home · Other · Where is Oksana Samoyla's Caesarean scar? As the wife of Dzhigan, Oksana Samoilova began training after a caesarean section. Own business of Oksana Samoilova

Where is Oksana Samoyla's Caesarean scar? As the wife of Dzhigan, Oksana Samoilova began training after a caesarean section. Own business of Oksana Samoilova

Looking at the pictures of the beauty, you would never say that she recently became a mother for the third time.

“Yes, she’s a witch,” my colleague said with envy, looking at Oksana Samoilova’s selfie some ten days after giving birth.

Many will probably agree with her. Whatever, I myself agree. Such a figure for a mother of three children is something incredible. “I never had one like this before I gave birth,” they said sadly in the comments, and I am ready to subscribe to these words.

Thin waist, slender legs, luxurious breasts, beautiful shoulders. The only reminder that Oksana has children is her small tummy, which has not yet retracted after the third caesarean section.

So, rule number one is a bandage.

“Girls, wear a bandage after childbirth! It is very important. The stomach recovers much faster,” advises Oksana.

Rule number two is taking care of your skin.

“Smear, smear and smear again with creams or oils, moisturize the skin to the maximum!” – according to the 29-year-old beauty, the more creams, the less likely there are stretch marks on the skin.

Rule number three is proper nutrition. Oksana admitted that during pregnancy she ate everything. At least for now, severe toxicosis allowed her to do so. But I didn’t get fat! Or she got better in such a way that it was completely unnoticeable.

Rule number four is sport. Before pregnancy and after - slowly, gently, but necessary.

“Of course, I don’t go to the gym yet, but I’ll start in a month. So far, only walking and a lot of stairs with a small load on your hands,” Oksana laughs. By burden I mean my daughter Maya, of course.

And the young mother openly talked about what it was like to undergo three Caesarean sections: “In general, the first and second days are the toughest of all three times. I thought I was going to die. And then suddenly on the third day I didn’t just walk, but ran, and it became so easy.”

Oksana's first caesarean section was performed urgently. The second and third are already without options. “A normal doctor will not give you a caesarean section at will, only according to indications. But you shouldn’t be upset, these are all minor things compared to the fact that later you are a mother,” she says.

According to the mother, doctors say that after the third cesarean section, the body’s recovery is much faster. There is only one unpleasant moment: the seam is becoming longer and longer: “But it is thin, it will be practically invisible, this is reassuring.”

Looking at the pictures of the beauty, you would never say that she recently became a mother for the third time.

“Yes, she’s a witch,” my colleague said with envy, looking at Oksana Samoilova’s selfie some ten days after giving birth.

Many will probably agree with her. Whatever, I myself agree. Such a figure for a mother of three children is something incredible. “I never had one like this before I gave birth,” they said sadly in the comments, and I am ready to subscribe to these words.

Thin waist, slender legs, luxurious breasts, beautiful shoulders. The only reminder that Oksana has children is her small tummy, which has not yet retracted after the third caesarean section.

So, rule number one- this is a bandage.

“Girls, wear a bandage after childbirth! It is very important. The stomach recovers much faster,” advises Oksana.

Rule number two is skin care.

“Smear, smear and smear again with creams or oils, moisturize the skin to the maximum!” – according to the 29-year-old beauty, the more creams, the less likely there are stretch marks on the skin.

Rule number three– proper nutrition. Oksana admitted that during pregnancy she ate everything. At least for now, severe toxicosis allowed her to do so. But I didn’t get fat! Or she got better in such a way that it was completely unnoticeable.

Rule number four– this is a sport. Before pregnancy and after - slowly, gently, but necessary.

“Of course, I don’t go to the gym yet, but I’ll start in a month. So far, only walking and a lot of stairs with a small load on your hands,” Oksana laughs. By burden I mean my daughter Maya, of course.

And the young mother openly talked about what it was like to undergo three Caesarean sections: “In general, the first and second days are the toughest of all three times. I thought I was going to die. And then suddenly on the third day I didn’t just walk, but ran, and it became so easy.”

Oksana's first caesarean section was performed urgently. The second and third are already without options. “A normal doctor will not give you a caesarean section at will, only according to indications. But you shouldn’t be upset, these are all minor things compared to the fact that later you are a mother,” she says.

According to the mother, doctors say that after the third cesarean section, the body’s recovery is much faster. There is only one unpleasant moment: the seam is becoming longer and longer: “But it is thin, it will be practically invisible, this is reassuring.”

It's hard not to envy rapper Dzhigan! Just a month after giving birth, his beautiful wife demonstrated an impeccable figure. Instagram star Oksana Samoilova breaks all possible beauty records.

Oksana Samoilova became a mother for the second time a little less than a month ago. However, the 26-year-old former model and now clothing store owner had enough time to get her body in shape. Recently, an Internet celebrity demonstrated phenomenal results in her photo blog. Of course, fans of the star could not ignore this event.

“Almost exactly a month after giving birth))) proper nutrition, endosphere (figure modeling device) and a couple of creams that suit me))) I’ll start going to the gym soon! Don’t worry - I’ll do it without weights, light cardio and training))) P.S.: you can do sports))) not))) well, of course you can’t be lazy))) (the author’s punctuation and spelling have been preserved),” Samoilova captioned the photo.

Seeing the young mother’s toned belly, fans bombarded her with compliments and questions about how she managed it: “I admire you! You are super! An example to follow. Class! How did you manage to not have a belly left after giving birth? How to get rid of it? (Punctuation and spelling of the author have been preserved)” Samoilova immediately dedicated the post to her beauty secrets. The celebrity told fans what products helped her get back into shape faster: “Vichy creams - Aqua Destock and Action Integrale, as well as BioOil oil help a lot.” Apparently, Oksana’s methods really work! Do you like the way a celebrity looks?

Samoilova actively communicated with her subscribers before the birth of her child, and continues to do so after. Today Oksana showed off her figure, noting that only 11 days had passed since the third caesarean section, and at the time Samoilova was sent to give birth, she weighed 74.5 kilograms. Today she weighs 10 kilos less. On her Instagram, Dzhigan’s wife decided to tell subscribers about how she was recovering after the birth of her third daughter.

A post shared by Samoylova Oxana (@samoylovaoxana) on May 4, 2017 at 12:06pm PDT

Oksana applies a bandage and advises wearing it after childbirth. The designer also recommends applying creams or oils and moisturizing the skin to the maximum. An important point is proper nutrition, as well as exercise before pregnancy and even during it. “Of course, I don’t go to the gym yet, but in a month I’ll start, so far only walking and a lot of stairs with a small load on my hands. In general, the first and second days are the toughest of all three times, I thought I was going to die, and then suddenly on the third day I "I didn't just walk, I ran, and it became so easy. Doctors say that this is true, after the third CS you recover much faster. Now I'm already jumping like a goat after my three kids," Oksana shared.

A post shared by Samoylova Oxana (@samoylovaoxana) on May 6, 2017 at 8:09am PDT

She also talked about an unpleasant feature - each time the seam becomes longer and longer, but it is thin and almost invisible. “The first CS I had was an emergency, I won’t tell you why - it took a long time. No normal doctor will give you a CS at will, only according to indications. But you shouldn’t be upset, these are all trifles compared to the fact that then you are a mother. That’s all. heals, is forgotten, everything can be restored and even better than it was before,” Samoilova concluded.

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She talked about her new fitness project and how.

The wife of Russian rapper Dzhigan and mother of two children, Oksana Samoilova, is one of the most popular Russians on Instagram. Thousands of fans follow the girl’s busy life with interest and follow her example. The mother of two children gives video beauty tutorials on her blog, talks about the secrets of maintaining her figure and gives tips on raising children.

Samoilova recently decided to start her own business. The 26-year-old girl is developing her fitness project, where she is developing a personal training and nutrition program called FitForYou.

Oksana told how after the birth of her second child she lost 28 kilograms.

“In the first month you lose most of the weight, and then everyone starts having the problem of losing 3-5 kilograms that “stick” after pregnancy. There is no way to drive them away by leading a normal lifestyle. A very important point is the quality of the skin that remains after childbirth - it is stretched and flabby, even if you have lost weight and do not exercise, you will be like jelly. Especially the stomach. Therefore, training is very, very important,” says the girl.

As Dzhigan’s wife admits, for the first month after the birth of her daughter, she was unable to train at all due to the fact that she gave birth by birth. Intense training and weight loss after childbirth began in the second month.

“I just went to the gym, did cardio and some strength training. Then our program appeared, although not in the format in which it is now: the guys wrote out some basic provisions for me, and to this day I adhere to them,” she says.

In order to tighten the muscles of the thighs and thighs, Samoilova squats every day: twenty times before training and twenty after.

In addition to fitness, Samoilova follows.

“The only thing I always follow is that I don’t eat sweets, starchy foods, or any simple carbohydrates. Only difficult ones - porridge in the morning, for example. Now I eat two times a day - breakfast and dinner, but I should eat five. I have achieved a certain result and therefore I am not particularly worried about this, my weight has stabilized. When you first embark on this path, it is very important to eat five meals a day.”

Looking at this fragile girl, it’s hard to believe that she is a mother of two children. However, before you start on your own, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Stay fit!

based on materials from super.ru