home · Installation · Cobra made from plastic bottles. Snake made from plastic bottles. Crafts from plastic bottle caps for the garden

Cobra made from plastic bottles. Snake made from plastic bottles. Crafts from plastic bottle caps for the garden

Useful tips

Things made with your own hands are always more valuable and more expensive. We present to your attention a master class through which you can learn how to make not only beautiful, but also useful things from plastic bottles.

Read also: Palm tree made from plastic bottles

Bird dispenser made from a plastic bottle

You will need:

  • 1 liter plastic bottle.
  • 2 wooden spoons.
  • Screw.
  • Rope.

1. Draw a hole with a radius of 1 cm at a distance of 10 cm from the bottom.

2. Rotate the bottle 90 degrees and draw another hole with a radius of 2 cm, opposite the first one.

3. The same process must be repeated at a distance of 5 cm from the bottom.

4. Then carefully cut out all the drawn holes with a knife.

5. Now you can insert the spoons.

6. To hang a bottle, you need to screw a screw or screw to the cap of the bottle and hang it on a rope.

7. Finally, you can fill your tank with birdseed.

DIY seedling dispenser from a plastic bottle

This is a real garden that moisturizes itself, and you need to make a minimum of effort. In addition, crafts from such pots develop children in many ways and fresh parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme are always needed in the kitchen.

You will need:

  • Marker.
  • Durable 1 liter plastic bottles with caps.
  • Scissors.
  • Label remover (eg vegetable oil).
  • The soil.
  • Seedlings (they can be purchased in the vegetable departments of supermarkets).

1. Mark a line 12 cm from the bottom of the bottle.

2. First, poke a hole on the marked line with a knife, and then use scissors to cut the bottle in a circle.

3. Remove labels using vegetable oil.

4. Insert the upper part of the bottle along with the cap into the lower base.

5. Fill in top part soil.

6. Secure the seedlings by pressing them gently with soil.

7. Add water to bottom part bottles so that the water covers the lid.

8. After which some amount of water will be absorbed by the soil and you need to add water, following the instructions for a particular plant.

Craft a pencil case from a plastic bottle

Unnecessary plastic bottles can be used for a necessary and convenient pencil case. The proposed item can be improved, it all depends on your imagination.

You will need:

  • Empty, washed and dried plastic bottles (in this case 6 pieces).
  • Scissors.
  • Old newspapers.
  • Bolon paint.
  • Paper clips.
  • Glue (it is necessary that it glues the plastic well, but does not corrode it).

1. Lay the bottle on its side and carefully insert the knife blade at the base. Cut it along the bottom contour.

2. Repeat the procedure with the remaining bottles.

3. Place all received items on old newspaper bottom up.

4. Spray paint on the outside of the products in several layers.

5. Once the bottles are dry, it's time to line the cut edges with felt. The felt strips should be slightly longer than the circumference of the bottle. Glue the material evenly and thoroughly to each section of the bottle.

6. Wait 15-20 minutes for the glue to dry. It’s better not to touch the extra, remaining felt for now.

7. Secure the felt with paper clips to better bonding. Wait another hour and then trim off the rest.

8. Decide exactly where the entire structure will stand, and use glue to attach all the bottles to each other from the felt side along the edges. For good strength of the entire pencil case, do not skimp on glue.

9. The glue must dry completely. You can fill out your pencil case. All is ready!

Crafts from plastic bottle caps for the garden

Sealed bag

1. Trim the thread on the neck of the bottle.

2. Place the plastic bag over the spout and screw on the lid.

This seals the bag, which promotes long-term storage of food.

Original curtains made from lids

Like these ones original curtains as interior doors will be able to decorate a house, cottage or apartment.

Simply connect the covers from plastic bottles fishing line or thread. At the same time, the curtain pattern can only be limited by your imagination.

DIY paintings from lids

Plastic bottle caps can even work in fine art.

Try to make such a picture, because even children can do it.

You will need:

  • Canvas (any desired size).
  • Plastic bottle caps.
  • Paint (acrylic) and brush.
  • Pencil.
  • Ruler.
  • Glue (not quick drying).
  • An assortment of jewelry, beads, mosaics or buttons.

1. Using a pencil and ruler, mark the sections on the canvas.

2. Glue one big one plastic cover in the center of each section. Next you can glue the lids. different sizes and forms first.

3. Paint the entire canvas with black paint and let dry.

4. Glue an assortment of jewelry in the center of each lid and let dry.

5. Now the sections can be decorated as you like.

How to make toys from plastic bottles

DIY snake toys

Make funny foam snakes with this simple device at home!

You will need:

  • Scissors.
  • Plastic water bottles.
  • Old towels.
  • Rubber strip.
  • Small bowl.
  • Dishwashing liquid.

1. Cut off the bottom of the plastic bottle.

2. Secure the towel to the bottom of the bottle with a rubber band.

3. Place the bottle, towel side down, into the bowl of soapy water. After this, you can create snakes from tiny bubbles.

Important! Care must be taken to prevent soapy liquid from entering the mouth and eyes.

DIY crocodile toy

You will need:

  • Two half-liter plastic bottles.
  • Bottle caps.
  • Scissors.
  • Glue.
  • Thin paper.
  • Brush.
  • Waxed paper.
  • Eyes (for example, you can use buttons).

1. Using a knife and scissors, cut the bottles in half, then trim one piece so that the height remains 7cm.

2. Trim the edges of the bottles so that the crocodile is bent.

3. Glue the lid legs to the crocodile evenly.

4. Make thick paper balls and attach them like crocodile eyes.

5. Cover the entire body with thin green paper.

6. Cut out initialed paper and glue on paws, eyes and teeth. Paint your teeth White color and the nostrils and eyes are black.

Instructions: vase made from a plastic bottle

1. For convenience, cut the bottle at the top contour.

2. Measure and cut strips evenly around the bottle. It is more convenient to do this by cutting wider segments in half.

3. Gently press and fold all the strips outward.

4. Press down on the bottle, placing it upside down on a flat surface. This will help align the edges.

5. Fold the end of each strip under the next two. Do this so that the tip of each strip is in the place indicated in the photo.

You can add balls and stones to create a beautiful play of light in the sun. Since the vase will be very light, the weight can help ensure proper balancing.

Warning! Such a vase will be subject to large temperature changes. Therefore, do not leave it near heating units to prevent thin strips from spreading.

Large garden lamp made from a plastic bottle

The bottle is used as a light source. This invention can turn a small lantern into a lamp with a large illuminated space.

How Alternative option You can use a bleach solution in a bottle to diffuse the light best.

Universal spoon made from a plastic bottle

This simple, but at the same time sometimes very necessary spoon (for example, at a picnic) can be cut from an empty plastic bottle.

Making food containers from plastic bottles

The idea is to use two plastic bottles to make a container for storing food items such as beans, rice, noodles and sugar.

Just cut bottles of different sizes: the long one will be the base, and the short one will be the cap. Choose a size so that the lid closes easily and at the same time tightly.

Watering from plastic bottles

If you have big garden, but there is no time for watering and there is no desire to spend money on newfangled expensive designs, then we present a simple idea for a sprinkler.

Very interesting and beautiful things you can make garden crafts from plastic bottles and polyurethane foam. The site has already collected quite a collection various crafts for the garden made with your own hands from scrap materials (plastic bottles, twigs, old tires, etc.) Each craft on our website is original and unique. You can find the most simple ideas and more complex ones.
Also, have you already met interesting crafts for the garden of Nadezhda Gulak, and today you will get acquainted with another work of this wonderful master - this is the Serpent Gorynych made from plastic bottles and polyurethane foam. Look how funny Gorynych turned out, I just want to quickly create something exactly like this for myself. Don’t be afraid to create, it may seem difficult at first glance. Even if you don’t succeed as you planned, I know for sure that your crafts will be unique in their own way.

To make the Serpent Gorynych we will need:
* Plastic bottles.
* Polyurethane foam.
* Wooden sticks.
* Newspaper.
* Tile adhesive.
* PVA glue.
* Primer.
* Stone.
* Scotch.
* Cardboard.
* Wire.
* Nylon tights.
* KAMAZ filter.

Method of making the Serpent Gorynych:
To make the Serpent Gorynych, we need a KAMAZ filter; we insert three sticks of the length we need into it, stick a plastic bottle into it and foam it. You can make a frame from other available materials, depending on your imagination.

Now we take 2.5 liter plastic bottles, cut them in half, make them shorter and put them together again (this is done so that the faces are smaller and not very elongated). Then we attach them to the frame; these will be the faces for our Serpent Gorynych.

We take a stone and place it on the filter, this is done for the stability of our Gorynych. If it will be strong wind then our craft will not fall or fly away. If there is no stone, find something heavy and replace it.

We draw the location of eyes, nostrils, etc. on plastic bottles.

To reduce the consumption of polyurethane foam, we add volume using newspapers. We wrap newspapers around Gorynych’s torso and use tape to secure them.

Now we will make ears from a plastic bottle. We cut small squares from a plastic bottle, round them and make ears. Using tape, we secure the ear so that it does not unfold. See the dimensions of the blanks yourself, because each craft will turn out to be different in size, some are large, some are small.

We fix the finished ears on the top of the head))) We make small holes in the bottle and insert the finished ears there.

We also cut from thick cardboard blanks for making tail and wings. We also fix them in the right place.

For stability, we stick a wire - this will be the tail.

We take nylon tights, fill them with scraps of polyurethane foam (waste left over from crafts) and make the stomach, legs and arms.

Trim off excess foam.

We take the wire and make fingers on our hands.

Then we wrap them with a bandage and foam them.

Wrap the entire craft with a bandage and then treat it with PVA glue + tile adhesive.

This is how the Serpent Gorynych turned out from bottles and polyurethane foam.

Now we cover our Gorynych with three layers of primer. Allow each layer to dry a little.

The Serpent Gorynych is almost ready, we paint it with regular enamel, you can also use paint in spray cans. All Zmey Gorynych from plastic bottles and polyurethane foam is ready.

You can give him something in his hands, for example a flower. Here, too, as your imagination tells you, or you can leave it unchanged, it turned out very beautiful.

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Let's imagine the situation. We wake up on the morning of the first of January. Children unpack gifts and jump around happily, waiting for entertainment. And parents have only one desire - to snack on salads and go back to sleep. We approach the table... and see bottles... Empty bottles... A lot of empty plastic bottles (mineral water, of course))). (Probably Santa Claus brought it as a gift)))
Collect everything and throw it in the trash?
No!!! We will entertain the children (at the same time awaken ourselves).
Let's make the symbol of the year - the Snake!

1. Making the “body”: Cut off the bottom of the bottles and remove the caps.

2. Using a lighter (candle, matches), lightly melt the edges of the cut to make it safe for children.

3. We make 2 holes in one of the lids, thread a rope (for me it turned out to be an elastic band - for greater elasticity of the structure) and tie it with a knot with inside.

4. Thread the other end of the rope (length of the rope = the length of all the bottles laid out in one line + a little more) into a knitting needle. (Although you can do without it)

5. Collecting beads: We string all the bottles on a rope, starting with thinner ones (0.5 l - 1.0 l) ending with wider ones (1.5 l - 2.0 l). We pass the rope through the neck and out into the cut bottom. The very first bead is screwed to the lid (from point 3)

6. Making the “head”: For this you will need a 5-liter plastic bottle. We cut out the bottom in it - the width of the hole is slightly larger than the width of the plastic bottles from the “body”. We melt the edge.

7. Take 3 more bottles: Cut off the neck of 2 bottles and draw eyes on the white caps. We cut off the neck of another bottle with a margin and cut out the crown. We melt the edges.

8. In the “head” we make holes for the “eyes” and “crown”

9. Place the “eyes” in the cut holes (on the inside of the head) and secure them with lids on the outside. We insert the crown on the contrary with outside and secure the lid inside. From something red (for example, plastic corner for papers) cut out the tongue and screw it (with an elastic band, thread, wire) to the neck of the “head”.

10. Connect the “head” with the “body”. We pass the rope through the cut out bottom and out through the neck. We make 2 holes in the lid of a 5 liter bottle, thread a rope, tighten it thoroughly so that the entire structure comes together and tightens. We tie the rope in a knot on the inside of the lid, which we then screw to the neck of the canister.

11. The snake is ready! Cut out circles and diamonds from golden-colored self-adhesive paper. We give them to the children, and while they are decorating our beauty, we go to finish the salads.

And then we go for a walk.)))

A snake made using keys from an old computer keyboard looks original as a garden craft.

Of course, not everyone loves snakes, but it will not be just any snake, but the Wise Snake - according to Eastern philosophy, a very benevolent image. If you consider that the Snake, in addition to wisdom, also carries protection, then you can begin.

To create this garden craft you will need:

  • Flexible pipe or hose.
  • Putty (dry mixture or ready-made mass).
  • Keys from an old computer keyboard.
  • Thick metal wire or metal rod (thin).

1. First you need to cook more with the key. One keyboard will not be enough to make such a garden craft - you will need 3-4. In principle, many people have old keyboards lying somewhere in the closet (just in case!), ask your friends, and you, no doubt, will quickly be able to collect required amount. It's easy to disassemble the keyboard. Their designs are approximately the same, they need to be removed top panel, and then use a screwdriver to unfasten the keys one by one.

2. Don't be upset if the keys are the wrong color. Firstly, the Wise Snake can be made black and white, and secondly, the keys can be painted (spray paint - perfect option, paints instantly).

3. B flexible pipe or a hose we insert a thick wire or rod - this is necessary to give the Wise Snake a characteristic pose (torso rolled into a ring, head raised).

4. If we use putty from a dry mixture, prepare the mass.

5. If the surface of the flexible pipe is very smooth, you need to sand it to make it rough, otherwise the putty will not hold.

6. Coat the hose pipe with the first layer of putty, immediately making the shape of a garden craft. When dry, add a couple more layers.

7. Apply the last layer in parts, pressing keys into the putty. It looks like we're laying out a mosaic.

8. From the side of the Wise Snake’s head, cut the flexible pipe, forming a mouth. You can decorate the inside of the mouth at your discretion: paint, lay film, suitable material. “Suitable” is definitely synthetic, which will last longer. outdoors, under rain and sun.

9. Well, in conclusion, you can place old computer mice in a coil of the Wise Snake’s body - they will depict a nest with snake eggs.

Garden figurines are important elements garden decoration. But they are not cheap, the ideas presented for the garden will help you make chickens, hen, geese-swans from waste material- bags, plastic bottles.

DIY animals

Not everyone will guess that this motley hen and her fluffy chicks are made of plastic bags. It is very easy to make such crafts; further on we will tell you how to make a hare and a Christmas tree using this technique. Familiarize yourself with this section, then it will not be difficult for you to create an entire bird kingdom.

Before you make a hare, so white and fluffy, prepare everything you need, namely:
  • scissors;
  • cardboard;
  • plastic bags white;
  • 3 beads (2 eyes and nose);
  • glue.
First, you need to cut out 2 rings from cardboard, with which we will make pom-poms. It is also necessary to cut the bags into long thin strips. To do this, fold them like an accordion and cut them into equal strips. Now put two cardboard rings together, wrap the first tape around them, then the second and so on. Do this until the strips of cellophane completely cover the rings.

Now cut the polyethylene between two cardboard rings along outer edge. Place a rope between them and pull it tightly, tie it. You can insert the thread between the cardboard rings before wrapping them with ribbons.

Remove the cardboard parts and straighten the resulting pom-poms. This is what you should get. This is the body of an animal.

Make another pom-pom of the same size or slightly smaller; it will become the head of a hare, which is very interesting to make with your own hands. Tie the threads of both pompoms to connect the head and body of the animal.

To make the ears, cut a strip of cellophane 3 cm wide and twist it in the middle twice. Then fold in half and straighten.

Rewind the part with thread just below the middle, cut off the excess cellophane with scissors. Make the second ear in the same way, glue them and two beads in place of the eyes, and one as a nose.

Using smaller cardboard rings and strips from the bag, make 4 legs and glue them in place. The hare craft is ready. If you create it from packages purple, then your animal will look like in the photo.

Now you know how to make a bunny. In the same way, you can create a chicken with your own hands, as well as chickens and a rooster, and then place this bird kingdom on summer cottage, Houses. This will also be an excellent craft for kindergarten, which you can make together with your child.

Each chicken is made from plastic bags yellow color. The head is slightly smaller than the body. When the yellow pompoms are made, they need to be tied and glued together, and then the eyes of the chickens are glued on. To make the beak, cut out a small triangle from cardboard and glue a piece of red cellophane of the same shape and size onto it. Place one large side of the triangle on exactly the same opposite side, coated with glue. Use it to attach the beak to the head.

In the same way, a comb is made for teenage chickens and for chicken.

How to make a Christmas tree

To create a beautiful tree, you will also need plastic bags, but green. In addition to them, prepare for work:
  • compass;
  • a ruler with patterns of circles of different sizes;
  • cardboard or paper;
  • glass beads or beads:
  • scissors;
  • threads;
  • strong thread;
  • ballpoint pen.
Using a compass and a ruler with round holes, draw several circles various diameters on cardboard or paper, place them on 2 plastic bags, outline and cut them out.

Find the center of each circle using a compass and mark a dot here with a ballpoint pen. Here's how to make your own Christmas tree next.

To make the tree fluffy, use scissors to make fringe-shaped notches at the ends of the cellophane blanks.

Arrange the circles cut from the bag according to size and begin to collect them onto a thick thread. To prevent it from jumping out after piercing the cellophane, we first string a button onto a needle and thread. Alternate circles of cellophane with beads or glass beads, stringing 1 bead after each cellophane blank.

We start collecting the tree from the largest circle and end with the small one. Decorate the top of your homemade Christmas tree with tinsel or a star bent from wire.

A snake that is easy to make with your own hands

After reading previous section, you will understand how to make a snake. For this you also need to cut circles, but of the same size, so this product will take less time.

Fold each bag several times and place one on top of the other in a stack. Place a round cardboard template on top and cut it out. Do the same with bags of other colors.

The blanks can be strung on a thread, but it is better on a wire. Then it will be easy to give the snake different positions, for example, at the dacha, wrap it around a tree with such a craft and watch the reaction of the neighbors who came to the light.

The body of the snake is made of circles of the same diameter, and the face is made of circles gradually tapering towards the tongue. Place a cellophane blank on the end of the wire, which will become the reptile’s stinger.

Garden figures for the garden - chicken and rooster

Such a colorful bird figurine can also decorate your personal plot. But, first of all, you need to draw its outlines on a piece of paper. If you want a rooster or chicken to show off in the clearing, use top diagram. If you want a magpie, also made from plastic bags, hiding on a branch, then use the second design.

Now attach the wire to the outline of the diagram and bend it along the contour of the drawing. The bird can be of any size - made in life size, more or less. Next, you need to wrap the resulting wire frame with plastic bags to give it volume, securing the structure with tape.

To make the chicken stable, you can make paws from strong wire and screw them to the frame without creating the bird's toes. Then you will pierce the ground with the wire, and the chicken will stand steady. We'll look at the second option a little later. But in any case, the wire for the legs should be attached to the frame immediately, before you add volume to the bird.

If you are making chicken for home, then you can use newspapers or fabric to wrap the frame. For a street figurine, take only cellophane, otherwise others natural materials Once wet, they will begin to rot.

Now cut strips from the bags:

  • for the body - 3 cm wide;
  • for the head - 2 cm.
Try to make them as long as possible. Place the first strip horizontally next to you, step back 1 cm from the top and string it onto a long wire.

When you finish decorating the first strip of cellophane in this way, string the second, third, and so on onto the same wire. We start assembling this figurine for the garden with our own hands, which is so interesting to make, from the tail. Braid 5 braids different lengths. Attach them with a stapler to the base of the ponytail, with the longest braid on top and the smaller one at the bottom.

Also use a stapler to secure the edge of the first ribbon from the bag at the tail and wrap the cellophane ruffle around the bird. When you reach the chicken breast, decorate the ruffle in the form of a frill. Decorate the entire bird in this manner.

It's time to tell you how to make chicken feet using the second method. Twist 4 fingers from thinner wire, securing them to the main thick wire for the legs. Fill this area with hot glue.

Cut out the bird's comb and beak from a piece of plastic, and use a heat gun to glue these parts into place. After some time, paint them the desired color. All that remains is to glue on the eyes made from buttons and wrap the paws with packing tape. This is how beautiful birds make their craft.

Now you can arrange the figurines for the dacha that you made yourself: a hen, a rooster, chicks, and place Christmas trees nearby, which you also made with your own hands. Such crafts are durable, look great, and are made from waste material.

There are others interesting ideas for the dacha. If you want to place around decorative pond fabulous geese-swans, plastic bags will also help with this. You can also use trimmings of greenhouse film.

Figurines for the garden - geese-swans

This is the beauty you can get as a result.

You will need a few materials for this, namely:

  • aluminum wire;
  • 2 five-liter plastic bottles;
  • underlay for linoleum isolon;
  • white or transparent bags or plastic film 150 microns thick;
  • scissors;
  • scotch.
Bend the plastic bottle as shown in the photo. You can do it differently by cutting off one of its larger sides and laying it with the whole side up, giving it a curved shape.

Cut the isolon into strips and wrap them around the swan.

If you are making bird figurines like this for your dacha, then the option with isolon will be ideal. If you are creating a swan for your home, then you can wrap its frame with burlap or thick light-colored fabric. Wrap the bird with tape on top for strength.

Cut the bags or film into strips, and then use scissors to trim the long edge into a fringe. Start wrapping them around the swan from the tail. To ensure a strong attachment, periodically heat a screwdriver over a burner and burn the film so that it is soldered to the base of the figure. Do not heat the screwdriver too much so that it does not burn through everything.

Finish the design of the figurine for the dacha by attaching cellophane feathers to the head. Glue on the eyes and beak, which must be painted scarlet. The bird's wings are made from the two sides of a 5-liter canister. If you cut one out to create the bird's body, use that one. The wings should be semicircular at the top, and taper towards the other side.

They also need to be wrapped in film, attached to the base using a heated screwdriver or fork. Here's how to make a swan for your garden. You can create several of them and decorate your garden plot.

Other birds made with your own hands from bags for the garden

Such a bright, beautiful peacock is also made from ordinary garbage bags, but first you need to create a frame. As you can see, it is created according to almost the same principle. Several long pieces of wire are inserted into the neck of an open bottle; they form a tail at the back, and a neck and head at the front by intertwining. The film is stretched over two large feathers and one smaller one - the central one.

Then the frame is wrapped with a film 8-10 cm long cut into strips, which is decorated with fringe.

Using this technique, you can make other figurines for the garden, for example, these storks, which promise an addition to the family.

Openwork box

This wonderful thing is also made from garbage bags. Here is a list of the little things you will need to make it:
  • Trash bags;
  • thin wire in a sheath;
  • scissors;
  • hook;
  • beads or beads;
  • tape measure.
Unfold the package of bags, cut off the edge from the first one. Using scissors, cut it into 5 cm wide strips. Unroll each strip.

They will help you to make crocheting patterns for a square. This box will be created in exactly this shape. The presented diagram shows that it begins with a single crochet.

When the first ribbon ends, attach the next one to it like this.

For greater strength of the product, and in order to subsequently bend the part as needed, we weave in soft wire.

Now we knit the folds on the box. Having tied it to the desired height, we cut the wire and use single crochets to decorate the edge.

Pull the end of the package through inner part side wall, tie a knot and cut it off.

Next, focusing on the diagram, we knit the top of the box.

Then we create the curved part of the lid. Finally, we make the edge of the box lid wavy.

Work is done. All that remains is to sew beads or beads to the lid, and the box, made by yourself, is ready.

You can see how craft bags are cut by watching the video:

And here it is shown how to knit a basket from bags, which will also be useful at home and in the country:

Snake - a simple DIY paper craft for children to practice fine motor skills and the ability to use scissors (cutting) for preschoolers and junior schoolchildren. And interesting experience with such a snake.

Snake - paper craft

Making this snake craft is simple and quick. Even children can cope with this kindergarten. And the benefits of making it are great - the child will practice cutting rounded lines with scissors, and when coloring the snake, he will develop his imagination, coming up with an original pattern or coloring for his snake and fine motor skills. This means he will prepare his hand for writing.

How to make a snake - a paper craft with your own hands

Very young children can be asked to color the already cut out snake with their fingers, cotton swabs or a brush - the baby will still receive benefits and pleasure from such creativity.

The craft will become voluminous if you lift it or tie a thread to it.

And this is how it looks on the street among the greenery. Like an exotic tropical snake.

Interesting experience (trick) for children with a toy paper snake

And now attention: focus!

Invite your child to spin or run while holding the paper snake he made by the string.

What happened?

The snake began to rotate beautifully from the flow of oncoming air!

Rotating, she twisted the thread to which she was tied. And if you now stop and hold the snake outstretched arm in front of you, the thread will begin to unwind, and the snake will begin to rotate in the other direction.

Other simple experiments for children you can watch.

Snake - children's craft for Halloween

If you cut out the same snake from dark colored paper (in this case there is no need to color it), you will get a craft for Halloween.

In a similar way, you can make another craft for Halloween from paper, cutting it out in a spiral.

Another craft for which you only need paper and scissors -.

Happy creativity! Only for site readers "MORE creative ideas for children"(https://site). Yulia Sherstyuk

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Distance between anchor bolts

Shear work is the main type of work of bolted connections. In this case, ordinary bolts (rough, normal and high-precision) work for shear, and the walls of the holes in the connected elements - for crushing (pictures below). Bolts of 1st and 2nd groups when splaching

To do snake (cobra) from plastic bottles You will need:

Large bottles (I took 2-liter Coca-Cola bottles - this is my favorite “material”),

Liter plastic bottles - 2 pieces,

Small plastic bottles - 6 pieces (I still had them after visiting the Golden Bay water park - they give out free water there, but we didn’t have the strength to drink everything on the spot,

Copper wire, pliers and awl,

Scissors and stationery knife,

Spray paint (several colors - black, blue and yellow),

Painting tape to paint over the stripes on the plastic bottle snake.

Let's start creating snakes made from plastic bottles(I have prepared a detailed step by step master class with photos to make it easier for you to understand, how to make a snake from plastic bottles) :

1 . We cut large bottles in half with a stationery knife or scissors and successively connect them into the body of the snake using an awl and copper wire(I wrote how to do this):

2. The body of the snake is two rings made of plastic bottles, ending with a bottle with a cork. The body gradually turns into a vertical neck and head:

3. Rings snakes made from plastic bottles can be tied together so that they do not creep apart:

4. From smaller bottles we make a hood for cobras from plastic bottles:

5. We cut on both sides the half of the bottle from which the head of our snake is made, and fasten it with wire (leave a very small hole in the center of the “mouth” for the tongue, which can be cut out of colored polyethylene). Then we make eyes from the corks:

6. To cobra made from plastic bottles was more stable, pass a metal rod through the rings and neck from below (you will then hammer one end into the ground in the place where you decide to place the snake).

7. Snake made from plastic bottles ready. All that remains is to paint it:

Tip: Paint a snake from plastic bottles spray paints better in sunny weather. If the paint does not have time to dry and it rains, it will stop shining..

Very interesting and beautiful things you can make garden crafts from plastic bottles and polyurethane foam. The site has already collected quite a collection of various crafts for the garden, made with your own hands from scrap materials (plastic bottles, twigs, old tires, etc.). Each craft on our site is original and unique. You can find both the simplest ideas and more complex ones.
You have also already become acquainted with interesting crafts for the garden of Nadezhda Gulak, and today you will get acquainted with another work of this wonderful master - this is the Serpent Gorynych made from plastic bottles and polyurethane foam. Look how funny Gorynych turned out, I just want to quickly create something exactly like this for myself. Don’t be afraid to create, it may seem difficult at first glance. Even if you don’t succeed as you planned, I know for sure that your crafts will be unique in their own way.

To make the Serpent Gorynych we will need:
* Plastic bottles.
* Polyurethane foam.
* Wooden sticks.
* Newspaper.
* Tile adhesive.
* PVA glue.
* Primer.
* Stone.
* Scotch.
* Cardboard.
* Wire.
* Nylon tights.
* KAMAZ filter.

Method of making the Serpent Gorynych:
To make the Serpent Gorynych, we need a KAMAZ filter; we insert three sticks of the length we need into it, stick a plastic bottle into it and foam it. You can make a frame from other available materials, depending on your imagination.

Now we take 2.5 liter plastic bottles, cut them in half, make them shorter and put them together again (this is done so that the faces are smaller and not very elongated). Then we attach them to the frame; these will be the faces for our Serpent Gorynych.

We take a stone and place it on the filter, this is done for the stability of our Gorynych. If there is a strong wind, our craft will not fall or fly away. If there is no stone, find something heavy and replace it.

We draw the location of eyes, nostrils, etc. on plastic bottles.

To reduce the consumption of polyurethane foam, we add volume using newspapers. We wrap newspapers around Gorynych’s torso and use tape to secure them.

Now we will make ears from a plastic bottle. We cut small squares from a plastic bottle, round them and make ears. Using tape, we secure the ear so that it does not unfold. See the dimensions of the blanks yourself, because each craft will turn out to be different in size, some are large, some are small.

We fix the finished ears on the top of the head))) We make small holes in the bottle and insert the finished ears there.

We also cut out blanks from thick cardboard for making the tail and wings. We also fix them in the right place.

For stability, we stick a wire - this will be the tail.

We take nylon tights, fill them with scraps of polyurethane foam (waste left over from crafts) and make the stomach, legs and arms.

Trim off excess foam.

We take the wire and make fingers on our hands.

Then we wrap them with a bandage and foam them.

Wrap the entire craft with a bandage and then treat it with PVA glue + tile adhesive.

This is how the Serpent Gorynych turned out from bottles and polyurethane foam.

Now we cover our Gorynych with three layers of primer. Allow each layer to dry a little.

The Serpent Gorynych is almost ready, we paint it with regular enamel, you can also use paint in spray cans. All Zmey Gorynych from plastic bottles and polyurethane foam is ready.

You can give him something in his hands, for example a flower. Here, too, as your imagination tells you, or you can leave it unchanged, it turned out very beautiful.

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Snake (cobra) made from plastic bottles


Here comes my next craft for the “Second Life of Things” section - cobra (snake) from plastic bottles.

I named her Nagaina (I remembered Rikki-Tikki-Tavi from childhood) and placed her in my flowerbed.

True, it’s already autumn, so I’ll plant daffodils in the rings, which will delight us with flowers only in the spring (if I don’t forget, then I’ll definitely take a photo of the blooming cobra).

To do Cobra (snake) from plastic bottles You will need:

Large bottles (I took 2 liter bottles),

Liter plastic bottles - 2 pieces,

Small plastic bottles - 6 pieces

Copper wire, pliers and awl,

Spray paint,

Painting tape to paint over the stripes on the plastic bottle snake.

Let's start creating snakes (cobras) from plastic bottles ( step-by-step master class) :

1 . We cut large bottles in half and connect them in series into the body of the snake using copper wire (I wrote how to do this):

2. The body of the snake is two rings made of plastic bottles, ending with a bottle with a cork. The body gradually turns into a vertical neck and head:

3. Rings snakes made from plastic bottles can be tied together so that they do not creep apart:

4. From smaller bottles we make a hood for the cobra:

5. We cut the half of the bottle from which the head is made on both sides and fasten it with wire (leave a very small hole in the center of the “mouth” for the tongue, which can be cut out of colored polyethylene). Then we make eyes from the corks:

6. To make the cobra made from plastic bottles more stable, thread a metal rod through the rings and neck from below (you will then hammer one end into the ground in the place where you decide to place the snake).

7. ready. All that remains is to paint it:

Tip: It is better to paint plastic bottles with aerosol paints in sunny weather. If the paint does not have time to dry and it rains, it will stop shining.
