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How to eat with Chinese chopsticks. How to hold Chinese chopsticks correctly, video on how to eat with Chinese chopsticks. Proper use of chopsticks

The incredible popularization of Asian cuisine is increasingly making our compatriots think about how to properly hold Chinese chopsticks in your hands so as not to cause confusion among others. After all, what the residents of Asia are instilled with early years for Europeans it is sometimes worse than Chinese literacy.

A little history

The history of the appearance of sticks, as well as the entire history of the Celestial Empire, is rooted in hoary antiquity. The first mentions of such a simple cutlery are found in manuscripts dating back to the 3rd millennium BC. Legends say that sticks owe their appearance to human intolerance.

The reluctance to wait for the tasty morsel to cool down forced the smart Chinese to grab it with the first object that came to hand. This item turned out to be a sprout of ordinary bamboo. Of course, the historical prototype only vaguely resembled its modern analogue. It was a fragment of a bamboo branch, split in the center and bent in half - a kind of tongs that ancient cooks used for cooking.

Then the bamboo branch bent in half was transformed into 2 separate fragments. Several thousand years passed before they migrated from the kitchens to the tables of the local aristocracy. In past centuries, representatives of the privileged classes were allowed to use cutlery. And only at the turn of the 7th – 8th centuries AD, sticks, which in the Middle Kingdom are called kuaizi, came to the people.

What are Chinese chopsticks made of?

But chopsticks are not only made from bamboo. Also used:

  • ivory;
  • sandalwood;
  • plastics;
  • precious and semi-precious metals;
  • wood of noble tree species.

Decorative Chinese chopsticks combine functional and aesthetic components. This is not just a household item, it is a real work of art. Inlaid precious stones or painted in the best traditions, they are the embodiment of the craftsmanship of the eastern people. Photos of collectible items once again confirm this fact.

Restaurants usually serve disposable wooden cutlery, which are called weisheng kuaizi. They have no decorative value, since their design is very simple and uncomplicated. A special feature of such sticks is the unfinished cut at the thickened base. Before starting a meal, weisheng kuaizi should be divided into 2 fragments and only then begin to eat rice, sushi or noodles.

Japanese chopsticks, called hashi, appeared in the Land of the Rising Sun much later than in China. Japan acquired cutlery only by 500 AD.

How to eat with Chinese chopsticks instructions

IN last years All over the world, the irresistible desire of representatives of other nationalities to master such an unusual device is clearly visible. This is largely due to the incredible popularization of Asian cuisine. Sushi and rolls, which were considered exotic food just a few decades ago, have now become firmly established in the diet of modern Europeans.

Practice holding chopsticks

Despite the fact that there are generally accepted rules that should be followed when learning to “control” sticks, improvisation has not been canceled.

A simple analogy can be made with writing. In first grade, we are all shown how to hold a ballpoint pen correctly. And we, observing correct tilt, we learn to print each letter. But very soon everyone develops their own individual writing style. Pay attention to how your friends or colleagues hold a pencil and pen, and you will be surprised to note that in this position there is very little left of what we were taught in elementary school.

It’s the same with kuazi. In order not to experience discomfort during a meal, before learning how to hold Chinese chopsticks, you need to try to find the most comfortable position for them on your fingers.
  • To do this, take the lower stick in your right hand so that its thickened end is located in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe joint of the thumb and index finger, protruding literally 2 - 3 cm, and squeeze. Place the free edge at the base of the nail phalanx. If done correctly, it will be securely fixed, and the index and ring fingers will be completely free.
  • At this stage of training, it doesn’t hurt to rotate these fingers, making sure that the clamped stick remains motionless and the little finger does not protrude.
  • After the first stage of training has been successfully completed, you can proceed to the next one. To do this, place the second stick on top of your middle and index fingers, and press with your thumb.
  • Adjust the position of the kuaizi relative to each other. The lower one should protrude literally 0.5 cm beyond the surface of the hand. This will allow you to perfectly align the pointed edges when grasping food and securely hold even the smallest pieces with the help of chopsticks. An indicator of virtuoso skill is the ability to lift grains of rice with the tips.

Detailed instructions with photos and a thematic video will help you understand unclear points.

Proper use of chopsticks

Chinese traditions imply the presence of common dishes with food on the table, from which all participants in the meal serve their own plates of food. And there seems to be nothing unusual about this, but small details should be remembered. It is forbidden:

  • mix the general food, looking for an appetizing piece;
  • take food from a common plate with used chopsticks;
  • twirl the chopstick over the plates, choosing where to start the meal;
  • Having touched any piece, leave it on a common dish; it must be eaten;
  • move the plates with chopsticks.

You should also pay attention to the position of your arms and hands during meals. Watch how you take food from a common dish. Fingers should be down, chopsticks pointing vertically down, and hands parallel to the surface of the table.

When you finish eating, do not place the kuaizi across the plate. Such a gesture will be perceived as a sign of disrespect. It is better to place it on a special stand, the name of which is hasioki.

Choosing the Right Sticks

But not only from correct position Using chopsticks in your fingers determines the degree of comfort during a meal. Their size is also of great importance. In order to nimbly handle pieces of food, the ratio of the length of the fingers and the lengths of the fingers themselves, called kuaizi, must be in maximum compliance.

  • In restaurants, all visitors are served sticks 23 cm long. This is the ideal size for men of average height; the size of their palm is very often proportional to this length. But it is worth taking into account that the Chinese are significantly inferior in size to the Europeans. Therefore, such sticks may be too small for a large representative of the stronger sex of the Slavic people.
  • But for a small female palm, a length of 21 cm is quite suitable.
  • For children under 3 years old, the ideal size is 13 cm; by the age of 4, their length increases to 14 cm. By the age of 13, children may well resort to using twenty-centimeter devices.

To find out what size is needed for each specific case necessary:

  • measure the distance from the thumb to the index finger;
  • Increase the resulting distance by one and a half times;
  • The result of the multiplication will correspond to the required length.

Etiquette and taboos associated with chopsticks

Despite the fact that the Chinese are much more democratic than the conservative Japanese in matters related to food intake, and willingly forgive foreigners for minor mistakes and annoying misunderstandings, it does not hurt to remember the basic traditions and rules of behavior at the table, especially if you are planning a trip to such a distant country .

  • It is strictly unacceptable to prick pieces of food using a stick as an improvised fork. It’s better to ask for the usual cutlery.
  • It is unacceptable to stick chopsticks into rice. Typically, such an action accompanies burial procedures and is unlikely to be appropriate at a social dinner.
  • You should not knock them on the plate in the hope of attracting the waiter's attention. This gesture is characteristic of street beggars, but not of a respectable person.
  • Even during heated discussions at the table, you should not gesticulate or use chopsticks as a pointer, much less point them in the direction of the person or object being discussed.
  • Some Chinese allow themselves to pass fragments of food from chopsticks to chopsticks, but it is better to immediately eradicate such a habit. Japanese traditions allow such actions only during a funeral funeral ceremony.

How do the Chinese eat soup?

Asian cuisine is famous not only for its main courses. A variety of soups, stews, noodles and even fish soup have earned no less popularity. First courses, often called misto, are also eaten with kuaizi. For this:

  • the bowl of food is taken in the hand and held suspended in the chest area;
  • First, drink the broth in slow sips;
  • then eat the solid ingredients with chopsticks.

It is customary to serve special porcelain spoons with some soups. In these cases, the process is greatly facilitated and becomes absolutely identical to the usual eating of soup.


Learning to use kuazi is not difficult at all. In China, even small children quickly eat with chopsticks, deftly moving their little fingers. All you need is a little patience, regular practice and a role model.

The history of the appearance of Chinese chopsticks

Let's go back a little and find out how and when they were invented. Chinese chopsticks appeared more than 2,500 years ago, and initially they were used only by the emperor and some of his entourage. Only many years later they began to be used for food in Everyday life ordinary citizens. Every year, chopsticks became more and more popular, and gradually they began to be used in Japan, Vietnam, and also Korea. Traditional Chinese chopsticks were made of bamboo and were called "kuaizu". Outwardly, they looked like tweezers.

Today, split-type sticks, which can be made from various materials. Wood remains the most common, but you can find sticks made of metal, bone or plastic. The wood from which the sticks are made can vary, and their processing can also vary significantly. Chinese chopsticks can be lacquered or inlaid various stones, with a wide variety of designs. Despite them appearance, it is important to know how to hold Chinese chopsticks correctly. Only in this case will you be able to use them successfully.

How to hold Chinese chopsticks correctly

Conventionally, the sticks can be divided into lower and upper. The lower one is fixed in the hand in such a way that it always remains motionless. Only the top stick moves, and with its help pieces of food are captured and held. If you still don’t know how to use this attribute, then from this article you can learn how to hold Chinese chopsticks correctly to make eating convenient.

In order for the lower stick to remain motionless, it is placed in the recess between the index and thumb of the right hand, and also rests on the half-bent ring finger. The upper stick should be parallel to the lower one and located 15 mm higher. There are two options for holding the top stick, and everyone can choose the one that is more convenient for themselves. The first involves holding the top stick like a ballpoint pen used for writing. In the second option, the stick must be pressed against the middle and index fingers, which should be located at the same level. How to eat with chopsticks? After you have taken the chopsticks using any of the methods indicated above, you need to adjust their length with your left hand so that when they touch, they touch each other only with their tips. In order to bring them together and grab a piece of food, it is enough to bend your index finger.

Using chopsticks while eating

In order to learn how to properly use Chinese chopsticks, you need to familiarize yourself with the provisions of etiquette. You should know that putting food on chopsticks is prohibited. If the food is in a common dish, you should not poke around in it, choosing the piece you like best. If the stick touches a piece, it must be eaten. Chinese chopsticks should not be stuck into food. And clenching them in a fist is perceived as a threatening gesture. Now you know how to hold Chinese chopsticks correctly and how to use them. We hope you will greatly enjoy your introduction to Eastern culture.

Coming to a restaurant, today we have the opportunity to try the culinary delights of any country in the world. And quite often the choice falls on oriental cuisine. And, as a rule, you need to eat them according to your own rules and traditions.

In the East, it is customary to eat food using special devices- Chinese chopsticks. They are called that because they were first used in China, and only then they came into use in other Asian countries. These chopsticks are used to eat in China, Japan, Vietnam, Korea, Taiwan and other countries. Residents of these countries learn to treat them with early age, and they have no problems using them. What should we do if we are in an oriental restaurant or, even worse, abroad, but we don’t know how to use them? In order to avoid getting into an uncomfortable situation, you just need to understand how to use Chinese chopsticks and learn how to do it.

But before we begin to consider the technique of using these devices, we should say a few words about the etiquette associated with them. According to the rules adopted in Asian countries, you cannot hit different objects with chopsticks. They should not be licked or used as a pointer. You also don't need to grab anything with the hand you're holding. You can't stick them anywhere - they only do that at funerals.

Children should not play with them or use them as toys. Although a child is taught how to hold Chinese ones and how to use them from the moment he is one year old. After all, it is believed that this affects mental capacity, because develops motor skills.

The sticks themselves can be completely different: round and square, disposable or for permanent use, just pieces of wood or beautifully decorated and varnished. The only thing that is the same is the technique of using them.

So, let's look at how to hold Chinese chopsticks and how to eat them.

The first thing you need to remember is that your hands should be relaxed and your movements should be calm and smooth, then the result will not be long in coming.

The hand position should be like this:

  • The little finger should be pressed against the ring finger.
  • The index and middle fingers are slightly moved forward.
  • The first stick is located in the recess between the large one and its lower end rests on It must be well fixed, because will be motionless.
  • The second stick is placed on top and held with the thumb, index and middle fingers. To be more precise, it should rest on the first phalanx of the index finger and the third phalanx of the middle finger, and should be held with the tip of the thumb. Or you can hold it the same way you hold a pen.
  • Adjust the length of the chopsticks by tapping them on the plate - they should be the same length.
  • Rotate the top one - press it and roll it along the index finger to the second knuckle.
  • The ends of both sticks should be connected when moving.

At the same time, while you are learning how to hold chopsticks, prepare several pieces of food - from larger ones to smaller ones - and practice gripping these foods with them. Mastering this accessory is not difficult at all. All you need is desire and perseverance.

Gradually, with practice, you will learn not only how to masterfully wield and hold them in your hands, but also be able to beautifully show your friends and family how to eat with Chinese chopsticks. You can even eat rice one grain at a time!

In conclusion, I would like to add that, because This device is individual, then to understand how to hold Chinese chopsticks and learn to eat with them - the process is also individual for everyone and requires practice and attention from the person.

Lastly. In China, this attribute is given as a gift New Year with best wishes for the coming year. And in Japan they are presented to newlyweds at their wedding, implying that the couple will always be together, just like these two sticks.

IN modern world Every person tries to somehow diversify their life, to make it brighter and more attractive, richer and more fun. We fill it with all the colors of life, thereby smoothing out acute problems and the annoying bustle of everyday life. In order to relieve emotional stress or, on the contrary, not to bring ourselves to the so-called brink of the limit, we have to attract our curiosity with something interesting and useful. We immediately plunge into the study of various kinds of cultures, greedily absorbing what seems unusual or close in spirit to us. So, let’s say, many of us are simply driven crazy by China and all its subtleties of existence. Some people are fascinated by the clothes of their favorite country, the history of the origin of most traditions, while others, on the contrary, are seduced by the cuisine, which is unusual for each of us with all the richness of the exotic. If you, Dear friends, the latter beckons more, then be patient, find the recipes you like and be prepared to purchase the necessary utensils for preparing and serving dishes to your table. By the way, don’t forget to buy the appropriate cutlery in the form of Chinese chopsticks. They will play an important role in the meals of your family or friends, mentally transport you to China, fill you with incredible feelings of calm and goodwill, harmony and joy. This simple invention will be especially interesting for your children. They will gradually develop fine motor skills in their hands, which will bring them great pleasure. If you are new to this business and want to get simple tips, how to learn to eat with Chinese chopsticks, then stay with us in the vastness of our useful article. She will reveal many secrets for you, through which you will hone your skills and feel like a professional.

The birth of Chinese chopsticks

Holding wooden Chinese chopsticks in our hands, probably none of us today thinks about how and when they originated. Yes, in principle, it will not seem so important information, according to many, however, you should not show negligence and disrespect for this object of Chinese culture if you are overcome by an uncontrollable desire to use these particular cutlery for delicious family lunch or dinner. Before you take this traditional thing for the ceremony of eating food in the spirit of the Asian people, you should know that it appeared many years BC in China during the reign of the Shang-Yin dynasty (1764 - 1027 BC). But historians claim that this item appeared even earlier - about 4000 years ago, since its obvious presence can be traced during the life of Emperor Zhou.

Chinese ivory chopsticks were then made. They could only be used by people from the family of the emperor himself. This was considered a kind of luxury that ordinary people could not see, much less use as cutlery. Somewhere in 700 - 800 AD, such an opportunity was finally provided to ordinary passers-by. This important and valuable thing has appeared in almost every home, without which no family in China today can do, both on holiday and in everyday life. It is worth noting that this auxiliary tableware did not always play the role of, so to speak, a spoon or fork. At the very beginning of its appearance, it functioned in the kitchen of cooks as our current spatula for turning pieces of food when frying, but by the will of fate everything fell into place. And already in the modern world we are wondering how to eat this thing in a cafe, restaurant, at a party, at a party or at home, so as not to make a bad impression of ourselves among those around us.

Varieties of Chinese chopsticks

If you don’t know what types of Chinese chopsticks there are and how to use them correctly or other types, our tips will definitely help you quickly master the practice at home. By training daily with your family or friends, you will be able to accumulate incredible experience in this area in just a few days or even hours, pass it on to your children, who will also want to learn how to hold them in their hands at least to begin with, and then use them later. time to eat exotic food. But before we get to that point, we would like to tell you a little about existing types data of cutlery from the Far East. Back in the 12th century, the Chinese seduced their neighbors with this simple thing; it seemed so convenient and practical to them that the Japanese, Koreans and other Asian peoples introduced this innovation into their daily lives. Since those distant times, each nation has developed a personal model of sticks, giving them the required form, length and texture. Previously, the main material for the manufacture of these kitchen utensils was bamboo. It was carefully cleaned, polished, brought to the required thickness, divided in two and fastened together with separate auxiliary elements. Their final appearance was, of course, more reminiscent of large tweezers, which were called “kuaizu”. The Chinese came up with a separate form a little later; it has survived to our times and now enjoys enormous success among adherents of Chinese cuisine. The human desire to constantly change and improve something has, of course, affected these cutlery.

Today they are made from various types of metals, wood, bone, plastic and much more. In restaurants, cafes and other establishments of this kind, preference is naturally given to disposable utensils made from cheap wood options, but for those who see in these items something more than just making the process of eating easier and more convenient, those on specialized counters The stores offer a wide range of products. Here you can find real masterpieces of art, both for amateur collecting and for home use. Carved kuaizu, usually made from sandalwood, cypress, cedar, pine, maple, willow and other most suitable natural materials, varnished, painted, inlaid with metal, precious stones, complemented with designer ornaments, etc. The shape of Chinese chopsticks also varies, ranging from square, pointed to rounded versions. In Japan, this cutlery is called “hashi”. Pronounced pointed ends wooden product and smaller size make them strikingly different from the neighboring invention “kuaizu”, but make them a little similar to Vietnamese ones external properties. The Korean people decided to give their preference to metal utensils for table purposes. For ease of use, they invented thin devices that appealed to almost all Korean citizens.

In general, every self-respecting state has its own merits, which it is proud of and differs from all other countries and cities. But one way or another, in addition to admiring Chinese chopsticks, you must be able to masterfully wield them at the table at home and in a public place, so as not to become the subject of ridicule and heated discussion of the gathered environment. Which is exactly what we are going to do now, dear friends. So, let’s learn to eat using Far Eastern cutlery correctly and skillfully.

Principles of using Chinese chopsticks

To learn how to properly hold the corresponding exotic dishes with Chinese chopsticks, it is better to start learning at home. This way, you won’t worry that friends or strangers might make fun of you, and the curious glances of strangers won’t become an eyesore and “burn” the back of your head. Put all your accumulated tasks aside for later, calm down mentally, and most importantly, relax. Take the props prepared in advance and start mastering the technique, referring to our provided tips in the photo and recommendations below:

  1. Mentally divide the sticks into upper and lower ones, as shown in the photo above.
  2. Relax your palm and fingers as much as possible, since if you are tense, you probably won’t be able to do anything meaningful.
  3. The little finger and ring finger should be lightly pressed together, while the middle and index fingers should be left alone.
  4. Now we take the lower Chinese chopstick and place it between the thumb and index finger so that its narrowed part rests slightly on the ring finger.
  5. We place the top product in the palm of our hand in the usual way, as usual, a pen or pencil.
  6. The first bites of food should be started with small pieces of food. Remember for yourself that in this work only the upper part of the cutlery acts, and the lower one remains motionless at all times.

In general, these are all the secrets that allow you to master all the principles of using Chinese chopsticks. If you are passionate about it and study your skills every day, you will achieve brilliant success. Without a hint of embarrassment and uncertainty, you can pamper yourself and your family with famous Asian dishes in in public places, at the same time, you will not be embarrassed, as before, by the moment of managing special cutlery. The experience gained at home will help you always be on top and feel like a fish out of water in any restaurant.

Useful video instructions on how to use Chinese chopsticks

June 2, 2017 - ChinaPk

Chopsticks were first used in China and then spread to other parts of the world. Chopsticks are considered the quintessence of Chinese culture and are inextricably linked with Eastern civilization.

1. When were chopsticks invented?

The Chinese began using chopsticks about 3,000 years ago during the Shang Dynasty. According to Historical Records, Emperor Zhou, the last of the Shang Dynasty, used ivory chopsticks.” In the pre-Qin era, chopsticks were called “Jia”, during the Qin and Han dynasties, “Zhu”. In Chinese, Zhu sounds the same as “stop,” an unfortunate meaning, so to speak, so people started calling the chopsticks “Kuai,” which sounds the same as the word for “quick” in Chinese.

2. Who invented chopsticks?

Records of the use of chopsticks have been found in many books, but they do not have any physical evidence or proof. However, a lot of folklore has come down to us about the invention of chopsticks. According to one legend, Jiang Ji Ya, an ancient Chinese military strategist, created chopsticks inspired by a mythical bird. According to another myth, the beloved consort of the King of Zhou, the beautiful Daji, invented chopsticks to please the emperor. Yu the Great, legendary ruler in ancient China, used chopsticks to quickly handle hot food, thus saving time and dedicating it to fighting floods. As you can see, all this is speculation and irrepressible folk imagination, that is, there is no exact story about who invented these convenient devices in nature, only the fact that the smart ancient Chinese invented chopsticks.

3. What are chopsticks made of?

Chopsticks are made from different materials: bamboo, wood, plastic, porcelain, silver, bronze, Ivory, jade and stone. Bamboo sticks are most often used in everyday life.

4. How to use Chinese chopsticks correctly?

Using two thin chopsticks is actually not difficult. With a little practice, you can master this wisdom. The key to using Chinese chopsticks correctly is to hold one chopstick in a stationary position and use the other to grab a piece of tofu that you like. Practice is the key to success, be patient!

5. Chopsticks etiquette

Chopsticks are usually kept in right hand, using a chopstick with your left hand is considered improper etiquette in China. Never play with sticks for fun, playing with sticks shows your bad manners. Serving food with chopsticks to elderly people and children is considered a sign of politeness and concern for others. When you share a meal with older people at the table, it is customary to wait for them to be the first to pick up chopsticks. Often, the host looking after guests will transfer a piece of food (for example, a chicken leg) from a large communal plate to the guest's plate. You should not leave chopsticks on the edge of the bowl because in ancient times Chinese beggars did this to attract attention.

6. The philosophy of Chinese chopsticks

Chinese philosopher Confucius (551-479 BC) advised people to use chopsticks instead of knives because metal knives remind people of edged weapons, meaning murder and violence. That's why he proposed banning knives in dining table and use wooden chopsticks instead.

7. When did chopsticks spread to other countries?

Due to their lightness and ease of use, the sticks were introduced to many other neighboring countries. During the Han Dynasty, chopsticks were introduced to the Korean Peninsula, and around 600 AD they spread to the entire peninsula. Chopsticks were brought to Japan by a Buddhist monk named Kunhai during the Tang Dynasty. One day, during his missionary work, Kunhai said: “Those who use chopsticks will be saved,” just use chopsticks and you will be saved after death, after such a promise, chopsticks instantly spread throughout Japan. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, chopsticks gradually spread to Malaysia, Singapore and other countries in Southeast Asia.

8. Chopstick Museum

If you are really interested in chopsticks, you can visit the Shanghai Chopstick Museum (上海民间民俗筷箸馆). The museum has collected more than 1,200 pairs of chopsticks from China, Korea, Japan and Thailand. The oldest exhibit dates back to the Tang Dynasty.

Address: 上海市虹口区多伦路191号 No 191 Duolun Road, Hongkou District
the entrance is free
Opening hours: every day 9:00 – 18:00
Phone: 021-56717528

How to use chopsticks correctly? The secret is not only in technology, but also in love for Chinese culture and kitchen.