home · Networks · Moisture-resistant putty for the bathroom. Moisture-resistant putty is an excellent choice for wet rooms. Types and compositions of putties

Moisture-resistant putty for the bathroom. Moisture-resistant putty is an excellent choice for wet rooms. Types and compositions of putties

Not only the façade is exposed to water. Putty for bathrooms, swimming pools and even kitchens should also be moisture-resistant. It acquires its qualities thanks to the main component or additives. Often for finishing interior walls use materials based on Portland cement for exterior work. Latex putty is used only inside.

Moisture-resistant facade compositions for damp areas in the house

Another hail of questions rained down on me when Vadik and I were preparing to finish the walls and ceiling in the pool and bathroom. He was interested in waterproof facade putty, and what materials have such qualities. How does gypsum cease to be hygroscopic? Why is latex putty not popular as an exterior putty? It's waterproof.

To begin with, I listed moisture-resistant putties to a friend:

  • cement;
  • gypsum;
  • acrylic;
  • latex.

Then he talked about the features of each group, and he decided which putty is suitable for finishing the pool and bathroom, that the kitchen also needs a waterproof finish or protective aprons near the taps.

Moisture-resistant materials can completely repel water, while still allowing walls to breathe. Most waterproof putties are not breathable. The room needs good ventilation. Use them in living rooms not recommended.

Cement compositions are used as facade

Finishing bathroom walls with moisture-resistant putty

Finely ground Portland cement serves as the basis for most façade putties and plasters. It hardens well in a humid environment and becomes stronger if it is watered for the first 24 hours. The following are used as additives that improve its properties:

  • lime;
  • sand;
  • gypsum;
  • polymers;
  • fiber;
  • glue;
  • minerals;
  • antiseptics.

The dry mixture can contain 2–3 components and be made independently. Complex compositions are prepared using special equipment. They have minimal shrinkage and high strength. Stone and stone are used as façade cladding clinker tiles. Grinding or grouting is used to achieve a surface suitable for painting.

For interior work cement putty is used in damp and non-residential premises. Under tiling, it is applied to a reinforcing mesh.

Flaw cement mortars in low vapor permeability. They are not recommended for use in decorating the walls of living rooms.

My friend and I used cement putty to finish the basement and façade. Fits perfectly on her decorative plaster and paint. The foundation is covered with adhesive-based stone cladding.

Gypsum with polymers and hydrophobic additives is not able to absorb water

Everyone knows that gypsum absorbs water, swells and breaks down. Manufacturers have found ways to make it resistant to moisture. Putty contains polymers and hydrophobic substances as additives. They bind the gypsum and it becomes resistant to water.

Antistatics and antiseptics prevent fungi and bacteria from developing in a wall coated with gypsum. At the same time, gypsum retains its ability to support optimal microclimate. He absorbs excess moisture With damp air and gives it away when the room becomes very dry. Cement and latex don't do this.

Finishing with moisture-resistant putty yourself

Vadik decided that gypsum putty would be suitable for the kitchen. There is little dampness in it, only during cooking. Most the couple takes the hood. To be on the safe side, in addition to an apron above the tables, a friend decided to install glass on the walls near the taps, protecting them from splashes.

It was decided to decorate the pool cement mixture and coat with water repellents. This guaranteed complete waterproofing and made it possible to beautiful finish glass mosaic.

Acrylic putty for facades and interiors

Acrylic putty is widely used, it is produced:

  • for outdoor work;
  • for interiors;
  • damp rooms;
  • decorative

Various components give it necessary qualities. It is usually released white for painting. Partially decorative putty is tinted during production or in large stores special machines. Covered with mineral and acrylic paints.

Acrylic varnish combined with gypsum is used as a moisture-resistant putty. They make it themselves to seal small cracks and gaps around pipes.

I prefer ready-made mixtures. My friend loves to experiment, and during his aunt’s renovation, he made a plaster composition on acrylic varnish. He added talc and dry CMC to it. He was unable to polish the surface.

Latex mixture is used only inside buildings

Moisture-resistant putty for wall finishing

Latex putty is flexible. It can be used on walls that continue to deform during the shrinkage process. It does not peel off on flexible elements of light floors. Coated with a mineral primer, the latex mixture adheres well to paints. When dried, it forms on the surface protective film. It makes the wall glossy. The paint applies evenly and retains its shine for years.

Despite the ability to repel water, latex putty is not used on the outside. When exposed to UV rays, it becomes brittle and breaks down. Does not withstand elastic composition and low temperatures. When frozen, it loses its plasticity and shrinks.

But in rooms with a constant temperature up to next repair will remain unchanged. It maintains a glossy surface for 20 years. The consumption is small. The optimal layer thickness is half a millimeter. Not used for textured decoration.

Fungus does not grow under latex putty. It contains a large number of antiseptics. Therefore, it is often used to finish damp corners in rooms.

Preparing the walls

We putty the walls with a moisture-resistant mixture

Wall preparation is standard. The surface should be cleaned of dust. Then the cracks are sealed with the serpyanka mesh secured. Moisture-resistant putties are applied thin layer. If the unevenness is large, then the number of coatings can be up to five.

It is advisable to coat the surface with primer and each layer twice. In this case, the direction of the brush or roller should be perpendicular.

Moisture-resistant putty it costs much more than a regular one, and many novice craftsmen consider its purchase a waste of money. But is such savings always justified? Sometimes the desire to save a little leads to additional costs, because a putty composition that is unsuitable for the conditions of the room absorbs moisture, becomes deformed, and finishing will lose its attractiveness.

Importance of application

In the bathroom, kitchen or outdoors, if you use conventional putty compounds, the following will soon happen:

  1. The putty will absorb moisture in the air and swell.
  2. The adhesion of the putty mixture to the base will become weak.
  3. A weak connection with the base will lead to decorative finishing will begin to crack or peel.

The recently completed renovation will no longer look perfect and will have to be redone. And these are additional financial expenses.

How to choose a putty mixture

Which waterproof putty is better? How to choose a composition that will provide the ideal appearance finishing and will not absorb moisture? To do this, it is worth considering the main components of moisture-resistant putty. The material is made from:

  • cement;
  • gypsum;
  • acrylic;
  • latex.


The main component of this mixture is Portland cement, to which polymer additives have been added. It is sold in the form of a dry mixture, and before application to the surface it is diluted in the required proportion with water.

The diluted cement composition hardens very quickly, so it is recommended to dilute a small amount of powder at a time. Distinctive feature compositions for leveling walls with cement is that the higher the humidity environment at the moment of hardening, the stronger the connection becomes. In the first day, to obtain increased strength, it is recommended to water the applied putty mass, and it is better to finish the facades on a rainy or foggy day. Another plus: any finishing material fits well on a cement base.

This is the ideal putty for wet areas, pools and facades, but its cost is high. Those who want to save money are advised to familiarize themselves with the features of other moisture-resistant mixtures and then determine which one can be purchased to level the surface if there is high humidity in the room.


For production, a gypsum cement mixture is used. Gypsum putty has almost the same strength as cement, but only after complete hardening. It is rarely used in a swimming pool, but quite often for finishing facades, bathrooms or kitchens.

Gypsum putty for a bathroom or for a facade has one big disadvantage: within 24 hours after its application, until complete polymerization occurs, the surrounding atmosphere must be dry. This means that you will not be able to use the bathroom, and the weather outside must be warm, dry. If this rule is not followed, it may happen that the plaster absorbs excess moisture and adhesion to the leveled surface is disrupted. Gypsum putty costs a little less than cement putty.


  • ease of use;
  • environmentally friendly (do not contain toxic substances);
  • low cost.

Manufacturers produce dry powder with acrylic and polymer components, which must be diluted with water before use, as indicated in the instructions. The composition is available as a universal one or for use depending on the type of base (additionally contains components that protect the material). Thus, anti-corrosion components are added to the mixture for puttying metal, and wood putty with acrylic will additionally protect the wood from fungus, insects or fire if it is spread in a thin layer over the entire surface of the wood.

Some home craftsmen prefer to make putty paste with acrylic with their own hands, using water acrylic lacquer and gypsum powder. Gypsum is added to the varnish until a uniform consistency of medium viscosity is obtained and quickly applied to the surface. According to reviews from craftsmen, the gypsum-acrylic mixture hardens quickly and ensures strong adhesion to the wall. It is used for outdoor and interior decoration before application finishing coating.


The main advantage of latex is its plasticity, which remains even after drying, so it can be used to level even flexible finishing elements. Putty with latex adheres well to the base and creates a beautiful matte or glossy film on the surface that retains its qualities for more than 10 years. Dries well, maintaining its moisture-resistant qualities even in conditions of high humidity. Various dyes adhere well to latex surfaces.

The disadvantage of latex putty is the ability to collapse under temperature changes and under the influence of sun rays, therefore it is used only for interior work. Latex is widely used in kitchen or bathroom finishing as an environmentally friendly and quick-drying material.

After reviewing all the characteristics, you can decide which putty composition is most suitable for leveling walls before decorative finishing.

Finishing technology

How to work with moisture-resistant putty? Exactly the same as with a regular one, and it doesn’t matter what it’s made from: gypsum, cement or latex. You should not immediately dilute the putty powder, as indicated in the instructions; before using it, you need to carry out several preparatory steps:

  1. Clean the wall. Traces are removed from the surface old decoration, dust and various contaminants. For this, depending on the degree of contamination, a spatula or a metal brush is used. Some craftsmen prefer to use grinder with the appropriate nozzle.
  2. Wash. Some craftsmen neglect this stage, especially when carrying out facade finishing, but washing more completely removes all contaminants. To wash facades or fences, it is recommended to use a portable car wash, and wash the walls in rooms with a brush and rag. It is very important to thoroughly rinse off any detergents used. clean water, otherwise soap components may impair adhesion when applying primer and puttying.
  3. Dry. Drying is not necessary only when using cement putty.
  4. Prime. Applying primer will increase adhesion during puttying and make the connection stronger and more durable.

After the soil has dried, the base is ready, now you can dilute the putty powder as indicated in the instructions. It is necessary to dilute in small quantities, since the mixture thickens quickly.

You need to putty the wall in a thin layer, applying the composition with a rubber spatula and evenly distributing it over the surface. If cracks or dents big size, then you don’t need to try to seal them right away - it’s better to wait for the applied solution to dry, prime it again and repeat the leveling. The number of layers of putty applied when leveling is not limited. It is only important to apply each subsequent layer after the previous one has dried and do not forget to use a primer.

It is a mistake to believe that the use of moisture-resistant putty mixtures is an unnecessary waste of money and that you can get by with conventional compounds. After a couple of years in the kitchen or bathroom (on the facade this will happen within a year), the decorative finish will become deformed and lose its attractive appearance. It will need to be replaced. It is worth calculating the cost of moisture-resistant putty and the costs of premature repairs and concluding that it is more profitable to purchase.

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Waterproof putty: review of popular offers from manufacturers

Are you planning a bathroom renovation? My experience allows me to say that in this case you will need a waterproof putty. An overview of its general qualities and technical characteristics the most popular offers available on construction market, will help me prove it.

General provisions

Please note that the prices in the article are current in spring 2017.

What properties does waterproof putty for wet rooms have? Why is it worth using it when implementing finishing works in the bathroom or swimming pool?

Basic qualities

  1. High moisture resistance. If we are talking about rooms with high humidity, it means that all finishing materials used in them must, first of all, easily tolerate dampness and direct contact with drops of water;

The described quality is necessary for the putty even if it is subsequently covered with another decorative facing material. After all, it will only protect from direct impact water, but not from steam.

  1. Resistance to temperature changes. It's cold in an unused bathroom, but after you fill the tub... hot water, it immediately becomes hot. Regular putty in such cases, its volume begins to change, as a result of which the lining falls off;

  1. Durability. On average, you can count on 20 years of service, so you don’t have to worry about the immediate need for repeated repairs.


The qualities described above have the following types putty:

  1. Cement. The main component of such mixtures is high-quality Portland cement. This construction material When exposed to moisture, it only gains strength and does not lose it. Also a plus should be attributed to the sufficient low cost product. And if you also choose putty with the addition of, for example, marble chips or colored pigments, then you can do without further decoration at all, which will lead to even greater savings;

If you don’t notice cement moisture-resistant putty on the shelves of a hardware store, then you can safely buy façade putty. Since she can withstand weathering, which means he can tolerate the conditions of the bathroom.

  1. Polymer. These are water-dispersed compositions based on acrylic or latex. In addition to high moisture resistance, they are also distinguished by simple instructions operation. The only negative is the relatively high cost.

I do not recommend using gypsum putties in the bathroom, even if they have the appropriate moisture resistance markings. Such mixtures are simply unable to withstand large amounts of steam, temperature changes, and especially direct contact with water.

Offers from manufacturers

You may find the following waterproof putties in hardware stores:

  • « Weber Vetonit»:

  • « Shitrock»:

  • « GLIMS Styro Prime»:

  • « GLIMS Finish-R»:
Parameter Description
Country of manufacture Russia
Suitable materials for processing
  • Concrete;
  • Foam concrete;
  • Aerated concrete;
  • Gypsum;
  • Drywall;
  • Gypsum fiber sheets;
  • Tongue-and-groove slabs;
  • Glass-magnesite sheets;
  • Cement particle boards;
  • Brick;
  • Stone;
  • Cement plaster
Color White
Weight 5 kg
Approximate consumption with a millimeter layer of application 1200 g per square meter
Possible layer thickness 0.1-10 mm
Application method Manual
Curing period Day
Base type Cement
Price 225 rubles

  • « Prospectors Basic Gray»:


You have become familiar with the features and varieties waterproof putties. The video in this article contains Additional materials, and you can ask questions in the comments.

June 14, 2017

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Finishing putty is used at the final stage of finishing work and is intended for ideal leveling of plastered surfaces for further application of paint, wallpaper, etc. However, not all premises are of the same type and require operation in the same conditions, some of them have high humidity and requires acceptance additional measures and use of others finishing materials.

Special finishing mixtures used for wet rooms not only protect the surface from dampness and premature destruction, but also provide resistance to mold and mildew.

Finishing moisture-resistant putty for wet rooms occupies a special place among dry bulk putties. building mixtures and is in high demand among specialists.

Finishing putty can be used in damp rooms to level the following types of surfaces:

  • concrete
  • cement plaster
  • gypsum bases
  • brick
  • wood and wood products

Reliable protection

Dry mixes various manufacturers, used for the manufacture of moisture-resistant putty and preparing the room for painting or applying other types of finishing materials, contain special additives and synthetic-based components.

Thanks to such additives, the composition receives improved technical characteristics, namely:

  • protection against condensation on the surface
  • resistance to possible leaks
  • resistance to moisture release
  • protection against drops entering the material structure
  • immunity to various bacteria and sediments

Right choice

The use of moisture-resistant compounds for wet rooms during their finishing ensures the strengthening of the structure and the preservation of high performance properties throughout the entire operation. That is why more and more construction firms, companies involved in interior finishing work, as well as individuals, are deciding to buy moisture-resistant putty for wet rooms. Moreover, the price of the material is quite reasonable.

The best manufacturing companies for their products, such as KNAUF, for example, or VETONIT, guarantee the safety of coatings for wet rooms for at least 20 years.

In general, finishing putty for wet rooms provides resistance to changes in air temperature, constant high humidity and does not react to external negative impact environment. As a result, the surface reliably holds the material used as a finishing coating - tiles, mosaic, for painting, etc.

Types of materials

Cement finishing putty. The main component is high-quality Portland cement, which, after mixing with water, acquires increased strength and reliability. Specially crushed marble chips or river sand, artificial hardeners and plasticizers. When preparing the surface for painting, it should be taken into account that the color of the surface after drying will be light gray.

KNAUF gypsum putty, which contains special polymers, has an excellent level of water resistance. The material is ideal for wet rooms and other types of premises, if it is necessary to seal seams, joints and technological openings, especially in places of high humidity, possible water leaks, etc. The price of material purchased from official representatives of the company is usually lower than that of competitors.

Waterproof acrylic putty VETONIT (as well as from other manufacturers), a mixture consisting entirely of synthetic materials. Ideal for the bathroom, toilet, kitchen, shower room and in general for wet rooms in the house. The material is durable, reliable, resistant to cracking and can successfully withstand high humidity, including changing temperatures.

Finishing putty on an oil-adhesive basis is sold in finished form, does not require mixing with water or adding any other components.

Buy quality finishing putty from reliable, proven manufacturers, ideal for wet areas, our company offers. All the necessary information is indicated in the catalog, and assistance with the choice suitable option Our managers are always ready to provide assistance.

Finishing waterproof putties are most often used when finishing wet rooms. Such as:

  • bathrooms
  • sanitary facilities
  • swimming pools
  • dressers
  • hallways

The properties of the material from which waterproof putties are made help to preserve the original appearance quite for a long time. When working with finishing putty, you must follow all rules and instructions, otherwise incorrectly performed application technology can lead to renovation work let it go down the drain. Also, do not forget about safety precautions and keeping the tool you are working with clean.

Buy finishing waterproof putty You can by calling the phone number on the website or leaving a request in the shopping cart. Our managers are ready at any time to advise and select the material that you need. When purchasing waterproof putty from us, you receive a quality guarantee. The Virashop store only works with certified products directly from the manufacturer. Fast delivery putties in Moscow and the region. You can view the delivery terms

If you want to buy finishing putty wholesale, we provide a discount system.

Putties are mainly used for final leveling surfaces in order to repair obvious defects.

Their scope is quite wide.

There are compositions for dry rooms, and for exterior finishing or places with high level humidity there is putty for wet rooms.

When preparing floor surfaces for immediate finishing, it is necessary to level out all uneven areas and fill them with putty, applying compounds of the appropriate type and purpose.

As a result, it is clear that not every material will perform correctly under specific conditions, especially wet conditions.

In conclusion, moisture-resistant putty is necessary for the finishing preparation of floors that are constantly exposed to moisture in its various states - such as condensation, steam, fog or rain.

They contain special water-repellent components that prevent water from penetrating into the coating.

The moisture-resistant putty mixture is intended for high-quality repair work in the kitchen, bathrooms, basement, where conventional compounds lose their properties and qualities.

When hardened, waterproofing compounds made on the basis of Portland cement turn into a solid monolith that does not get wet, acquiring greater strength at higher humidity levels.

The putty is purchased for wet rooms with surfaces made of:

  • Wood;
  • Concrete;
  • Gypsum cardboard;
  • Cement plaster;
  • Brick.


The water resistance of this solution helps maintain performance characteristics under constant exposure to water.

This property is also preserved for putty compounds that are hidden under the façade finishing material.

This putty is heat resistant. Their coefficient of thermal expansion is minimal, which does not subject the cladding to deformation or peeling.

The period of the next repair depends on the durability indicator. The service life of high-quality compounds is from 20 years.

Cement waterproof mixtures

The main component included in such solutions is Portland cement, obtained in the form of a powdery substance by grinding gypsum and clinkers.

To transform this main component into a solid substance, water is added in proportion.

The mixture is prepared at above-zero temperatures, thus preventing the water from freezing.

After mixing, the solution gradually hardens and gains even greater hardness when moisture comes into contact with the putty floor.

As hardness increases, the solution changes color. After its application and hardening, it acquires a light gray color, and with further use, the color acquires a grayer shade.

At the same time, lighter ones are considered to be of higher quality than gray ones.

Only solutions based on Portland cement have excellent water resistance. Often such mixtures are given the name façade, thus reflecting the essence of the use of putty.

Therefore, rooms with increased level humidity cannot do without it.

Master class on the topic of the article:

Each putty for wet rooms has its own instructions, which must be followed completely.

Gypsum moisture-resistant putties

In a non-moisture-saturated room, strength gain with gypsum can be achieved in 1.5-2 hours. The putty is applied in thick layers to maintain the climate.

This material is consumed much less cement compositions, and after it dries there will be no small cracks present.

The base of the mixture may include a gypsum-cement-purzalan component, which is not very susceptible to moisture. When treating rooms with this composition, they must be completely dry.

Otherwise facing materials, attached to a plaster surface, will not last long.

Principle of operation

The hardening of any traditional putty for finishing work on the facade or in rooms with high humidity levels is carried out within a day.

Their difference is high elasticity, evenness of the coating and excellent adhesion to the coated base.

In addition to plasticizers, mandatory components of the putty mixture, there are pigment dyes that make it possible to obtain a paintable layer High Quality throughout its entire thickness.

A feature of most moisture-resistant materials is that there is no need for special tools to apply the composition to the walls.

They are applied over the primer layer in the usual way. Next comes the leveling stage, at which defects and irregularities are sealed.

If there are serious defects, another primer layer is applied with the necessary moisture-resistant composition.

Puttying is the next stage, which is carried out after the primer layer has completely dried. The solution is applied using spatulas of different sizes, depending on the preferences of the craftsmen.

All puttying work must be carried out in dry rooms, as this process does not tolerate moisture.

To putty on cement based has gained maximum strength; when it hardens, it is moistened by spraying the walls with water.


The main function of moisture-resistant putties is to level the surfaces of wall ceilings and prepare them for further finishing work in damp places inside or outside a residential building.

Their use is similar to the use of conventional ones, so for application you will need 2 spatulas - narrower and wider, and a container for direct preparation of the moisture-resistant composition.

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