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Birthday balloon competitions for children. Competitions and relay races with balloons (for preschool children)

In order for the wedding to be fun and memorable for a long time, you need to carefully think through not only the decoration of the hall, the outfits of the bride and groom. It is also important what the guests will do during the celebration. It depends on the hosts how to make the wedding fun and bright. They should have in their piggy bank fun entertainment. A competition with balloons at a wedding is a fun activity in which both children present at the celebration and elderly relatives can take part.


People who are familiar and close to the newlyweds gather at the wedding. Relatives and friends of different ages We don’t always know each other, so the main task of the presenter is to unite and make friends, and there is nothing better than joint competitions. If everyone is having fun, no one tries to drink an extra drink, and the wedding will not end in a showdown.

When choosing entertainment with balloons, consider. , for a wedding in the style of retro balloons will not be appropriate - in the design, in the script. Try to avoid competitions with a prize in the form of alcohol: the host’s task is to amuse, not get the guests drunk.


The advantage of such wedding competitions is that they do not require numerous props to prepare them. For example, competitions at weddings with long balloons are very spectacular. Just stock up on balls of different shapes and sizes. ShDM (for modeling) will be useful - there will be no limit to the delight of the guests who have learned to make a funny giraffe or dog out of long “sausages”. By teaching the “knights” to make swords, you can organize a whole battle.

You will need a lot of round ones of small diameter, ordinary latex ones with a diameter of 25-30 cm. You can surprise guests and newlyweds if you place many small ones in a huge balloon inflated with helium. When you burst the shell, they will scatter beautifully throughout the hall, like soap bubbles. This ball can be used for competitions.

I'll make a wish for love...

On small pieces of paper, ask each guest to write a few warm words of wishes to the newlyweds. Place leaves in them and decorate the room. After graduation, the newlyweds will take them with them and will be able to read and save your parting words.

You can organize a competition in a similar way: include leaves with a task for the guests. During the competition, each of them chooses the one they like, blows it away or bursts it and, after reading the task, completes it. The tasks can be different - sing, dance for the young, come up with a toast in poetry.

Let's dance until we drop

The most popular competition with balloons at a wedding. The video of this entertainment is then very fun to watch, noticing certain funny moments.

Couples will dance. Each couple receives a balloon, which must be pressed between those parts of the body that the leader names. You need to hold it while the music is playing. There are many body parts: the more unusual the task, the funnier it is.

A couple that loses a ball while dancing is eliminated from the competition. The couple that lasts the longest in the dance marathon without dropping the ball wins. It is imperative to follow the rhythm and style of the dance.

Wedding planner


Balloons at a wedding will help everyone return to a carefree childhood. That’s why guests throw them over, inflate and burst them with such pleasure during wedding games.



There are many balls of different diameters scattered on the floor. While the music is playing, everyone must collect as much as possible. Who will collect more- he won. Seems simple? Make very small strings for the balls or tie “tails” without using threads.


Funny relay races are often found in competitive wedding programs, and they can be carried out with balloons. Lightweight, obeying only the breath of the wind, and not the hands of the participants, they sometimes make the simplest tasks difficult to complete.

Important cargo

You will need a tablespoon and a balloon - one set for each team. Task: put an inflated ball on a spoon and bring it to a certain place as quickly as possible, go around it and come back the same way. Which team will be able to do this? Take a large one - it is lighter, and it is much more difficult to force it to obey the participant.

Accurate shooter

Each participant takes turns inflating the balloon and launching it towards the finish line. While the ball is flying, it is deflating, and it is impossible to predict which way it will go. The next team member repeats the task, but from the place where the previous member’s ball landed. The task is to “finish” the finish line. The whole point of the game is that it is very difficult to send the projectile where the participant needs it. The team that manages to do this wins.

Greetings from Australia

For this competition, all participants will have to imagine that they are... a kangaroo. And the task is simple: holding the ball between your knees, run to a certain place without losing the ball, and return back. This is not so easy to do if you take a round ball with a diameter of at least 30 cm.

Let's go to the penguins

Another competition with balloons at a wedding, similar to the previous one, only now you will have to pretend to be a penguin - squeeze it between your ankles. Participants will have to overcome the distance to the finish line with a funny mincing gait.


Forty is not forty, but the participants in the fun relay race will turn out to be a centipede. For this competition, the first two participants in each team squeeze a balloon between them, move to the finish line and return back, taking with them one more participant and another balloon, which is now placed between the second and third participants.

On each return to the starting line, the “centipede” adds two legs of the participant and one ball. The main task is to gather the whole team and reach the finish line without losing either legs or balls, which can be held with any part of the body except hands. This is probably the most spectacular and funny competition with balloons at the wedding, guests will watch the video recording their entertainment at your celebration more than once!

Sport time

You don't need to be a world champion to participate in such competitions. All you need is accuracy and a cheerful mood.


Attach small-diameter balloons to the board in advance, containing notes indicating the prize or the number of points. Each participant takes turns shooting a dart at the one they like. It bursts and the participant can receive a prize.

Who will score the goal?

Participants are divided into two teams, and each of them has a thread tied around their waist, at the end of which Matchbox or any other light object. The team's task is to score as many goals as possible into the opponent's goal using a balloon instead of a ball. You can only touch the “ball” with the box. Another option is to drive the ball into the goal with a blow of wind created by a paper fan.

You can come up with many options for such “sports” games. For example, “basketball”, where you need to dribble the ball like a basketball and throw it into the opponent’s basket, or “hockey”, where participants can wield sticks from SDM.


After playing with balls, you need to clean the area. To do this, you can play the game “Bakhcha”. You will need large garbage bags. At the leader’s signal, the teams begin to collect “watermelons” - balls into bags. The team with the largest harvest receives a prize.

Not just children's fun

A wedding is a holiday when both young and old take part in games and fun competitions.

You can start games with . Tie a handful of balloons along the groom’s route, put a piece of paper in one with the inscription “key”, in the rest - “ransom”. The groom selects one from a handful of balloons and bursts it. If he's lucky, he gets the key, if he's not, he pays the ransom, and so on until the key is in his hands.

You can hold this competition with balloons inflated with helium. While one ball is being taken out of the bunch, another may fly away. Can you imagine the groom’s disappointment if the “key” flies away? But this is just a game, it’s just that in this case the ransom can be assigned to another one.

A beautiful ceremony of releasing balloons into the sky can also be held at a wedding. Let them take off in the evening, taking with them the wishes of the young, which will surely come true.

If you think that balloons are just a toy for childhood, then you are deeply mistaken! This is also a bright prop, which competitions for adults cannot do without, which are held with constant success at a variety of celebrations. Keeping your guests occupied and entertaining them is not difficult if you check out our selection best games collected in this article!

Balloon competitions for adults at home

Even very serious adults will not be able to resist and will take an active part in fun competitions with helium balloons, which can be easily organized in an apartment or house:

  1. Absolutely everyone present can be involved in this game. Men and women stand next to each other. One person squeezes an inflated sausage ball between his legs and passes it to the next person. As you understand, you cannot use your hands. Whoever loses the ball is out of the game. The winner or even 2 winners can be awarded with prizes.
  2. “Merry Pereduy” is a game with balls, in which 2 players take part at once, regardless of gender. To “stir up” the interest of your guests, invite them to compete. The opponents sit opposite each other, and a round or oval balloon is placed on the table between them. They are asked to blow it to the enemy’s side, but! blindfolded! Blindfolding the participants, the cunning presenter sprinkles powdered sugar or flour onto the ball. Just imagine the bewildered, dirty faces of the players and the laughing witnesses of their “struggle.”
  3. "Cool girls." This is a competition for two men and two girls. Give each couple bright balloons for competitions in the same number. They can be the most different forms and colors. On command, men begin to “decorate” their models with all available balls (using threads, ribbons, clothespins). And only now the “evil” presenter reveals the intrigue - the ladies need to burst them all on their rival as soon as possible. And if you want to make the finale less “bloody”, then ask the girls to free themselves from all the airy “decorations”. In any case, the couple whose girl does it faster wins. Such competitions with balloons for adults at home will make your holiday event unforgettable.
  4. Anyone can play Air Combat. Each person has a balloon tied to their ankle and they need to burst the opponent’s balloon, but at the same time protect their own. You won’t see such jumps and miracles of resourcefulness anywhere else!
  5. “Scam” - this game has nothing to do with fraud, but still there is something fantastic in it! Otherwise, how will the players cope with the task? Give each person 3-4 balloons different sizes and ask them to inflate them without using their hands. And the assistants will tie the already inflated spheres with ribbons. The winner is the one who can do it efficiently and quickly.

Competitions for adults in a restaurant

For those who celebrate celebrations in banquet halls restaurants, cafes, there are many exciting games that do not require expensive props. Competitions for adults for children's birthdays with balloons are one of the most popular leisure activities.. And we offer options for the most interesting of them for your holiday:

Interesting are birthday contests with balloons, in which guests fulfill the wishes of the birthday boy. Here are the best of them, which can reveal the talents and unexpected skills of your friends and relatives, which neither you nor they themselves even suspected:

Balloon contests are vivid memories that will last a lifetime!

This competition requires at least a couple of players. Everyone holds a long ball, and a round one is used as a shuttlecock. The rules are exactly the same as the game of badminton - you need to hit the shuttlecock and not let it fall to the ground. You can play until the first fall, but nothing prevents you from counting points. For example, for each fall the opponent gets a point. The first one to score 5-10-15 points wins. Instead of long balls, you can also use regular badminton rackets.


This relay race is very fun if there are many participants. Divide them into two teams. Mark a starting line and a place where each participant must reach and then turn back. You can put 2 small hoops at the turning point, and in the middle of each hoop, a flag, etc. The participant must jump to the turn with the ball clamped between his legs. The first athlete reaches the hoop, takes the flag, returns to the team and passes the flag to the next one. He must jump to the hoop and put the flag. The team that completes the task first wins. Penalty points can be awarded for a dropped ball or for someone not picking up or putting a flag in its place.

"Billiards on the carpet"

For this game you will need long and round balls according to the number of participants. Place goals on the court or in the hall (these can be just pairs of cubes). Arrange the participants in one line and ask each to choose a hoop for themselves. The task is to drive a round ball into them using a long one.


For this relay you need a lot of identical balls. Divide the participants into 2 teams and distribute balloons to them. Each ball is clamped by 2 participants - one with his back, the second with his stomach. The team must reach the turn and return. The winner is the one who completes the task faster and does not lose the balls.


For this game you will also need multi-colored tape and scissors. Tie 2 identical round balls to the backs of the chairs. The task for the participants is to cut out the eyes, nose, mouth from tape and stick them on the ball to make a face. Two participants can compete, but nothing prevents this competition from being held in the form of a relay race - one participant cuts out the eyes, the second sticks them on, the third cuts out the nose, etc. The task can be complicated by instructing the children to put a scarf on their “head”.

"Hands, legs, cucumber"

You can make little people out of balloons. You need 2 large ball, 2 smaller round balls and 8 long ones, as well as tape. If there are only two participants, each one collects his own person - a smaller ball and 4 long ones are glued to the large ball. You can also arrange a relay race, when one participant attaches the head, the second – the arm, the third – the leg. The team that collects the figure faster and more accurately wins.

Popping balloons

Props: 1 inflated balloon per player (balloons of a certain color for each team).
Participants: children of different ages.
Rules of the game: the children of the two teams line up one after the other. Balls are placed three meters from the first player. The player runs to a ball of his color and sits on it. You need to jump on it and jump with it until it bursts. As soon as the ball bursts, the player runs to his team and passes the baton to the next one. The team whose players burst all the balloons first wins.

Relay race

Props: 2 tennis rackets, 2 inflated balloons of any size
Participants: children, from 3 to 5 people per team.
Rules of the game: Each team chooses a racket and an inflated balloon. The first participants from the teams must take rackets, place a ball on it and run a certain distance, while simultaneously chasing the ball with the racket.
Then the players return to their teams and pass the racket with the ball to the next participant. If the ball falls to the floor while running or passing, the player must re-run the given path. The team whose members complete the relay first wins.


Props: balloons, pieces of paper with wishes, small prizes
Participants: children of all ages
Rules of the game: From a large pile of balls, children take turns choosing their own balls, popping them and completing the task written on a piece of paper. For each completed task, prizes are awarded.
Organizing holidays is not the easiest task, but with such competitions you will be able to amuse not only children, but also adults.

Volleyball with balls

Props: balls (2-3 balls per person), chairs or a screen to divide the space of the room.
Participants: preschoolers and schoolchildren
Rules of the game: Each team equal number balloons. At the signal, you need to throw all your own and other people’s balls to the opponent’s side. The team with the fewest balls on its territory wins.

Balloon battle

Props: Balloons on a ribbon according to the number of participants
Participants: Schoolchildren
Rules of the game: Each player has a balloon tied to their right ankle. After the starting signal, all children try to pierce other players’ balloons and save their own. Participants whose balloon bursts are eliminated from the game. The last person remaining in the game is declared the winner.
The thread of the ball should be no longer than 30 cm.

Bright and colorful balloons are not only an excellent decoration for the festive hall. They will become indispensable assistants in carrying out any holiday. It doesn't matter how many people come to visit you. It makes no difference how old they are. Balloon competitions for fun company will help make any event unusual and memorable. The holiday will only be received positive reviews guests.

Silent games

Even if retired grandmothers came to visit you or you collected big company, in which no one wants to run around and have fun, contests with balloons will help improve the situation. Here are some options.

"Inflate harder"

As is clear from the name itself, the essence of the competition is to inflate the balloon as quickly as possible. Each participant is given 3 pieces. You can decide in advance the size to which the balloon should be inflated, or you can continue until it bursts. The one who completes the task the fastest will win. To complicate the task, you can stock up on special balls. It will be quite difficult to inflate these without a pump.

"Planet" or "Forest Clearing"

Players are given one large ball and a felt-tip pen. It is necessary to depict on the ball as many people or bugs, butterflies, flies, mosquitoes - in general, those who live in the clearing - on the ball within a specified time. The one with the most drawings wins.

"Count it"

This game is suitable for a company with more than 20 people. The players line up and pass the ball to each other. The first one counts: “one” and passes the ball to his neighbor. He says: “two” and sends the ball further. The third player takes the ball, jumps or crouches and says: “Ow!” or “Booms!” and gives the ball to the next one. The essence of the game is as follows: the count lasts up to 30, but each number that is divisible by 3 is not called. The player who gets it must say “Ouch!”, sit down and pass the ball on. Wrong? You're out of the game.

Sports competitions

For children, contests with balloons can be more lively. You can arrange a real competition - both single and team.

"Ball Battle" or "Fencing"

It is better to hold such a competition in large room or on the street. Draw a circle with a diameter of approximately 2 meters. Give participants a “sword” - a long ball from which it is customary to twist various figures. The winner is the one who forces the opponent to go outside the circle in a game match.

"Field hockey"

To play you will need 2 clubs or at least sticks. We place a chair approximately three meters from the players, and on the way to it we place 3-4 pins at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other. The players' task is to use a stick to circle the ball around the pins, then around the chair, and return back the same way. The team that completes the task faster wins.

If there are a lot of children and there are enough sticks and free space, you can arrange real field hockey. Only instead of a puck, the guys will have a small balloon. The team that manages to score more goals will win.

For a large, cheerful group, you can come up with relay competitions with balloons. Divide the kids into several teams and ask them to complete several tasks at speed. For example, these:

  • carry a balloon on a plastic plate, in a spoon or on a badminton racket;
  • run around an obstacle, pushing the ball in front of you through the air;
  • hold two balls between your elbows and run the distance;
  • carry a balloon on your head or pushing it with your nose;
  • jump around the chair, holding one or two balls with your knees.

Accuracy competitions

Competitions and games with balloons will help identify the most accurate in the team. Here are 2 game options.

"Billiards on the floor"

For each participant, take one long modeling ball and another round one. small size. Build a gate on the floor from cubes. These will be the “pockets”. Place participants in the starting position and ask them to choose their favorite “pocket.” The winner is the one who can get the ball into his goal the fastest using a “cue” (a long ball).

Darts "Desire"

Take 10-20 small balls. Inside each one, put small notes with the names of the prizes or just numbers. Using double-sided tape, place the inflated balloons on the wall. Provide children with darts to play darts with. Everyone can make 3 attempts. The player takes the prize from the bursting balloon.

To make the game more fun and interesting, some balls can contain forfeits instead of a note with the name of the prize. Anyone who gets into such a surprise ball will have to sing a song or jump on one leg.

Tasks for two

Fun competitions You can arrange a party with balloons even when there are not too many children in the company. Here are a few options for which two to four people are enough to participate.


Here you will need two pieces of elastic, approximately 50-60 cm long. They are tied on the belt of each participant. A long “sausage” ball is inserted under the elastic band. It will represent a monkey's tail. Participants are positioned opposite each other on opposite sides of an obstacle, such as a table. When the whistle blows, they start chasing each other around the obstacle. The winner is the one who can be the first to tear off his opponent’s “tail.”

"Explosive Hug"

A minimum of 4 people are required to participate in the competition. Two participants hold the ball between them and hug tightly. The winner will be the couple who manages to crush the ball in their embrace first. Judging by the feedback from the participants, psychologically bursting a balloon is quite scary. Therefore, there will be a lot of squealing and fun during the game.

Team races

Balloon competitions always cause a lot of noise and fun. Of course, the larger the children's company, the more fun the holiday will be.

"Shepherds and Sheep"

To play you will need 15-20 small balls of one color and the same number of another. The room is conventionally divided into 2 halves, and the children are divided into 2 identical teams. Each “shepherd” is given a staff (a stick or a long ball for modeling). The task of each team is to move all the balls of their color to the opponent's half. The team that manages to do this first wins.


Here you will need a lot of balls, about 3-4 for each participant. The room is divided in half using a rope. The balls are also divided into 2 equal parts and distributed to the teams. At the leader’s sign, the teams begin to throw balls at each other. The goal of the game is to get rid of all the balls on your side of the playing field. The team that has fewer balls left at the end of the given time wins.


Players are divided into several teams and line up behind each other. The second player takes the ball and presses it with his stomach to the back of the one in front. Thus, the couple runs around the chair and returns to their place. The third player takes another ball and “sticks” to the second one. Now there are already three people running around the chair. The “centipede” will consist of as many “legs” as there are people in the team. When all the players have grappled with each other, the “centipede” must run to the chair and grab the “strawberry” - soft toy or a red ball lying on a chair. The difficulty of the competition is that the balls that connect the “legs” cannot be supported with your hands. Only bellies and backs can be used.

Creative competitions

Such competitions with balloons greatly develop children's imagination. To carry them out, in addition to balls, other items may be useful: markers, ribbons, double-sided tape, beads, scarves and more.


It is necessary to prepare in advance a scarf, marker or parts of the face cut out from self-adhesive tape. Each child is given one item and in a certain time they need to create “Alyonushka” from a ball - put on a scarf, draw or stick on a face. To make it even more interesting, children can be blindfolded. The winner is the team whose “Alyonushka” is more beautiful.

"Fashion Theater"

Give children balloons of different sizes and shapes, beads, ribbons, scissors, double-sided tape and other items. Within a certain time, each team must make, for example, a beautiful hat or skirt from the proposed set. The accessory must be such that it can be used and truly worn. Ready? Let's start the fashion show.

"Young designer"

Give the children oblong balls to model. At the command of the presenter, you need to twist it into an interesting shape: a flower, a swan, a dog, a bow, and so on. The most interesting and complex design wins.

Games for moms and dads

Contests with balloons will also delight adults. You can have fun at any age. Such competitions will be especially appropriate at corporate events, weddings or outdoor picnics.

"Ball Dancing"

Players are divided into pairs, and each receives one balloon. While dancing, you should hold the ball various parts bodies. Which ones? This is invented by the presenter or the audience. The couple that lasts the longest wins. To make the competition more fun, select different music: chalk, fast, disco, tango, rock and roll, twist, jazz. A special prize goes to the couple who demonstrates the most original dance.

"Tell someone else"

The competition will require several people and a sausage ball. The first player holds the ball between his knees. The second one takes the “sausage” from him without using his hands. In this case, each time the ball must be transferred in a different way. For example, one participant takes it under the armpit, the second takes it with the bend of the elbow, the third with the teeth, and so on. The one who could not come up with his own way to pick up the ball is eliminated. The winner is the one who can come up with greatest number non-repetitive ways to pass the ball.

This is an incredibly fun and entertaining competition. Judging by the feedback from players, decent places and positions are running out very quickly. Then you need to either drop out of the game or be smart.

"Air Goddess"

They play in pairs: girl + guy. The girl acts as a model, and the guy acts as a designer. Within a set time, the guy must attach himself to the girl in any way greatest number balls in different places. The fastest and most diligent person wins the prize. But the competition continues! Now the girls must temporarily discover and burst as many balloons as possible.


There is simply an incredible number of different contests with balloons. If you don't like any of the ones proposed here, you can use your imagination and come up with something of your own. Show ingenuity and ingenuity, and your holiday will become the most interesting and memorable. And the owners will receive only positive feedback from guests.