home · Lighting · How to choose high-quality and beautiful bathroom tiles for walls and floors. How to choose tiles (45 photos): types and parameters Choose the right good ceramic tiles

How to choose high-quality and beautiful bathroom tiles for walls and floors. How to choose tiles (45 photos): types and parameters Choose the right good ceramic tiles

Among the wide variety of flooring materials, ceramic tiles occupy a special place. This material has been tested for years and gives no reason to doubt its advantages, especially in rooms with special operating conditions and microclimate. Today's material will talk about the benefits of tiles, how to choose floor tiles, as well as alternative types of tile materials.

There are many options for floor tiles, differing in the material used. But ceramic tiles take the lead for many reasons.

The main thing is that it has no restrictions on use in premises of any purpose and differs in completely different ways:

  1. Considering the surface to be covered, tiles can be wall or floor. The first is thinner, the second is more durable and wear-resistant.
  2. Considering the operating conditions, different requirements are placed on ceramics - it can be used indoors and outdoors. Outdoor ceramic tiles must have a low level of water absorption, be resistant to cracking and be frost-resistant.
  3. Based on their composition, tiles are divided into ceramic and porcelain stoneware.

Methods for making ceramics

There are two ways to produce tiles: pressing and extrusion. In the first case, durable, aesthetically attractive products are obtained. In the second case, the tiles are extruded through an extruder under high pressure.

To produce glazed tiles, the double firing method (bicottura) is used. Using the pressing method, a tile of the required shape is formed from a clay mixture, then it is fired and glazed, and then fired again. This type of tile is not very durable, and therefore is more often used for interior work.

Technical qualities of floor ceramics

When choosing ceramics, they look at the grade of the product; the higher it is, the higher the quality of the tile.

Grade I tiles are characterized by uniformity, caliber, strength and correspond to other qualities declared by the manufacturer. Low-grade tiles have some defects - the presence of uneven corners or surface planes, a not very clear pattern. Grade II is assigned to products that have defects on only one side in the form of uneven color, sagging and unevenness on the edges. If there are flaws on both sides, the tile is assigned grade III.

Despite this, even third-grade tiles meet operational requirements that allow them to be used for cladding walls and floors of unheated rooms. A fairly low level of water absorption is ensured by the porous and dense structure of the products and their frost resistance.

Advantages and disadvantages of using ceramic tiles

The advantages of ceramics include the following:

  1. High strength.
  2. Environmental cleanliness.
  3. Hygiene.
  4. Hypoallergenic.
  5. Moisture resistance.
  6. Wide selection of colors and shapes.
  7. Bacteriological resistance.
  8. Fire resistance.
  9. Dielectricity.
  10. High coefficient of thermal conductivity, which is important for “warm” floors.
  11. Wear resistance.
  12. Color fastness against exposure to UV rays.
  13. Durability.
  14. Variety of shapes and sizes.

Among the disadvantages, first of all, the fragility and low soundproofing properties of the coating are noted. It is also worth noting that the surface is cold to the touch and difficult to dismantle. In addition, if you have no experience in laying tiles, then it is better to entrust this matter to professionals who know how to solve all sorts of small nuances that pop up during the work. The calculation formula looks like this: cost of work = ½ cost of material.

Characteristics of tile floor

Regardless of the material used, the flooring must meet a certain set of performance requirements. As for ceramic tiles, a floor made from it must have the following qualities:

  1. Wear resistance. The tiles are selected depending on the upcoming loads on the floor covering - the wear resistance class of the floor covering must correspond to the level of traffic in the room.
  2. In rooms where temperatures are expected to drop in winter (unheated rooms), great attention is paid to frost resistance of the coating.
  3. Hypoallergenic. The material should not emit harmful substances and provoke allergic reactions.
  4. Fire resistance. The material must not support or spread flames.
  5. Moisture resistance. This criterion is especially important when laying floors in the bathroom, hallway and kitchen. The material should not absorb moisture and serve as a medium for the development of harmful microorganisms.
  6. Chemical and mechanical resistance.
  7. Anti-slip surface.

Types of ceramics

The surface structure of floor ceramics can be matte with a slight relief, imitating, for example, the surface of natural stone or smooth glossy. The rough, porous surface of matte floor products is pleasant to the touch and safe, as it provides an anti-slip effect and safety. Glossy products are more often used on walls - the glazed coating protects the image and makes them shiny. With the help of glossy tiles you can visually make the room more voluminous.

Tiles with a smooth surface are among the simplest options; they are functional and practical - they are easy to install and keep clean. The smooth surface can retain heat well.

Mosaic is less common, but still found on the floor in the bathroom or other “wet” rooms. When using such tiles on the floor, you can create a unique original pattern, but you should carefully consider the grouting material, which is much more numerous than when laying large-format floor tiles.

What to look for when choosing ceramic tiles

When choosing tiles, first of all, they take into account the purpose of the room in which they will be laid, the conditions and intensity of loads on the coating - the specifics of the bathroom and hallway are significantly different from the living room or dining room. The material differs in several respects.

By structure

As previously noted, in rooms with high humidity, preference should be given to floor tiles with a matte, rough face layer. The glossy surface of the floor, especially when water gets on it, becomes dangerous. Therefore, matte tiles are chosen in the bathroom and kitchen.

To size

This is an important parameter that affects the visual perception of the floor area and the room as a whole. Large tiles in a small room will make it visually even smaller, and small tiles or mosaics, on the contrary, will make it more spacious. Large format tiles are recommended to be installed in rooms whose area exceeds 7 m². A mosaic on the floor would be quite appropriate in a bathroom.

The fugue, matched to the tone of the cladding, creates the impression of a monolithic coating

By color

Being one of the planes that influences the overall perception of the interior, the floor requires careful selection of its color scheme. Taking into account the fact that the flooring is durable, it is advisable to make it in neutral colors, which will be appropriate in many interior solutions. The color of the floor should fit organically into the space and harmoniously combine with other decorations or create a contrasting combination. So, with the help of a white or light tiled floor you can visually make a small hallway lighter and larger.

Base for ceramics

The surface of the tile, its front layer, determines the appearance of the finish, and the correctly selected and prepared base is responsible for its quality, strength and durability.

Laying on a cement board (CSB)

Cement board has high strength and, despite its higher cost than plywood or other sheet materials, is an ideal base for laying tiles. This is a universal material that allows you to form a base for tiles on any surface - on walls, on the floor, on the kitchen counter, in rooms with normal and high humidity.

Important! Cement board requires additional protection from moisture.

There are two types of cement boards. Products based on sand and cement have a fiberglass-reinforced front layer, creating a rigid and durable base. The length of such slabs is 90–300 cm, a width of 80–120 cm and a thickness of 6–15 mm.

Cement-mineral boards Aquapanel

Sand, cement and mineral fiber-based slabs are available in thicknesses starting from 6 mm. In this case, the fibers reinforce and strengthen the entire slab, and not just the top layer, since they are evenly distributed throughout its mass. Such slabs are characterized by high density.

Laying on fiberglass gypsum board

Gypsum sheets with the addition of fiberglass, which are made specifically as a base for tiles, differ from plasterboard sheets. They are not as hard and durable as cement boards, so they are used in light-duty applications. The internal filler with water-repellent impregnation is located inside the moisture-resistant coating, which allows them to be used even in close proximity to water. Glass fiber is used as a reinforcing substance.

Important! Despite the increased moisture resistance, when attaching the slabs, additional sealing of the joints is required using silicone sealant.

This material is easy to transport, cut and install.

Plywood can be used as a base for laying ceramic tiles in conditions of normal humidity. It is not recommended for use in conditions of sudden temperature changes and in rooms with high humidity. It is also necessary to perform high-quality waterproofing using a waterproof membrane. Among all varieties, it is recommended to choose moisture-resistant plywood, which is used for outdoor use. When choosing a material, carefully check the integrity of the slabs, the absence of voids, and the presence of resin on the surface, which reduces the quality of adhesion. The permissible thickness of plywood must be at least 15 mm.

Laying on a concrete slab

There are no problems when laying ceramics on a concrete base. The only requirement relates to the quality of the surface of the slab, which must be flat. For 3 meters of length, a difference of no more than 3 mm is allowed. Since any concrete surface is prone to dust formation, before laying the tiles, it is dust-free and treated with a primer, which creates a thin film that ensures excellent adhesion to the adhesive. More often, deep penetration soil Concrete Contact is used for this purpose. For better adhesion, the concrete surface is treated with a wire brush.

Laying on a cement screed

A common method of laying tiles is by tile, which in turn can be poured onto any base. The standard requirements are surface evenness. To do this, they use the method of pouring the solution along beacons and markings on the wall, which are applied using a laser level. To ensure strength, the screed is reinforced with metal mesh. The advantage of such a base is that communications and the coolant of the heated floor can pass through the screed.

The use of a screed is relevant in the following cases:

  1. When installing tiled flooring in rooms with high traffic (in trading floors, public spaces for any purpose).
  2. To carry out restoration work to level the floor in a new building.
  3. With a pronounced deviation from the vertical of the walls of the apartment.
  4. When covering elements of a room of irregular shape.

Installation on old ceramic coating

Laying floor tiles on a base previously covered with tiles is allowed if the old cladding is firmly in place. Otherwise, the floor will need to be completely cleaned of the old finish, and then the base will need to be leveled. The disadvantage of laying over existing tiles is the increase in the thickness of the coating. To ensure high-quality adhesion of the old tile to the adhesive solution, its front layer is treated with sandpaper.

Materials and tools

To lay tiles on the floor you will need a standard set of materials and tools:

  1. The tile itself. It is worth purchasing it with a reserve in case of defects during pruning. The tiles must be from the same batch, since often products from different batches differ in shade. You should immediately evaluate the tiles for defects and unevenness and sort them - better elements will be laid in a visible place, products with defects will be useful for trimming.
  2. Tile cutting is done using a tile cutter.
  3. Tile adhesive and mixing container. When laying tiles, you should take into account the pot life of the adhesive and your pace of work, and prepare the required amount of adhesive accordingly.
  4. To apply the glue you will need a notched trowel and trowel.
  5. To form tile joints, purchase plastic crosses of the required size.
  6. To apply markings you will need a laser level, a construction square, a tape measure and a pencil.
  7. When laying tiles, use a level to control the horizontalness of the surface. It is advisable to have several levels of different sizes to control the position of both one tile and the entire floor space horizontally and diagonally.
  8. The tiles are fixed manually and using a hammer with a rubber butt.
  9. Grouting composition. Fugu is selected taking into account operating conditions. Epoxy grout is more expensive, but it is more resistant to all kinds of influences. It is also important to decide on the color of the fugue - it can be matched to the tone or contrast with the tiles.
  10. To work with grout, you will need a small rubber spatula to press the compound to the depth of the joint, a bucket for clean water, a felt float and a sponge.

Preparatory work for installing tiles

Preparatory work depends on the type and condition of the base. If this is a floor in a new building, then it is necessary to assess its evenness, repair cracks, level it with a screed if necessary, prime it and perform waterproofing using the coating method.

In habitable premises, the existing floor covering is dismantled down to the rough screed, and it is repaired and leveled.

If the tiles will be laid with a pattern, then it is necessary to draw it on paper in advance, apply the appropriate markings on the floor, lay out the tiles in the required order and trim the necessary parts so as not to be distracted by all this during the work.

When laid on a wooden base, it is checked for strength and integrity. If the boards are strong, do not move and are rigidly fixed, forming a strong monolithic flooring, then a self-leveling mixture with mesh reinforcement is poured onto the wooden base.

As noted earlier, non-glossy tiles with wear resistance class III or II are chosen for the floor, depending on the room in which they will be laid. It is worth remembering that the larger the tile format, the higher its cost and the price of glue, which should have higher ductility. The optimal size of floor tiles is 40 x 40 cm.

You should decide in advance on the layout of the tiles. The diagonal layout has its own nuances, especially if there is a damper seam in the central opening of the room. In this place you will need to make a cut on the tile, which will be noticeable even with high-quality grouting.

Diagonal layout requires more tiles and creates more waste. In this case, it is better to choose the standard method of arranging the slabs, and start laying from the doorway.

The tiles are laid using SVP wedges, but if the screed is level, then you can use regular spacer crosses, controlling the placement of the tiles according to the level.

Forming seams using SVP wedges

If there are microcracks on the surface of the screed, it is recommended to use elastic adhesive, for example, Ceresit CM 117. When laying tiles, as work progresses, it is necessary to remove excess adhesive from the seams between adjacent tiles. This will allow for high-quality grouting of joints in the future. When working with grout, it is necessary to take into account that the work will have to be done at a fast pace. In the absence of experience, it is better not to dilute a lot of the composition at once, since it has a short viability period. Using a small rubber spatula, the grout must be pressed to the full depth of the seam. And then immediately treat the seams with a damp sponge. It is also recommended to remove grout residues from the tile surface immediately - if it dries, you will need to use a special product to remove it.

Let's look at how to grout the tiles on the floor, and what composition is needed for this.

Important! When you choose a grout that matches the color of the tile, you can disguise uneven seams.

Ceramic tile price

The cost of ceramic tiles depends on many indicators - variety, technical indicators, abrasion class, size, country of origin.

Table 1. Cost of ceramic tiles

ImageNameSize, cmCost, rubles (as of June 2018)
Ceramica Classic Libra38.5x38.5830
Azori Eclipse Indigo33.3x33.3700
Kerama Marazzi Sycamore30.2 x 30.2675
Uralkeramika Brown PG4BR404 55x5555 x 55840
Jade-Ceramics Tuscany brown38.5x 38.5670


Ceramic tiles are easy to maintain, but there are some nuances:

  1. When choosing a detergent, you need to study the recommendations for its use - whether it is suitable for ceramics. It is better to avoid powdered formulations and detergents containing acids and fats.
  2. For daily maintenance, it is recommended to use soap-free detergents or warm water with glass cleaner added.
  3. It is not recommended to use porous sponges, which can retain abrasive particles that scratch the front layer of the tile.
  4. Surface cleaning is carried out in two stages - dry and wet. First, remove dirt from the floor using a soft brush, broom or vacuum cleaner, paying special attention to the tile joints, and then wipe the floor with a damp cloth. The detergent is washed off with clean water and the tiles are wiped dry.
  5. If the joints were grouted with cement mortar, then annually the joints are treated with water-repellent impregnation.

Floor tiles are an unpretentious coating and, as they say, easy to care for. Let's take a closer look at how to clean tiles on the floor and how to deal with stained joints?

Alternative types of tiles

Floor tiles are not only ceramic. Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of coatings of natural and synthetic composition, each of which has its own pros and cons.

PVC tiles

PVC tiles are one of the most budget-friendly options for creating flooring. The structure of such tiles is the same as linoleum, produced in the form of slabs of a certain size. For ease of fixation, such tiles may have an adhesive base. The high level of wear resistance of the coating is ensured by its multilayer structure.

Laying such material can be done on any base, even on plywood or old linoleum. The positive qualities of this material include the following:

  1. Laying can be done on any base.
  2. The material is moisture resistant.
  3. Low cost.
  4. PVC tiles are not characterized by shrinkage.

Disadvantages include a short service life compared to ceramics. Instability to high temperatures and chemicals. PVC tiles, depending on the class, can be used not only in residential premises (class 21 - 23), but also in public (class 31 - 33) and industrial (class 41 - 43) premises.

Vinyl tiles

One of the multilayer flooring materials, vinyl tiles, belongs to the category of synthetic coatings with high aesthetic properties, characterized by moisture and wear resistance. The presence of vinyl in the tiles guarantees the reliability and excellent performance properties of the floor covering.

One of the cheaper varieties is quartz vinyl tiles, which contain sand. This is a multi-layer product consisting of a protective polyurethane coating on a decorative layer, a vinyl base and a lower polymer or fabric layer. This coating is moisture resistant, has excellent shock absorption, and is resistant to chemicals. The tile has a non-slip face layer, and due to its high heat transfer, it is suitable for finishing a heated floor.

Metal floor tiles

Manufacturers offer a huge range of flooring materials, including metal ones. The polymer film on the surface of such tiles protects it from the harmful effects of moisture. High strength and resistance to various impacts make this coating in demand in industrial and commercial facilities with high traffic, as well as in warehouses. In addition, you can find decorative tiles for home use on sale. Such tiles are characterized by: heat resistance, wear resistance, fire resistance. She is not afraid of mechanical influences.

Stone tiles

These tiles are made from artificial or real marble or granite. Each of these materials is characterized by high wear resistance and aesthetic appearance.

Among the positive qualities of this floor, the following can be noted:

  1. Long service life (up to 25 years).
  2. The tiles are frost-resistant.
  3. Fireproof.
  4. Aesthetically attractive.

Regardless of the type of tile, the operating conditions are taken into account - in damp rooms it is recommended to abandon products with high hygroscopicity.

Carpet tiles

A new product on the construction market is modular carpet tiles measuring 50 x 50 cm. The structure of this material is not similar to carpet, as it is a multilayer product with several reinforced layers.

Due to the presence of a solid substrate and the tight connection of the elements to each other, the rigidity of the individual slabs is ensured and eliminates their deformation during operation. The base of such tiles is made from bitumen, polyvinyl chloride, fiberglass or rubber.

Fiberglass ensures that the geometric parameters of the tile remain unchanged when room temperatures change. The material of the front layer is nylon. The aesthetics and performance properties of tiles depend on the quality of the fibers and pile.

The history of using ceramic tiles as a finishing material goes back many centuries. According to archaeologists, such tiles were used in Mesopotamia back in the third millennium BC. e. Later it spread throughout the world.

The raw material for the production of tiles is clay. In addition, sand and other natural materials are used, which are added to improve the performance of the products. There are several ways to produce tiles. Initially, ceramic tiles were made by casting, that is, the clay mass was poured into special molds. Today, the most common production methods are pressing and extrusion (pushing through a mold).

Externally, ceramic tiles are plates of square or rectangular shape (common sizes are 15x15 cm, 20x20 cm, 20x30 cm, but there are others). The thickness of the tiles can vary from 8 to 20 mm.

Tile can be either enameled (glazed) or without enamel coating. The top layer of glazed tiles can be glossy or matte. Enamel colors are very varied. There are tiles with both decorative patterns and single-color ones. Non-enamelled tiles have a uniform structure and usually do not have any pattern on the surface.

According to the method of heat treatment, tiles are divided into two large categories: single and double firing.

In the first option, the glaze is applied to the wet clay, after which the tile is placed in the oven. This way the glaze and base are fired at the same time. During the firing process, these two components are firmly soldered to each other, and the finished tile is very durable. For this reason, it is often laid on the floor.

In double firing, the base is placed in the kiln first. Only after this the glaze is applied. The tile is then fired again at a lower temperature. The result is a shiny, smooth glaze with rich, vibrant colors. Such tiles are less durable than single-firing tiles, so they are used mainly for cladding walls and ceilings.

The number of firings is indicated on the packaging using a symbol - a petal of flame, next to which a number is drawn.

Depending on the molding method and the number of firings, ceramic tiles are traditionally divided into several main types. Single and double fired tiles are also often called in Italian words monocottura And bicottura respectively. They are formed by pressing. Such tiles are used to decorate walls and floors.

Majolica- another type of double-fired glazed ceramic with a colored porous base, which is produced by pressing. Just like monocottura and bicottura, majolica is used mainly for cladding interior walls in residential areas.

Faience- pressed double-fired enameled tiles with a white porous base. The glaze can be painted in various colors. Faience is used to cover floors and walls indoors.

Cotto- single-fired, non-enamelled tiles with a porous base. It is made by extrusion. Usually has natural shades: brown, red, yellow. It is used for laying on the floor because it has high strength and wear resistance.

Clinker also produced by pressing through a mold. These single fired tiles can be either glazed or unglazed. Clinker is often used as flooring.

Stands somewhat apart porcelain stoneware(ceramic granite). It is made from heavy clays using various mineral additives, which give the material special hardness and strength. Porcelain tiles have low moisture absorption and frost resistance. The scope of its application is very wide - from floors in apartments and public spaces to the facades of houses.

Ceramic tiles are traditionally used to decorate bathrooms, toilets and kitchens. Some people use this material in the hallway, living room and even in the bedroom. But many consider tiles to be a cold material and for this reason do not decorate the walls and floors in living rooms with them.

As for bathrooms and kitchens, in these rooms tiles fully demonstrate their high performance qualities. The bathroom and toilet are usually completely tiled. In the kitchen, sometimes only small spaces near the stove and sink are tiled.

You should choose tiles carefully so as not to regret wasted money later. Naturally, appearance is important. High-quality tiles must have right angles and a flat, smooth or matte surface without cracks or other defects, and correspond to the dimensions indicated on the packaging. For enameled tiles, the glaze layer should be smooth, uniform and the same thickness over the entire surface of the tile.

In addition to appearance, there are also objective parameters that determine the quality of the tile. One of the most important for the average consumer is the wear resistance class. There are five such classes in total. They are designated by the corresponding Roman numerals from I to V. This scale was proposed by the American research institute Porcelain Enamel Institute, where the properties of ceramic materials are studied. For this reason, the number is preceded by the abbreviation of this institution - PEI.

I-factor tiles are intended for light-traffic areas such as the bathroom or bedroom where people walk barefoot or wear soft house shoes. Class II is suitable for the living room. There the load is slightly higher than in the bathroom, but also relatively small. The third class is recommended for use in rooms with medium-intensity load, such as the kitchen and hallway.

Tiles of the fourth class can be laid where the load is quite high, and there are also temperature changes - in a common corridor for several apartments, on a staircase or on a balcony. Tiles of the last, fifth, wear resistance class are used in rooms where there are a lot of people. It is used in large shopping centers, train stations, and airports.

Another tile quality parameter is surface hardness. It is determined using the ten-level Mohs scale, named after the German mineralogist who developed it. It allows you to determine the hardness of materials. The higher this number, the higher the level of hardness. For ceramic tiles this indicator should be at least 5.

Another important parameter that you should pay attention to is the tile’s resistance to chemicals. Letters are used to designate it. The letters AA indicate maximum stability. Such tiles do not change their appearance when in contact with an aggressive environment.

Tiles with the letter A are less stable. Her appearance changes slightly. Next in descending order of quality are B (moderate changes), C (partial loss of the original appearance) and D (complete loss of the original appearance). Tiles marked with the letter D on the packaging have minimal resistance and should not be placed in places with a high probability of aggressive environmental influences.

Typically, this information about the parameters of the tile is contained on the packaging in the form of symbols. For example, a design of a foot on a black background tells the consumer that this ceramic tile is intended to be laid on the floor. If the background around the foot is shaded, then this floor tile has increased wear resistance. A hand is drawn on a box of wall tiles. The snowflake on the packaging means frost resistance.

If a pattern is shown twice, this means that the tile has improved characteristics for this indicator. You can see what these and other symbols look like in the figure.

An important role when choosing tiles is played by the place where it will be attached. Floor tiles must be much more durable than tiles used on walls or ceilings. In this regard, when purchasing, you should carefully study the packaging, since it contains important information about the correct use of the tiles.

You should also consider in which room the tiles will be used. If the tiles will lie on the floor in the hallway where people wear street shoes, they should be more durable and wear-resistant than tiles intended for wall cladding in the bathroom.

For a bathroom where it is always damp, it is better to choose tiles with reduced moisture absorption. Therefore, smooth glazed tiles are well suited for walls. Bathroom floor tiles should not be slippery. It is better to lay tiles with a matte surface there. This will help prevent falls and injuries.

The kitchen needs tiles that are resistant to chemicals, otherwise they may stain. Especially if the tiles are laid near a sink or stove, where there is a high probability of frequent contact with detergents. Also, kitchen tiles must be resistant to mechanical damage.

Before purchasing, you need to calculate the number of tiles you need to purchase. Knowing the surface area of ​​the floor or wall intended for cladding, as well as the dimensions of the tiles, it is quite simple to make such calculations. However, it should be taken into account that you need to buy tiles with a small margin, since the length and width of the surface do not always exactly correspond to the dimensions of the tiles, it will have to be cut and some part will inevitably go to waste.

The price of tiles depends on many factors, most of which were listed above: production technology, tile sizes, wear resistance class, hardness, resistance to chemicals, manufacturer. In the cost range from 400 to 2000 rubles per square meter you can find high-quality products for every taste.

Ceramic tiles are rightfully popular. High-quality tiles have high strength, hardness and resistance to high temperatures. This is a beautiful, natural and durable material that does not accumulate static electricity and does not emit harmful substances. Properly laid tiles will last for many years, pleasing the eyes of the owners and guests of the house.

For every person who decided (or was forced) to start renovations in an apartment, there comes a time when they need to answer the question - “How choose ceramic tiles?“In this case, the following questions most often have to be addressed:

Bathroom tiles:

Which one is needed? bathroom tiles?

Where to buy tiles For bathroom?

Which one is needed? tiles for small bathroom?

Honest bathroom tile price?

Which ceramic tiles to choose? bathroom? Rectified or not?

Which bathroom tile grout?

Floor tiles:

How to choose ceramic floor tiles?

Where buy floor tiles?

Is it possible to put heated floor under tiles?

Wood floor tiles– is it possible to put it?

Kitchen tiles:

Kitchen backsplash tiles– which one to choose?

Kitchen floor tiles- what are the requirements?

Tile kitchen backsplash- What are the benefits?

Boar tile for backsplash– is it worth putting it in?

Which ceramic one to choose? kitchen tiles?

A little history of ceramic tile production

15x15 tiles in a Soviet bathroom

If you look back a little, many will remember Soviet bathrooms, lined with white 15x15 tiles somewhere up to the middle of the wall. And then there was oil paint up to the ceiling. Anyone who saw this horror will never forget!

However, this dull monotony is explained extremely simply. The technologies that existed in the USSR did not allow the production of high-quality tiles even in this format. An attempt to produce ceramic tiles of a larger size led to an increase in the percentage of defects to 90%. So everyone used either 15x15 tiles or wild boar 7x15.

The same situation existed in the West, but ceramic tile production technologies began to develop rapidly in Italy in the late 60s and early 70s. It was then that the Italian ceramic industry was founded. Many now famous Italian families entered the ceramics business during that period.

As ceramic tile production technologies improve, each manufacturer strives to produce tiles in ever larger formats, and today the maximum format produced in series is 160x320 centimeters.

So let's look at bathroom tiles.

Which one is needed? bathroom tiles?

Where to buy tiles For bathroom?

Of course, all online stores keep prices on average 15% lower than in their own retail store. However, if you decide to purchase tiles from a “pure” online store without a showroom, then you should worry about what you will do if, God forbid, one or two tiles break, or the calculations turn out to be incorrect. In most cases, online stores do not deal with such orders or claims. They simply do not have the ability to solve such problems. Therefore, the optimal solution is to lower the price in a retail store by demonstrating low prices on the Internet.

For floor tiles:

Supreme Flaviker

Floor tiles have already crossed the boundaries of flooring, and are increasingly used for both floors and wall coverings. And thin ceramic granite is already used for countertops, doors, and for cladding partitions and facades.

What should it be floor tiles?

Floor tiles should be primarily functional. If you plan to place it at the entrance, then it should be non-slippery and wear-resistant. Ceramic granite with a natural or lapped surface is quite suitable for the home. The surface of such a tile, upon closer inspection, consists of polished dots interspersed with matte depressions.

For interior spaces, ceramic granite is best suited, and the stronger the shine of the tile, the more expensive it is, since the cost of high-quality polishing is very high. Remember that for lappatted ceramic granite the most important enemies are: high-heeled shoes, wheels on chairs, sand on shoes. If you don’t roll around the room on a chair on wheels, pushing off the floor with stiletto heels without first removing the sand from the floor, then this floor will serve you for a long time, most likely for decades.

Recently, 80x80, 90x90 and 120x120 formats for laying on the floor have become increasingly popular. The effect created by such tiles is strikingly different from “standard” 60x60 tiles.

Is it possible to put heated floor under tiles?

La Fabbrica Astra

It is both possible and necessary. In Italy, for example, heating radiators are practically not used, and all heating comes from underfloor heating, which is of course much more pleasant. For ceramic granite fired at 1200 - 1300 degrees, heating from a heated floor is completely painless. There is simply no difference between an electric heated floor and a water heated floor for tiles.

Wood floor tiles– is it possible to put it?

Of course you can! The only thing you need to do is to avoid sagging of the wooden floor. If the floor bends, the tiles will fall off over time. Therefore, the wooden floor is strengthened, waterproofed, covered either with GVL sheets, or a light screed is made and ceramic tiles are glued. The ideal solution would be to choose tiles from ABK group (ABK, AREANA). Their new technology Wall&Porcellan allows us to produce tiles with very serious elasticity. This will compensate for vibrations of the wooden base.

Kitchen tiles:

Kitchen backsplash tiles
– which one to choose?

The classic solution for a backsplash in the kitchen - 10x10 tiles - is gradually going out of fashion. In fact, this is not a very practical solution, since grease settles quite heavily on the tiles, and cleaning the seams between the tiles is not an easy task. Of course, modern steam tools are very helpful, which soften the layer of fat with a jet of hot steam, but it is easier to have a smooth surface of the apron with a minimum number of seams and low surface roughness.

Tile kitchen backsplash- What are the benefits?

Considering the amount of fat that is released when cooking in the kitchen, it is very important to carefully select the material for the apron. The use of natural marble in the kitchen is, of course, beautiful at the beginning of use, but natural stone absorbs fats at an amazing speed. And now, instead of a beautiful and expensive countertop made of natural marble and a matching apron made of the same marble, you have some kind of spotted stone that can never be washed.

The ideal solution for a kitchen backsplash is large format ceramic tiles. Buying lappatted ceramic granite with a marble pattern in the 80x240 or 120x240 format solves all problems with the porosity of natural stone and with seams in small tiles. Just one 120x240 tile, cut in half, covers the entire backsplash in 75% of kitchens.

You can make a design in a modern style - for example, using a clean, solid color of tiles from Laminam in 5 mm thickness, or using a marble tile pattern Aesthetica from the factory in 6 mm thickness. Of course, you can choose different tiles for your kitchen backsplash, but you must always remember the problems listed above. A typical mistake when choosing tiles for a backsplash is buying a mosaic for the backsplash. Whatever this mosaic is, numerous seams between the mosaic elements will cause a lot of problems for the owner.

Choosing ceramic tiles for the kitchen floor is not difficult if you have already chosen tiles for the backsplash. However, if the apron is made of a different material, then you should choose carefully to avoid common mistakes when choosing tiles.

All of the above problems with backsplashes are also true for floor tiles. Large-format rectified tiles with a lapped surface are the optimal solution for kitchen floors. The polished surface of ceramic granite from reputable manufacturers will be easy to clean from adhering dirt, which is inevitable in the kitchen. A small seam (1.5 mm) between rectified tiles will get less dirty than a standard one (3-5 mm) for non-rectified tiles. But of course, if the above problems do not concern you, and specially trained people are doing the cleaning, then this article is not for you.

Boar tile for backsplash– is it worth putting it in?

The very term “boar”, which came to us in Soviet times, awakens memories of 30 years ago. Today this type of design is called “loft” and is at the height of fashion. All the arguments for and against have been stated above. It is not possible to decorate a kitchen in the loft style without using tiles that imitate brick, unless you decide to cover everything with special bricks, which ultimately cost twice as much as tiles. For example, the collection is intended for cladding “brick-like” walls. However, if style issues are not decisive, then perhaps you should refrain from such a choice in favor of more modern design solutions.

Any repair has one unpleasant property - the costs almost always turn out to be at least 20-30 percent more than you originally planned. Therefore, even a small saving will definitely not be superfluous. Let's figure out how you can spend less when buying ceramic tiles or porcelain tiles for the kitchen, without sacrificing the beauty and quality of this finishing material.

Choosing the right size and layout

1. Simple layout instead of complex
You will find basic layouts for laying ceramic tiles in this infographic:

If you plan to lay tiles diagonally or use more complex options, be prepared to spend 10-15 percent more money than if you decide to do traditional straight laying. The main source of losses is a lot of residues that cannot be avoided during pruning.

If you are given a computer layout of tiles in an online store or salon, ask the consultant to shift it a little in one direction or another. Sometimes this helps to find a better option and save a lot on pruning.

2. Correct size
Carefully measure the dimensions of your kitchen and calculate what size tiles will best fit the width and length of the room. This will help reduce the number of tile trims, which means significantly less material will be required.

The correctly chosen size will help you save 5-7 percent of the cost of ceramics. But do not forget to reserve at least 5% of the amount of material in case you need to replace some of the tiles in the future.

3. A popular size instead of an exclusive one
Collections with square and rectangular tiles of the most popular sizes (for example, 30x30 or 20x30 cm) per square meter are cheaper than ceramics of unusual and less common formats (for example, 12.5x60 cm, etc.).

The smallest (10x10 cm) and largest-format tiles usually cost the most.

Of course, when using standard formats, the masonry pattern will not be so original, but this will help save 10 percent, which can be spent, for example, on kitchen decor or buying higher quality glue or grout.
4. Compare sizes in the same collection
If you like the color and design of a particular ceramic tile, ask the seller or look in an online store to see if the same tile is available in the same collection, but in a different size or format. The only difference between them is usually the thickness. Larger ceramics are often 1mm thicker for strength.

For inexpensive Russian and Belarusian tiles, this technique is unlikely to work, but with European manufacturers it does. The difference in price may well be 10-15 percent.

A couple of examples from the Atlas Concorde Russia range (by the way, made in Russia). Ivory Lap porcelain tile from the Suprema collection in the size of 44x44 cm in one of the large Moscow online stores costs 2,362 rubles per square meter, and exactly the same, but in the size of 59x59 cm - already 2,720 rubles per square. A completely non-standard rectangle of 44x88 cm is sold for 2994 rubles per meter.

The situation is similar with tiles from the Land collection of the same manufacturer. Porcelain tiles measuring 45x45 cm will cost you 1,110 rubles per meter, and exactly the same, but 30x30 cm, can be bought in the same store for 994 rubles.

5. Regular tiles instead of “seamless”
You've probably already heard about rectified tiles - with smooth edges, which are cut at the factory to strictly specified sizes.

For the opportunity to do without virtually any seams between the tiles, you will have to pay extra - about a quarter more than for ordinary ceramics. Therefore, if the issue of saving is acute, take a look: perhaps the rectified ceramics you like have a more budget-friendly analogue.

We save on decor without sacrificing design

6. Matte surface without decorations is cheaper
When choosing a tile, pay attention to its surface. Simple smooth and matte traditionally has a lower price tag. Glossy, satin with a beautiful shine or structured with an unusual texture imitating concrete, wood or stone will cost more.

So if you are quite satisfied with the usual matte finish, here is another reserve for saving your renovation budget.

7. Background tiles as decor
The most expensive part of any ceramic collection, be it Russian or European, is the decor. They are sold individually and cost significantly more than the background finish. Moreover, prices may differ by 8-10 times. Of course, often the decor “stretches out” the entire design: without it, the apron or floor in the kitchen will not look so impressive. But an interesting result can be obtained without decorative inserts, by combining background tiles of different colors and shades.

If the collection you like has background tiles in different colors and sizes, try combining them. As a rule, two contrasting colors and a thoughtful layout are enough for a beautiful design.

Sometimes one collection contains both decors and background tiles with a pattern (for example, geometric or floral), which costs several times less.

The photo shows the Adore collection from Atlas Concorde (Italy). Patterned background tiles for 3233 rubles per square against decors for 13764 rubles per meter.

If you have glossy and matte tiles of the same color in the same collection, try pairing them together. It looks impressive and costs much less!

8. Mosaic tiles instead of real mosaics
A real mosaic - individual pieces of glass, stone or metal on a flexible mesh - is not cheap. But if you want to decorate a kitchen apron or a flat wall in the kitchen with it, a good imitation tile will look no worse! The effect is the same, but the cost of finishing is much lower, and installation is simpler, faster and cheaper.

In ours you will find a lot of useful information about this finishing material.

Finding the best prices

9. Compare prices in online stores
Even if you chose ceramic finishing in a regular hardware store, don’t be lazy to look for it online and compare prices. Online stores save significantly on renting retail space and often offer more profitable options. Savings can be 10-15%. In addition, online stores often offer promotions and bonuses, such as free shipping.

But be careful! Once you find the tile you need, be sure to ask the store manager if it is in stock or if it will be delivered to you to order.

Before making an advance payment, you should search the Internet for reviews of this store and make sure that it has a good reputation and there have been no cases when, having received money for a pre-order, the store fed the buyer breakfast and delayed the delivery of tiles.

10. Discounts and sales
Sales and special promotions on tiles, as well as on many other finishing materials, occur more often during the cold season. Discounts are especially pleasant before and after the New Year.

Some online stores offer discount coupons to beat competitors and attract potential buyers. Savings can range from 2-3 to 30 percent. But be careful! In other stores, the price of the same tile may be the same, or even lower, without any discounts. So pay attention to advertisements, but don't forget to compare prices.

From time to time, online stores and construction hypermarkets organize sales of “stale” collections or leftovers. Another great chance to buy tiles cheaper.

The remains of discontinued ceramics are also sold at a significant price reduction (up to 50-60 percent). However, it is quite possible that such tiles can only be purchased to order, and they will not be available in stock.

If you come across beautiful floor tiles at a good discount in a store and their design would be quite suitable for a kitchen backsplash, don’t hesitate to buy them. If it is ordinary ceramics and not porcelain stoneware, it will be quite suitable as a wall tile. But the wall-mounted one on the floor will quickly become unusable.

Many people choose ceramic tiles as a floor finishing material, despite the abundance of other floor coverings on the construction market. Tile has a lot of advantages compared to other coatings. Let's look at how to choose floor tiles for different types of rooms.

Features and advantages of the material

If you start comparing floor tiles with regular tiles, you will immediately notice that the former is thicker. The finish also has increased wear resistance characteristics. Because of these properties, tiles are usually installed in the kitchen and hallway.

Among other advantages and features, we can highlight high hygiene. Compared to any other floor coverings, tiles are considered the best material for flooring in rooms where there is a high level of pollution.

The material has extraordinary strength. The main thing is to know how to choose floor tiles so as not to regret the purchase. If professionally installed, tiles can withstand significant loads from impacts, as well as other mechanical damage. Not only is the finish durable, but it also doesn't lose its color over time.

Ceramics are very durable. Unlike other coatings, floor tiles can last up to 50 years without loss or reduction in technical characteristics. The tiles are not afraid of moisture and serious flooding - that is why tiles are chosen for finishing bathrooms. Any other material in the bathroom will quickly become damp and become unusable.

If the flooring is damaged, you can repair just the damaged area without having to replace the entire floor. And finally, ceramics will never cause harm to human health. This is the most environmentally friendly option among all existing floor coverings (except wood, of course). Shops and construction hypermarkets offer a huge selection of floor ceramics of all colors, patterns, sizes and textures.

This allows you to create not only a durable, but also an attractive coating.


If you lay tiles in violation of the technology, this will lead to the formation of cracks. To obtain a high-quality result, it is not enough to choose high-quality tiles. It is necessary to first thoroughly prepare the subfloor. It should be smooth and dry.

For all its advantages, tiles have poor sound absorption properties. But this drawback can be easily eliminated with the help of soundproofing layers. The latter are laid when pouring the screed.

Ceramic tiles are very cold, but have high thermal conductivity. The cold problem can be solved by installing heated floors. Finally, the tiles are very slippery. For bathrooms, options with a rough surface are more preferable.

Criterias of choice

How to choose floor tiles? First of all, the choice depends on the type of room where it will be installed. So, it could be a bathroom, kitchen, living room, hallway. The finishing characteristics depend on the type of room. There are certain criteria for choosing floor tiles.


The construction market offers materials with a glossy, matte or embossed surface. It should be taken into account that tiles are very slippery, so you should not opt ​​for glossy products, even if they look very impressive. Glossy floors become hazardous if exposed to water. If you really like the shine, then it is better to use it where the humidity is lower.


How the room and interior will be visually perceived depends on the geometric characteristics. If you place large ceramics in a small room, it will visually shrink and it will be cramped. But a small mosaic will visually expand the space.

Large tiles are relevant in rooms whose area is more than seven square meters. For bathrooms and toilets, it is better to use smaller options.

Color spectrum

Floors, like walls, occupy a fairly large area. This means that the coating can significantly influence the process of shaping the interior of the room. Professional designers advise which floor tiles to choose to get a harmonious interior:

  • Floors should be in harmony with other finishes, or contrast with them. White tiles on the floor in the hallway will make a dark room lighter and visually expand it. Color saturation depends on the brightness of the light.
  • Natural stone tiles will look ideal in classic interiors. But the imitation will also look quite impressive.


It is believed that ceramics are an exceptionally cold floor. Therefore, it is not used for bedrooms and children's rooms. And this is true for stone and ceramic materials. But you can find special warm tiles on sale. This new product was developed in Japan. The structure of such a product contains a mass of air bubbles, which act as a barrier against cold without reducing the strength characteristics. Therefore, for those who do not know which floor tiles to choose, warm products are an ideal option. The floor will be easy to use and will not give off cold.

Let us note one nuance. Among ordinary tiles, there are also warmer and cooler options. Thus, the stone is much cooler than ordinary ceramics. It is better to choose granite and porcelain tiles for corridors.

For those who do not know which floor tiles are best to choose for warmth, stores can offer special vinyl finishes. It is much warmer than regular tiles. But this is not classical ceramics. This is something like ordinary linoleum, but with a different composition and installation technology. The material can be easily adjusted to fit rooms of any size, elastic and warm. But it is not very durable. The service life is no more than 10 years.

There are also quartz vinyl tiles. It is harder than PVC materials, since it contains 80 percent quartz sand.


Any package containing tiles has special markings. They will help and advise you on how to choose floor tiles. Manufacturers have encrypted all the necessary information in these symbols. If a palm is drawn, then this is wall tile. If the foot, then, accordingly, for the floor. Snowflake means that the material is intended for use as an exterior finish.

Decorative characteristics

Often the tiles are decorated with various decorative elements. These can be inserts, patterns, relief stripes. It all looks very elegant, but only if it matches the area of ​​the room and the interior design.

For small rooms, you should not get carried away with a large number of such patterns. This noticeably hides the free space.


Many are sure that choosing the right floor tiles can only be from foreign manufacturers. In fact, the stores offer many high-quality domestic products that have the same characteristics as imported ones. But its price is much lower.

If you make a choice without specific experience, it is best to trust trusted manufacturers:

  • Almera Ceramics.
  • "Cersanite".
  • "Novabell"


For those who don’t know how to choose floor tiles, markings come to the rescue again. It must indicate the variety. The higher it is, the lower the quality. Low quality tiles may have dimensional errors. Various defects, deviations in thickness, unevenness in painting, chips.

Each variety has its own marking. The first is red, the second is blue, and the third is green. Regardless of which floor tiles you choose for the bathroom or any other premises, it is better to purchase tiles from the same batch. Why is that? Identical products from different batches may differ significantly in color, shades and even sizes.

Features of choice

Let's look at which floor tiles to choose for the bathroom. Bathroom ceramics must meet certain requirements. This is the correctness of geometric shapes and strict compliance with sizes. The material must be intact without defects, the surface of the tile must be resistant to abrasion. Another important characteristic is resistance to temperature changes and moisture. In addition, bathroom tiles must withstand chemical cleaning agents and have an anti-slip effect.

For those who do not have the proper experience and do not know which floor tiles to choose for the bathroom by color, it is best to purchase a set of floor and wall tiles. The collections of modern manufacturers present various models. You just need to take into account the main design rules - it’s good to choose light colors for small rooms.


How to choose floor tiles for the kitchen? There are two options. These are porcelain tiles or traditional ceramics. You should not be afraid of porcelain stoneware - there have been no special substances in its composition for a long time.

Among the advantages of such tiles, it is worth noting a long service life and the ability to maintain a magnificent appearance for 15 years. The material is also highly durable, which is very important in the kitchen. Tiles are not easy to scratch. There are no greasy stains left on the surface. This is also a big plus. Among the disadvantages is that porcelain tiles are cold and very slippery when exposed to moisture.

Ceramics have the same advantages and the same disadvantages as porcelain stoneware. But its price is noticeably lower. There are two types of ceramics - glazed and regular. The first models are distinguished by a more glossy surface, as well as increased hardness. This is a good choice for the kitchen. Here's how to choose floor tiles for your kitchen. When it comes to color and design, the existing kitchen interior needs to be taken into account.

How to choose the right color

The floor covering, or rather its color, plays an important role in the interior. It is not enough to simply choose high-quality ceramics or tiles - you need them to complement the existing interior. Different rooms have different color requirements.

Experts will share tips on how to choose the color of floor tiles. White bathroom tiles are a classic that some people consider too boring. But white is the best thing for visually expanding space. Blue or green shades will create a cool and fresh atmosphere. More natural shades (beige, coffee) will bring a calming effect.

Turquoise, gold and red are used to accentuate certain points. Colors that are too bright will cause overexertion. Black color will narrow the space and have a depressing effect on the psyche. But if the room has good lighting, then a dark color can be effectively used in combination with white or coffee.

Here's how to choose ceramic floor tiles by color and shade. This is an important characteristic that should be taken into account when creating interiors for various rooms.

Grout colors

Grout also plays an important role in the design of a tile floor. It will complement the color scheme of the floor. In the case of multi-colored ceramics, choose the darkest and lightest colors. Then everything is decided by size. If the tiles are plain, then the shade is chosen according to the functional purpose of the room. To accentuate the furniture, choose grout to match the tiles. When using mosaics, take a shade that would contrast with the main tone. But you can also choose a neutral color.


So, we found out how to choose the grout color for floor tiles. Using these simple tips and tricks, you can have a beautiful and practical space. A glossy surface will look better than a matte one. But it is worth remembering that if water gets in, such tiles become very dangerous. It is better to use it only for walls.