home · measurements · How to properly install a false ceiling. Do-it-yourself suspended ceiling from a to z. Surface pretreatment

How to properly install a false ceiling. Do-it-yourself suspended ceiling from a to z. Surface pretreatment

Want to spice up your space but don't know where to start? Do-it-yourself suspended ceiling (or suspended) is great way transform the room minimal cost, and step-by-step instructions and recommendations will help you install efficiently and quickly. By doing repairs yourself, you get much more satisfaction, both from the process and from the end result.

The decisive factor in the interior is simplicity and beauty, as well as affordable price. In the current conditions, when building materials hit the wallet, repairs turn into real money laundering. Suspended ceiling requires little expense, and it is also easy to do it yourself without resorting to calling craftsmen for an additional fee.

What materials are suitable:

  • Drywall;
  • PVC or MDF panels;
  • Ceiling tiles;
  • Armstrong panels;
  • Metal modules;
  • Rack plates.

The last three options are the most expensive, so it makes no sense to talk about them in detail. But it is worth noting the lining of drywall, PVC panels (or MDF) and ceiling tiles.

Suspended ceilings made of these materials can most often be found in the apartments of Russians. The design for all materials is the same and does not differ significantly.

Do-it-yourself step-by-step instructions for installing suspended ceilings

Repair should begin with an assessment of your capabilities: both physical and material.

Do-it-yourself installation of suspended ceilings can be conditionally divided into 4 stages:

  1. Design;
  2. markup;
  3. Installation of the box (frame);
  4. Finishing.

Do-it-yourself installation of false ceilings does not require specific knowledge in construction industry, but still it will take several days to do everything correctly and efficiently.

It is not difficult to install it yourself, the main thing is to follow step by step instructions and know some of the nuances.

Design of suspended ceilings

Points 1 and 2 are needed for a rough understanding of the sequence in which the installation will take place, and how it will look in the end. At the first stage, the height of the structure is estimated. This is necessary in order to calculate the required space for placing lamps and communications. If you can't visualize what you want, use design software. There are a great many of them on the Internet.

Modeling programs are presented on the Internet and are available for download free of charge.

Marking for suspended ceilings

Having a "diamond eye" is good, but it's better not to trust your ego and do everything in accordance with technology. Preliminary marking on the walls is needed to determine the level of the future ceiling.

The following tips will help you make the right marks:

  1. Draw a line at an arbitrary height using a laser level;
  2. Find the lowest point on the surface by measuring the distance from the drawn line to the ceiling;
  3. Set aside the length you want to lower the ceiling and mark down;
  4. Draw a new horizontal line, starting from the previous mark.

In the repair, everything must be clearly planned. Mistakes can cost money, which will be required for restoration or rework. It is better to use the saying “measure 7 times - cut 1 time” than to regret the money and time spent later.

Perform the markup efficiently and accurately, following all the recommendations. If you draw the lines incorrectly, the design will become crooked and will have to be redone.

Frame installation

The process of manufacturing a structure for further cladding is nothing complicated. Must be purchased necessary materials and start installation. In this case, we will talk about a metal frame. This type It is considered more durable and durable than wooden slats.

The metal frame is reliable and simple. In case of installation wooden slats required additional processing material. This option is not suitable for urban apartments.

Step by step installation instructions metal frame for suspended ceilings:

  1. Profile guides are attached to a horizontal line on the wall (delayed height) using dowels, self-tapping screws or anchors;
  2. The metal frame is installed around the entire perimeter of the ceiling;
  3. The profiles are reinforced with special suspensions so that in the future the structure does not sag and lose its appearance;
  4. The metal frame is connected to the hangers and is adjusted in the same plane horizontally;
  5. Before the final cladding, you should make sure that all the technology has been followed correctly and the structure is securely fixed to the ceiling.

Making the frame is the most difficult part of the entire installation. This is followed by cladding with your chosen material (MDF or PVC panels, drywall, Armstrong or polystyrene boards) and final processing (painting, installation of lighting equipment).

Detailed video installation instructions are available online for best understanding with which to deal. Review them in advance so that questions and disputes do not arise in the process.

Final work on the installation of suspended ceilings

If you have chosen Armstrong panels, then they are simply installed in pre-made sections in the structure. If you prefer drywall, then using self-tapping screws, the sheets are attached to metal profiles and finished with putty, followed by painting. MDF and PVC panels require fastening to the frame with hardware. After completing the final work, all that remains is to admire your own creation and accept well-deserved praise.

Benefits of suspended ceilings

When deciding to make repairs and choosing one or another type of material, you should weigh the pros and cons and make right choice. The name "suspended ceiling" speaks for itself. Its design is attached to the main surface with the help of suspensions at a certain distance.

There are many arguments in favor of suspended ceilings. The most significant pluses are:

  • Installation is easy to do by hand;
  • The design hides the flaws of the ceiling (bumps, cracks), as well as ugly communications and wires;
  • The surface is perfectly flat;
  • The coating does not accumulate condensate;
  • Specific surface care is not required (most materials are dust-repellent, which means they simply do not get dirty);
  • The color range of coatings allows you to choose an option for any room with a wide variety of designs;
  • Possibility to install lighting fixtures in any order.

Describing the advantages, one cannot but mention the most important drawback of such structures - this is a significant height fence. For installation, a significant sacrifice of space is required. Of course, this is not such a big minus, but you will have to forget about chic chandeliers. Especially this problem stands sharply in the small size of the old layout.

How to make a suspended ceiling with your own hands (video)

Suspended ceilings are inexpensive, but beautiful way transform your home. Considering the benefits and minor shortcomings, the choice in favor of such an option is definitely worth making. The huge popularity of this method can be explained by the fact that the installation of the structure is easy to do independently and without huge material costs.

Do-it-yourself repairs allow you not only to save money, but also to get real satisfaction. It's always nice to know that you can do without someone else's help to make your home beautiful and cozy.

From this article you will learn how to install a false ceiling with your own hands - detailed instructions will help you understand this process in detail.

The frames of all suspended structures are mounted using the same technology. Some differences are related to the type false ceiling. It can be rack or modular.

Attention. Plasterboard ceilings also belong to suspended ones, but we will not talk about them in this article, since the technology for their installation and finishing has already been described in other materials on the site.

Installation of modular false ceilings

Frame installation

  1. Do-it-yourself installation of a false ceiling begins with the installation of a wall corner profile. It is attached around the entire perimeter of the room to the walls according to pre-made markings. The marking line is applied using a laser or water level, and the distance from it to the lowest point of the base ceiling must be no less than the height of the fittings of recessed fixtures.

Fastening is carried out using anchors, expansion dowels or self-tapping screws - depending on the material of the walls.Mounting step 40-50 cm.

Advice. Before fixing the corner profile, make sure that there is no electrical wiring in the wall at the point of attachment. If you hit it with a self-tapping screw, the damage will have to be repaired.

  1. Then the carrier rails are installed. For Armstrong modular ceilings, such rails have length 3.7 m. If this length is not enough, the slats are easily interconnected with a special lock.

The slats are mounted either parallel to one of the walls, or at any angle to it - it depends on the chosen direction of the cladding. The distance between them must be equal to or a multiple of the dimensions of the facing modules. Most often they are a square of 60x60 cm. In this case, the carrier rails are mounted in increments of 120 cm.

  1. Reiki with their ends are inserted into the wall corner profile, and so that they do not sag, they should be suspended from the main ceiling on spring suspensions. They are a design of two rods and a spring clip. One rod with an eye at the end is attached to the ceiling with an expansion dowel, and a carrier rail is hung on the hook of the second rod. It has special holes for the hook. After that, using a spring clip, you can adjust the distance between the rail and the main ceiling, and fix the rods in the desired position.

Attention! The distance from the wall to the first hanger should be at least 60 cm, the distance between the hangers should be at least 120 cm.

  1. A further technology for installing suspended ceilings is to create a frame mesh, in each cell of which the cladding panel will be nested. To do this, transverse rails 120 cm long are mounted perpendicular to the carrier rails. The step between them is 60 cm. Then the resulting rectangles120x60cm are divided in half by short slats 60 cm long.

Installation of fixtures and cladding

For modular ceilings, special raster lamps, the dimensions of which correspond to the dimensions of standard facing modules. They are mounted before installing the false ceiling so that nothing interferes with connecting the fixtures to the power supply.

Finally, in cells free from lamps, cladding panels. And this is where the installation of a suspended ceiling with your own hands ends.

Installation of slatted suspended ceilings

Do-it-yourself slatted ceilings are even easier to mount than modular ones, since the frame for them consists only of load-bearing rails without transverse inserts. But first things first.

Frame installation

  1. As in the previous case, we start with the installation of the wall corner. It will determine the height of the future ceiling and become that decorative element that will hide the ugly joint between the slats and walls around the entire perimeter. These corners are produced different colors, they can be matched to the color of the rails or made contrasting.
  2. Before installing false ceilings, determine the direction in which the rails will be laid. After that, in a perpendicular direction, install the guide rails at the level specified by the wall corners. They are called traverses or stringers and are metallic profile in the form of a comb. Each manufacturer produces traverses designed for mounting one specific type of rails.
  3. Mounting traverses to the ceiling carried out in the same way as fastening the carrier rails of modular ceilings - using spring suspensions. The step between them is no more than 120 cm.

Advice. If the height of the room is not high enough, the traverses can be mounted directly to the main ceiling - without the use of hangers. Leveling the frame according to the level in this case is carried out using linings.

Ceiling cladding with slats

Measure the distance between opposite walls and use hacksaws for metal cut the straps to length. Their edges are laid on the shelves of the wall corners, and along the length of the slats they simply snap into place on the protrusions of the traverses.

Holes for built-in lights are cut into the rails using special drill bits. You can see how this happens by watching the video posted on this page.

Installation of rails on the finished frame

If you have chosen a slatted ceiling open type, then narrow gaps will remain between adjacent rails. They can be left open if you want to improve ceiling ventilation, or closed with special inserts - slotted profiles. They are installed in the same way as the main panels - by pressing the insert in the area of ​​​​its intersection with the traverse.


Now you have a clear idea of ​​​​how to install false ceilings, so you can safely do this business yourself. We advise you to start installation from the most open section of the ceiling, visible from the door.

In the field of repair and finishing works, suspended ceilings have reliably taken a high position. This finishing option is durable, practical, has many design solutions in colors and shapes.

Suspended ceiling - type of finish, which is a structure attached to the main ceiling. Install it both in public places (airports, stations, shops, offices, educational institutions etc.), at enterprises, and in residential premises.

Suspended ceilings are divided into several types depending on the design of the frame and the coating material:

  • modular;
    • cassette (tiled, raster);
    • cellular (lattice);
    • rack;
  • whole;
  • drywall;
  • tension.

Cassette type suspended ceiling

This type of false ceiling consists of a frame and cassettes (tiles). The frame is mounted from an aluminum profile, forming a grid of squares with dimensions of 595x595 mm. Aluminum and galvanized tiles are installed on top, their most popular sizes are 600x600 and 600x1200 mm. The surface of the cassettes is matte, glossy or perforated. The most demanded colors: shades of gray, white, beige, metallics. To improve thermal insulation, the structure is filled with insulation from the inside.

There are two options for attaching cassettes to the frame: closed system and open. In the first version, the tiles are inserted into the cells thanks to a special fastening that is not visible from the outside. In the second, aluminum guides are visible and frame each tile along the surface.

The number of cassettes, the method of attachment and the lighting option are taken into account in advance using the plan.

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Construction installation

  • tools: mounting knife, tape measure, level, twine, metal shears, hammer, pliers, pencil, chalk;
  • protective equipment and security measures;

It is necessary to install the structure in goggles, gloves and overalls, since the ceiling cassettes contain fiberglass that irritates the skin.

  • elements of the frame system: molding (corner), main and intermediate guides, suspension;
  • installation. First, you need to install a wall corner, which is attached to the wall with nails or glued at a distance of 400 mm from each other at such a level from the ceiling that there is space for ventilation and lighting. Secondly, they lay an electrical cable and an air outlet. Thirdly, hangers are fixed with metal anchors in those places where they intersect with intermediate guides (see plan). Next, the main guides are mounted, which should rest against the wall corner and be connected to each other at a right angle (you can check it with a level). Intermediate guides are inserted perpendicularly between the bearing guides with a step equal to the width of the ceiling slab. Cassettes are installed from the middle of the ceiling to the wall. At a certain distance from a solid tile (according to the plan), raster or spotlights are mounted.

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Cellular type of suspended ceiling (Grilyato)

This design has found application in the decoration of the ceilings of the mall, office and industrial facilities. At the heart of the system aluminum profile U shape collected in the form of cells. The cell size varies from 30x30 to 200x200 mm. The size of one section is standard - 600x600 mm. The system is presented in the most popular colors: white, silver, gold, chrome and metallics. However, at the request of the client, you can order a different color scheme. There are also several models: "Standard", "Blinds", "Pyramidal".

Having the appearance of a grid, the Grilyato suspended ceiling still looks like an integral structure and is easy to use: if it is necessary to replace the air vent or lighting systems located under the suspended ceiling, it is enough to remove the sections in the right place without dismantling the entire structure.

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Installation of the structure, its features

At the stage preparatory work it is necessary to determine the location of the bearing profile rails, for which the length and width of the building ceiling are divided by the length of the rail (1.8 or 2.4 m). Thus, the optimal installation scheme is selected. Markings are made on the main ceiling, marking the places where the rails are attached with suspensions and drilling holes for them. After marking the location of the lamps and also make holes for suspensions. The final stage of the preparatory work is the installation of the wall corner, which, using self-tapping screws, must be fixed horizontally along the perimeter of the room at the required height from the main ceiling.

The next stage begins with the installation of suspensions, into the loops of which dowels are inserted and fasteners are fixed in the previously made holes in the ceiling with self-tapping screws. After that, a frame is mounted in the form of a lattice of guide rails: from long to short, fastening them with special connecting elements. Upon completion of the installation of the frame in right places install lighting fixtures.

Lattice parts are assembled according to the “mother” / “father” principle and attached to the frame. After checking the accuracy of the installation of the false ceiling with a level, connect the electricity.

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Rack type suspended ceiling

The third version of the modular false ceiling, which looks great in office space, showrooms, shops and living spaces (bathrooms, corridors) thanks to its presentable appearance and variety of laying patterns. In addition to external beauty, a suspended rack ceiling has a number of advantages in terms of technical indicators: resistance to water, frost and fire; easy do-it-yourself installation; installation on curved surfaces.

There are three types slatted ceilings: open (the presence of 15 mm gaps between the panels in which they are installed decorative elements), closed (the presence of gaps of 15 mm, designed in the form of a recess and covered with a material of the color of the panels) and gapless (fastening the rails close to each other). Installation is about the same.

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Construction installation

  1. Tools: puncher, screwdriver, metal shears, level, tape measure, pencil.
  2. Components and materials: moldings (wall corners), main and intermediate profiles, traverses, tires, fasteners, suspensions, lamps, panels, interpanel inserts (for an open type system).
  3. Preparatory work. First, make the initial markup on minimum height 35-40 mm from the ceiling over the entire perimeter of the room and draw the main line. Then mark the ceiling itself. The level checks the uniform distance in all planes.
  4. Frame assembly and panel assembly. Initially, along the main horizontal line, set starting profile, which must be well fixed with screws inserted into the dowels at a distance of 500 mm from each other. Next, hangers are mounted on the ceiling and traverses are attached to them. Bearing rails are installed with a step of 1200 mm, suspensions are fixed in the holes. The rail of the required size is snapped onto the tire mount, turning the ends into the starting profile. Intermediate profiles are inserted between the main rails. Holes are made in the rails for mounting lamps and lighting is connected.

Stretch ceilings in modern world are used everywhere because it is convenient, safe and profitable. They are divided into several types: PVC - film, fabric, multi-level and with photo printing. But the installation is almost the same.

Suspended ceiling has a high popularity in the interior, as it is safe, easy to install and looks very aesthetically pleasing.

Do-it-yourself ceiling installation

If, for example, we take plastic models, then the following materials will be required for their installation:

  • laser or hydraulic level;
  • building rule;
  • ruler, tape measure and pencil;
  • perforator or drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • hacksaw for wood or scissors for metal;
  • sharp knife.

Before doing the installation of suspended ceilings, it is necessary to carry out all communications. For example, make wiring in the center of the room for a lighting device. You may need to run additional wires. To protect your own home, all electric drives are placed in a special corrugated sleeve. Otherwise, you can use a plastic channel.

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Variety of ceiling coverings

Film suspended ceilings are made from a special very durable film, which has thin layer. It's called polyvinyl chloride. These ceilings do not allow moisture to pass through, do not absorb odors and have increased strength. Tension installations from PVC film are divided according to their texture into matte, glossy, translucent, satin and with a mirror finish.

Matte suspended ceilings have a rough look. They resemble a plastered surface, therefore they are used in various premises. This perfect surface. Satin ceilings are a kind of matte, but with the difference that they have a slight sheen, since their texture is not uniform.

The glossy texture is unique in that it can visually enlarge the room, and if you also place the lamps in the right way, you can achieve a stunning effect. These ceilings attract attention with a special gloss, which today is considered quite fashionable.

The translucent structure perfectly transmits light, so under this design you can install various light bulbs, led strip and the like. Proper arrangement of them will create the effect of a transparent ceiling. mirror view has the unique ability to create the impression of endless space. It perfectly reflects all luminous devices and is completely safe, because it is made not from glass products, but from a mirror film. This material is very light in weight and does not absorb moisture.

The fabric texture perfectly withstands the sharpest temperature changes, perfectly lets air through, preventing the main ceiling from getting moldy. Among other things, fabric ceilings retain moisture well. They are made from environmentally friendly pure material and are therefore completely harmless to humans. They are divided into two types:

  • translucent, having a dense structure, due to which the incoming light has a dimmer illumination;
  • bactericidal ceilings treated special solution, with the addition of silver elements, they destroy a large number of bacteria.

Multi-level textures provide the room with an incredible effect. They can visually divide the room into several parts or create an enlarged space. Modern models with photo printing are able to paint the home in a wide variety of styles.

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Mounting suspended ceilings yourself

It should be noted that the installation of panels is carried out using a strip designed for fasteners. This is a corner with 90 degrees, which is acquired based on the total perimeter of the room at the installation site of the suspended ceiling. On this bar it is necessary to strengthen ceiling plinth, which is docked with corners and joints. Plastic panels must be fixed with galvanized self-tapping screws with a press washer.

Before starting work, the surface is treated with a primer with deep penetration.

After drying, the installation of suspended ceilings is carried out directly. To do this, you need to strengthen the dowel with a self-tapping screw wooden beam or metal profile. If necessary, planks can be placed under the structure. The holes for the dowels are drilled with a drill in advance. In the area where it will be located lighting fixture, the structure must be strengthened by means of self-tapping screws.

The slats are laid perpendicular to the direction when the panels are assembled. The interval, as a rule, is 0.4 m. Thus, the crate is installed. Next, you need to fix the mounting strips. Since they have an angle of 90 degrees, one of them clings to the crate, and the second to the ceiling plinth. In this case, the step should be about 25 cm. The self-tapping screw is screwed exactly along central line planks.

Special corners are installed on the edges of the plinth, after which the design snaps into place. After the done actions, a recess is formed for inserting panels. After the panels have entered the groove, they must be aligned. The next panel to be installed is also snapped into the previous one and reinforced with self-tapping screws to this crate. Experts recommend that the latest detail be entered in the penultimate queue. This is necessary for greater convenience. At this stage, the installation of ceilings with your own hands is over.

A cellular suspended ceiling (Armstrong type ceiling) or simply an armstrong ceiling is the most common type of suspended ceiling. Do-it-yourself installation of an Armstrong false ceiling is child's play compared to the installation of other types of suspended ceilings, and Armstrong beats all records in terms of cheapness. However, nothing is perfect. Armstrong ceiling has both undeniable advantages and significant disadvantages.

What is good and what is bad Armstrong

The armstrong ceiling, in addition to ease of installation and low cost, also provides excellent sound and heat insulation. The interceiling space is extensive, it conveniently accommodates lamps and communications. Access to them and ceiling repairs are easy and do not require tools.

However, the Armstrong ceiling is not very durable and does not actually protect against leakage from above, and if the plates are fibrous, then the moisture itself irrevocably deteriorates. It is impossible to get curvilinear in terms of configuration with Armstrong, and already the diagonal design of the ceiling negates all its simplicity and cheapness: only a highly paid master will undertake such work, and it will take a lot of time.

According to the height of the room, the armstrong ceiling “eats off” at least 250 mm, so it can be extremely rare in city apartments. Nevertheless, the armstrong ceiling is used not only in offices and supermarkets, as its creators intended, but also in restaurants, entertainment centers, etc. But in such cases, Armstrong is no longer economic, but design decision(see picture above).

How Armstrong works

Armstrong type ceiling device is clear from the figure. Markings on it:

  1. Ceiling plate.
  2. Cross profile 600 mm long.
  3. Bearing profile 3700 mm long.
  4. Longitudinal profile 1200 mm long.
  5. Suspension, where 5a is a hook; 5b - barbell.
  6. Perimeter (wall) profile 3000 mm long.
  7. Fixing node in the base ceiling.
  8. Fragment of a ceiling plate.

Explanations for the figure:

Dimensions ceiling tiles- 600x600 and 1200x600 mm. The latter are almost completely out of use - the ceiling of them is not strong enough.

Plates soft, mineral and organic, and hard - metal and glass, mirror and patterned. Rigid slabs are heavy, so they require special, reinforced profiles and hangers; correspondingly expensive. Mineral soft plates are also almost never used: they contain harmful mineral wool. Organic boards are made from waste paper and are harmless. Soft plates are easily cut with a mounting knife, hard ones require special tool; glass - diamond.

Profiles- painted metal or metal-plastic, with holes for suspension. Shelf width - 15 or 24 mm. Wall - L-shaped with a bend or just a corner; others - T-shaped. The profiles are connected along the length with spring locks or bent antennae. All profiles can be cut to size on the side opposite the lock.

suspension consists of a pair of 6 mm metal rods, smooth and with a hook, connected by a curved leaf spring with holes - a "butterfly". By squeezing the butterfly, the bars can be moved by adjusting the height of the suspension, and when released, it fixes them tightly. Top part smooth bar reinforced suspension profiled for secure fixation in the mounting unit.

Mounting knot- an ordinary dowel for a self-tapping screw or a metal collet. The latter is used for reinforced suspension or with a smooth, even bar. Such suspensions are required not only for hard ceilings, but also for places with a concentrated load: lamps, ventilation grilles, etc.

Ceiling fixing armstrong is completely reversible and collapsible: an even bar is driven in or screwed into the mounting assembly without disassembling the suspension, a profile is put on the hook and, squeezing the butterfly, adjust the height along the tightly stretched cord. To access the interceiling space, one of the plates is lifted and shifted to the side. Close the opening in reverse order.

About homemade stoves

Plates from wood materials (solid wood, laminate, MDF) for some reason they are not produced for Armstrongs, but in vain. This ceiling looks great. wooden slabs for armstrong, you can cut it yourself from boards 600 mm wide or narrower. In the latter case, each square is assembled in a cell on standard tongues, and the excess across the width is cut off evenly on both sides. If for the frame we take the cheapest “tin” for soft plates, then each longitudinal bar will need to be reinforced with an additional suspension in the middle.

armstrong ceiling equipment

For Armstrong ceilings, a wide range of equipment 600x600 mm is produced: raster and ceiling lamps, ventilation grilles, indoor units of air conditioners, etc. Round holes for spotlights in soft slabs are simply cut with a mounting knife; you can also cut curly holes. For hard plates, of course, you need a special tool.

Armstrong factory plates

Armstrong calculation

Armstrong ceiling is mounted according to the results of the calculation. The purpose of the calculations is twofold: harmoniously fit the ceiling into the interior and determine the consumption of materials for it. The calculation of the perimeter is simple: we measure along the walls and round up to a multiple of 3 m. For laying in the corners, the wall profile can be cut and bent like any corner.

As for the grating, manufacturers do not recommend cutting the plates by more than half, i.e. up to less than 300 mm - additional cells appear, which requires extra work and materials. However, excessive trimming does not affect the strength of the ceiling, and the materials are cheap, so the plates are often made to fit, gradually reducing their width to the walls. This gives the ceiling a less austere look.

Example #1: the width of the room is 4.2 m = 7x0.6 m. We cut the slabs extreme to the walls into 400 and 200 mm.

  1. Along the length of the room, the cropped row refers to the wall farthest from the entrance.
  2. The width of the cut is supplemented with a solid size, the result is divided by 2 and a pair of slabs cut to this size is carried to the walls.

Example #2: room width - 2.7 m \u003d 4x0.6 + 0.3 m. We take THREE rows of solid slabs 0.6x3 \u003d 1.8 m in width. Divide the rest 0.6 + 0.3 \u003d 0.9 m by 2. Rows of slabs of 45 cm each will adjoin long walls. The number of frame cells will not increase.

The consumption rates of materials for rooms of a normal configuration are as follows:

For square or 3/4 aspect ratio rooms:

  • Bearing profile 3700 mm - 0.80 m / sq. m ceiling.
  • Longitudinal profile 1200 mm - 1.60 m / sq. m ceiling.
  • Cross profile 600 mm - 0.80 m / sq. m ceiling.
  • Suspension - 0.6 pcs/sq. m ceiling.

For rooms with an aspect ratio of 2/3 to 1/2, the consumption rates increase slightly:

  • Bearing profile 3700 mm - 0.84 m / sq. m ceiling.
  • Longitudinal profile 1200 mm - 1.68 m / sq. m ceiling.
  • Cross profile 600 mm - 0.87 m / sq. m ceiling.
  • Perimeter profile 3000 mm - 0.5 m / sq. m ceiling.
  • Suspension - 0.7 pieces / sq. m ceiling.

In any case, the values ​​obtained are rounded up to the nearest higher integer values ​​of the pieces of the standard length profile or hanger. The perimeter is attached to the walls in increments of 0.6 m in the case of soft slabs without additional load or 0.3 m for a rigid or loaded ceiling. Spotlights and plastic ventilation grilles are not considered an additional load.

These standards are valid for premises ranging from 9-10 to 100-120 square meters. m. For other area values ​​\u200b\u200band for premises of complex configuration, the calculation of the Armstrong ceiling is carried out on an online calculator, in a construction CAD system (system computer-aided design) or drawn to scale, see figure in the next section. The main rule is that the bearing profiles should be parallel to the short walls, this strengthens the structure ( fewer joints load-bearing profiles) and saves material.

Suspension units

The rules for mounting armstrong ceilings provide for suspension by bearing profiles in increments of 1.2 m. Suspension units should be no further than 450 mm from the walls. Last condition it is not always possible to endure. In this case, the rows of suspensions along the length of the room are arranged with a back and forth shift so that the suspension units are staggered.

Armstrong ceiling design scheme

Concentrated loads are supported by additional hangers located diagonally from the nearest main one. Very heavy earbuds (eg. indoor unit split systems or light-dynamic installation) are reinforced in the corners and, if possible, are located close to the wall.

Note: suspension hook will not allow to lay in a cell additional device, so additional suspensions should be taken a little to the side.

When marking holes on the ceiling for the mounting nodes of the suspensions, special accuracy is not required: a slight slope of the suspension is easily compensated by adjusting its height. An example of the Armstrong ceiling design scheme is shown in the figure.

Mounting the ceiling frame

Installation of armstrong ceilings begins with the installation of the perimeter. SNiP recommend using a laser or bubble level with a length of at least 1 m to beat the perimeter height, but in practice, the perimeter height is often beaten off from the opposite: they check the horizontalness of the floor (hackers often do without it, and nothing, they hand over the work), make height marks in the corners and the three of them beat off the contour with a chalked cord. Fast, simple and angry.

Armstrong ceiling assembly scheme (click to enlarge)

Next, the wall profile is cut to size and attached to the brick and concrete walls self-tapping screws in dowels. If the walls are sheathed with wood, there will be no special weights in the ceiling, and raster lamps no more than 1 per 5 square meters. m, then the perimeter can be fixed with nails: the suspensions bear the main load. It is strongly not recommended to hack on suspensions: take propylene dowels or put metal collets instead of dowels.

After marking with drilling holes in the ceiling, the supporting profiles are cut to size, connected on the floor into planks of the required length and laid in the perimeter. Then they are moved apart along the length, suspensions are installed and each carrier bar is aligned by sagging along a tightly stretched cord.

The next stage is the installation of longitudinal and transverse ties. Basically, two mounting schemes are used: parallel and cross, see fig.; longitudinal links are highlighted in green. In terms of material consumption, they are equivalent. The cross scheme is somewhat more laborious, but stronger, therefore it is used for places where communications will be laid or for additionally insulated ceilings. Of course, before mounting the frame, incomplete profiles are cut to size.

Armstrong ceiling assembly

How to assemble an Armstrong ceiling? Very simple: the contents of the cells are lifted one by one, tilted, inserted into the space between the ceilings and neatly placed in the cell. If it is oblique, you can not press from above to level it! It is necessary to gently push in the corners from below.

First of all, concentrated loads are stacked and communications are connected to them. Then - plates with pre-installed spotlights; wires are immediately connected to the lamps.