home · electrical safety · A plant growing along the banks of lake rivers. The most common plants of fresh water bodies. Marsh perennial herbaceous plant of the araceae family

A plant growing along the banks of lake rivers. The most common plants of fresh water bodies. Marsh perennial herbaceous plant of the araceae family

The White Orchid garden center has a large selection of perennial plants to decorate the garden; you can choose plants so that the garden blooms from early spring to late autumn.

The collection of the White Orchid garden center includes both beautifully flowering perennials and decorative deciduous ones that have ornamental foliage and allow you to put the necessary accents in flower beds.

Wolfsbane, fighter- tuberous perennial plant.

Tubers that produce flowering shoots completely die off in the fall, along with the stems and roots. Daughter buds of renewal, developing at the very bottom of the one-year stem and having by this time formed their own autonomous roots and even basal rosettes of leaves, become isolated, forming a colony of young plants. The height of aconite is 70-100 cm, flowers are up to 4 cm long, irregular, with a large helm, purple.

In the collection of the White Orchid garden center there is a garden form of aconite - two-color, violet and white. Blooms from July to September. Frost-resistant, poisonous, undemanding to soil, tolerates light shading.

- a perennial plant with a branched rhizome growing upward.

Small flowers are collected in graceful elongated paniculate inflorescences. The colors of the flowers are varied - white, cream, pink, red, lilac. Blooms in June-July. Prefers well-moistened, semi-shaded places. Propagated by dividing bushes in spring or late summer.

- a widespread perennial plant, a bush 20-30 cm high. Aster is light-loving and cold-resistant. Grows well in light, permeable soils, well-seasoned with organic and mineral fertilizers. Alpine aster blooms in May-June. The inflorescences are single, diameter from 2 to 4 cm. During the dry period, alpine aster needs regular watering. Asters are propagated by dividing the bush, immediately after flowering.

- perennial plant. The rhizome is terrestrial, creeping, thick. The leaves are very large, round, leathery, shiny, form beautiful picturesque rosettes that remain under the snow in winter and dry out only in the 3rd year. In autumn the leaves take on a beautiful color. Bergenia is unpretentious - it grows well on any soil, except wetlands, in sunny places, in partial shade and even in heavy shade. Flowering - spring-early summer. Propagated by dividing rhizomes in spring.

- perennial herbaceous plant. The bush grows to the sides, forming thickets. The leaves are round-heart-shaped, rough, on a long petiole. The flowers are small, sky blue, in loose paniculate inflorescences, blooming in early spring.

Brunner prefers loose, fertile soils. Shade-tolerant. Winter-hardy.

Propagated by sowing seeds and dividing rhizomes in the fall.

- bush 80-150 cm high. Leaves are palm-shaped, deeply dissected. The flowers are small yellow in a narrow racemose inflorescence, blooming from July to autumn.

Buzulnik is light-loving, but also tolerates light partial shade, is winter-hardy, and grows well on any cultivated soil.

Buzulniks reproduce by sowing seeds and dividing rhizomes in the spring.

- perennial corm plant. The flowers are pinkish-lilac and grow well in fertilized, moist sandy loam soil... Planted in the ground in the fall to a depth of 8-10 cm. Colchicum can grow in one place for several years. For the winter, the colchicum should be covered with fallen leaves and dry branches.

Colchicums bloom in autumn and bloom in a leafless state.

Loosestrife (Lysimachia)
- rhizomatous herbaceous perennial, winter-hardy.

Moisture-loving, blooms from May to July.

Monetary loosestrife is very good as a ground cover plant.

- a perennial herbaceous plant that grows well in sunny places in any garden soil.

Planted in borders, mixborders. Low-growing species of speedwells are well suited for rocky gardens.

Speedwells are propagated by division, cuttings and sowing seeds.

- rhizomatous perennial, the whole plant is densely pubescent, flowers are solitary, 3-6 cm in diameter, white or cream.

They prefer light, loose, fertile, well-drained and sufficiently moist soil. Anemone tolerates partial shade well and blooms in June.

Propagated by root suckers and seeds.

- an excellent plant for decorating flower beds. Perennial carnations are good as low borders, they form lush bluish-gray cushions, and they also fit very organically into compositions among stones. Garden carnation flowers have their own unique spicy aroma. Carnation prefers open sunny places, well-drained soil. Propagated by sowing seeds and cuttings.

- a perennial plant up to 1.5 meters high, with erect, densely leafy stems, which at the end of the growing season die off along with the roots; by this time, renewal buds on the underground part of the annual stem form their roots and overwintering leaf rosettes.

Thus, Helenium does not have a perennial rhizome, and the “bushes” are colonies of independent plants.

Young plantings of helenium are more winter-hardy; in old bushes, renewal buds are at ground level or higher and can freeze in winters with little snow, so it is better to cover old bushes with earth for the winter.

Autumn helenium blooms in the second half of summer, the color of the flowers ranges from golden yellow to bronze-red. Helenium propagates by sowing seeds, as well as by dividing bushes. Prefers light fertile soils, open sunny places.

- herbaceous perennial, blooms in June-July with graceful small drooping bells.

Heuchera is light-loving, but also tolerates partial shade, is cold-resistant, and prefers light, fertile soils.

Propagated by seeds, dividing the bush in early spring.

- a little common perennial. Low-growing plants with bell-shaped dark or light blue flowers. Grows well in partial shade.

Gentian is winter-hardy, but requires shelter in winters with little snow. Propagated by dividing bushes and freshly collected seeds, which are sown before winter.

- a perennial with a straight hollow stem, 1-1.5 m high. Delphinium is light-loving, prefers loamy, fertile soils.

They reproduce by seeds, by dividing bushes, and it is better to divide bushes in the spring.

Delphinium inflorescences are very decorative and are often used for cutting.

- moisture-loving perennial.

The flowers are lilac-pink, collected in long spike-shaped inflorescences.

Very good for planting near ponds. Winter-hardy, unpretentious.

- broken heart. A very interesting herbaceous plant with elegant pink or pink-red flowers in the shape of hearts. Dicentra blooms in late May - early June, is winter-hardy, but requires shelter in winters with little snow.

Prefers open or slightly shaded places, light, humus-rich soil. Propagated by dividing bushes and stem cuttings.

- a perennial short-rhizome plant with creeping shoots that take root in the nodes. Flowering is long-lasting; the plant can bear both flowers and ripening berries at the same time.

Dushenia is very unpretentious and winter-hardy. Duchenia is often used as a ground cover plant that replaces a lawn.

There are several types of irises in White Orchid.

- This is the most common class of irises. Their main distinguishing feature is the beard on the central vein of the outer perianth lobes. To successfully overwinter, bearded irises need light winter cover. grow well on sandy loam and sandy soils. For planting, it is better to choose a sunny place, protected from the winds. Bearded irises reproduce by dividing the rhizomes immediately after flowering.

- frost-resistant plant. Unlike bearded irises, these irises are moisture-loving, their flowers are more elegant, and there is no beard.

Siberian iris propagates by dividing the bush, and the planting unit must have at least 2 leaf bunches.

- an ideal plant for the lazy gardener. Absolutely unpretentious. One can say about the marsh iris - “I planted it and forgot it.”

Grows well both in the sun and in the shade, is frost-resistant, and tolerates excess moisture. The height of the bush is 1-1.5 meters.

- also a rather interesting plant for lazy gardeners; its main requirement is an open sunny place without stagnant water. It overwinters well and preserves leaves well until frost.

It blooms in June with graceful bluish flowers. Propagated by dividing the bush and seeds.

- perennial herbaceous plant.

Grows well in moist, sandy or loamy soils.

Blooms in May-June.

Propagated by dividing bushes, individual rosettes and seeds.

- a herbaceous perennial plant that grows well in open areas and fertile soils.

Flowering from June to September. Propagated by seeds or dividing the bush. Frost-resistant. Often self-seeding.

- herbaceous rhizomatous perennial. The bush reaches a height of 70 cm, flowers are single, 6-7 cm in diameter, single, orange.

The swimsuit blooms in June-July. The plant is winter-hardy and moisture-loving. Optimal growing conditions are moist, loose, fertile soil. The swimsuit grows well in partial shade. Propagated by dividing bushes and sowing seeds.

- the closest relative of the lily of the valley. In the collection of the White Orchid garden center, the kupena is presented in a variegated form - there is a white border along the leaf.

The plant is unpretentious, winter-hardy, grows well in partial shade. Propagated by dividing rhizomes.

A lumbago - an open snowdrop, a dream-grass. Frost-resistant, grows well in open places with sufficiently moist soil, but can also grow in the shade.

Decorative not only during flowering, but also during fruiting, the lumbago has very interesting fluffy silky fruits. See more about lumbago.

Primrose, primrose- a perennial winter-hardy plant. Primroses grow well and bloom profusely in spring in semi-shaded places on well-fertilized, sufficiently moist soil. When grown in one place for many years, it is necessary to add nutritious soil to the base of the bush to protect the primrose from freezing.

Primroses reproduce by seeds and by dividing bushes.

Day-lily- here is another one of the favorite plants for the lazy gardener. Daylily is also called daylily, because each of its flowers lives only for a day. The plant is unpretentious, but prefers fertile and sufficiently moist soils; it grows in both sun and partial shade. Propagated by dividing the bush.

Cuff, alchemilla- an interesting perennial plant. Unpretentious, winter-hardy. It can grow both in open places and in the shade. In the White Orchid garden center, soft cuff is grown. She prefers light, fertile, sufficiently moist soils. It blooms with small, inconspicuous yellow-green flowers. Very good for the foreground in a flower border - it has a beautifully shaped bush. Its most important property is that it “knows how” to push excess moisture out of the leaves. This is truly a magical sight - the cuff along the edge of the sheet is entirely decorated with a necklace of large transparent beads.

Sedum, sedum- an unpretentious perennial plant. Grows well in any soil except wet, marshy soils. Prefers open sunny places. Propagated by dividing bushes and cuttings from stems.

Phlox subulate- creeping perennial. The flowers are small, numerous, white, pink, blue or purple in color, completely covering the shoots so that no leaves are visible during the flowering period. Phlox subulate propagates by cuttings. An ideal plant for rocky gardens. Although phlox is subulate and winter-hardy, it is still better to cover it with a light covering material for the winter.

marsh plant

Medicinal plant of the arum family

Perennial herbaceous medicinal plant growing along the banks of rivers and lakes

A perennial herbaceous plant of the araceae family, the rhizome of which - calamus root - contains essential oil used in pharmacology, in the perfumery and confectionery industries

Plateau in the south of the Sahara

Genus of perennial herbs of the arum family


Illy root

Medicinal root

Essential oil plant sticking out in tufts of leaves from the grass

Medicinal plant

A tincture from the roots of this plant helps against baldness.

Grass with sword-shaped leaves

Essential oil plant

Healing plant

Swamp tartar

Healing root

Herb with healing root

essential oil plant

Medicinal root

Ethereal grass in the swamp

Aquatic ether-bearing grass

Irna spine

Ethereal herb

Healing root

aroid plant

Treatment plant

Swamp Ethereal Grass

fragrant root


Plane in honor of Rykov

Coastal Essential Oil Supplier

Swamp Essential Oil Supplier

Healing herb

Swamp root

Medicinal coastal herb Tatarnik

Medicinal herb tartar

Healing root from the swamp

Genus of perennial herbaceous plants of the araceae family

Swamp Ginger

Tatar potion

Medicinal myrrh root

Genus of perennial herbs of the arum family

Perennial herb of the araceae family (irrigine root, used in medicine and perfumery)

Anagram for the word "Ira"

M. marsh plant from the arum family, Aconis calamus; ir, iris, Tatar cinquefoil, pishchalka, lepekha, lepeshnik (erroneously lyre); Flame root, spicy and bitter, goes to pharmacies

A jumble of letters from the word “Ira”

Typology and vegetation of swamps

Swamp- an excessively moist area of ​​land on which undecomposed organic matter accumulates. They are formed as a result of waterlogging of the soil or overgrowing of water bodies. The main processes that create a swamp are a weak exchange of oxygen and mineral ions in still water, the slow decomposition of organic substances in an anaerobic and, as a rule, acidic environment (pH - 5), and the accumulation of plant detritus.

In swamps, moisture-loving vegetation develops, the basis of which is hygrophyte plants that can well tolerate excess water in the soil.

With a general high water content, different swamps are not the same in terms of the provision of plants with mineral nutrition elements.

This feature is primarily taken into account when classifying swamps. There are three main types of swamps: riding, lowland And transitional.

Raised bogs arise as a result of swamping of land (in the place of forests, meadows) in conditions of weak evaporation of water and the presence of a waterproof layer of soil, when water bodies are overgrown and covered with peat and in the place of low-lying swamps.

Raised bogs are characterized by extreme soil poverty in nutrients available to plants.

Because of this they are also called oligotrophic. The vegetation cover here develops on a more or less thick (1–10 m) layer of peat, which is highly saturated with water and contains few minerals.

Swamps of this type are moistened only by precipitation. Therefore, the floristic composition of upland swamps is much poorer compared to downhill swamps.

A characteristic feature of raised bogs is a continuous light green carpet of sphagnum mosses.

Few species of herbaceous plants, shrubs and shrubs grow on it, although some of them develop en masse (blueberries and lingonberries); blueberries also grow in swampy coniferous forests. In some places there are trees, but they are almost exclusively Scots pine ( Pinus sylvestris) other tree species are rare.

Pine grows very poorly under these conditions, has a very depressed appearance, and often takes on the form of a bush.

Among the most common herbaceous plants of raised bogs one can name cotton grass ( Eriophorum vaginatum), which forms rather dense hummocks, round-leaved sundew ( Drosera rotundifolia), remarkable for its ability to catch small insects, cloudberries ( Rubus chamaernorus), some sedges – marsh sedge ( Carex limosa) and spherical ( C.

Cranberries are typical among shrubs and shrubs ( Oxycoccus palustris), blueberry ( Vaccinium uliginosum), wild rosemary ( Ledum palustre), bog myrtle ( Chamaedaphne calyculata), common podbel ( Andromeda polyfolia). Podbel and bog myrtle live only in raised bogs and are not found in other types of vegetation.

Marsh shrubs and shrubs are characterized by a combination of hydro- and xeropeat structural features.

They are also characteristic of a number of marsh grasses (wort vaginalis, etc.). This may be the result of a violation of the water regime, especially in the spring, when the air is already sufficiently warmed up and the substrate temperature is low, since the sphagnum cover and peat conduct heat poorly and thawing occurs slowly, the xeropeat characteristics of the inhabitants of the swamps are also explained by the poverty of mineral nutrition, especially nitrogen and phosphorus.

The raised bog is also inhabited by green mosses: Aulacomnia bog ( Aulacomnium palustre), cuckoo flax straight (Polytrichum strictum) and others, but their role is usually small.

On the higher parts of the swamp you can find lichens (cladonia species).

Lowland marshes occur in lower parts of the relief, where excess water accumulates and swamping of the territory occurs. The accumulation and stagnation of moisture is facilitated by the presence of groundwater close to the soil surface, the presence of clays that are poorly permeable to water, water-resistant limestones, high air humidity, and low evaporation, which can occur at low temperatures.

The swamping of new land areas is influenced by existing swamps, the creation of dams, and deforestation through logging and fire, when powerfully transpiring plants, such as trees, are removed. Swamps appear near the outlets of groundwater to the surface.

Lowland swamps differ sharply from highland ones in that the soil here is rich in mineral nutrients.

These swamps are among eutrophic.

Eutrophic plants, which are very demanding of soil fertility, are common in lowland swamps. The species composition of the flora here is incomparably richer than in the raised bogs. There are especially many herbaceous plants, most of them relatively large and tall.

They usually form dense thickets. There are various shrubs and trees. The soil often has a developed cover of moisture-loving hypnotic(Not sphagnum) mosses. Lowland bogs are sometimes called grass-hypnum bogs.

The main herbaceous plants of this type of swamps are common reed ( Phragmites communis), some large sedges, such as bladderwort ( Carex vesicaria), turfy ( C.

caespitosa), pointed ( C. acutiformis); meadowsweet ( Filipendula ulmaria), broadleaf cattail ( Typha latfolia), marsh cinquefoil ( Comarum palustre), manna floating ( Glyceria fluitans), umbrella susak ( Butomus umbelaltus), buttercup ( Ranunculus flammula), river gravilate ( Geum rivale), common loosestrife ( Lysimachia vulgaris), species of hedgehog. Horsetail is often found, and cuckoo flax is a moss species.

Among the shrubs it is necessary to name various types of willow, for example ash willow ( Salix cinerea), eared ( S. aurita). Among the trees, black alder is especially characteristic ( Alnus glutinosa), but there are also some others. All plants of lowland swamps are typical hygrophytes. Grassy swamps are often practically difficult to distinguish from waterlogged meadows, with which they are often connected by numerous transitions.

Swamps third type , transitional, in terms of soil richness they occupy an intermediate position between upland and lowland.

They can occupy very different positions in the relief (from watershed to low river terraces). Their surface is flat. Most often they are located on the outskirts of raised bogs, expand the territory of the swamp and in the further development are replaced by raised bogs. But transitional swamps may not change into another type and persist for a long time. This mesotrophic swamps. Their vegetation is of a transitional nature.

A cover of sphagnum mosses is often developed, and against its background there are plants characteristic of lowland swamps. From shrubs and shrubs - cranberries ( Oxycoccus palustris), blueberry( Vaccinium uliginosum), wild rosemary ( Ledum palustre), bog myrtle ( Chamaedaphne calyculata), from trees – Scots pine ( Pinus sylvestris), downy birch ( Betula pubescens).

The sedge family ( Sureaceae).

Let's look at the main characteristics of this family.

Family Sedgeaceae ( Sureaceae)

The family unites wind-pollinated plants, which are close in morphological characteristics to cereals.

However, unlike cereals with hollow straws and swollen internodes, sedges have predominantly triangular stems, without swollen nodes, non-hollow, three-row leaves (rather than two-row), formed mainly in the lower part of the stem. In addition, the vaginas of sedges are always closed.

Most sedges are hygrophytes, living in swamps, wet meadows and coastal aquatic habitats.

However, among them there are species that grow in arid conditions - early sedge ( Carex raecox), clove( C. caryophyllea), mountain( S. montana). A number of sedge species are part of forest communities - spiny sedge ( S. muricata), hairy ( S. pilosa), forest ( S. sylvatica) etc. There are also mountain tundra, saline and even desert species.

Inconspicuous sedge flowers are collected in spikelets, forming complex inflorescences: spike-shaped, paniculate, umbellate, capitate.

Flowers are bisexual (with perianth in the form of bristles, hairs, or no perianth at all) and unisexual (plants can be monoecious or dioecious).

In the largest genus of the family (and one of the largest flowering genera), sedge (more than 2000 species), unisexual flowers are greatly reduced. The male flower consists of three stamens sitting in the axil of the covering scales (Fig. 8.). The female flower, also sitting in the axil of the covering scales, is represented by a pistil enclosed in a special formation - a bag resembling a jug with a narrow neck.

Part of the style with stigmas emerges from the neck. As a rule, sedges are monoecious.

In the temperate zone, lake reed is widespread ( Scirpus lacustris) is a tall (up to 2.5 m) plant. The assimilating organs of the reed are the stems, and it reproduces mainly vegetatively with the help of long rhizomes. Together with other coastal aquatic plants, reeds perform an important function in biological water purification.

It is one of the main peat formers. Reed stems are used to make wickerwork and also as packaging material. People often mistakenly call another plant, cattail, reed ( Typha).

This genus with characteristic elongated brown “cones” belongs to a completely different family - Typhaceae.

Types of cotton grass( Eriophorum) are common swamp plants. The cotton grass perianth consists of numerous silky hairs, which after flowering lengthen and the spikelets take on the appearance of fluffy heads of snow-white or reddish color.

Swampweed, widespread throughout the globe ( Eleocharis) lives in shallow waters, shallows, the banks of reservoirs, and grassy swamps.

One of its species is sweet marshwort, or water chestnut ( E. dulcis) - cultivated in Southeast Asia as a food plant (sweet tuberous formations on its rhizomes are used).

Another cultivated food plant from the family is the edible chickweed, or chufa ( Cyperus esculentus), cultivated in Mediterranean countries. Its “tubers” are rich not only in sugar and starch, but also in oil. Full brown( Cyperus fuscus) is a typical pioneer plant that inhabits coastal shallows.

8. Sedges ( Sureaceae )

a – flowers (1 – cotton grass – Eriophorum, 2 – reeds – Scirpus, 3 – satiate – Cyperus,

4 – sedge – Carex); b – vesicular sedge – Carex vesicaria(1 – flowering shoot,

2 – female flower – general view and section).

Progress of the lesson:

Excursion and preparation of excursion materials. Pay attention to the life expectancy of aquatic, coastal and marsh plants, methods of overwintering and vegetative regeneration, the anatomical structure of stems and leaves.

2. During the examination of a specific swamp, find out its type and the associated flora features.

The ecological features of trees, shrubs, grasses and mosses growing in swamps are considered, hygrophytes and swamp xerophytes (ledum, cranberry, etc.) are highlighted. Adaptations of marsh plants to the lack of available nitrogen in the soil: symbiosis with microorganisms, insectivorous plants (sundews, etc.).

3. Make a list of aquatic, coastal and marsh plants of the practice area, and, if possible, get acquainted with some lower aquatic plants - algae (their differences from higher ones).

Identification and herbarization of plants.

5. Morphological description of typical representatives (work in groups).

6. Individual work.

7. Preparation of micropreparations of the most typical plants of a given phytocenosis and drawings and diagrams of micropreparations in the diary.


Marsh perennial herbaceous plant of the araceae family

small shrub growing on slopes, thickets of bush birch

sphagnum bogs in the north of European Russia

sphagnum peat bogs in the north of European Russia and Western Siberia

sphagnum peat bogs

swamps in northern Russia

mossy peat bogs in the North

impenetrable riverine thickets on rivers in Central Asia

Russian film director, director of the films “Sunday Night”, “Point of Light”, “People in the Swamp”

genus of lichen - small gray bushes growing in the tundra and peat bogs, reindeer moss

Lernaean (Greek hydra water serpent) in ancient Greek mythology - a monstrous nine-headed snake that lived in the Lernaean swamp in the Peloponnese

“he cries in the swamp, but doesn’t leave the swamp” (riddle)

hillock on a damp meadow, swamp

"fulcrum" in the swamp

tubercle in the swamp

grass in the swamp

grass growing in a swamp

These words were also found in the following queries:

Sem. Equisetaceae – Equisetaceae

Equisetum marsh – Equisetum palustre

Sem. Poa (grasses) – Poaceae (Gramineae)

Short-tailed foxtail – Alopecurus aequalis

Sem. Sedges – Cyperaceae

Hairy sedge – Carex hirta

Cotton grass vaginalis – Eriophorum vaginatum

P. latifolia – E.latifolium

multi-spike – E. polystachyon

Sem. Irrigaceae – Iridaceae

Yellow Iris – Iris pseudacorus

Sem. Willow – Salicaceae

Silver poplar – Populus alba

Aspen – Populus tremula

black (sedge) – P. nigra

Willow five-stamen - Salix pentandra

I. brittle – S. fragilis

I. white – S. alba

I. purple – S. purpurea

I. Russian – S. rossica

I. goat - S. caprea

Sem. Birch - Betulaceae

Birch is low - Betula humilis

Sticky alder (O.

black) – Alnus glutinosa

gray – A. incana

Sem. Cloves – Caryophyllaceae

Swamp chickweed – Stellaria palustris

Sem. Ranunculaceae – Ranunculaceae

Marsh marigold – Caltha palustris

Simple basil - Thalictrum simplex

Burning buttercup - Ranunculus flamula

L. poisonous - R. sceleratus

L. creeping – R. repens

Sem. Brassicas (cruciferous) – Brassicaceae (Cruciferae)

Marsh geranium - Rorippa palustris

amphibian – R.amphibia

The core is bitter - Cardamine amara

Sem. Sundews – Droseraceae

Sundew rotundifolia – Drosera rotundifolia

R. English – D. anglica

Sem. Saxifraga – Saxifragaceae

Swamp saxifrage – Saxifraga hirculus

Pink – Rosaceae

Meadowsweet - Filipendula ulmaria

Potentilla erecta - Potentilla erecta

Sem. Geraniums – Geraniaceae

Swamp geranium – Geranium palustre

Sem. Buckthorn – Rhamnaceae

Alder buckthorn – Frangula alnus

Sem. Fireweed – Onagraceae

Hairy fireweed – Epilobium hirsutum

Slanoberry - Haloragaceae

Uru spica - Myriophyllum spicatum

Sem. Celery (umbrella) – Apiaceae (Umbelliferae)

Water maker - Oenanthe aquatica

Veh (hemlock) poisonous – Cicuta virosa

Angelica officinalis – Archangelica officinalis

Latifolia latifolia – Sium latifolia

Marsh gorichnik – Peucedanum palustre

Ericaceae – Ericaceae

Common marsh myrtle - Chamaedaphne calyculata

Podbel polyfolia (Andromeda) – Andromeda polyfolia

Swamp cranberry (K. four-petalled) – Oxycoccus palustre

K. small-fruited – O. microcarpa

Primroses – Primulaceae

Common loosestrife - Lysimachia vulgaris

Sem. Borage - Boraginaceae

Forget-me-not swamp - Myosotis palustris

Lamiaceae – Lamiaceae (Labiata)

European zyuznik – Lycopus europaeus

Common skullcap - Scutellaria galericulata

Swamp chist - Stachis palustris

Norichnikov – Scrophulariaceae

Veronica flowing – Veronica beccabunga

V. key – V. anagallis-aquatica

Rubiaceae – Rubiaceae

Marsh bedstraw – Galium palustre

P. marshy – G. uliginosum

Sem. Asteraceae (Asteraceae) – Asteraceae (Compositae)

The line is drooping - Bidens cernua

Marsh dry grass – Gnaphalium uliginosum

Test questions for the excursion to the swamp.

1. Why does soil waterlogging occur?

Define “swamp biocenosis”.

3. What features of sphagnum moss cause the formation of a peat layer?

4. How to explain the ability of sphagnum moss to hold large amounts of water and retain it easily?

Why does the temperature in a peat bog decrease as the depth of the hole increases?

6. Why does decomposition of plant residues not occur in a peat bog?

7. What are the most important morphological characteristics of mosses using the example of cuckoo flax and sphagnum?

8. What components are included in peat, besides mosses?

9. Is it possible to determine its origin by the color of peat?

10. What general features are observed in the microstructure of the vegetative organs of marsh plants?

How can we explain the presence of air-bearing tissue in many swamp plants?

12. What signs of underground organs ensure life in a swamp for herbaceous plants?

Why are the leaves of many marsh plants pubescent and curved on the underside?

14. Do the shoots of blueberries and lingonberries grown in a swamp differ in appearance and the size of annual growth from those living in a coniferous forest?

Due to what reasons do swamp plants have small annual growth, small height and size compared to plants of other phytocenoses?

16. Why did insectivorous marsh plants develop such a feeding method?

17. How to determine the age of a sundew?

18. Why do cattails help drain the swamp?

What practical significance do peat bogs have?

20. Which of the shrubs and shrubs found in the swamp are evergreen and which are summer green?

21. What are the most significant differences between the leaves of evergreen and summergreen shrubs and shrubs?

22. What is the manifestation of oppression of pine and other woody plants (birch, willow) grown in a swamp? (Shape of the trunk and crown, annual shoots, their length, branching, number and size of leaves on individual shoots, etc.)

Read also:

marsh plants

A swamp is a community of perennial plants that can grow in conditions of abundant moisture from flowing or standing water. Swamp soil contains little oxygen, and often nutrients (mineral salts) that plants need.
There are different types of swamps. There are sphagnum swamps (they are also called peat bogs).

Among the plants there, sphagnum moss predominates, and there are swamps where sedges predominate. Other herbs also grow with them. These swamps are called grassy (or lowland). Swamps, where you can find not only perennial grasses and mosses, but also many trees and shrubs, are called forest swamps.
In a meadow, in a forest, along the banks of rivers and lakes, along the road, there are often areas with a high water content in the soil.

Plants adapted to life in waterlogged conditions also settle here.

Swamps are usually divided into three types: lowland, raised and transitional. Lowland bogs account for 50% of the area of ​​all bogs in the region, upland bogs - 26%, transitional bogs - 19%, mixed bogs - 5%.

There are more than 600 lowland swamps in the region. They are usually found in river floodplains. Their surface is moistened by waters rich in mineral salts; The degree of decomposition and ash content of peat are the highest here.

A characteristic feature of low-lying swamps is the good development of herbaceous vegetation - sedge, watchwort, rush grass, horsetail, cinquefoil, marsh marigold, spleenwort, chastuha, whitewing, etc. Green mosses occupy a significant place in the ground cover. Woody vegetation is mainly represented by alder, willow, and sometimes birch and spruce. The main groups of associations of lowland bogs are spruce forests, birch forests, alder forests and grass-marsh willow forests (sedge, shift, horsetail, etc.).

The number of species of medicinal plants in lowland swamps rarely exceeds 5, of which commercial thickets are most typical for alder and alder.

Raised bogs are most often located on watersheds. The water reserves in them are replenished by atmospheric precipitation, so the peat here is poor in mineral salts, with a relatively low degree of decomposition and low ash content.

There are 278 raised bogs in the region. The dominant plants of raised bogs are sphagnum mosses, which have a high moisture capacity. Another characteristic plant of raised bogs is the low-growing pine. Ledum, Cassandra, andromeda, blueberry, swamp cranberry, black crowberry, cloudberry, round-leaved sundew, cotton grass, marsh Scheuchzeria, Naumburgia, and various sedges are also often found here.

The main groups of raised bog associations are represented by dwarf shrub-sphagnum pine forests, treeless dwarf shrub-cotton grass-sphagnum and cotton grass-sedge-sphagnum communities.

Transitional swamps occupy an intermediate position between upland and lowland. They are moistened both by precipitation and by spring and running waters. The characteristic plants of transitional swamps are: in the upper tier - pine and birch with an admixture of spruce and alder; in the ground cover - green and sphagnum mosses; in the grassy ravine there are sedges, cinquefoil, vakhta, naumburgia, and in some places cranberries, blueberries, and lingonberries.

Associations of transitional swamps are represented by pine and birch forests, sedge-sphagnum and cotton grass-sedge-sphagnum treeless communities.

Some, especially large, bogs have a mixed character of peat deposits and vegetation. One part of them consists of the upland type, the other - the transitional or lowland type. Such swamps have all the plant associations characteristic of each type, containing up to 10 species of medicinal plants in one swamp.

Typical plants of lowland swamps

Marsh sedge
(Carex limosa L.) sedge family
Long-rhizomatous perennial with adventitious roots having reddish-golden root hairs.

Stems are 20-50 cm tall, at the base with whole reddish-brown scale-like leaves and leaf-bearing sheaths.

Leaf blades are 1-2 mm wide, grayish-green, usually shorter than the stem. An inflorescence of 2-4 more or less closely spaced spikelets, the top of which is staminate, up to 3 cm long, the rest are pistillate, on thin long stalks, elliptical, drooping.

The covering leaf of the lower spikelet without a sheath or with a short sheath, up to 4 mm long, is grooved, usually not exceeding the inflorescence. The covering scales of pistillate flowers are pointed or wedge-shaped, longer than the sacs, approximately equal in width, pale or reddish brown, sometimes lighter in the middle. The sacs are 4-5 mm long, elliptical, gray, covered with papillae, with veins, on a very short stalk, sharply narrowed at the top, almost without a spout. Blooms in May-June, bears fruit in June-July.

A common type of sphagnum bogs, also found in swampy coniferous forests, along peaty banks of reservoirs, and on rafting grounds.

Three-leaf watch
(Menyanthes trifoliata L.) shift family
The rhizome is long, thick, creeping, rising in the upper part and bearing alternate trifoliate leaves on long (17-30 cm) petioles, with elliptical segments 3-10 (15) cm long and 1.5-3 (7) cm wide.

The stem is leafless, flowers are in a raceme at its apex. Calyx 2-3 mm long. The corolla is white or pale pink, 10-15 mm long, incised halfway or deeper, fringed-hairy on the inside. The capsule is ovoid, pointed, 7-8 mm long.

The seeds are smooth, somewhat compressed. Blooms in summer.

Three-leaf watch. Photo: Frank Vassen

Tripartite sequence
(Bidens tripartita L.) Asteraceae family
Stems are erect, branched. Leaves 3-5 are dissected, with toothed segments.

There are 5-8 outer leaves. There are no false-lingulate flowers. Achenes are wedge-shaped, flattened, with 2 awns; sometimes 3-4 awns develop, but then they are covered with cones. It blooms in summer and autumn.

In damp meadows, banks of water bodies, wastelands and as a weed in crops. A medicinal plant distributed throughout the country.

Pepper Knotweed
(Polygonum hydropiper L.) buckwheat family
The stem is branched.

The leaves are lanceolate, the lower leaves have short petioles, the upper leaves are sessile, all sharp, smooth. The flowers are greenish or pink, in sparse, interrupted spikes. The perianth is 4- or 5-leafed, covered on the outside with a mass of turned glands. Stamens 6-8. The nuts are triangular, brown. Blooms in summer and autumn. It usually grows along the banks of fresh water bodies, ditches, roads, and grassy swamps.

A spicy, medicinal and dyeing plant with a characteristic pungent peppery taste.

Swamp whitewing
(Calla palustris L.) araceae family
The rhizome is long, thick, jointed. The leaves are long-petiolate, heart-shaped, pointed, shiny. The peduncle is approximately equal in length to the leaves. The spathe is flat, with a pointed top, one-sided, and during flowering the inside is snow-white.

Flowers without perianth, small, bisexual. There are 6 stamens, rarely more. The ovary is unilocular, with a sessile stigma. The fruit is red berries with abundant mucilage surrounding the seeds; collected in a short thick cob. Blooms in the first half of summer.

(Equisetum palustre L.

) horsetail family
Perennial plant 10-40 cm tall. The stem is jointed, with hollow internodes.

Marsh perennial herbaceous plant of the araceae family

The leaves are reduced to small scale-like teeth, fused into toothed sheaths enclosing the bases of the internodes. It has a long rhizome, on which nodules filled with starch often form. Stems are 3-4 mm in diameter, sharply angular-furrowed, usually branched. Sheaths with 5-8 broadly lanceolate, black-brown or black teeth. Spore-bearing and vegetative shoots are almost identical, always green. The spikelets are usually solitary; rarely, spikelets are found on lateral branches.

In this case, the lower branches can reach the same height as the upper ones. Distributed throughout Russia. It grows along the banks of reservoirs, in swamps and marshy meadows. One of the most poisonous horsetails.

Alder sticky or black
(Alnus glutinosa L.) birch family
Tree up to 35 meters tall, often multi-stemmed.

The bark is dark brown, young shoots are reddish or olive-brown. The leaves are round or obovate, crenate-toothed, notched at the apex. Dark green, glossy, sticky when blooming. Anther catkins are terminal, collected in racemes of 3-5, pendulous. Women's earrings are “cones”.

Collected in groups of 3-5 on legs that are usually longer than them. Nuts with a leathery, very narrow wing, reddish-brown, flattened, up to 2.5 mm. Blooms in April. The seeds ripen in September-October. Spreads by seeds. Lives up to 100 years. Nodules containing nitrogen-fixing actinomycetes are developed on the roots. Distributed in all regions of Central Russia. Forms extensive frequent plantings in low-lying, often flooded swamps (alder swamps), as well as along rivers and forest streams.

Lady's slipper
(Cypripedium calceolus L.) orchid family
A genus of plants from the orchid family, characteristic of the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere.

About 20 species of herbaceous plants with large single flowers at the tops of the stems. The two outer petals are fused almost to the top, the lip is swollen in the shape of a shoe, with two lobes at the base. In the forests of Russia and Western Europe there are: yellow lady's slipper (C.

Calceolus L.) with red-brown flowers and a yellow lip, V. b. red (C. macranthum Sw.) - blood-red flowers and V. b. speckled (C. guttatum Sw.) with green and purple petals with white spots.

Typical plants of raised bogs

Naumburgia racemosaceae
(Naumburgia thrirsiflora Rchb.)
Grass 25-40 cm high.

The rhizome is long, creeping, with shoots. Stems are erect, reddish pubescent or almost glabrous. The leaves are sessile, opposite, less often whorled, 5-10 cm long and 0.5-2.5 cm wide. The flowers are small in dense axillary racemes. The lobes of the calyx and corolla include 6-7 pieces, less often 5. The corolla is yellow with red-brown dots, 5-6 mm long.

Blooms in summer.

Cotton grass
(Eriophorum polystachyon L.) sedge family
Perennial with an elongated horizontal rhizome.

The stem is 20-70 cm tall. Leaf blades are 3-5 mm wide, bluish-green, usually grooved at the bottom, with a long trihedron at the top; all leaves have a tongue in the form of a narrow filmy strip. Spikelets number 3-7, on drooping smooth or rough peduncles, 10-15 mm long during flowering, and 3.5-4 cm long during fruiting.

The covering scales are brownish-gray or reddish, usually white-membranous at the edges and on top. Anthers 3-5 mm long. The fruits are 2.5-3 mm long and up to 1 mm wide, almost black, glossy.

Blooms in May-June, bears fruit in June-July.

Shiksha Siberian
(Empetrum sibiricum V.Vassil.) Family of cactus.
Low creeping shrub, highly branched from the base. The bark of old branches is red-brown; young branches are elongated, covered with curly hairs and sessile glands. Leaves are 5 - 7 mm long, narrow-linear, alternate or false whorled-close, loosely located, directed downward, wrinkled when dry, slightly shiny, almost matte, young leaves with glands along the edge on noticeable legs.

The flowers are small, solitary, in the leaf axils at the tops of the branches, three-dimensional, with several bracts, unisexual or bisexual. The fruit is a black spherical drupe, about 5 mm in diameter, with 6 - 9 seeds.

Grows in humid forests, bushes and sphagnum bogs. Distribution: Central Siberian Plateau, Sayan Mountains, Sayano-Baikal region, Baikal Highlands, Dauria in the basin of the lower Argun and Shilka rivers, the river basin. Gazimur.

Pemphigus vulgare
(Utricularia vulgaris L.) bladderwort family
A plant with stems up to 1 m long immersed in water.

Trapper bubbles up to 3.5 mm long sit on green leaves. The leaves are repeatedly pinnately dissected, up to 5 cm long, arranged spirally. Leaf lobules and outer segments with cilia. Corolla 12-22 mm in diameter, orange-yellow with reddish-brown stripes; upper lip with turned-up edges, shorter or slightly longer than the protuberances in the lower lip.

The spur is long (up to 9 mm) and thin (2 mm). The anthers of the stamens are stuck together. The pedicels bend in an arched manner after flowering. Blooms in the second half of summer.

(Vaccinium myrtyllus L.) lingonberry family
Deciduous shrub with sharp-edged branches.

The leaves are thin, light green, turning red in autumn in open areas. The shape is ovoid and elliptical, finely serrate, 1-3 cm long. Flowers solitary, drooping. Corolla is pitcher-spherical, 3-4 cm long with 4-5 teeth. Anthers with long appendages. The berry is spherical, 6-8 mm in diameter, black, usually with a bluish coating or less often, without a coating, shiny.

Blooms in spring.

Podbel multifolia
(Andromeda polifolia L.) Ericaceae family
The leaves are oblong-oval to linear, with curled edges on top with a depressed middle vein, green, shiny, matte white underneath with a waxy coating, 1-2.5 cm long. The racemes contain 2-6 flowers on long (up to 1.5 cm) pink stalks; flowers drooping, pink, 5-6 mm long; corolla pubescent inside.

The anthers are dark red. The style is slightly shorter than the corolla. The capsule is spherical, 2-5 mm long. Blooms in spring and early summer.

(Vaccinium uliginosum L.) lingonberry family
Blueberries are the healthiest berry. Contains organic acids, vitamins, sugar, tannins.

It is also rich in biologically active substances, thanks to which it is useful in the treatment of radiation sickness and many other serious diseases. Blueberries, like honeysuckle berries, stimulate the secretion of gastric juice and increase its digestive function. They are recommended for use in cases of gastric catarrh, enterocolitis, dysentery, pyelitis, and scurvy.

The variety of herbaceous plants growing on Earth is amazing. Some of them bloom with beautiful flowers or have decorative leaves, others are edible, others have medicinal properties and can cure all ailments. Our article is devoted to a description of some types of herbs, their appearance and beneficial properties.

Annual herbaceous plants die off completely at the end of the growing season. With the onset of favorable weather conditions, they grow again from seeds, managing to form a stem with leaves, bloom and produce seeds in one year.

Looks great in flower beds!

Lipstick, gatsaniya and marigolds with beautiful flowers are grown in flower beds as ornamental plants. Flax and rapeseed are of great economic importance, and string is a valuable medicinal plant.

Tiger lipstick

The lipstick belongs to the Frimaceae family. It grows in temperate regions everywhere except Europe. The Latin name of the plant, mimulus, means “comedian” or “jester.” The flower received this name for its unusual corolla shape and variegated, spotted color.

An original and long-flowering plant.

Various types of mimulus are grown in flower beds as ground cover plants. Interesting varieties with characteristic flower colors have been developed, for example, tiger lip.

Many people admire the tiger variety for its variegated flowers.

  • It grows short, up to 35 cm.
  • It can be grown from seeds in a flower bed and in an indoor pot.
  • Mimulus flowers exude a delicate, pleasant aroma.
  • During flowering, which lasts from June to September, it is covered with gramophone flowers.

It can be propagated by cuttings, like petunia, to save your favorite varieties for next year. The flower does not overwinter in open ground and although it is a perennial, it is grown as an annual plant. Unlike petunia, it is undemanding to light.

Gatsania is harsh

Gazania is a herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family, native to Africa. It is grown in flower beds as an ornamental plant due to its large flowers with bright colors - yellow, orange, red, white, brown or variegated. The plant loves the sun and easily tolerates lack of watering and poor soil.

Gatsaniya is known and loved all over the world.

Gatsania does not tolerate frost, so it does not overwinter in the flowerbed. When frost sets in, you can dig up a flower and bring it into the house, and plant it in the garden again in the spring. But it is easier to grow it as an annual, sowing the seeds every spring.


This is an annual or perennial herbaceous plant, the genus of which includes about 50 species. The homeland of marigolds is America, the Latin name Tagetes was given to it by Charles Lineaeus in honor of Tagites, the grandson of the God Jupiter. Hybrid varieties of marigolds are grown in central Russia in flower beds. These flowers are loved by gardeners for their cheerful, orange or yellow color, abundant flowering and ease of care.

Marigold flowers are unpretentious plants.

The following types of marigolds are widespread:

  • small-flowered;
  • anise;
  • erect;
  • thin-leaved, or Mexican.

Marigolds bloom from June until frost and go well with many flowers in the flowerbed.

The height of the plant is from 20 to 120 cm. But the flowers differ not only in the height of the bush, but also in the shape of the inflorescences, which can be double, semi-double, carnation, chrysanthemum or simple. The leaves are most often pinnately divided or pinnately dissected.


Annual flax is a delicate blue or lilac flower with graceful stems native to the eastern Mediterranean.

Flax develops better on fertile soil.

Flax flowering is spectacular and unusual. Its flowers bloom for one day.

People have been growing this plant since time immemorial. Its seeds are used for medicinal purposes, and its stems are used to make yarn. Some varieties are planted as decorative flowers in a flower bed.

Flax is a sun-loving plant and does not tolerate shade. It is advisable to set aside a separate flower garden for it, since the plant easily propagates by self-sowing and grows, occupying a large space. Flax seeds are planted in a flowerbed in March, but it is impossible to grow flax through seedlings - its roots are fragile. Therefore, the seeds are planted immediately in open ground.

Spring and winter rape

Rapeseed is a good honey plant, which is why it is often sown next to apiaries. It belongs to the Brassica family. This bright yellow flower blooms in May. But the main value of rapeseed is not in its flowers - it is used as a valuable oilseed crop for food and industrial purposes, and is used as livestock feed. Oil is made from the seeds.

This variety is less demanding on soil and sowing lines.

There are two varieties of the plant - spring and winter. The latter does not tolerate drought and severe frosts, but is a good forage crop and honey plant.

Tripartite sequence

Chereda is a medicinal plant that has been grown in Russia for a long time. The genus belongs to the Asteraceae family. The warm and moisture-loving plant grows in nature along the banks of reservoirs and in fields, and gets into gardens as a weed. This herb is used to treat gastrointestinal diseases, dysentery, and purulent wounds.

A plant known to all healers and gardeners.

In central Russia, the tripartite series is widespread, which is so called because its leaf is divided into three lobes. Only this type of plant is used in medicine.

Tripartite succession is an annual plant, its height is from 30 cm to 1 meter, the seeds are small, with two horns. In Russia, before the revolution, the plant was harvested on an industrial scale, and it is still cultivated today. In pharmacies you can buy infusion and briquettes of herbs.

Biennials for open ground

Herbaceous biennials live for two years. In the first year, the main vegetative organs are formed - the root and stem with leaves. And in the second year - generative, a peduncle and seeds appear. Unlike perennials, biennials do not have modified underground shoots - bulbs, rhizomes and tubers.

Biennials include most garden root crops, as well as valuable medicinal plants - speckled hemlock, marsh thistle, blue cornflower, motherwort.


Speckled hemlock is a tall herbaceous plant with white umbellate flowers from the Apiaceae family. When collecting medicinal raw materials, it is important to distinguish hemlock from other similar plants. When you pick hemlock leaves or flowers and rub them in your hands, they smell like a mouse's nest. Red droplets, similar to droplets of blood, are visible on the trunk.

Speckled hemlock is a member of the Apiaceae family.

In nature, grass grows in flooded meadows and forest edges. It is most often found in gardens as a weed, but can also be used for medicinal purposes.

Hemlock is used to treat various ailments - to fight cancer, seizures and spasms.

The patch and extract are used as an external pain reliever.

Bog thistle

Thistle is a biennial or perennial plant from the Asteraceae family, of which more than 400 species are known. This grass grows in meadows and fields and is considered a weed because it penetrates into crops. Some types of thistle are used in folk medicine and grown as ornamental and vegetable crops. Its inflorescences are round baskets with tubular flowers of crimson or purple color. This plant is a good honey plant.

Prefers moist soil.
  • Bog thistle has a spiny stem and spiny leaves.
  • Plant height is from 50 cm to 2 meters.
  • The leaves are pinnately dissected on short petioles, with spines along the edge and pubescence on top.
  • It blooms with purple, less often white flowers.

The plant loves moist soil and grows in Siberia and the European part of the continent in swampy forests and river valleys.

Cornflower blue

Blue cornflower from the Asteraceae family is an excellent honey plant and a valuable medicinal plant. Bees make thick honey with a pleasant almond smell from the nectar of its flowers. Blue cornflower grows in nature in the Caucasus, Siberia, Central Asia and the European part of Russia.

Blue cornflower is a medicinal plant.

The petals of its flowers are used for medicinal purposes as a choleretic and diuretic.

Cornflower decoctions are used for coughs, nervous and stomach diseases, and lotions are made with them to treat eczema and ulcers.

This unpretentious flower is grown as an ornamental plant in a flower bed. It can be sown with seeds directly into open ground. Cultivated varieties bloom not only with blue, but also with white, pink, and burgundy flowers from June to September.

Motherwort varifolia

This herbaceous plant from the Lamiaceae family prefers clay-sandy soils rich in nitrogen. It has a taproot and green stems with a reddish-purple tint, ranging in height from 50 cm to 1 meter. Purple small flowers are collected in the axils of the upper leaves, forming a spike-shaped inflorescence. The plant blooms in June or July. In Russia it is found in the Far East and Eastern Siberia.

Motherwort is an excellent remedy for headaches.

The stems, leaves and flowers of motherwort are used for medicinal purposes. An alcoholic tincture of the plant can be purchased at a pharmacy. It is used as a sedative for nervous diseases, and also as an antispasmodic for spastic pain, cough and convulsions.

Perennial herbaceous plants

In perennial grasses, aboveground shoots die off at the end of each growing season and in winter the plants in the open ground are dormant.

In spring, they begin to grow again from renewal buds on underground modified shoots. Among the perennials there are many ornamental and medicinal plants.

River gravity

The genus Gravilat from the Rosaceae family includes about 50 species that are found in the northern and southern hemispheres of the Earth. There are 7 types of gravilate growing on the territory of Russia, one of them is river gravilate. It can be found in moist, rich soils along the banks of streams and swamps.

River Gravilate is a remedy for fever and neurosis.
  • This is a perennial herbaceous plant up to 80 cm high.
  • Its stem is weakly branched in the upper part.
  • The stems of the gravilate are densely covered with hairs.
  • It has two types of leaves - stem and basal.
  • The plant's bell-shaped, drooping flowers are unusual. Their petals are very small and inconspicuous, and the bright sepals are colored reddish-brown.

Gravilata seeds are formed after flowers self-pollinate in July or August. The leaves, flowers and rhizomes of plants are used for medicinal purposes.

They have an astringent, hemostatic, restorative, analgesic, wound-healing and diaphoretic effect. This plant is recognized by official medicine.

Gaillardia grandiflora

Gaillardia is a perennial or annual plant for open ground, creating a compact bush with numerous flowers. Belongs to the Aster family, its homeland is North and South America. In total, there are 24 species of gaillardia in nature. Gaillardia grandiflora is especially good for open ground.

The fiery sunny chamomile will decorate any flower garden.

In the flowerbed it is propagated by seeds or by dividing the bush. The flowers have an orange center and yellow petals at the ends. They look very sunny and bright, and bloom throughout the warm season. The plant is drought-resistant and unpretentious in care.

Goose onion

This herbaceous bulbous plant from the Liliaceae family grows in Europe, Asia and North Africa.

Primrose plant.
  • The inflorescences of the goose onion are umbrella-shaped.
  • The star-shaped flowers are yellow in color and consist of six petals arranged in two circles.
  • After flowering, the aboveground part of the plant dies off.

Goose onions are used in folk medicine and can be consumed boiled. The plant reproduces with the help of bulbs, which are sometimes formed in place of buds, in the axils of leaves or on the bottom of the bulb.


Basil is used in ornamental gardening and folk medicine. There are more than 150 species of this plant. They are perennial and belong to the Ranunculaceae genus. According to legend, the herb got its name from the healer Vasilisa, who used it to heal the wounds of soldiers.

Many beauty lovers are attracted by its resistance to frost and ease of planting and care.

In folk medicine, basil leaves are used to treat skin diseases.

The height of the plant can be from 5 cm to 2.5 m. The smallest Alpine cornflower grows in the tundra and alpine meadows. Flower colors can be very diverse - pink, white, yellow or purple. They are collected in dense, sometimes loose, inflorescences - a panicle or brush.

  • The poison is also found in other parts of the plant.
  • Wolf bast or wolf berries are grown as ornamental plants in gardens, creating hedges from bushes. There is an interesting garden form that blooms in November with purple flowers.

    Traditional healers use the bark and berries of the plant as an external remedy.

    In traditional medicine, the use of the plant is prohibited, as it is very poisonous.

    Horny weed grandiflora

    Horny goat weed, besvetnik, or Epimedium, belongs to the Barberry family. These are perennial herbs with creeping rhizomes and bright flowers. Many decorative garden forms have been developed that are grown in shady flower beds. Plants love moist, fertile soil.

    A plant with small, delicate flowers of unusual shape.

    Most species bloom in the spring, but some continue to bloom throughout the summer. There are decorative deciduous, evergreen, large-flowered and other varieties. Horny goat weed grandiflora is grown as a perennial ornamental plant in a flower bed. It is used in Chinese folk medicine to increase male potency. This perennial plant from the Buttercup family grows naturally in Altai, Siberia, Central Asia and Mongolia. Plant height is about 50 cm to 2 meters. Purple flowers are collected in multi-flowered racemes.

    The entire plant is used for medicinal purposes. Whitemouth aconite is harvested during fruiting and dried.

    Tender anemone

    This beautiful ornamental plant from the Ranunculaceae family has been cultivated since the 19th century.

    The plant has flowers of lilac and blue tones.

    Varieties with different flower colors have been developed:

    • Pink Star – pale pink;
    • Purple Star – pale purple;
    • Radar – dark red with a white center;
    • Blue shades - blue.

    Tender anemone prefers well-drained soils, loves partial shade, and is suitable for growing in shady beds between trees. In nature, the species is listed in the Red Book.

    Recently, it has become very fashionable among gardeners to create mini-reservoirs in their garden plots: ponds, lakes, and other waterways. It goes without saying that in this case one cannot do without coastal aquatic vegetation, because it is the main decoration of reservoirs. There are many thousands of species of plants living in water, but not all of them are suitable for growing in the middle zone. On this page you will learn the names of aquatic flowers and plants of the coastal zone, adapted to our conditions. You can also get acquainted with the description of aquatic plants and see their photographs.

    Plants of the aquatic environment and coastal zone of water bodies

    Calamus (ACORUS). Family Araceae.

    Air (Image root) (A. calamus)- rhizomatous perennial 50-80 cm high with straight sword-shaped leaves. Small greenish inflorescences-cobs are not interesting.

    In the variety "Variegatus" the leaves are green with yellowish stripes along the edges (they are pinkish in spring).

    Growing conditions. Near water, planting depth 8-20 cm.

    Reproduction. By dividing the bush (in spring).

    This coastal plant is used to decorate the banks of reservoirs.

    Watch (MENYANTHES). A family of shift workers.

    Three-leaf watch (M. trifoliata)- a perennial with a thick, long, branched rhizome, growing in stagnant water, along the marshy banks of rivers and lakes in the temperate zone of Eurasia. Blue-green trifoliate leaves on long petioles give the plant a decorative appearance. The flowers of this coastal aquatic plant are white and pink, collected in a dense raceme.

    Growing conditions. Low banks of reservoirs, shallow waters.

    Reproduction. Sections of rhizomes with a renewal bud (at the end of summer). Planting density - 12 pcs. per 1 m2.

    Used to decorate ponds.

    Mertensia (MERTENSIA). Borage family.

    Rhizomatous perennials, mainly growing along the seashores in North America and the Far East, are also found in the middle zone. The leaves are grayish-blue, lanceolate; inflorescence - a curl of bright blue flowers.

    Types and varieties:

    Mertensia ciliata (M. ciliata)- height 4050 cm.

    Mertensia marine (M. maritima)- height 10-15 cm.

    Mertensia virginiana (M. virginica)- height 40 cm.

    Growing conditions. Moist, poor sandy soils in sunny locations.

    Reproduction. By seeds (sowing in spring), dividing the bush (in spring). Juveniles, divide and replant in the 3rd-4th year. Planting density - 25 pcs. per 1 m2.

    Sedge (CAREX). The sedge family.

    Perennial rhizomatous herbs with dense, narrow, like cereal, leaves and thin spikelets. Numerous species are widely distributed throughout the world, but only a few are used as ornamental plants.

    Types and varieties:

    Sedge Buchanana(C. buchananii)- 60 cm high, brownish leaves.

    Sedge Morrow (C. morrowii), variety "Variegata" - height 50 cm.

    rusty spotted (C. siderosticta) And hairy (C. pillosa)- forest sedges.

    drooping sedge (C. pendula)- up to 100 cm high, semi-aquatic.

    Growing conditions. This coastal plant of water bodies is planted in areas with any soil and sufficient moisture. Forest sedge species prefer shady areas.

    Reproduction. By seeds (sowing in spring) and dividing the bush (late summer). Planting density - 9-12 pcs. per 1 m2.

    Cattail (TYPHA). Cattail family.

    This is coastal aquatic vegetation with a creeping thick rhizome, 100-200 cm high. The leaves are broadly linear at the base of the stem. These are plants that grow near water along the banks of rivers and other bodies of water in the temperate zone of Eurasia, often forming thickets.

    Types and varieties:

    Broadleaf cattail (T. latijoiia)— height 100-150 cm; Cattail angustifolia (T. angustifolia)-height 100-150 cm.

    Growing conditions. Wet shores of reservoirs.

    Reproduction. By dividing the bush (in spring and late summer).

    Huttinia (HOUTTUYNIA). Family Saururidae.

    Huttinia cordate(H. cordata)— A new plant for central Russia, but it is worthy of the difficulties associated with its cultivation. The species itself, which came into cultivation from the coastal meadows of the south of the Far East, is rarely grown.

    Varieties of interest:"Chameleon" - with leaves along the edges of which white, yellow, red spots are scattered, and "Plena" - with double flowers.

    The plant is creeping, quickly forms a thicket 20-50 cm high. It blooms rarely and not abundantly in central Russia.

    Growing conditions. Semi-shaded banks of reservoirs with clay soils.

    Reproduction. In spring, a piece of rhizome with a renewal bud. Planting density - 16 pcs. per 1 m2.

    Waterfoil (HYDROPHYLLUM). Waterfolia family.

    Long-rhizome perennials from the moist forests and grasslands of eastern North America with large lobed leaves and a fluffy, branched inflorescence of pink-purple flowers. Adapted to Russian conditions, where it is planted along the banks of reservoirs.

    Types and varieties:

    Canadian waterfoil (H. canadense)- leaf rounded-lobed; Virginia waterfoil (H. virginianum) has an elongated lobed leaf.

    Growing conditions. This coastal plant prefers semi-shaded to shady locations with moist, rich soils.

    Reproduction. Sections of rhizomes with a renewal bud at the end of summer. Planting density - 16 pcs. per 1 m2.

    Spleen (CHRYSOSPLENIUM). Saxifraga family.

    Spleenwort alternate-leaved (Ch. alternifolium)- perennial with a fleshy stem, height 5-15 cm, leaves in the basal rosette are light green, thickened, rounded-beam-shaped; the inflorescence is flat, corymbose, the flowers are golden-green. They form thickets in damp, shady places.

    Growing conditions. Semi-shaded places near reservoirs, in depressions of the relief.

    Reproduction. By seeds (sowing in autumn), dividing the bush (in summer). It grows weed on wet soils. Planting density - 36 pcs. per 1 m2.

    Use only in areas that imitate natural thickets. Unstable decorative, good only in early spring.

    Coastal aquatic vegetation: plants living in water and on the shore

    This section presents photos of aquatic plants with names and descriptions, suitable for growing in shallow waters of fresh water bodies and along their banks.

    Whitewing (CALLA). Family Araceae.

    Swamp whitewing (C. palustris)- a rhizomatous perennial growing along the banks of reservoirs in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. Leaves are basal on long petioles, heart-shaped, rounded. The flowers are collected in an inflorescence-cob, covered with a white ovoid veil.

    Growing conditions. This light- and moisture-loving plant is grown both in shallow waters of fresh water bodies and along their banks.

    Reproduction. Propagated by seeds, sowing in wet soil immediately after collection. It is best to divide the rhizomes at the end of summer. Planting density - 7 pcs. per 1 m2.

    Look at the photo: this aquatic plant provides an early spring effect as part of mixed groups with summer-flowering plants; interesting in rock gardens, in flower beds, where annuals are then planted.

    Sitnik (JUNCUS). Sitnikov family.

    Perennial rhizomatous moisture-loving herbs. The leaves are grass-like, decorative capitate or paniculate inflorescences.

    Types and varieties. S. acutiflorus (J. acutiflorus) - up to 100 cm high, paniculate inflorescence; With. spreading (J. effusus) - up to 150 cm high, inflorescence fascicle-paniculate; With. xiphoid (J. ensifolius) - 20-30 cm high, inflorescence capitate, dark brown; With. glaucous (J. glaucus) - 60-90 cm high, bluish leaves.

    Growing conditions. Sunny shores of reservoirs at a depth of 0-5 cm.

    Reproduction. Rhizome sections in spring or late summer.

    Buttercup (RANUNCULUS). Ranunculaceae family.

    A large genus, the species of which are widely found everywhere, but only a few of the most decorative perennials are used in culture. Among them there are also aquatic plants, but more often buttercups grow on the shores of reservoirs.

    Types and varieties:

    Aquatic and semi-aquatic: L. caustic (R. acris), variety “Multiplex” height 50-70 cm, water depth 0-10 cm.

    Water buttercup(R. aquatilis)— water depth 40-100 cm; l. longifolia(R. lingua)- depth 0-20 cm, variety Grandiflora.”

    Buttercup cappadocian (R. cappadocicus)- from the forests of the Caucasus, consistently decorative, forms thickets.

    Growing conditions. Aquatic - in reservoirs with standing water and in shallow water; l. Cappadocian - in the shade.

    Reproduction. By dividing the bush (in spring). Planting density - 25 pcs. per 1 m2.

    Full (CYPERUS). The sedge family.

    Galingale (C. longus)- a long-rhizome perennial that grows along the banks and in shallow waters (depth up to 20 cm) of standing and slowly flowing waters. If we talk about which aquatic plants are most common in central Russia, then the seaweed is mentioned most often. Its tall (60-120 cm) leafy stem rises above the water, bearing an openwork umbrella with long (10-40 cm) “rays” carrying a bunch of small brownish spikelets. Consistently decorative. Forms loose thickets.

    Growing conditions. Reservoirs.

    Reproduction. Sections of rhizomes with a renewal bud (at the end of summer).

    Reed (PHRAGMITES). Poa family (grasses).

    Common reed (P. communis)- long-rhizome tall grass (150-200 cm), forming thickets along the banks and shallow waters of reservoirs.

    Growing conditions. Sunny and semi-shaded areas with wet soils, low banks of reservoirs. This coastal plant can also be grown in shallow water.

    Reproduction. Sections of rhizomes with a renewal bud (spring, late summer). Planting density - 5 pcs. per 1 m2.

    Perennial aquatic flowers and ornamental herbaceous plants

    Aquatic flowers and plants are a real decoration of ponds. But herbaceous aquatic plants are no less interesting, attracting attention with their rich greenery.

    Arrow leaf (SAGITTARIA). Chastukhov family.

    These are aquatic flowers, which are rhizomatous perennials, rooted at a depth of 10-50 cm. The leaves are dark green, shiny, dense. Flowers in inflorescence are a sparse raceme.

    Types and varieties:

    Arrowhead Broadleaf(S. LatifoLia)- height 50-70 cm, flowers with a yellow center; arrowhead arrowhead (S. sagittifoLia) - height 30-50 cm, flowers with a red center.

    Growing conditions. Planting in reservoirs with standing or slowly flowing water to a depth of 10-50 cm.

    Reproduction. By seeds (sowing in spring in containers and then planting in water).

    Chastukha (ALISMA). Chastukha family.

    A perennial aquatic plant with beautiful ribbed leaves on long petioles. They bloom all summer. The flowers are small, with three petals, arranged in whorls.

    Types and varieties:

    Chastukha plantain (A. plantagoaquatica)- pink flowers; small-flowered chastuha (A. parviflora) - white flowers.

    Growing conditions. These plants live in an aquatic environment in the shallow waters of natural reservoirs. Planting depth 5-10 cm.

    Reproduction. By dividing the bush (summer) or seeds (spring).

    Wetland plants growing near water

    Marigold (CALTHA). Ranunculaceae family.

    Marsh marigold(C. palustris)– a perennial wetland plant with a short rhizome. The basal leaves are entire, round, bright green, shiny. The flowers are bright yellow, as if varnished. Abundant seed production in July-August. More often in gardens, the double form of this species is grown - marsh marigold "Multiplex".

    Growing conditions. Sunny places with clay soils that retain water well.

    Reproduction. By dividing the bush at the end of summer. The bush grows slowly, so division is carried out after 6-7 years. It is propagated by freshly collected seeds; they germinate the following spring, but the seedlings bloom in the 5-6th year. Planting density - 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

    An excellent plant for decorating the banks of reservoirs and in “natural garden” flower beds that imitate wet meadows. Here marigold is planted together with loosestrife, drooping sedge, knotweed, crayfish, etc.

    Reed (SCIRPUS). The sedge family.

    Bulrush (S. lacustris)- a perennial with a thick creeping rhizome 100-120 cm high, growing along the banks of reservoirs in Europe and North America. The inflorescence is paniculate, the leaves are subulate.

    Growing conditions. Wet, low places along the banks of reservoirs.

    Reproduction. By dividing the bush (in spring and late summer), by seeds (sowing before winter).

    Swamp flower (NYMPHOIDES). A family of shift workers.

    Marsh-leaved herb(N. peltata)- an aquatic perennial with a rhizome, rounded shiny leaves on long petioles and numerous flowers emerging from the leaf axil. The name of this aquatic plant speaks for itself - it prefers exclusively marshy areas.

    Growing conditions. Reservoirs with standing or slowly flowing water, depth 20-100 cm.

    Reproduction. By seeds (into the ground under water), by dividing the bush.

    Used when decorating reservoirs.

    Floating aquatic flowering and herbaceous plants

    Watercolor (HYDROCHARIS). Family of watercolors.

    Common watercolor (H. morsusranae)- a floating aquatic plant of standing or slowly flowing waters with developed shoots and rounded dense dark green leaves in rosettes on long petioles and white 15-30 cm, flowering all summer.

    Growing conditions. Aquatic plant.

    Reproduction. Seeds, rosettes of leaves.

    Used in ponds.

    Water chestnut (TRAPA). Water chestnut family.

    Common water chestnut (T. natans)- annual aquatic herbaceous plants growing in slowly flowing waters. There are thread-like submerged leaves and a beautiful rosette of floating leaves.

    Growing conditions. Reservoirs.

    Reproduction. Place seeds (nuts) on the bottom of the reservoir in the fall.

    Used to decorate natural reservoirs.

    Egg pod (NUPHAR). The water lily family.

    Yellow egg capsule(N. iutea)- a perennial aquatic flowering plant with a fleshy underwater rhizome and wide, dense, leathery leaves above the water. A large waxy flower appears above them in June. The name of these aquatic flowers is quite justified - the flower really resembles a water capsule. Widely distributed in natural reservoirs of the temperate zone.

    Growing conditions. Ponds, lakes with standing or slowly flowing water, at a depth of 30-80 cm.

    Reproduction. Seeds (sow freshly harvested), sections of rhizome with renewal bud (at the end of summer). Planting density - 12 pcs. per 1 m2.

    Waterlily (NYMPHAEA). The water lily family.

    The genus includes about 30 species of aquatic plants growing in water bodies of temperate and tropical zones.

    Types and varieties. In the reservoirs of central Russia, white plant (N. alba) grows - a rhizomatous perennial with round, unequal leaves on long petioles floating on the surface of the water. The leaves are green above, reddish below.

    Look at the photo of these aquatic flowers - they are all large, mostly white. They have a pronounced aroma.

    Numerous varieties available k. hybrid (N. xhybrida):

    "Gladstoniana", "Fire Opal"

    "Hollandia", "Rose Arey" and etc.

    Growing conditions. These aquatic flowering plants prefer ponds with standing or slowly flowing water and grow at a depth of 30-100 cm.

    Reproduction. Seeds (in the fall to the bottom of the reservoir), sections of rhizomes with a renewal bud (at the end of summer in the soil of the reservoir). Planting density - 12 pcs. per 1 m2.

    These ornamental aquatic plants are used to decorate ponds.

    Aquatic plants of the coastal zone of the pond, growing in the water and on the shore

    Susak (BUTOMUS). Susakov family.

    Susak umbrella (B. umbellatus)- grows in water bodies of Europe and Asia. Height 60-100 cm. This is a common aquatic plant of ponds and lakes (bodies of standing water) with long linear-triangular leaves and a large terminal umbrella-shaped inflorescence of large pink flowers.

    Growing conditions. This is a plant that grows both in water and on the shore.

    Reproduction. Cuttings of rhizomes in spring and late summer.

    Mannik (GLYCERIA). Poa family.

    Mannik is the largest (G. maxima)- a tall (70-100 cm) perennial with a long creeping rhizome, forms thickets in coastal waters at a depth of 0-10 cm. The leaves are wide, with white stripes, blooms in July-August. The panicle is spreading. Manna is a plant that grows in the water of ponds and lakes, as well as in water meadows and near streams.

    Growing conditions. Sunny and semi-shaded shores of reservoirs. It is also possible to plant lengthwise at a depth of up to 10 cm.

    Reproduction. This plant of the coastal zone of the pond and shallow waters reproduces by cuttings of rhizomes with a renewal bud at the end of summer.

    Along the banks of rivers, lakes, ponds, and reservoirs on coastal, moist soil, coastal plants grow - shrubs, herbaceous plants, forming the vegetation background of reservoirs. Such plants include:

    • Swamp swamp;
    • Forget-me-not swamp;
    • Cane.

    Like all green spaces, they enrich the air with oxygen, absorb carbon dioxide, release volatile substances (phytoncides) that absorb pathogenic microbes, and protect water bodies from wind and solar radiation.

    Coastal plants are also described in the following articles:

    • in the article “” - White Flower;
    • in the article “” - Black Elderberry, Red Elderberry, Viburnum;
    • in the article “” - Japanese Astilbe, Thunberg Astilbe;
    • in the article “” - Siberian Iris, Yellow Iris, Swamp Iris.
    • in the article “” - Orange daylily, Yellow daylily, Middendorff daylily, Chemeritsa, Funkia lanceolifolia;
    • in the article "" - Volzhanka, Arunkus.

    Family Araceae, distributed in Central Europe, Siberia, Japan, China, North America. These are perennial coastal aquatic plants, herbaceous, with a pleasant spicy aroma, the height of which is 50-100 cm. They usually grow in shallow areas of a reservoir, the depth of which is no more than 0.5 m, where they quickly grow and form dense thickets.

    Calamus has a thick, creeping, brittle rhizome, the diameter of which is about 3 cm, length - up to 1.5 m. The leaves are beautiful, long, linearly marked, often with a wavy edge, the width of which is 2-2.5 cm, light green colors. The flowers are small, bisexual, greenish-yellow in color, collected in an original inflorescence in the form of a dense spadix of yellowish-green color, the length of which is 6-9 cm.

    It reproduces exclusively vegetatively; soils for the growth and development of Calamus can be silty, sandy, clayey, or peat. Calamus can easily tolerate temporary drying out of reservoirs, as well as slight shading. The powerful rhizome of Calamus contains many nutrients, and the leaves contain vitamin C. Therefore, Calamus is a valuable favorite food for muskrats, water rats, moose, and waterfowl. In addition, the rhizome contains essential oils, which is why it is used in the food industry, medicine, and perfumery.

    The Poaceae family, distributed in Asia Minor, Iran, Afghanistan, the mountains of India, Pakistan, southern China, America, Central Asia and the Caucasus. This is a perennial herbaceous plant - plants of the coastal zone, in their homeland the height of which reaches 6-8 m, in the conditions of Kyiv - 5.5 m. It grows along the banks of reservoirs and swampy places, resembling bamboo.

    Arundo reed has a rather branched thick rhizome containing large renewal buds. From them, in April-May, stems grow, the thickness of which is 4-5 cm. Their very intensive growth is observed in the first two months and continues without stopping until the onset of frost. Stem-embracing lanceolate leaves, 3-5 cm wide, pointed at the apex. In the conditions of Kyiv, the plant does not appear inflorescences, although they are laid and almost completely formed.

    Reproduces vegetatively. Arundo Reed prefers soil rich in humus, clay or sandy loam. However, it grows best in meadow soils. Used to create small groups along the banks of reservoirs.

    The Belorozaceae family, distributed throughout Russia, except the Arctic. It is coastal, perennial, has a rather thick, vertical root, one or several stems, the height of which is 15-30 cm. The basal leaves are petiolate, heart-shaped-ovate. There is only one sessile leaf on the stem, slightly enclosing the stem. The flowers are solitary, 2-4 cm in diameter, white with dark veins, located at the ends of the stems.

    The flowers of these coastal plants of water bodies have 5 short sepals, 5 petals, a thick ovary with four sessile stigmas and 5 pollen-containing stamens. These stamens alternate with sterile stamens that do not have pollen. Insects that carry pollen from one plant to another are attracted to golden-yellow balls that look like drops of honey. They are located on long cilia that surround the plate of the sterile stamen.

    However, these golden yellow balls do not contain nectar. Nectar is secreted by small depressions that are located on the plate itself. Belozor Bolotny blooms in July-August. The fruit is a capsule, the seeds are very small. The plant reproduces by seeds, grows well in clay or sandy loam, wet meadows, swamps, along the banks of rivers, streams, and ponds. The plant attracts attention with its fragile, touching beauty.

    The Sedge family, distributed in the European part of Russia, in Siberia. This perennial herbaceous plant, 10-50 cm in height, has a creeping rhizome and a bunch of unbranched green stems. There are one to three scale-like leaves at the base of the stems.

    In the absence of leaves, photosynthesis (that is, the capture of solar energy to synthesize organic matter from inorganic) occurs in the stems of this plant. Like most cacti, for example. In addition, the stems of Bolotnaya Bolotnaya contain a large number of air-bearing cavities, through which the air necessary for breathing enters the stems and rhizomes.

    The flowers are solitary, collected in inflorescences - spikelets, the length of which is 6-18 mm and are located at the ends of the stems. The plant blooms in May-June. The fruit is an indehiscent, biconvex nut, about 3 mm long. These coastal pond plants are propagated by seeds and vegetatively; they grow well on clay, sandy loam, and moist soils. In swamps, ditches - forms dense thickets; strengthens the banks of reservoirs and is also a valuable feed for livestock.

    There is a well-known belief about the Bolotnitsa Bolotnaya. As if at dusk, in the swamp you can see how the stems of the Swampweed begin to get thicker, turning into long, long fingers. And then hands grow out of the swamp and a green old swamp woman appears with eyes burning like red coals. She busily examines her swamp, as if checking to see if there are any beautiful girls lingering, picking berries and flowers. And if he takes one away, he will certainly drag her into his swamp, taking her into his service.

    The Poaceae family, distributed in the south of the Primorsky Territory, the Kuril Islands, China and Japan. This is a perennial grass, the height of which is 1-1.5 m. It has a developed underground rhizome. At the end of the growing season, lignification of the straw is observed, which reaches 4-6 mm in diameter. The leaves, 60-90 cm long, are light green. The flowers are collected in thick, fluffy inflorescences.

    In the conditions of Ukraine, Miscanthus chinensis does not produce fruits. It propagates vegetatively; the soil must be well-drained and abundantly moist. Grows and develops well in open sunny places. It is recommended to plant this plant along the banks of water bodies.

    Family, distributed in the European part of Russia, in Siberia. This is a perennial herbaceous plant. It has creeping rhizomes and erect tetrahedral, pubescent stems, the height of which is 20-60 cm. The leaves are opposite, oblong-elliptic, petiolate, serrate along the edges, like the stems, pubescent. The length of the leaves reaches 7 cm. In the axils of the leaves there are pinkish-lilac flowers with a pleasant delicate aroma. They form rather dense false whorls.

    The plant blooms from June to August. The fruit has four nut-shaped lobes that can float on water. Reproduces vegetatively, rarely by seeds. These coastal plants grow well on the banks of rivers, streams, swamps and damp meadows; on wet, floodplain, chernozem soils. It can also grow on clay peat soils. Field mint is used in folk medicine.

    Interestingly, in ancient Rome they believed that the delicate aroma of mint created a good mood. Therefore, mint water was sprinkled in the banquet hall, and the tables were rubbed with mint leaves. The author of Natural History, the Roman writer and scientist Plenius the Elder, constantly wore a wreath of fresh mint leaves on his head. I recommended this to my students as well. He believed that the aroma of mint helps improve human mental performance. This custom survived until the Middle Ages.

    The Borage family, distributed in the Caucasus, Western Siberia, Western Europe, and North America. This is a perennial ground-blooded, highly branched herbaceous plant. It has a creeping rhizome, ascending shoots, the height of which is 10-30 cm and a straight stem covered with short hairs. The leaves are small, lanceolate, slightly palmate, 3-8 cm long, 1-2 cm wide, as well as the stem, covered with short hairs. The apex of the leaves is obtuse or slightly pointed. When they bloom, these small leaves resemble mouse ears. Leaves are preserved until frost sets in.

    The flowers are pink at the beginning of flowering, later bright blue, with a pleasant, delicate aroma. The flowers are collected in inflorescences, which are a rather wide but short curl, and are located at the top of the shoots. The blue corolla of the Forget-me-not flower, whose diameter is 9 mm, has a short, narrow tube, a flat limb and five yellow scales. It is the yellow scales that have become “signal lights” for pollinating insects, which, flying from one flower to another, carry pollen, that is, cross-pollination. The flowering of this plant is quite abundant, beginning in May and lasting until late autumn.

    The fruit is black tetrahedral nuts. Forget-me-not Marsh reproduces by seeds and vegetatively. These are semi-shade-tolerant, fairly frost-resistant, moisture-loving plants of the coastal zone, for their good growth and development they require turf soil mixed with sand, rich in humus, and moist soils. In one place the plant can grow up to 5 years. It is recommended to plant it in small groups, forming “blue lawns” in the coastal zone of water bodies.

    Preparations from Forget-me-not Marsh are used in folk medicine. This plant is interesting and attractive because it exhibits a classic, harmonious in nature combination of blue and yellow flowers. Apparently, this is why it has become quite popular and is a symbol of true love. There was also a belief. Allegedly, Damascus steel was tempered in the juice of Forget-Me-Nots. After which, the blades could easily cut even iron and whetstone, like butter.

    The Cataceae family, distributed in the temperate zone of Eurasia and North America. These are perennial, aerial-aquatic, herbaceous plants. They have a cylindrical, straight, strong stem, the height of which reaches 80-200 cm. The rhizome is thick, branched, two types of roots extend from it. Some are highly branched, thin, which are located in the water and absorb nutrients from it. Others, attaching themselves to the coastal part of the reservoir, absorb nutrients from the soil.

    Grows well in silty, sandy or moist, clay soils. It cannot grow on saline soils, and also does not tolerate prolonged drying out. It is recommended to be planted as coastal plants for a pond, to form areas of thickets in the coastal zone of reservoirs. And also for decorating small artificial reservoirs. In the old days, the hollow stems of Cattail were used as pipes. There are varieties of cattails: small cattail, angustifolia cattail.

    Long, graceful, sword-shaped, upward-directed leaves, about 2 cm wide, concentrated at the base of the stem. They have helical-twisted leaf blades. The leaf blades, stems, rhizomes and roots of the plant have a complex system of thin air channels through which the air necessary for breathing enters the leaf tissue and underground organs of the plant.

    The flowers of Cattail latifolia are located on long stalks. At the top of the stem, cylindrical cobs are collected in dense, brown color with a velvet surface. An ear is a collection of unripe fruits of a plant. Its length is about 30 cm, width - 2.5 cm. The plant blooms in June-July. The fruits are small, single-seeded, spindle-shaped. They have tufts of thin, long hairs. The plant reproduces by seeds and vegetatively.

    The Poaceae family is distributed in Russia throughout the country, except the Arctic, as well as in moderately warm countries. This is a perennial grass, the height of which reaches 3-4 m. It has a highly branched, long, knotty, thick, creeping rhizome. The straight stem has numerous leafy nodes up to the apex. After flowering, it becomes woody, acquiring greater strength, while remaining quite flexible.

    The flat leaf blades, like all cereals, are dense, hard, quite sharp at the edges, cutting. Inflorescences are dense pyramidal panicles, 20-40 cm long, located at the top of the stem. The inflorescence is reddish-violet at the beginning of flowering, yellow by autumn. The inflorescence consists of many individual spikelets, which contain long hairs sticking out. Therefore, the plant appears fluffy. Blooms annually in June-July.

    Since the thick, creeping rhizome occupies quite large areas, fruits are rarely formed in Common Reed. The fruit is a grain that has received from the flower part of the spikelet axis with hairs. The plant reproduces by seeds (rarely) and vegetatively. Soils for growth and development can be silty, sandy, or peaty. Common reed is planted as coastal plants of water bodies for landscaping their coastal zones. In addition, Reed is resistant to water salinity.

    Common reed has practical uses: its stems serve as covering for roofs; Various wicker products are made from them, and paper can also be produced. The plant, mowed before flowering, is a favorite food for cows and sheep. Since ancient times, the stems of this plant have been used to make canes.

    Seed propagation of coastal plants

    propagated by seeds that are dispersed by the wind.

    Swamp marsh reproduces by seeds. Unopened fruits are placed in a sieve with small holes and placed in water. After 1-1.5 weeks, the seeds are completely freed from the fruit shells and mucus, that is, they are ready for sowing. In autumn they are sown along the banks of reservoirs. The following year in the spring they emerge and grow quickly, forming dense thickets.

    Forget-me-not swamp – seeds are sown in open shady ridges at the end of June – beginning of July. In the first year, a rosette of leaves is formed, in the second - flowering stems.

    – it is better to sow seeds in moist, clay soil in spring (April-May). Under natural conditions, the ripened fruits of Cattail, which have tufts of thin, long hairs, are carried by the wind even over long distances. Once in the water, the fruits can float for four days without getting wet, and when they sink to the bottom, they germinate.

    – spikelets with hairs after the fruit ripens, are separated from the plant and picked up by the wind, and can be transported over fairly long distances. This is how seed propagation of Reed occurs in nature.

    Vegetative propagation of coastal plants

    propagated by cuttings of rhizomes. They are immersed in the ground in shallow water to a depth of 20-30 cm. To prevent them from floating to the surface of the reservoir, they are secured with stakes (flyers). Under natural conditions, Calamus reproduction occurs as follows. Pieces breaking off from the fragile rhizome float along the water surface of the reservoir. Other plants may join them. And this floating formation, gradually increasing in volume, can wash ashore, where the plant takes root.

    – propagated by parts of rhizomes containing renewal buds, layering and stem cuttings. The optimal time for planting them is spring (April-May). Layerings are plant stems dug in in July-August and rooted. Cuttings are harvested at the end of September - beginning of October from woody stems - straws before the leaves are damaged by frost. For the winter, they are buried in a hole 50-60 cm deep, and in the spring they are planted in a nursery, placed in grooves 10-15 cm deep.

    Swampweed, Forget-me-not, Field mint – reproduce in natural conditions using creeping rhizomes. In spring, their rhizomes spread in different directions and quickly grow, forming a thick herbaceous cover. These plants reproduce by dividing the bush in spring and autumn.

    Just like the Borets, Aconite capulata, Vodozbor (Orlik, Aquilegia), European bathhouse, Spur (Delphinium, Larkspur), described in the article “”, and you can also learn from it about such plants: Wood anemone, (Forest anemone), European swimsuit, Asian swimsuit, Frying, Chinese swimsuit, Marsh marigold.

    propagated by parts of rhizomes containing renewal buds. They are planted in the fall; it is recommended to cover them with leaves for the winter.

    – in autumn, sections of the rhizomes of this plant, containing apical buds, or young shoots, are planted in silty or sandy soil to a depth of 10-15 cm.

    – propagation of this plant by parts of rhizomes is similar to the propagation of lake reed, described in the article “” in the section “Vegetative propagation of above-water plants.”