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Game program for Youth Day. How to celebrate Youth Day outdoors

On June 27, 2019 we will celebrate Russian Youth Day. Various entertainment, sports, cultural and educational events are organized for this holiday.

We offer one of possible options holding a youth holiday. The event includes the performance of poetry and various competitions on Youth Day.

Scenario for the Youth Day holiday with a game program

Dear friends! Today we celebrate Youth Day, and therefore we want to congratulate those who are already 14 years old, those who are not yet 35, as well as everyone who is still young at heart.

– Youth is a wonderful time, when you have your whole life ahead of you, and you want to do a lot, learn, and do a lot. This is a time of daring, searching, discoveries and the implementation of the most daring plans.

Poems will be read:
– Don’t let exams, competitions, various difficulties scare you.
You are young! Today you have a lot of opportunities.
The main thing is to choose a goal and constantly strive for it,
And each of you will catch the fabulous firebird.

The celebration of Youth Day according to the event's scenario will continue with various competitions.

– If you have talent, don’t hide it, try your best.
Now it’s up to you to make your life beautiful.
We won't grow old. Let's rise to the dream too.
Search! Find! To not give up! Long live Youth Day!

Two weeks before the holiday, announce the start of the “Organize your own flash mob” campaign. Let its participants film the protests on video cameras. These videos will be shown on the big screen during the celebration. Not only the jury, but also the audience will evaluate the works submitted for this competition on Youth Day.

You can also hold a competition for the most original selfie, a competition among Internet users for the wittiest status (everyone can go on stage and briefly talk about themselves), etc.

– Who doesn’t know the catchphrase: “Movement is life”? Movement can replace any medicine, but no medicine can replace movement. We invite everyone present to take part in fun competitions and receive memorable gifts as prizes.

Next is the festive event, dedicated to the Day youth will continue game program and sports competitions. To participate in the “Precise Hit” competition, participants line up in a chain. They are given “shells” (balls). Each of the participants in turn must hit the target - knock down a target in the form of a toy or skittles.

In the Parade competition, participants are divided into teams. Each of them must go from start to finish in formation. In this case, you need to keep pace and take two steps forward first, and then one back. The winning team will be awarded a symbolic medal.

You can also organize competitions for showing clothing collections of young fashion designers, a competition of works by young artists, a poetry competition for young poets on Youth Day, and award the winners at the end of the event.

Know that youth passes quickly!

So don't wait for summer weather!

Enjoy life! Rejoice! Win!

Happy holiday! Love! Go for it!

Happy Youth Day!

Everything will be as we wish!

We are young, smart, beautiful!

We have so much love and strength!

What is included in the entertainment program for Youth Day?

According to tradition, on Youth Day, the authorities of each city in Russia hold various festive events under open air– fortunately, the summer weather allows it. Thus, the organization of the main events is carried out by the National Council of Youth Associations together with the Committee Russian Federation for youth affairs. In addition, the entertainment program includes: concerts, exhibitions, discos with DJs, public and sporting events with the participation of young people.

Youth Day 2016 – competitions and events

To hold Youth Day on a city scale, it is better to draw up a scenario in advance. You can choose the central city park as a place for festive events - competitions of young chefs, architects, designers, as well as flash mobs will be held on its grounds.

Competitive competitions on Youth Day are considered one of the most exciting events. At the end of each competition, a winner is determined who will receive an interesting prize.

Competition "Culinary"

For this competition, you can invite young chefs or sous-chefs from restaurants or cafes. The essence of the competition is to cook your own signature barbecue or kebab over an open fire. So, all technological stages from cutting meat to beautiful serving ready-made dish will take place in front of spectators and fans. Moreover, each process must be commented in detail by the cook - what, how and why to do it.

“Venerable” chefs from the most famous city restaurants can act as judges. The winner will “advertise” his restaurant or cafe, and his dish will become the main culinary “hit” of the day.

Competition "Architectural"

There are probably real talents among the city’s young architects, and in the city itself there is a building (or a whole complex) planned for construction. The goal of our competition is to create the best architectural project. The task of the contestants is to prepare a model of such an object and present it to the audience. During the presentation, you need to talk about the design features and style of this object.

Competition "Best Flash Mob"

Preparations for this competition should be organized in advance, approximately two weeks before Youth Day. Throughout the day, young people can hold flash mobs in different areas of the city. Of course, all these events are filmed - the recordings must be the most best quality. And in the evening all performances are shown on the big screen. Spectators determine the winner by the number of applause - whoever claps louder and more wins the flash mob.

Youth Day 2016 in Russia is planned to be celebrated on a grand scale. The entertainment program includes various entertainment events - competitions, concerts with the participation of famous artists, exhibitions, discos, songs. Therefore, young people are looking forward to the opportunity to relax on such a hot summer day, as well as to meet with friends and have fun. And with the help of our congratulations on Youth Day, your mood will become even better. Have a nice holiday!


1. Stuffed Toys, packed in gift paper.

3. Cards with the name of the singer.

4. Wigs, hairpieces, hairpins, hairpins, combs, jewelry, bows.

5. Toy musical instruments and cards with their names.

7. Balloons, pumps.

Location: Town Square. The stage is festively decorated. Music is playing. The audience greets the presenter with friendly applause.

Leading. Good evening, dear viewers! Today truly a real holiday for everyone who loves to have fun, who is young at heart and does not pay attention to life's adversities. This day can be compared with Valentine's Day, since on June 24 young people give each other gifts and make pleasant surprises.

And the first surprise of our evening was the performance of the vocal group (name of the group).

Vocal group performance.

Leading. Well, how did you like our girls? (Answers)

By the way, they also really liked you, especially the young people. Although each of them has its own ideal man, all ideals boil down to the following:

So as not to drink, not to smoke

And he always gave flowers.

To give the salary,

He called Tesha mom,

I was indifferent to football

And he is not boring in company.

And besides, so that he

He was both handsome and smart.

Leading. We know that many young people in our city live up to this ideal, but for now they prefer freedom.

They have various sayings and jokes on the theme of a free, cheerful life:

If not us, then who?

Should we live in sadness?

Where has ours been?

Sing everything without rushing.

Youth rushes to where there is joy, where there is celebration, to bright lights, to love.

A song is being performed.

Leading. The interests of young people in our city are varied: some go in for sports, some go for tourism, some don’t leave the computer, and young people - participants in today’s “Vityaz-20...” program - prefer to take part in show programs, in KVN-ax. Meet them!

Participant presentation option

Participant #1. Alexey Petrov. He believes that he is a direct descendant of Peter the Great, since they have the same eye color. His little weakness is the opposite sex. (Applause)

Participant #2. Dmitry Bykov. As a child, I dreamed of becoming a lawyer. And since his zodiac sign is Pisces, a wide sea of ​​possibilities opens up before him. Let's wish him good luck and fulfillment of his dreams. (Applause)

Participant #3. Sergey Sokolov. His favorite dish is fried frogs, although he has never tried them before. Sergei loves to dance to the tunes of his favorite singers - Nikolai Baskov and Zemfira. He sings and plays the guitar beautifully! (Applause)

Participant #4. Nikolay Klyuev. Dreams of becoming Olympic champion skiing, so he has a great passion for sports and, of course, for girls, since here too he goes the distance to win their attention. (Applause)

Participant #5. Egor Peskov. He is engaged in bodybuilding and has the first adult category in powerlifting. He loves his girlfriend. Dreams big and strong love, although he is 1m 65 cm tall. (Applause)

Leading. Let's once again welcome all participants in today's program! (Applause)

I would like to address the participants with one question: “Who do you think a knight is?” (Answers)

This man, as a rule, differed from others in Rus' in that he was, first of all, a brave, valiant warrior, possessing exorbitant strength and dexterity.

In order to determine by the end of the evening which of the participants is the true knight, we need to choose a jury!

But who better than the ladies can do this? Therefore, today in our jury... (The presenter introduces the jury.)

I think that our esteemed jury will appreciate each of the participants in today's program.

Dear young men! Let this song be the beginning of our program.

A song is being performed.

Leading. I invite our participants to this stage again.

The participants enter the stage to the applause of the audience.

Leading. As you know, many ladies, wanting to attract attention and win the heart of the knight, rushed to present him with their gift. I ask you to bring gifts for the participants.

Helpers bring out gifts.

Leading. Try to be dexterous and carefully unwrap the gift with one hand as quickly as possible. Free hand put it behind your back. Are you ready? Let's start!

Music plays and a competition is held.

Leading. Thank you! The gifts are adorable! I think you liked them too, and if so, it means you can easily remember children's poems, songs that are sung and talk about these funny little animals. Whoever remembers more will win the hearts of our ladies.

A competition is being held.

Suggested toys: elephant, mouse, hare, bear, dog.

1. It’s time to sleep, the bull fell asleep,

He lay down on his side in bed.

The sleepy bear lay down in bed,

Only the elephant doesn't want to sleep.

The elephant nods its head

He bows to the elephant.

A. Barto

2. A mouse sang in a hole at night:

“Sleep, little mouse, shut up!

I'll give you a crust of bread

And the stub of a candle!”

S. Marshak

3. The owner abandoned the bunny,

A bunny was left in the rain.

I couldn't get off the bench,

I was completely wet.

A. Barto

4. Teddy bear

Walking through the forest

Collects cones

Puts it in a basket.

5. I was knocked off my feet today,

My puppy is missing.

S. Mikhalkov

6. The dog living in our yard disappeared.

She responded to the nickname "Lucy" to the children.

O. Gazmanov

Leading. I think that in this situation, each of you would respond to this gift with your own sign of attention, as befits a real knight.

But situations in life are different. Imagine that you find yourself in one of them. (He asks the contestants questions one by one.)

1. Should a real man tell the truth if no one asks him to? (Answers)

2. Should a real man invite a lady to dinner if the lady herself prepared the dinner? (Answers)

3. Should a real man kiss a lady’s hand if the lady is holding a suitcase? (Answers)

4. Should a real man wish a lady Good night, if the lady doesn’t say good night? (Answers)

5. Should a real man give up his seat to a lady if that seat is in the dock? (Answers)

There is a competition for the wittiest answer.

Leading. Now a charming girl will appear on this stage, whom you need to present in an original way.

Participants are given cards with the girl's name and the title of the song. Participants take turns presenting it.

A song is being performed.

Leading. The participants of our program are back on stage. Give them a round of applause! (Applause from the audience.)

At all times, a hairstyle was not just a way to style hair, it was a symbol.

By the hairstyle one could determine what class a person belonged to, whether he was rich or poor, what his political views and religious beliefs were.

Hairstyle also allowed a person to assert himself or simply stand out from the crowd. Therefore, the most fashionable, most unusual hairstyles have always been worn by those who most needed self-affirmation, that is, young people.

Try some new youth hairstyles. They must be extravagant so that the owner of this hairstyle will immediately be noticed.

Make a hairstyle and give it your name, and the girls who are behind the scenes will help you. (Participants leave)

While the participants complete this task, he sings for you...

A song is being performed.

Participants can change costumes if they wish.

Leading. I invite program participants to demonstrate their original hairstyles.

There is a hairstyle demonstration accompanied by music. Participants announce the name of their hairstyle.

Leading. Thank you! With such hairstyles it’s not a sin to dance. There are different dances: single, pair and group.

Pair dances are performed by standing facing the linden and supporting each other by the arms, shoulders or waist. Also, at the same time, the man and woman look into each other’s eyes.

What will happen if it becomes fashionable to perform couple dances while standing back to back? Let's check what comes of this.

I invite girls to the stage who will be your couple!

Leading. Thank you! The music continues to play. Sings for you...

A song is being performed.

Leading. As you have already noticed, dear viewers, our knights not only have an excellent command of words and a sense of humor, but also know how to perform extravagant dances.

The next competition is ahead, where we will test how our young men can play musical instruments. We invite them to compose their own avant-garde play with an original title. What if something works out?

Please select cards with the name musical instruments. (Participants choose cards.)

While the song is playing, you can prepare for this competition.

The contestants leave to prepare for the competition.

Leading. Happy holiday, Youth Day, I hastens to congratulate you...

A concert number is being performed.

Leading. So, before you are the young talents of our city, almost laureates of the Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky music competition!

A music competition is being held.

Participants name their piece and perform it on the instrument of their choice.

Instead of real musical instruments, you can use carpentry instruments, noise instruments, utensils, etc.

Leading. And now, dear participants, you will have a great opportunity to demonstrate your strength, which was so valued by the knights in Rus'.

I suggest you lift this chair by the leg with one hand. First attempt!

Music plays and a competition is held.

Leading. Thank you! Next task requires not only strength, but also dexterity.

You need to inflate balloon using a pump. Whoever has the largest balloon and does not burst is the winner of this competition.

Music plays and a competition is held.

Leading. Dear young men! You did a great job and deserved the applause of the audience and fans. You can go behind the stage and prepare for the special moment.

And now on stage... with a song...

A song is being performed.

Leading. The most solemn moment has come. But before I invite the young men to this stage, I would like to introduce and thank my assistants. (Introduces each by name.)

Thank you very much. Accept from us small gifts. (Presentation of gifts, applause from the audience.)

A musical signal sounds.

Leading. Greet the participants of today's “Vityaz-20...” program with friendly applause. (The presenter names each participant.)

We are grateful to the young men for participating in our program. We will learn from the jury who will receive the title “Vityaz-20...” today. Please!

The jury announces the results of the competition, presents gifts for participation and honors the winner to the applause of the audience.

Leading. We congratulate the winner, thank the jury for their work, and in order to improve your mood, we invite you to a festive disco.

Festive disco.

The phonogram of the musical screensaver sounds.
The presenters come out.

SPEAKER 1: Hello, dear guests and young generation! Warm greetings to all the youth of the region! We are pleased to welcome you to the festive program dedicated to the most beloved and long-awaited holiday - All-Russian Youth Day!

PRESENTER 2: Today we celebrate our most important youth holiday!

SPEAKER 1: On this day, in all the cities and villages of our country, the adult and wise generation does not scold, but congratulates the youth, and they, in turn, show their achievements.


We welcome today
Your young friends -
Those who are full of strength and knowledge,
Fresh thoughts and ideas.
Youth, audacity, excitement and success
Take ownership - this is important for everyone!


Youth is prestige and honor,
Youth means a lot awaits us.


Youth is a cosmic rhythm
Youth is what we look to tomorrow.

SPEAKER 1: And all the young people who came
TOGETHER: We congratulate them on their holiday!

SPEAKER 1: Youth and youth are not only wonderful periods in the life of every person, but also a special state of mind. This is a time of daring, search, discovery and the realization of your wildest hopes.
It is they, today's schoolchildren, students, young workers, entrepreneurs, scientists, who will soon determine the path of Russia's development!

PRESENTER 2: In Russia, a lot is being done to ensure that young people have excellent prospects. Caring for the younger generation is an important part of social work.

SPEAKER 1: Representatives of the youth of our region have proven themselves excellent in the Office of State Youth Policy. Our young people systematically take part in various regional competitions, festivals, and events, following which they are repeatedly awarded regional awards.
PRESENTER 2: Managers pay great attention youth life in the area. These are people who sincerely “support” the cause of youth and in every possible way help us, young people, to find ourselves, to decide on our future!

SPEAKER 1: The floor for congratulating the youth, as well as presenting regional awards, is given to the head of the district administration

(Congratulations from the head and presentation of regional awards. Amateur performance number).

PRESENTER 2: Today there are representatives of youth from different areas labor activity.

And each of them
So young -
Progressive worker and activist
And an excellent specialist!

In his field of activity
He is an ace, well done, a luminary!

SPEAKER 1: Today we are summing up the results of the regional youth competition “Best in Profession”.

PRESENTER 2: On behalf of the district administration, the awards will be presented to young progressives by the Deputy Head of Administration

(Congratulations from the deputy head and awards based on the results of the competition
"The best in the profession." Amateur performance number).

HOST 1: We thank the deputy head. Thanks also to all the young people who work so successfully for the benefit of the region.

PRESENTER 2: It is very nice when actively working young people are rewarded.

(Amateur performance number).

HOST 1: Today, on Youth Day, we are summing up the results of another regional youth competition.

PRESENTER 2: All visitors to the cultural park had the opportunity to gain aesthetic satisfaction from the photo exhibition “The World through the Eyes of the Young,” which presented competitive works by young amateur photographers from our area.

SPEAKER 1: Also in our area the sports club “Leader” operates successfully. Children attending club classes actively participate in regional events.

HOST 2: Words of congratulations and most best regards to the youth of the region, as well as the winners of the photo competition and students sports club“Leader” will be pronounced by the head of the cultural department.

(Speech by the head of the cultural department, presentation of prizes and certificates. Amateur performance number).

SPEAKER 1: Let's thank our dear guests for good words and parting words.

HOST 2: Young people make up a quarter of the population of our region, this
people aged boys and girls
from 14 to 35 years old. In the coming years, they will be the ones who will replace the older generation and will develop the region’s economy, advance science, take care of the elderly and disabled, and treat the sick.

HOST 1: The district administration implements youth policy based on a number of targeted programs. Here is the solution to socio-economic problems, aesthetic education, intellectual and physical development youth.

PRESENTER 2: But these programs will become much more effective if young people are not only participants in various events, but also proactive builders of their own destiny.

SPEAKER 1: We are pleased to inform you that a program to provide housing for young families is being actively implemented in our area. As part of this program, this year families living in our district received certificates to receive subsidies.

(Amateur performance number).

PRESENTER 2: I see you are in a wonderful mood, let's continue to have fun! A lot more interesting things await you ahead.
SPEAKER 1: Dear friends! As you probably noticed, some time ago, not far from our stage, there were thematic platforms held by young people from the Youth Policy Council under the district administration and the local branch of the All-Russian Public Organization

PRESENTER 2: We have already summed up the results of the “Tune in!” platform. So, today on our site there are young people (from among those surveyed) who are in the best mood, ready to have fun. And this is wonderful, because on this day young people should not be sad and bored!

LEADING: 100% of the youth surveyed are in an uncertain mood, and we will try to change the situation of their emotions for the better.

LEADING 2: And only 5% of the young population who took part in the survey were slightly sad, but this can be easily corrected because today is your holiday and, I am sure, you will definitely receive a charge of positive emotions and go home in a wonderful mood!

(Amateur performance number).

SPEAKER 1: This afternoon another sociological survey of the population was conducted in the park of culture and recreation and at the stadium.
PRESENTER 2: It turns out that the most common opinion about the youth of the region is the following:

(Reads out a prepared text).

SPEAKER 1: And here, according to the survey, are some of the most notable wishes of the population addressed to young people: (Reads out wishes).

(Amateur performance number).

Everyone is considered a youth
Who is not yet old in spirit, - At least sometimes he does not rush into bullies,
But the passion and passion did not disappear.
Youth, I affirm again, is the daughter of progress, and there is no trace of memory.
This is the foundation of the future,
Those who live on our Earth!

And therefore, on Youth Day, we will forgive mistakes to everyone who is young, - We are all, in general, of course, similar, - Maybe the style is slightly different...
Time is a counter that sums everything up and evaluates it - well, what can we take from it! Congratulations on Youth Day! Congratulations, young friends!

(Concert program. Performance by youth creative groups).

Yulia Gribanova, methodologist at the Information Resource Center,

Olkhovatsky district, Voronezh region

Post Views: 5,382

Scenario for a holiday dedicated to
Youth Day
“The younger generation chooses health.”

Venue: Central Square
Date: 2014 June 29 at 20.00
There is music before the concert.

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Exit of the presenters

Background for presenters

Ved 1:
Good evening friends! The youth of our beloved village!

Ved. 2:
Happy holiday! Happy Youth Day!!!

Ved 1:
This holiday became official thanks to President Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin in 1993, since then we have celebrated it annually on June 27.

Ved 2:
On this day, the younger generation organizes concerts and performances, demonstrating their talents and abilities. After all, youth are the most active, purposeful and proactive part of society.

Ved 1:
We want to wish you all happiness, kindness and love! We are waiting for you good mood. You good mood? That's great. The School Hard group congratulates you on the holiday.

1 — Group “School Hard”

Ved 1:
And today, on Youth Day, we say – you are the young generation! You are the future of our huge country!

Ved 2:
What are the youth of Russia choosing now?

Ved 1:
Well, I know that youth has been overwhelmed by the wave of the Internet and various youth sites: “Odnoklassniki”, “VKontakte”, “Mail” and many others. What is the most fashionable and constantly changing thing posted on the page?

Ved 2:
Well, of course the status. It is these short lines that reflect the opinion of young people about the course of life or simply express their mood.

Ved 1:
I propose that Youth Day be given the status “The young generation chooses health!” Most recently, on June 26, the whole world celebrated the International Day against Drug Use and Illicit Trafficking.

Ved 2:
As the head of our state said: “Preserving the health of the nation is the most noble task.” Promoting a healthy lifestyle is the goal of the younger generation. And we are happy to welcome this.

Ved 1:
We express our deep gratitude to those people who help organize our leisure time, because healthy image life is the prosperous life of ours and the future generation.

Vedas 2: Maria Partenadze congratulates you. Meet me.

2 — Maria Partenadze ___________________________________

Ved 2:
The youth! You are held in high esteem today!
The sun has risen for you!
Bright, clear June morning
We, Youth, wish you -
Be healthy, cheerful, happy,
Carefree while you still can.
May today be a bright day
And as rosy as possible.
The youth! All hopes are on you!
All roads are open for you!
You are the foundation of the future life
And may the Gods protect you everywhere.
Congratulations on Youth Day!
You – students, schoolchildren, children.
After all, today there are congratulations
In your honor throughout the whole wide world!

Ved 1:
To congratulate the most active youth of our village, we invite to the stage:

Head of the Bagaevsky district Andrei Mikhailovich Shevtsov

And about. Head of the Bagaevsky district Alexander Nikolaevich Mulko.

Ved 2:
We are starting the awards ceremony
For work, dignity and honor.
And the glory of the Don will continue,
When are there such young people in the world?

Awarding the active youth of the village

Ved 2:
Thank you for your kind words and wishes. Thank you to the youth for vital ideas and results. Please accept this applause from us!

Ved 1:
Who doesn’t know the catchphrase: “Movement is life.” Movement is always and in everything! Movement to the shining heights of perfection! Movement can replace any medicine, but no medicine can replace movement. Start moving right now with the dance group "Vivat" of the Children's Youth Sports School. Head Oksana Rodina

3 — Dance Youth Sports School Modern.

Ved 2:
Well done! We warmed up well and moved very well. Your faces turned red. And it pleases.

Ved 1:
I invite you to continue dancing to a fiery song performed by Veronica Lutsenko, a student of the Center additional education. Head Irina Pasko. Meet me.

4 — Veronica Lutsenko

Vedas 2: Youth of the village for a healthy lifestyle???!!! (YES!!!) That's what we stand for today and always will!!! You are young people - and you are here!!! Yes?!

Ved 2:
We begin:
The youth of Russia, our generation,
We would like to know your opinion personally!
There is something to strive for? (Pause), (Hall - Yes).
Do you have anything to dream about? (Pause), (Hall - Yes).
Is there anything to learn? (Pause), (Hall - Yes).
Anything to wish for? (Pause), (Hall - Yes).
If the craving for knowledge and learning is light,
What do you choose?
Uni... (Pause), (Hall - Universities).

Ved 1:
If your heart is kind and there is fire in your eyes,
Then youth walks with a smile on its lips!
We have no doubt that you are the best
Are the youth of Russia always waiting? (Pause), (Hall - success).

Ved 2:
Youth chooses Pepsi and popcorn.
Noisy discos, football stadium,
The sun shines brightly for you and the star burns,
Let's choose fun, shall we? Answer! (Pause), (Hall - Yes).

Ved 1:
So our youth choose cheerful laughter, success in life, and a passion for learning! All this guys, the ultimate will come with you! And we have a unique opportunity today to make a wish that will definitely come true, because today is YOUTH DAY! Elizaveta Kuznetsova gives you her musical gift. Meet me.

5 — Kuznetsova Liza

Ved 1:
We continue our concert. Ekaterina Nemchinova sings for you

6. Ekaterina Nemchinova

Ved 1:
With her movement
Makes men tremble
She flirts, seduces,
But he doesn’t let her get close,
She's a gorgeous girl
She is a Goddess, a dancer!
Ved 2:
Alena Infiniti congratulates you on the holiday, on Youth Day. Meet me.

7 — Alena Infinity

Ved 1:
We continue our concert. For you on stage:

8. Anna Chernyshova
10. Pavel Merkulov
11. Diana Kazaryan
12. CDO "Oriental Dance"
13. Gozal Amirullaeva
14. Babashova Victoria and Loseva Yulia
15. Partenadze Maria
16. Chernysheva Anna
16. Vlad Domozhirov
17. Instrumental group"Professor Mariarty"
18. Rock group "Adem"

Ved 2:
A healthy nation means a healthy Russia!!! We love our country and we love our Small Motherland.

Ved 1:
Your holiday is coming across Russia,
Walks along the roads of the Motherland,
May that path lead us to happiness,
May God help the youth!

Ved 1:
Everyone has their own path,
But all roads are young,
We wish everyone success,
Which we need!
Let there be Joy and Fun,
Fill the Soul with health,
Happy Youth Day to you today
We will not tire of Congratulations!

And now there’s a festive disco for you!