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Where to find a powerful magnet at home. Powerful magnets. Electromagnet and demagnetizer

Perhaps you, like me, needed Neodymium magnet. Don't rush to buy it. There are several places where you can get them for free. In addition to various homemade products, neodymium magnets are used to stop various meters, but now manufacturers have already learned how to install protection on metering devices and this practice can cost you a lot of trouble. The possible “savings” will definitely be less than the amount of the fine.

If your desires to purchase neodymium magnets are environmentally friendly and do not affect the interests of third parties and organizations, then there is no point in buying them. There are several places where you are guaranteed to find neodymium magnets cheap or free.

  1. Old headphones from a phone or player.
  2. Old hard drives from a computer.
  3. Old CD and DVD drives for a computer.
  4. Stepper motors from old printers or scanners.

With a little diligence and ordinary tools they are all easy to obtain. This can save you up to several thousand rubles, since, for example, stepper motors come across fairly large examples of neodymium magnets.

Here is a video of disassembly of all the devices listed above. It helped me a lot myself.

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Neodymium magnets are an extremely useful thing in the household. They are made from the rare earth metal neodymium, with the addition of iron and boron. Such magnets are valued for their high power of attraction and stability. magnetic field, as well as resistance to demagnetization. Many people are looking for where they can buy them. In fact, you can easily pick out neodymium magnets with your own hands if you have the desire and a suitable screwdriver.

1. Old headphones

The first and easiest place to find a small neodymium magnet is in old headphones. Arming ourselves suitable tool, we disassemble the outdated accessory and get a very useful magnet for use. The entire extraction procedure will take a couple of minutes. Depending on the type of headphones and their manufacturer, magnets may differ in power and shape.

2. PC hard drive

The second place where you can find a very powerful neodymium magnet. It will take no more than a few minutes to disassemble the diskai. It is worth remembering that in this case the neodymium magnet will have to be knocked down with a screwdriver (or other suitable tool), since most likely it will be stuck on the glue. The most important thing is to do this carefully, because magnets are very fragile.

3. Old CD/DVD drive

Another popular way to get hold of a neodymium magnet is to disassemble an old CD drive. In this case, the magnet is located in the optical head. You'll have to get it. This method is notable for the fact that you can get not one, but two small neodymium magnets at once. The magnets from the drive are (most often) rectangular in shape.

4. Stepper motor

If you do not have average knowledge of electronics, a controller board, an interface board and an urgent need to install and run a stepper motor somewhere, then you are a happy person! Because he has every moral right to run a stepper motor under a screwdriver without remorse.

Jokes aside, it is worth adding that removing magnets from the engine is the most difficult thing. There is a high risk of damage to the product. At the same time, there will be two magnets in the engine. Most often, such units are used in all kinds of office equipment: printers, scanners, copy machines.


Continuing the topic, we’ll figure out whether this really helps.

An inquisitive mind constantly finds something new around itself. The same goes for different magnets. Once we found out how useful this thing is, the question immediately arose - where are neodymium magnets found? It turns out, almost everywhere! This is really so, and to be convinced, just look around. There are many places where you can find a neodymium magnet.

Thanks to its exceptional qualities - incredible magnetic force and the duration of its action, this material has found application in literally all objects, areas of the economy and human activity. For example, in medicine it is most noticeable in MRI machines, which a huge number of citizens inevitably encounter. Where is a neodymium magnet? Here is a very short list:

  • in amplification speakers;
  • in the same computer, without which almost no modern person can do today;
  • in the motors of children's (and not only) toys;
  • in car parts;
  • in generators;
  • magnetic separators;
  • oil filters;
  • in the deft hands of magicians.

Where to get a neodymium magnet

The little strongman, which today has found wide application in almost all areas of our lives, was invented by an alloy of several rare earth metals, among which the most important is neodymium. The new magnet was named after this element. Nowadays it is impossible to imagine how we lived without this invention - magnets had to be huge in size in order to have sufficient strength.

If necessary, such material can be easily found in the retail chain. Just type a search word, and the World Wide Web of the Internet will immediately offer any number of products of interest wholesale and retail. The cost varies greatly and, as always, it depends on the sizes and shapes. Having set out to find out where you can get a neodymium magnet, it is useful to first decide what it is for, what it should be, and then contact suppliers.

If we are talking about where to get a neodymium magnet at home, then take a look at HDD computer, headphones, look in the door lock of your furniture - it is omnipresent. Even the aquarium cleaning device uses this useful thing - small plates are placed in two hard sponges and wiped the aquarium glass without putting your hands in the water. These are the places where neodymium magnets are easy to remove.

Neodymium magnet- a phrase that everyone has heard at least once, but not everyone knows what it is and what it is needed for. Surely as a child you played with magnets and with 99% accuracy we can say that they were ferrite magnets. You could find such magnets in old speakers and many other places. Neodymium magnets appeared relatively recently, and could be found on sale in the 90s. Such magnets are made of neodymium, iron and boron. It is neodymium, a metal of the lanthanide group, that is the basis for creating magnets with fantastic adhesive force. It is impossible to pull large neodymium magnets away from each other manually.

Neodymium magnet(also known asNdFeB, NIB, or Neo magnet) is an extremely powerful magnet made from rare earth metals: usually an alloy of neodymium, boron and iron, formingNd2Fe14Btetragonal crystal structure. It was first developed in 1982 by General Motors in partnership with Sumitomo Special Metals. These are the strongest permanent magnets Of all commercially available, their magnetic energy exceeds conventional magnets by more than 18 times. Neodymium magnets come in several classes, characterizing the strength of their attraction, for example, N28, N35, N38, N40, N45. Most strong magnet from this list - this is N45, but there are also stronger ones. A good neodymium magnet has a magnetic induction of at least 12500 Gauss (Gauss - unit of magnetic induction).

They are much stronger than the more common ceramic magnets. Neodymium magnets are much more powerful than conventional magnets, but they are also more expensive than conventional ones. Therefore, you must work with them as carefully as possible, observing proper safety precautions. Their magnetic fields can influence each other even at a distance of more than 30 centimeters. Please note that neodymium magnets are a brittle alloy. Typically they are plated with hard nickel protective layer, but do not allow several magnets to dock into them full force, otherwise they may be damaged and small pieces of metal may break off upon impact.​

This video shows howsuper magnets destroy various objects upon collision:

Classification of neodymium magnets

Neodymium magnets are differentiated into classes depending on the magnitude of their magnetic moment per unit volume. Higher values ​​of this indicator indicate stronger magnets and range from N35 before N52. The letters following the class name indicate its maximum operating temperatures (meaning Curie temperature), which vary from M(up to 100 degrees Celsius) up to E.H.(200 degrees Celsius).

Classes of neodymium magnets:







Safety precautions when handling neodymium magnets

Neodymium magnets attract metal objects with so much great strength, that if your hand accidentally gets between the magnet and the object of attraction at the moment of their collision, then you can easily bruise your fingers, crush your hands and even break several bones. Therefore, be extremely careful when handling neodymium magnets and never don't let small children play with them. Always wear safety glasses when working with magnets. Keep the magnets on safe distance from any magnetic storage devices, such as desktop and laptop computers, hard drives, floppy disks, audio cassettes, video cassettes, credit cards. It is recommended to maintain a distance of at least one meter between magnets and these objects. If a child swallows small magnets (and there are some different sizes), then they can connect to each other internally digestive system blocking her normal work, and can even lead to death. Therefore, it is best not to allow children to play with magnets at all, or to allow them to do so only under the strict supervision of adults.

In this video, the expert clearly demonstrates what will happen to your hand if it gets caught between two neodymium magnets:

How the properties of neodymium magnets change over time

Neodymium magnets lose their attractive force very slowly. At room temperature they lose no more than 2% of their magnetization in 10 years. But at the same time, they can be quickly demagnetized if heated above the Curie temperature for each class of neodymium magnets. For the most simple magnets this temperature is only 80°C. In this case, the neodymium magnet will completely lose its magnetic properties.

Where are neodymium magnets used?

When purchasing neodymium magnets, always pay attention to their attractive force. Buy a magnet with an induction of 12500 gauss or higher and do not be fooled by inexpensive offers so as not to be deceived. Nowadays, neodymium magnets are available in any size and shape; buying them is not a problem at all. Particularly popular are magnets in the form of a round platform (washer) with a hook. Such a neodymium magnet can be used for different purposes: for example, to attach it to walls and hang various objects on a hook, or to tie a rope to a magnet using the hook and use it to retrieve metal objects from wells, various bodies of water, or even from cesspool. The force of attraction of a magnet is so powerful that it will attract be all lost metal objects even in a heterogeneous dense environment.

A good confirmation of these words is the use of powerful magnets in agriculture. A neodymium magnet, tied on a rope to a tractor plow, when cultivating a field, will collect all metal objects from the top layer of the earth - lost parts of agricultural equipment, nails, nuts, chains, etc. Neodymium magnets are also used in computer hard drives and DVD drives. They are used for the manufacture of powerful acoustics with high speaker volume, as well as in ordinary headphones, mobile phones, smartphones, tablets and the like. Powerful neodymium supermagnets They are widely used by oil workers to extract metal shavings from petroleum products. In medicine, neodymium magnets are used in magnetic resonance imaging machines.

Neodymium supermagnets

These are incredibly powerful and extremely dangerous Ni-Cu-Ni magnets of class N45 and higher with a magnetic induction of 12500 Gauss, which are sold only to adults, and, as a rule, an adult’s signature is required upon delivery of the magnet to the buyer. Imagine: a small magnet that fits in the palm of your hand can hold over 360 kilograms of weight! They are used for magnetic control elementary particles in accelerators, manufacturing of levitating devices, magnetic amplifiers electrical signals, industrial ferrous scrap separators and so on. IN living conditions neodymium supermagnets affect all sensitive devices inside the room (such as radios, televisions or CRT monitors). In this case, loose metal objects and other magnets can be carried through the air and fly towards high speed to join powerful supermagnets.

And if the opposing poles fly towards each other and a person accidentally ends up between them, then he can be seriously injured or killed. At the moment of collision with a person, the magnets will simply crush his bones, crush his fingers and break his ribs or arm in the blink of an eye. Just recently a sad story happened: Small child lost his hand when his father left two supermagnets unattended. The child simply took one magnet in his hand, and when he passed by another magnet, which was lying on the next table, it flew through the air and with a strong blow crushed the child's small hand. Therefore the conclusion is:


Interesting fact №1: neodymium supermagnets are transported only by land transport. They cannot be sent by air because they will interfere with the aircraft's navigation equipment. All supermagnets are packaged either in small wooden boxes or with large blocks/panels of polystyrene foam in double-walled cardboard boxes to minimize the impact of the magnetic field on equipment during transportation.

Interesting fact #2: Every year 50,000 - 80,000 tons of neodymium magnets are officially produced in China! China mines more than 95% of rare earth elements and produces about 76% of the world's total rare earth magnets.

Gauss (Gs) or Tesla (T)- a unit of measurement of magnetic field induction, equal to the induction of such a uniform magnetic field in which a force of 1 newton acts on 1 meter of length of a straight conductor perpendicular to the magnetic induction vector with a current of 1 ampere.

Curie temperature- the temperature of a second-order phase transition, at which an abrupt change in the properties of a substance occurs. At the Curie temperature, a phase transition occurs from a ferromagnet to a paramagnetic or between the polar and nonpolar phases of a ferroelectric.

What is a neodymium magnet? This is a high-tech development of modern scientists. More than 20 years of hard scientific and practical work. As a result, a magnet was obtained that surpasses all other known magnets in its characteristics. It is made using rare earth alloys, so interest in such materials has always been and remains high. The task before the scientist and experts was to create a powerful and strong magnet, which at the same time for a long time maintains its basic physical properties. These are the properties that a neodymium magnet has, the strength of which has not weakened for many decades, and its scope of application is quite wide. Their use is described.

Is it possible to create a neodymium magnet yourself?

Many have wondered about creating such a magnet at home, but, unfortunately, it will not be possible to create such a device at home. For the manufacture of such magnets, the most Hi-tech, equipment and tools. Therefore, without special means It will definitely not be possible to create such a device. The magnet itself is made in an interesting way, the material for manufacturing is crushed, then sintered in special furnaces and then it is given the power of a magnet. Therefore, it will not be possible to repeat this at home. But many people don’t even realize that neodymium magnets are in household devices and various devices, and after the device fails, the magnet can be removed and used for various purposes.

Neodymium magnets in the house

So, where can you get a neodymium magnet at home? Many people don’t even realize that there are many places around us where you can find products made from this rare alloy. There are several places and devices where such magnets are most often used.

Hard disks. Hard drives can be identified as the first place among all devices where you can find such a magnet. Moreover, such a data storage device can be found in any home. Of course, no one will disassemble a work computer or laptop in order to remove a magnet from it. In addition, a hard drive is a high-tech device that is quite difficult to open and disassemble. It is also worth noting that hard drives contain quite powerful magnets, which are not inferior in strength to those that can be bought in a specialized store. Also important point is that in modern hard drives the magnets are much weaker, due to new standards and production technologies, so it is better to look for an old drive.

Furniture latches. No one would probably have guessed that you could look for a powerful magnet in ordinary furniture latches that hold the door closed. But a neodymium magnet is very often located inside the latch. This is due to the fact that the surface area of ​​the latch is relatively small, so ordinary magnets will not give the required effect. Also, the latches themselves quite often break and after that you can disassemble them and remove the magnets, or old furniture, which is often simply thrown into a landfill. But it is worth noting that the power of such magnets is low, so they are not suitable for all purposes.

Engines and generators. Quite often, powerful neodymium magnets can be found in modern electric motors. The power and size of the magnets in the motors are quite large. An important nuance is that the engine or generator itself should not be very old. Because the production of neodymium magnets began relatively recently. Therefore, they most likely will not be found in old Soviet engines.

Magnets on sale

In fact, magnets can be found in the most unpredictable places. These could be knife holders in the kitchen, Wall Clock, various figurines, jewelry, decorative items. In general, any objects that have magnetic properties can contain neodymium. The question is whether a magnet found at home in household appliance or hard drive in terms of power and size... Industrial magnets are also made with a thread or hole of the required shape and diameter. If a neodymium magnet is needed for business, then it is better to think about buying a real large magnet.