home · Networks · Hygienic bath for young children. Technique for giving a hygienic bath to a newborn. Skin care, bedsore prevention

Hygienic bath for young children. Technique for giving a hygienic bath to a newborn. Skin care, bedsore prevention

The first bath of a newborn baby in a bath should be carried out after the remnant of the umbilical cord falls off and heals umbilical wound. Typically, this occurs in the 2nd week of life. To bathe your child you will need: a bathtub (preferably enamel, but plastic can also be used), baby soap, a soft sponge, a water thermometer, a jug or other container with warm water for rinsing the baby, a diaper and a towel.

Children's bathing frequency:

During the first 6 months - daily;
- from 6 months to 1.5 years - every other day;
- up to 3 years - 2 times a week;
- over 3 years old - at least once a week.

Bathroom water temperature:

During the first month of life - 37.5-37 0 C. At the same time, the newborn is bathed in boiled water, which is cooled to the desired temperature.
- up to 6 months - 36.5-37 C;
- from 6 months up to 12 months 36.0-36.5 C.

Bath duration:

Up to 12 months - 5-10 minutes
- from 12 months to 2 years - 8-10 minutes
- after 2 years - 10-15 minutes

The duration of the bath is increased gradually, starting from a few minutes and increasing the time with each subsequent use.

Step by step procedure:

1. Before bathing, wash the bath thoroughly with soap and a brush, then rinse hot water;

2. The position of the child in the bath. The head and upper body are supported with one hand, and the buttocks and thighs are secured with the other hand. Supporting the child's legs, he is carefully placed in the water.

This position provides the greatest relaxation of the child's muscles. You can also use a special stand for swimming. Up to 6 months, the baby’s position in the bath is lying down. So that the head is slightly higher than the body (water should not get into the external auditory canals). To do this, you need to hold the baby's head in your hand. The water should be at the level of the baby's nipples, top part the chest remains open. After 6 months - children can sit in the bath, freely, without tension, immersed to the level of the nipples.

3. So, with one hand they support the child’s head and back, with the other they lather the neck, torso, and buttocks. Special attention pay attention to the folds in the neck, in the elbows, groin area, behind the ears, under the knees and between the buttocks;

4. Then the child is lifted above the water, turned back up and doused clean water from separate dishes;

5. Wrap the baby in a warm diaper and dry the baby’s skin with light blotting movements;

7. Swaddle (or dress) the baby and put it in the crib.

It should be remembered that:

The bath is carried out at certain, preferably the same, hours. Not earlier than an hour after feeding or 40-45 minutes before it, as well as 1-1.5 hours before bedtime;

After a bath, the child needs to rest for 20-30 minutes;

When bathing a newborn, use soap no more than 2 times a week.

Possible problems:

For some children, daily bathing can cause skin irritation (especially if the water is hard).
Recommendations: bathe the child with the addition of starch - dilute 100-150 grams of starch with warm water and pour the resulting suspension into the bathtub;

Sometimes after frequent washing Soap makes your hair dry.
Recommendations: lubricate hair after bathing vegetable oil. After oil treatment, wipe the hair dry with a cotton swab;

If elements of prickly heat appear on the baby’s skin.
Recommendations: Add infusion of string or chamomile to the bath. To prepare the infusion, take 1 tablespoon of herb per glass of water (200 ml) - leave for 10 minutes.

The first bath of a newborn baby in a bath should be carried out after the remainder of the umbilical cord falls off and the umbilical wound has healed. Typically, this occurs in the 2nd week of life. For bathing a child You will need: a bathtub (preferably enamel, but plastic can also be used), baby soap, a soft sponge, a water thermometer, a jug or other container with warm water for rinsing the baby, a diaper and a towel.Children's bathing frequency:· during the first 6 months - daily;· from 6 months to 1.5 years - every other day;· up to 3 years - 2 times a week;· over 3 years old - at least once a week.Bathroom water temperature:· during the first month of life - 37.5-37 degrees C. At the same time, a newborn is bathed in boiled water, which is cooled to the desired temperature.· up to 6 months - 36.5-37 C;· from 6 months up to 12 months 36.0-36.5 C;Bath duration:· up to 12 months - 5-10 minutes· from 12 months to 2 years - 8-10 minutes· after 2 years - 10-15 minutesThe duration of the bath is increased gradually, starting from a few minutes and increasing the time with each subsequent use.Step by step procedure:1. Before bathing, the bath is thoroughly washed with soap and a brush, then rinsed with hot water;2. The position of the child in the bath. The head and upper body are supported with one hand, and the buttocks and thighs are secured with the other hand. Supporting the child's legs, he is carefully placed in the water.
In this position, the greatest relaxation of the child's muscles is provided. For swimming, you can also use a special stand. Up to 6 months, the position of the child in the bath is lying down. So that the head is slightly higher than the body (water should not get into the external auditory canals). To do this, you need to hold the child's head on your hand. The water should be at the level of the baby's nipples, leaving the upper part of the chest open. After 6 months - children can sit in the bath, freely, without tension, immersed to the level of the nipples.3. So, with one hand they support the child’s head and back, with the other they soap the neck, torso, and buttocks. Pay special attention to the folds in the neck, elbows, groin area, behind the ears, under the knees and between the buttocks;
4. Then the child is lifted above the water, turned back up and doused with clean water from a separate bowl;
5. Wrap the baby in a warm diaper and dry the baby's skin with light blotting movements;6. Next, the skin folds are treated (lubricated) with sterile petroleum jelly or other baby care products;7. Swaddle (or dress) the baby and put it in the crib.It should be remembered that:· the bath is carried out at certain, preferably at the same, hours. Not earlier than an hour after feeding or 40-45 minutes before it, as well as 1-1.5 hours before bedtime;· after a bath, the child needs to rest for 20-30 minutes;· soap when bathing a newborn is used no more than 2 times a week .
Possible problems:1. For some children, daily bathing can cause skin irritation (especially if the water is hard).
Recommendations: bathe the child with the addition of starch - dilute 100-150 grams of starch with warm water and pour the resulting suspension into the bathtub;
2. Sometimes after frequent washing with soap, hair becomes dry.
Recommendations: lubricate your hair with vegetable oil after bathing. After oil treatment, wipe the hair dry with a cotton swab;
3. If elements of prickly heat appear on the baby’s skin.
Recommendations: add an infusion of string or chamomile to the bath. To prepare the infusion, take 1 tablespoon of herb per glass of water (200 ml) - leave for 10 minutes.

  • I. Drugs used in the treatment of diseases caused by pathogenic fungi
  • Type IV hypersensitivity (cell-mediated).
  • Autopolyploidy. Phenotypic effects of autopolyploidy. Balanced and unbalanced polyploids. Polyploid series.
  • PURPOSE: maintaining body hygiene; satisfying the need to “be clean”; developing cleanliness skills; hardening the child.


    1. Children's enamel or plastic bathtub,

    2. Water jug,

    3. two pans with boiled cold and hot water,*

    4. water thermometer,

    5. baby soap**

    6. 2 thin diapers,

    7. flannel mitten or napkin,

    8. large terry towel or large flannel diaper,

    9. changing kit, laid out on the changing table,

    10. sterile vegetable oil or baby powder.

    Notes: *The child is bathed with boiled water until the umbilical wound is completely healed;

    **A child is bathed with soap no more than 3 times a week.


    1. Explain to the child or relatives the purpose and course of the procedure, obtain consent to carry out the procedure;

    2. Inform the time and place of the procedure


    1. Wash the bath with hot water and soap with a brush, rinse it with boiling water.

    2. Place the bath in a stable position.

    3. Wash your hands.

    4. Place a diaper folded several times on the bottom of the bath (the edges of the diaper should not touch the walls of the bath).

    5. Pour water at a temperature of 36.5 0 -38.0 0 C (to prevent the formation of water vapor, pour hot water cold) by ½ or 2/3.

    6. Check the temperature with water thermometers in different parts of the bath.

    Remember! It is unacceptable to determine the water temperature by immersing your hand/elbow in the water.

    7. Fetch a jug of water from the bathtub for rinsing.

    8. When swimming, ensure the room temperature is 22 - 24 0 C.

    9. Wash your hands.


    1. Undress the child and, if necessary, wash under running water.

    2. Use your left hand to support the child’s back and neck, and your right hand to support the buttocks and hips (if necessary, you can lightly wrap the child in a thin diaper).

    3. Slowly lower the baby’s legs and buttocks into the water.

    4. Immerse the baby’s entire body in water (the water should reach the nipple line).

    5. Use your left hand to support the child’s head above the surface of the water, release your right hand for washing.

    6. Put it on right hand mitten (if necessary, soap it with soap).

    7. Wash the child in the following sequence: head (from the forehead to the back of the head) – neck – torso – limbs – genital area and intergluteal area (especially thoroughly wash the folds on the neck, in the armpit and groin areas, between the buttocks).

    8. Turn the child upside down, slightly lifting him above the water.

    9. Pour clean water from a jug (during bathing, the rinsing water cools to 36 0 -35 0 C).

    10. Throw a towel over the child and dry with blotting movements.


    1. Place the baby on the changing table.

    2. Treat the natural folds of the skin with vegetable oil or powder.

    3. Swaddle (dress) the child and put him in the crib.

    4. Pour the water out of the bath and rinse it.

    5. Diapers from the bathtub and changing table, throw the mitten into the dirty laundry bin.

    6. Wash and dry your hands.

    1. Equipment:

    Baby bath for bathing a child

    Water thermometer

    Terry mitt or sponge

    Baby soap, baby shampoo

    A clean diaper or bath stand

    Flannel diaper or soft towel

    Changing kit or set of clean underwear: diaper (diaper), rompers, vests, blouses, headscarf or cap

    Container with sterile Vaseline or vegetable oil

    Sterile cotton balls and sterile tweezers in a craft bag or box

    Tray for discarding used balls

    Container for discarding used laundry

    Storage container with disinfectant solution and clean rags,

    Container for discarding rags

    Container for discarding used mittens

    2. Preparation for the procedure:

    1. Prepare a sheet, changing kit or set of clean underwear on the changing table (pre-treated with a disinfectant solution).
    2. Wash the bath (pre-treated with a disinfectant solution) with hot water.
    3. Fill the bath first cold water, then hot until required temperature(36-37°C). Measure the temperature in the bath with a water thermometer.
    4. Fill a jug with water 1°C lower than the water in the bath and place it next to it.
    5. Place a clean diaper or a special stand on the bottom of the bathtub
    6. Undressing a child in bed
    7. If necessary, wash the child

    3. Performing the procedure:

    1. Carefully immerse the baby in the bath, holding the baby's head and left shoulder with your left hand so that the water reaches the nipple line.
    2. Wash the child with your right hand using a terry mitten, starting with the scalp, then wash the neck, torso, limbs, and thoroughly wash the natural folds. Lastly, wash the genitals and perineum.
    3. Throw the used mitten into a special container to collect them.
    4. Take the baby out of the bath with both hands so that his face is facing you, clasp your palms chest the child in the armpit area, using your fingers to fix his back and back of the neck.
    5. Place the child face down on your left forearm, supporting him by the left thigh.
    6. Take the jug with your right hand and pour clean water over the child. Return the jug to its original place.
    7. Take a clean flannel diaper (towel) with your right hand and cover the baby with it. Dry the baby's skin using gentle blotting movements.
    8. Transfer the baby to the changing table, remove the wet flannel diaper from him and throw the diaper into the waste container.
    9. Treat natural skin folds according to the algorithm.
    10. Dress the baby

    4. End of the procedure.

    • -- maintaining body hygiene;
    • -- ensuring the child’s universal need to “be clean”;
    • -- formation of cleanliness skills;
    • - hardening the child.


    Correct hygiene care for the baby's skin.


    • - increase in body temperature;
    • - illnesses of the child;
    • - violation of the integrity of the skin.


    • -- bath for bathing;
    • -- bath diaper;
    • -- water jug;
    • -- water thermometer;
    • - terry or flannel mitten;
    • -- baby soap
    • - a bottle with a 5% solution of potassium permanganate;
    • - a large terry towel;
    • -- a clean changing kit or clothes placed on the changing table;
    • -- sterile vegetable oil or baby cream;
    • -- latex gloves;
    • -- disinfectant solution, rags;
    • - a bag for dirty laundry.

    Required conditions:

    • -- first hygienic bath carry out after the umbilical wound has healed;
    • -- do not bathe immediately after feeding;
    • -- when swimming, ensure the room temperature is 22-24°C;
    • -- determine the temperature of the bathing water only using a thermometer
    • (it is not allowed to determine the water temperature by immersing your elbow in the water). temperature breathing umbilical cord newborn

    Safety precautions:- do not leave the child alone unattended in the bathtub or on the changing table to avoid the danger of aspiration of water or falling;

    Pay attention to the child’s condition, breathing, skin color, movements.


    Preparation for manipulation

    1. Explain to mom the purpose and progress of the procedure

    Ensuring the correct daily care for the child

    2. Prepare the necessary equipment

    Ensuring that the procedure is followed clearly

    3. Place the bath in a stable position

    Ensuring the safety of the procedure

    4. Wash and dry your hands, put on gloves

    5. Process inner surface baths with disinfectant solution

    Wash the bath with a brush, rinse with boiling water

    Ensuring infection safety

    6. Wipe the changing table with a disinfectant solution and place a diaper on it

    Ensuring infection safety Creation comfortable conditions for a child

    7. Place a diaper folded in several layers on the bottom of the bath (the edges of the diaper should not extend onto the side walls of the bath)

    Creating comfortable conditions

    Preservation correct position diapers in the bath

    8. Place a water thermometer in the bath

    Fill the bath 1/2 or 1/3 with water t 36-37o C


    • a) when filling the bath with water, alternate cold and hot water;
    • b) until the umbilical wound is epithelialized, bathe the child in boiled or filtered water;
    • c) control the water temperature only using a thermometer;
    • d) if necessary, add a few drops of a 5% solution of potassium permanganate to the bath until the water turns pale pink

    Preventing burns in children Ensuring child safety

    Avoiding the formation of large quantities of water vapor

    9. Fill a jug with water from the bath to rinse the baby

    During bathing, the water in the jug cools by 1-2" C and provides a hardening effect

    10. Undress the child (if necessary, wash under running water)

    Preparing the child for the procedure

    11. Throw clothes into a laundry bag

    Prevention of environmental pollution

    Performing a manipulation

    1. Take the child in your arms, supporting the back and back of the head with one hand, and the buttocks and thighs with the right

    The most comfortable way to secure a child

    2. Slowly immerse the baby in the water (first the legs and buttocks, then the upper half of the body). The water should reach the baby's nipple line, leaving the top of the breast open

    Release your right hand while continuing to support the child’s head and upper half of the body above the water with your left hand.

    Provides maximum muscle relaxation

    Prevents baby from overheating

    The most comfortable way to secure the baby during the procedure

    Prevents water from entering the child's ear canals

    3. Put it on free hand“mitten” (if necessary, lather it with baby soap) and wash the child in the following sequence: head (from the forehead to the back of the head) - neck - torso - limbs (rinse the natural folds of the skin especially thoroughly). Wash the genitals and intergluteal area last.

    Avoiding skin injury

    Preventing water and soap from getting into your eyes and ears

    Preventing the transfer of infection from the most contaminated areas of the skin to other surfaces

    4. Remove the “mitten”

    Raise your child above the water

    Turn baby face down

    Rinse the baby with water from a jug (the water has cooled to 35-36" C)

    Note: It is advisable to have an assistant

    Achieving infection safety

    Reduce the likelihood of water getting into your eyes and ears

    Providing a hardening effect

    5. Throwing a towel on, place the baby on the changing table

    Dry the skin using blotting movements.

    Hypothermia warning

    Ensuring the safety of the child

    Preventing the appearance of irritation of the child’s skin

    Completion of manipulation

    1. Treat natural skin folds with sterile vegetable oil or baby powder

    Preventing diaper rash

    2. Dress the baby and put him to bed

    Ensuring a comfortable state

    3. Place the diaper from the changing table and the “mitten” in a bag for dirty laundry (“the mitten” must be boiled)

    Drain the water from the bath and rinse it

    Treat the inner surface of the bathtub and work surface changing table with disinfectant solution

    Remove gloves, wash and dry hands

    Ensuring infection safety

    Note:- the first hygienic bath is carried out after the umbilical cord has fallen off;

    • - in the first half of life, hygienic baths are performed daily, in the second - every other day, after a year - 2 times a week;
    • - the duration of the bath for children in the first year of life is no more than 5-7 minutes, in the second year 8-10 minutes, for children over 2 years old - 10-15 minutes;
    • - when bathing children of the first year of life, soap is used 2 times a week, for older children - 1 time a week;
    • - it is advisable to carry out hygienic baths at certain hours, no earlier than 1 hour after feeding or 10-15 minutes before it, 1-1.5 hours before bedtime;
    • - Items necessary for bathing and caring for the baby must be prepared in advance so that bathing, skin care and changing are completed as quickly as possible;
    • - the air temperature in the room should be 22-24 degrees, doors and windows should be closed;
    • - if necessary, turn on the heater next to the bath and changing table.