home · Measurements · Watch online battery and copper wire. How to make a simple electric motor in ten minutes. Speaker magnet, copper wire and lamp for making a lamp

Watch online battery and copper wire. How to make a simple electric motor in ten minutes. Speaker magnet, copper wire and lamp for making a lamp

What do you do when the power goes out at night? Most likely, you light candles and spend the evening waiting for the electricity to come on. And you can spend this time usefully. For example, illuminate a room using a regular magnet and wire, which will allow the lamp to operate without electricity. Or make a motor that can work autonomously.

DIY electromagnetic motor

The homemade electric motor easy to make from scrap materials at home. It is worth noting that such a device can be used not only as a visual example, but also for its intended purpose, for example, by attaching a fan to the rotor.

To make it you will need:

  • Spoke;
  • Thin metal plates;
  • Bolts with nuts;
  • Copper wire;
  • A piece of plywood.

From metal sheet 0.2 mm thick, cut out 5 rectangular plates 40 by 15 mm. We make holes in the center of all plates and put them on the prepared knitting needle. Next, you need to secure the plates together with electrical tape.

For better rotor rotation, the ends of the spokes are sharpened, thereby ensuring minimal contact with the surface.

Then, on the axis you need to attach a homemade current breaker, which is made of the metal from which the plates are made. The breaker dimensions are 3 by 1 cm. This plate is folded in half and placed on the axle.

Next, we make the base from plywood. To do this, drill three holes on a piece of plywood measuring 50 by 50 mm (two for bolts along the edges and one in the center for installing the rotor). We make a U-shaped holder for the upper part of the rotor from a metal plate. And drill a hole in it in the center.

After this, to make the stator, we cut out three plates from metal that will connect the bolts in the lower part of the structure and make two holes for the bolts in them. We put these plates on the bolts, and insert the boots into the holes on the wooden platform.

Next, the bolts are wrapped with electrical tape, and a copper wire 500 turns. A holder for a contact breaker is attached to one of the corners of the wooden structure. Electricity of 12 Volts is connected to the coils.

How to make a motor from a battery correctly

This electric motor is rather of a demonstration nature. In order to make the simplest motor It will take some time and available materials.

Essential elements:

  • Battery 1.5 V;
  • Small magnet;
  • Pins;
  • Scotch;
  • Plasticine.

First of all, it is necessary to make a coil, which will act as a rotor. To do this, we wind enameled copper wire around the battery (6 turns). We thread the ends of the wire into the resulting coil and secure it with knots.

To add rigidity to the structure, it is better to use wire with a cross-section of at least 0.5 mm.

We bite off the ends of the coil with pliers (they should be about 4 cm long). We completely clean one end of the varnish, and the other only on one side (it will act as a breaker).

Next, using tape, attach the pins to the battery contacts. To do this, you just need to attach pins and wrap the battery with tape. Then, a magnet is installed on the battery using plasticine.

We insert the coil into the ears of the pins. A magnetic field is generated in this coil, due to which the movable structural element rotates. If rotation does not occur, swap the coil contacts.

Speaker magnet, copper wire and lamp for making a lamp

The most in a simple way To bring a fluorescent lamp into working condition is to place it in the electromagnetic field of an ordinary magnet, which is used to work in old Soviet speakers.

The device consists of:

  • Round magnet;
  • Copper wire.

To make this device, you first need to remove the magnet from the speaker. Next, using a hammer without using great strength With light blows, knock the metal plates off the magnet.

Note! If the plates do not move away from the magnet, you can soak it in solvent for a while.

After the plates are removed from the magnet, it is necessary to clean it of dirt. To do this, use a regular rag or rag.

Next, the winding is manufactured. To do this, take a piece of copper wire insulated. The wire should be long enough to fold it in half and wrap the magnet with five turns. The double end of the wire is threaded into the resulting wire eye.

After the magnet is wrapped, a regular Fluorescent Lamp. This design can be equipped decorative materials and use as a stand-alone lamp.

The best homemade magnets

The use of magnets in everyday life is so widespread that listing them all would take a lot of time. But since many are rather entertaining, we will dwell in more detail on listing the widely used ones.

Magnets use:

  • During installation work;
  • Window cleaning;
  • As holders.

First of all, it is worth noting that the search for magnets is not very difficult task. Magnets small sizes, you can find in old headphones. More powerful neodymium magnets can be removed from old computer hard drives.

Let's assume you are working with wooden structure. In one hand you hold a hammer, and in the other an element of this design. In this case, holding an armful of nails is not entirely convenient. To do this, you just need to place a magnet in your chest pocket and glue nails to it.

There are situations when you have to tighten screws in hard-to-reach places where it is not possible to hold the screw. To do this, simply attach a magnet to the metal part of the screwdriver. A magnetized screwdriver allows the bolt or screw to hold on its own.

If you glue small magnets to computer desk(in any convenient location), then you can use them as holders for various USB or other types of wires. To do this, small springs are placed on the wires (springs from handles can be used), which are a metal magnetized structure.

The attractive force of a magnet depends not only on its size, but also on the time of its operation.

As a component of decor, magnets can be used as fastening elements for a puzzle located on the refrigerator door. To do this, take any photograph that is outlined into certain elements. To each element using regular glue a small magnet is glued. The photo is divided into its component elements. After this, it is assembled on the refrigerator door in the form of a puzzle.

What can be made from a battery (video)

In order to assemble an almost eternal electric motor at home, all you need is ingenuity and ordinary knowledge in the field of electrical engineering. Which will undoubtedly come in handy in some cases.

Making an electric motor from what you have at hand is not at all difficult.

I came across the idea for such a motor on the website www.crafters.ucoz.ru As you can see in the photo above, for the motor we will need adhesive tape, a couple of pins, a magnet, a battery and a piece of copper wire.

Instead of a regular battery, it is better to take a battery because the battery charge for such an electric motor will not last long. Take copper wire and wind 30-50 turns around the battery.

Secure the ends of the wire to the opposite edges of the resulting rotor; they will serve as the axis. They can be tied in a knot.

Clean both ends of the wire from the varnish insulation with sandpaper or a knife.

Now take a battery, tape and pins, attach the pins with tape to the battery contacts, insert the prepared copper rotor into the ears of the pins.

ATTENTION! At this moment, the circuit of our rotor closes the battery contacts and it is not recommended to keep this structure in a “quiet” position for a long time! The battery electrolyte can become very hot, so do not make the rotor less than 30 turns than more topics better (more resistance). Now place a magnet under the rotor on the battery, it will “stick” to the battery itself. The rotor will begin to rotate quickly.

The rotor should not touch the magnet and it would be even better if the magnet is at a distance of 5-10 mm from the rotor. Try the magnet in different positions, rotate it, try to move it away from the copper rotor, achieve maximum speed rotation.

This simplest example electric motor, we went through its circuit more than once in physics lessons at school, but for some reason we were never shown this simple and interesting design :) Let's watch a video of how this homemade motor works.

[video lost by rutube]

The other day I showed my child how an electric motor works. I remembered a physics experiment from school.

Source materials:

  1. AA battery
  2. Enameled wire 0.5 mm
  3. Magnet
  4. Two paper clips, about the size of a battery
  5. Stationery tape
  6. Plasticine

Bend part of the paper clip.

We wind a coil of enameled wire. We make 6-7 turns. We fix the ends of the wire with knots. Then we clean it up. We completely clear one end of insulation, and the other only on one side. (In the photo, the right end is stripped from the bottom)

We fix the paper clips on the battery with tape. Install the magnet. We attach the entire structure to the table using plasticine. Next, you need to position the coil correctly. When the spool is installed, the stripped ends should touch the paperclip. A magnetic field arises in the coil, and we get an electromagnet. Poles permanent magnet and the coils must be the same, that is, they must repel each other. The repulsive force turns the coil, one end loses contact and the magnetic field disappears. By inertia, the coil turns, contact appears again and the cycle repeats. If the magnets are attracted, the motor will not spin. Therefore, one of the magnets will need to be turned over.

Hello dear readers of the column! Today we invite you to make the simplest electric battery motor(see). Despite the fact that this engine is quite simple to make, this activity will be quite interesting and educational.

In order to make an electric motor from a battery, we will need:

— AA battery;

- thin-nose pliers;

- magnet, preferably round shape;

- copper wire.

Making an electric motor

From copper wire (read), use thin-nose pliers to bend a heart-shaped figure (see photo below), which should be bent so as to have a fastening and center of gravity at one point (this is important for the stability and rotation of the structure). We place the minus battery on the magnet. Using thin-nose pliers, make a small dent on the positive side of the battery (one end of the copper wire will be placed on it). Now we put a copper wire structure on the battery and watch how our electric motor begins to rotate.

Electric motor made of battery and magnet

Why does it work

Electric motor from a battery begins to work because the movement of charged particles that occurs in the wire ( electric charge) is exposed to a magnetic field that deflects the direction of their movement. In physics, this deviation is called the Lorentz force.

For better understanding the whole process, watch this video.

How to get the most out of a battery? How to make fire without matches and a lighter? How to “bury” a battery correctly? It is difficult for a civilized person to imagine life without batteries. But, as experience shows, we are not sufficiently informed about the possibilities of the things that surround our everyday life. 10 life hacks with batteries are proof of this.

1. Mobile hand warmer

  • People are divided into two types. Some feel comfortable even in the cold. Others freeze in mid-July. If you are familiar with the problem of cold hands firsthand, keep a mini-battery heater on hand, or rather in your hands. Wrap the battery in foil, securing it to the contact poles. Clamp the poles and enjoy the warmth. Before taking mini heaters with you, make sure the batteries are charged.

2. Charged or dead – how to tell?

  • But how do you know if the battery is charged without devices? Drop the battery onto the table with the negative side from a small height (2-3 cm). The discharged one will bounce loudly and fall. Charged, it will most likely land on the pole with a thud.

3. DIY electromagnet

  • Using simple items - a battery, insulated copper wire (at least 1.5 meters) and a large nail/bolt, you can make powerful electromagnet. Wrap the wire around the nail from one end to the other. Each end of the nail should have “tails” for connection to the battery. As soon as you connect the ends of the wire to the battery, the structure will turn into an electromagnet. Search or select any metal objects. After disconnecting the elements, the electromagnet loses power.

4. Fire from a battery: “prison lighter”

  • One of the favorite tricks of life hackers (and others) is making fire using a battery. You will need a strip of foil with a paper base (for example, from chewing gum) 6-7 mm wide at the ends, tapered to 2 mm in the center. Attach the ends of the strip to the poles of the battery and bring the device to the paper, which will immediately ignite.

5. AAA instead of AA

  • Need AA, but only AAA is available? The problem can be solved simply - with a piece of foil, which will hold the battery in the connector and bring the device into working condition.

6. Opening the Krona battery

  • Krona alkaline batteries contain 6 AAAA batteries with a voltage of 1.5 V, which can easily be converted into AAA batteries using the above life hack.

7. Why crush dead batteries?

  • A kopeck saves the ruble. Do not throw away dead batteries. If you crush a discharged battery, for example, with your teeth or pliers, it will gain momentum for a second life. By the way, very crumpled battery may leak and ruin the device.

8. Stylus for smartphone

  • By the way, the negative side AA battery Can be a stylus for capacitive touch screen.

9. A gift for future generations

  • A battery thrown into the trash will cause serious damage to the environment. Once outside, it will pollute 20 harmful components square meters land or 400 liters of water. Place used batteries in plastic bottle, and while it is filling up, find the nearest collection point for batteries, of which, alas, there are few in Russia.

10. Responsibility to nature with Ikea

The Ikea store chain has resumed accepting used batteries and mercury-containing lamps. The store does not charge any fees for the collection and subsequent disposal of batteries. Look for special containers at the exit of the store!