home · electrical safety · Hedge all year round. What plants are suitable for hedges: fast-growing trees and shrubs. Classification depending on the number of rows

Hedge all year round. What plants are suitable for hedges: fast-growing trees and shrubs. Classification depending on the number of rows

A hedge is a spectacular decoration of any site, widely used in decorative landscaping. The plants that form it have special requirements. It is desirable that they be fast-growing and perennial. An evergreen hedge will continue to decorate a garden or yard in the off-season. Let's discuss which shrubs are best suited for forming this element of landscape design. What needs to be done to make the green wall dense and beautiful.

This element of landscape design is used very widely: it can play the role of a divider within a site, frame, surround various objects, and complement. Often a hedge serves as an alternative to a conventional fence. When working with living, growing material, there are ample opportunities for experimentation. You can grow a compact, low and dense hedge. By choosing a high wall and choosing plants with thorns for it, you can get a completely impenetrable fence.

Advice. If the height of a hedge can be selected based on individual preferences, then the width traditionally does not exceed 80 cm. This is important from the point of view of decorativeness and the feasibility of using the area of ​​the site.

Requirements for the selection of plants for linear plantings include a number of important parameters. If its length is large, the unpretentiousness of the shrubs comes to the fore. Painstaking care for each bush, when there are several hundred of them, can forever discourage the desire to decorate your area with hedges. In the middle zone, we must not forget about the frost resistance of perennials.

Choose unpretentious crops for hedges

Planting new plants every spring to replace frozen ones is not only expensive and difficult, but can also deprive the entire hedge of its attractiveness. Along with these most important characteristics, you should also pay attention to the following indicators:

  1. Speed ​​of growth and development.
  2. Availability of flowers and fruits.
  3. Possibility of cutting, shaping.
  4. Duration of the decorative season.
  5. No uncontrolled growth.

There is a special type of hedge using. You can arrange trellises for them or leave them to curl along the fence. This type of vertical gardening, located along the perimeter of the site, forms beautiful cascades of greenery, creating a kind of hedge.

You can also plant cultivated loaches, which bloom for a long time; the large corollas are very attractive. Such a flowering vertical hedge has every chance of becoming the main decoration of the garden. The advantage of climbing plants is their rapid development; in the second year, a rather large clump is formed, almost completely hiding the area from prying eyes. In addition, a vertical hedge takes up little space in width, which can be important for narrow areas.


Fast-growing crops for hedges

Very often used to create hedges. This perennial is very flexible; it can be used to form a low, neat border hedge trimmed along one line. Or place the plants in a more spacious planting pattern, allowing them to develop into tall, thorny, impenetrable hedges. Barberry has earned its popularity due to the following qualities:

  • unpretentiousness;
  • frost resistance;
  • rapid formation of green mass;
  • responsiveness to haircut;
  • the presence of thorns;
  • highly decorative.

No less often used by landscapers to create hedges. In addition to the decorative qualities that this plant boasts, its edible fruits are healing for the heart and blood vessels. The plant is characterized by the following qualities important for phytodesign:

  • highly decorative;
  • low maintenance requirements;
  • easy to form;
  • unpretentiousness to growing conditions.

Adult hawthorn plants are frost-resistant, but young, fragile bushes may need light shelter, especially in the first year of life.


The following types of shrubs, excellent for creating linear plantings of various configurations, also deserve close attention:

  1. Snowberry.
  2. (different types).
  3. Forsythia.
  4. etc.

Evergreens for hedges

The climate of the vast majority of the territories of our country requires the use of only coniferous trees as evergreens. The advantages of such plants are quite obvious: they are attractive all year round, their lush branches are well suited for linear plantings. The aroma of their resins has beneficial properties for human health.

Coniferous plants are durable; if you plan to create a green hedge once for many years, then this choice will be the best. However, most coniferous crops grow rather slowly and require a special approach when planting. There is no seasonal change in the color of the foliage that colors the landscape, and there will be no flowering. This fact must be taken into account. Let's look at those conifers that are best suited for hedges.

Norway spruce

Breeders have developed many decorative varieties of spruce. They differ in the shade of the needles, the speed and vigor of growth, and the shape of the crown. The choice is quite wide; using various varietal forms of Norway spruce you can get a low hedge consisting of beautiful spruce paws. Or grow a powerful, human-sized, thorny barrier, distinguished by its decorative effect. As an option, you can plant plants of the “Little Jam” or “Echiniformis” variety, which have crowns in the form of a hemisphere or pillow, at some distance from each other. Spruce planted as a hedge meets a number of requirements for this element of garden design:

  • ease of care;
  • frost resistance;
  • undemanding to soil fertility and composition;
  • pleasant spruce aroma;
  • the ability to create a barbed barrier;
  • amenable to formation.

Thuja is rightfully popular among landscape designers and site owners. Its naturally even crowns often do not need to be formed artificially. Even planted as a simple single-row hedge, thuja perfectly decorates the space. However, this southern plant is vulnerable to severe frosts. Depending on the growing region, it may require shelter.

Juniper comes in many varieties and varieties. From creeping plants to fairly tall representatives. Its branches are capable of creating dense weaves, well suited for living fences.

Planting and caring for hedges

Particular attention should be paid to purchasing seedlings of coniferous plants. It is recommended to purchase planting material from a nursery rather than taking young plants from their natural habitat.

Planting a hedge

Since conifers are characterized by a very close symbiosis with other organisms, they do not take root well in a new place. It is highly advisable to purchase seedlings with a closed root system, with a lump of earth. This way, at least part of the soil community will be preserved and establishment will be much faster. Coniferous seedlings are usually selected at least 4 years old. Whereas deciduous shrubs can be planted already in the 2-3rd year of their life.

Preparing for planting plants in a hedge is not much different from working with other types of shrub plantings. A planting trench with an average depth of 50 cm is dug along the entire length of the future green wall. For a single-row hedge, the width is approximately equal to the depth. The planting pattern differs significantly depending on the specific type of plant. Most shrubs widely used for making hedges are placed at a distance of 25 cm from each other.

Advice. When planting an evergreen hedge of coniferous plants, manure should not be added to the planting trench.

Plant care is standard for shrubs. It must be remembered that the roots of crops growing in a hedge consume a significant amount of nutrients from the soil. Because they are planted quite tightly. This fact must be taken into account when calculating fertilizer consumption for other plants growing on the site.

The main difficulty in caring for a hedge is its regular cutting. After all, a free-growing hedge does not always meet aesthetic and design needs. Plants need to be trimmed at least once a season, but usually this is done more often. Properly formed plants form a well-leafed clump, never becoming bare in the lower part.

Important! To reduce the frequency of cutting hedges and reduce labor costs, you can use special chemicals that inhibit plant growth - retardants.

Planting a hedge is not at all difficult. By selecting fast-growing crops for its formation, you can get a wonderful fence in the shortest possible time. A hedge is superior to conventional fences in many ways. After all, it traps dust, muffles sounds, saturates the air with oxygen, and creates a pleasant shadow. Among other things, such a fence is very aesthetic and attractive in appearance.

First of all, it is important to decide on the conditions (soil, lighting, etc.). In addition, you should decide whether your hedge will be free-growing (this takes up more space) or whether you plan to form it (this saves space, but requires serious care).

Now you can start choosing plants for your hedge. We have selected shrubs suitable for this purpose. They can be planted immediately after construction is completed.

If you are planting a hedge along a fence, before selecting plants, you need to pay attention to which side in your case the sun is shining and whether the plants you have chosen will have enough light.

10 most unpretentious and friendly


If you want to save money, you can buy one large bush and make several from it. Classic "fence" derens - white, blood red and offspring (Cornus alba, C. sanguinea, C. stolonifera). Thanks to the variety of variegated and bright-barked varieties, the plant looks interesting both as an independent hedge and as a “cover” for a fence.

pros : Unpretentiousness: most types of derain grow on almost any soil, in the sun and in partial shade. Winter hardiness. Fast growth rate: any of the common tree varieties will reach a height of 1 m in the first year. Bright bark decorating the garden in winter.

Minuses : With low growth, it occupies a fairly large area.

Shrub willows (crimped, purple, Caspian)

An excellent material for hedges about 3 meters high. There are many varieties and you with a wide range of characteristics, allowing you to choose an option suitable for any conditions and needs. Many of them grow very large and are better suited to larger areas. Very interesting thanks to the narrow long leaves fluttering in the wind, basket willow (S. viminalis) And Willow Schwerin (S. schwerinii). If we turn to the varieties, then among the willows there are excellent candidates for planting in a very small area: white willow (S. alba) "Sericea", ashy "Variegata", rosemary leaf (S. rosmarinifolia), whole leaf (S. integra) "Hakura Nishiki" And " Pendula", purple (S. purpurea) "Nana". A moist substrate is most suitable for willows. They are not demanding in terms of mechanical and chemical composition, but develop best on acidic (pH 5-6), not particularly saline soils.

pros : Unpretentious and develop quickly. Easy to propagate: willow cuttings take root well.

Minuses : Demanding on soil moisture and sensitive to its acidity.

Bladderwort viburnum

Large (3-4 m in height and diameter) shrub with a dense crown. The shoots first grow vertically upward, then bend in picturesque arcs. Creates a hedge that is completely opaque in summer and quite dense in winter. Bladderwort feels good on almost any soil: light sandy, heavy clay and rocky. It only dislikes alkaline soils, preferring neutral and acidic ones (pH from 4.5 to 6.5). Tolerates lack of watering. All bladderworts tolerate pruning very well, which allows them to be formed into bushes with dense, compact crowns.

pros : Unpretentiousness. High growth rate - 30-40 cm (and up to 1 m) per year in favorable conditions. Virtually not susceptible to pests. Successfully adapts to various environmental conditions (including a polluted urban atmosphere). Almost all varieties of bladderwort are frost-resistant.

Minuses : Sensitive to soil acidity (does not like alkaline conditions). Tolerates shade, but will not grow in deep shade. Varieties with colored leaves change their color to green even with slight shading.

Cotoneaster brilliant

Typically, cotoneaster is used for low and medium-height (up to 2 meters) hedges formed by pruning. When grown in free form, only with sanitary pruning, it grows up to 3 meters in height. Under favorable conditions it grows quickly.

pros : Cotoneaster has small, densely spaced leaves, it branches well, its dense bushes do not become bald from below. It is unpretentious to the soil, relatively drought-resistant, very shade-tolerant, tolerates even urban conditions, and is frost-resistant.

Minuses : The need for regular formative pruning.

Aronia chokeberry

Maple Tatarian and ginnala maple are similar to each other both in appearance and in terms of requirements for conditions. Both species grow as small trees or large shrubs with an average height of 4 to 9 meters. Suitable for hedges formed by pruning. They produce abundant root shoots. If it is undesirable for the maples to “scatter”, it is necessary to provide restrictions on the sides of the planting trench, for example, by laying a wide border strip.

pros : They tolerate shearing well and grow quickly.

Minuses : Tendency to form root shoots. Photophilous. In partial shade they lose their bright color. In both species, the trunks quickly become exposed underneath. If this is undesirable, it is necessary to immediately, without waiting for the crowns to close, to form a trapezoidal fence profile. In this case, the lower branches should be longer than the upper ones to receive more light. In this case, the bottom will not be exposed.

And finally, the most practical option for using the usable space - mixed free-growing hedge . For example, you can plant different lilac And mock oranges , for example, high mock orange crown (Philadelphus coronarius) or numerous varieties common mock orange (Philadelphus pallidus), making them look shorter rose hips in the foreground. They will bloom at different times, and the hedge will remain beautiful for almost the entire season.

Minuses this option: Difficulties in selecting plants so that they are harmoniously combined with each other and at the same time the same conditions suit them.

A hedge will decorate any country house. This is a worthy alternative to a simple stone fence. In landscape design, there are several hundred options for what shape, height and structure a hedge can be. But at the first stage it is important to choose the right plant, which will be the basis of the future fence.

The answer depends on the need, its purpose, as well as climatic conditions. If you want your dacha to remain beautifully fenced all year round, then evergreens are the best option. Such fences are best used for fencing. A non-falling shrub or tree will help maintain the privacy of the area.

In the northern regions, the following are suitable for creating a hedge:

  • Rowan;
  • bird cherry;
  • white acacia;
  • thorn

Suitable for central regions and temperate zones:

The southern regions allow you to give free rein to your imagination. Any varieties of ornamental trees and shrubs take root well here and decorate the site. They allow you to make an imitation of an artificial fence, which is not inferior in terms of transmission and protective properties to traditional fencing. At the same time, the air will be cleaner and the appearance will be more pleasant.

Important! Conifers, especially spruce, require moist soil, and therefore require more frequent watering in southern climates.

Types of plants and their classification

Trees, climbing and upright shrubs can be used for hedges. These can be either evergreens or conifers. With their help, you can create single-row high barriers or double-row hedges for a small area.

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A hedge of trees will look good on the borders of a large plot. It will protect from dust, dirt, noise and prying eyes. For a small area, such a fence is impractical. The most popular in this case are 5 tree species.

Derain or Dogwood

This is an ideal plant for forming a hedge. It has bright and beautiful fruits. White dogwood grows up to 3 meters in height. Blooms in any conditions and tolerates shady areas well.

The plant lives for more than 100 years, and therefore, with proper care, such a fence will definitely be durable. Tolerates frosts down to -30 degrees.


The height of hydrangea is up to one and a half meters. It is better to grow in the southern regions, since it requires shelter for the winter. It has beautiful decorative forms and blooms beautifully. At the same time, it is considered a capricious plant. Therefore, a hedge can be made if regular care and watering is possible. Sunny places or light partial shade are suitable for planting.

Photo: separating the territory of a private plot and the roadway using hydrangeas


An elm hedge can grow up to 3.5 meters in height. Prefers fertile, loose soils and tolerates drought well. Requires regular feeding. It is recommended to plant in windless places. Tolerates winter well. In autumn the leaves turn red and gradually fall off. It requires little pruning as the shoots grow very evenly.

Photo: passage - arch in the hedge


Boxwood is an evergreen tree. It grows slowly and reaches 6 m in height and up to 3 m in width. This fence has ideal geometric proportions. Easy to care for and unpretentious. But all parts of the plant are poisonous and should not be eaten. One of the leaders in durability.

Photo: landscape design of the estate


A popular type of plant for decorative hedges because it combines a pleasant appearance, ease of care and winter hardiness. It blooms with small and inconspicuous flowers, but the fruits are bright. All the beauty of the tree is noticeable in the fall, when it is covered with bright leaves and fruits. It shears very well and, depending on the variety, grows up to two meters.

Coniferous plants

Coniferous plants are popular in landscape design because they are most often evergreen and durable.


There are a huge number of varieties of thuja. Thuja occidentalis is especially popular for creating hedges. She is the most unpretentious in care. Does not require constant feeding or watering, grows well in urban environments. The needles are dense, dark green. There are several golden varieties that will give the site a unique look. Grows up to three meters. Thuja is especially attractive for lovers of clean air. It secretes phytoncides that suppress the development of harmful microorganisms.

Photo: living fence made of evergreen conifers (western thuja Columna)



The best perennial for a beautiful evergreen hedge. Not capricious and not picky about the soil. It grows slowly, the crown has the shape of a cone. It is durable. Capable of living up to two hundred years, there are isolated cases when the age of juniper reached 500 years. Foliage renewal occurs every 3-4 years.


Shrubs are shorter growing and are distinguished by the presence of several trunks. They are suitable not only for creating a main fence, but also for zoning within a site or simply for decorating it.

Cotoneaster brilliant

An evergreen low shrub capable of producing a huge number of shoots. It grows about a meter in height and is decorative throughout the season. Cotoneaster fruits are not poisonous, which is important for those who have small children. It tolerates urban polluted air well and releases substances that help cleanse the environment. It is easy to care for and can be easily cut, taking almost any shape.

Shrub varieties of willow allow you to form a living fence in a short time. But it is not recommended to plant other plants next to them, since the willow will shade them. Tolerates frost well and is not afraid of drought. Despite the fact that willow loses its foliage in winter, it retains its decorative effect due to the extraordinary interweaving of branches. They can be used to make unique patterns that will delight the eye all year round.

Once formed, it does not require updating for 20 years.


It will add new colors to the area. It always has a decorative appearance, and during flowering it fills the air with a pleasant aroma. The color variety of varieties will help you create a special pattern or choose a plant to suit your taste. Most varieties tolerate shade well and have a wide spreading crown. To form a lilac hedge, you need to take additional care of drainage, since the plant does not like stagnant water in the soil.

Photo: low-growing lilac in the landscape design of a summer cottage


Quite common in landscape design. From honeysuckle you can create an even high border and a vine to decorate the stairs. It all depends on the chosen variety. There are edible varieties that bear fruit with a slightly bitter taste. Decorative varieties have a delicate aroma during flowering, but the fruits are poisonous. Prefers sunny places and grows well in almost any soil.


This divine plant looks beautiful in any role. But it also requires appropriate care. A rather capricious bush that needs to be planted in well-lit areas, warm and at the same time protected from the winds. The soil for roses is better water- and breathable. Be sure to regularly water and feed the plant. All these efforts will lead to an elite hedge that will bloom magnificently.

Photo: decorating a fence with climbing roses


The plant is easy to care for and does not require constant feeding. Tolerates frost and drought well. It grows quickly and requires cutting only once every 2-3 years. A chokeberry hedge can be completely formed in 3-5 years.

In order for the bush to grow in width and form a dense wall, in the first years it is necessary to trim the tops. After forming in width, trimming the top should be stopped.

Alpine currant

Alpine currants tolerate drought well, grow in almost all climatic conditions, and bear fruit regularly. Feeding is necessary once a year, in the spring. The alpine golden currant variety is perfect for forming simple and trellis hedges. It blooms with large yellow flowers and has high decorative properties. It also has good resistance against diseases and pests. The height of the hedge formation is 40-60 cm.

Pink Family

The Pink family is popular in landscape design. There are several varieties of shrubs used for decorative purposes, both to create fences and to zone the garden.


The height of a hedge made from this shrub can reach 1.5 m. It grows in any soil. You can choose varieties that have golden or red foliage all year round. Young shoots do not tolerate frost very well, so it is recommended to dig them in for the winter.


This is a deciduous multi-stemmed shrub that can reach 5-6 meters in height. It is unpretentious in care and remains decorative throughout the entire growing season. Grows best in sunny areas with good drainage and sandy loam soil. During the season, the bush requires cutting 2-3 times. It is also necessary to weed the area regularly. Hawthorn reacts poorly even in proximity to lawn grass, since it takes nutrients and moisture from the soil.


Frost-resistant crop native to North America. It grows up to three meters and can be used as an external hedge. It is distinguished by a dense crown with hanging branches and a matte surface of the leaves. It grows quickly and has high disease resistance. To decorate the area, you can use several varieties with different leaf colors. It is unpretentious in care and tolerates difficult climatic conditions well. Capable of growing in almost any region. At the same time, it does not tolerate increased moisture, so you should be careful with watering. It is better to plant in lighted areas, away from trees.

Photo: zoning of a garden plot with physocarpus

A very unpretentious shrub with a developed root system that grows up to 8 meters deep. Tolerates drought and is not afraid of stagnant groundwater. It is frost-resistant and easily tolerates frosts down to -50. This allows you to make a hedge from serviceberry in the Urals and Siberia.

Another advantage is that the bush bears fruit with delicious berries, from which you can make jam and even wine.

Family Barberry

In total, the Barberry family has 19 species. Many of them are successfully used to decorate areas, as well as as a living fence.


Most often used to create a natural hedge. After cutting, the plant keeps its shape for a long time. It is unpretentious in care, and its thorny thickets will not allow animals and strangers to enter the site. Barberry creates a real impenetrable wall. For decorative purposes, several varieties have been bred that make it possible to create both medium-height and high barriers. The disadvantages of this shrub include: susceptibility to various diseases, rapid and widespread reproduction. Barberry seedlings quickly spread around.

Photo: living barberry fence

Family Hydrangeaceae

A relatively small family of plants that includes shrubs, subshrubs and vines.


Good for perennial hedges. This is a very fragrant plant that can easily compete with lilac bushes. It is distinguished by its bright color, lush greenery, and can reach a height of 3 meters. Tolerates frost and drought well. It reacts poorly to waterlogging of the soil, so when creating a fence, be sure to provide drainage. Grows best in open sunny areas with minimal shade.


In order not to see gray trunks instead of a fence in winter, it is better to use various evergreens that will please the eye all year round. Of the above species, juniper and euonymus are best suited for this purpose. But there are other options.


In terms of unpretentiousness, he is an undoubted leader. Decorative species are distinguished by a variety of leaf colors and shapes. It grows easily in the first year, but needs support. It is not afraid of frost and drought, looks good at any time of the year.

Photo: decorating a fence with vine-like climbing plants

Belongs to ever- or semi-evergreen shrubs. Grows well in unshaded areas. It is better to choose soils that are neutral in acidity. It takes root well in northern regions because it can withstand frosts down to -45 degrees.

Photo: landscape architecture of the local area

To form a lush hedge, it is recommended to place seedlings in a checkerboard pattern. You need to water about 6 times a year. To prevent soil acidity from increasing, it is recommended to add slaked lime 1-2 times a year.


A beautiful evergreen tree that can grow up to 25 meters in height. It grows slowly and is long-lived. Such a tree can stand for 4,000 years. It propagates not only by seeds, but also by cuttings and seedlings. Well suited for curly haircuts.

Photo: topiary (curly) yew haircut
Rose hip

The evergreen forms of this shrub have sparse thorns, dark green leaves, and red-orange fruits. In the first year you need to water frequently and abundantly, and in subsequent years - 3-4 times per season. Prefers bright sunny areas and good drainage.


When forming a hedge, it is better to choose plants that are long-lived so that you do not have to renew the decoration of the area every year. For example, serviceberry lives 60-70 years, and each of its trunks is up to 20. Also perennial include:

It takes several years to form a hedge. Growth may vary depending on the type of plant used as a basis.

Fast growing shrubs

Fast-growing species include those that grow 0.6–1 m per year. This type of fence does not require much time to form. But usually it needs to be trimmed regularly, since such a fence quickly loses its shape. Fast growing plants include:

  • barberry, which grows and reproduces very quickly;
  • hawthorn;
  • thorn;
  • forsythia.

The last shrub comes from China. It has bright yellow inflorescences that can brighten up any area. Reproduces quickly.

Fruiting bushes

These plants combine decorative qualities and benefits. For example, hawthorn fruits are often used in folk medicine, and the jam made from its berries is delicious.


This is a shrub up to 4 meters high, which is characterized by frost resistance and a lush crown. Grows in sunny areas, prefers nutritious soils. Susceptible to attacks by various pests. It is recommended to closely monitor this and regularly treat the plant.

Also among the fruit-bearing shrubs suitable for forming a hedge is cotoneaster. There are many varieties of this species. And almost all of them have tasty fruits, suitable for making jam and eating fresh.

A fruit-bearing hedge is the best option for families with children.

Planting a hedge

When planting a hedge, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the selected plant, soil type and light level. But there are also general rules that will help you grow a strong hedge in one or more rows. The optimal time for planting is the end of April and mid-May. If the seedling is sold loose or planted in a container, the period is extended until mid-June.

Conifers can be planted from mid to late August.

When planting plants for hedges, it is better to use a trench rather than individual holes. The planting depth depends on the specific type of plant. On average, this figure is 50-60 cm. The pattern can be different, since it all depends on the splendor of the crown and the desired result. For example, a willow tree can be planted so that its trunks can then be woven into a variety of patterns. This way it looks better in winter, without leaves.

Planting stages and technology:

  1. Dig a trench and mix the top fertile layer with humus, peat and compost.
  2. Add mineral fertilizers.
  3. I pour the mixture into a trench 10-15 cm above the soil level, taking into account further subsidence.
  4. Place pegs in the center for a single-row fence or at a distance equal to the row spacing if there are several rows.
  5. Pull the cord between the pegs.
  6. Make holes for plants.
  7. Remove the stakes and plant the seedlings.

Planting scheme

The density also depends on the type of plant, but on average 3-5 seedlings are planted per meter. When planting, you need to pay attention to the location of the root collar. Typically it should be slightly higher or level with the ground. Some types of plants allow deepening.

Plant care, haircut

Plants in hedges require some care. First of all, in the spring of the second year you need to fertilize. It is better to produce it with compost and long-acting fertilizers. It is worth regularly inspecting the plants in the hedge for damage by diseases or pests. At the first signs, medications should be used and damaged areas should be cut off.

Photo: cutting plants using garden shears

Trimming has several goals: activating the growth of side shoots, increasing the density of the crown, and also forming a smooth surface. This procedure must be carried out annually. Some types of shrubs are best trimmed twice a year. Small trimmings are done as the shoots grow to maintain clear fence lines. To prevent branches from sagging, shoots should be pruned as close as possible to the contour of last year's pruning.

Requirements and GOST in relation to hedges

The height of the fence can be any, depending on the site and the wishes of the owner. But experts do not recommend making the width more than 80 cm. This will make it more convenient to trim and renew the hedge.

GOST for hedges in the city intended for landscaping has been in effect for a long time. This is GOST 28329-89. According to it, for urban landscaping, free-growing and molded shrubs are most often used, which must be planted in one or two rows. They must have decorative, fencing or camouflage functions.

Photo: green corner on a summer cottage

When selecting plants for a hedge, it is necessary to take into account their compliance with climatic conditions, crown height and width, susceptibility to disease and care requirements.

A hedge is considered a very beautiful and status decoration. It has a huge number of advantages: clean air, beautiful appearance, health benefits for others, protection from dust and insects. But forming and maintaining such a fence requires attention and patience.

The Slavic soul is so complex that in order to create our own cozy territory, we definitely need to isolate ourselves from the outside bustle, noisy neighbors and prying eyes. But the prospect of constantly catching your eye on a two-meter monolithic fence can hardly be called rosy.
A hedge at the dacha - created with your own hands, is a creative process with a practical result that anyone who loves plants can do.

The first hedge of climbing plants was grown in the 18th century. Since then, breeders have been working to create more and more new plant varieties that can bear the heavy burden of responsibility for the peace and privacy of their owners.

Types of hedges

Depending on their height, hedges are divided into three categories:

  • Low borders have a height of up to 1 m. They will look most organically as a frame for flower beds, lawns and paths.

  • If the plants you choose reach 1-2 meters, they will do an excellent job of dividing the summer cottage into functional zones.
  • Reliable protection along the entire perimeter of the site is provided by tall species with a height of more than 2 m.

The intensity of the cutting is of no small importance; depending on the given point, the hedges are:

  • Free growing.
  • Molded.

Molded plant arrangements require constant trimming because they are based on a clear geometric shape. For molded fences, it is better to plant representatives of the plant world with small foliage, which ensures the density of the fence.

Free-growing ones are less picky and grow in the form that Mother Nature gave them.

Classification depending on the number of rows

Single-row living fences are formed into one line, planting plants at an equal distance. If the basis of your landscape creation will be shrubs, choose a step within 35–50 cm; for trees, the distance increases to 70–150 cm.

Multi-row hedges are created in several tiers, seating the participants in the composition in a checkerboard pattern. For a multi-tiered structure, a variety of plants is not necessary; combinations of different varieties of one plant, which differ in the color of the needles or foliage, give excellent results when used skillfully. Take a closer look at the tandems of green and purple beech, variegated and green privet.

Choosing the right one

When choosing plants, give preference to those specimens that grow in your climate zone and have been tested for strength and durability. Unpretentious, frost-resistant species with a dense crown, which have a high ability to form shoots and recover in the shortest possible time after cutting, will be worthy of your attention.

No less impressive is a hedge on a summer cottage made of sea buckthorn, jasmine, rhododendron, rugosa rose, barberry, lilac, honeysuckle, and serviceberry.

Disembarkation procedure

  1. When selecting candidates for purchase, pay attention to the roots and crown. The root system should not be overdried, and the crown should remain uniform on all sides. Young seedlings no older than 6 years old are suitable.
  2. The laying of the future fence is carried out in the fall or spring. The first option is suitable for winter-hardy plants that are adapted to low temperatures. The direct landing site should be located at a distance of more than 2 m from the house and 50–150 cm from the monolithic fence.
  3. Before you start digging a trench, mark it using a cord and two pegs. The depth of the trench should be 50 cm, the width is determined by the type of fence: for single-row - 50 cm, for multi-tiered - plus 0.5 m for each next tier.

Planting density (1 linear meter):

  • low shrubs (spirea, magnolia) – 5–7 seedlings;
  • medium shrubs (cotoneaster, snowberry) – 4–5;
  • tall shrubs and trees (hawthorn, bladderwort) – 1-2