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Wardrobe with table. Computer desks with cabinet. Computer desk with furniture wall

Few modern homes boast an abundance of space. Therefore, furniture with the possibility of transformation is becoming a frequent element of residential premises. A common example of such an element of furniture are transforming cabinets with a table, which serve as a stylish and functional addition to any interior.

Advantages and disadvantages

Since its inception, transformable furniture has quickly conquered the market. All because of its obvious superiority over ordinary furniture: it is more economical, takes up less space and allows you to keep everything in order. First of all, by combining several functions, such a cabinet will help save money, because instead of purchasing many things, it is enough to buy only one item. It will serve as a place to store clothes, dishes or books, and a mirror, and a work surface.

Such models are produced for different rooms. Most often among them - small rooms, such as modest kitchens, bedrooms or even bathrooms.

The tabletop in this case is retractable or folding and appears if necessary.

For example, a stylish desk-bureau and a two-in-one wardrobe in the bedroom are folded out in the morning for applying makeup and tidying up. Thus, you can save space and material resources without purchasing dressing table. This model has a great advantage over an ordinary dressing table, since no one will see its contents. This option is suitable for those who do not always keep cosmetic bottles and tubes in order.

In addition, such a transforming cabinet can easily turn into workplace. The tabletop can be combined with wardrobe, but it is especially convenient when open shelves and various drawers are arranged above or around it, allowing you to store work and educational materials. They can also be used to display memorabilia.

A retractable or folding tabletop is also a very convenient option for narrow kitchen. It allows you to make the most of all space. Everyone who loves to cook dreams of a large workplace, but this is not always possible in our apartments. However, a transforming table will always help out by providing an additional work surface. And then it is easy to clean and put away.

An additional advantage is the variety of models this piece of furniture. They are produced absolutely in different styles and complete sets, the tabletop can extend or fold out, and be built into a furniture set.

Such a wide range of options allows you to choose the appropriate model for any home.


A cabinet combined with a table is an excellent choice for many types of rooms. After all, it helps to save space in the room, and is also stylish solution room decoration.

There are many types of such furniture:


This cabinet is a piece of furniture with modification possibilities: it can be a retractable tabletop, which is hidden in a secret drawer, or a folding version. Such models can be angular or have a traditional design.

This also includes such an extraordinary method of organizing a workspace as desk in the niche of the built-in linen closet. Sliding doors hide the tabletop and chair and open when needed. Transformable wardrobes or modular headsets can have different types valves Most convenient sliding options, since they do not require additional space in the room.

There are also options with ordinary doors, which sometimes may seem preferable due to their appearance.

In addition, they will look more organic in classic, restrained interiors without a hint of modernity.

With racks

Since a wardrobe with a transforming table can be intended not only for clothes, but also for other small items, for example, books, it is often available with shelves. They can be open or closed or have specific zoning. Open areas are designed to display beautiful things. They are also used in children's rooms to store books and toys.

Acquisition closed cabinets This type of device is not advisable for children, since it can be difficult for children to use, and also pose an additional source of danger. Closed shelves usually serve as niches for linen and clothing, although this is not necessary. Some people don't like to store their things in plain sight, especially in the kitchen or living room, so they prefer these options.

Wall mounted

A wall-mounted cabinet table is attached to the wall at a certain height to also serve as a workspace. This usually applies to desks. The tabletop can be folding or retractable. Sometimes it is an extension of a stationary workplace.

This option looks unusual and is very convenient in everyday life.

You can place the necessary educational materials and writing supplies on the shelves, and hang an organizer on the wall opposite.


This cabinet is also called “with a secret”. This is because it looks like an ordinary piece of furniture with a large central section. However, the door of this compartment hinges on durable metal fastenings, turning into a desk. It is better not to put a lot of books and textbooks on such a tabletop, so it is considered the most preferable for working with a laptop.

This option is chosen by those who do not work so much at a desk that they need to furnish a separate office for this or buy a massive, expensive table. However, if such a need arises periodically, the secretary is ready to provide a workplace of the required size.

The Bureau

Of course, modern modifications of such a table combined with a cabinet are also possible.


The folding table is a spacious cabinet with drawers and folding doors. This is very convenient option For small apartments during the holidays, since when unfolded, such a table allows you to seat a large number of guests and turn the living room or kitchen into a dining room. And after that it’s easy to fold and put away; it will take up 30-60 cm of space, which is quite a bit.

Its drawers are convenient for storing dishes that are not used every day, tablecloths, napkins and other similar small items. The modest dimensions of the cabinet-table allow it to be stored even in a closet or on the balcony, however, it can be used every day, for example, by opening only one door.


Among the most preferred options for the design of the cabinet-table, of course, natural wood. This material has the highest hygienic properties. It is considered the most environmentally friendly. Some even argue that wood has an overall positive effect on human health and well-being, concluding that living in wood interiors natural materials can help improve health and improve emotional background.

In addition, it is a very aesthetic material that can take on any color and texture. But such products can be very expensive. Therefore, many people prefer options made from chipboard. It consists of slabs of compressed sawdust covered with a decorative layer.

This option can be a good replacement for wood, as it is quite environmentally friendly and durable.

Finally, there are plastic models. As a rule, they are used in a limited number of interiors, for example, in high-tech style. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the quality of this material so as not to purchase a toxic product. You should not chase the lowest possible price, since such a product can sometimes disappoint.

High-quality plastic or acrylic is safe for humans and unpretentious to use, which is important factor when choosing furniture.


Modern tables-cabinets can be of any colors. White pieces of furniture and models made of light wood look great in the interior. They visually make the room more spacious and add cheerfulness.

Dark furniture suits calm, balanced people. It looks more expensive and has more status, which is why it is often placed in reception areas and offices. Black wood is perhaps the most eccentric option in color design transforming cabinet. Ebony wood fiber has this color, which is very expensive, but the result is worth it.

It is also the most durable wood known, making items made from it built to last.

A small apartment, like no other, needs an ergonomic design. And in larger apartments, sometimes there is a need to hide the workplace from prying eyes, especially if it is not possible to arrange a full-fledged office. Suitable in both cases wardrobe with table inside. Such a table can be a kind of cabinet shelf, or a folding door will serve as a working surface. Both options refer us to desks - secretaries, in the depths of which many secrets and touching little things were hidden.

Builder's Book

Builder's Book

Builder's Book

Builder's Book

Builder's Book

Modern designers, knowing the needs of the population, propose using cabinets with built-in tables in the interior. This is not only convenient, it is quite practical - close the cabinet doors and creative chaos not visible to your visitors.

Builder's Book

Builder's Book

Builder's Book

As an option cabinet with table It is worth considering wall cabinets, the doors of which turn into a full-fledged workplace with one movement. In the depths of such a table you can find enough space to arrange everything you need and at the same time, in closed state- its laconic design is suitable for any interior style.

Builder's Book

Builder's Book

Builder's Book

Builder's Book

Builder's Book

Builder's Book

Builder's Book

An interesting solution is to attach the folding table directly to the cabinet door. The only inconvenience of the tables described above is that it becomes necessary to tidy up everything on its surface by closing it.

Builder's Book

Builder's Book

Builder's Book

Has the same characteristic folding table with wall mount, with the only difference that it does not provide storage space. Such a table can be made completely invisible by painting all its parts to match the wall. Or, as an option, turn the folding table into an element of wall decor by making its reverse side in the form of a photograph or painting in a frame.

Builder's Book

Builder's Book

We are used to seeing extendable tables in the kitchen, most often this is a way to increase the working surface of the countertop, or to create a small table for breakfast. However, if you attach a shelf with a pull-out block to the wall, then such a table will be indispensable in places where you need to quickly find support for notes.

Whatever your choice, any of the ideas we present will save space and can make life more comfortable.

Modular furniture is always particularly convenient and functional. By combining a computer desk with a cabinet, you get a comfortable workplace for a nursery or an office.


Often a computer desk is used not only for working on a PC, but also as the main workplace. In the rooms of children and teenagers, it plays the role of a place for study, creativity and reading. Getting up from your seat all the time to get a book needed for work from the closet, especially if the home library is located in another room, for example, the living room, is not very convenient. That's why computer desks with a cabinet appeared, allowing you to store books nearby.

This piece of furniture provides a spacious console with space for installing an LCD monitor or laptop, and you can also write on it. Bookshelves surround the workplace, making it easy to reach the volume you need. It will be convenient for students and schoolchildren to store notebooks, albums and other educational materials in the closet.

The cabinet can also be equipped with small closed or open niches. The latter are usually used to install a system unit inside. However, if you have a laptop and not a computer, you can use it at your discretion. Closed compartments are used to put away papers, books, textbooks or toys, if we are talking about a children's room.


Computer desks combined with a cabinet come in different models.


Computer desk, combined with shelving, is ideal option to organize a place to work and study at home. Large tables able to replace a separate bookcase. More modest-sized tables with shelves can be used to store the most necessary books and reference books next to the computer.


In addition to stationary computer tables combined with a cabinet, there are folding and retractable pieces of furniture. They can be an ordinary cabinet where the working console is hidden. However, with one movement of the hand, it is easy to slide out the work panel and turn it into a desk or a place to work on the computer.

Such transforming tables in last years have gained enormous popularity primarily as furnishings for children's rooms. They combine several elements of furniture at once, which makes them an economical and ergonomic option.

With roll-out shelves

Additional shelves can be pulled out from under the tabletop. You can put a keyboard from a desktop computer there or use it to store printer paper. Pull-out shelves at the bottom of this item are used to organize office equipment.

With multi-level tabletop

Work surfaces in corner tables adjacent to different walls, can be located on different heights. This is done for zoning, separating, for example, the area for working on a computer from the writing area.


Sometimes it is most convenient to hide the console until the time it is needed, for example, if the desk is not used daily or is part of a living room set.

In such cases, a secretary comes to the rescue. This interior element originated in France and is a small cabinet with drawers and niches for storing things, where the working panel has a folding mechanism.

With add-ons

This modern models computer desks with additional shelves above the tabletop. They can be used to store books, notebooks, CDs and decorative items. For example, a large amount of free space allows you to decorate your work area with framed photographs and memorable souvenirs. They will help spark inspiration while working at your desk.

The Bureau

Another popular replacement classic model desk. It is a mini chest of drawers with a high back wall and drawers, which are located not only as usual under the tabletop, but also above it. The upper compartments store writing utensils and other important items.

This is a very archaic design item, which is usually an element of baroque and classic interiors, and serves more as a decorative detail than a functional one.

With wardrobe

If desired, you can hide your workspace in the closet. Sliding doors easy to open to reveal the console. A chair can also be stored there. This technique helps not to clutter the bedroom or living room space with additional furniture. This option will also appeal to those in whose workplace there is always artistic chaos. Spacious shelves can be arranged above the workplace.

For clothes

Sometimes modular sets combine in one element not only a workplace, but also a wardrobe. Although at first glance this division seems unusual, it is not entirely true. An array of cabinetry separates the computer desk from the rest of the room, creating a work nook. It is believed that clear zoning of a room significantly helps in the process of work or relaxation, since a conditioned reflex is developed.

Therefore, people who find it difficult to focus on work at home may want to consider purchasing such a model. It is very economical while providing large space for storing things. Sometimes located above the tabletop sleeping area. Such models are popular in the rooms of children and teenagers.


Corner computer desks come in various sizes and vary in the height and width of the tabletop, as well as in the dimensions of the accompanying accessories.

Even in small bedroom it is possible to install a corner table with bookshelves or a pencil case. Its tabletop may be narrower than that of office giants, but it is quite enough to ensure comfortable work. Large comfortable tables are most often located in apartments in living rooms, when it is decided to allocate several zones in this room, including a working one, or in workrooms of offices and private houses.

In addition, they are ideal for children, since the spacious tabletop can accommodate all the necessary textbooks for homework, a sketchbook and art materials. Often when doing crafts, the floor is used for this purpose, but a large computer desk can solve this problem.

The most preferred models are medium in height: about 80-90 centimeters. They are suitable for an adult of average height or a teenager. Lines of children's furniture have special dimensions that correspond to the height of a child of a certain age.

The width of the tabletop also starts from 80 centimeters. This is a more individual indicator, and suitable model should be selected based on your own needs and the size of the room.


Modern production allows us to produce furniture in any color: from natural to wood structure to bright and aggressive. It is recommended to choose more neutral options, especially for office furniture. Tables made of black or light wood are ideal for any interior. Tea tree colored furniture looks beautiful. It has a wide selection of shades and looks cozy and cheerful. Bright plastic tables They are most convenient in children’s rooms, but you need to be prepared for the fact that such furniture will soon become boring or will have to be changed during renovation.

How to choose?

To choose a computer desk, you need to pay attention to several factors:

  • Size work surface. The console should easily fit all the necessary things, and above all, equipment.
  • Dimensions. When choosing a piece of furniture, you need to come to the store with measurements already taken and clearly know what width and length of table can be placed in a particular room.
  • Capacity. The advantage of combined tables is precisely extra space for storing books and other things. Therefore, the more shelves and additional compartments the table has, the better.
  • Convenience. The table must be suitable for the person in height so that he maintains correct posture. You also need to make sure that there is a sufficient distance between the monitor and the eyes of the person working at the computer. To do this, the width of the tabletop must be at least 80 cm.
  • Strength. All fastenings must be strong, and the fittings must be free of potholes and cracks. Legs and other elements of the table must be of high quality and can withstand the weight of the table and additional things.
  • Material. Modern luxury tables are made from solid wood. They are heavy and large and are suitable for the offices of businessmen and dignitaries.

Most of these pieces of furniture are made from chipboard. They are much cheaper in price, but almost as good in quality and can last for years. It is eco-friendly and durable material. Manufacturers also produce tables made of plastic or pieces of furniture with metal elements For modern interiors. All these materials are durable and proven in furniture making, so the choice depends only on personal preference.

It is imperative that the design of the table is in harmony in color and style with the rest of the elements of the room.

Options in the interior

When starting the difficult process of choosing a comfortable and functional desk, you first need to familiarize yourself with ready-made examples use of this piece of furniture in the interior.

The laconic monochrome design of the cabinet makes it look good in any interior. It will be appropriate even in the office. This piece of furniture perfectly combines open and closed areas. The table is equipped with a side pencil case for storing books or other things, as well as a spacious storage compartment. It has a very convenient nightstand with a drawer in which you can store personal items or office supplies. Above the console there are shelves for storing books. Another advantage of the table is pull-out shelf for the keyboard. The width of the tabletop allows you to keep the monitor at a sufficient distance from your eyes.

This model is a great example modular furniture. It is functional, stylish and does not require additional items. To create complete bedroom furniture, you just need to add a sleeping place.

A spacious corner computer desk is indispensable for a student or schoolchild. The size of the working surface allows you to easily place both a desktop computer and leaves room for writing and reading. This parameter acquires great importance in this case, because the desk does not have a pull-out shelf for the keyboard. But it is equipped with a stand for the system unit. The add-on allows you to comfortably place all the necessary books and textbooks. They will always be at hand. In addition, this piece of furniture has an additional compartment for books in the adjacent nightstand with drawers.

A stylish and youthful desk that is also suitable for working at a computer. Its design resembles a bar counter. The set includes a small cabinet with two drawers, which can serve as a stand for office equipment. The table is combined with a spacious bookcase. The advantage of the model is that it can be placed anywhere in the room, including in the corner. By placing it in the center, you can create an interesting zoning effect. White color module refreshes the room.