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Where to throw away old furniture. Where to put old furniture. Who carries out the processing

Wide range transport services from the company "Perezdtrans"

We offer our customers a wide range of services:

  • furniture transportation,
  • organization of turnkey relocations,
  • removal and disposal of furniture,
  • preparing apartments for renovation and dismantling.

All work, be it the removal of old furniture or a complex move, is carried out in the shortest possible time, under the conditions of a guarantee of quality and safety of property, as well as complete confidentiality of information about the contents of the cargo and its storage location.

Working with professionals is convenient and profitable - regular clients of the Perezdtrans company have already been able to verify this.

The cost of all services is discussed at the estimate stage and does not change after completion of the work. There are no additional payments or compensations for the provision of services. Each customer receives one copy of the contract and full set settlement documents.

Furniture recycling - fast, professional, affordable

Furniture recycling is the destruction of pieces of furniture that have become unusable due to natural aging and unsuitability. In simple words speaking - you no longer need your furniture, that is, it has served its purpose, is no longer fashionable, almost broken, or you simply want to change the interior, then in these cases we take the furniture for disposal.

Recycling services are relevant both for small volumes, for example the disposal of a sofa and two armchairs, and for large ones - this is the disposal of the entire apartment, including recyclable furniture and belongings and, if desired, the removal of carpet, bags and dismantling of built-in cabinets. Also recycling office furniture written off from the balance sheet of the organization, with the preparation of all necessary documentation for disposal.

Old furniture that is subject to recycling, that is, destruction, is taken to a waste disposal site. Recycling and further use of furniture that has become unusable is not practiced in our country.

Removal of old furniture - convenience and minimum costs for customers

We carry out the removal of old furniture and its subsequent disposal very quickly, without violating current legislation, quickly and accurately.

It is enough to make one call, explain to the dispatcher what needs to be removed, and our crew will come to you that day or the next to remove the old furniture.

We remove furniture very carefully; movers remove furniture with the utmost care so as not to damage the walls and doorways of your apartment. We remove furniture on furniture trucks - gazelles, bulls, which allows us to drive directly to the entrance, which reduces the time required to remove things from apartments for disposal, and also saves your time.

Transportation of furniture: practical assistance in organizing the transportation of furniture and personal belongings

Large fleet of our own trucks, suitable for transporting furniture and household items. Covering with carpet and special fastenings for transporting refrigerators and cabinet furniture help ensure their safety and reliable fixation during the journey. Transportation of furniture is carried out in vertical position, as required by the rules of cargo transportation. Thorough cleaning of the car after each move helps keep the client's property clean and avoid damage and damage. Each of the employees passed vocational training and has extensive work experience, knows the rules for dismantling and assembling furniture, can easily pack and unpack property, and arrange furniture around the room in accordance with the customer’s instructions. The company’s specialists will be able to connect a washing machine or dishwasher, hang the chandelier, unpack and arrange furniture around the room, following the client’s instructions.

Apartment cleaning. General, major and house cleaning

Do you want to throw everything away? old furniture from the apartment before a major renovation? Do you want to get rid of garbage in just purchased And cluttered apartment? You understand that from such a large number old furniture and other garbage in a simple way not get rid of it? Are you planning to order Gazelle for furniture removal in Moscow or MO?

This is where the problem arises: how to get rid of already unnecessary things without local disasters and unnecessary problems...

We are ready to help you!

Our Gazelles For garbage transportation, having small dimensions and large lifting capabilities, can lift absolutely all your trash, which means that you don’t have to spend money on ordering a gazelle for garbage in Moscow again.

Unfortunately, not all local areas our city are equipped with special containers to dispose of large items (cabinets, sofas, chairs, etc.) or a large number of garbage. You can’t leave all this stuff in a regular container, as it punishable by a fine, and the valiant grandmothers at the entrance are watching this better than Greenpeace. We will be happy to assist you.

What else can we offer our clients in Moscow, services:

  • Removal of old, unsuitable and superfluous furniture for disposal;

      Removal of sofas, armchairs, old beds and mattresses;

      Removal of built-in wardrobes, furniture walls, mezzanines, removing garbage from a cluttered balcony.

      Removal of miscellaneous trash from the apartment Full construction

  • Our other services

      Export those who have served their term refrigerators, gas and electric stoves, washing machines and other equipment;

      Removal for recycling of plumbing fixtures - toilets, old cast iron bathtubs , shower cabins, bidets and sinks.

      Dismantling of sanitary cabins, tiles, interior doors

Furniture removal from an apartment from a company of 100 movers

Prices: from 400

Removal of used or new furniture from the apartment

Not worth bearing unnecessary furniture on landing and leave it on for a long time, there is no need to take it out to the site next to the trash cans - no one will take it there, and there is no need to store it in your apartment. There is a need for one short call that will solve all your problems and garbage removal in Moscow or MO will not be the most difficult and difficult task for you.

You can simply order the removal of used furniture to a gazelle without resorting to the services of our movers, or order removal of furniture, its dismantling, disassembly and loading onto the vehicle by our specialists, who will cope with the task as quickly and professionally as possible. We are also ready to dismantle old and unnecessary structures: partitions, doors, built-in furniture, suspended ceilings, plumbers, and also take them out and load them into the car.

A staff of experienced loaders under the leadership of a foreman will save you from the need to call all your friends and acquaintances for help. In a short time, workers will remove unnecessary furniture, appliances and plumbing from the apartment, and then from the entrance; very carefully and quickly load it on board our gazelle.

Our movers will get rid of your old furniture, walls 3-5 sections, piano, bathtub and other bulky and not so bulky household items.

We will remove and dispose of furniture and unnecessary items from your office, apartment, garage, and help you clean up your balcony or storage room.

When you involve our company in furniture recycling, a car with loaders will come to you, who, if necessary, will disassemble the furniture and dismantle the old household appliances. All unnecessary things will be carefully removed from the apartment, stored in in its original form the door frames and the floor of your home will be loaded into a car and disposed of.

Further disposal of furniture

The team of our company is ready to perform for you any work related to dismantling, disassembling, removal and transportation of garbage in Moscow and Moscow Region to Gazelle to a landfill in the shortest possible time.

We will complete our work quickly, professionally and in a timely manner.

The cost of removing furniture for recycling in Moscow varies depending on the amount of this garbage, the specifics and the area from which it needs to be removed. In order to clarify it, you need to call the numbers indicated on this page and our managers will describe each procedure to you separately and announce the entire amount.

With us you can order the removal of old furniture in Moscow and the Moscow region at the most affordable prices

Sometimes old furniture spoils the interior of an apartment for years. And we put off the question of where to put it for a long time, and don’t even think that we can get rid of it today, literally in half an hour.

How to do it? Quite simple:

Cleaning an apartment from garbage in Moscow -

This is a common activity for our company. We can boast of a wide staff of experienced movers, a large fleet of trucks, and agreements with landfills. We can come to your address today, disassemble, remove and dispose of your furniture. All this will take a minimum of your time, and will not hit your pocket financially.

How is garbage removed from apartments?

Naturally, the first thing you need to do is order this service from our company. This needs to be done here for a number of reasons.

  • Firstly, we have experience
  • secondly, we have the best price,
  • thirdly, we ensure efficiency, fourthly, we guarantee impeccable service, fifthly, it is very easy to place an order with us.

To do this, you can even just write to us via Viber or WhatsApp. You can also call.

Having discussed all the nuances of the order, found out the exact price of garbage removal from the apartment, and left a request, you will complete the most labor-intensive part of the garbage removal work for you. All you have to do is open the door to a team of movers who will arrive at your address at the agreed time.
To remove old furniture for recycling, it will first need to be disassembled. You don't need to do this yourself.

Our workers will figure it out themselves upholstered furniture- sofas, corner sofas, armchairs. They will remove all the blocks, disconnect the armrests, and disassemble the furniture piece by piece. Without any problems, they will also dismantle cabinet furniture - walls, cabinets (including built-ins), pencil cases, shelves, slides, etc. They always have with them all the necessary equipment to quickly and easily disassemble any furniture.

Let's prepare furniture for removal

Our employees take it down the elevator or down the steps and load it into the Gazelle for removal for disposal. The truck arrives at the same time as the crew arrives and immediately after loading it takes all the furniture to the landfill. Thanks to its good capacity, Gazelle can remove all the garbage from your apartment in one visit. It fits well into narrow courtyards, and you can even drive into the center of Moscow. Therefore, we guarantee that we will be able to remove old furniture for recycling from absolutely anywhere in Moscow, without exception.

Garbage disposal

is no longer carried out by us, but by the workers of the landfill to which we ship the furniture. They sort it and send it for processing or destruction. We have a contractual relationship with them, and you do not need to pay extra for this separately.
So, it is best to entrust garbage removal from an apartment in Moscow to the professionals working in our company. We can quickly and inexpensively organize for you a whole range of works that will once and for all rid you of junk in your apartment.

Greetings! In Soviet times, furniture was bought once and for life. And 10-20 years for a sofa or wardrobe was sincerely considered “childhood age”.

The new generation of Russians is moving much more often, renovating their apartments and changing their furnishings. What to do with furniture that doesn't fit new interior or just tired of it? Yes, so that for money and without unnecessary problems.

Today we will talk about how to sell used furniture quickly. At the same time, I’ll write about how to get rid of an old sofa or wardrobe in other “legal” ways.

“Flea markets” on the Internet are perhaps the most reliable and convenient way get money for used furniture. In Russia there are two large and truly “living” resources: “From Hand to Hand” and “Avito”. In Ukraine it is OLX (formerly Slando).

"Hand to Hand"

In the section "Furniture, interior, household items" I found almost 85,000 advertisements (all over Russia).

Products can be ranked by quality, ad date or price. Filters at the “flea market” are standard: city, price (from and to), condition (new or used), date the ad was created, with or without a photo, from a company or from an individual. There is a convenient keyword search window.

Speed ​​up the sale of a bed or office desk Paid services will help:

  • Selection yellow on russia.irr.ru will cost 35.4 rubles per ad
  • Premium ads appear at the top (category listings and search results)

According to statistics, they are viewed 8 times more often, and they bring 5 times more responses than standard ones. Premium status can be purchased for 1, 7, 14 or 28 days. For the Furniture category, the cost of the service will be 32, 182, 294 and 448 rubles, respectively.

  • "Hot Ads" are considered the most effective way publications. Compared to regular ones, they get 15 times more views and 8 times more responses.

"Hot" ads are always displayed at the top of the list - but no more than three in one block. The service can be ordered for 1, 7, 14 or 28 days for 48, 266, 448 and 672 rubles, respectively.


The offers are conveniently divided into categories (“Beds, sofas and armchairs”, “ Kitchen sets", "Tables and chairs", "Cabinets and chests of drawers" and so on). The second visual filter - the largest regions of Russia (Moscow and St. Petersburg) are highlighted in separate categories.

Paid services on Avito:

  • Premium placement – ​​ads “hang” at the top of each search results page for seven days (this costs from 59 to 1609 rubles)
  • VIP announcements are published on the page in a separate VIP block (no more than three in one). The price of the service depends on the ad parameters, category and region (from 29 to 689 rubles)
  • Highlighting - the ad is marked with a special icon and published on a gold background for 7 days (from 19 to 459 rubles)
  • Raising an ad in search – the service allows the seller to raise his publication twice to the first page of the search. Once - immediately after payment (from 19 to 459 rubles), the second time - the next day

Other platforms for selling furniture

“Avito” and “From Hand to Hand” in Russia are the largest and most popular “flea markets”. Therefore sell old sofa or the closet is simpler here than on other resources. But just in case, I’ll give you two more links:

  1. Junk.net
  2. Free notice board “Furniture Sale”

How to speed up the sale of used furniture online?

Where do you sell old furniture?

  1. For apartments for rent
  2. For dachas and something like that
  3. For temporary furnishings in case of urgent relocation
  4. When there is no money for good new furniture

In all four cases, the decisive argument in favor of purchase is low price! Be realistic. Look on the Internet at what prices your “competitors” sell old furniture.

Give your furniture a presentable appearance

Before selling (or better yet, before taking photographs), the furniture should be put in order. Clean and wipe off dust, tint, polish to a shine and repair all mechanisms. As a rule, furniture is not prepared for restoration.

Select "sales channels"

Try starting with a banal posting of advertisements in walking distance from the house. Quite often people refuse to buy large furniture due to problems with its transportation. And if a nice wardrobe, table or sofa is for sale in the neighborhood, why not take it?

The second option is advertisements on Avito format websites. Get ready for a barrage of calls with the same questions. And to a dozen “empty” views.

And here antique furniture in Moscow it is better to sell through professional buyers or at auctions.

Option #2. Sell ​​furniture through specialized stores and warehouses

This method will allow you to earn quite a bit (about half the cost if you sell it yourself). But there is much less fuss here. A representative of the “buying company” will come to your home, evaluate the furniture and remove it.

Old furniture in Moscow is accepted even in some thrift stores.

I will show the principle of their operation using the example of a discounted furniture warehouse store in Moscow kom-dom.ru. Let's say you want to sell soft sofa in a good condition.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Send to email store's offer with photos ( short description, sofa model and actual address)
  2. After a preliminary assessment, you will be offered two sales options: “commission” (70% of the cost with payment within three days after the sale) or “repurchase of the goods” (negotiable price). You can bring furniture to the store yourself. Or order delivery to the future seller (with the services of loaders and assemblers)

There is no charge for storing furniture in the thrift store warehouse for two months. But every month unsold goods will be discounted.

Option #3. Give it to good hands

If you can’t sell decent furniture, then you can at least earn “plus karma.” That is, give a table or sofa to someone who really needs it.

I offer a list of proven sites where the donation process is “streamlined.”

I'll give it away for free

LJ created specifically for donors. Most often they give away puppies, clothes and tools. But occasionally you come across furniture.

I found a decent one on “I’ll give it away for free” desk from Ikea, a crib, a terrible sofa (the ad honestly says: “C grade condition”), coffee table and grandma's wardrobe. Every day 2-3 “furniture” offers appear on the site.

“I’ll give it away for free” - great option urgently get rid of unnecessary furniture: free of charge, at a time convenient for you and on a self-pickup basis.


The creators of the project decided to foster a new tradition in Russia: not throwing away unnecessary things, but giving them as gifts. The site usually offers small items such as jewelry, books or toys.

But it was on Daru-Dar that I found an advertisement in which a friend from Moscow was giving away the furnishings of an entire apartment for free: two walls, two closets, a kitchen, a sofa-book and a coffee table on wheels. Moreover, judging by the photographs, all the furniture is in good condition and relatively new. An attraction of unprecedented generosity.

I will exchange or give away

If it’s a pity to give away furniture “for nothing”, you can try to exchange it for something.

In LiveJournal “I’ll exchange or give away” people are replacing insulated tights with liquid soap, chocolate - for chicken for the cat, skates - for a series of books about Harry Potter.

Occasionally you come across “furniture” offers. One thing particularly touched me. The girl exchanged an IKEA wardrobe and a set of children's furniture for pickup and a kilo of tangerine “with an easily removable skin.”

Project "Dump"

Project representatives They take out unnecessary things, sort them, put them in order and sell them at their own flea markets. The project recycles or disposes of unusable items. "Svalka" operates in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Tomsk, Saratov and Kazan.

The project takes away all things except garbage: clothes, toys, books, dishes. And, of course, furniture and household appliances. According to the creators of “Dump”, by giving things away for free, you make the world a better place. For this, the project pays a symbolic bonus of 200-800 rubles.

Proceeds from sales go to pay for the rent of the premises, salaries of employees and couriers, maintenance of the sales area and warehouse. And 70% of the remaining profits are the owners

“Dumps” are transferred to the accounts of the Dobro.mail.ru service.

Option number 4. Furniture disposal

There are companies that remove and dispose of old furniture at special landfills.

The service is paid for the customer! The total cost depends on the dimensions of the furniture, the price of delivery and loader services, as well as the distance from solid waste landfills. The minimum cost of such services is 1500 rubles.

How do you usually get rid of old furniture?

Disposal of old furniture, dismantling and disassembly of furniture items will be carried out by the Service-Moving company quickly and inexpensively. All removal services are included in the cost of work. We will take unnecessary furniture from your apartment, load it into a gazelle and take it away.

One call and that's it unnecessary furniture will be loaded into a car and taken to a landfill, freeing a lot free space in your apartment.


You came to our website because you need to get rid of old furniture. On this site you will find complete answers to the topic of removing old trash from apartments and learn how the service for recycling and removal of old pieces of furniture works. We are ready to offer the most the best prices for services .
Call and order the removal of old furniture for disposal to update your home - and, at a time convenient for you, the movers will quickly disassemble and remove household items that have become unnecessary, saving you from hard physical labor.


We remove from apartments:

Furniture- cabinets, ottoman, hallway, kitchen, cabinets, kitchen shelves, sofa, armchair, table, bedside table, furniture wall
Household appliances-TV, refrigerator, washing machine, microwave ovens, sewing machine, plates
Computer technology- computers, monitors, printers and faxes
Scrub and trash - clothes, dishes, bed linen, curtains, removal of food supplies,
Build trash- baths, sinks, toilets, rugs, linoleum, carpet, parquet, laminate. balcony, mezzanine
If you do not find in this list of things for disposal that you need to take away, call us, we will definitely dispose of these things.

Cost of removal and disposal of furniture


To order the removal of old furniture you can:

And tell the dispatcher:

  1. The area where the apartment is located, from where we pick up the furniture
  2. amount of furniture and things
  3. Floor and elevator

After the dispatcher accepts the order -

On the appointed day and time, a vehicle corresponding to the volume of furniture and things, at least two loaders - recyclers, leaves for you.

Having arrived at the address, the crew loads the furniture and belongings being removed into the car. They remove furniture with great care, since everyone understands perfectly well that interior interior Under no circumstances should apartments be damaged. This is why our company employs only professional movers who have completed moving school.

We are not afraid of volumes, we are prepared to work with entire apartments, we have large cargo transport, and small removals in small vans.

The cost of removal and disposal of furniture for 1 item.

regular sofa 2000
corner sofa 2500
regular wardrobe 2000
closet 3600
furniture wall 3600
bed 2000
table 1500
bag 100
TV 1500

To know exact cost several items:

  • calculate on a calculator yourself (the fastest is 5 seconds)
  • enter items into online chat (very fast - 1 min)
  • call or order a call back (quick - 2 min)
  • send a request to the order submission form (15-30 minutes)

Discounts and promotions for furniture recycling

In order for the removal of old furniture from your apartment to become an inexpensive service for you - ask the dispatcher about the availability of discounts today and tomorrow.

We will always meet those who meet us halfway.
Example of current day's discount.

Removal of old furniture of your size costs 3600 rubles. But there is another option... recycling furniture today at 20-00 will cost 3000 rubles. Here's a discount on furniture disposal!

Areas and speed of arrival of the car

Removal of old furniture for recycling we do it in all districts of Moscow and Moscow region.

We'll be there in an hour!

Contact us, we are happy to clear

Your apartment from junk 8-495 223 87 95