home · Other · Unusual musical instruments with your own hands. We make musical instruments from scrap things. Expand parents' understanding of the variety of homemade noise musical instruments

Unusual musical instruments with your own hands. We make musical instruments from scrap things. Expand parents' understanding of the variety of homemade noise musical instruments

The main advantages of tools made with your own hands are not only that they cost almost nothing. This, of course, is also important, but we must not forget about one more thing - the educational process. In kindergarten or at home, you can talk as much as you like about the usefulness of independent work; children listen to such moral teachings, but do not react properly. Positive consequences can only happen when they work together with parents or educators manual labor. This is an axiom of any upbringing; one must always remember it and try to apply it at the first opportunity.

Depending on the complexity of the work, toys can be made by children of different ages; the most complex ones should be made together with children of older preschool age. During classes, they get acquainted with the methods of making certain instruments, mainly noise instruments. At the same time, methods of playing them are studied. Both parties benefit from joint activities: children acquire direct practical skills in making various products, and adults have invaluable experience of close and confidential communication with children.

Examples of homemade tools

As an example, we will give only some of the simplest and most interesting tools. You can change them, come up with your own solutions, etc. The main requirement is that everyone should be interested.

Table. DIY Tool Options

Tool nameBrief description and manufacturing features

You need to prepare an ordinary wooden hoop that is used for embroidery. This will be the body of the instrument, and the sounds are made by lemonade lids (10 pcs.), which are fixed on metal axes (wire Ø 1 mm). Hard plastic approximately 1.5 x 1.5 cm in size and electrical tape is used to secure the two parts of the instrument. The hoops are disconnected, and pieces of wire are inserted between them, and metal covers are put on each. There are five pairs in total. Then cardboard or plastic plates are inserted between the individual elements and the entire structure is connected with tape or insulating tape.

A musical instrument can create not only noise, but also similar sounds. It can be made from cocktail straws, but it is better to find straws with a slightly larger diameter. You will need 7 straws, tape and thick cardboard. Shorten each tube a little, the length of the first should be within 15 cm. Let each child independently experiment with sounds and length. He will really like this, he should understand the dependence of sound on length. When all the tubes make different sounds, fix them on cardboard of the appropriate sizes, the upper ends should be located in the same plane. The cardboard can be painted with various colors, the instrument will become more attractive. Do not forget that the lower ends of the tubes must be sealed, otherwise the instrument will not play.

It is made from a tin can, preferably metal. The diameter does not matter; you can use different ones and make entire sets of tools. Plastic lids are put on the jars; instead, you can use a thin but durable polymer. The walls of the drum are pierced, a ribbon is inserted into the holes and tied on both sides with a knot to secure it.

The craft is hung outside and makes sounds only in windy weather. For bells, use solid tubes that produce ringing notes when struck. You can fix store-bought bells on a cardboard tube or wooden handle.

These examples are provided only so that you can navigate various types homemade instruments.

Instructions for making drums from plastic bottles

Such a tool is not made in one day, and children cannot concentrate on one thing for a long time. They get tired quickly and become uninterested. But you can find effective method to interest little masters. To make the tool, two two-liter plastic bottles are required.

Step 1. Place the bottle on a level place, draw parallel strips between the protrusions of the bottom under the ruler. There are five such protrusions; accordingly, there should also be five lines. Make sure that they are parallel; if the children do not succeed, then help them. You don’t have to do everything instead of them, just hold the bottle or ruler, this makes drawing lines much easier.

Step 2. Using scissors, cut off the bottom and neck of the bottles in a circle; the length of the flat part should be approximately 10 cm. The exact dimensions do not matter; in any case, the toy will be functional.

Step 3. Use a hot iron to straighten and round the edges. Such work should only be done by adults, especially in kindergarten. The iron must be heated to approximately + 120°C, at this temperature the plastic begins to melt. How to properly round edges?

  1. Hold the iron with one hand, and with the other, press the end of a cut piece of a plastic bottle onto its surface.
  2. Apply gentle pressure as the material softens, and try to level the cutting plane at the same time. It is necessary to ensure that it is perpendicular to the axis of the bottle.
  3. Bend the ends inside the bottle by about 0.5 cm. Don’t worry, when heated, the plastic reduces its linear dimensions and will only bend inward.

Work very carefully, do not overheat the material. It is more difficult to work with the first workpiece; learn to bend and align the edges on the cut bottom or neck. If you have practical experience, the work will go faster and better.

Step 4. Using a drill with a diameter of approximately 1 mm, drill holes in the bent shelves, one near each previously drawn line. There is no need to select the exact diameter of the drill; we give only approximate technological parameters. On the other hand, drill holes between the lines, this is very important.

Step 5. Paint the inside of the drum with bright colors, and cover the sticks with other colors.

Important. On the sticks, you should leave a longitudinal strip approximately 2–3 mm wide unpainted. This is where the hot glue will be applied and it will not stick to the paint.

Use acrylic paints to make two stripes around the circumference of the outside of the drum; they greatly improve the appearance of the craft.

Step 6. Thread a large needle with a woolen thread and thread it through the first hole in the drum, tie the end with a knot so that it does not come out. Next, thread it through the upper and lower holes, you will get oblique lines. It was for them that holes were made in the bent parts of the structure. The last thread must be cut and the end also tied with a large knot.

Step 7 Cut the second bottle lengthwise to create a rectangular plate and place it under the weight to level it. Apply hot glue to one end of the workpiece and press it tightly to the plate. You need to hold it in this position for several minutes, during which time the glue will harden.

Step 8 Use scissors to carefully cut off excess material. The same steps must be repeated on the other side of the drum.

Step 9 In small foam balls Make indentations, fill them with hot glue and insert the tubes. The balls must be attached on both sides. After the glue has hardened, glue these beautiful tubes around the perimeter of the drum at the same distance.

Step 10 Use sushi chopsticks to poke holes in the foam balls, fill them with glue and push them into place. You will get beautiful elements for playing the drum. If the sticks are very long, then they need to be shortened a little so that it is convenient for the child to knock.

Musical instrument made from scraps of plastic pipes

This craft is for older children; children of preparatory age can cope well with such work. For the work you will need pieces of plastic pipes - you can buy them in a specialized store or ask the craftsmen at the construction site. Pipe diameter 40 mm, wall thickness 3 mm.

Preparing elements

Step 1. Use special scissors to cut various pieces from the pipe; the length depends on the note; approximate values ​​are in the table. You have to work very carefully.

Step 2. Check the quality of the cut; if there are any unevenness, you need to correct them with emery cloth. Find out the sound, beat the end of the pipe with any available object of a suitable size. If the sound is not satisfactory, then it must be adjusted by changing the length of the pipe. At first, difficulties may arise, but then you will gain experience and you will roughly understand how many centimeters you need to shorten or lengthen it.

Step 3. To fix the pipes in the housing, plastic couplings should be placed on the outer perimeter. They will increase the diameter and prevent the pipes from falling into the hole. The couplings are put on as follows.

Such operations must be done with all tubes.

Step 4. Paint the pipe surfaces with durable polymer spray paint and allow time to dry completely. In the meantime, start making the tool body.

Case manufacturing

It is made from sheet plywood 10 mm thick. In our case, the dimensions of the tool are 60x30 cm. Prepare four sheets of this size.

Step 1. Make markings for the holes for the plastic pipes.

Step 2. Make holes with a 40mm diameter drill bit. In order for them to be completely symmetrical, two plates must be drilled simultaneously. Tighten them tightly with clamps, work carefully.

Step 3. Assemble the tool body. Use self-tapping screws of the appropriate diameter. To prevent the plywood from cracking, you need to drill holes. The diameter of the drill should be approximately 1 mm less than the diameter of the screw.

Important. Before assembling the parts, be sure to generously lubricate them with wood glue. Remove excess immediately with a damp cloth.

Cover the front surfaces with high-quality varnish.

Step 4. To increase strength, install a horizontal jumper on the back of the housing. It can be cut out from leftover plywood or used wooden plank. Before screwing, the surfaces must be coated with glue, and any excess that appears is removed.

Now all that remains is to install the plastic pipes in place. Apply glue to the junction of the coupling and the pipe, insert them into the holes according to the developed diagram.

Practical advice. To improve the appearance, close the body section with adhesive joints decorative cover. It can be nailed down with small nails. In addition to its decorative function, the lid strengthens the body structure.

Step 5. Turn the tool 180° and place it on a level place. Put it on the can polyurethane foam thin long plastic tubes, they will help you reach all places. Foam the volume, do not leave air pockets. Allow time for the foam to harden. Before foaming, cover the surfaces so that the foam does not touch them.

Step 6. Use a sharp mounting knife to cut off excess foam, work carefully so as not to damage the body of the tool.

Step 7 Use sandpaper to remove any remaining material from the ends of the housing. Cover the hole with a strip and nail it with decorative nails.

Now all that remains is to make devices for striking. They can be cut from pieces of foam plastic, but such devices do not have the required strength and break very easily. More durable beaters are made from old rubber slippers. Choose the material yourself, there are no problems. But there is one obligatory condition - the beaters must always be softer than the pipes, otherwise they will become deformed and the instrument will stop sounding. Complex and time-consuming repairs will be required.


Kindergarten is a place to teach children basic life skills. Parents often do not have the opportunity to physical strength do this. But we must always remember that children really like making instruments with their own hands and having adults participate in the process. And if you play music with them, then the children’s joy will know no bounds. Don't be lazy to work with your children.

Video - DIY musical instruments for kindergarten

Making musical instruments together with children is a fun and interesting activity. The more they work with their hands, the better prepared they will be for adult life. You need to do crafts in a comfortable position, without spoiling your posture. Make comfortable highchairs for them. On the pages of the site there are productions of stools made of plywood, we advise you to get acquainted with it.

Teaching preschoolers to play children's musical instruments is one of the developmental tasks of a kindergarten teacher. Sometimes children and their parents are given the task of coming up with unconventional musical instruments. All of their non-traditionality lies in the fact that they are made from scrap materials and bulk cereals. You can make your own orchestral instrument together with your child.

You can play a non-standard orchestra at home, producing a variety of sounds. Making a musical instrument develops creative skills, and needless to say, a handmade item is much better, and it also brings parent and child closer together.

So, an orchestra will play in kindergarten, we need to decide what musical instrument to build. The classification of children's musical instruments is varied and educational.

Here are some types of musical instruments for children:

  1. Wind musical instruments - tuba, flute, clarinet, saxophone (they are blown);
  2. Percussion - drum, bells, tom-toms, rattles, xylophone, castanets (they are beaten and shaken);
  3. Strings – balalaika, guitar, gusli (played by strings).

The sounds produced by musical instruments depend on their type. The sound may be rustling, ringing, crackling. Trumpet is a musical instrument - a wind instrument that produces a blowing sound. different heights and timbre.

Homemade musical instruments that produce a noisy sound, such as a drum, maracas or castanets, help a child develop a sense of tempo and an ear for music.

How to make a musical instrument with your own hands from scrap materials? Just use your imagination or look for ideas below.

An interesting master class on DIY musical instruments so that your child can join a kindergarten orchestra and become familiar with the world of art and music.

Chinese drum

  • We take any jar, preferably a larger one (a can, a mayonnaise jar or a round deep container), cut out both bottoms and close them with lids of suitable size or stretch a balloon (membrane for our drum). Decorate with applique, stickers or paints.
  • All that remains is to prepare the sticks; any pencil, felt-tip pen or Chinese chopsticks We put a thick ball or a plastic kinder container on them. And our noise instrument is ready.
  • If the drum rattles too loudly, then you can pour a small layer of sand or flour (semolina) inside. This will muffle the ringing.


We will need a lid or itself cardboard box, it can be covered with self-adhesive wood-look wallpaper or decorated in an original way. We stretch elastic bands along the length of the box. A child who has played such a harp can gradually learn the basics of playing the guitar.

By the way, in addition to the gusli, you can also make a guitar for kindergarten with your own hands. The principle is the same, only the shape of a guitar or balalaika can be made using papier-mâché and an elastic band, cut and stretched like strings.


Any can or toilet paper tube, plugged on both sides, is filled with cereal (peas, buckwheat, beans, etc.)

Clapping sticks

We take any wooden or plastic sticks 1.5-3 cm wide and of any length, paint them and attach them at a small, equal distance from each other. The child will clap them, the sound is similar to a rattle with wooden spoons.

Wind chime (bells)

We hang jingling objects (keys, metal plugs, sticks) on a horizontal stick. The sound produced is similar to the bells used by a real orchestra. You can disassemble a ready-made Feng Shui pendant and use some items from it.

Pan Flute

Take ordinary plastic drinking straws. You will need about 10 pieces. Then leave one long, shorten the next ones, you should get a ladder. We lay them out in a row and fasten them with paper and PVA glue or tape. It's easy to play; just blow into the holes like an accordion. The trumpet is a musical instrument based on the same principle.


Making musical instruments with your own hands couldn't be easier. You need to take two identical fingers for embroidery and place them one above the other at a distance. Attach iron Coca-Cola lids to nails between them.

You need two lids, with the flat side facing each other, and pierce the middle with a nail. Then attach it to two hoop rings so that the lids jump and rattle. Be sure to insulate the nails with electrical tape or tape so that the baby does not get hurt.

DIY noise instruments

Children's music playing opens up the magical world of musical sounds for the child, helps to plunge into the melodic beauty of the sound of instruments, and awakens creative initiative. It is important to develop in a child everything valuable that nature has so generously endowed him with, creating a favorable environment for the formation of a musical culture, based on the child’s innate abilities, revealing and improving the inclinations and inclinations inherent in him.

Goals of conducting classes on musical instruments in kindergarten, specific tasks and techniques

Aesthetic pleasure obtained from playing different games different instruments, accompanying creative and active games contribute to expanding the range of musical impressions, the personal development of the child, stimulate creative activity, develop thinking, attention, memory and volitional qualities. That is why it is so important to carry out work on music education systematically and purposefully, carefully studying teaching methods and techniques.

Any instrument is easy to play: you just need to touch the right key at the right moment, and the instrument will sound itself.

J. S. Bach

Goals and objectives of classes, methodological techniques relevant for different groups

Goals: development of musical and creative abilities, nurturing a love of music and artistic taste.

  • develop rhythmic hearing;
  • introduce the classification and sound of musical instruments;
  • teach playing the simplest percussion, noise, and plucked string instruments.

General teaching techniques:

  • verbal:
    • educational conversation;
    • practical explanations;
    • leading and problematic questions;
    • puzzles;
    • poems;
  • visual:
    • demonstration and examination of instruments;
    • discussion of thematic illustrations;
    • showing ways and techniques of the game;
  • practical:
    • children’s reproduction of techniques for playing various musical instruments;
    • improving acquired skills;
    • production of musical instruments and gaming aids from improvised and waste materials;
  • gaming:

Video: game “Happy Tambourine”

Music lessons involve competent alternation of frontal, group, and individual formats of teacher work with children. This approach allows children to become more deeply acquainted with the expressive capabilities of each instrument, stimulates interest in music-making, creative improvisation, and awakens inspiration for writing.

Methodological techniques for working with different age groups

Each age period has its own characteristics and requires its own pedagogical approach. The methodological recommendations also differ.

Age: 2–3 years (first junior group)

Gaming techniques: children become familiar with musical instruments while playing out a surprise situation. For example, a bear brought a bag with some amazing objects (pipes, rattles, drums, cubes), the kids examine the instruments and try to make sounds. Then, to the accompaniment of music, rhythmic movements are performed with a rattle. different strengths, allowing you to achieve either quiet or loud sound. The lesson turns into a little research, learning new things, and gives you your discoveries. This creates an atmosphere of relaxed joyful surprise and pleasure from communicating with music. At the next lesson, communication with the forest friend continues, the clumsy bear offers to dance with him to the sound of a tambourine. Kids will be happy to imitate their favorite hero, moving slowly from foot to foot, waddling and trying to follow the rhythmic pattern of dance movements. Through play activities, children also learn:

  • distinguish the sounds of different musical instruments;
  • identify sounds by height;
  • develop a sense of rhythm.

Age: 4 years

Children of the fourth year of life are additionally familiar with the musical hammer and metallophone, and happily take part in rhythmic games with instruments. For example, children are asked to convey the accelerating or decelerating sound of the wheels of a moving train or the clatter of hooves of a running horse. In game didactic tasks, children of this age can without much difficulty:

  • reproduce a fast and slow sound rhythm on one instrument (a nimble bunny jumps quickly, a large clumsy elephant walks slowly and heavily);
  • distinguish between high and low sounds of a bell;
  • convey the elementary rhythmic pattern of the melody;
  • recognize a musical instrument known to them by its “voice”.

Children of middle preschool age master the art of playing the metallophone

Age: 5 years

Children of this age master the art of playing the metallophone. This instrument helps develop an ear for music, a sense of rhythm, and musical memory. The teacher pays great attention to demonstration and simultaneous explanation correct position body, hand movements. The initial acquaintance with the technique of playing the glockenspiel occurs during a lesson, and training and consolidation of skills continues during individual communication with children - for example, when a child is asked to depict a rhythmic pattern own name with simultaneous voice guidance. To accurately depict the rhythm, the teacher suggests first clapping and then reproducing the rhythmic pattern on a tambourine or musical hammers. Great importance acquire the reproduction of a melodic line, adherence to tempo, and coherence of movements.

Playing plucked string instruments also develops fine motor skills.

Age: 6 years

Children get acquainted with new and quite complex plucked string instruments (harp, zither, gusli) and keyboard instruments (accordion, button accordion). Mastering the skill of playing the zither is carried out in an individual form. Didactic games of a musical orientation, awakening children's fantasy and imagination and developing sensory abilities, acquire the greatest importance. In the second half of the year, children begin to master musical literacy. The study of the musical staff and the names of notes takes place through game situations that evoke a lively emotional response and cognitive interest; poems, songs, and fairy tales are actively used.

Stages of getting to know musical instruments

Game techniques:

  1. Junior preschool age:
    • rattle: blows with an instrument on the palm or hard horizontal surface(table, floor); shaking;
    • tambourine: the instrument is fixed in one hand, a blow is struck with the palm or fist of the other hand; shaking;
    • bells: the instrument is held in vertical position, strike with a stick, push with a finger or shake freely;
    • drum: synchronous, alternating rhythmic beats with sticks or roll;
    • wooden spoons: “palm” technique, hitting the “heel” with the “heel”;
    • metallophone: confidently driving a hammer in the air, hitting one plate with a rebound.
  2. Middle preschool age:
    • tambourine: new trick- strike with fingertips;
    • metallophone: practicing the glissando technique (slow sliding from sound to sound);
    • spoons: a new technique - “pancakes” (alternate blows on the “heel” of the left spoon, then on the “heel” of the right spoon).
  3. Senior preschool age:
    • glockenspiel:
      • freely unfolding the hand, perform the “blow-rebound” technique;
      • achieve correct movement hammer up and down;
      • learn to convey a sound rhythmic pattern by tapping;
    • xylophone, rumba: “Bourdon” technique (continuous sound);
    • familiarization with the techniques of playing percussion and noise instruments:
      • beaters,
      • maracas,
      • castanets,
      • bells.

Video: concert number (middle and senior preschool age)

Organizing a lesson on learning musical instruments

Lesson structure:

  1. Introductory, motivational part:
    • musical greeting,
    • watching a presentation video,
    • educational conversation,
    • discussion of the topic.
  2. Main part:
    • creative tasks and exercises,
    • playing children's musical instruments,
    • musical and didactic games.
  3. Final part:
    • final conversation between the teacher and the children,
    • thanks for active work and interest shown in the activity.

Interest in playing music can be awakened by the professional approach and personal imagination of the teacher, who can use in their work to activate the creative potential of their students:

  • poems;
  • puzzles;
  • games;
  • costume performances;
  • demonstration of illustrations;
  • listening to a fragment of a piece of music;
  • watching multimedia presentations, videos or animated films.

The teacher’s thoughtful approach to organizing classes, comprehensive preliminary preparation will create an informal, lively environment, increase the interest and emotional return of children.

Table: ideas for the introductory part of the lesson

Lesson topicContents of the introductory part
“Journey with Emelya to a musical fairyland”Emelya appears to the sounds of a Russian folk dance melody.
Emelya: Hello, guys, I really love traveling around the world on my stove, I invite you to join me and go on a long journey!
Educator: Emelya, we gladly accept your invitation, but first guess our riddle (reads the riddle about the spoon).
Emelya: This is a spoon, wow, how did I not guess it myself? That’s right, before a long magical journey it wouldn’t hurt to have a thorough meal, and I love to eat!
Educator: Emelya, this is not just a spoon, but a folk musical instrument.
Emelya: How is that? For teapots and jugs?
Educator: No, of course, the performer hits the spoon on the spoon, like this.
Emelya: This is all very interesting, but what does this have to do with our plans?
Educator: Guys, let's show our guest a hint. (Children perform a folk melody on spoons)
Emelya: I understand, a journey awaits us to the amazing country of Russian folk instruments!
"City of Music Masters"The teacher invites the children to go on a magical journey, the kids look at the map of the fairy-tale kingdom, find on it an image of a musical key, which symbolizes the city of musical instrument makers. Swing magic wand transports children into a fairy-tale reality. Imagination helps to imagine a city in which there are many beautiful houses, but the city square is empty, the city is deserted, as if enchanted. You need to solve riddles, complete exercises and guess which instruments (spoons, tambourine, rattle, etc.) the residents are masters of. Then perform a melody, dance, sing, then the city will come to life, filled with cheerful laughter, the sound of musical instruments, songs and dances.
“We’ll invite the violin to visit”A violin teacher from a children's music school is invited to attend a lesson. A piece performed by a professional musician will introduce you to an amazingly beautiful instrument. The music teacher’s story is accompanied by a demonstration of a real instrument: “Look at the flexible body of the violin, the thin, graceful waist. The part of the instrument that ends in a curl is called the neck; strings are stretched across it, and sound is produced from contact with the strings. The beautiful lingering sound of a violin depends on the bow. Touch the bow and you will see that the reed is stretched with real, fine horsehair. Now pluck the string with your fingers and hear a dull, short sound. Only the bow helps the violin truly sing in a drawn-out and gentle voice. Try to move the bow along the string, hear, the violin seems to speak.”
"Land of Musical Instruments"The teacher tells the children that a swallow flew into the open window and brought a letter. Text of the letter: “Dear guys, I know that you really love listening to music, singing and dancing. The Queen of our Country of Musical Instruments invites you to visit. Flute Girl." The children decide to accept the invitation and are about to set off, but then Pinocchio runs into the room, sings a song and is very out of tune. The teacher invites the children to take Pinocchio with them so that he learns to sing and gets acquainted with musical instruments. Children move to the music, tapping the rhythm using rattles.

Video: introduction to musical instruments (GCD - directed educational activity, middle group, author I. V. Tyarina)

Topics for developmental conversation:

  • “Is it possible to live without music?”
  • "Keyboard City"
  • "Visiting the wind instruments"
  • “Secrets and mysteries of Russian folk instruments”

Stories about different instruments for the introductory part of a music lesson

You can also use information and communication technologies (ICT), supplementing the text with records of the relevant tool and pictures:

  1. From the first moments of life, a person is surrounded by sounds. In the natural world, music is everywhere. Listen - and you will hear the melody of birds singing, rustling autumn leaves underfoot, rolling noise sea ​​wave, the quiet breath of the spring breeze, the chirping of cicadas on a hot summer day. Music surrounds us everywhere, we just need to learn to hear it. People have come up with many variety of instruments, invented a special musical writing, and learned to write melodies using notes. Today we will touch the wonderful world of musical instruments.

    Music is everywhere in the natural world

  2. Percussion instruments are a loud, boisterous group of instruments. Its most famous, powerful and important participant is the drum. Guys, why do you think the drum has round shape, and not triangular? (Only a circle allows you to achieve the necessary tension force on the skin). With the help of sticks you can get sounds of different strengths - from the rustle of light steps to a menacing rumble. Drumming is the most difficult performing technique and requires real virtuoso skill from the musician.

    Percussion instruments are the loudest, noisiest team of instruments

  3. The family of wind instruments (brass) leads the parade processions, being a welcome participant in special events: the jubilant voices of brilliant beauties (trumpet, flute, saxophone) perform melodies in honor of the winners of sports competitions, and welcome the most dear and important guests. Perhaps the name is due to the fact that the magical sounds that delight listeners will be produced only by those musicians who put their soul into playing.

    The family of wind instruments (brass) leads the parade processions, a welcome participant in special events

  4. The community of string instruments (violin, guitar, cello) has always been very loved by even the most demanding and strict public due to its gentle and soft sound. With their shape, these instruments are very reminiscent of the human body; sounds are produced with a bow or the pads of the fingertips. String instruments occupy the most important places in a symphony orchestra - in front of the conductor and the audience.

    In their shape, these instruments are very reminiscent of the human body; sounds are produced with a bow or the pads of the fingertips.

Video: “How keyboard and wind musical instruments sound” (cartoon)

Musical and didactic games for younger groups

Options for play exercises and tasks for children aged two to four years:

  • playing to the soundtrack of any popular children's song, tapping “to the beat”;
  • sound accompaniment to poems;
  • sound pictures on the proposed topic (for example, depict a natural phenomenon - rain, wind noise, snowfall);
  • fairy-tale story in sound (onomatopoeia for fairy-tale characters).

"The Story of Baby Squirrels"

In the fall, baby squirrels ran along forest paths, diligently collecting mushrooms and nuts for the winter (drum your fingers). But then fluffy white snowflakes began to quietly fall to the ground (metallophone), gradually they wrapped the chilled earth in a beautiful snow-white blanket, on which traces of nimble squirrels became noticeable (triangle). In their cozy and warm tree houses, the baby squirrels gnawed nuts (spoons). The warmth of their houses was kept by a rug of dry leaves (with the rustling noise of noise instruments). And it was cold outside, an icy wind was blowing (flute).

"In the clearing"

Forest animals have come running to a sunny clearing to bask - a variety of music sounds, conveying images of animals: a slowly waddling bear, a quickly jumping bunny, a cautiously sneaking fox. Kids need to guess who is who and show them in motion and sound.

Kids need to depict the image of an animal in movement and sound.

"Droplets and Rays"

Children listen carefully to music depicting the sound of rain. Kids need to clap the rain and convey the smooth movements of gentle rays of sunshine on a musical instrument. Children independently choose the appropriate instrument and come up with dance moves.

"Musical Flowers"

A game to recognize the character of a melody.

The pictures are on the table. Children listen to the soundtrack, take turns determining the nature of the music, choosing the appropriate flower and showing it.

Each child has one flower; if a melody sounds that matches the mood of his flower’s face, then the child picks up his card.

The middle of the flower depicts options for emotional states

The middle of the flower depicts variants of the emotional state:

  • gentle, affectionate, calm, pacifying;
  • sad, melancholy, melancholic;
  • perky, joyful, mischievous.

Games for middle and high school age

In middle and older preschool age, children can already cope with more complex tasks.

"Rhythmic Ornaments"

The game develops the idea of ​​high and low, long and short, smooth and sharp sounds. Didactic material: pictures with graphic images of rhythmic patterns.

The game develops the idea of ​​high and low, long and short, smooth and sharp sounds.

Children are invited to clap, play instruments, and show with the help of their voice or plastic movements the musical pattern depicted on the card.

"Rhythmic fence"

The game reinforces the concept of a strong beat and develops a sense of rhythm. The teacher claps melodies of different genres (polka, waltz, march) with an emphasis on the downbeat, showing the corresponding card.

The game reinforces the concept of a strong beat and develops a sense of rhythm.

"Pick a picture"

An exercise to reinforce the concept of musical tempo. Children listen to a piece of music, determine the tempo (fast, slow, very fast, very slow) and choose a picture of an animal whose character and temperament corresponds to the musical tempo.

Exercise to reinforce the concept of musical tempo

"Guess the musical instrument"

Musical fragments performed by a musical instrument are heard, children recognize it by sound and point to the corresponding card.

Children recognize an instrument by its sound and point to the corresponding card.

"Magic Screen"

The game expands your musical horizons, develops memory and attention. Children must recognize the song, remember the name, and choose a picture depicting an episode from a popular cartoon. Based on the picture, the child identifies the cartoon, remembers and sings the song.

Based on the picture, the child identifies the cartoon, remembers and sings the song.

"Loto for little musicians"

The game trains your pitch hearing abilities. It uses two groups of cards:

The child chooses an instrument and performs a melody ascending, descending, or on one sound: up from first to fifth, down from fifth to first, on one ruler.

"The Fourth Wheel"

The game reinforces knowledge about percussion, strings, wind and keyboard instruments. The child is offered a sheet with images of 4 musical instruments, where three belong to the same type, and the fourth does not. The child covers a picture that falls out of the logical series with a card.

The violin does not belong to the group of keyboards

"Musician Cube"

To play, you will need a large cube; it can be made from a shipping box or from an element of a modular construction set; images of children's musical instruments are glued to the edge of the cube. The cube should be light and attractive. The players throw it around in a circle to the accompaniment of music, the music stops, and the children stop playing. The child, who has a cube in his hands, names the instrument drawn on the top edge, approaches the table, takes the corresponding musical instrument and plays a melody, repeating the rhythmic pattern after the teacher.

The child names the instrument drawn on the top edge, approaches the table, takes the corresponding musical instrument and plays a melody


Items for play: a five-step ladder made from elements of a building set, toys, children's musical instruments. The first player plays a melody, the second player determines the direction of the sound movement and moves the toy to the top step, bottom, or leaves it on the same step.

The player determines the direction of the sound movement of the melody and moves the toy along the steps

Video: playing musical instruments (senior group)

Table: riddles about musical instruments

Mystery Answer
Here are the keys, like on a piano,
But for them to play,
So that the song is not bad,
The furs need to be stretched.
Three strings, plays loudly
That instrument is the “cocked hat”.
Find out quickly
What is this?
It's easy to go hiking with me,
It's fun with me on the way,
And I'm a screamer, and I'm a brawler,
I am loud, round...
He has a pleated shirt
He loves to dance in a squat position,
He dances and sings -
If you get your hands on it.
Forty buttons on it
With pearlescent fire.
A merry fellow, not a brawler
Our vociferous...
The string rings, she sings,
And the song is heard by everyone.
Six strings play anything
And that instrument is always fashionable.
He will never get old.
We call that instrument...
Carved in the forest
Smoothly hewn
Sings and pours out.
What is the name of?
musical instrument,
He is a brass
He has a single cane,
So handsome.
And more graceful than him,
Apparently not in music.
Does everyone understand what I mean?
They eat soup at lunch,
By evening they will “talk”
Wooden girls
Musical sisters.
Play a little too
On beautiful bright...
He looks like a rattle
Only this is not a toy!
Loved music very much
Two sisters, Natasha and Nina,
And that's why we bought it
They are very...
The smooth movements of the bow make the strings tremble,
The tune murmurs from afar, sings about the lunar wind.
How clear the sounds are overflowing, there is joy and a smile in them.
A dreamy tune sounds and is played...
They are made of copper.
You need to wave your hands in time,
Strike loudly, then rest.
Their party is not a trifle, not a trifle,
In music there are also...
Performed at the concert
Our dear Tatiana,
Like a star she played
A whole hour for...

Video: musical and didactic game “Guess the musical instrument”

Project development algorithm

A creative project for acquaintance with musical instruments is a combined and expanded version of the implementation of cognitive and creative activities, combining several multidirectional artistic, aesthetic and practical activities (musical development, fiction, drawing, appliqué, making children's musical instruments, concert performances, etc. ), having a common theme.

Types of projects:

  • short-term - from one lesson to one week;
  • long-term - from a month to a year.

Project development algorithm:

  • preparatory work;
  • main part;
  • final stage.

Directions and forms of implementation:

  • intellectual and cognitive development:
    • educational conversations with parents and students;
    • quizzes and musical-didactic games;
    • hometasks;
    • demonstration material and visual aids (presentation games, information stands, moving folders, a music museum or corner, albums, an exhibition of children's drawings, etc.);
    • festive musical and theatrical events;
    • excursions, visits to museum exhibitions and concerts;
  • educational games (musical and didactic, artistic, role-playing).
  • practical activities in the manufacture of musical instruments;
  • verbal techniques aimed at activating attention and developing memory (poems, tongue twisters, riddles, folklore materials, fairy tales);
  • costumed musical entertainment, concert, music lounge (with the participation of a music worker).

Table: musical project “Russian Miracle Instruments”

NameRussian miracle instruments
CharacteristicLong-term project in the preparatory group
GoalsCreate conditions for expanding and enriching children's knowledge about the history of the origin of Russian folk instruments, fostering love and respect for Russian folk culture.
  1. To create in children the experience of their own research activities, including the ability to plan and implement it, applying and acquiring new knowledge.
  2. To develop children's interest in Russian folk culture.
  3. To introduce children to the musical and expressive features of Russian folk instruments.
  4. To form motivation for musical activity through playing, singing, movement and performing folk instruments.
  5. Develop children's creative and musical abilities.
  6. To encourage children and parents to engage in joint cognitive and creative activities.
  7. To create a favorable developmental environment for children to develop an interest in playing in a folklore ensemble.
  • Children of the preparatory group,
  • musical director,
  • choreographer,
  • educators,
  • parents.
ContentProject implementation stages:
  1. Preparatory stage:
    1. Collection and study of material about the history of the origin of musical instruments.
    2. Writing a program for a folk ensemble “How many musicians - so many talents.”
    3. Organization of the subject-spatial environment (musical instruments, costume elements, artistic toys, attributes, musical and didactic games).
    4. Selection of musical material (songs, dances, musical works for listening and playing music).
    5. Selection of fiction (fairy tales, riddles, poems, proverbs).
  2. Main stage:
    1. Research for the implementation of the project: “What can a spoon, harp, pipe and accordion tell us about?”, “Why can musical instruments knock, strum, whistle?”, “People play and amuse themselves.” Organization of a developmental, cognitive, subject environment ( collaborations children and parents, children and teachers):
      • joint search for information;
      • conducting excursions;
      • viewing illustrations;
      • reading literature;
      • learning ditties, songs, games, dances.
      • conducting conversations;
      • musical and didactic games;
      • case studies;
      • conducting directly educational activities and entertainment;
      • classes in a circle;
      • listening to audio recordings and watching videos;
      • creation of a folklore ensemble.
    2. Products of activity: card files of Russian folk instruments, noise instruments, little books with fairy tales about musical instruments.
    3. Carrying out entertainment with parents, the “Journey of the Russian Spoon” holiday, participation in the regional competition “Little Country”.
  3. The final stage:
    1. Diagnosis of children's knowledge gained during the project.
    2. Presentation of the product of project activities (design of an exhibition of crafts, noise instruments).
    3. Preparation of the final presentation of the project.
    4. Round table with project participants.
    5. Analysis of the work done, reflection.

Table: musical project “Russian folk instruments”, author E. A. Glushko

NameRussian folk musical instruments, author E. A. Glushko
CharacteristicShort-term project in the senior group
GoalsIntroducing preschool children to Russian folk culture, its historical origins, which contribute to their musical and general cultural development.
  1. Introduce children to the history of Russian folk musical instruments.
  2. Introduce the sound of Russian folk instruments.
  3. To form the aesthetic taste of children.
  4. Find information about Russian folk musical instruments in literary sources and children's animation.
  5. Develop musical and game improvisations, rhythmic sense, hand motor skills, dynamic hearing.
  6. Strengthen sound production skills with the help of musical instruments (spoons, rattles, harps, bells).
  7. Encourage children to contact their parents with a request to attend performances of the Cossack choir and folk orchestra.
  8. To cultivate interest and love for Russian folk music.
  9. Create conditions for a child to become acquainted with musical Russian folk works at home.
  10. Parents should encourage children to listen to and perform familiar folk works on children's musical instruments, and participate in musical activities with their children.
  • Children of the older group,
  • musical director, choreographer,
  • educators,
  • parents.
ContentProject implementation stages:
  1. Preparatory stage:
    1. Creation technical base to get acquainted with Russian folk musical instruments (creating a presentation, recording the sound of these instruments).
    2. Conversations “What Russian folk musical instruments do we know”, “Where can I find the necessary information?”
    3. Listening to the works of an orchestra of folk instruments.
    4. Formulation of problematic issues.
    5. Proposing hypotheses.
  2. Practical part:
    1. Collecting information from various sources (encyclopedias, dictionaries, stories from adults, independent judgments, the Internet).
    2. Screening of the presentation “Russian folk musical instruments”.
    3. Conversations (Russian folk musical instruments in fairy tales, riddles about Russian folk musical instruments).
    4. Playing musical instruments.
    5. Conducting musical and didactic games to develop rhythmic sense and timbre hearing.
    6. Performing exercises to develop fine motor skills of the hands.
    7. Playing children's musical instruments in an orchestra.
  3. The final stage:
    1. Generalization and systematization of acquired knowledge.
    2. Recording the results of acquired knowledge (photos, listening to an orchestra of folk instruments).
    3. Preparing and conducting a presentation.

Video: Music Day in kindergarten

DIY children's musical instruments

These crafts are easy and simple to make with your children.

Maracas “Herringbone” and “Flower”, “Noisemaker” from a box

Materials and tools:

  • a large bottle of children's champagne,
  • a smaller juice bottle,
  • box,
  • sets of colored and corrugated paper,
  • standard size sheet of paper
  • markers,
  • simple pencil,
  • scissors,
  • PVA glue,
  • cereals, peas, salt.

For noise musical instruments you need containers, filler and paper for covering.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Prepare a long strip of colored corrugated paper four to five centimeters wide, apply glue and decorate the body of the juice bottle.

    Prepare a long strip of colored corrugated paper four to five centimeters wide, apply glue and decorate the body of the juice bottle

  2. Cut ribbons of two colors with a width of 8 and 10 cm from corrugated paper, the length depends on the diameter of the bottles. Cut strips on one side of the tape.

    Cut strips of corrugated paper in two colors 8 and 10 cm wide

  3. Apply a bead of glue along the edge of the wide strip and glue a narrow strip of a different color to it.

    Apply a strip of glue along the edge of the wide strip and glue a narrow strip of a different color to it

  4. Prepare another strip for the neck about six centimeters wide and make cuts in the same way.

    Prepare another strip for the neck about six centimeters wide and make cuts in the same way

  5. Cover the body of a large bottle, starting from the base, and cover the neck in a spiral motion.

    Cover the main part of the body of the bottle, starting from the base, and cover the neck in a spiral motion.

  6. On A4 paper, draw a circle of thirteen to fourteen centimeters (using a compass or tracing a ready-made template).

    On A-4 paper, draw a circle of thirteen to fourteen centimeters (using a compass or tracing a ready-made template)

  7. Divide the circle into eight parts, rounding the edges of the inner triangles into the shape of petals.

    Divide the circle into eight parts, rounding the edges of the inner triangles into petal shapes

  8. Cut out the flower, draw a round center according to the size of the neck and make cuts along the lines.

    Cut out the flower, draw a round center according to the size of the neck and make cuts along the lines

  9. Draw two blanks with colored pencils or felt-tip pens (optional).

    Draw two blanks with felt-tip pens or colored pencils

  10. Place the blanks on the neck of the bottle, pour noise material into bottles.

    Place the blanks on the neck of the bottle, pour the cereal into the bottles

  11. Prepare bright colored strips three to five centimeters wide and two squares, cover the box; We do not seal one of the back sides; we leave the opportunity to pour the cereal into the box. Pour the filler into the box.

    Prepare bright colored strips three to five centimeters wide and two squares, cover the box

  12. Screw on the lids and seal the box: musical toys ready!

    Musical toys are ready


  1. Cover mayonnaise jars with colored paper blanks.
  2. Thread bright ribbons into the side holes.

Kolotygina Svetlana Valentinovna,

music director

MKDOU kindergarten "Mishutka" Zheleznogorsk-Ilimsky

Master class for parents and children

"Making musical instruments from waste material"

Master class for parents and children on making musical instruments from waste material for noise orchestra and their use in fairy tales - noisemakers.


- Expand parents’ understanding of the variety of homemade noise musical instruments;

Show techniques and methods for making noise musical instruments from waste material;

Involve children and parents in acting out fairy tales - noisemakers using noise-making musical instruments made from waste material;

Promote the development of creative imagination; promote joint creative work child with parents.


Musical director: A mysterious and alluring world of sounds surrounds the baby with early childhood. How to help little man take place in the world of musical sounds? Learning for preschoolers should not only be an easy and enjoyable pastime, but also interesting . Musical instruments for children always remain wonderful, unusually attractive objects that you really want to play. After all, an instrument for children is a symbol of music, and the one who plays it is almost a magician. The most favorite type of children's orchestra is an orchestra of homemade musical instruments, which allows all children to be included in music playing. Using homemade tools and household items in pedagogical practice, it not only brings much-needed excitement for children, it is also important from a methodological point of view. They develop ingenuity, associativity and variability of thinking, and contribute to the enrichment of musical hearing, especially its timbre-rhythmic component. Practice has proven that children who were withdrawn, thanks to playing homemade musical instruments, become liberated and open up from different sides, become more sociable, can perform in front of a large number of people, and actively take part in all types of activities.

So what is noise? (parents' answers).

Noise is random, non-periodic vibrations of a sounding body.

Unlike musical sounds, noise does not have a precisely defined pitch.

What are noise sounds? (parents' answers),

Noise sounds include crackling, rattling, creaking, rustling, etc., and noise orchestral instruments are devices for producing noise that create a certain rhythmic and timbre coloring.

What do you think can be classified as noise orchestral instruments?

Noise orchestral instruments include percussion instruments with an indefinite pitch: drums, gongs, cymbals, tambourine, triangle, castanets, etc.

Some noise musical instruments can be made with your own hands. They are the ones who arouse special interest in music and the desire to play music. .

Here's what you can always have on hand: tin and plastic jars with dry rice, buckwheat, spoons, pot lids.

All kinds of rattles, combs, baby rattles, a bunch of keys, a bag of nuts - a wonderful rustle. Various papers (cellophane, parchment, newspaper, corrugated paper, etc.) Wooden cubes, blocks. Spools of thread. Natural materials: acorns, chestnuts, nuts, cones, their shells and much more. The music director draws the attention of parents to an exhibition of musical instruments made from waste material:

There are various noise instruments on the table. Please take one tool for yourself, look carefully, and try to describe what it is made of and how it can be used.


Colored plastic “Kinder Surprises” are filled with beans, peas, seeds or beads, etc. To turn the “rustle” into a “rattle”, a hole is made on one side of the “Kinder Surprise” for a stick holder. To vary the timbre, you can use cereal as a filler for the rattle.

"Rustling clock".

Through the lid matchbox a thin round rubber band is stretched (according to the size of the wrist, and you can put any seeds, cereals, etc. in the box. Having put the watch on your hand, you need to shake your hand to “wake up” the tool. This tool is also convenient to use as a guide (right, left side) when performing musical-rhythmic movements.

"Naughty Caps" Caps for toothpaste, deodorant, varnish different sizes. With these instruments, children enjoy tapping out the rhythm of songs and dances. Depending on the timbre of the “voice,” the caps acquired names: grandmother, grandfather, baby.


To create this tool, you need to use an awl to make two holes in the bottom of a Vaseline jar, thread a thin rubber band through them, secure it with knots inside the jar, leaving a rubber band loop on the outside, close the lid and connect both parts with adhesive tape. Firecrackers are placed on the palms of the hands. Preschool children love to clap their hands in different rhythms when “clackers” are “hidden” in them. You can use the same principle to make crackers for mayonnaise lids.

"Maracas Transformers"

Various fillings (cereals, seeds, beans, peas) are poured into jars of chips - these are maracas. If you play on the lid of the maracas with a stick or finger, it “turns” into a drum. This transformation of the instrument allows it to be used in games to determine the nature of music.

"Drummers with two voices"

came out of transparent plastic containers for raisins. The children gave this name to the instrument, noticing the different sound of the drum if you play on the colored side and on the transparent side.

Sounding keys.

For convenience, you need to make a rack in the shape of the letter P and hang the keys. The percussion instrument can be a nail, a spoon or a stick (a wooden or plastic hammer may work). Instead of a rack, you can take clothes hangers.


Metal jars with metal pendants attached to the lid.

"Miracle Castanets"

Double folded cardboard from under light bulbs. For both internal sides cardboard to glue metal caps from beer bottles. The sound is produced by squeezing the miracle castanets in the child’s palm.

Ratchet "Accordion"

Wooden or plastic parts from a pyramid assembled with an elastic band. The elastic band is tied with a loop on both sides. We stretch it as if we were playing the harmonica.


Tin cans for coffee and drinks with small bulk items.

Musical director:Children love everything bright, shiny, colorful, so it is advisable to decorate all homemade tools with colored, shiny packaging or self-adhesive paper, etc. Children can decorate all these tools to their taste by covering them with multi-colored paper.

Now let's call our children and try to make musical instruments with our own hands (children are invited and, together with their parents, make musical instruments with their own hands).

And now I propose that we play together with our musical, homemade instruments in the “Orchestra” (the Russian folk melody “Oh you, the canopy” sounds).

Musical director: One of the most fascinating forms of musical and rhythmic games with noise instruments for a child is the telling of fairy tales and noisemakers. Playing along with musical instruments while telling even the simplest fairy tale, long known to a child, will open up a fascinating world of musical creativity. Parents can organize such joint play time for a child without special methodological or musical training. In such a fairy tale, the text is composed in such a way that after one or two phrases the child is given the opportunity to depict something with noise.

But still, when choosing the text of a fairy tale, it is necessary to take into account how suitable it is for children in terms of complexity and volume. It is important to determine in advance the noise design for the selected story or fairy tale, semantic accents and pauses, and make appropriate notes or symbols in the text. Thanks to the use of tools, a story or fairy tale becomes more interesting and vibrant. Playing the instrument should sound in pauses, illustrating the text. With facial expressions and gestures you can tell your child the volume and speed of the game.

An adult must prepare instructions for playing instruments in advance, but at the same time be ready to support the child’s unplanned entry and creative initiative.

The child must gradually remember the names of the instruments and recognize the sound.

And now the guys and I will show you the noisy fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”.

Noisy fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood"

1. (Hurdy organ) Once upon a time there was a little girl. Her name was Little Red Riding Hood. Once

Mom baked a pie and said to her daughter:

Go, Little Red Riding Hood, to grandma, bring her a pie and a pot of butter and find out if she is healthy.

2. (Metallophone notes in order) Little Red Riding Hood got ready and went to her grandmother.

The path was not close. Sometimes she walked slowly.

3. (Metallophone notes one after the other) And singing funny songs, she skipped.

4. (Metallophone - from high sounds to low ones) She went down the hills.

5. (Rattles and triangle). I admired the beauty of the summer meadow, with butterflies hovering above it.

6. (Metallophone - sounds in order. Hare - xylophone, abrupt sounds, across the step). On the girl’s way she met various forest animals, one of which was a mischievous hare.

7. (Wooden sticks, maracas, drum) And so Little Red Riding Hood entered the dense forest.
8. (Tambourine) Where the terrible gray Wolf noticed her.

9. - Where are you going. Little Red Riding Hood? - asks the Wolf.

I go to my grandmother and bring her a pie and a pot of butter.

How far does your grandmother live?

Far away,” answers Little Red Riding Hood.

Okay,” says the Wolf, “I also want to visit your grandmother.” I will go along this road, and you go along that one. Let's see which of us comes first.

10. (Metallophone and tambourine) The Wolf said this and ran as fast as he could along the shortest path. And Little Red Riding Hood took the longest road.

11. (Tambourine) Before Little Red Riding Hood had time to reach the mill, the Wolf had already galloped up to her grandmother’s house and was knocking on the door: Knock, knock!

12. (Rattle) - Who's there? - asks the grandmother.

13. (Tambourine) “It’s me, your granddaughter, Little Red Riding Hood,” the Wolf answers, “I came to visit you, brought a pie and a pot of butter.”

14. And my grandmother was sick at that time and was lying in bed. She thought that it really was Little Red Riding Hood and shouted:

(Rattle) - Pull the string, my child, the door will open!

15. The wolf pulled the string and the door opened.

(Tambourine) The Wolf rushed at the grandmother and swallowed her at once. He was very hungry because he had not eaten anything for three days. Then he closed the door, lay down on grandma’s bed and waited for Little Red Riding Hood.

16. Soon she came and knocked: (Bell) Knock-knock!

17. (Tambourine) - Who's there? - asks the Wolf. And his voice is rough, hoarse. Little Red Riding Hood was scared, but then she thought that her grandmother was hoarse from a cold, and answered:

It's me, your granddaughter. I brought you a pie and a pot of butter!

The wolf cleared his throat and said in a thin voice:

Pull the string, my child, and the door will open. Little Red Riding Hood pulled the door and opened it.

18. The girl entered the house, and the Wolf hid under the blanket and said:

Granddaughter, put the pie on the table, put the pot on the shelf, and lie down next to me!

Little Red Riding Hood lay down next to the Wolf and asked:

(A tambourine and a triangle sounds)

Grandma, why are your hands so big?

This is to hug you tighter, my child.

Grandma, why are your ears so big?

To hear better, my child.

Grandma, why are your eyes so big?

To see better, my child.

Grandma, why do you have such big teeth?

And this is to quickly eat you, my child!

19. (Tambourine) Before Little Red Riding Hood had time to gasp, the Wolf rushed at her.

20. (Drum) But, fortunately, at that time woodcutters with axes on their shoulders passed by the house. They heard a noise, ran into the house and scared the wolf.

21. (Quick tapping of palms on the table) The wolf was so frightened that he released the grandmother and ran away.

22. (Clapping hands) But Little Red Riding Hood and Grandma both remained safe and sound.

Musical director (to parents): Would you like to show a fairy tale-noisemaker? (tools are distributed to parents).

Fairy tale "The Cowardly Hare".

Once upon a time there lived a cowardly hare in the forest.

One day a hare came out of the house, and a hedgehog suddenly rustled in the bushes! (rustles)

The hare got scared and ran (drumming with fingers)

He ran and ran and sat down on a tree stump to rest. And the woodpecker knocks on the pine tree! (knock the cubes)

The hare started to run (drum)

He ran, ran, ran into the very thicket, and there the owl flapped its wings! (ratchets)

A hare ran from the forest to the river (drum)

And there were frogs sitting on the bank of the river (a harp made of pencils)

They saw a hare and jumped into the water (bell ringers)

The hare was glad that the frogs were afraid of him - and boldly galloped back into the forest.

Reflection: Now let's organize an exhibition of the musical instruments that you made today with your children.

I suggest you answer the following questions in writing:

Did you like your work?

What new things did you learn today?

What else would you like to know about music education? (Parents write their answers in pictures with musical instruments, then they are displayed on the board to make an orchestra).

How to make musical instruments at home with your own hands?

The beauty of homemade musical instruments is that they cost pennies, and the process of making them will appeal not only to adults, but also to children. Just imagine how much delight a child will have when he independently makes maracas, a Chinese drum, castanets or a pipe! Of course, homemade instruments do not produce perfect sound, but that is not the main point. Such an experience cannot be compared with anything. Classes on making homemade musical instruments are very useful in that the child learns to distinguish between their types, understands the operating principle of each of them, and knows what parts they consist of. And most importantly, joint work brings people together, and this is useful for both parents and their children. So what musical instruments can you make with your own hands? Let's look at the most interesting and simple options.


This is, perhaps, one of the tools that the baby gets acquainted with while still in diapers. Maracas are a noise instrument. Rattles and other noise toys for babies are the prototype of maracas. Making them at home is as easy as shelling pears, and there are countless options. So, maracas can be made from:

  • plastic bottles;
  • pumpkins;
  • coffee cans;
  • Kinder Surprise eggs;
  • cardboard cylinders from parchment or paper towels, etc.

The scheme for making maracas is quite simple: you need to pour a small amount of filler in the form of beads, peas, buttons, beads, small pebbles, sand or shot into the prepared container. All holes in the container must be securely closed (if it is a cardboard cylinder, cover it on both sides with thick cardboard) so that the filler does not spill out and the tool makes a loud noise. The maracas themselves can be decorated by painting bright patterns on them with acrylic paints or by sticking cute stickers. Handles can be attached to round containers for convenient use of the tool. For example, if you used Kinder eggs for your maracas, place them between two plastic spoons and secure them with twine.


To make this tool you will need a wooden embroidery hoop, 10 metal lemonade caps, 5 metal rods 2-2.5 cm long, electrical tape and 5 wooden strips. thick cardboard, wood or metal with a thickness of 2-5 mm and dimensions of 1.5x1.5 cm. We place plates at the same distance between the hoops and fix them with electrical tape - they will hold the circles of the hoop. We connect the lids two at a time with the flat part and pierce them in the center with metal rods. As a result, we should have 5 elements, which must be securely attached using electrical tape between the plates at the same distance. Once the last element is attached, the tool can be used for its intended purpose.

Pan flute (pan flute)

This musical instrument is very easy to make. For it you will need adhesive tape, 7 cocktail straws and 2 pieces of thick cardboard 3 cm wide, and the length will depend on the width of the tubes folded together.

Each of the tubes needs to be cut a little so that they produce a sound of different tones. The difference between them can be 1-1.5 cm. Let the longest tube be 15.5 cm, then the shortest - 5.5-6 cm. When the tubes are cut, lay them out on a strip of tape so that on one side they the ends remained at the same level. We fix this position of the tubes with tape, wrapping the row in 2 layers. Next, we attach cardboard to this tape to make the panflute look more presentable. The ends of the instrument must be sealed with plasticine so that it can make sounds while playing.

Chinese drum

For this musical instrument you will need tin(approximately 5 cm in height) without lid and bottom. Instead, you can put plastic lids on the jar that fit tightly to its walls. Next, you need to take a ribbon or strong rope about 20 cm long. The walls of the jar need to be pierced between the lids at the same distance so that the imaginary line of diameter runs clearly through the center of the jar. Through the resulting two opposite holes you need to stretch the rope, leaving the ends of the same length on both sides, tying knots at the walls of the jar and stepping back a couple of centimeters from the edge of the rope. Thread on the edges of the rope wooden bead and secure them with a strong knot. The tool is ready.

Wind chime bells

If you have an old Chinese pendant called a "wind chime" lying around somewhere, it's time to give it a try. new life. To do this, disassemble it into its component parts - for the bells we only need tubes. Attach these tubes to a piece of stick with a diameter of 0.5-1 cm, using a strong rope. Place the tubes at equal distances in order from the longest tube to the shortest. Now this instrument can be used as orchestral bells.

Drums of different heights and diameters

To make drums you will need several tin cans, for example, tea or biscuits. Instead of a lid, use strong paper, secured with rubber bands, foil or leather. It is better to play music on such an instrument with pencils, at one end of which there is an eraser. Keep in mind that the sound of the instrument depends on the size of the homemade drum. Therefore, with a little work together with your child, you can create an entire drum set.

Bells on a cardboard tube or beater

For this tool you will need:

  • cardboard tube (for example, from foil or parchment);
  • 12 bells (you can buy them at a craft store or tear them off from old toys);
  • thick needle;
  • dense threads.

In the paper roll, you need to pierce holes at one end according to the number of bells. It is important that these holes are at the same distance from each other, located in two rows along the entire diameter of the tube. We carefully but securely attach the bells to the tube using thread. As a result, the tool should look like this:


This musical instrument is an excellent assistant in learning rhythm. Making castanets with your own hands is very simple: take two metal lids, for example, from a tin of tea. TO back side Attach a piece of fabric to each lid so that the child can put the castanets on his fingers. The result of the work might look like this:


Take two combs of the same size and wax paper. Place the combs together so that the teeth remain in the same direction. The combs need to be wrapped with paper around the edges, securing the structure with twine. You need to play the harmonica by blowing between the teeth of the structure.

Flute of Rain

For this tool you will need a long cardboard tube (for example, from food foil, but it is a bit short; it is better to look for a similar tube about 70 cm long in a hardware store). Inside this tube you need to insert a spiral made of foil. The spiral must match the length of the tube - this is important. Having tightly sealed one end of the tube, you need to pour a handful of beads, cereal or sand inside the structure. Next, you need to securely seal the second end of the tube. That's it, the rain flute is ready. Now, when you turn it over, you can hear the filler slowly descending through the tube, making the sound of rain.

With a little imagination, you can make guitars, whistles, bells, shakers, water xylophones, tambourines, cymbals and other musical instruments at home with your children. Such items will be especially loved by children, because they are made with their own hands. But the main benefit is that the child becomes several steps closer to the world of music.