home · Measurements · Use a cotton swab to clean under the upper eyelid. Getting the speck out of your eye at home - useful tips. How to remove a foreign body from the eye

Use a cotton swab to clean under the upper eyelid. Getting the speck out of your eye at home - useful tips. How to remove a foreign body from the eye

Various foreign bodies can enter the eye. The most harmless of them are eyelashes, midges, cotton fibers, hairs, crumbs, and specks. You can try to pull them out yourself. Metal shavings, chemical crystals, glass, scale are a completely different matter. You definitely can’t do without a doctor here.

Foreign body of the eye: what is the danger

The tissues of the eye are very delicate and sensitive, so if a foreign body has sharp edges, it can easily penetrate the sclera(the white visible part of the eyeball) or cornea (the transparent tissue located in front of the pupil and iris), and then penetrate into the middle of the eyeball. This is fraught with serious complications, including loss of vision.

However, not only mechanical damage is dangerous to the eye. If there are crystals of a chemical substance (for example, alkaline cleaning powder) in it, a chemical burn of the conjunctiva and cornea may develop. In such situations, it is necessary to act immediately after the incident, since the longer the mucous membrane of the eye is in contact with the chemical, the more serious the damage to the organ of vision becomes.

An even greater danger to the eyes is caused by hot metal particles that are formed during welding. Having penetrated the eye, they are soldered to its tissues. Moreover, the larger the size of such a particle, the greater the depth of the thermal burn of the sclera or cornea. In addition, the metal, under the influence of tear fluid, begins to oxidize, thus exerting a toxic effect on the entire organ of vision.

Unpleasant consequences can also arise from sand, earth, or debris getting into the eye. They are a source of infection and can cause suppuration. If there is damage to the structures of the organ of vision (which often arises from the fact that a person rubs the sore eye hard), the infection can penetrate deep into the tissue.

What to do if something gets in your eye

The first thing you need to do is to understand what the foreign body is and whether it is embedded in the eye tissue or not. It is advisable to carry out the inspection with clean hands, in front of a mirror in good lighting. A foreign body may be hidden behind the eyelids, so they need to be pulled back a little. A sign that the particle is not on the surface of the eye, but embedded in its tissue, is the stability of its placement. If a foreign body floats across the eye when blinking, then everything is in order - there is no penetration.

You can only remove freely floating foreign bodies from the eye, such as eyelashes, specks, hairs, fabric fibers, midges, and grains of sand. In all other cases, it is advisable to see a doctor. To do this, you can contact the emergency rooms of ophthalmological hospitals and clinics. If your vision is impaired and there is no one nearby who can help you get to a medical facility, you need to call an ambulance.

While waiting for a doctor and being transported, the patient's eyes should be covered (but not covered) with a clean bandage, and both must be covered. If the healthy eye is left open, the damaged one will move with it. Such movements can cause the foreign body to pierce the eyeball even further.

How to remove a foreign body from the eye at home

At home or outdoors, to remove a foreign body from the eye, you can use water and improvised means - a gauze pad, a piece of clean cloth, a cotton swab, a handkerchief. You can wash away debris from your eyes in the shower or over the sink with running water. On the street, a bottle of clean water is suitable for these purposes.

If there is even the slightest suspicion of injury, you should not wash your eye. All manipulations for cleansing and removing a foreign body must be done by a doctor. But if some kind of chemical gets into your eye (they can also be in solid form), you can’t wait. Rinsing must begin immediately.

When eyelashes or midges get into the eye, it is easier to remove them with something rather than rinse them off. To do this, you need to thoroughly wash your hands, moisten a corner of a cloth or a cotton swab with water or an eye antiseptic solution, open your eye wider and try to remove the foreign body. If it is located under the upper eyelid, you cannot do without outside help, since you must try to turn the eyelid outward.

To evert the upper eyelid, you need to do the following manipulations:

  • Throw your head back.
  • Look down with your eyes.
  • With one hand, press on the middle of the upper eyelid with a cotton swab, with the other hand, pull the ciliary edge of the eyelid upward, turning it inside out.

When there is no outside help, you can pull the upper eyelid over the lower eyelid and wait a little. Perhaps the foreign body will fall down and can be removed. If it was not possible to clear the eye of the foreign body, or if after its removal there is still discomfort in the eye, you must definitely consult an ophthalmologist. Moreover, immediately on this day, you cannot wait until tomorrow - inflammation or other more serious complications will arise.

The functions of the eye from which a foreign body (mote, eyelash, midge, sand) has been removed are usually restored within 24 hours. That is, the next day after the incident, the patient should not have severe redness and swelling of the eyelids, redness of the whites, problems with opening and closing the eyes. If these symptoms appear, you should also see a doctor, since this is how the inflammatory process manifests itself.

For more serious incidents (for example, metal shavings getting into the eye, etc.), the recovery period lasts longer. Patients are prescribed a prophylactic course of antibacterial eye drops and other special procedures.

Inversion of the upper eyelid using a glass rod.

All stages are performed in the same way as in method 1, only when performing step “c”, a glass rod is used, onto which the upper eyelid is turned out. To examine the conjunctiva of the upper transitional fold with the upper eyelid inverted, it is necessary to lightly press on the eyeball through the lower eyelid. In this case, the conjunctiva of the upper transitional fold, loosely connected with the underlying tissues, becomes

Possible complications

Infection of the conjunctival cavity,

If the procedure is performed roughly, corneal erosion may occur.





Anesthesia during various manipulations.


Drug intolerance.

Pain relief methods

Not required.


Instilled solution.


Raise your chin.

Fix your gaze upward and inward.

Execution technique

Wear gloves. Sit or lay down the patient. Immediately before the procedure, it is necessary to check that the medication being administered is correct. Ask the patient to tilt their head back slightly and look up. With your left hand, take a cotton ball, place it on the skin of the lower eyelid and, holding the cotton wool with your thumb, pull the lower eyelid down, and hold the upper eyelid with the index finger of the same hand. Without touching the tip of the pipette to the eyelashes and edges of the eyelids, inject 1 drop of solution into the space between the eyelids and the eyeball closer to the inner corner of the palpebral fissure. Remove any portion of the medication that leaks from the eyes with a cotton ball. You can also instill drops on the upper half of the eyeball - when the upper eyelid is retracted and when the patient is looking down. When instilling potent drugs (for example, atropine) into the eyes, to avoid getting them into the nasal cavity and to reduce the overall effect, you should press the area of ​​the lacrimal canaliculi with your index finger for 1 minute. At the end of the procedure, wash your hands.

Close your eyes and gently press on the inner corner of the eye for 3-5 minutes.

Possible complications

Allergic reaction to the drug.

Damage to the conjunctiva.

Damage to the cornea due to careless manipulation.



Introduction of a soft drug into the conjunctival sac for inflammatory diseases of the anterior segment of the eye of various etiologies.


Drug intolerance.

Suspicion of a penetrating injury to the eyeball.

Pain relief methods

Not required.


Ointment used.

Sterile glass rod.

Raise your chin.

Fix your gaze upward.

Execution technique

Wear gloves. Sit or lay down the patient. Draw ointment onto a sterile glass rod so that it covers the entire scapula and, holding it parallel to the eyelids, place the tip of the stick behind the lower eyelid with the ointment to the eyeball, and the free surface to the eyelid. After the patient closes his eyes, remove the stick from the palpebral fissure. Perform circular stroking with a cotton ball over closed eyelids to evenly distribute the ointment over the eye. Remove excess ointment with a cotton ball. The ointment can be administered directly from a tube specially produced by industry.

At the end of the procedure, wash your hands.



Foreign body of the cornea or conjunctiva.


Pain relief methods

When removing a foreign body from the conjunctiva, anesthesia is not required.

When removing from the cornea, installation anesthesia with a 0.25% solution of dicaine (or another anesthetic).


Anesthetic solution.

Cotton swab.

Injection needle or spear.

Slit lamp or binocular loupe.

Fix your gaze at the request of the doctor.

Execution technique

Removal of foreign bodies from the conjunctiva is done using a small cotton swab moistened with some disinfectant eye drops.

To remove foreign bodies located on the conjunctiva of the upper eyelid, it is first necessary to turn it out. After removing the foreign body, a 0.25% solution of chloramphenicol is instilled into the conjunctival sac. In case of a corneal foreign body, a local anesthetic solution is instilled into the eye. Superficial foreign bodies are removed with a damp cotton swab. Foreign bodies embedded in the surface layers of the cornea are removed with an injection needle or spear (this procedure is performed by a doctor).


The search for a foreign body should begin by retracting the lower eyelid. If detected, it can be removed using a cotton swab. If there is no foreign body behind the lower eyelid, then you need to look for it on the inner surface of the upper eyelid, for this you must first turn it out. It is important to remember that a foreign body in the conjunctival sac should be looked for without prior anesthesia. After

To remove a foreign body, drops containing an antibiotic are instilled into the affected eye.


If a powdery chemical substance gets behind the eyelids, it is necessary to remove it with a dry “bath”, and only after that you can start rinsing the eye. For burns caused by liquid chemicals, eye rinsing should begin as soon as possible. It is better to rinse with a weak stream of water for 10-15 minutes. If the burn is caused by alkali, a 2% boric acid solution or a 0.1% acetic acid solution is used for rinsing. For acid burns, use 2% sodium bicarbonate solution or isotonic sodium chloride solution. In no case should you limit yourself to 1-2 minutes of rinsing, especially for burns with powdered chemicals. After irrigation, the burned skin of the eyelids and face is lubricated with an antibiotic-containing ointment: 1% tetracycline ointment, 1% erythromycin ointment, 10-20% sodium sulfacyl ointment. A 0.25% solution of dicaine or a 3% solution of trimecaine is instilled into the conjunctival sac and an antibiotic-containing ointment is applied. 1500-3000 IU of antitetanus serum is injected subcutaneously. For burns of 2, 3 and 4 degrees, urgent hospitalization is required.

Specific antidotes

Lime, cement - 3% solution of disodium salt of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA).

Iodine - 5% sodium hyposulfite solution.

Potassium permanganate - 10% sodium thiosulfate solution or 5% ascorbic acid solution.

Aniline dyes - 5% tonin solution.

Phosphorus - 0.25-1% solution of copper sulfate.

Resins - fish oil, vegetable oil.


The substance that caused the burn is carefully removed from the skin of the face, eyelids and mucous membrane of the eyes with tweezers or a stream of water. The conjunctival sac is washed with water, a 3% solution of trimicaine, a 0.25% solution of dicaine, a 20% solution of sulfacyl sodium, and a 0.25% solution of chloramphenicol are instilled into the eye.

1% tetracycline or erythromycin ointment is applied behind the eyelids. If there are blisters on the skin, they must be cut off and

generously lubricate the wound surface with antibiotic-containing ointments. Antitetanus serum (1500-3000 IU) is injected subcutaneously. An aseptic bandage is applied to the eye.


The severity of the condition determines the method of transporting the patient. The doctor decides how the patient will be transported: on a stretcher, manually, on a wheelchair, or on foot. Patients who are in satisfactory condition are sent to the department on foot, accompanied by medical personnel. personnel. Weakened patients, disabled people, elderly and senile patients are often transported in a wheelchair. Seriously ill patients are transported on a stretcher (manually or on a gurney) while lying down.

There are no contraindications for transportation within the hospital.

For transportation on a stretcher, you should prepare

· sheet

· pillow, oilcloth.

The patient must be explained the peculiarities of his behavior during transportation.

Transportation on a gurney


1. Prepare the gurney for transportation, check its serviceability.

2. Place a sheet (oilcloth if necessary) on the gurney, a pillow and a blanket.

3. Place the gurney with the foot end at an angle to the head end of the couch or in another way that is more convenient in this situation.

4. Raise the patient - one healthcare worker places his hands under the patient's neck and torso, the other - under the lower back and legs.

5. Place the patient on the gurney.

6. Cover the patient with the other half of the blanket or sheet.

7. Stand: one health care worker is in front of the gurney with his back to the patient, the other is behind the gurney facing the patient.

8. Inform the department that a patient is being transported to them.

9. Transport the patient to the department with medical history.

Place the gurney next to the bed, depending on the size of the room.

11. Remove the blanket from the bed.

12. Place the patient on the bed.

It is necessary to monitor the patient's condition during transport. When lifting or lowering a patient on a stretcher down the stairs, the stretcher is held with the head end forward when ascending and the foot end forward when descending.

Transporting the patient to the department on a wheelchair


1. Prepare the wheelchair for transportation, check its serviceability.

2. Tilt the wheelchair forward by stepping on the footrest.

3. Ask the patient to stand on the footrest, sit him down, supporting him in the chair, and cover him with a blanket.

4. Place the wheelchair in its original position.

5. During transport, ensure that the patient’s arms do not extend beyond the armrests of the wheelchair.

The patient can be transported on a wheelchair in a sitting, reclining or lying position, changing the position of the backrest and foot panel.

Shifting the patient


  1. It is more convenient to shift the patient with three people. Place the stretcher(s) perpendicular to the bed so that the head end meets the foot end of the bed.
  2. The three of you stand near the patient on one side: one puts his hands under the patient’s head and shoulder blades, the second under the pelvis and upper thighs, the third under the middle of the thighs and lower legs.
  3. At the same time, lift the patient and turn 90 degrees towards the gurney.
  4. Place the patient on a gurney, which is previously covered with one end of the blanket, cover the patient with the other end of the blanket. Place a pillow under your head.
  5. Transport the patient to the department head first.
  6. In the department: bring the head end of the gurney to the foot end of the bed. The three of you lift the patient and, turning 90 degrees, place him on the bed.

You cannot shift a patient on a sheet!

There is another way to position the gurney in relation to the bed: parallel, sequential, close. The most convenient method is to place the gurney parallel and close to the bed.

When transporting a stretcher with a patient up the stairs, the person walking in front holds the handles of the stretcher on his lowered arms, and the person walking behind holds them on his shoulders. When descending the stairs, they do the opposite: the one walking behind holds the handles of the stretcher on his outstretched arms, and the one walking in front holds them on his shoulders. The patient is carried up the stairs head first, and down the stairs feet first.

When an eyelash bends and gets under the eyelid, this is a very nasty situation. Especially if the nerve endings of the eyeball are very sensitive, in this case the person experiences severe and sharp pain.

By the way, the eye tries to get rid of the task itself, which is expressed in the release of tears and frequent blinking. Naturally, this helps from time to time, but in most cases you have to use certain measures.

Eyelash under the upper eyelid causes discomfort and pain

The article provides a detailed summary of how to remove an eyelash from under the upper eyelid. We have selected more effective and proven ways for you to get rid of the problem yourself.

Effective methods

If you have a bubble on the upper eyelid under the eyelashes, then in this situation you most likely need professional help, so consult an ophthalmologist. And if you are convinced that all the unpleasant feelings are associated with an eyelash that has fallen under the eyelid, carefully read the methods presented below.

If a foreign body is present for a long time, irritation and redness of the eye occurs.

Method 1: without scrap materials

If you don’t have a mirror or cotton swabs at hand, then proceed as follows:

  • wash your hands;
  • Focusing on unpleasant feelings, determine the location of the eyelash;
  • make a sliding motion with your finger, trying to move the hair towards the inside of the eye;
  • repeat these movements until the hair is in the inner corner;
  • carefully remove the hair.

The photo shows the process of removing eyelashes from the eye shell with your own hands.

You can also try moving a hair using a cardboard napkin. This must be done carefully so as not to rub the eyelid.

By the way, you can buy such napkins in any hypermarket, and even in a subway passage - their cost is symbolic. Always carry them with you in your purse, but make sure they remain unstained.

Cosmetic wipes should be dry and fragrance-free.

Method 2: use the tools at hand

Now let's talk about how to solve the problem, having certain means at hand. A step-by-step summary is presented in the table.

Just try to pull your eyelid to the side - maybe this will free the eyelash

Step Description
1st Rinse your hands thoroughly.
2nd Take a mirror and go to a well-lit place.
3rd See if the eyelash has gotten onto the mucous membrane - if not, then you can get rid of it simply by carefully prying it with your finger or the corner of a clean handkerchief or cardboard napkin.
4th If the eyelash is not visible, then most likely it has already gotten under the eyelid - in such a situation, you should carefully unscrew the eyelid. And again use the corner of an unstained scarf. A wet hair will certainly stick to the scarf and you will simply be able to remove it.
5th After pulling out the eyelash, adjust the eyelid and blink a couple of times - there may be a release of tears. This is normal - it will allow you to wash your eye and cleanse the mucous membrane of micro-dust.

A short summary on removing a foreign body from the eye.

Method 3: if you have contact lenses

But if you use contact lenses, you should do the following:

  • carefully remove the lens;
  • look at her closely;
  • if you find a hair, remove it;
  • wash the lens in a specially designed solution;
  • stick it back into the eye.

From time to time a foreign object sticks to the lens - it needs to be pulled out and washed

In this case, if there is no hair on the lens, you need to:

  • place the product in a special container with the substance;
  • look around the eye;
  • maybe the eyelash ended up on the mucous membrane or eyelid;
  • use one of the methods outlined above.

Method 4: removal from the upper eyelid

Now let's look at how to remove an eyelash from under the upper eyelid - this is a rather difficult process that requires caution and skill.

Naturally, you can simply try to blink actively - it is entirely possible that during the blinking process the eyelash will return to its place. But this method of getting rid of problems does not always work.

Direct your attention. You can also use a typical light massage.
With a gentle sliding movement of the fingertip, move along the eyelid towards the bridge of the nose.
This may help the eyelash return to its place.

Try to “drive out” the hair with massage movements.

A more effective way is to wash the eyes:

  • take a small cup;
  • pour boiled water at room temperature into it;
  • carefully turn the cup over so that it fits snugly to the eye;
  • the eye must be in the water;
  • later blink intensely;
  • this will help get rid of eyelashes;
  • This method is also effective in removing debris.

Water can cope with any speck.

What if it’s not a speck or an eyelash?

Other problems with eyelids and eyelashes also appear. For example, a relatively common question is what to do if the upper eyelid hangs over the eyelashes.

Direct your attention. From time to time, a pimple may appear on the upper eyelid under the eyelashes.
In most cases, the prerequisite for its occurrence may be eye fatigue.
But another common cause is the formation of barley.
How to fight it - read in articles aimed at a specific topic.

A special make-up will help hide drooping eyelids

Overhang manifests itself in the following situations:

  • with age changes;
  • with very large excess weight or with sudden weight loss;
  • when various kidney ailments appear;
  • for violations of water-salt balance;
  • when sleeping on a bad pillow or in an awkward position during sleep;
  • if you are allergic to facial skin and eyelash care products.

Only after identifying the real reason for the appearance of the problem should one select ways to combat it.

At the end

An even more difficult situation is when the eyelash has grown into the upper eyelid: in this case, it will no longer be possible to do without the professional help of an ophthalmologist. Well, there’s no need to delay your visit to him. But the additional video in this article will help you better understand and assimilate all the information provided.

Various small particles often enter the eye, causing inflammation of the eye. A foreign body can be understood as any particle that enters the conjunctiva and cornea from the external environment. When contacting a foreign body, the eye reflexively tries to get rid of it. For this reason, profuse lacrimation, frequent blinking, and squinting of the eyes appear. These reflex actions do not always lead to independent removal of the foreign body. Help yourself if the above natural mechanisms did not help. This article will help you do it correctly and not harm yourself.

Why should a foreign body be removed as soon as possible?

Blinking can be harmful.
The reaction to mechanical irritation of the eye is increased blinking or squinting of the eye. In the event that a foreign body adheres to the mucous membrane of the eyelid, blinking will lead to the formation of scratches in the epithelium of the cornea or conjunctiva of the eye. Therefore, this reflex removal mechanism can cause serious eye injury (corneal erosion, traumatic conjunctivitis).

Closing your eyes can be harmful.
If the eye reflexively closes its eyes, this action can lead to deeper penetration of the foreign body into the conjunctiva, the mucous membrane of the eyelid and its fixation.

Formation of rust around a metal foreign body.
Metal foreign bodies under the influence of salty tears quickly oxidize, the resulting rust penetrates into the deep layers of the mucous membrane of the eye, causing inflammation and pain.

So, early removal of a foreign body reduces eye injury. However, removal of a foreign body should also not cause additional injury.

How to remove a chip or eyelash from an eye?

The shavings do not have the property of being fixed to the mucous membrane of the eyelid, so they are quite easily removed. However, when it is removed, it often becomes difficult to determine its location.
  1. Determining the location of the chips. In order to determine where the shavings are located, blink several times - by the sensations you will be able to determine whether it is located under the upper or lower eyelid.
  2. Examination of the lower eyelid. If blinking does not allow you to determine where the chips are located, then they must be identified visually. To do this, you need to pull the lower eyelid down in front of the mirror and carefully examine the mucous membrane of the eyelid.
  3. Examination of the upper eyelid. If you have not identified a foreign body in the lower eyelid, then it is necessary to evert the upper eyelid. To do this, the following sequence of actions is required:
  1. Help your neighbor. It is better that the eversion of the eyelid and examination of the mucous membrane be carried out by another person - it is difficult to do this yourself without the skill.
  2. Foreign body removal. After examining the eyelid and visually identifying the foreign body, you can remove it with a hygienic cotton swab (or a piece of a napkin folded into a triangle).
  3. If you can't delete it yourself– in this case, you need to go to the nearest clinic or hospital where there is an ophthalmologist. If eye soreness does not allow you to get to an ophthalmologist on your own, you should call an ambulance.
  4. The foreign body has been removed, but the sensation of its presence in the eye remains. The probable cause may be microscratches that appear as a result of friction of a foreign body on the cornea during blinking or inaccurate removal of the foreign body. Start dripping any antibiotic into your eyes in the form of eye drops (Tobrex, Gentagut, moxicin, etc.) 1 drop 4 times a day for 4-7 days. In this case, it is advisable to seek personal advice from an ophthalmologist.

What to do if scale gets into your eye?

By scale as a foreign body in the eye, we mean a spark from an angle grinder, a sharpening machine, a spark from welding and any other hot metal body.

Scale causes a burn at the point of contact with the epithelium of the conjunctiva or cornea - therefore it is well fixed on the surface of the eye and its independent removal is impossible.

If you have removed the scale itself, the remaining burn must be removed. Only an ophthalmologist can remove a burn with minimal trauma, using drops for local “freezing” of the eyes, a sterile syringe needle and a microscope.

The eyes are very sensitive. Therefore, when a foreign object (midge, speck, shavings, grain of sand) gets into them, we experience great discomfort. A reflex reaction occurs - tears and a desire to rub or scratch the irritated eye. Sometimes even the victim manages to remove the speck from the eye on his own. But this, of course, provided that it did not hit too deep and the victim’s hands are sterilely clean.

However, the problem often arises during the work process - repair or field work, when dust and chips fly in all directions. And then, in order to quickly remove the chips from the eye, you need to resort to outside help. And, usually, another person takes a clean handkerchief, opens the friend’s eyelid and carefully removes the interfering object.

But there is also a situation when there is no one nearby. Or, what’s worse, everything is, so to speak, in the work process and not a single sterile cloth nearby. And you don’t want to get an infection in your eye. Then how do you get the speck out of your eye?


  1. Wash your hands thoroughly. Then scoop up a handful of water and rinse your face generously with your eyes open. If it is a speck of dust, it will be washed away.
  2. Take a mirror and pull down the lower eyelid - sometimes a foreign object gets there. Did you see? Remove it with a clean, water-moistened cotton swab or the tip of a tissue.
  3. If you don’t see anything, it means something got under the upper eyelid. It is more difficult to remove the speck from there on your own. But you can try to make it “fall” or “fall out” altogether. To do this, grab the upper eyelashes and tug them a little. You will be surprised - sometimes the problem disappears on its own, because, for example, when you rub your eyes hard, the eyelashes simply tuck in, causing discomfort. After the procedure, they straighten out, and everything falls into place.
  4. If you continue to experience discomfort, then there is something left under the upper eyelid. Try to grab the top edge and turn it out a little. If there is a speck there, remove it with a prepared cotton swab.
  5. Finally, you can fill a small bowl with cooled boiled water (what if you have some left over from tea) and immerse your face in it, blink a little. This way you can remove the speck easily and painlessly. Unless, of course, it's stuck in the eye.

Metal shavings or sharp pierced object

If a piece of metal shavings gets into your eye, you should not scratch or rub your eyes, it can go deep. It's better to call someone to see where the speck is located. If it is not stuck, you can try to remove it using a magnet. But if it pierces the eye, nothing can be done. You need to call an ambulance. At the same time, you need to be patient all the time until the doctor arrives and try not only not to touch your eyes with your hands, but even to blink less.

The discomfort remains

If, after you have successfully removed the speck, it still seems to you that there is something in your eye, you need to drip your eyes with special products, like Visine. Unpleasant sensations may occur if you rubbed your eyes heavily while removing what was bothering you. It's okay, it's all over. In this case, you can also rinse your eyes with the remains of strong black tea - it contains tannins that relieve irritation. Besides, there’s always tea in the house.

Precautionary Methods

If there is strong wind outside, wear sunglasses or lower your head, turn it to the side so that the air currents are not directed directly into your face. When you see “flocks” of midges and mosquitoes, go around them, covering your eyes with your hand just in case. Fanning them doesn't help much; on the contrary, they become more active and, gaining momentum, fly right into your eyes.

When doing repair work, protect yourself by at least wearing a hat with a visor, then dust, whitewash, and paint flying from above will get into your eyes less. Glasses, of course, protect more reliably. They may be inconvenient to work in, but they are much safer.