home · Lighting · Goose with sauerkraut recipe. Stewed goose pieces with cabbage. Goose, stewed in pieces For lunch or dinner, I offer an excellent option - a simple recipe for goose, stewed in pieces. Juicy, appetizing, it literally melts in your mouth and is perfect for any meal.

Goose with sauerkraut recipe. Stewed goose pieces with cabbage. Goose, stewed in pieces For lunch or dinner, I offer an excellent option - a simple recipe for goose, stewed in pieces. Juicy, appetizing, it literally melts in your mouth and is perfect for any meal.

Today I will tell you how to cook goose with cabbage in a slow cooker. Goose meat, unlike chicken, is dark in color and has a higher calorie content. Goose meat contains a small amount of fat, which is mixed with the rest of the ingredients during stewing. The result is a delicious and juicy dish. In order for more fat to be released, it is necessary to cut the fillet together with the skin.

Not everyone will like simple stewed cabbage, but with meat it’s the opposite. This recipe uses white cabbage, it can be replaced with cauliflower. In the multicooker, in the “Stew” program, both the meat and cabbage are thoroughly steamed.
Can be served as a second dish after soup or borscht, or for dinner as a separate dish. It turns out juicy and very tasty; before serving, you can sprinkle with finely chopped dill or cilantro. Greens are chosen to taste.

Ingredients for cooking goose with cabbage

  1. White cabbage – 250 g.
  2. Goose breast – 500 g.
  3. Olive oil – 3 tbsp.
  4. Onions – 1 pc.
  5. Carrots – 1 pc.
  6. Water – 100 ml.
  7. Meat seasoning – 0.5 tsp.
  8. Salt - to taste.

How to cook goose with cabbage in a slow cooker

Rinse the goose breast and skin thoroughly under water. The skin can be lightly scraped with a knife. Cut the meat into large pieces on a board.

Pour olive oil into the bowl of the equipment and set the “Frying” mode. Pour goose meat into heated oil and fry for 5 minutes. The pieces must be turned over periodically with a spatula.

Peel the carrots and onions. Grate the carrots into large strips. Cut the onion into half rings.

Add carrots and onions to the meat and fry for 5 minutes. Vegetables should be half-raw.

Rinse the required amount of white cabbage with water. Chop the vegetable into thin strips. Turn off the installed program.

Add cabbage to the main mixture and stir until smooth.

Pour filtered water, add salt and meat seasoning. Stir the contents, close the lid and turn on the “Stew” option for 1.5 hours.

Then open the lid and stir the resulting dish, you can serve it to the table.

Place the goose stew with cabbage in a bowl or on a flat plate. It can be eaten with a slice of white or black bread, and with fresh vegetables. In winter, canned cucumbers with tomatoes are suitable for such a dish. Bon appetit!

Goose (carcass) – 1 kg
Potatoes – 500 g
Sauerkraut – 250 g
Carrots – 150 g
Apple – 150 g
Onion – 100 g
Meat or vegetable broth - 200 ml
Vegetable oil – 50 ml
Salt, spices


Rinse the goose carcass and cut into portions. Cut the potatoes into large cubes, carrots and onions into strips, cut the apples into slices. Pour oil into the multicooker bowl, add pieces of poultry and coarsely chopped vegetables. Add chopped apples, cabbage, salt and spices, pour over the broth. Close the lid, set the “Extinguishing” program for 1 hour 30 minutes, press the Start button. Prepare until the end of the program.

Recipe for multicook program

Rinse the goose carcass and cut into portions. Cut the potatoes into large cubes, carrots and onions into strips, cut the apples into slices. Pour oil into the multicooker bowl, add pieces of poultry and coarsely chopped vegetables. Add chopped apples, cabbage, salt and spices, pour over the broth. Close the lid, set the Multicook program to 100°C for 1 hour 30 minutes, press the Start button. Prepare until the end of the program.

Stewed goose pieces with cabbage is a very tasty dish that will definitely appeal to representatives of the stronger half of humanity. Cabbage turns out to be especially tasty - it simmers in goose fat, absorbs it, but remains dense and slightly crispy. This recipe is very convenient for those who have a freezer - the cleaned and washed poultry can be chopped into pieces, cutting out the gland from the tail, frozen in portion bags and cooked if necessary.

If you don’t have sauerkraut on hand, it’s okay, create a dish with regular white cabbage, just add a little more salt to taste. Remember that the goose must be cooked for at least 1.5 hours! Many cooks write - depending on the weight, but this is a wrong belief, since when you stew 300 g of poultry for 30 minutes, you will get tough and dense meat that cannot be chewed. The minimum cooking time for large poultry in any form is 1.5 hours!

So, prepare the necessary ingredients and let's start cooking!

Rinse the goose pieces in water and dry lightly with paper towels. Heat the vegetable oil in a cauldron or pan with a non-stick bottom and place the sliced ​​poultry in the container. Fry for 10-15 minutes.

The goose pieces should acquire a golden brown crust, and the fat from them should be slightly rendered. Don't forget to stir.

As soon as this happens, pour warm water into the container, add bay leaves, salt and ground black pepper to taste. Cover the container with a lid and simmer the dish for about 1.5-2 hours until soft, until the water has completely boiled away.

As soon as a little broth remains at the bottom and the meat is easily separated from the bones, it’s time to add the cabbage. Remove the stewed goose pieces from the cauldron onto a platter.

Peel cabbage forks, rinse and halve, cut into large ribbons. Precisely large ones, otherwise you will end up with cabbage puree. Place the chopped white cabbage in a cauldron directly into the goose fat. Add sauerkraut on top. If it is not there, then lightly add salt to the chopped vegetables at this point.

Place poultry pieces on top, cover the cauldron and simmer over medium heat for 10 minutes. Turn off and leave for another 5 minutes to steam.

Remove the goose pieces and place the cabbage on a dish with a slotted spoon, pouring the remaining broth into the cauldron. Do not pour out the broth - you can freeze it to create other dishes or prepare a soup based on it, or add it to boiled potatoes.

Place stewed goose pieces on the cabbage.

Be sure to serve the stewed goose in pieces with cabbage hot. The dish is not tasty when cold.

Have a nice day!

Stewed goose with sauerkraut

A saucepan with a thick bottom and a lid or a roasting pan, a knife, a kitchen board.


How to choose the right ingredients

  • When choosing a whole goose for roasting, be guided by the size of your roasting container. The carcass should sit quietly in the container and release juice well. It is best to take a medium-sized goose. It should be meaty, not old and without excess fat. Otherwise, it will take a long time to cook, and in the end all the fat may not be rendered. If the bird is old, the dish will be too tough.
  • If you still have an old goose, then, in this case, it is better to put it out. So it will be softer.
  • The skin of the carcass should be light, without unnecessary feather stumps, without damage and mucous membrane.
  • When choosing cabbage for filling, decide for yourself what taste you want to get. If you want it spicier, then use well-fermented cabbage. And if you like a milder taste, then non-acidified or slightly salted cabbage will suit you.

video recipe

Watch the video on how to cook delicious stewed goose with the least amount of ingredients.

Cooking time: 1.5-2 hours.
Number of servings: 6-8.
Number of calories per 100 g: 412 kcal.
Kitchen utensils and equipment: non-stick frying pan, spatula, masher, baking rack, knife, rack tray, toothpicks or thread and needle, colander.


Cooking sequence

  1. In a deep container, mix 1-2 g of cumin, 1-2 g of oregano and 2-3 g of salt. Mix well.
  2. Pour 250 g of boiling water over 1.5 kg of whole goose. Wash thoroughly and let dry.

  3. Place 300 g of sauerkraut in a colander or sieve. Squeeze out excess liquid.
  4. Wash and core 3 apples. Cut into cubes and mix with sauerkraut.
  5. Stuff the goose with a mixture of cabbage and apples. We sew up or pin with toothpicks the place on the carcass through which we stuffed. This is done so that the juice and filling do not leak out during baking.
  6. Place the goose on a baking rack and place a tray underneath.
  7. Pour 120 g of vegetable oil over the carcass. Pour 150 g of filtered water into the tray.
  8. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees Celsius. When the oven has warmed up, put our goose in it and bake for 45-50 minutes until the skin turns golden brown.
  9. Turn the carcass over to the other side and grease with juice from the pan. Bake for another 40 minutes so that the other side is browned.

  10. When the goose is ready, leave it in the switched off oven for a while. We take out a whole baked apple and cut pieces from the core. We cut it randomly.
  11. Pour some of the fat that remains in the pan into a non-stick frying pan and place it on the stove.
  12. When the frying pan is hot, place the chopped baked apple on it. Fry a little in fat and chop with a masher.
  13. Add 5 g of flour to the apple and mix. Add 50 g of filtered water, 7 g of sour cream. Bring until thickened.

video recipe

In the video you can see a recipe for cooking goose with sauerkraut in the oven.

How to serve and how to complement the dish

  • Don't limit your imagination to cabbages and apples. Add dried apricots, raisins, oranges, prunes, dates or anything of your choice to the filling. As a result, you will get an unsurpassed taste of the dish. By adding something of your own to the filling or marinade, you can get an exclusive dish.
  • Serve the dish hot or warm. Serve the goose on a nice large platter topped with baked apples or potatoes. It is better to portion the dish after the guests look at your culinary masterpiece. But do not forget that the dish turns out to be quite fatty and juicy. When cut, juice will be released.
  • Berry sauces are ideal for goose. They will well emphasize the special taste of this meat and add exquisite sourness.

  • Pierce the fattest areas of the carcass with a knife so that during heat treatment excess fat is fried.
  • Everyone knows that the most tender part of a goose and duck is the breast. In order to make it juicy, you need to bake the carcass with its back facing up. Then, during cooking, you can turn it over so that it acquires an even golden color.
  • If you are afraid that the dish will turn out dry, then water it more often with the fat that is rendered from the goose. Also put or pour water into the tray. This will cause it to simmer and increase the humidity in the oven.
  • You can also cook goose with sauerkraut in a sleeve or in foil.
  • I recommend preparing this for lovers of beautiful poultry dishes. This dish is very healthy and tasty. Also, do not deprive your attention of the recipe for making turkey basics. The decoration of your holiday table will be duck with sauerkraut. And a fragrant and everyone-loved dish will become a chic dinner for the whole family.

Diversify your diet and cook wonderful goose dishes more often. Delight your loved ones with your culinary achievements. Write your recipes in the comments. Bon appetit!