home · On a note · Lightweight electric garden saw for women. How to choose a good electric saw: what to look for before buying a unit? The advantages of this model

Lightweight electric garden saw for women. How to choose a good electric saw: what to look for before buying a unit? The advantages of this model

It's hard to imagine a woman with a jackhammer or chainsaw. However, the modern feminization of men forces women to be independent and self-reliant. Therefore, a power saw for women appeared on sale; even if it is small and light, it is still potentially dangerous during work.

The crackling sound and smell of burning wood create a unique atmosphere, which is why a fireplace is the dream of many women. But for it to come to life, you need to take care of the firewood and saw. For work in the yard, an electric wood saw has proven itself well; it does not make much noise, and it does not need to be started, like a chainsaw.

Equipment for sawing firewood

A folding stand for cutting wood has appeared on sale. It is simple and easy to use. Cutting wood with an electric saw makes it much easier. It is easy to install a log on the stand without the help of a second person. The stand has a clamping lever with an adjuster designed to different thickness logs

The object being cut is held rigidly and at a convenient height, so that the worker does not bend over and can cut the wood into equal pieces.

The biggest benefit of the stand is that it eliminates the problem of the saw getting dirty when it comes into contact with the ground. The holder is ideal for cutting medium-sized tree trunks, beams, old boards from 5 to 20 cm thick.

The advantage of the stand over the classic trestle for cutting firewood:

Even when working with a small electric saw you need work clothes , it will ensure safety, which is very important when working with mechanical tools. The overalls are useful not only for cutting wood, but also for other work in the garden.

To protect your hands from possible cuts, you must remember to wear gloves. The material from which they are made will ensure a reliable hold of the working power tool in your hands. Anti-noise headphones will also be helpful.

Wood hacksaw

A hacksaw and a bow saw are hand tool for cutting wood. They can be used for gardening. Ideal for cutting thick branches and twigs. The hacksaw does not burden your hands. It is best to choose a model with a hardened, stainless steel cutting blade with fine teeth. Because this one is manual the tool requires great physical effort from the user, then it is not suitable for women.

Mechanical saws

To speed up the process of sawing logs, you can use a mechanical tool, for example:

  • chainsaw with internal combustion engine;
  • hand power saw;
  • cordless saw.

They require less effort. In addition, they will be useful for performing other work. Before you decide to purchase, you need to think about the purpose and quantity of firewood for cutting. If you have no experience, you should choose a saw with less power. It's easier to use. Length selection cutting tool depends on the diameter of the tree and its hardness. The more power the saw has, the longer the blade.

Electric saws are easy to use and lighter in weight than other types of mechanical tools for sawing logs. They are designed to be powered from the mains. Their additional advantage is that they do not emit exhaust gases. Unfortunately, their range is limited by the length of the cable. A hand-held electric circular saw and an alligator are not suitable for cutting cylindrical objects; they are successfully used by carpenters when sawing boards and chipboards.

Chainsaws with internal combustion engines are designed to run on a mixture of gasoline and oil. On average, a single tank refill lasts approximately 1.5 hours of operation. Thanks to this, they give greater freedom of action than in the case electric saw.

When choosing a chainsaw, you should take into account its power, the number of revolutions of the chain, weight and availability protective device. For lovely ladies the best choice- This is a hand-held electric saw for wood.

Choosing a tool for the garden

For women, a good choice is a cordless electric saw for the garden. There is no need to connect it to the network or add fuel to the tank. Thanks to the battery, it has more possibilities for work. It is better to choose a model with two replacement batteries. The parameters of saws with a battery are lower than those with electric and internal combustion drives, so they are best suited for work in the home and garden.

The wide range of tools does not make choosing them easy. When purchasing, you should not be guided only by price. Durability and ease of use must be taken into account. The right equipment will make it easier to cut wood for the fireplace and trim trees in the garden. Wide choose light electric saws for summer cottages Leroy Merlin will satisfy the needs of many women.

Electric utility saw

Experts recommend replacing the hand saw with an electric vibrating hacksaw from the Ferm brand. It is very convenient for working in the garden. In order for the garden to bloom in a riot of colors in the spring, you need to prepare it for winter. Plants go into a dormant state in the fall and it is then that you can safely carry out the procedure of pruning excess shoots. Mostly young trees are pruned to form a crown. As a rule, dry and diseased branches are pruned, especially in fruit trees.

The FRS 710 model is driven by a 710 W engine. It has a smooth adjustment in the range from 600 to 2500 rpm, which allows you to adjust the cutting parameters taking into account the hardness of the material.

There is an excellent new product - a more powerful lightweight electric garden saw for women FRS 800 K, characterized by the best parameters cutting You can cut wood and plastic up to 150 mm, as well as steel up to 3 mm thick. The device is equipped with an 800 Watt motor with adjustment from 600 to 2500 rpm. Both models show great movement saw blade(30 mm), which when cutting wood has great importance.

The saws are supplied in a convenient suitcase with keys and two blades. More importantly, the standardized tool mounting system allows the wide range of blades available on the market to be used.

Ferm saws are universal reciprocating tools; they cut workpieces of both round and flat sections. In the latter case, they can be used as a jigsaw, cutting out shapes of complex shapes. Ideal for cutting wood, metal, brick and bone.

The advantage of oscillating saws over miter saws is the fact that they do not itch while cutting. Electric saw 710 has good characteristics:

It can replace a jigsaw, as it allows you to cut holes in wooden slabs, cut in an arc, each operation can be performed in any position. It has a motor rotation speed regulator, which allows you to work in a wide range of cutting mode selection, taking into account the hardness of the material. An additional benefit is the improved cutting tool replacement system. The rubberized handle provides a secure grip and reduces harmful effects vibrations. Features of the VLO785 model:

  1. Voltage/frequency 230 volts/50 Hz.
  2. Power 850 Watt.
  3. Rotation speed without load is from 800 to 2 thousand 700 rpm.
  4. The stroke length of the working blade is 26 mm.
  5. Cutting angle range up to 45 degrees.
  6. The maximum cutting thickness of steel is 15 mm.

Battery powered hacksaw

The Bosch Keo cordless garden hacksaw is the ideal gardening tool, cutting branches up to 80 mm thick. The big advantage of this tool is the special “A-Grip” hook, which allows you to quickly and easily cut branches with one hand.

The handle with a soft cover and a pleasant ergonomic design increase the ease of maneuvering the tool. The electric wood saw has a battery charge indicator. A switch with smooth adjustment of the vibration speed of the cutting blade provides a choice of cutting modes taking into account various types material. Product Feature:

Safety at work

Cutting firewood requires proper handling of a power saw. Observe safety precautions when working with a chainsaw or electric hacksaw is important because these devices can cause serious injury if not handled correctly. Cutting firewood with a chainsaw has an advantage over an electric saw in that there is no limitation on the length of the cable. Despite this, cutting firewood with a chainsaw is a difficult process because it is heavy and requires skillful handling. It is quite difficult for women to launch it, which is a serious problem.

When operating a chainsaw when sawing wood, you must take precautions. First of all, hold it securely with both hands. Cut tree trunks only in special device allowing them to be held. Stand out of reach of the cutting blade in case the tool bounces off the cutting object, use common sense and caution. Overconfidence can lead to loss of health.

Before you start cutting firewood with a chainsaw, you should tie your hair (if long), remove all chains and tie. Make sure that the firewood does not contain any metal objects, for example, nails. The chainsaw should only be used for sawing wood.

Maintaining a chainsaw is an inevitable process that is carried out according to the instructions. For women who are not comfortable with technology, it will be difficult to carry out saw maintenance with their own hands, such as sharpening the teeth and tensioning the chain.

And finally, cutting firewood is a necessity, one way or another, to stock up on a decent quality saw and learn how to use this indispensable tool.

At the beginning and end of the season, summer residents and gardeners rush to their properties to prune trees and shrubs. For this work, depending on its volume, a regular, folding garden saw or a mechanized equivalent will be useful. Use this tool to cut branches with a diameter greater than 3 cm.

Garden tool design

  1. The fundamental difference between carpentry and garden saws consists in the fact that the first saw dry, i.e. dead wood, the second cut a living plant.

Based on this, garden tools require extremely high-quality cuts - very smooth, without damaging the bark and without burrs.
This is achieved using the height of the teeth, their special setting, hardening and sharpening.

  1. The smaller the teeth, the thinner and better quality the cut will be.. The best height of the cutting elements is 5/7 mm. Then the bark will not be damaged and you can work faster.
  2. Since branches of different sizes have to be cut, sometimes high altitude, V narrow space and at awkward angles, garden saws of various designs are produced.

They are divided into two main types: hacksaws and bow analogues.

Garden hacksaw

  1. The blade of a garden hacksaw, as a rule, tapers towards the end. It can be straight or curved (sickle-shaped, circular).
  2. The narrow end of the tool makes it easier to cut in hard-to-reach areas. Its circular configuration increases the recess and speeds up work.
  3. The difference between garden tools and carpentry analogues is not only in the size of the teeth, but also in the shape of their front part. A garden hacksaw has a rounded blade. This protects the bark from damage.

A narrow circular hacksaw with a sickle-shaped blade, thanks to small sizes cloves, is capable of making very neat cuts.

Its average dimensions:

  • length 30/35 cm;
  • width 2/4 cm;
  • thickness 1.2 mm;
  • tooth pitch 2/3 mm.

If you need to cut thin branches, you can use a mini hacksaw, which has a flexible blade 16 cm long.

Bow saws

  1. So garden hand saw looks like a shooting bow: it has a frame in the shape of the letter “C”. Between its ends, the canvas is stretched (like a bowstring).
  2. To fix it, a pin or screw is mounted into the handle on one side, and an eccentric-type tensioning device on the other.
  3. The tool frame is located to the blade under acute angle, so the user may injure his palm while working.
  4. Protection—the front element of the handle—helps prevent this. It converts it into a closed loop.
  5. Average length bow saws- from 30 to 91 cm.

The main advantage of this type of device is its extreme durability.
A saw with a rigidly fixed blade wears out greatly during operation, is sharpened, and as a result is thrown away.
The bow analogue can be easily revived by changing the blade.

Special devices

Sometimes situations arise when a conventional tool for work is inconvenient or not suitable at all.

Then special types of saws will help.

  1. This is, for example, a rod device. It is used for cutting tall growing branches. For this purpose, the tool blade is equipped with a long handle, usually telescopic, i.e. folding. To prevent the sickle-shaped cloth from jumping off the branches, the ends of such models are equipped with a hook.

  1. A folding hacksaw has a very low price. Its design is the same as that of a pocket knife. This tool is optimal for amateur gardeners. Its blade can rotate around the locking pin and retract into the handle.
    To prevent the tool from opening spontaneously, it has a special lock. The folding hacksaw has a very short length - from 12 to 17 cm. Its blade has a trapezoidal shape, which prevents the working part from jamming.

  1. Pocket (manual) chain type device. Has very simple design: This is a chain with teeth, 71 cm long and two handles on cords at its ends.

The tool is perfect for trimming thick branches and removing trees of small diameter. Optimal performance is achieved by wrapping the chain around the plant being treated.

How to sharpen a tool

Sharpening garden saws is carried out in the following sequence.

  1. When you open the saw, evaluate the uniformity of the height of its teeth. To do this, attach a file to it on a block.
  2. If some of the teeth protrude, they should be filed down.
  3. Next comes the sharpening itself. In this case, place the saw blade on the board and secure it on the table/workbench with clamps.
  4. Then start sharpening one edge of the teeth along the entire length of the tool.
  5. After this, the instructions instruct to carry out the same operation on the back side of the cutting elements.
  6. Next, the saw turns to the other side and the process repeats.

Mechanical units

By type of drive there is an electric garden saw and a gasoline one.

Household gasoline lopping saws

Such units have low power.
They have fewer technological and functional bells and whistles than professional machines.
They also have a lower reserve of hours of active use guaranteed by the manufacturer.

The main advantages of household chainsaws are low cost and compactness, and therefore ease of use. Such devices are designed to work 20/25 hours a month.

Battery powered saws

Of the electric analogues, the cordless garden saw is the most convenient.

Its advantages are listed below.

  1. More convenient and easier to use than stationary electric and gasoline counterparts.
  2. Independence from the mains and no wires. This, among other things, means high mobility and maneuverability of the unit.
  3. Smooth launch.
  4. Minimum noise level of the drive.
  5. No exhaust gases.
  6. The tool's engine is simple: it does not need to be closely monitored and cleaned after each use.

The best option is when such a unit has an SDS system so that the chain has easy tension and the tool itself is quick to start.
An additional system for automatic chain lubrication makes the saw more efficient.

The choice of electric saw is no exception. This tool, although inferior in power to its gasoline counterpart, has a number of undeniable advantages. A power saw is not suitable for large-scale work. But for owners of dachas and private houses this indispensable assistant. We’ll talk about the types of saws and how to choose an electric saw for your dacha below.

The main criterion when choosing a saw should be your dacha. Why? The whole point is that it is the range of tasks that will influence the choice.

Types of power saws

The heart of our device is the electric motor. It is installed in two positions: along and across. The former, due to their design features, lengthen the electric saw. An engine located transversely, firstly, makes the device wider, and secondly, heavier. This is due to the inclusion of a gearbox in the design.

Electric saws are divided into:

  • chain;
  • disk;
  • saber

Chain ones are those whose working part is a chain with cutting elements. The edges of the chain are connected to form a ring. The cutting process occurs due to the rotation of the cutting element along the body along a guide (the so-called “tire”).

Before choosing a chain for an electric saw, you need to pay attention to its profile. Low profile chains have lower productivity than higher profile cutting tools. But the vibration in this case is lower, which means high security work. A video about choosing a chain saw will help you pay attention to the most important points:

Replaceable discs are used as the cutting element of the circular saw. They can be various diameters and are designed for different materials.

If cutting with discs involves working with metal and stone, it is better to choose a tool with a cutting depth of 100 to 130 mm. The inconvenience is that such a tool weighs from 10 kg. Therefore, when choosing an electric saw, you need to look for a model with the possibility of permanent installation.

Reciprocating saws are also called electric hacksaws. They are very similar to chain tools. The difference is the installation of flat panels in such products. They move back and forth, resulting in cutting. The speed of the cutting part can reach 3 thousand movements per minute. This parameter will be one of the important ones when choosing a reciprocating electric saw. The tool is quite effective because its cost is high:

Differences between gasoline and electric saws

  • Ease of operation. An electric saw is much easier to work with than a gasoline saw. This is due to the fact that the power of the device is lower and the speed is lower;
  • mobility. Naturally, with the petrol version you will be able to move around much more freely;
  • efficiency. To use a chainsaw we will have to consumables, buy not only oil, but also gasoline. The electric analogue only needs a connection to the network or a battery;
  • weight. The power saw wins here. Because the power is less and there is no gasoline, our power tools are much more convenient to use and carry.

Disadvantages of electric saws

  • limited operating range due to power cord. Using an extension cord you can increase our working radius by several meters. But this cannot be compared with the ability to walk and work with a saw where we want. Although here too, electric saw manufacturers can help us by installing a battery in the tool. This, of course, will increase our mobility, but will also force us to monitor the charge, storage and operating conditions. Batteries do not like the cold and discharge very quickly when operating in a low temperature range;
  • working hours. The total operating time of the saw cannot exceed several hours a day. Moreover, the time of continuous activity is no more than a few minutes. This is due to the rapid overheating of working mechanisms;
  • strong dependence on the network. Here we are faced with the most big problem. On the one hand, the saw can become a problem - plugs fly out, wiring burns out. On the other hand, the network can cause the power tool to fail. This is due to the fact that either high or low voltage can be observed. Not to mention the power surge. All this leads to rapid wear of parts of the tool or, completely, to its unsuitability.

Advice ! When purchasing a powerful electric saw, make sure that the electrical network of your home or cottage can handle the power of the tool.

Criteria for choosing a chain saw

In this chapter we will talk about how to choose a chain saw and what criteria you need to pay attention to:

  • the most important criterion is engine power. It is this parameter that we will mainly have to build on. This is due to the fact that a more powerful model consumes more energy. We all know that the power grid is rural areas due to the unnecessary need for large loads, it is done with the expectation of low energy consumption. As soon as you want to connect a powerful saw to such a network, you risk knocking out the plugs. This is the best case scenario. At worst, you will simply burn out all the wiring;
  • thermostat. As mentioned earlier, the continuous operation time of an electric saw is only a few minutes. This is due to overheating. To protect our instrument from overheating, we need a thermal relay. Therefore, before choosing an electric chain saw, take care of its availability;
  • price. It also depends on power. The more expensive, the more powerful. Although, there is one point here too. Electric saws with a motor located along the body are slightly more expensive than other arrangements. This is due to increased ease of use;
  • oil. Our future saw still has one tank. It is intended for lubricant. Basically, it comes into operation together with starting the engine, and our task is reduced to monitoring the oil level in the tank. The type of lubricant to be poured is indicated by the manufacturer in the instructions;
  • chain tension system. The cost of the device also depends on it. The state of tension must be constantly monitored. A flying part can injure or damage the power tool itself and the worker. Hence there are several types of tension mechanisms. In the simplest ones, we will have to remove the protective casing and use a nut to control the tension. Well, in more expensive models, this system is simplified and removed separate element to the external panel;
  • environmental friendliness. If you are a supporter of nature protection and environment, then an electric chain saw is definitely your choice. This is primarily due to the fact that it does not use gasoline and has no gas emissions into the atmosphere. Hence its advantage, which is worth considering when choosing an electric chain saw. You can work with such a saw in a confined space without fear of getting poisoned by exhaust gases. Well, as a nice bonus, it is several times quieter than its gasoline counterpart.

Advice ! When choosing a chain saw online, be sure to read reviews from previous customers.

Types of power saws for wood

Depending on what type of wood we have to work with, we can choose a power tool.

The best assistant in the country when working with:

  • cutting branches and branches;
  • cutting wood;
  • small preparation of firewood for the winter;

handle it with a chain saw. For these types of work we will need a tool with a power of 1000 to 2000 watts. After reading reviews on how to choose an electric chain saw, you can understand in more detail the scope of its application.

For more accurate work (installation work, for example), a reciprocating electric saw is suitable for us. The length of its blade varies from 10 to 35 cm and allows you to work very comfortably with wood and laminate. This tool will be needed where you need to make curly or simply non-straight cuts in the material.

For the remaining tool (circular saw) we have a cutting job chipboard sheets, pipes and metal sheets. There is a clarification here. For each material we need a specific disk, and the circular saw itself comes in two versions: manual and stationary.

Which brand of chain saw to choose

In this section we will talk specifically about which electric chain saw to choose.

There are several types of electric saws: professional, for personal use and so-called cordless ones. The latter are suitable for landscape work and are not intended for processing medium and thick wood. The Makita BUC122RFE model is considered the best for such types of work. Light weight and two batteries allow you to carry out decorating work comfortably.

Knowing how to choose a manufacturer electric chain saws You can narrow down the range of products you need. The manufacturer must have been on the market for a long time, have positive reviews from clients and develop in your field of activity.

For needs around the house and dacha, as we have already said, the power of which varies between 1000-2000 watts, it is perfect Bosch model AKE 35. Its power is 1600 W, and the bar is 0.35 m. There is a system for convenient chain tension, in which we do not have to disassemble half of the electric saw. Well, the weight (4 kg) will pleasantly surprise you. It is, of course, heavier than a garden tool, but there is good power here, which will become excellent choice electric saws for the garden.

The last type is professional chain saws. Here the leader is the Makita UC4030A. Its power is 2000 W, and the chain length is 0.4 m. This tool will allow you to comfortably deal with all wooden workpieces not only at home, but also in the country.

How to care for your electric chain saw

If you properly care for the tool, it does not require any effort during operation. To do this, we need to disassemble it every time after working with the saw. Remove foreign parts that have gotten into the device itself and are stuck in the circuit. If the saw does not have an automatic supply of lubricant for the cutting part, then it is imperative to lubricate it after cleaning.

Since ideally we take such tools for the dacha, we store them in unheated rooms. After such a long storage period, it is advisable to keep the saw in a warm room for about a day. This is necessary in order to protect the power tool from condensation formed. A forum for a summer residence does not always provide information on how to choose a power saw. useful information on this topic. After all, each tool has its own storage specifics.

One of the first saws invented by man was the bow saw. It was made with your own hands, easily customized, and was accessible to everyone. There would be canvases. One inconvenience is that you need to hold it with both hands.

lightweight cordless reciprocating saw for wood

Then a hacksaw was invented that could be easily held with one hand. And the second hand held the piece of wood being processed. So as not to get tired working hand, the hacksaw was replaced by a reciprocating electric saw.

For a dacha - simply an irreplaceable option. You can trim branches from trees, cut firewood, and do carpentry work on your property without getting tired.

In essence, a reciprocating saw is a jigsaw, only the hacksaw blade comes out from the end, like the chuck of an electric drill. It is much safer to work with than chain saw, and cuts can be made as neatly and precisely as with a circular saw.

What is a power saw for?

The application is almost unlimited. Using a variety of blades, you can cut firewood, carefully cut the workpiece for window frame, cut out an old door frame, cut a brick or asbestos-cement pipe, saw a metal corner.

application reciprocating saw in hard to reach places

cutting bricks with a reciprocating saw

The main advantage of this tool is its ease of use and its weight. Compact specimens can be easily held with one hand, allowing you to work in awkward positions and reach the most inaccessible places.

How to choose one universal one from a variety of models?

First you need to decide on the application:

  • If you have to build a bathhouse or country house– you need a heavy saw with the ability to hold long blades, and designed to last for a long time.
  • For small carpentry projects, a universal one is suitable easy option, the same saw can be used for pruning the garden or preparing small firewood for the fireplace or
  • If you do carpentry, you need a saw that can make straight, burr-free cuts, such as an alligator type with two opposing blades.
  • For constant metal work, you need a powerful copy with good cooling.