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Pressure gauges. Pressure measuring instruments Special acetylene manometer

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"Atmospheric pressure measurement" Physics - grade 7 Teacher: Natalya Valentinovna Rybintseva MOU Lyceum No. 2

Good morning, guys!

True and false statements The atmosphere is an ocean of air at the bottom of which we live. The boundary of the atmosphere is located at an altitude of 1800 km from the Earth's surface. With depth, the pressure of liquid and gas increases. The layer of the atmosphere adjacent to the Earth is the least dense. Atmospheric pressure is determined by the formula p = ρ gh . + - + ? -

How to measure and calculate Atmosphere pressure?

Evangelista Torricelli (1608-1647)

Experience Torricelli Torricelli void

Why didn't all the mercury come out?

p \u003d ρ g h \u003d 9.8 N / kg 13600 kg / m 3 0.001m \u003d 133.3 Pa Relationship between pressure units Pa and millimeter of mercury 1 mm Hg. Art. \u003d 133.3 Pa Normal atmospheric pressure is considered to be 760 mm Hg. st. \u003d 1013 g Pa \u003d 101.3 k Pa

The simplest mercury barometer

True and false statements The atmosphere is an ocean of air at the bottom of which we live. + The boundary of the atmosphere is located at an altitude of 1800 km from the Earth's surface. - With depth, the pressure of liquid and gas increases. + The layer of the atmosphere adjacent to the Earth is the least dense. - Atmospheric pressure is determined by the formula p = ρ gh . +

True and false statements The atmosphere is an ocean of air at the bottom of which we live. + The boundary of the atmosphere is located at an altitude of 1800 km from the Earth's surface. - With depth, the pressure of liquid and gas increases. + The layer of the atmosphere adjacent to the Earth is the least dense. - Atmospheric pressure is determined by the formula p = ρ gh . + p \u003d ρ g h \u003d 9.8136000.001m \u003d 133.3 Pa 760 mm Hg. Art. - normal atmospheric pressure

Task from Grigory Oster What happens if you sneak up in the midst of measuring atmospheric pressure and beat off the upper, sealed tip of the Torricelli tube?

Mercury from the lower end of the tube will plop into the cup and splash you from head to toe!!!

Experience with the Magdeburg hemispheres

Thank you for your work!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Presentation "Air weight. Atmospheric pressure"

This presentation is based on the content of paragraphs 40 and 41 of the textbook "Physics 7" by Peryshkin A.V. and can be used by the teacher as an illustrative material when explaining the topic "Air weight ...

Atmospheric pressure instruments

Physics presentation

7th grade

Sharonova S.M.

Pressure is a physical quantity showing the acting force per unit area of ​​a surface perpendicular to this surface. Pressure is defined as P = F / S, where P is pressure, F is pressure force, S is surface area. From this formula it can be seen that the pressure depends on the surface area of ​​the body acting with a certain force. The smaller the surface area, the greater the pressure.

The unit of pressure is Newton per square meter(H/m2). We can also convert pressure units N/m2 into pascals, units of measurement named after the French scientist Blaise Pascal, who developed the so-called Pascal's Law.

1 N/m2 = 1 Pa.

Torricelli. His mercury tube was the first barometer.

The cup barometer is an improved version of the Torricelli barometer.

For scientific and everyday purposes, you need to be able to measure atmospheric pressure. For this there are special devices- barometers. The very first instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure was invented...

Whatever the size of the cup with mercury, whatever the diameter of the tube, the mercury will always rise to the same height - 760 mm. The barometric tube can be given different shape, only one thing is important, one end of the tube must be closed so that there is no air from above.

You can fill the tube with any liquid other than mercury, but you need to remember about the need to change its length.

Water barometers were built by Pascal (Rouen, 1646) ...

... and Otto von Guericke (Magdeburg, 1660)

The largest water barometer, 12 m high, was constructed in 1987 by Bert Bolle, curator of the Barometer Museum in Martensdijk, the Netherlands, where it is installed.

Mercury barometers give accurate readings, but require great care in handling them. The modern barometer is made liquid-free!

It's called an aneroid barometer. Metal barometers are less accurate, but not as bulky and fragile.

The internal structure of the aneroid.

Such a barometer is called a barometric altimeter or altimeter.

The aneroid barometer is a very sensitive instrument. For example, going up to the top floor of the 9 storey building, due to the difference in atmospheric pressure at different height we will find a decrease in atmospheric pressure by 2-3 mm Hg. Art.

A barometer can be used to determine the altitude of an aircraft.

The idea of ​​Pascal's experiment formed the basis for the design of the altimeter. It determines the height of the rise above sea level from changes in atmospheric pressure.

When observing the weather in meteorology, if it is necessary to register fluctuations in atmospheric pressure over a certain period of time, they use recorder- barograph.

Different units are used to measure pressure: mm of mercury, physical atmospheres,

in SI system


All living organisms are adapted to life at certain values ​​of atmospheric pressure. Man and most animals do not tolerate high altitude conditions, but some birds reach considerable heights in flight. A condor bird can rise to a height of up to 9000m, mountain jackdaws - up to 8200m, a vulture and a hawk - up to 6000-7000m, an eagle - up to 5000m, other birds stay at a height of no more than 4000m.

The largest water barometer, 12 m high, was constructed in 1987 by Bert Bolle, curator of the Barometer Museum in Martensdijk, the Netherlands, where it is installed.

Can a person produce a pressure of 1000 atm? Yes, sticking a needle into the fabric!

Remember the experience of Otto von Guericke - 1654 in the city of Magdeburg. It turns out that " Magdeburg hemispheres Every person has: the heads of the femurs are held in the pelvic joint by atmospheric pressure.

How can a driver help a friend and pour gasoline from his car into the gas tank of another? There is such a simple device - a siphon. His work is based on the action of atmospheric pressure.

In its structure, the Earth's atmosphere resembles a multi-storey building.

  • The first "floor" is the troposphere: up to 11 km above sea level, contains 4/5 of the mass of all air, the temperature drops with height, clouds are born here.
  • The second "floor" is the stratosphere: up to 55 km above sea level, contains 1/5 of all air, the realm of cold with a temperature of about minus 40 degrees Celsius, the ozone layer is located here.
  • The third "floor" is the mesosphere: up to 200 km above sea level, the air is very rarefied, the pressure is 1/25000 of normal atmospheric pressure.
  • The fourth "floor" is the thermosphere: an unprecedented heat of about 1000-2000 degrees Celsius, the air density is exceptionally low, falling meteors ignite here.
  • The fifth "floor" is the exosphere: the outer shell of the atmosphere, up to 600 km high, the strongest rarefaction of the air, even higher signs of air particles can be traced up to a height of more than 1000 km.


This fish clings to the shark with such force that it is impossible to tear it off. On this live hook in Australia they still catch sharks and big fish, and in South America- turtles. With the help of fish - stuck fish are caught weighing up to 18 kg. There are metal vacuum lifting devices. These suction cups are metal or rubber bowls, similar to the Magndeburg hemispheres in diameter from 50 to 600 mm, they can lift a load weighing up to 700 kg. By attaching several suction cups to an object, you can lift a load weighing up to 10 tons!

IN Lately in medicine they began to use the "liquid scalpel", i.e. tissue incision during surgery is carried out with a thin jet of saline at a pressure of about 120 atmospheres.


1. What is the difference between the change in air density with height and the density of water at different sea depths? 2. Which barometer is more sensitive: mercury or oil? Why? 3. Is it possible to measure the pressure on board space station mercury barometer, and aneroid?

4. What type of barometer should be used to measure the pressure inside spaceship when it is moving with the engine off? Why?

  • Option 7-3-1
  • 1. Determine the area of ​​one caterpillar of a tractor, which, with a mass of 3880 kg, exerts a pressure on the ground of 4 N / sq. cm? 2. On a smaller piston hydraulic machine with an area of ​​5 sq.cm. a force of 2500 N acts. What load does the car lift with a large piston, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is 200 sq. cm.? 3. What pressure does a layer of kerosene 0.6 meters high exert on the bottom of the vessel? 4. With what force does the air press on a table with an area of ​​0.7 sq.m.? Why do we, when lifting the table, do not experience the action of this force. 5. Water is poured into one knee of the communicating vessels up to a height of 10 cm, to what height should mercury be poured into the other knee in order to achieve equilibrium of the liquids in the knees of the vessel?
  • Everyone decides their own

Option 7-3-2.

1. What is the pressure on the ground Brick wall 2.5 meters high?

2. The pump pumps oil into Hydraulic Press under pressure 30 N/sq.cm. With what force does the press squeeze the pressed part, if the area of ​​the press piston is 0.08 sq.m.?

Z. In the tank with kerosene there is a side hole closed with a stopper with an area of ​​8 sq. cm. What size force should keep the cork from flying out if the hole is at a depth of 1.8 meters?

4. Determine with what force the atmosphere presses on window glass with an area of ​​1.5 sq.m. Why doesn't glass shatter from such a terrible force?

5. Water is poured into one knee of communicating vessels up to a height

6 cm. To what height do you need to pour kerosene into the other knee in order to achieve equilibrium of liquids in the lap of the vessel?

Option 7-3-3.

1. A tractor with a two-track bearing area of ​​2.4 sq.m produces a ground pressure of 5 N/cm2. Determine the mass of the tractor.

2. The area of ​​small piston hydraulic machine is 10 times less area second piston. What force must be applied to the large piston to keep the weight of 1 kg on the small piston in balance?

3. The pipe can withstand a pressure of 500,000 N/sq.m. To what height can water be supplied through this pipe?

4. With what force does the atmosphere press on a person whose skin surface area is 2 sq.m.? Why does a person not notice the effect of this force on himself?

5. There are 10 cubic meters in communicating vessels of the same shape. cm. of water and 10 cc. kerosene. What is the difference in the levels of liquids in the right and left vessels?

Option 7-3-4.

1. Find the area of ​​the piston, which, when pressure is applied to it compressed air 48 N/sq.cm. develops a force of 120,000 N.

2. A cubic vessel with a volume of 1 cubic meter. filled with water. Determine the pressure at the bottom of the vessel.

Z. In a cylinder under a piston with an area of ​​0.1 sq.m. there is 9 kg of water. What is the pressure on the bottom of the cylinder if a 1 kg weight is placed on the piston?

4. Air pressure at an altitude of 10 km 26000 Pa. With what force does the air in the plane squeeze out the window glass with an area of ​​800 sq.cm?

5. There are 10 cubic cm in communicating vessels of the same shape. water and 3 cc. mercury. What is the difference in the levels of liquids in the right and left vessels?

Option 7-3-5.

1. What should be the area of ​​​​skis so that a person weighing 70 kg exerts pressure on the snow of no more than 0.5 N / cm2?

2. The piston of the hydraulic machine with an area of ​​2 sq.cm. descends under the action of a force of 150 N. What is the weight of the load lifted by the second piston with an area of ​​8 sq. cm?

H. The water of the fountain rises to a height of 5 m. What is the pressure of the water in the pipe supplying water to the fountain?

4. What force of atmospheric pressure acts on a notebook sheet with an area of ​​350 sq.cm? Why is this leaf not torn by the action of such a huge force?

5. On one side of the communicating vessels, water was poured to a height of 4 cm, and on the other, an unknown liquid was poured, which had to be poured to a height of 5 cm before reaching equilibrium in the communicating vessels. What kind of liquid is this?



7 - 3 - 1

7 - 3 - 2

7 - 3 - 3

7 - 3 - 4

7 - 3 - 5

density 800 kg / m 3, most likely it is kerosene

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Atmospheric barometer - a physical instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure. Normal atmospheric pressure is the pressure that is balanced by a column of mercury 760 mm high at a temperature of 0 °C. worseningA decrease in atmospheric pressure portends worsening weather. 12 mAs you rise above the Earth's surface, atmospheric pressure decreases by approximately 1 mm Hg. Art. for every 12 m of ascent. decreaseThe decrease in pressure is accompanied by a decrease in the density of the atmosphere, and it gradually passes into outer space. 3

5 Liquid pressure gauge 1 - two-legged glass tube 2 - rubber tube 3 - round flat box covered with rubber film Action of liquid U- figurative manometers based on comparing the pressure in the closed leg with the external pressure in the open leg.

7 Tube pressure gauge 1 - tube 2 - pointer 3 - gear 4 - inlet cock 5 - lever 3 V tubular manometer the arrow pointer is connected to a tube bent in the form of an arc. When the pressure inside the tube rises, it straightens and the pointer turns.

The most widely used pressure gauges with a tubular spring. If you create pressure in a curved tube, the section of which is shown in Figure 11, then such a tube will unbend by an amount proportional to the pressure. The end of the tube, moving, will pull gear rack and turn the axis on which the arrow is mounted. Such pressure gauges are used up to 1016 thousand atmospheres.

10 Bourdon tube pressure gauges are designed to measure the pressure of non-corrosive copper alloys (ammonia, alkaline and saline solutions), non-crystallizing media of liquids, gas and steam. 1 bar = Pa (pascals) There are two well-known units of pressure, psi and bar. If psi is still used in the US, then the metric unit bar is generally accepted. The bar is often replaced by pascals and kilo-pascals as such units are more convenient. There are many other units of measurement, but they are used in highly specialized areas. 1 psi (1 pound per square inch) = Pa 1 pound per square inch inch = Pa 1 atmosphere = Pa

11 Manometer Applications Blood Pressure MeasurementBlood Pressure Tire Pressure Checks Fuel System Pressure Measurements of Automobiles Cars Gas Welding Gas Welding Tank Pressure Measurements Scuba Tank Scuba Tank Pressure Monitoring Pressure and Vacuum Measurements diesel fuel, water, gases and water vapor, oxygen, freons on ships. on ships. Foam pressure control in pumping portable fire extinguishers Fire extinguishers Pressure control in power and brake systems and rolling stock installations. Heating pressure control system

14 The pressure regulator with pressure gauge is designed to accurately measure and regulate the pressure of compressed air at the inlet of the spray gun. 1 bar = Pascals (Pa) 1 psi = Pa

16 Tire pressure gauge 1 atmosphere = Pa

24 The tank pressure gauge, like the depth gauge, uses the Bourdon tube principle. The pressure gauge must be clearly visible under all conditions. The pressure gauge is connected to the first stage reducer from the side high pressure. Pressure gauge, depth gauge and compass

26 A manometer is a physical instrument for measuring the pressure inside closed vessels. Typically, a pressure gauge measures the difference between the pressure in a vessel and atmospheric pressure. The pressure of a gas in a closed vessel increases as the density or temperature of the gas increases. The state of a gas at low pressure is called a vacuum. Conclusions:

Grebenshchikov V.E. PSM-21
Instruments for measuring

1.What is pressure? Kinds.
2. Classification of measuring instruments
A. Two-pipe manovacuummeter
b. Piston pressure gauges
V. Differential pressure gauges
Self-recording pressure gauges
e. Pressure gauges accurate measurements
e. Digital pressure gauges
and. Electrocontact pressure gauges
h. Micromanometers
And. Pressure gauges, thrust gauges, draft gauges
j. KRT5 pressure transducers
l. Pressure switches

1.What is pressure? Kinds.

Pressure - acting force located on the surface of the body, divided by
the area of ​​this surface. In the SI system, it is measured in Pa (Pascals).
Metrologists measure pressure in units of measurement - millibar, which
equal to 100 Pa.
Absolute pressure - a value measured relative to a pressure equal to
absolute zero. In other words, pressure relative to absolute
Barometric pressure is the absolute pressure of the earth's atmosphere.
This type of pressure got its name from the measuring device
barometer, which, as you know, determines the atmospheric pressure in
a certain point in time at a certain temperature and at
a certain height above sea level. About this pressure
excess pressure and vacuum are determined.
Excessive pressure occurs if there is a positive
difference between measured pressure and barometric pressure. That is
excess pressure is the amount by which the measured pressure is greater
barometric. A manometer is used to measure this type of pressure.

Vacuum - or otherwise, vacuum pressure is the amount by which
the measured pressure is less than the barometric pressure. If excess pressure
denoted in positive units, the vacuum in negative.
For example, a 40PC015V1A sensor capable of measuring vacuum has a range
measured pressure from -103 to 0 kPa. Instruments capable of measuring this type
pressure gauges are called vacuum gauges.
Differential pressure occurs when the same pressure is compared
relative to the other, and neither of them is equal to the barometric one.
Excess pressure and vacuum are measured relative to barometric
pressure. If we measure these quantities relative to any other
values, then we get the differential.

2. Classification of instruments for measuring pressure

Two-pipe manovacuummeter
Two-pipe pressure vacuum gauges MN21 are designed
for measurements of excess, absolute pressures, and
also pressure differences between liquids and gases.
The principle of operation and vacuum gauges
two-pipe is based on the law of communicating
vessels. The device is a curved
U shape glass tube permanent
section filled with working fluid.
The liquid is the sensitive element,
responsive to pressure changes. For
measurements of gas pressures as a working
liquids use water to measure
liquid pressure - mercury. Under influence
measured pressure changes height
balancing column of liquid
the measured pressure is determined by
readings of the position of the working fluid level in
one or two tubes.

The instrument scale is a rectangular plate on which
a uniform scale is applied, calibrated in mm.
Two-pipe pressure vacuum gauges MN21 have 5 modifications,
different measurement ranges, design and dimensions
sizes. In manovacuummeters mod. 5 designed for
measurements of low absolute and differential pressures,
inclined tube is used.

Piston pressure gauges

Deadweight testers are
devices in which the measured pressure
balanced by the force generated
calibrated weights acting
on a freely moving piston.
The main part of the device is
vertical column, in cylindrical
the channel in which the piston is located.
The most common gauges
unsealed piston. between him and
the cylinder has a small gap,
the space under the piston is filled
special oil, which
pressure enters the gap and provides
lubrication of friction surfaces. At
pressure measurement to reduce friction
between cylinder and piston
driven by an electric motor.
This type of pressure gauge is characterized by high
accuracy and wide measurement range
(from 0.098 to 250 MPa). Cargo piston
pressure gauges have upper limits
measurements 0.1; 0.6; 1; 2.5; 6; 10; 60; 100;
250 MPa and accuracy classes 0.02, 0.03 or
0.05. The high accuracy of these devices
requires good care behind them and
scrupulous observance of the rules

MP-250 deadweight pressure gauge
Overpressure gauge
cargo piston MP-250 class
accuracy 0.05 (further on
text - pressure gauge) is intended
for verification and calibration
measuring instruments
pressure (deformation
manometers, sensors,
registrars, etc.). And
for direct
pressure in connected
pressure gauge comply with GOST
The pressure gauge is designed for
work at temperature
ambient air from 10 to
30 °С and relative
humidity not more than 80%

MVP-2.5 pressure-vacuum deadweight tester (accuracy class 0.02)

vacuum gauge
cargo-piston MVP-2.5 (in
further manovacuummeter)
accuracy class 0.02
intended for verification
deformation exemplary
pressure gauges with top
measurement limits no more
0.25 MPa (2.5 kgf/cm2) and
exemplary deformation
vacuum gauges, and
direct measurement
excess pressure and
The vacuum gauge is designed
for operation at temperatures
environment from 10 to
30°С and relative humidity
no more than 80%.

Differential pressure gauges

Differential pressure gauge
(differential pressure gauge) is
showing (arrow
or digital) device
measuring difference
(difference) pressure. IN
parameter distinguish
differential pressure gauges:
pressure gauges, flowmeters and
level gauges. Beyond simple
showing performance,
pressure gauges can be
signaling and

Handheld digital differential pressure gauge
series 477.
● For easy data download option
USB contains cable and software
● Choice of nine
English/metric technical
● The memory stores 40 previous
● Measurements are positive,
negative and differential
● Audible and visual emergency
overpressure signals;
● Works up to 100 hours from one
9 volt batteries;
Combines the features you need for
pressure measurement and fast, easy and more accurate
writes data. First, you can immediately
choose from the nine most commonly used units
pressure without spending time and risk making mistakes with
tedious unit conversion. Next, the function
non-volatile memory allows you to save up to 40
readings is convenient for HVAC technicians
(heating, ventilation and air conditioning) and
gives indication profiles air flow for a channel with
pitot tube. Models are FM certified with
Hazardous Location IS, Class 1, Div. 1,
Group A, B, C, D, T4.
When working in places with poor lighting there is a function
display backlight. She automatically
turns off after 20 minutes to minimize
battery discharge. Electronic zeroing made simple
one key touch to completely reset
any minimum pressure difference. HOLD key
(hold) locks the current pressure in order to
determine the general situation when the indications
fluctuate. We even turned on a sound emergency
overpressure warning signal plus
visual Emergency Signal in case when
ambient noise level is too high to
hear a beep. Sound signal Also
confirms that the reading is preserved, which excludes
the need to pay attention to the display during
measurements on the channel profile.
A new option for the 477 series is the USB interface. IN
combinations with the possibility of data logging in a series
477 user can now quickly and conveniently download
saved readings to any USB compatible
device. Data manipulation can be done easily
in numerous electronic processing devices
text or spreadsheet programs. USB
models are supplied with a USB cable and a CD with software

Differential U-Gauge Gauges
These inexpensive pressure gauges measure positive, negative and
differential pressures. U-gauges combine obvious accuracy,
which has a simple U-shaped tube, with the strength of tough and durable
plastic construction. The pressure gauge posts are made of flexible, durable transparent
0.375" OD tubing.
They can be easily cleaned.
For maximum color contrast behind the indicator tube
there is a notch white color. The scales are embossed on polystyrene, which is shaped
keeping the pressure gauge posts absolutely straight. Durable for clarity
white scales have graduations and black numbers.
A large number of models and characteristics,
including options with safety
overpressure traps, options with
full scale range from 8" to 36" for water and
mercury. All pressure gauges are suitable for full
pressures up to 100 Pa - to determine the speed and
static pressures, leakage, efficiency
fan and blower, filter resistance
and gas pressure. The pressure gauge is ideal when
transportability and direct reading are necessary.
Small divisions (scales) 1/10 inch water
column (or 2 mm water column in metric
units) for better legibility are printed
black on white scale. easy to read,
even at a distance, for durability they are covered
acrylic. All models come with one bottle
per ¾ oz. fluorescent concentrate
green color with a special wetting agent
substance for W/M models (water/mercury) or
¾ oz bottle of red measuring oil
for models D.

Differential U-shaped flexible torsion gauge
Convenient twist-on pressure gauge,
measuring with laboratory precision.
Pressure gauges correspond in accuracy to the most
high-quality laboratory U-shaped manometers - in addition, for
Ease of carrying pressure gauge U-shaped
pressure gauges roll up to a compact
gauge size and withstand
rather rough handling of the U-shaped
pressure gauge.
Simply unfold the gauge and install the U gauge to measure
differential pressure. Magnetic
U-gauge clamps securely
hold the pressure gauge on any steel
surfaces. Manometer can be installed
obliquely, securing one side with a nail.
To start working with the pressure gauge, turn
U-gauge connectors per
turnover. When pressure is applied,
upward shift of the level in one shoulder by
some amount measured in inches and
shifting the level down by some
size measured in inches.
Gauges cover a wide range of pressures - from 4-0-4 inches to
60-0-60 inches. Use these U-gauges to determine
speed and static pressure, for leak detection, testing
fans and blowers, calibration of controls, checks
gas pressure and many other applications. All models of U-gauges
have flexible vinyl arms and a flexible steel scale calibrated to
inches of water when using water and inches of mercury when
the use of mercury. The pressure gauges are suitable for measuring pulsating
full pressure up to 50 Pa and vacuum not exceeding 20 C.

Differential oblique
pressed pressure gauges
Pressed pressure gauges series
Mark IIs come in both oblique,
and type with vertical
the location of the meter.
Curved located
vertical gauge tube
model 25 provides more
wide ranges with lighter
incremental reading at low
count values. Model 25
great for general
applications. oblique model
pressure gauge provides a linear
calibration and fine
resolution over the entire range.
Inclined Gauge Model
perfect for measuring
air velocity and measurements in
air filter. Both types
manometers are capable of measuring
pressure up and down
atmospheric, as well as
measurements of the differential
pressure (differential pressure).

Hospital patients who
sensitive to dust or
bacteria, require placement in
blocks with careful control
environment. Complex
filtration systems remove
particles from the incoming
injected air. pressure gauge
differential pressure
monitors pressure drop across
filter system for
determine the moment when
maintenance is needed.
The Mark II pressure gauge measures
positive pressure in
room to be
confidence in exceeding
pressure above atmospheric and
intrusion prevention
unfiltered air when
the door opens. If
dual type reading is desirable,
instead of Mark II maybe
pressure gauge used
differential pressure
And to provide visual
or an audible warning
upcoming problems
can be installed
relays/pressure gauges.

DM 3583M differential pressure gauge
Designed for proportional
conversion of pressure difference into output
unified signal mutual
Transducers (differential pressure gauges) are used in
control systems, automatic
regulation and management of technological
processes in the measurement of liquid flow,
gas or steam according to the pressure difference in the narrowing
devices, the difference between vacuum and
overpressure, liquid level according to
hydrostatic column pressure,
under atmospheric, excess or
vacuum pressure.
The transducers are designed to measure
parameters of non-aggressive gases and liquids at
ambient temperature from minus 30
degrees to plus 50 degrees Celsius and
relative humidity up to 95 percent.
The transducers are produced with top
measurement limits corresponding to the series:
1.6; 2.5; 4.0; 6.3; 10; 16; 25 kPa (160; 250; 400;
630; 1000; 1600; 2500 kgf/m2) 40; 63; 100; 160;
250; 400; 630 kPa (0.4; 0.63; 1.0; 1.6; 2.5; 4.0;
6.3 kgf/cm2).
The lower measurement limit is zero.
Converters with upper rating
measurement limits 1.6; 2.5; 4.0 kPa (160; 250;
400 kgf/m2) are intended only for extreme
permissible operating overpressure 16
MPa (160 kgf/cm2)
Transducers with upper limits
measurements 1.6 and 2.5 kPa (160 and 250 kgf/m2)
only intended to be converted to

Pressure gauge differential bellows
showing DSP-160M1
To measure the differential pressure on gas meters,
gas filters, as well as other gas equipment.
Industries: gas supply, heat power engineering,
chemical industry.
Wednesday: natural gas, nitrogen, argon, air, and others
non-corrosive gases.
Working principle: Structurally differential pressure gauge
consists of two parts - bellows block and
showing part.
The principle of operation is based on the use
deformations of an elastic system (bellows,
coil springs,
torque tube) when exposed to
measured differential pressure. Mechanism
showing part assembled
in a round case with a diameter of 160 mm and represents
is a tribko-sector mechanism, on the axis of which
showing arrow. Differential pressure scale
uniform with a price of one division of 1 mbar (10 mm.
water. Art.).
The differential pressure gauge withstands for 1 hour from the side of the positive input an overload exceeding the limit
nominal differential pressure by 50%. The differential pressure gauge withstands for 1 minute from the positive or
inlet the impact of pressure equal to the maximum allowable operating overpressure. Ease of installation
differential pressure gauge. Insensitivity to contamination of the working environment. For resistance to temperature and
ambient humidity differential pressure gauge
It has Climatic performance U2 according to GOST 15150-69. According to the degree of protection from environmental influences
differential pressure gauge meets the requirements for IP55 (protected from dust and water) according to
GOST 14254-96.
The design provides for mounting on a round stand with a diameter of 40mm or on a bracket with bolt fastening
M14x1.5. Full average service life of at least 12 years.

Self-recording pressure gauges

Intended for
measurement and continuous
records in time
disk diagram
excess and
vacuum gauge,
pressure of liquid and
gaseous non-aggressive
environments, incl. gaseous
Chart disc drive
from an electric motor or
clock mechanism. Time
one turn of the chart
disk 24 hours. Execution according to
pressure records: single and
two-record. Class
accuracy: 1; 1.5. Working
ambient temperature
Wednesdays: -10 to +600C.

DM-2001 self-recording manometer

Self-recording manometer DM-2001
used to measure
excess pressure of gaseous
and liquid non-aggressive media in
various industries
industry and continuous
records in time on disk
diagram (chart disks,
registry number 2109). Sign up for
the chart disk is made with
using a writing unit of the UPS23 / D1 brand. The "D" means
disk has been modified. Action
pressure gauge DM2001 is based on
balancing the measured
pressure elastic deformation
single-coil tubular spring,
free end movement
which transfer-multiplier
mechanism is converted into an angular
movement of the writing pen
indications on the chart disk.
The disc is rotated with
help mechanical drive.

DSS-711-M1 differential self-recording manometer (flow meter)

Differential pressure gauges
(differential pressure gauges) - flow meters
bellows designed for
liquid and
gaseous media according to the method
variable pressure drop in
standard constriction devices.
DSS-711-M1 - differential pressure gauge
self-recording with drive
chart disk from
electric motor. Diagrammatic
disks of differential pressure gauges-flowmeters with
quadratic dependence uneven.

Accurate pressure gauges

Accurate pressure gauges
(pressure and vacuum gauges, vacuum gauges) –
MTif, MVTIf, VTIf. Accuracy class -
0.4; 0.6; 1.0. Intended for
non-aggressive pressure measurement

steam and gas, including oxygen and
Belong to deformation
manometers - their base is tubular
Bourdon spring. Peculiarity
production of exemplary pressure gauges
(working standards) from conventional
technical manometers, is
meeting higher requirements
applied to materials, technologies
manufacture, design of the manometer,
providing more accurate
adjustment. For exemplary - reference
pressure gauge applied tubular
the spring is usually larger,
there are additional options
adjusting the range of the scale and its
uniformity. For the manufacture of
sensing elements exemplary
pressure gauges, alloys with more than
high elasticity characteristics
(for example, beryllium bronze).

MPTI, VPTI, MVPTI cl.t.1, cl.t.0.6, cl.t.0.4

Pressure gauges, vacuum gauges and
pressure and vacuum gauges showing
for accurate MPTI measurements,
VPTI, MVPTI are intended for
measurement of excess and
vacuum pressure
non-crystallizing liquids,
gas and steam, including
oxygen and applications in the fields
metrological control and
supervision (GMKiN) and
state system
industrial appliances and
automation equipment (GSP).

MTPSD-100 ship pressure gauge

Ship pressure gauges
(ship) MTPSd-100OM2 are designed for
liquid pressure
(diesel fuel, oil,
water, sea ​​water), gases and
water vapor, temperature
which in the place of selection
pressure should not be
more than 60°C, in the environment
vapor-saturated environment
lubricating oil, diesel
fuel and sea water.
Devices can be made
for pressure measurement
freon grades 12, 13. 22.
142, 502 and oxygen.

Digital manometers Yokogawa MT210 / MT210F / MT220 Digital manometers

MT220 and MT210 Yokogawa are
high-precision digital pressure gauges and
used to test instruments
measuring excess, absolute and
pressure drop. pressure gauge
differential pressure allows
measure both absolute, excess, and
pressure drop. MT220 unlike MT210
It has additional functions digital
multimeter with an accuracy of 0.01% of the measured
values ​​and 24V DC output current, which allows
perform verification and calibration
pressure transducers without involvement
other Yokogawa MT220 appliances while
can immediately show the deviation of the readings
calibrated sensor from the real value
pressure. Digital pressure gauges have
built-in memory for measured values,
have a standard interface with
computer (RS232C or GP-IB) and can be
additionally equipped with digital-analogue
output and comparator output. Thanks to
it is possible to build
automated documentation schemes and
verification based on MT210 and MT220 instruments.

Manometers electrocontact DM2005 the manometer signaling explosion-proof.

Designed to measure
excess and vacuum
pressure of various media in the range
0-4 kgf/cm² and external control
electrical circuits from
direct signaling device
Measured medium: liquid, steam, gas,
including propane and butane. On order
possible execution of the device for
measurements in liquid and
gaseous oxygen.

Micromanometers MMN 2400 micromanometer

Multirange micromanometer with
inclined tube MMn-2400
designed to measure
excess vacuum
pressure and differential pressure
non-corrosive to steel, brass and
polyethylene gases up to
240 kgf/cm2 at static
pressure not more than 1000 kgf/m2
Operating principle: measured
pressure is balanced
working column pressure
liquid that is formed in
measuring tube.
as a working fluid in
MMn-2400 is used ethyl
technical alcohol. Scale
put on a glass
measuring tube L=300 mm.
Scope: control
industrial ventilation
premises, ecological
emission control of various
production, technological
control of gas and dust flows,
aerodynamic research.

Pressure gauges, thrust gauges, draft gauges Multi-range pressure gauges ADN/ADR

ADN meter (ADR) -
small product,
which combines the functions
primary sensor and secondary
device. The meter is built on
modern element base with
using technology
laser calibration
and microprocessor processing
measurement results.
Applications: as pressure gauges
and thrust gauges in automation
protection of gas boilers and burners,
as converters
pressure in the circuits
power control and
underpressure, for indication
water level in the boiler drum and
for position control
dampers. Permissible limit
basic error
expressed as a percentage of
instrument reading range, not
exceeds 2.5%.

Pressure transducers KRT5
Application area:
Thermal points, heat energy metering units,
CHP, distribution networks (water, steam, gas and
etc.), pumping stations with adjustable
electric drive, control systems and
regulation of technological processes,
oil and gas pumping stations, enterprises
food, chemical and gas industries.
Purpose: for measurement and continuous
excess pressure conversion
(pressure) neutral to titanium and
stainless steel media
(gas, steam, liquid) into a unified
output signal direct current or
Used as an input device
in the secondary equipment of systems
automatic control, regulation and
processes, testing equipment
(hydrotesters, etc.), dispatching,
telemechanical information-measuring complexes,
adjustable asynchronous thyristor
electric drives, etc.

Pressure switches

Purpose: for control and
on-off regulation
pressure of liquid and gaseous
environments in refrigeration units,
used on ships
rail and road
transport, as well as
stationary installations and others
systems and devices.
Controlled environments:
freons, air, oils and others
non-aggressive environments. For
devices DEM102-1-01A, DEM1022-05A controlled environment
could be ammonia.