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Non-residential premises. The second eternal question - categories of technical premises Technological premises

Technical rooms are a special group. They cannot always be located in a single block, since, as a rule, they serve as auxiliary premises serving other groups of premises. Therefore, when placing them on the building plan, the requirement for convenient access to them and the presence of independent entrances from production corridors or from the economic zone of the enterprise must be met. Design technical rooms in the basement, basement and other floors of the building.

Engine room of refrigeration chambers placed in close proximity to refrigeration chambers with access to the outside or into the production corridor. The width of the passages in the engine room must have the following values ​​(m): the main passage and the passage from the electrical panel to the protruding parts of the refrigeration machine - at least 1.5; between protruding parts of machines - at least 1; between smooth wall and cars - no less than 0.8.

In enterprises low power There is no need to provide a special engine room for installing a refrigeration unit. It is prohibited to place refrigeration units on stairs or staircase landings, under the stairs, in close proximity to entrance doors buildings, in elevator machine rooms and in the lobby. It is also not allowed to place refrigeration units in thermal locks (vestibules), refrigeration chambers and in refrigerator corridors.

Ventilation unit removes excess heat, moisture and harmful gases released from the premises of enterprises located on different floors. In this regard, in the production premises of enterprises Catering provide supply and exhaust ventilation units, which are separate systems located on different floors.

Ventilation chambers and the heating point is located near the outer walls of the building.

Mechanical repair workshops perform Maintenance technological, lifting and transport, power equipment, carry out repairs of equipment and containers, sharpening knives and straightening saws, manufacturing various types hand tools to facilitate the work of enterprise workers.

Air conditioning chamber placed next to the heating point (the coolant is superheated water from the heating network) and in convenient connection with the refrigeration unit (the coolant is chilled water). The area of ​​the inlet chamber is incomplete comfortable air conditioning air together with the engine room refrigeration unit when designing, it is taken equal to 0.4 - 0.45 m 2 per place.

Electrical control room It is advisable to locate it near external walls and in close proximity to production premises with the highest installed capacity of the equipment. Electrical switchboards are placed above the level groundwater, and in areas prone to flooding - above the flood level. It is not allowed to locate electrical panels under sinks, toilets, showers, hot water and other production premises where there are sinks and drains.

At procurement enterprises, electrical switchboards must be separated from premises for other purposes. fire partitions and floors. Supply lines to refrigeration or freezing distribution points food products installations must be independent.

Distribution points, cabinets and shields should be located outside the premises for punching out bags, washing, refrigerated chambers, pantries and warehouses for potatoes and vegetables.

Distribution points, cabinets and panels are placed in corridors, recessed in niches made of fireproof structures. Their installation in meat, fish, vegetable, confectionery and culinary shops is allowed only in metal cabinets with seal.

Electrical room doors must be at least 0.75 m wide and open outward.

Charging station, transformer substation, the pumping station is located in the courtyard of the procurement enterprise in a separate building attached to the building of the procurement enterprise, in the basement, ground floor or first floor.

In Group technical premises canteens with 150 seats or more and restaurants must provide a room for a mechanic with an area of ​​6 m2.

Working areas on each floor intended to accommodate user workstations, in accordance with the data in Table. 9.1 is 380 m2. According to the standards given in section 3.2.2, the area of ​​the equipment room serving the building's workplaces should be 10.6 m2. They also introduced a restriction on the minimum area of ​​the equipment room of 14 m2. To accommodate the equipment room, it seems most appropriate to allocate rooms 128 and 129, since they are located on the ground floor, are not walk-through, have no windows and are not adjacent to external walls buildings located near elevators, etc. Room 128 has an area of ​​12.9 m2, which is only 1.1 m2 less than the required norm, but exceeds the recommended area of ​​the equipment room, obtained based on specific rate- 0.7% of the working area (Table 9.2).

When choosing the final decision in favor of one or another premises, the following considerations were additionally taken into account. According to the first option, the location of the equipment room in room 128 is accepted. The area of ​​this room can be quickly and easily increased to regulatory transfer the front non-permanent wall towards the corridor by about 50 cm. This operation carried out immediately or in the future when such a need arises, for which all the necessary prerequisites exist. The second option is to organize the equipment room in the adjacent room 129, which meets all standard requirements regarding its dimensions. The area of ​​20.1 m2 of this room exceeds the standard. At the same time, however, the implementation of the main subsystems becomes somewhat more complicated, since access to the existing riser will require the organization of a horizontal channel. Taking into account this circumstance in this specific case Let's focus on the first option.

The standard area for cross-country premises based on the number of serviced IRs according to section 3.3.1 should be 6.2 m2, which slightly exceeds the minimum permissible value of 6 m2. Rooms 228, 328 and 428 with an area twice the standard are allocated for cross rooms on different floors. The location of these technical rooms directly above the equipment room significantly simplifies the design of interfloor passages and makes it possible to dispense with one riser without horizontal sections of laying the main cable. In addition, the presence of space reserves and the installation of IR makes it possible in the future to place additional network hardware collective use in case of significant modernization of the enterprise network.

In all technical rooms, in accordance with the requirements of section 3.2.5, the door, which must open outward, is rehung.

Article 32. Classification of buildings, structures, structures and fire compartments by functional fire danger
1. Buildings (structures, structures, fire compartments and parts of buildings, structures, structures - premises or groups of premises functionally interconnected) according to the class of functional fire hazard depending on their purpose, as well as on the age, physical condition and number of people, located in a building, structure, structure, the possibility of them being in a state of sleep is divided into:
1) F1 - buildings intended for permanent residence and temporary stay of people, including:
a) F1.1 - preschool buildings educational institutions, specialized homes for the elderly and disabled (non-residential), hospitals, dormitories of residential educational institutions and children's institutions;
b) F1.2 - hotels, hostels, dormitories of sanatoriums and rest homes general type, campsites, motels and boarding houses;
c) F1.3 - multi-apartment residential buildings;
d) F1.4 - single-apartment residential buildings, including blocked ones;
2) F2 - buildings of entertainment and cultural and educational institutions, including:
a) F2.1 - theaters, cinemas, concert halls, clubs, circuses, athletic facilities with stands, libraries and other institutions with an estimated number of seats for visitors in enclosed spaces;
b) F2.2 - museums, exhibitions, dance halls and other similar institutions in enclosed spaces;
c) F2.3 - buildings of institutions specified in subparagraph "a" of this paragraph, in the open air;
d) F2.4 - buildings of institutions specified in subparagraph "b" of this paragraph, in the open air;
3) F3 - buildings of public service organizations, including:
a) F3.1 - buildings of trade organizations;
b) F3.2 - buildings of public catering organizations;
c) F3.3 - train stations;
d) F3.4 - clinics and outpatient clinics;
e) F3.5 - premises for visitors of consumer and public service organizations with an unreasonable number of seats for visitors;
f) F3.6 - physical education and health complexes and sports training institutions with premises without stands for spectators, household premises, baths;
4) F4 - buildings of scientific and educational institutions, scientific and design organizations, governing bodies of institutions, including:
a) F4.1 - buildings educational institutions, educational institutions additional education children, educational institutions of primary vocational and secondary vocational education;
b) F4.2 - buildings of educational institutions of higher professional education and additional professional education (advanced training) of specialists;
c) F4.3 - buildings of governing bodies of institutions, design and engineering organizations, information and editorial and publishing organizations, scientific organizations, banks, offices, offices;
d) F4.4 - fire station buildings;
5) F5 - buildings for industrial or warehouse purposes, including:
a) F5.1 - industrial buildings, structures, buildings, production and laboratory premises, workshops;
6) F5.2 - warehouse buildings, structures, structures, parking lots for cars without Maintenance and repair, book depositories, archives, warehouses;
c) F5.3 - buildings for agricultural purposes.
2. The rules for classifying buildings, structures, structures and fire compartments into classes of structural fire hazard are determined in regulatory documents on fire safety.

The list of buildings belonging to one or another functional fire hazard class cannot be exhaustive. but the landmark is marked. There are no rooms with electrical panels on this list; there are no rooms at all. but only buildings. However, premises of a different class can be built into a building of any class. Electrical rooms are closest to F5.1, right? But the cleaner’s room, which designers often call a storage room for cleaning equipment, is difficult to classify as a production or storage room. But calling this room a pantry, the same root as a warehouse, they themselves dug a hole for themselves. In my opinion, warehouse and pantry are not synonymous, but not everyone understands this. Therefore, the cleaning lady’s room should not be called a pantry. then you won’t have to categorize it.

The main features are as follows:

Classification by type of permitted use

Non-residential premises can be used for any activity. If we take into account all types of permitted use, then all premises are divided into the following types:

Auxiliary and main

Reference! An auxiliary object is considered to be an object used for operation or consumer services (lobby, storage room, staircase, corridor).

The main premises are considered to be the premises in which the processes are carried out functional purpose. This includes premises, auditoriums and classes in government institutions, offices, chambers. There are also rooms here common use, namely, cinemas, theaters, halls in museums, clubs, assembly and reading rooms, administrative institutions, trading floors.

How is the division by purpose carried out?

Under intended purpose refers to the activities for which a particular premises can be used. Based on this criterion, premises are classified into:

Functional purpose of the room - availability design features And technical characteristics, which allow it to be used as independent object. The classification could be like this:

  • Basic.
  • Technical.
  • Communication.
  • Auxiliary.
  • Attendants.


In conclusion, it is worth noting that there are a lot of non-residential premises that can be used for different purposes. Their size is also very different. Such objects can be purchased for management own business or for industrial use. They can also be rented by concluding an agreement with the owner. It is important to choose the right type of premises and make sure that it meets your needs and has everything necessary for non-residential use.

Technological room- this is a room for accommodation technological equipment. Technological premises include:

Technological premises are subject to higher requirements in terms of construction, engineering equipment and safety measures. This is due to the high cost and great value for organizing the equipment located in them.

For safety reasons, the technological room is selected in such a way that water supply, heating and sewage pipes do not pass through it, and it should not have windows. According to the standards, the walls, ceiling and floor are plastered and covered with special paint. According to regulatory requirements fire safety Technological rooms are most often equipped with doors with a high degree of fire resistance.

Technological rooms are the centers of the building: they contain the most important information, the most important telecommunications are collected, the work of the organization or the building as a whole depends on them. Failure of equipment in such premises paralyzes work. Therefore, it is necessary to equip them with appropriate security systems. Minimum level of physical security - secure lock at the door. The best solution The premises will be equipped with an access control and video surveillance system.

Server room

The server room is the brain of the building, the center of its telecommunications infrastructure. Here are servers for storing and processing data, equipment for accessing external networks, equipment for a local area network, telephony, security systems, video surveillance, dispatching, clocking, etc.

This equipment is expensive and requires special maintenance climatic conditions, as well as special security measures. A huge number of cable routes come into the server room, which must be conveniently placed. Therefore, much attention is paid to the design of a server room.

building part

Each engineering subsystem in the server room has its own telecommunications cabinet (or several cabinets). For ease of maintenance, the cabinets are organized in rows, and each of them has two-way access: from the front and back. The server room is located climatic equipment, system uninterruptible power supply and fire extinguishing system equipment. All this affects the area of ​​the room and the required load-bearing capacity of the floor.

For laying cable routes, the room is equipped with a raised floor and a system of cable channels. With the help of special perforated tiles, the raised floor also provides the supply of cooled air directly to telecommunications cabinets, and thanks to the antistatic coating, it protects equipment sensitive to static electricity from failure.


Majority modern equipment For normal operation needs to maintain special climatic conditions: certain temperature and humidity.

The best solution is to equip a server room precision air conditioners. They are specialized devices capable of maintaining the required temperature and humidity with high accuracy. all year round. But what makes them different is high price Therefore, to save money, split systems are often installed or, as a compromise, semi-industrial air conditioners.

As a rule, 100% redundancy of air conditioning power is used. This means that two air conditioners are installed, each of which is capable of completely providing the room with cold at any time of the year. Only one air conditioner always works, and the second is in hot reserve. Fifty percent reservation is also sometimes used. In this case, three units are installed, each of which has a power equal to half of the required one. Two units operate simultaneously, the third is a backup unit. With any redundancy, it is necessary to rotate operating units to ensure uniform wear and allocate time intervals for maintenance.

Electricity supply

Category I of power supply is required. To prevent loss of information during a short-term power failure, UPSs must be provided. This is relevant for organizations and enterprises using information Technology, the stop of which will result in loss of information or interruption of the control process. To increase the autonomy time in the event of a power outage or unacceptably low quality, you can equip the building with an automatic diesel generator set.


The server room is equipped with a system fire alarm and, most importantly, the system automatic fire extinguishing. It is possible to use powder (cheaper) or gas (providing a minimum harmful effects for equipment) fire extinguishing systems.

Electrical room

The electrical panel room is the heart of the building, the center of the power supply system.

Input distribution devices (IDUs) are located here, automatic devices transfer switch (ATS), centralized uninterruptible power supplies. The operation of the entire building directly depends on the functioning of the equipment located in the electrical room, so increased demands are placed on the design of this room.

Since the equipment being placed is heavy, most often the electrical panel is located on lower floors. The project develops the most convenient placement of cabinets from a maintenance point of view. Cable ducting is installed inside the premises.

Diesel generator room

There are two ways to place a diesel generator set (DGS): in an autonomous container and in a dedicated room.

In the first option, the container is located in the adjacent area. It is factory equipped with all necessary systems. This is a more expensive solution.

In the second option, it is necessary to prepare the room for the installation of a diesel generator set, install valves for removing exhaust gases, implementation of fire alarm system, access control system, fire extinguishing system, etc.

The most convenient from an operational point of view is the second option, so the choice of placement method most often depends on the availability of the possibility of placing a diesel generator set in the building.