright yellow. Add them to your interior.

Of course, everyone has their own taste and idea of ​​spring colors, but the main thing is to start taking action. Buy new ones beautiful curtains, buy a painting or several flowerpots with flowers. Make your apartment brighter and brighter. Throw away old gray and dull things. More air, more space!

The best and effective remedy for depression for women – shopping. By buying a new outfit, we charge ourselves with positive energy, and at the same time, we begin to think about how to tighten our figure. Next, according to the mood-lifting program, “cleaning your feathers.” Spring is a great time to update your hairstyle.

By the way, let's return to the figure...

The time for vacations and holiday romances is just around the corner. After hibernation, you need to move as actively as possible. This will help you change both physically and mentally.

With spring it's time for daily morning exercises. After all, in new light outfits, we should look slim and graceful. Find time for simple but daily exercises. And you will see that positive result not far away. The desired effect will appear very soon.

A wonderful addition can be training in the gym, or aerobics classes in a fitness club and, of course, running. Don’t be lazy, because in addition to a beautiful figure, running also gives a huge charge of positive energy, and perfectly fights the spring blues.

Dance gymnastics has a very good effect on the female body. After all, with dance training, a woman becomes more graceful and elegant. There are changes in the perception of the whole world, character changes. After all, art ennobles a person.

Cycling is very useful. Cycling perfectly trains many important female muscles, while you can focus on your inner state, dream or think about important things.

It’s not for nothing that they say: movement is life.

Among the many exercises, you can find those that you like; they will make your figure slim, fit and beautiful.

The main thing is don’t be lazy. Physical education or sports give a new surge of strength, a crazy charge of energy, prolong our life, give good emotions and set us up for optimism.

Women who lead active lives are optimistic about the future and live happily in the present. Positivity helps you move towards new heights and achievements.

Those who relax, lying on the sofa, have a harder time enduring losses and failures in their personal lives.

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Lesson summary on the world around us, grade 2 "G".

Date: 04/06/16.

UMK "Perspective"

Lesson topic : Spring Awakening plants.

Teacher: Garipova R.A.

Lesson type: lesson in learning new things

Goals: understand the reasons why flowering plants bloom first; learn to admire primroses and strive to protect them.

Educational: teach to recognize seasonal phenomena, determine the causes of spring changes in the plant world and justify your opinion, form an idea of ​​​​the reasons for spring changes in life flora, introduce the variety of primroses.

Educational: development mental operations analysis and synthesis when viewing images and describing objects from these images; developing the ability to independently draw conclusions; improving reading techniques when working with text, developing connected speech when describing plants.

Educational: show respect for nature; distribute responsibilities to perform educational task in Group.

During the classes

Motivation for learning activities.

Teacher: - Difficulty is not a problem.

Students: As always!

We know that the road leads

We're ready to open then!

Updating knowledge.

Let's remember what we talked about in the last lesson. (about the constellations of the spring sky).

Let's solve the crossword puzzle.

1. The name of this constellation is associated with the story of the crab that bit Hercules during the battle with Hydra.

2. The goddess of justice, daughter of Zeus, Astraea, seeing human greed and anger, was transported to the sky and turned into a constellation...

3. The main stars of this constellation form an amazing figure = the letter “M” - stretched out by the “legs”.

4. Zeus settled this beauty forever in the sky, turning her into the constellation Ursa Major.

6. The bird that angered God was silvery-white, but became black. Constellation.

Scientists divided the entire sky into 88 areas, which they called...

What keyword did you come up with? (plants)

What do you think is the topic of our lesson today?

Spring awakening of plants.

Have you met in early spring flowering plants? Which?

Plants that bloom in early spring are called early bloomers. Such “daredevil” plants can be found among trees, shrubs, and herbs.

When do the first flowers bloom?

Is the snow melting in the forest (park) by this time?

Do early flowering plants require a lot of heat?

What do they need to start flowering?

Why do you think some plants may bloom in early spring?

We cannot answer these questions. We don't have enough knowledge.

Do you have a desire to know about this?

Setting a learning task.

Constructing a project for getting out of a difficulty.

What should we learn in today's lesson?

What plants bloom in early spring and why they bloom in spring and not in summer.

Which reference material could it be useful to us?

Textbook, atlas - guide, book “Green Pages”.

Let's draw up a plan according to which we will collect materials about early flowering plants.

    Description of the plant.

    Where it grows.

    The reason why the plant bloomed first.

    This is interesting (where did the plant get its name; medicinal? (Recorded in the Red Book?

Early flowering plants can be seen in forests and open areas. They require little heat. That's why they bloom when the snow has not yet melted. At this time, the leaves have not yet blossomed on the trees and bushes, and there is a lot of light in the forest. The soil is saturated with moisture. It is precisely these conditions - an abundance of light and moisture - that early flowering plants need.

These plants receive food from their own “pantries”. “Storage rooms” are the thickened underground parts of plants. The reserves accumulated in them last year and were stored all winter.

Physical education minute.

6. Primary consolidation.

Primary consolidation.

Give examples of early flowering herbaceous plants.

Find out early flowering plants.

Children's stories about what they remember about plants.

What conditions are necessary for these plants to bloom?

Why do these plants bloom in spring?

Independent work with self-test against the standard.

Workbook p.40 exercise 1. Identify the plants and label their names. Mark the plants you have seen in nature.

Workbook p.41 ex. 2. Color the flowers and name them.

Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition.

Let's learn about plants that bloom at the same time as the first flowers?

Let's read the textbook article "Awakening Trees and Shrubs."

- Let's complete the tasks in the notebook.

Name the plants that bloom at the same time as the first flowers?

In spring, trees and shrubs awaken from winter sleep. Their juice begins to flow. The sap rises along the trunks and branches to the buds of the trees. It contains sugar for plant nutrition.

Other signs of spring awakening of trees and shrubs are swelling of buds and blossoming of leaves.

But even before the leaves emerge, some trees and shrubs begin to bloom. These are alder, willow, hazel, wolf's bast. (The teacher shows the branches of these plants).

Of the shrubs, hazel and wolf's bast bloom the earliest. (Children look at the branches of these bushes).

In the spring, seeds of trees and shrubs that fell in autumn or winter begin to germinate.

Interesting changes occur in the spring with coniferous plants. The larch is completely covered with new needles. In pine, spruce and juniper, young needles grow at the ends of the branches. It's much lighter than the old one.

Workbook p.41 exercise 3. Identify shrubs and trees by their flowers and match the name with the picture of the plant.

By what signs can you recognize the awakening of trees and shrubs?

Trees and shrubs begin to move sap, buds swell and leaves bloom. Many trees and shrubs are blooming.

Explain why early flowering herbaceous plants have to store nutrients in the fall, and to more powerful plants, sap comes from the soil.

Why are primroses not used to make large bouquets?

Why can't you uproot flowers?

Guys, is it necessary to protect early flowering plants?

What do you think should be done to protect primroses?

Reflection on educational activities.

So the lesson has come to an end.

Today in class we learned about early flowering plants.

What was the most interesting thing about the lesson?

How do you feel when you leave class?

How do you evaluate your work?

What do you absolutely need to do at home in order to learn well what you learned in class? (read the article in the textbook).

You are asked to complete creative task optionally.

Exercise 1.

Workbook p.42. exercise 4. Observe and determine when the trees and shrubs bloomed this year. Record your observations.

Task 2.

Invent and draw signs for the protection of primroses.

It’s an amazing thing - in winter a person rejoices in the white robe of the earth, fluffy snowflakes falling from the sky, strong frost, but as soon as the first month of spring arrives, we suddenly feel how tired we are of the black and white winter picture! The body craves warmth and light, the eyes crave bright colors, and every spring the soul seems to emerge from its shell towards a renewed world that is being reborn to a new life.

The first flowers of spring in the forest and meadows

The first thawed patches have just appeared in the forest, and life invisible to the eye is already boiling on them - various larvae and insects have woken up in the earth, the earth itself is ready to accept every Living being, every smallest blade of grass. And now, among the islands of porous snow, the boldest flowers begin to appear - snowdrops. We usually call all spring primroses snowdrops, although the true snowdrop - galanthus - is only one of many types spring primroses. This is the very first flower in spring, and it does not grow in all regions. The flower looks like a small white lantern on a thin stem. It can withstand temperatures down to -10 degrees. Only in such cold does it become fragile, like thin glass. But as soon as the sun comes out, galanthus comes to life.

Delicate snowdrops - awakening of nature

The Slavic legend says how one day the old woman Winter decided not to let Spring come to earth. The flowers drooped from fear, one snowdrop was not afraid and opened its petals. The sun saw him, warmed everything on earth with its warmth and cleared the way for the beautiful Spring. Since then, spring and snowdrops have been inseparable.

The first flowers of spring, which in many areas are also called snowdrops, are nothing more than dream grass, corydalis or lumbago. They say that once upon a time the leaves of the lumbago were so large and wide that Satan, who was expelled from paradise, could hide behind them. But the Archangel Michael, discovering his hiding place, threw an arrow at him. And the leaves of the dream grass remained shot through - cut into thin slices. The lumbago also blooms even at sub-zero temperatures. The whole secret of this, it turns out, is in the cup of the flower. She, like a concave mirror, collects into herself solar heat. And the temperature inside the cup is +8 degrees.

What other flowers appear first in spring?

A little later than the snowdrop, the sun-yellow spring adonis, or adonis, blooms. In some areas it is also called starodubka.

In Russian villages, spring is the time when poultry begins to hatch their chicks. At this time, it was strictly forbidden to bring home both adonis and dream grass; it was believed that these flowers could harm future bird offspring.

Spring has come, it's time to bloom. It's time for the air to be filled with spring aromas. Each flower looks at us as if it wants to say something. Perhaps if you listen carefully, you can understand what the flowers are saying?

We present to your attention a report and presentation on the topic Spring awakening of plants. This material, presented on 20 pages, will help you prepare for the Philosophy lesson. It will be useful for both pupils and students, as well as teachers of schools and universities. You can read and download this and any other report on our website. All materials are absolutely free and accessible. You can find the download link at the end of the page. If you liked the material, share it with your friends using the social buttons and add the site to bookmarks in your browser.

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Corydalis dense Normal forest plant- primrose. Blooms together with blueberries. However, the flower begins to develop in autumn. Then a bud is formed from a small, slightly flattened bulb. During the winter, a stalk grows from it and, as soon as the snow melts, the stalk sticks out of the ground. A few warm days - and the corydalis spreads its inflorescences, keeping “company” with scillas and fireweeds!

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Let's remember

  1. What flowering plants have you seen in nature in early spring?
  2. Based on your observations, tell us how the trees and shrubs have changed with the arrival of spring.

Herbs, blooming in spring

Plants that bloom in early spring are called early bloomers. Such “daredevil” plants can be found among trees, shrubs, and herbs. Let's get acquainted with early flowering herbaceous plants.

They can be seen both in the forest and on open places. They require little heat. That's why they bloom when not all the snow has melted yet. At this time, the leaves have not yet blossomed on the trees and bushes and there is a lot of light in the forest. The soil is saturated with moisture. It is precisely these conditions - an abundance of light and moisture - that early flowering plants need.

These plants receive food from their own “pantries”. “Storage rooms” are the thickened underground parts of plants. The reserves accumulated in them last year and were stored all winter.

Time passes - and spring comes into its own more and more confidently. Dream grass, lily of the valley, and primrose bloom. You can read more about them in the book “Green Pages”.

Take care beautiful plants! Admire them! Let our motherland will always be beautiful and blooming!

  • Look at the drawing. Find out the names of early flowering plants. Which of these plants have you encountered in nature?

Awakening trees and shrubs

In spring, trees and shrubs awaken after winter dormancy. Their juice begins to flow. The sap rises along the trunks and branches to the buds. It contains sugar for plant nutrition.

Other signs of spring awakening of trees and shrubs are swelling of buds and blossoming of leaves.

But even before the leaves bloom, some trees and shrubs begin to bloom. These are alder, willow, hazel, wolf's bast.

Alder is the first tree to bloom. In spring, inflorescences appear on it - earrings. Willow blooms early.

Of the shrubs, hazel and wolf's bast bloom the earliest. Inflorescences-catkins are visible on the hazel tree. And wolf's bast has pink, fragrant flowers. You can find out more about this plant at (13).

Birch blooms later, when its leaves are already beginning to bloom. Bird cherry blooms even later. By the time of flowering, it is completely covered with young foliage. In the gardens, after the leaves bloom, apple, pear, and cherry trees bloom.

In the spring, seeds of trees and shrubs that fell in autumn and winter begin to germinate.

Interesting changes occur in spring with coniferous plants. The larch is completely covered with new needles. In pine, spruce, and juniper, young needles grow at the ends of the branches. It's much lighter than the old one.

Let's think!

  1. Many people collect bouquets spring plants. Is it good?
  2. Why are there many bees and bumblebees near flowering willows, bird cherry, and apple trees, but not near alder, hazel, and birch trees?

Let's check ourselves

  1. Give examples of early flowering herbaceous plants.
  2. What conditions are necessary for these plants to bloom?
  3. By what signs can you recognize the awakening of trees and shrubs?

Let's conclude

In early spring, coltsfoot, goose onion, corydalis, lungwort and others bloom herbaceous plants. Trees and shrubs begin to move sap, buds swell and leaves bloom. Many trees and shrubs are blooming.