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How to increase efficiency with more fights. How to increase your win rate and efficiency in World of Tanks. Total number of destroyed

When World of Tanks was released, the players played the game, fighting each other on virtual tanks. Over time in World of Tanks came another goal of the game - numbers. Big numbers. The higher your numbers, the better your skills... your ability to play this game. Now we are talking about different ratings of player statistics. At the moment, there are several indicators of a player’s effectiveness. This Efficiency Rating, which has the meaning EFF or RE, rating WN6, WN7 And WN8, Bronesite rating, as well as your own rating Wargaming, with the designation W.G.R.. By the way, there is a rumor that a rating is currently being developed WN9, which will calculate the player’s effectiveness on the battlefield in even more detail and better.

You all probably know where you can look at your statistics. Well, if you don’t know, then we have a special section on our website where you will find out the rating WN7 And WN8, RE And W.G.R. (W.G.R. is shown directly in the client without installing additional modifications in the " tab Achievements») — .

By the way, a little hint about what each rating is responsible for. WN(X) are responsible for the average damage caused, and RE— for protecting and capturing bases, as well as for the number of frags.

Not all players have good statistics. Over time, such players begin to wonder: “ How to raise yours Efficiency V World of Tanks and what needs to be done for this?" In this material we want to give all players advice on what and how to do to increase their efficiency in World of Tanks.

What are statistics in World of Tanks? This is the result of your actions on the battlefield. The more battles you have, the clearer the statistics.

Let's start from the very beginning. Many players with weak statistics often ask to join a platoon with experienced players who have good statistics. When asked to take them into a platoon, they say that they will supposedly look at how an experienced player plays and take something for themselves. If this is what you do, don't do it. You will learn absolutely nothing and, in general, will become an extra player in the team, because you will be monitoring the actions of a skilled platoon commander. In this case, you will not benefit the team. You will not be focused on winning, but only on the actions of your platoon leader. All that a weak player will get from these battles is a slight increase in the battle percentage. But it is unlikely that an experienced player will keep a player in his platoon who is not useful.

Remember! You are part of the team and you must bring part of the team's success. If you cannot penetrate enemy equipment, then you should not climb on it. Stand in the bushes or around the corner of a building and shine a light. After all, until the enemy deals with the one who shines on him, he will not move forward. The more your tank stays on the list of “living” ones, the better. When you can move and shoot, you provide some benefit to the team. Even just the psychological benefit that you have negatively on the enemy. When any of the players looks at what and how much equipment the enemy team still has, and if there is more of it... Then in most cases he will play more carefully.

The couple of paragraphs described above are not the entire key to the success of good statistics. This is, let's say, just an introduction. We will now examine the main points.

Number of battles

Pay attention to how many fights you have had. If you have fought less than 5,000 battles and have not very good statistics, then do not be upset. You are still learning the game. Learn cards, techniques, game mechanics. I'm not going to say that you need to fight exactly 5,000 battles in order to learn everything. All people are different, and therefore they learn differently. Let’s say it took a certain Vasily 1,500 battles to study everything, but for Alexey 5,000 battles were not enough.

But again, the more battles you have, the more difficult it will be to correct the statistics.

Type of equipment

Be sure to determine the type of equipment that will be easiest for you to play. There are as many as 5 types of equipment in the game: heavy tanks, medium tanks, light tanks, self-propelled artillery (SPG) and anti-tank self-propelled artillery (PT-SAU). One of the five types should definitely be easy and convenient for you to play. I would like to immediately add that the easiest to use are heavy tanks, but even that is not all. Heavy tanks can forgive the player's mistakes. The second type in terms of ease of play can be considered tank destroyers, and then you can take on medium tanks.

Now, and indeed always, experienced players are shouting everywhere... that the simplest type of equipment in the game is self-propelled guns. Maybe. But! Without playing other types, you will not be able to immediately understand where and how you can conduct high-quality shelling of the enemy. After playing with other types of equipment, you will learn all the pros and cons of self-propelled guns.

Completed equipment

Damage dealt

The main indicator that greatly influences various performance ratings is the damage you deal in battle. You won’t be able to get large amounts of damage on low-level equipment, so get at least level VI equipment as soon as possible. On low-level tanks you can only get your win percentage, but this is not certain either. The percentage of victories has little effect on the statistics as a whole, but high average damage... The more damage you deal, the higher your indicator of various statistics ratings will be. In each battle, try to inflict damage equal to the sum of your strength points - this is your minimum task for each battle.

Contemplating action

You must set yourself the goal that you only want to win and cause damage. If you can convince yourself of this goal, then you will do everything to achieve it. In the game you will begin to connect your head. Before the start of the battle, evaluate the equipment of your opponents and allies. Over time, you will begin to understand where this or that enemy tank will go, which sector of the map and from where the self-propelled guns can shoot. If you have already installed the so-called Deer measurer, then be sure to try to kill the player who has good statistics. It is he who can bring a lot of trouble to your team. But this must be done wisely, and not just fly at such a player. In a fight with a skilled player, when you simply fly at him, most likely your tank will be destroyed by this player. It’s better to think about how best and harmlessly to inflict damage on yourself. And most importantly, if there is a player on your team with very good statistics, NEVER stop him from playing. Do not interfere with the movement of his tank, do not cover the sight. And even if you need to cover it, cover it with your tank.

Position on the map

During his game in World of Tanks You've probably already found some places on each map where you're good at playing. There is no self-propelled gun fire there, there are no destructible objects. There you can deal damage to enemy tanks with impunity. Hold this position until the battle enters the offensive phase. The allies went to press the direction - help them do this. You shouldn't go anywhere alone.

Take advantage of your technology

Each vehicle has one or another advantage that allows it to be used on the battlefield. So, for example, if your tank has good vertical aiming angles, then take a position in some kind of hollow and inflict damage on enemies without showing your entire tank. The enemy will only see your gun, and if you hit the gun, the damage will not go away. If your tank has a strong turret, then again find a hollow where you will hide your hull and deflect enemy shells with the forehead of the turret. If you are playing on a tank destroyer with high average damage, then simply do not get caught in the light and wait for the enemy vehicles to be illuminated.

Your computer

It seems like what impact can a computer have on the statistics in a game? And quite serious. If you have a weak computer, the game will freeze at inopportune moments, which the enemies will take advantage of by destroying your tank. You should strive to ensure that your computer produces as much as possible FPS(frames per minute). For a normal game there should be 60 FPS. Well, since this is an online game, there must be a good Internet connection. The lower ping, the faster the game will respond to your actions.

If you still have a weakly configured computer, then install the program WoT Tweaker. The program will allow you to disable various additional effects and thereby increase FPS.

Team game

World of Tanks- a team game and you need to remember this every battle. You play not alone, but together with other 14 players. By teaming up with another player, you will be one step ahead of those who play alone (but do not forget about what we talked about at the very beginning of the material). Find yourself a player who is equal to or slightly superior to you in terms of statistics. Be sure to communicate by voice during the game, so you can coordinate your joint actions and bring success to the team as a whole.

Your condition

Everything depends on you as a player. This is not work, but just a game. You don’t have to go there every day at the appointed time. If you have no desire to play, then simply do not enter the game. If you have a headache, don’t sit down to play, but rather eat, sleep, etc. Neither the computer nor the game itself can escape you. They will obediently wait for you when you come and sit down to play.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult about raising your game statistics. You just need to set all your priorities correctly and wisely. We hope that our material helped you and you understood what you need to do so that your performance ratings begin to grow. Good luck!

During the existence of World of Tanks, countless ratings and pee meters have appeared. It all probably started even before the creation of , the author of the wot-news website created his own rating and called it the “performance rating” of the player (correct me if I messed up the chronology).

The RE formula is:

DAMAGE * (10 / (TIER + 2)) * (0.23 + 2*TIER / 100) +
FRAGS * 250 +
log(CAP + 1,1.732) * 150 +


DAMAGE - average damage per battle,
TIER - the average level of the player’s tanks,
FRAGS - average number of frags per battle,
SPOT - average number of enemies detected,
CAP - average number of capture points,
DEF - the average number of base defense points per battle.

The greatest (direct) influence on the value of your RE is exerted by:

  • damage per battle,
  • number of frags,
  • base defense.

Video review RE


Unlike RE, WN8 is more difficult to understand and is calculated in 3 steps:

Step 1 - Weighted Ratio

We divide the total indicator on the account by the expected indicator:

rDAMAGE = avgDmg / expDmg
rSPOT = avgSpot / expSpot
rFRAG = avgFrag / expFrag
rDEF = avgDef / expDef
rWIN = avgWinRate / expWinRate

The following take part in the calculation:

avgDmg - total damage dealt to the player,
avgSpot - total number of detected ones,
avgFrag - total number of destroyed,
avgDef - total number of defense points,
avgWinRate - total number of wins.

expDmg - expected damage caused,
expSpot - expected number of detected ones,
expFrag - expected number of destroyed,
expDef - expected number of defense points,
expWinRate - expected number of wins.

Expected values- we can say that this is a benchmark for each specific tank. The ideal middle ground for a good player. This data is collected by the creators of WN8 themselves, which are posted in a table on their website at this address. The reference values ​​are summarized only for those tanks on which you went into battle.

Step 2 - Calculate Normalized Values

rWINc = max(0, (rWIN - 0.71) / (1- 0.71))
rDAMAGEc= max(0, (rDAMAGE-0.22) / (1-0.22))

rFRAGc = min(rDAMAGEc+0.2 , max(0, (rFRAG-0.12) / (1-0.12)))
rSPOTc = min (rDAMAGEc+0.1 , max(0, (rSPOT-0.38) / (1-0.38)))
rDEFc =min (rDAMAGEc+0.1 , max(0, (rDEF-0.10) / (1-0.10)))

Step 3 - count WN8

Formula WN8:

WN8 = 980*rDAMAGEc + 210*rDAMAGEc*rFRAGc + 155*rFRAGc*rSPOTc + 75*rDEFc*rFRAGc + 145*MIN(1.8,rWINc)

In other words, WN8 shows how well or poorly you play relative to the ideal player according to this rating.

The greatest influence is exerted by:

  • average damage per battle,
  • average number of frags per battle.

Video on topic

Rating scale comparison

This picture shows the correspondence between RE (in the image indicated as EFF) and WN8:

Summing up

To make it clear to everyone, RE is a static indicator, and WN8 is dynamic.

This means that your RE will not change over time (unless the formula is changed), since it depends only on your personal indicators.

WN8, in turn (purely theoretically), can change even if you don’t play, since it represents (roughly speaking) a comparison of your and reference accounts, and the reference indicators can change (for example, after rebalancing the equipment).

RE is one of the most popular, since it is the very first of all pussy meters and many players find it difficult to delve into the intricacies of other ratings.

WN8 is more modern and, in my opinion, more accurately reflects the essence - how well you play. After all, everything is learned by comparison.

If you have questions or additions to the article, write them in the comments.

What to do to increase personal efficiency in World of Tanks. It is not very easy to achieve good statistics in the game, but the task is quite feasible.

It must be said right away that increasing (raising) efficiency will take time and this is the most valuable thing that will have to be sacrificed in the pursuit of a beautiful “statue”.

It will be extremely difficult to raise an old account with the number of battles over 20-25 thousand, but it is also possible.

The essence of the method is that you will have to imagine for a while that you are starting everything from scratch. Only from the real creation of a “twink”, you will have to take those tanks for which the statistics are depressing. Including sold tanks, they will also need to be bought back and taken out of the hangar for “pumping”. You can see which tanks you have have the worst statistics by using the notorious “deer measurer” mod.

Having equipped tanks with low efficiency to the maximum with additional equipment, you will need to play from 30 to 300 battles as a typical “extra.” Of course, it depends on the level and degree of drawdown of that same efficiency factor of a single piece of equipment. The effect of pumping up indicators for individual tanks will smoothly flow into an increase in overall efficiency.

How to upgrade?

Quite a simple answer. If you already have quite a bit of experience in the game, then you will have to endure insults from your allies. First of all, we get the allied frags. In the literal sense of the word, we wait and deliver the final blow.

Shot from afar. It would be a good idea to develop the skill of long-range combat, even on heavy and light tanks. It is important to shoot at least 100% of the damage from your XP. Therefore, we are actively learning to fight from the bushes, if we did not know how before.

We work comprehensively on frags and get maximum “damage” per battle. We do not launch frontal attacks and stay away from the main clashes. The allies will be indignant at such a game, but the life of an extra is not complete without it.

Team game

Another method that can be quite effective is team play. Use the game as a platoon, having a couple of experienced players as friends, you can very quickly push the lagging behind to the desired level of efficiency in platoon battles.

To begin with, we note that the efficiency rating, like any statistical characteristic, becomes reliable with a sufficiently large sample. This means that for a World of tanks player who has fought less than 1000 battles, the effectiveness rating does not reflect the player’s abilities reliably, because random errors are large. And the RE of a player with 5000 or more battles is pretty true.

What affects the performance rating in WoT

The damage rating is most affected by the damage dealt. In addition, on efficiency rating in WoT influence the number of victories and destroyed equipment, the initial exposure of enemy equipment, the defense of one’s own and the capture of an enemy base. Thus, in order to increase the efficiency rating, you need to deal a lot of damage and. What level of equipment is best to do this with?

Which tank to play on to increase your efficiency rating in WoT

Does the level of the technique you play take into account when calculating efficiency rating? After all, on tanks of the sixth level, it is almost impossible to deal as much damage as on vehicles of the tenth level. The level of tanks is taken into account when calculating the efficiency rating. Moreover, many top players and platoons play on 10s, so it will be very difficult to achieve an efficiency rating on top vehicles.

In order to understand which tanks to raise efficiency rating in WoT you need to look at your statistics and choose the vehicle with which you deal the most damage, while winning more than 50% of battles.

How do you take level into account when calculating damage? Pay attention to the following indicator in the official World of tanks statistics: Damage coefficient- this is the ratio of damage dealt to damage received, and the damage received depends on the level at which you play (the higher the level, the greater the health reserve and the more damage you can theoretically receive). To get good results, the Damage Coefficient should be higher than one, the higher the better.

With loved ones statistical indicators in World of tanks choose a vehicle whose level is lower, but do not use tanks below level four.

Finish off or deal damage in World of tanks

In most cases, it is better to finish off the tank, because... Thus, you deprive the enemy team of one player, he will not cause damage, will not transmit intelligence, which means you will increase the probability of victory, which also affects RE in WoT. This does not mean that you should try to take away frags, and specifically wait for the moment to finish off the enemy tank, we are talking about a situation when you deal damage in normal mode and you have a choice whether to deprive the enemy team of the gun or not. Destroy an opponent in World of tanks in this case it is a good choice.

What tanks are needed to increase the efficiency rating?

As noted earlier, to improve your efficiency rating you need to deal a lot of damage. Tank destroyers, such as Soviet ones, are excellent for this purpose. ISU-152 and Object 704, German Rhm.-Borsing. An ISU with BL-10 in World of tnaks is capable of 700 damage in one shot, five hits and that’s 3500 damage, which is good for the eighth level.

If you are willing to spend a lot of money (silver or gold) to win, then you can play on vehicles with high explosives and cumulative shells, which cause huge damage for their level and have good armor penetration. This way you can increase your efficiency rating in World of tanks on Sherman, SU-152, KV-1S, KV-1.

To improve your efficiency rating, you need to show maximum results in every battle, which means it’s worth investing in good equipment and equipment for your tank. remember, that the more fights you have, the more difficult it will be to correct the statistics, including RE, so try to play well in every battle, and fight to the last in any situation.

About RE in World of Tanks

Any World of Tanks tanker sees himself as a good player, a bender, so to speak. However, statistics do not spare anyone, since in reality only five percent of players actually know how to play. They understand the intricacies of using various techniques in battles and take advantage of the inexperience of beginners. By the way, over the past year World of Tanks has significantly increased the number of noobs, that is, there are more inexperienced players. The funny thing is that after 2-3 thousand battles, the noobs we love so much learn about the existence of an efficiency rating (ER), and immediately ask the question: how can we raise it? I seem to be playing well, sometimes I even hit my full forty-six percent, but at the same time the RE stands still at around 500-600.

On a note. RE is also called efficiency - coefficient of performance. The lower his numbers, the more the player depends on the actions of the team and the less he decides the outcome of the battle. That is, the benefit for the team is questionable and therefore such a player is most often one of the first to be destroyed in battle. In addition, he believes that victory depends only on the team and for this reason he does not even try to try to play better. He doesn't care, to put it mildly. Another layer of players who have high numbers of their efficiency (or, in other words, RE), are sometimes able to drag out a battle alone against nine or even ten opponents. This is the main difference between low efficiency and high efficiency (PE) players.

How to find out your efficiency (EC) in the game World of Tanks?

Quite a large number of Internet resources offer their own ways of assessing your combat effectiveness. We should never forget that the formula for calculating efficiency is constantly changing and being modernized. Today your numbers will be high and tomorrow they will plummet. So the conclusion suggests itself: efficiency is purely subjective. We cannot trust him completely, but we also consider it unreasonable to deny his existence. Be that as it may, in any case, efficiency is precisely the parameter that reflects your level of skill in World of Tanks.

To display efficiency in battle, there is a mod called XVM. People most often call it a reindeer meter (deer meter). In simple terms, this is a third-party modification that shows the skill level of each player directly in battle - in numbers and in color. Next, it will sound a little funny, but one of the ways to find out your efficiency in World of Tanks is simply during a battle in the chat, ask the question: what is my efficiency (EC)? What color am I in the deer gauge? Surely at least two or three players use the XVM mod and will answer you right away. But again, each player has the XVM efficiency mod configured to their own taste. Therefore, you should not completely trust their answers in the battle chat. The numbers may vary dramatically.

Another way: go to a third-party resource and find out your efficiency yourself. As a rule, on sites such as or there is an online efficiency calculator (ER) in World of Tanks, where you just need to indicate your game nickname in a special form, then click on the “calculate” button. Next comes detailed information about your combat effectiveness. Moreover, there are several ratings at once. Their data is usually almost the same, but there are still some differences in the calculation formulas. Therefore, sometimes it happens that according to one rating you are a good player, but according to another you are a bad player. However, such large differences are rare. So it’s your right to trust only the formula that you like best.

How to increase your RE (efficiency) in the game World of Tanks?

Well, it's as easy as shelling pears. Play well enough. However, the concept of “playing well” is understood differently by different players. To make it clearer to you, we will put it even more simply. For a good game, it is enough to have average damage at the level of your tank’s HP (health bar, so to speak). That is, if your tank has 1650 strength points, then every battle you must deal at least these 1650 points of damage. Can you do it? This means you play well and your efficiency in World of Tanks will go up. This is the simplest explanation for "dummies" in the world of tanks. We'll tell you a little more later.

Efficiency (ER) is nothing more than the same personal rating that you can see in the World of Tanks hangar in the “achievements” tab. In a word, statistics. The only difference: the personal rating is official, and the efficiency is an outside view. Moreover, all ratings are similar, because they are calculated according to the same principles. The only difference is the difference in the influence of different parameters on the rating itself: such as damage, exposure, base capture, base defense, frags per battle.

However, keep in mind that stock equipment always reduces your efficiency. Never play on stock. But then how can you download equipment if you can’t play it? You ask. Here we will also help you with advice: earn free experience on other tanks in order to pump up your stock “bucket”. Of course, in such a miraculous way, leveling will slow down greatly, because the free experience for the battle is given negligibly little, but here we remind you that, first of all, we all play for fun. In such a simple and wonderful way, like pumping up the drain to the top for free experience, you solve a whole problem, your efficiency in World of Tanks will grow much faster.

Do you play well, but the efficiency (ER) in World of Tanks is not increasing?

Actually, let's tell you a secret. World of Tanks is just a game, pixels on a monitor screen. Your achievements in the form of beautiful statistics and high RE (efficiency) mean absolutely nothing if you don’t have fun at the same time. The basis of any game is to enjoy the process. World of Tanks is no exception.