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CAD programs. CAD is computer-aided design systems

There are three machining programming methods, such as manual programming, CNC programming, and programming with CAD/CAM systems.

Manual programming is quite tedious work. But, nevertheless, programmer technologists must have a good understanding of manual programming techniques, regardless of how they work. Currently, there are still enterprises where the manual programming method is used. In fact, if an enterprise has several CNC machines, and the parts produced are simple, then a knowledgeable programmer will be able to work without having the means to automate his work.

The method of programming on the CNC console has become especially popular only in recent years. This is due to an increase in their capabilities, an improvement in the interface, and, of course, the technical development of CNC systems has had its impact. In this method, using the keyboard and display, programs are written and installed on the CNC stand itself. Current CNC systems actually make it possible to work efficiently. The interactive programming language, which is available on some CNC systems, greatly facilitates the development of NC programs and makes working with the CNC convenient for the operator.

Programming with CAD/CAM system makes it possible to advance the procedure for creating processing programs to a higher level. A technologist-programmer, using a CAD / CAM system, is freed from labor-intensive mathematical calculations and acquires a set of tools that significantly increases the speed of UE development.

Definition of CAD and CAM

At present, in order to achieve success in the market, an industrial enterprise needs to work on reducing costs, reducing production time and improving product quality. The development of computer and information technologies was the reason for the creation of CAD / CAM / CAE systems, which, in turn, became effective means of solving such problems.

CAD systems(computer-aided design - computer design support) is software that automates the work of a design engineer and allows you to solve the problems of product design and technical documentation using a computer.

Under CAM systems(computer-aided manufacturing - computer manufacturing support) understand such systems that automate the calculation of tool paths for processing on CNC machines, and provide the issuance of NC using a computer.

StrAU systems (computer-aided engineering - computer support for engineering calculations) are designed to solve various engineering problems such as the calculation of hydraulic systems and mechanisms, the analysis of thermal processes, the calculation of structural strength.

The promotion of CAD/CAM/CAE systems has been going on for many decades. During this time, there was some division, but rather a ranking of systems into levels: upper, middle and lower. Lower level systems are very accessible to learn, but have significantly limited functionality. Midrange systems are the golden mean. They provide the user with all the necessary tools to solve most of the tasks, and at the same time such systems are easy to learn and operate. High-level systems have a huge number of functions and capabilities, but at the same time they are hard to work with.

Algorithm of work with CAD/CAM system.

Stage 1. A 3D model of a part or its electronic drawing is developed in the CAD system. The figure shows a three-dimensional model of a part with a complex-shaped pocket.

Stage 2. A 3D model of a part or its electronic drawing is imported into the CAM system. The technologist-programmer determines the surfaces and geometric elements necessary for processing, makes the choice of processing strategy, cutting tool and sets the cutting mode. The system calculates tool paths.
Stage 3. In the CAM system, a visual check of the resulting trajectories is carried out. The programmer has the ability to quite easily correct errors that may be found at this stage, simply by returning to the previous one again.

Stage 4. The final product of the CAM system is the UE code. Such code is created using a post-processor, which in turn adjusts the NC to the characteristics of a particular machine and CNC system.

On our website, you can choose the one suitable for automating the drawing up of cutting charts and the preparation of control programs for CNC plasma cutting machines.

CAD-programs (computer aided design) are system complexes for design, with the help of which they automate tasks at different stages of manufacturing industrial products (design, pre-production). In the Russian-language abbreviation - CAD (computer-aided design system).

All CAD systems, regardless of terminology, are designed to optimize the work of the engineering staff of the enterprise. If applied correctly, appropriately, they increase the productivity of certain groups of employees. And this leads to an increase in the overall performance of the staff as a whole.

CAD-complexes deployed at the enterprise allow solving the following tasks:

  • reduce the complexity of individual operations and processes, and thus reduce the time and cost of developing, manufacturing products;
  • reduce the time for preparing projects - with these systems, design is brought to a fundamentally different level;
  • increase the accuracy of manufacturing products without loss in speed (the efficiency of production even increases);
  • reduce the costs that are necessary for the maintenance of the engineering staff (which reduces the cost of the finished product);
  • improve the quality of design - CAD programs bring it to a new technical and economic level;
  • reduce the cost of modeling samples and testing them.

CAD - complex solutions. They can be software, technical or otherwise. With the help of CAD, they automate the compilation of design and other documents within the enterprise, unify the design, optimize the process of making managerial decisions (by expanding information support), and solve other problems.

Versatility and free integration with SAP solutions

Due to the high return, flexibility of the system products, they are used in a variety of fields - from dentistry and medical prosthetics to mechanical engineering. Today, CAD programs are software that freely integrates into SAP complexes, they are compatible with any of their solutions. Using special tires, you can combine CAD with PLM or CAM systems (computer aided manufacturing). The latter, designed to work with CNC machines, create numerical control algorithms, open up opportunities for manufacturing high-quality complex-profile products in a shorter time.

CAD software solutions also support:

  • top-level systems -CAD/CAM Unigraphics;
  • complexes at the middle level - Solid Edge;
  • lower-level systems - AutoCAD and others.

The programs integrate with Pro/Engineer, SolidWorks, TeamCenter, Inventor, and other products. They are easy to learn, they have a "friendly" user interface, wide functionality (you can customize them so that they meet the individual requirements of the customer and business features). CAD supports parallel design technologies. With them, you can freely use the methods of variant optimization, mathematical modeling. Another important plus is that the price of the product is formed flexibly. It is determined by the functionality that is selected for a specific customer, his needs, tasks, opportunities.

ASAP Consulting provides services for the development of optimized design and manufacturing solutions using advanced automation tools. We will select CAM, CAD solutions for a specific task, help deploy products in the enterprise, and advise on all emerging issues.

The idea was born in my head from our poverty of our needs. For those who decide to master some kind of CAD, it would seem that the choice should always be obvious - it should be the same CAD that is used at the enterprise where you work, or you want to work. The reasons why it is difficult to make a choice can be different, for example, all lazy people will have a question: “What is easier to master?” or “Will it run on my computer if I want to do something and in a certain amount?”. The choice can also be influenced by the presence of the necessary functions in the program and, as it may sound strange, the price. These and possibly some other questions are answered under the cut.

The culprits of the celebration:

Of course, there are much more CAD systems, but we would not have had the time or energy to present them all to you. Meet the chosen ones.

Briefly about each. Advantages and disadvantages:

Autodesk AutoCAD- one of the most common CAD systems, in addition to just a version called Autodesk AutoCAD, there are a number of specialized ones, such as: AutoCAD for Mac, AutoCAD Architecture, AutoCAD Civil 3D, AutoCAD Electrical, AutoCAD LT, AutoCAD Map 3D, AutoCAD Mechanical, AutoCAD MEP, AutoCAD Plant 3D, AutoCAD P&ID, AutoCAD Raster Design, AutoCAD Revit Architecture Suite, AutoCAD Revit MEP Suite, AutoCAD Revit Structure Suite, AutoCAD Structural Detailing, AutoCAD Utility Design. Older versions are not very demanding on hardware, but starting from the 2010 version, it will be somewhat difficult to work on a computer of the year 2006. It was also noticed that AutoCAD 2010-2012 is obviously slower on integrated Intel chips, which we will see later, both in 3D and 2D. Even the weakest GPU, which minimally meets the requirements of AutoCAD, saves this situation, for example, on an NVidia 200 Series chip.

Autodesk Inventor- CAD oriented mostly to mechanical engineering, and the 2D part of the program is so poorly developed that it leaves much to be desired. Almost the entire set of additional utilities is presented only in the 3D part of the program, while in 2D we can only be content with associative views and a minimal set for drawing. The lack of 2D is fully compensated by AutoCAD Mechanical, which in turn is focused on the design of drawings. Inventor's hardware requirements are both small and at the same time quite high. It all depends on what you want to "project". I can’t say how things are with versions below 2010, but, as in the cases with AutoCAD, a computer is needed more seriously.

DSS SolidWorks- a very good system, it has a fairly understandable interface, I don’t find anything out of the ordinary in it, but I can’t note the ability of this program to recognize the construction tree of third-party CAD systems, as well as upset freebie lovers, the pirated version gets crooked. Draw your own conclusions.

ASCON KOMPAS 3D- CAD, probably popular only in Russia. It will have the main pole - initially the Russian interface (although previous systems do not suffer from this), and a very extensive library of the GOST standard. If in cases with AutoCAD, with unsatisfactory performance on an old computer, it is possible to install an older version, then in cases with KOMPAS, this will not be advisable, because. system requirements, since the 5th version have not changed much. Also an advantage is the ability to save the work in the old version, because. most systems, due to the peculiar policy of the company, are deprived of such a function.

Guinea pigs Tested machines:

Conducted test:

In general, nothing complicated.
All program settings regarding graphics will be set to the quality of rendering, but with a minimum of visualization (later we will try to solve some problems and show how).
The task we set for our experimental subjects is quite simple, from the point of view of implementation - an array of springs.

Gradually increasing the array, it will be possible to see how the program lives under different loads. Note that the spring itself is one of the most complex primitives, if you can call it that, therefore, the results will be given with a margin.

Before the test, I want to stop a little and tell briefly what the tested machines are like for those who are not very versed in components and terminology in general.
By dividing computers into workstations and home computers, it is implied that the set of components in the first will have several specific parameters, names and prices (usually higher). Workstations, in turn, can also be divided into a fairly large tree, because for each type of work you need something different, we will not consider them in this article and select only representatives who are called graphical stations. What distinguishes these graphics stations from conventional computers? The answer is very simple, in most cases it is only the presence of a professional graphics adapter. In principle, you can make a graphics station out of any powerful gaming computer simply by changing the video card, but there is one “but”. Graphics stations are a tool for performing tasks, in particular cases they are engineering, responsible, complex, rather labor-intensive (and, as a result, highly paid) and this tool must satisfy the user not only in terms of speed, but also in terms of reliability and a kind of resistance to failures, and when a manufacturer releases components designed for professional use, they charge a corresponding price for them, so for a satisfying job, simply changing the video card to a professional one may not be enough.

Today, professional graphics for CAD systems is represented by 3 companies:

  • NVidia (Quadro and Quadro FX series)
  • ATI(AMD) (FirePro series)
  • Intel (integrated graphics in Xeon E3, E7 family processors)
Manufacturers from the heart "promoted" their products (read all this on the official websites), but in reality a terrible truth is revealed. Those of you who are curious enough have probably noticed that the aforementioned companies in professional graphics use the same graphics chips as in gaming and budget video cards, and money (and not small) asks us for the most part only for better manufacturing and optimization of the software part, i.e. drivers. But, sadly, in order to increase productivity, you will have to buy what is offered, and how much it is advisable, everyone will decide for himself.
Regarding laptops, we will have one representative each from the business and home series.

And so, let's go:

It showed quite decent results, performed the last test with simplification, was able to use two threads in the processor load, but the video card load was only realized by about 50 percent. In the tinted-cascade test, it showed better results than other systems.
It took 747 Mb RAM to complete the test

Oddly enough, the results are not much lower than the previous machine, however, it is worth noting that if the load on the processor was similar, then the video card did its best here. Also, a very unusual "zhor" in RAM - 2390 meters.
It took 2390 Mb RAM to complete the test

i7 Intel HD
Surprisingly, the results of the first 4 tests are the same as on the “FX580”, however, the 50 vs 50 test was carried out with simplification, as well as the last one.
It took 624 Mb RAM to complete the test
Used 2 streams

Despite the manufacturers' statements and the fact that the processor is not i7, but i5 and the previous generation, the result is higher than that of the "second" and not much less than the "first". Presumably there will be less stability of work, but in general the result is quite surprising.
It took 652 Mb RAM to complete the test

dual core
The last 2 tests failed. The system hung and could not build an array. I was honestly given 30 minutes to build, but alas, I did not wait for the result. The results of other tests are much lower. And in general, the conclusion is that the computer is not suitable for working in CAD systems, incl. We will not refer to this test in comparisons.
It took 358 Mb RAM to complete the test
1 stream used

The last 2 tests failed, the system was unable to build the array. The result of the rest is lower, and satisfactory work on large assemblies is not to be expected from it. The load on the card was 100% throughout the test.
It took 301 Mb RAM to complete the test

Almost identical results with the third machine (i7 Intel HD)
It took 598 Mb RAM to complete the test
1 stream used

The performance is on par with Inventor, while the load on the system was all 25%, both for the video card and for the processor (one thread).
It took 412 Mb RAM to complete the test

It took 434 Mb RAM to complete the test

i7 Intel HD
I gave the results below, but not noticeable for perception.
It took 715 Mb RAM to complete the test
1 stream used

It took 517 Mb RAM to complete the test

dual core
It took 290 Mb RAM to complete the test
Used 2 threads (doubtful)

Although I could not build only the latest test, the 50 by 50 and 100 by 100 tests were performed with simplification, the rest of the tests showed performance on par with the rest of the machines (with the exception of DualCore)
It took 388 Mb RAM to complete the test

It took 526 Mb RAM to complete the test
Used 2 threads (doubtful)

Like AutoCAD, I was able to load only one thread. The average graphics card load - 50 percent, like previous systems - failed the 100/100 test, and nearly failed the 50/50 test.
It took 196 Mb RAM to complete the test

Gave almost identical performance. The load on the video card also increased.
It took 177 Mb RAM to complete the test

i7 Intel HD
Showed a similar result, as on all previous machines, a feeling that he does not need a video card at all.
It took 268 Mb RAM to complete the test
1 stream used

… no comments.
It took 168 Mb RAM to complete the test

dual core
It took 98 Mb RAM to complete the test
1 stream used

Failed the test 50 to 50 and 100 to 100, otherwise - as usual.
It took 186 Mb RAM to complete the test

Failed the test 50/50 and 100/100.
It took 132 Mb RAM to complete the test
Used 1 stream

It turned out to be the most voracious, although like the 2 previous systems, it used the resources of only one thread, used almost 100% of the video card, showed relatively better results in the test with tinting without a frame.
It took 323 Mb RAM to complete the test

Gave results almost 2 times lower.
It took 279 Mb RAM to complete the test

The presence of a discrete card gave its results, but satisfactory work in assemblies of more than 100 parts is not to be expected.
It took 261 Mb RAM to complete the test

Conclusion compared to CAD systems:

inventor: can use multitasking, which is undoubtedly a plus, demanding on RAM, in any case, used it more than everyone else, showed good performance on integrated video cards, but used only half the resources of the Quadro 4000. (There is an assumption that the Quadro 2000 performance will be similar , also, there is an assumption that the performance on Radeon gaming cards will be higher than that of Nvidia counterparts)

AutoCAD: demonstrated a very decent performance, but used less resources, from this we can conclude that the configuration above the second machine (FX580) does not make much sense.

KOMPAS 3D: showed the same performance on the tested stationary machines, the performance increase is almost minimal, incl. Intel HD 3000 will be enough for work, but buying professional graphics higher than Quadro 600 will not be justified. The laptops performed quite comparable to the desktops, although the 50v50 cascading test was not satisfactory.
In general, discrete graphics are desirable for KOMPAS, but when buying a new computer with an integrated HD 3000, it is worth considering.

solidworks: perhaps the most demanding CAD for the graphics part, it did not provide hardware acceleration on integrated cards, which means that discrete graphics are mandatory for those who will work with assemblies even in 100 parts (this may have been fixed in the 2012 version). On the first machine, the result is quite decent, with the 100 by 100 test, he coped better than the others, but on the other machines, the result resembles that shown by KOMPAS.

So, if you already have a powerful enough machine, even a gaming machine, feel free to choose any CAD system for learning it. The presence of professional graphics gives an increase, but it's probably not worth buying it if you are not sure that you will work professionally.

If the computer is old, but still more powerful than our “shameful” (DualCore), then you can also study the work in all systems, but it will be difficult to work with large assemblies (more than 100 parts) even with professional graphics.

For laptops, the requirements are more serious, because. it is more difficult to replace components there, but in general everything is about the same.

SolidWorks requires discrete graphics!

In recent years, a real breakthrough has been noticed in the design. Drawings and models have migrated to the virtual space, data processing has noticeably accelerated, and a large number of new developments have appeared on the CAD systems market. All of them can be divided into two large groups - foreign and domestic.

Foreign developments

Abroad, automatic design systems began to be used much earlier. The classification of CAD systems was also developed here - for mechanical engineering, electric power industry, construction, etc. The following companies are considered trendsetters:

  • Autodesk. Recognized world leader supplying the best products. The firm was a success after the release of the AutoCAD solution. For Russian consumers, it has become a godsend. Popular products for 2D design are offered by POINT - https://www.pointcad.ru/product#prod_2d.
  • Unigraphic Solutions. The company gained publicity after signing a contract with General Motors. Almost all reviews of CAD systems were written by developers with an emphasis on the automotive giant, so the direction of support is very specific.
  • IMB ETS. It owes its success to the French company Dassault, which produces SolidWorks, CATIA, Deneb, MicroCADAM. There are solutions for almost all industries.
  • PTC. The main system is Pro/Engineer. Recently, it has undergone many updates, and therefore deserves attention. There is a special package for shipbuilding corporations.

Overview of CAD-systems of domestic production

There are also worthy players on the Russian market. Among them:

  • ASCON. The popularity of KOMPAS is growing at a remarkable pace. And all because the system is focused primarily on domestic developers.
  • Intermech. With its Cadmech product, the Minsk-based firm is gradually gaining momentum. Of the benefits - a well-developed system for filling out documentation.
  • Top Systems. The Moscow developer who presented us with T-FLEX CAD crossed the borders of Russia a long time ago and began to spread in Europe.

Most Russian manufacturers work with AutoCAD, KOMPAS and SolidWorks systems. Let's dwell on them in more detail.


The undisputed leader. For many, AutoCAD is the benchmark. Indeed, software from Autodesk has a number of advantages:

  • Rich feature set. Most of the latest developments first appear here.
  • Technical support. Up-to-date reviews of the CAD system and its capabilities are always in the public domain.
  • Updates and extensions. The product is constantly being developed and improved.
  • Low requirements. One of the key factors. AutoCAD does not require overly powerful computers to work.


Not a single review of CAD / CAM systems in Russia is complete without mentioning KOMPAS. And there are several reasons for this:

  • Orientation to the domestic market. The program was originally developed in Russian, all instructions are available for reading.
  • GOST library. An undeniable plus. Designing with a ready-made GOST library is much more convenient and profitable.
  • Version compatibility. One of the problems of foreign systems is that drawings created in older versions most likely will not open in new ones. Everything is much simpler and friendlier here.


A system that is less popular than the previous ones. This is mainly due to the high performance requirements of the computer. However, SolidWorks has an intuitive interface and some features not available from other vendors' products.

The choice in favor of one or another software package is made on the basis of a thoughtful analysis. Most tasks can be solved by AutoCAD, but sometimes specific functions and orientation to a specific market are required. In some cases, the cost and exactingness of the product, its complexity and the availability of qualified specialists come to the fore.


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The table presented in this material is an ordered list of manufacturers of ready-made software solutions in the field of design, development and industrial design systems.


Along with the use of automation systems for engineering calculations and CAE analysis, at present, as a rule, CAD (Computer-Aided Design) systems are used. Information from CAD systems goes to CAM (Computer-aided manufacturing). It should be noted that the English term "CAD" in relation to industrial systems has a narrower interpretation than the Russian term "CAD", since the concept of "CAD" includes both CAD, and CAM, and CAE. Among all information technologies, design automation occupies a special place. First of all, design automation is a synthetic discipline, as it includes various modern information technologies. So, for example, the technical support of CAD is based on the operation of computer networks and telecommunication technologies, and CAD also practices the use of personal computers and workstations. Speaking about the mathematical software of CAD, it should be noted the variety of methods used: computational mathematics, mathematical programming, statistics, discrete mathematics, artificial intelligence. CAD software systems can be compared with some of the most complex modern software systems, which are based on such operating systems as Windows, Unix, and programming languages ​​such as C ++ and Java, as well as modern CASE technologies. Almost every development engineer should have knowledge of the basics of design automation and be able to work with CAD tools. Since all design departments, offices and design bureaus are equipped with computers, the work of a designer with such a tool as an ordinary drawing board or calculations using a slide rule has become irrelevant. Consequently, enterprises operating without CAD or using it to a small extent become uncompetitive, since they spend much more time and money on design.

CAD types

  • Mathematical software CAD (MO) - this type involves the combination of mathematical methods, models and algorithms in order to perform design)
  • Linguistic software CAD (LO) - this software is an expression of communication languages ​​between designers and computers, data exchange languages ​​and programming languages ​​between CAD hardware;
  • CAD hardware (TO) - this includes peripheral devices, computers, communication lines, data processing and output, etc.;
  • CAD information support (IO) - consists of databases (DB), database management systems (DBMS) and other data that are used in the design;
  • CAD software (SW) is primarily CAD computer programs;
  • Methodological support (MetO) - includes various kinds of design methods;
  • Organizational support (OS) - is represented by staffing tables, job descriptions and other documents that determine the work of the project enterprise.

CAD structure

Being one of the complex systems, CAD consists of two subsystems: design and maintenance. Design procedures are performed by design subsystems. Subsystems of geometric three-dimensional modeling of mechanical objects are a striking example of design subsystems. With the help of service subsystems, the functioning of the design subsystems is carried out, their unity, as a rule, is called the system environment or the CAD shell. Typical service subsystems are the design process management subsystems (DesPM - Design Process Management), design data management (PDM - Product Data Management). Dialogue subsystem (DP); DBMS; instrumental subsystem; monitor - providing interaction of all subsystems and managing their implementation - these are serving software subsystems. The dialogue subsystem of the software enables interactive interaction between the CAD user and the control and design subsystems of the software, as well as the preparation and correction of initial data, familiarization with the results of design subsystems operating in batch mode.

The structure of CAD software is determined by the following factors:

  • aspects and level of descriptions created with the help of software, designed objects and subject area;
  • the degree of automation of specific project operations and procedures;
  • resources provided for software development;
  • architecture and composition of technical means, mode of operation.

CAD classification

CAD is classified according to the following principles: purpose, application, scale and nature of the basic subsystem. According to the intended purpose, CAD or CAD subsystems are distinguished, which provide various aspects of design. Thus, CAE /CAD /CAM systems appear as part of MCAD:

  • CAD-F or CAE (Computer Aided Engineering) systems. This refers to CAD functional design
  • CAD-K - design CAD systems for general engineering, most often they are simply called CAD systems;
  • CAD-T - technological CAD systems for general mechanical engineering - ASTPP (automated systems for technological preparation of production) or CAM systems (Computer Aided Manufacturing).

By applications, the most important and widely used are such CAD groups as:

  • Mechanical CAD or MCAD (Mechanical CAD) systems are CAD systems for use in general engineering industries.
  • ECAD (Electronic CAD) or EDA (Electronic Design Automation) systems - CAD for radio electronics.
  • CAD in the field of architecture and construction.

In addition, there are a large number of more specialized CAD systems, either allocated in certain groups, or being an independent branch in the classification. These are such systems as: BIS-CAD (large integrated circuits); CAD for aircraft and CAD for electrical machines. By scale, independent software and methodological complexes (PMC) of CAD are determined:

  • Complex for strength analysis of mechanical products in accordance with the finite element method (FEM)
  • Complex for analysis of electronic circuits;
  • PMK systems;
  • Systems with unique software (software) and technical (hardware) architectures.

Classification by the nature of the underlying subsystem

  • CAD, which are aimed at applications where the main design procedure is design, that is, the definition of spatial forms and the relative position of objects. This is a CAD based on computer graphics and mathematical modeling. This group of systems includes most of the graphic CAD cores in the field of mechanical engineering.
  • Application-oriented CAD systems in which a large amount of data is processed with fairly simple mathematical calculations. It is CAD based on DBMS. CAD data is mainly found in technical and economic applications, for example, in the process of designing business plans, objects like control panels in automation systems.
  • Complex (integrated) CAD, which include a set of previous types of subsystems. Typical examples of complex CAD systems can be CAE / CAD / CAM systems in mechanical engineering or CAD BIS. Thus, the DBMS and subsystems for designing components, schematic, logical and functional circuits, topology of crystals, tests for testing the suitability of products is an integral part of CAD LSI. In order to manage such complex systems, specialized system environments are used.
  • CAD based on a specific application package. In fact, these are freely used software and methodological complexes, such as a complex for simulating production processes, a complex for the synthesis and analysis of automatic control systems, a complex for calculating strength using the finite element method, etc. As a rule, CAD data refers to CAE systems. For example, logical design programs based on the VHDL language, mathematical packages such as MathCAD.

Development of CAD

One of the key topics in the development of CAD is "cloud" computing: remote work with data hosted on remote servers from various devices with Internet access. To date, clouds have made very significant progress in the segment of light applications and services - mainly in the consumer sector. There are two options for integration. In the first case, the entire infrastructure of engineering services is transferred to the cloud, and, accordingly, the need for engineering software installed at the workplace disappears altogether. In the second case, the designer still has a graphical workstation with CAD installed, but at the same time he gets access to various cloud services from it, thanks to which it is possible to solve tasks that require very significant resources (for example, to carry out strength analysis). Cloud interaction is possible in two ways: publicly, when access to the server located at the provider is open via the Internet, and privately, when the server is located at the enterprise and it is accessed via a closed local network. In Russia, the development of clouds in the field of CAD is constrained by the need to maintain excessive secrecy in so many projects. Therefore, it is most likely that private clouds will become the main driver of the market in the near future. Clouds are not only new technologies, but also an opportunity to experiment with new business models.

The next important trend is alternative operating systems. Five years ago, when there was talk about an alternative to Microsoft Windows, it was usually about Linux. This topic is still relevant today: the domestic national software platform, most likely, will be made based on the Linux kernel; there is a growing interest in this OS in the field of education and in government structures (there are examples of a successful transition). However, now we can already talk about the significant potential of the Google Chrome OS operating system. And here the mentioned trend merges with the cloud trend - Google OS, as you know, does not imply installing applications on a local computer.

An important role in the promotion of this OS is played by the trend towards a decrease in the market share of PCs. Obviously, if most of the bulky and complex calculations are transferred to the clouds, the requirements for hardware are reduced and it becomes possible to work on any device. For example, on tablets. As a result, developers of CAD solutions will either have to develop platform-independent solutions (cloud version) or make them multi-platform.

The next topic is `hardware`. Here, again, everything is determined by the market's dissatisfaction with the monopolist's decision - the classic Intel architecture (the pace of its development). In this regard, there is a clear trend towards the development of the ARM architecture. It is now supported by several manufacturers, among which one of the most active is Nvidia (Nvidia). So far, this architecture is actively used only in mobile devices, but in the near future, apparently, it will also be transferred to stationary PCs. Indirectly, this is evidenced by the fact that the future Microsoft Windows 8 OS will be able to work on the ARM architecture too (for the first time not only on Intel).

The second trend is the transfer of a significant part of the calculations from the central processor to the graphics core. This topic is more related to the field of parallel computing.

Another trend is the growth of the mobile device market. It received the greatest acceleration last year with the advent of the iPad. At first, however, it seemed that this device was purely consumer and it would not be applicable in the corporate sector. However, it turned out that it is quite suitable for solving many problems.

In the CAD sector today, many employees are mobile - working on the road, at remote construction sites, moving around the country, working at home. (All this requires a handy mobile device.)

One way or another, abroad that every employee of the engineering service will soon have a tablet, today they speak as a fait accompli. Mobile platforms IOS Apple and Android Google, attractive for developers, have already appeared, as well as a significant number of CAD applications for them.

Now it is very difficult to say whether the keyboard and mouse will leave our arsenal in ten years. But the fact is that interfaces focused on working with multi-touch screens (finger-based) are clearly gaining popularity. In mobile devices, they have almost become the standard. Today it is quite clear that this interface is more than suitable for information consumption. Whether it is just as good for its creation, for working with CAD, it is still difficult to say. There is still not enough technological base for a mass transition to such interfaces. Now there are simply no large enough multi-touch panels on the market with the necessary resolution for CAD.

The CAD market is very conservative. Even replacing one such system with another within the framework of work on one project is a rather difficult task. What can we say about a serious paradigm shift, interfaces, CAD generations. Therefore, this market is clearly not one of the leaders in the technological race - there is development, but obviously not as fast as we would like. However, in the next decade, engineers who have grown up in the era of the Internet, new technologies and mobile devices will come to enterprises, and one way or another they will actively bring elements of their culture to the market.

CAD in construction

Digitalization of business has affected all its industries. In the last decade, solutions for the design, engineering and construction of industrial facilities have been booming. From Soviet drawing boards, designers came to 3D modeling. What digitalization means for this segment, how to help the team work in a single space and why it is not yet possible to completely get rid of paper media, Alexey Lebedev, CEO of AVEVA, helped to understand.

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