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Musical toys made from waste material. DIY musical instruments. "Drummers with two voices"

Goal: development in children preschool age imagination, fantasy, communication skills, natural abilities.

Development of a rhythmic sense, fine motor skills of the hands. To promote the acquisition of basic skills of playing along with percussion and noise musical instruments.

In the process of playing children's noise instruments, the following tasks are solved:

acquaintance with the varieties of children's elementary musical instruments, mastering the techniques of playing them;

formation of ideas about the expressive essence of the elements of musical speech and means of musical expressiveness;

awakening interest in creative music-making and instrumental activities;

development of musical abilities of preschoolers, collective playing skills;

formation of artistic taste.

Forms of working with noise instruments

1. Playing to a soundtrack, selecting rhythmic accompaniment for children's songs

2. Improvisation of sound pictures on a given topic

3.Sound illustration of poems and fairy tales - noisemakers.

Educator: A mysterious and alluring world of sounds surrounds the baby from early childhood. How to help little man take place in the world musical sounds? Learning for preschoolers should not only be an easy and enjoyable pastime, but also interesting.

Musical instruments for children always remain wonderful, unusually attractive objects that you really want to play. After all, an instrument for children is a symbol of music, and the one who plays it is almost a magician. The most favorite type of children's orchestra is an orchestra of homemade musical instruments, which allows all children to be included in music playing. Using homemade tools and household items in pedagogical practice, it not only brings much-needed excitement for children, it is also important from a methodological point of view. They develop ingenuity, associativity and variability of thinking, and contribute to the enrichment of musical hearing, especially its timbre-rhythmic component. Practice has proven that children who were withdrawn, thanks to playing homemade musical instruments, become liberated and open up from different sides, become more sociable, and can perform in front of big amount people actively participate in all types of activities

So what is noise?

Noise is random, non-periodic vibrations of a sounding body.

Unlike musical sounds, noise does not have a precisely defined pitch.

Noise sounds include crackling, rattling, creaking, rustling, etc., and noise orchestral instruments are devices for producing noise that create a certain rhythmic and timbre coloring.

What do you think can be classified as noise orchestral instruments?

Noise orchestral instruments include percussion instruments with an indefinite pitch: drums, gongs, cymbals, tambourine, triangle, castanets, etc.

Some noise musical instruments can be made with your own hands. They are the ones who arouse special interest in music and the desire to play music.

Here's what you can always have on hand: tin and plastic jars with dry rice, buckwheat, spoons, pot lids. All kinds of rattles, combs, baby rattles. Keychains. A bag of nuts makes a wonderful rustling sound. Various papers (cellophane, parchment, newspaper, corrugated paper, etc.) Wooden cubes, blocks. Spools of thread. Natural materials: acorns, chestnuts, nuts, cones, their shells and much more. There are various noise instruments on the table. Please take one for yourself. Look carefully and try to describe what it is made of and how to use it.


Colored plastic “Kinder Surprises” are filled with beans, peas, seeds or beads, etc. To turn the “rustle” into a “rattle”, a hole is made on one side of the “Kinder Surprise” for a stick holder. To vary the timbre, you can use cereal as a filler for the rattle.

"Rustling clock".

Through the lid matchbox a thin round rubber band is stretched (according to the size of the wrist, and you can put any seeds, cereals, etc. in the box. Having put the watch on your hand, you need to shake your hand to “wake up” the tool. This tool is also convenient to use as a guide (right, left side) when performing musical-rhythmic movements.

"Naughty caps"

Caps for toothpaste, deodorant, varnish different sizes. With these instruments, children enjoy tapping out the rhythm of songs and dances. Depending on the timbre of the “voice,” the caps acquired names: grandmother, grandfather, baby.


To create this tool, you need to use an awl to make two holes in the bottom of a Vaseline jar, thread a thin rubber band through them, secure it with knots inside the jar, leaving a rubber band loop on the outside, close the lid and connect both parts with adhesive tape. Firecrackers are placed on the palms of the hands. Preschool children love to clap their hands in different rhythms when “clackers” are “hidden” in them. You can use the same principle to make crackers for mayonnaise lids.

"Maracas Transformers"

Various fillings (cereals, seeds, beans, peas) are poured into jars of chips - these are maracas. If you play on the lid of the maracas with a stick or finger, it “turns” into a drum. This transformation of the instrument allows it to be used in games to determine the nature of music.

came out of transparent plastic containers for raisins. The children gave this name to the instrument, noticing the different sound of the drum if you play on the colored side and on the transparent side.

Sounding keys.

For convenience, you need to make a rack in the shape of the letter P and hang the keys. The percussion instrument can be a nail, a spoon or a stick (a wooden or plastic hammer may work). Instead of a rack, you can take clothes hangers.


Metal jars with metal pendants attached to the lid.

"Miracle Castanets"

Double folded cardboard from under light bulbs. For both internal sides paste cardboard metal lids from beer bottles. The sound is produced by squeezing the miracle castanets in the child’s palm.

Ratchet "Accordion"

Description: Wooden or plastic parts from a pyramid assembled with an elastic band. The elastic band is tied with a loop on both sides. We stretch it as if we were playing the harmonica.

Description: Tin cans for coffee and drinks with small bulk items.

Children love everything bright, shiny, colorful, so it is advisable to decorate all homemade tools with colored, shiny packaging or self-adhesive paper, etc. Children can decorate all these tools to their taste by covering them with multi-colored paper.

Now let's call our children and play together with our musical, homemade tools in “Orchestra” the Russian folk melody “Seni” sounds.

One of the most exciting forms of musical and rhythmic games with noise instruments for a child is the telling of fairy tales. Playing along with musical instruments while telling even the simplest fairy tale, long known to a child, will open up a fascinating world of musical creativity. Parents can organize such joint play time for a child without special methodological or musical training. In such a fairy tale, the text is composed in such a way that after one or two phrases the child is given the opportunity to depict something with noise.

But still, when choosing the text of a fairy tale, it is necessary to take into account how suitable it is for children in terms of complexity and volume. It is important to determine in advance the noise design for the selected story or fairy tale, semantic accents and pauses, make appropriate notes or symbols in the text.

At first, it is better to offer the child either one more complex one (drum) or several simple tools– those where sound production options are unlikely.

A fairy tale or story must be learned so that it can be told by heart.

Thanks to the use of tools, a story or fairy tale becomes more interesting and vibrant.

Before the fairy tale, distribute instruments taking into account the child’s capabilities; you can also offer to choose an instrument and give time to check the sound.

When performing, use gestures and facial expressions, speak slowly and expressively, and pause.

Playing the instrument should sound in pauses, illustrating the text.

The introduction can be suggested by a glance, a gesture or a pre-agreed signal.

You can also use facial expressions and gestures to tell your child the volume and speed of the game.

An adult must prepare instructions for playing instruments in advance, but at the same time be ready to support the child’s unplanned entry and creative initiative.

The child must gradually remember the names of the instruments and recognize the sound.

Now we’ll try to voice a small piece ourselves.

Mouse story.

In the fall, mice ran back and forth all day, collecting food for the winter.


And finally, beautiful white snowflakes began to fall from the sky. (Bell bells)

They covered the frozen ground with a fluffy white blanket, and soon small footprints of mouse paws appeared on this snow.

The mice hid in their holes, where they had a lot of food.

They gnawed nuts

(wooden spoons, cubes)

gnawed grains


And they made warm nests out of straw. (maracas are transformers)

They especially loved to feast on sweet roots. (rustling with paper and bags)

And outside, snow fell on the ground every day (sounding keys)

The wind was rustling (blowing into a bottle)

And over the mouse holes there was a big, big snowdrift.

But the mice felt very good under the snow in warm holes.

(or drum your fingers on an empty box)

Cowardly hare

Once upon a time there lived a cowardly hare in the forest.

One day a hare came out of the house, and a hedgehog suddenly rustled in the bushes! (rustles)

The hare got scared and ran away. (drum fingers)

He ran and ran and sat down on a tree stump to rest. And the woodpecker knocks on the pine tree! (knock the cubes)

The hare started to run. (drum)

He ran, ran, ran into the very thicket, and there the owl flapped its wings! (ratchets)

A hare ran from the forest to the river. (drum)

And the frogs were sitting on the bank of the river. (pencil harp)

They saw a hare and jumped into the water. (bell ringers)

The hare was glad that the frogs were afraid of him - and boldly galloped back into the forest.

We wish you creative success.



Master class on making musical instruments from waste material For noise orchestra and writing fairy tales - noisemakers.

Goal: development of imagination, fantasy, communication skills, and natural abilities in preschool children.

Development of a rhythmic sense, fine motor skills of the hands. To promote the acquisition of basic skills of playing along with percussion and noise musical instruments.

In the process of playing children's noise instruments, the following tasks are solved:

Acquaintance with the varieties of children's elementary musical instruments, mastering the techniques of playing them;

Formation of ideas about the expressive essence of the elements of musical speech and means of musical expressiveness;

Awakening interest in creative music-making and instrumental activities;

Development of musical abilities of preschoolers, collective playing skills;

Formation of artistic taste.

Forms of working with noise instruments

1. Playing to a soundtrack, selecting rhythmic accompaniment for children's songs

2. Improvisation of sound pictures on a given topic

3.Sound illustration of poems and fairy tales - noisemakers.


Educator: A mysterious and alluring world of sounds surrounds the baby from early childhood. How to help a little person succeed in the world of musical sounds? Learning for preschoolers should not only be an easy and enjoyable pastime, but also interesting.

Musical instruments for children always remain wonderful, unusually attractive objects that you really want to play. After all, an instrument for children is a symbol of music, and the one who plays it is almost a magician. The most favorite type of children's orchestra is an orchestra of homemade musical instruments, which allows all children to be included in music playing. The use of homemade tools and household items in teaching practice not only brings much-needed excitement for children, it is also important from a methodological point of view. They develop ingenuity, associativity and variability of thinking, and contribute to the enrichment of musical hearing, especially its timbre-rhythmic component. Practice has proven that children who were withdrawn, thanks to playing homemade musical instruments, become liberated and open up from different sides, become more sociable, can perform in front of a large number of people, and actively take part in all types of activities.

So what is noise?

Noise is random, non-periodic vibrations of a sounding body.

Unlike musical sounds, noise does not have a precisely defined pitch.

Noise sounds include crackling, rattling, creaking, rustling, etc., and noise orchestral instruments are devices for producing noise that create a certain rhythmic and timbre coloring.

What do you think can be classified as noise orchestral instruments?

Noise orchestral instruments include percussion instruments with an indefinite pitch: drums, gongs, cymbals, tambourine, triangle, castanets, etc.

Some noise musical instruments can be made with your own hands. They are the ones who arouse special interest in music and the desire to play music.

Here's what you can always have on hand: tin and plastic jars with dry rice, buckwheat, spoons, pot lids. All kinds of rattles, combs, baby rattles. Keychains. A bag of nuts makes a wonderful rustling sound. Various papers (cellophane, parchment, newspaper, corrugated paper, etc.) Wooden cubes, blocks. Spools of thread. Natural materials: acorns, chestnuts, nuts, cones, their shells and much more. There are various noise instruments on the table. Please take one for yourself. Look carefully and try to describe what it is made of and how to use it.


Colored plastic “Kinder Surprises” are filled with beans, peas, seeds or beads, etc. To turn the “rustle” into a “rattle”, a hole is made on one side of the “Kinder Surprise” for a stick holder. To vary the timbre, you can use cereal as a filler for the rattle.

"Rustling clock".

A thin round rubber band is pulled through the lid of the matchbox (to fit your wrist, and you can put any seeds, cereals, etc. in the box. Having put the watch on your hand, you need to shake your hand to “wake up” the instrument. This instrument is also convenient to use as a landmark (right, left side) when performing musical-rhythmic movements.

"Naughty caps"

Caps for toothpaste, deodorant, varnish of different sizes. With these instruments, children enjoy tapping out the rhythm of songs and dances. Depending on the timbre of the “voice,” the caps acquired names: grandmother, grandfather, baby.


To create this tool, you need to use an awl to make two holes in the bottom of a Vaseline jar, thread a thin rubber band through them, secure it with knots inside the jar, leaving a rubber band loop on the outside, close the lid and connect both parts with adhesive tape. Firecrackers are placed on the palms of the hands. Preschool children love to clap their hands in different rhythms when “clackers” are “hidden” in them. You can use the same principle to make crackers for mayonnaise lids.

"Maracas Transformers"

Various fillings (cereals, seeds, beans, peas) are poured into jars of chips - these are maracas. If you play on the lid of the maracas with a stick or finger, it “turns” into a drum. This transformation of the instrument allows it to be used in games to determine the nature of music.

"Drummers with two voices"

Made from transparent plastic containers for raisins. The children gave this name to the instrument, noticing the different sound of the drum if you play on the colored side and on the transparent side.

Sounding keys.

For convenience, you need to make a rack in the shape of the letter P and hang the keys. The percussion instrument can be a nail, a spoon or a stick (a wooden or plastic hammer may work). Instead of a rack, you can take clothes hangers.


Metal jars with metal pendants attached to the lid.

"Miracle Castanets"

Double folded cardboard from under light bulbs. Glue metal beer bottle caps to both inner sides of the cardboard. The sound is produced by squeezing the miracle castanets in the child’s palm.

Ratchet "Accordion"

Description: Wooden or plastic parts from a pyramid assembled with an elastic band. The elastic band is tied with a loop on both sides. We stretch it as if we were playing the harmonica.


Description: Tin cans for coffee and drinks with small bulk items.

Children love everything bright, shiny, colorful, so it is advisable to decorate all homemade tools with colored, shiny packaging or self-adhesive paper, etc. Children can decorate all these tools to their taste by covering them with multi-colored paper.

Now let’s call our children and play together with our musical, homemade instruments in the “Orchestra.” The Russian folk melody “Seni” sounds.

One of the most exciting forms of musical and rhythmic games with noise instruments for a child is the telling of fairy tales. Playing along with musical instruments while telling even the simplest fairy tale, long known to a child, will open up a fascinating world of musical creativity. Parents can organize such joint play time for a child without special methodological or musical training. In such a fairy tale, the text is composed in such a way that after one or two phrases the child is given the opportunity to depict something with noise.

But still, when choosing the text of a fairy tale, it is necessary to take into account how suitable it is for children in terms of complexity and volume. It is important to determine in advance the noise design for the selected story or fairy tale, semantic accents and pauses, and make appropriate notes or symbols in the text.

At first, it is better to offer the child either one more complex one (drum) or several simple instruments - those where sound production options are unlikely.

A fairy tale or story must be learned so that it can be told by heart.

Thanks to the use of tools, a story or fairy tale becomes more interesting and vibrant.

Before the fairy tale, distribute instruments taking into account the child’s capabilities; you can also offer to choose an instrument and give time to check the sound.

When performing, use gestures and facial expressions, speak slowly and expressively, and pause.

Playing the instrument should sound in pauses, illustrating the text.

The introduction can be suggested by a glance, a gesture or a pre-agreed signal.

You can also use facial expressions and gestures to tell your child the volume and speed of the game.

An adult must prepare instructions for playing instruments in advance, but at the same time be ready to support the child’s unplanned entry and creative initiative.

The child must gradually remember the names of the instruments and recognize the sound.

Now we’ll try to voice a small piece ourselves.

Mouse story.

In the fall, mice ran back and forth all day, collecting food for the winter.


And finally, beautiful white snowflakes began to fall from the sky. (Bell bells)

They covered the frozen ground with a fluffy white blanket, and soon small footprints of mouse paws appeared on this snow.

The mice hid in their holes, where they had a lot of food.

They gnawed nuts

(wooden spoons, cubes)

The grains were chewed


And they made warm nests out of straw. (maracas are transformers)

They especially loved to feast on sweet roots. (rustling with paper and bags)

And outside, snow fell on the ground every day (sounding keys)

The wind was rustling (blowing into a bottle)

And over the mouse holes there was a big, big snowdrift.

But the mice felt very good under the snow in warm holes.

(or drum your fingers on an empty box)

Cowardly hare

Once upon a time there lived a cowardly hare in the forest.

One day a hare came out of the house, and a hedgehog suddenly rustled in the bushes! (rustles)

The hare got scared and ran away. (drum fingers)

He ran and ran and sat down on a tree stump to rest. And the woodpecker knocks on the pine tree! (knock the cubes)

The hare started to run. (drum)

He ran, ran, ran into the very thicket, and there the owl flapped its wings! (ratchets)

A hare ran from the forest to the river. (drum)

And the frogs were sitting on the bank of the river. (pencil harp)

They saw a hare and jumped into the water. (bell ringers)

The hare was glad that the frogs were afraid of him - and boldly galloped back into the forest.

We wish you creative success.

With my own hands. Of course, making a violin or piano without special training, materials, or equipment at home is unprepared for this species the master will not succeed in his activities. And this is a fact that should be accepted unconditionally. But our article will tell those interested how to make fairly simple musical instruments with their own hands.

Where to find source material for crafts

Any object from which sound can be extracted is considered musical. And this is almost everything that surrounds us! If you carefully follow one-year-old babies, then it will become clear: the back iron bed, when it is struck with a spoon, it produces a melodic ringing, similar to the sound of a metallophone. And if you knock wooden spoons on the table and chairs, you will get an amazing resemblance

It turns out that we are surrounded by continuous musical instruments! You just need to decorate them with your own hands in the right way, collect them in one place and place the “musician” next to them.

Gift for a drummer

For example, a beautiful one is made from a set of pans, lids and wooden sticks. Pencils, wooden spoons, and brushes are suitable as the latter. You can also carve special sticks for a beginning drummer from wood.

As you can see from the photo, making these with your own hands is quite simple. For beauty, you can even come up with a special emblem and decorate each item with it. For “plates”, metal lids mounted on a stand are suitable. By the way, metal buckets, mugs, bowls, basins will coexist wonderfully next to the pots. The main thing in this matter is to choose containers of different sizes that are capable of producing different sounds.

Tool for spoons

Everyone knows such a Russian as spoons. Even solo numbers are practiced, where the performers manage to perform quite interesting compositions.

You can expand the capabilities of spoon musicians by creating an entire installation for them. It will require a wooden matryoshka doll. By arranging them in ascending volume, you can get an excellent installation tool.

DIY Guiro

Skilled woodworkers can make quite professional musical instruments. Handmade ratchets are also of interest to musicians today.

Initially, guiros were made from the fruits of the gourd tree, on which notches were made. Its place of origin is considered Latin America. Modern guiros are musical instruments made by hand from solid wood with notches along which a scraper called a “pua” should be driven. The musician thus produces interesting chirping sounds when accompanying singing or performing his part in an orchestra.

Today, these kinds of musical instruments appear, made by hand from metal or plastic tubes. In Russia, rattles made of wooden planks with notches were an analogue of guiro.

Maracas, shakers - rattles

You can make musical noise instruments with your own hands from a variety of containers. Metal coffee cans, plastic yogurt bottles, Kinder surprise egg cartons, etc. are suitable for crafts. wooden boxes and even the inner cylinders from paper towels or toilet paper from cardboard. Only the latter need to be sealed at both ends so that you can put anything there. A shaker is also made from two disposable cups, gluing them together with tape.

To create a sound effect, grains, sand, small pebbles, beads, shot, and buttons are placed inside the container. You can attach handles to round containers and paint them acrylic paints. Then you get very beautiful musical noise instruments, which you can build with your own hands from scrap materials.


Children love to make a variety of crafts together with adults. You can also make musical instruments with your own hands at home.

You can make castanets using two large buttons with loops attached to them. These devices are put on the large and middle fingers. The castanets knock when they touch and a sound is produced.

From absolutely unnecessary things, prepared for disposal in the trash, you can make enough interesting crafts. Do-it-yourself musical instruments are created by gluing covers onto cardboard pieces, after which the blanks need to be fastened together by folding them perpendicular to each other.


Children's musical instruments often contain bells and bells that ring beautifully. You can hang them on an empty paper towel cylinder or along the edges of disposable plates taped together. It is best to fold the latter asymmetrically.

Having brightly colored the instruments made in this way, you can use them in a children's noise orchestra.

Whistles and pipes

Easy to make DIY ones that produce sounds when the performer blows into them. They are made from the hollow stems of grass blades, the bark of twigs, plastic handles, cocktail straws. If the latter are cut diagonally by different lengths, then you can get whistles that make different sounds.

Whistles are also made from bean, pea or acacia pods. In childhood, everyone “played” such a musical instrument at least once.

Craftsmen make pipes from wood by cutting holes in hollow tubes. But this requires special skill. No less difficult - and just as interesting! - make a toy whistle from clay or salt dough. Usually a version of the “Dymkovo” toy is used here. Although you can make a little thing by hiding a ready-made whistle inside. Having made several of these toys that make sounds different heights, you can even play some tunes on them.

You can make homemade musical instruments with your own hands from almost nothing. For example, a cap from a plastic bottle, on which a piece of rubber cut from a burst balloon is stretched, will become an exciting toy for a child.

You can also use empty bottles as a whistle. If you blow into the inlet from top to bottom, applying the container only to the lower lip and holding it vertically, you can make amazing sounds! Musicians change the inclination of the “instrument”, the distance between the lips and the hole of the bubble, the force of blowing air, and different melodies are born.

"Litrophon" or "singing bottles"

Today, more and more often, performers with such interesting instruments appear on stage that you are amazed! And what don’t they make them from! You can make it yourself, for example, from bottles or wine glasses, filling them with water.

Different heights of sounds produced are achieved by the amount of liquid poured, the material used to make the dishes, and changes in the volume of the container. The less water is poured, the thinner the sound. For beauty and convenience, the liquid is tinted.

Harp, or “musical comb”

Taking an ordinary flat comb (“hedgehog” will not work), you need to cover the location of the teeth with foil or tissue paper. By blowing into this simple instrument you can make cool rattling sounds.

Talented musicians from the stages perform various musical compositions on the harpa, including classical ones. Particularly interesting is this instrument, made from a comb with different thicknesses teeth

The main theme of Oginsky’s “Polonaise” or the melody of a folk song/hit comes out surprisingly similar to the original!

DIY guitar

This is truly amazing! But you can even make a guitar with your own hands from scrap materials, or simply from trash.

Closed ones are used as a basis. carton boxes, empty flat plastic bottles from under the shampoo. Of course, the sound of the instrument will depend on the material of the guitar frame and the size of the hole cut in it.

It is also important to choose the right strings for your guitar. Most often, they take stationery or aviation rubber bands and pull them with different forces.

So now you don’t need to run to the children’s toy store if your baby is capricious. After all, you can simply make an exciting toy for him - a musical instrument that will become the child’s most beloved and expensive thing.

Larisa Belkova

Now available on store shelves a large number of musical instruments, didactic games etc. But unfortunately, we cannot always purchase them, but sometimes when purchasing them in kindergarten some kind of toys and when you bring them to the group you become disappointed. What's happened? It seemed that something new should arouse interest among children, but some have something like this at home, while others are simply not interested. Sometimes, to diversify daily life you don't need much at all. Seeing the ordinary is not ordinary. And I think it won’t be bad if we, educators, teach our children this. It seems to me that homemade games and toys attract children more than those bought in a store, even the most expensive ones. There's a new one in our group musical instrument"noise maker" (the children came up with the name themselves). Regular can, color film, scissors, beans, tape and a little time. This is what we got.

They covered it with paper, because the drawing and inscriptions on the can were visible from under the film.

Now we cover it with colored film.

Add "noise".

We close the hole.

Let's decorate.

And let's play! For musical noise instruments You can also use bottles of drinking yogurt, ketchup, or Kinder Surprise containers. And most importantly, involve children in the creative process!

Publications on the topic:

"Musical mosaic" is a tabletop game manual, including non-standard musical instruments: “Multi-colored bells”, “Merry.

Kids are very fond of various noise instruments - noisemakers, knockers, rattles. I present to your attention musical toy from junk.

Man is a creator. This is the main quality of his personality. The need to create appears already in early childhood. This need is known.

Good day everyone. Admiring my colleagues’ New Year’s crafts, I couldn’t help but add my contribution. An incredible number of Christmas trees.

Master class “Homemade musical instruments”– the class is intended for teachers and all lovers of creating exclusive children's musical instruments with their own hands. Slide 2. Goal:.

Topiary made from waste material. 1. We make a ball from newspaper - the basis of our tree. We fix it with threads. 2. Prepared flowers in advance.

Master Class. Musical instrument "Shaker" made from waste material

Makarova Svetlana Yurievna, music director. MBDOU kindergarten No. 4 in Rasskazovo, Tambov region.

Audience: The master class is designed for children 5-7 years old and their parents.
Purpose: musical instrument for home playing music.
Target: teach how to make a musical instrument from waste material.
Tasks: introduce the “Shaker” noise instrument and methods of its manufacture; promote the development of creative imagination; promote joint creative work child with parents.
- paper towel tubes;
- colored self-adhesive, textured foil;
- colored cardboard;
- aluminum foil for baking;
- reinforced tape;
- a simple pencil;
- decorative (fabric) tapes for finishing;
- scissors;
- glue stick;
- filler (pearl barley, rice grain)

A musical instrument is made very quickly. It doesn't require a lot of expenses. It is made from waste material. The filler can be different: cereals, beads, small shells, beads, coarse sand. It depends on what sound you want to make a musical instrument with.

"Shaker" is a closed container made of hard material, partially filled with small granular contents, has a variety of sizes, shapes and appearances, and can be spherical or egg-shaped.
Sound from of this instrument It is not removed with a blow, it is shaken, moving it with light movements of the hand back and forth, up and down. In this case, the filler particles collide with each other and with inner surface, creating an interesting sound for the instrument.

Sequence of making a musical instrument

First you need to take aluminum foil. You need to cut it so that the length of the foil is equal to the length of three tubes. Then it will need to be folded in half along its entire length again and again until it becomes 1 cm thick.

The result should be a dense strip like this. This is the future spiral.

We begin to gradually twist the foil in a spiral. The rings must be the same. As a result, the spiral should be equal to the length of your tube. It is needed so that the filler inside the musical instrument flows slowly.

The finished spiral must be placed inside the tube. Glue the ends of the spiral to the rim.

It will be more reliable if you attach the ends of the foil to the tube with a stapler. Then, with any shock when playing the instrument, it will not fall off.

Before filling inner part cereal, you need to seal one edge of the tube with reinforced tape. To prevent future filler from sticking to the open part of the tape, cut out a small circle of paper. It should be smaller than the circumference of the tube.

Glue the circle to the tape. Cut the tape to the size you need, but the ends should not be very long. Because when decorating they will interfere with you. Stick it onto one end of the tube, carefully smoothing the tails. Pour the cereal filling inside and close the other side in the same way.

This is what you should get. Next, cut out two strips of contrasting color from colored self-adhesive paper.

Attach the strips to the ends of the tube, thereby closing the reinforced tape.

Then cover the tube with textured foil using a glue stick. This material is shiny and beautiful to look at. Children love to play such instruments.

The finished musical instrument can be supplemented with decorations. I cut out notes for this from leftover self-adhesive tape. Decorations can also be cut out by the children themselves: triangles, stripes, squares, circles, stars. Whatever your imagination allows.

Entrust your child with sticking such motifs. This will give him great pleasure.

There is another way to make a shaker. If you don't have a tube, you can take a thick one cardboard paper. Roll it into a tube the right size. Cut off excess cardboard. Glue the ends together.

The internal component is manufactured as in the previous case. The holes are also closed with reinforced tape.

You probably have satin ribbons, twine, trim tapes, scraps of denim or canvas, etc. at home. Use them to decorate your musical instrument.

The ends need to be covered with a wide tape, attaching it with glue. Very suitable for zigzag decoration.

These are the tools we got.

Children love to craft with their parents.

They will cherish this musical instrument because they made it with their own hands together with you.

I wish you joint creative success!