home · On a note · Safety requirements when carrying loads. Carrying materials (cargo) Carrying cargo manually regulatory document

Safety requirements when carrying loads. Carrying materials (cargo) Carrying cargo manually regulatory document

Constantly carrying heavy loads can cause occupational diseases (lower back pain, varicose veins, flat feet, hernia, cardiovascular diseases) if their weight exceeds the maximum permissible norms.

Sanitary and epidemiological rules SP - 03 establish the following maximum standards for lifting and moving heavy objects manually (Appendix 5).

Labor legislation provides for:

For adult men, lifting and moving (one-time) weights when alternating with other work (up to two times per hour) - up to 30 kg;

The maximum permissible weight of weights lifted and moved manually for women when alternating with other work no more than twice an hour should not exceed 10 kg, and lifting and moving heavy objects constantly during a work shift - 7 kg. When moving loads on trolleys or in containers, the applied force should not exceed 10 kg.

Boys aged 16-18 years are allowed only for loading and unloading light cargo and piece goods (occupying no more than 1/3 of the total working time).

Maximum permissible load standards for persons under 18 years of age when lifting and moving heavy objects manually, they are approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated April 7, 1999 No. 7. They take into account the nature of the work, indicators of labor severity, maximum permissible load weight in kg for boys and girls.

When lifting and moving a load manually constantly During a work shift, the maximum permissible load weight in kg is for boys and girls aged 14-15 years, respectively, 3 and 2 kg, and for boys and girls aged 16-17 years - 4 and 3 kg.

Lifting and moving loads manually during no more than 1/3 of a work shift allowed with the following maximum permissible cargo weight: with constant work (more than twice an hour) for boys and girls 14 years old - 6 and 3 kg, respectively, 15 years old - 7 and 4 kg, 16 years old - 11 and 5 kg, 17 years old - 13 and 6 kg; when alternating with other work (up to twice an hour) for boys and girls 14 years old - 12 and 4 kg, respectively, 15 years old - 15 and 5 kg, 16 years old - 20 and 7 kg, 17 years old - 24 and 8 kg.

The total mass of cargo moved during a work shift cannot be more than : when lifting from a working surface for boys and girls 14 years old - 400 and 180 kg, respectively, 15 years old - 500 and 200 kg, 16 years old - 1000 and 400 kg, 17 years old - 1500 and 500 kg; when lifting from the floor for boys and girls 14 years old - 200 and 90 kg, respectively; 15 years - 250 and 100 kg; 16 years - 500 and 200 kg; 17 years old - 700 and 250 kg.

The mass of the lifted and moved cargo includes the mass of containers and packaging.

If the weight of the cargo is 80 - 500 kg, small-scale mechanization means (wheelbarrows, roller boards, trolleys and other devices) must be used. If the mass of the cargo exceeds 500 kg, it is moved using special mechanical devices (winches, blocks, jacks, cranes, hoists, etc.).

46. ​​Trackless transport.

Trackless transport (hand trucks, electric vehicles, electric forklifts, stackers) must ensure safe working conditions during its operation.

Hand trucks greatly facilitate working conditions when moving heavy loads.

For manual transportation acids, alkalis and flammable liquids a special metal container is used. Transportation of acids and alkalis in glass containers is allowed only in special packaging (baskets, wooden boxes, etc.).

Bottles with caustic substances It is allowed to transport only on special trolleys, and to be carried by two workers in baskets with two handles or on a stretcher. Carrying bottles with caustic substances alone on your shoulders or in front of you is prohibited.

Currently, plastic containers are used for these purposes. They are unbreakable, lightweight, durable and resistant to acids, alkalis, solvents and oils. Siphons are used for safe bottling of liquids. various designs and special tipping machines.

Electric cars driven by DC electric motors powered by batteries. Electric cars are easy to maintain and operate, and are fire safe. During operation, they do not emit unpleasant odors or gases and do not create noise.

Electric forklifts Driven by batteries, they are relatively small in size, have good maneuverability, and allow you to transport loads in horizontal and vertical planes. They are used for loading, unloading and stacking of rolls, bales of paper, cardboard, barrels, binding materials and are increasingly used even in small printing enterprises.

Electric cars and electric forklifts significantly facilitate conditions and increase labor productivity, create safe conditions when performing loading, unloading and transport operations, and improve production standards.

The maximum rate of carrying heavy loads on a flat and horizontal surface per person should not exceed:

for male teenagers from 16 to 18 years old – 4 kg;

for women when alternating with other work (up to 2 times per hour) – 10 kg; constantly during the work shift – 7 kg;

for men over 18 years old – 50 kg.

Loads weighing more than 50 kg must be lifted by at least two workers (men). Manual lifting of loads stacked more than 3 m high is not permitted.

When carrying loads at the same time, the distance between workers (or groups of workers) carrying a unit of cargo (box, bag, etc.) must be at least 2 m.

Carrying loads on a stretcher is allowed along a horizontal path for a distance of no more than 80 m. The stretcher should be tipped over and lowered at the command of the worker walking behind. Carrying loads on stretchers up stairs is not allowed.

Long materials (logs, pipes, etc.) should be carried with special grips and devices. Carry long materials on crowbars, wooden beams and so on. not allowed.

Turn over heavy piece cargo and packaged equipment using roller crowbars and other devices. It is not allowed to roll or tilt the load onto yourself.

When manually carrying parts of tractors and agricultural machines assembled in small bundles, you must first check the strength of the bundle.

Carrying and loading of antiseptic timber is allowed only in special clothing (canvas jackets, trousers, leather mittens).

For manual loading (unloading) of long cargo (logs, beams with a length exceeding 1/3 of the length of the car body, tractor trailer, etc.), at least two people must be allocated, and they must use ropes of sufficient strength. TIOT - М-Р-001-2000 carrying out loading and unloading operations.

Hygienic requirements to organization and equipment classrooms computer technology.

Premises with VDTs and PCs must have natural and artificial lighting. Daylight should be carried out through light openings oriented predominantly to the north and northeast and provide a natural illumination coefficient (NFL) of no less than 1.2% in areas with stable snow cover and no less than 1.6% in the rest of the territory.

The specified KEO values ​​are standardized for buildings located in III light climatic zone. The location of workplaces with VDTs and PCs for adult users in basements is not permitted. Placement of workstations with VDT and PC in all educational institutions and preschool institutions not allowed in basements and basements.

In cases of production necessity, the operation of VDTs and PCs in rooms without natural light can only be carried out in agreement with the bodies and institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.

The area per workplace with a VDT or PC for adult users must be at least 6.0 square meters. m, and the volume is at least 20.0 cubic meters. m.

During the construction of new and reconstruction of existing secondary, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, rooms for VDT and PC should be designed with a height (from floor to ceiling) of at least 4.0 m. At the entrance to an educational room with VDT and PC in secondary and higher educational institutions Built-in or wall cabinets (shelves) should be provided for storing briefcases and bags of students. The premises must be equipped with heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems.


Types of liability for violation of labor protection rules.

The legislation provides for criminal, administrative, disciplinary and financial liability for violation of labor protection rules.

Basic safety requirements for hand tools.

Hand tools (hammers, chisels, punches, etc.) should not have:

– damage to working surfaces (potholes, chips);

– on the side edges in places where they are clamped by hand, there are burrs, burrs and sharp edges;

– there are burrs and cracks on the surface of tool handles, the surface should be smooth;

– overheated working surface. POT R 0-200-01-95.

Technical part

1. Non-mechanized transport work may be performed in exceptional cases, only if it is impossible to use mechanized methods of loading, unloading and moving materials (cargo) and in small quantities.
2. The distances for moving materials (loads) provided for by the standards are calculated along a horizontal path. When moving materials (cargo) along paths that have ascents or descents in the cargo direction, to determine the calculated (reduced to horizontal) distance of movement, the following should be added to the actual length of the path traveled: for each meter of ascent of the path - 10 m, and for each meter of descent - 8 m; for ascents and descents of less than 4%, no addition is made.
3. The standards of the chapter provide for the movement and loading of materials (crushed stone, pebbles, clay, etc.) that are in a loosened state outside the place of their development.
The movement of soils with loosening in places of their development is standardized according to Collection E2 “Earthworks”, vol. 1 “Mechanized and manual excavation work.”
4. Depending on the ease of picking up and carrying, materials (loads) are divided into handy and unhandy.
Handy materials include materials (loads) in rolls, bundles, bags, boxes, bags, coils, barrels, buckets (non-flammable, non-toxic liquid) and other goods that are convenient to carry.
Unhandy loads include window frames, door panels, reinforcement bars, boards, bars, beams, logs, loads that require special care (glass, tanks with hot compounds) and other loads that impede and slow down movement.

§ E1-19. Carrying materials (cargo)

Scope of work

When carried directly on yourself
1. Taking materials (loads) from a stack or from the ground.
2. Lifting the load.
3. Moving with a load.
4. Dropping or lowering materials (loads) to the ground with storage.
5. Return.

When carried on a stretcher or in other small containers

1. Loading materials (cargo) by throwing or laying on.
2. Carrying cargo.
3. Unloading by tipping, throwing or stacking.
4. Return.

Time standards and prices for meters indicated in the table

Category and type of materials (cargo), method of loading and unloading Composition of auxiliary workers Meter For the first 10 m Add for every next 10 m
Bulk cargo on stretchers and 1 size 1 t 1,1 0,36 1
other small-capacity containers with throwing loading, throwing unloading or tipping 0-64,9 0-21,2
Handy materials (weights) Same Same 1,2 0,39 2
0-70,8 0-23
Unhandy loads, except « « 1,5 0,56 3
boards, beams, beams, logs and loads that require special care; cargo on stretchers and other small-capacity containers, loaded with stacking and unloaded with storage 0-88,5 0-33
Boards, bars, beams « 1 m 3 0,64 0,19 4
0-37,8 0-11,2
Logs « Same 0,83 0,25 5
0-49 0-14,8
Cargoes requiring special 2 sizes 1 t 1,5 0,56 6
caution 0-96 0-35,8
A b

Registration N 34558

In accordance with Article 209 of the Labor Code Russian Federation(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, N 1, Art. 3; 2006, N 27, Art. 2878; 2009, N 30, Art. 3732; 2011, N 30, Art. 4586; 2013, N 52, Art. 6986 ) and subclause 5.2.28 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 19, 2012 N 610 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 26, Art. 3528; 2013, N 22, Art. 2809; N 36, Art. 4578; N 37, Art. 4703; N 45, Art. 5822; N 46, Art. 5952; 2014, N 21, Art. 2710; N 32, Art. 4499), I order:

1. Approve the Rules for labor protection during loading and unloading operations and placement of goods in accordance with the appendix.

2. This order comes into force six months after its official publication.

Minister M. Topilin


Rules for labor protection during loading and unloading operations and cargo placement

I. General provisions

1. Rules for labor protection during loading and unloading operations and placement of cargo (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) establish state regulatory requirements for labor protection during loading and unloading operations and placement of cargo.

The rules are mandatory for implementation by employers - legal entities and individuals, regardless of their organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, carrying out loading and unloading operations and placement of cargo, with the exception of employers - individuals who are not individual entrepreneurs.

2. The employer ensures control over compliance with the Rules.

Based on the Rules, the employer develops labor protection instructions, which are approved by the local normative act the employer, taking into account the opinion of the relevant trade union body or other representative body authorized by the employees (if any).

3. In cases where the labor protection requirements for production premises, organization of workplaces, operation of equipment and tools, as well as for the organization and implementation of technological processes are not provided for by the Rules, one should be guided by the requirements of the relevant regulatory legal acts containing state regulatory requirements for labor protection , as well as the requirements of technical documentation of equipment and tool manufacturers.

4. Choice of means of collective and personal protection is carried out taking into account the safety requirements for each specific type of work and profession.

5. Workers at least 18 years of age who have undergone a mandatory preliminary medical examination, labor safety training and testing of knowledge of labor safety requirements in the manner established by the federal executive body exercising the functions of producing public policy and legal regulation in the field of labor.

6. Workers who have a certificate authorizing the work are allowed to perform loading and unloading operations and placing cargo using lifting machines.

7. Employers and their associations have the right to establish labor protection requirements when performing loading and unloading operations and placing cargo, improving the working conditions of workers.

II. Labor protection requirements for production premises, organization of workplaces, operation of equipment

and tools

Labor protection requirements for production premises

8. When operating buildings and structures, it is prohibited:

1) exceed the maximum load on floors, ceilings and platforms. On the walls, columns of buildings and structures intended for storing and placing goods, inscriptions are placed indicating the maximum loads allowed on floors, ceilings and platforms;

2) punch holes in ceilings, beams, columns and walls without written permission from persons responsible for the proper operation, safety and repair of buildings and structures.

Occupational safety requirements for workplace organization

9. When placing vehicles on loading and unloading areas, a distance of at least 1 m is established between vehicles standing behind each other (in a column), and at least 1.5 m between vehicles standing in a row (along the front). m.

If vehicles are placed for loading or unloading near a building, then an interval of at least 1.5 m is established between the building and the tailgate of the vehicle.

The distance between the vehicle and the stack of cargo must be at least 1 m.

10. Load-lifting machines are installed so that when lifting a load, the inclined position of the load ropes is excluded and a gap of at least 0.5 m is provided above equipment and stacks of cargo encountered along the way of moving the load.

11. Loading and unloading operations in the security zone of the power line are carried out with written permission from the owner of the power line.

The installation and operation of jib-type cranes in the security zone of a power line or at a distance of less than 30 m from the outermost wire of the power line is carried out only with a permit in the presence of a person responsible for the safe performance of work.

12. When installing a crane controlled from the floor, free passage is provided for the worker operating it along the entire route of the crane.

13. Before performing work on permanent sites, workplaces are prepared for work:

1) the loading and unloading area, passages and passages are freed from foreign objects, holes and ruts are eliminated, slippery areas are sprinkled with anti-slip agents (for example, sand or fine slag);

2) the serviceable condition of lifts, hatches, ladders in warehouses located in basements and semi-basements is checked and ensured;

3) workplace lighting that is safe for work is provided;

4) workplace inspections are carried out.

The employee reports any deficiencies and malfunctions identified before the start of work to the immediate supervisor of the work.

It is allowed to start work after completing preparatory measures and eliminating all shortcomings and malfunctions.

14. Upon completion of work, workplaces must be put in order, passages and passages must be cleared.

Labor protection requirements for the operation of equipment and tools

15. Before using equipment and tools for work, it is necessary to verify through external inspection that they are in good working order, and when working with electrical equipment, that there is protective grounding.

16. For loading and unloading operations, removable load-handling devices are used, corresponding in lifting capacity to the mass of the load being lifted.

17. It is not allowed to use faulty lifting machines and mechanisms, hooks, removable lifting devices, carts, stretchers, sledges, slopes, crowbars, picks, shovels, hooks (hereinafter referred to as equipment and tools).

18. Removable lifting devices (slings, rings, loops) that have:

1) there are cracks;

2) marking tags are missing or damaged;

3) thimbles are deformed;

4) there are cracks on the crimp bushings;

5) there are displacements of the rope in the braid or bushings;

6) braids or other protective elements are damaged or missing if there are protruding ends of the wire at the braiding point;

7) hooks do not have safety locks.

19. Loading and unloading operations using lifting machines are carried out according to technological maps, work projects in accordance with the requirements of federal standards and regulations in the field of industrial safety.

Load-lifting machines are installed on areas with hard and level surfaces. It is not permitted to install a jib-type crane or a lift (tower) for work on freshly poured uncompacted soil, as well as on a site with a slope exceeding that specified in the technical documentation of the manufacturer.

20. Loading and unloading operations using a lifting machine are carried out in the absence of people in the cabin of the vehicle being loaded or unloaded, as well as in the places where loading and unloading operations are carried out, with the exception of slingers and persons directly related to the work performed.

21. When moving cargo using a lifting machine, the mass of the load should not exceed the rated lifting capacity of the machine (for jib cranes - taking into account the reach of the boom, outriggers, counterweights).

22. When performing loading and unloading operations using a lifting machine, in the absence of data on the mass and center of gravity of the load being lifted, the load is lifted only under the direct supervision of the person responsible for the safe performance of work.

23. Exits to crane tracks and galleries of overhead cranes in operation are locked.

The admission of workers to the crane tracks and walk-through galleries of operating bridge and mobile jib cranes is carried out according to an admission order, which determines the conditions for the safe performance of work.

24. Moving parts of conveyors located at a height of less than 2.5 m from the floor level and to which access is not excluded service personnel and persons working near conveyors are equipped with guards.

25. In the area where people may be present, ropes, blocks and loads of tensioning devices are protected to the height of their movement, the area of ​​the floor under them, loading and receiving devices, as well as the lower protruding parts of the conveyor crossing passages and driveways.

26. Before starting work, the conveyor is started up without a load on the working element (idle) in order to establish the correct movement of the belt, its condition and the absence of lateral displacements.

The operation of the conveyor begins after warning the people nearby with an appropriate signal.

27. During operation of the pneumatic unloader of dusty materials, approaching the intake device at a distance closer than 1 m is not allowed. The free space around the settling chamber of the pneumatic unloader must be at least 0.8 m.

28. When the pressure in the mixing chamber of the suction-discharge unloader increases by more than 0.14 MPa, it is necessary to turn off the electric motor of the auger drive and shut off the supply compressed air into the mixing chamber.

29. When moving cargo on a trolley, the following requirements must be observed:

1) the load on the trolley platform is placed evenly and occupies a stable position, preventing it from falling during movement;

2) the sides of the trolley equipped with folding sides are in a closed state;

3) the speed of movement of both loaded and empty hand trucks does not exceed 5 km/h;

4) the force exerted by the employee does not exceed 15 kg;

5) when moving a load down an inclined floor, the worker is behind the cart.

It is prohibited to move cargo that exceeds the maximum load capacity of the cart.

30. When lifting a load with an electric hoist, it is prohibited to bring the hook cage to the limit switch and use the limit switch to automatically stop lifting the load.

31. After completing the work, tools and devices are put in order and put into storage.

The employee reports all comments and malfunctions identified during work to the immediate supervisor and shift worker.

III. Occupational safety requirements

when organizing and implementing technological processes

Labor protection requirements when loading and unloading cargo

32. Loading and unloading operations are permitted subject to the maximum permissible standards for one-time lifting of heavy objects: for men - no more than 50 kg; women - no more than 15 kg.

33. Loading and unloading of cargo weighing from 80 to 500 kg is carried out using lifting equipment (hoists, blocks, winches), as well as using slopes.

Manual loading and unloading of such cargo is permitted only on temporary sites under the supervision of a person responsible for the safe execution of work, and provided that the load per worker does not exceed 50 kg.

Loading and unloading of cargo weighing more than 500 kg is carried out only with the help of lifting machines.

34. When loading and unloading operations are carried out by several workers, each of them must ensure that they do not cause injury to each other with tools or loads.

When carrying loads from behind, the worker walking behind must maintain a distance of at least 3 m from the worker walking in front.

35. Loads are slinged in accordance with slinging diagrams.

Slinging diagrams, graphic representations of methods for slinging and hooking loads are handed out to workers or posted at work sites.

Loading and unloading of cargo for which slinging schemes have not been developed is carried out under the supervision of the person responsible for the safe performance of work.

In this case, removable load-handling devices, containers and other aids specified in the documentation for cargo transportation.

36. When slinging loads, you must be guided by the following:

1) the mass and center of gravity of factory-produced products are indicated in the technical documentation of the manufacturer;

2) the weight of machines, machines, mechanisms and other equipment is indicated on the nameplate attached to the bed or frame of the machine or machine;

3) the weight, center of gravity and slinging points of the packaged cargo are indicated on the cargo lining;

4) slinging of large-sized cargo is carried out using special devices, slinging units or places marked on the cargo, depending on the position of its center of gravity.

37. After slinging the load, to check its reliability, the load is raised to a height of no more than 1 m from the floor (platform) level, and the worker who slung the load moves to a safe place determined by the work plan or technological map.

38. It is prohibited to move a load suspended on a crane hook over workplaces when people are in the area where the load is moving.

39. When loading and unloading cargo that has sharp and cutting edges and corners, linings and gaskets are used to prevent damage to load-handling devices.

40. When loading and unloading cargo using a conveyor, the following requirements must be observed:

1) stacking of cargo ensures uniform loading of the conveyor working body and stable position of the cargo;

2) feeding and removing loads from the working body of the conveyor is carried out using special feeding and receiving devices.

41. When loading and unloading bulk cargo, the following requirements must be observed:

1) loading and unloading of bulk cargo is carried out mechanized way, eliminating, if possible, air pollution in the working area. If it is impossible to eliminate air pollution in the work area, workers are provided with filter-type personal respiratory protection equipment;

2) when loading bulk cargo from a stack, it is not allowed to carry out underground work with the formation of a canopy with the threat of its collapse;

3) when unloading bulk cargo from gondola cars, the hatches are opened with special devices that allow workers to be on safe distance from unloaded cargo;

4) when unloading bulk cargo from gondola cars on tracks located at a height of more than 2.5 m (on overpasses), hatches are opened from special walkways;

5) when unloading bunkers, towers and other containers with bulk materials, special devices (grids, hatches, fences) are provided in the upper part of the containers to prevent workers from falling into the containers.

42. Before opening the doors of covered cars, it is necessary to make sure by external inspection that they are properly secured. Faulty doors are opened under the direction of the person responsible for the safe performance of work, in the presence of a carriage inspector.

When opening the doors of covered cars, it is prohibited to stand in front of the doors.

When opening the carriage door, workers are on the side and open the door towards themselves, holding on to its handrails.

When closing the door of a covered wagon, workers are also on the side and slide the door away from themselves by the handrails.

It is prohibited to open the doors of covered cars on overpasses that do not have running decks.

43. When opening the side of a railway platform, workers are located at the ends of the side to avoid being hit by a falling side.

Opening and closing faulty sides of a railway platform are carried out under the guidance of the person responsible for the safe performance of work.

44. When closing the sides of the railway platform, all tie-down wires are removed.

45. When opening the hatches of hoppers and gondola cars, workers are located on the side of the hatches.

It is prohibited to open hatches while under the carriage.

46. ​​Hopper hatches are opened by two workers.

47. When opening the hatches of hoppers and gondola cars, workers are not allowed to be in the car.

It is allowed to open the hatches of hoppers and gondola cars on the overpass when the running decks are free from materials from previous unloading.

When opening hatches, workers wear safety glasses.

48. When unloading hoppers and gondola cars on overpasses, it is prohibited to open hatches if there are people, machines, or mechanisms under the overpass or near the overpass.

49. After unloading, the hatch covers of hoppers and gondola cars are closed to a fixed position. It is prohibited to leave vehicles with open hatches.

50. Closing the hatches of hoppers and gondola cars is carried out directly at the unloading site using special crowbars by two workers.

51. To allow workers to cross bulk cargo, which has high fluidity and suction capacity, ladders or decks with railings are installed along the entire path of movement and a safety harness is used.

52. When unloading bulk cargo from dump trucks installed on embankments, as well as when filling pits and trenches with soil, dump trucks are installed at a distance of at least 1 m from the edge of the natural slope.

53. Cleaning the raised body of a dump truck from cargo residues is carried out with special scrapers or shovels with extended handles by workers located at the unloading site.

It is prohibited to clear the body of cargo residues while in the body or on the wheel of a dump truck, strike the body, or shake the body with the hydraulic system of the body lift to remove cargo residues.

54. When installing a vehicle for loading or unloading near a building, the distance between the building and the rear side of the vehicle body is at least 0.8 m.

55. Loading of cargo into the body of a vehicle is carried out in the direction from the cabin to the rear side, unloading - in the reverse order.

56. When loading cargo into the body of a vehicle, the following requirements must be observed:

1) when loading in bulk, the cargo is located evenly over the entire area of ​​the body floor and should not rise above the sides of the body (standard or extended);

2) piece cargo that rises above the side of the vehicle body is tied with rigging (ropes and other strapping materials in accordance with the technical documentation of the manufacturer). Workers tying loads are on the loading and unloading area;

3) box, barrel and other piece goods are stacked tightly and without gaps so that when the vehicle moves they cannot move along the floor of the body. The gaps between the loads are filled with spacers and spacers;

4) when loading cargo in barrel containers in several rows, they are rolled along the sides or slopes with the side surface. Barrels with liquid cargo are installed with the plugs facing up. Each row of barrels is installed on spacers made of boards and all outer rows are wedged. The use of other objects instead of wedges is not allowed;

5) glass containers with liquids in crates are installed standing;

6) it is prohibited to install cargo in glass containers in crates on top of each other (in two tiers) without gaskets that protect the bottom row from destruction during transportation;

7) each individual load must be well secured in the body of the vehicle so that it cannot move or tip over while driving.

57. Safety when performing loading and unloading operations and placing cargo in containers is ensured by keeping the containers in good condition and using them correctly.

On the container, with the exception of special technological containers, its number, purpose, dead weight, maximum weight cargo for transportation and movement of which it is intended.

The container capacity must exclude the possibility of overloading the lifting machine.

When performing loading and unloading operations and placing cargo, it is prohibited to use containers that have defects discovered during external inspection.

58. When loading, unloading and placing cargo in containers, the following requirements must be observed:

1) the container is loaded with no more than the nominal gross weight;

2) methods of loading or unloading exclude the occurrence of residual deformations of the container;

3) the cargo placed in the container is below the level of its sides;

4) the opening walls of the stacked containers are in the closed position;

5) moving containers by dragging and turning is not allowed.

59. Cargo in barrels, drums, rolls (roll-barrel cargo) may be loaded manually by rolling or tilting, provided that the floor of the warehouse is at the same level as the floor of the car or vehicle body.

If the floor of the warehouse is located below the level of the floor of the wagon or vehicle body, loading and unloading of roll-and-barrel cargo manually during tilting is allowed on slings or rolls by two workers with a weight of one unit of cargo not exceeding 80 kg, and with a weight of more than 80 kg it is necessary to use ropes or loading machines.

It is prohibited to stand in front of rolling loads or behind roll-barrel loads being rolled along slopes.

60. Manual loading and unloading of cargo exceeding the length of the vehicle body by 2 m or more (hereinafter referred to as long cargo) requires the mandatory use of ropes. This work is performed by at least two workers.

61. When loading long cargo onto spreader trailers, it is necessary to leave a gap between the rear wall of the vehicle cabin and the cargo in such a way that the spreader trailer can freely turn in relation to the vehicle by 90 in each direction.

62. When loading and unloading long cargo, the weight of which, taking into account the mass of the vehicle, exceeds the weight of the vehicle or the load on the axle of the vehicle established on the territory of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as long heavy cargo), the cargo is insured with ropes in compliance with safety measures:

1) when rolling a heavy, long load, it is prohibited to be on the opposite side of its movement;

2) when stowing heavy long cargo in the body of a vehicle, you must not be on the end side of the long cargo from the side of the vehicle cabin.

Stowing heavy, long cargo in the body of a vehicle is carried out using a crowbar or a wag.

63. When loading cargo irregular shape and complex configurations (except for loads that are not allowed to be tilted), the load is located on the vehicle in such a way that the center of gravity is as low as possible.

64. Loading of cargo into a gondola car or onto a platform is carried out in accordance with the standards for its transportation by rail.

65. Loading of cargo into vehicles is carried out in such a way as to ensure the possibility of convenient and safe slinging of it during unloading.

66. When loading long steel into a vehicle, its individual bundles are stacked parallel to each other without warping.

Each bundle of high-quality steel with a profile size of up to 180 mm is tied with wire harnesses with a diameter of at least 6 mm in two threads: for a bundle of metal up to 6 m long - in two places; with a longer metal bundle - in three places.

Each bundle of high-quality steel with a profile size of more than 180 mm is tied with wire harnesses with a diameter of at least 6 mm in two threads: for a bundle of metal up to 9 m long - in two places; with a longer metal bundle - in three places.

67. When loading pipes with a diameter of 111 to 450 mm onto a vehicle, adjacent rows are separated by at least three spacers made of boards with a cross-section of at least 35 x 100 mm.

68. It is prohibited for people to be on vehicles when loading and unloading with magnetic and grab cranes.

69. When loading goods onto rolling stock, car bogies are loaded evenly. The difference in the loading of car bogies should not exceed:

1) for four-axle cars - 10 tons;

2) for six-axle cars - 15 tons;

3) for eight-axle cars - 20 tons.

In this case, the load on each bogie should not exceed half the carrying capacity of this type of car, and the lateral displacement of the overall center of gravity of the load from the vertical plane of the longitudinal axis of the car should not exceed 100 mm.

The loads are placed on pads, the distance between the axes of which is at least 700 mm.

If it is necessary to transport cargo on a platform with folded sides, the folded sides of the platform are secured to the rings located on the longitudinal beams, and if they are absent, they are tied with wire with a diameter of at least 4 mm with a grip on the side and spinal beams.

Before loading, the floor of the car, supporting surfaces of the cargo, linings, gaskets, bars and surfaces of the cargo under the strappings are cleared of snow, ice and dirt. In winter, the floors of cars and the surfaces of the linings in places where the load rests are sprinkled with a thin layer of clean, dry sand.

Each guy wire is secured at one end to the parts of the load, and at the other end to the parts of the cars used to secure the loads.

70. When loading and unloading platforms and gondola cars, it is prohibited:

1) unload cargo with grabs with teeth and lower the grabs with a blow to the floor of the platform or gondola car; hit the sides of the platforms, skin and top trim of the gondola car body with the grab;

2) when loading using a winch, touch the cables to the top frame of the gondola car body;

3) load cargo with a temperature above 100 C;

4) load and unload bulk cargo hydraulically;

5) load bulk cargo onto four-axle platforms with wooden sides without installing racks in the end and side outer rack brackets;

6) load reinforced concrete slabs, structures and other similar loads in an inclined position supported on the walls of the gondola car body;

7) load lump or frozen ores, stone and other bulk cargo with a mass of individual pieces of more than 100 kg with the opening of the grab, hopper or bucket at a height of more than 2.3 m from the floor of the car or the surface of the cargo;

8) load cargo with electromagnetic cranes by turning off the electromagnet and dropping the cargo from a height of more than 0.5 m from the floor of the car or the surface of the cargo. Heavy cargo (ingots, blanks, beams) are stacked during loading without being dropped;

9) attach loads to metal parts of cars using welding and drilling;

10) load lumber and logs onto platforms above the racks;

11) remove the sides of platforms and doors of gondola cars.

71. When loading and unloading rolled metal products from a vehicle, the following requirements must be observed:

1) when unloading rolled metal in the form of round or round rods square section metal in packs, slings with hooks are used. In this case, the pack or rods are attached “to a noose.” After lifting a bundle of metal or rods to a height of no more than 1 m, the slinger must make sure that the sling is correct and move to a safe place determined by the work plan or technological map, and from this place give a signal to lift the load. This order is observed until the end of the work;

2) when unloading rolled metal in the form of sheet metal, it is necessary:

place an auxiliary sling (undersling) under a load, the amount of which should not exceed the rated lifting capacity of the crane, put the loops of the sling on the crane hook and slightly tighten them by lifting the hook. At the same time, the slingers retreat to a safe place determined by the work plan or technological map;

at the signal of the senior slinger, the crane driver lifts the captured load to a height of no more than 0.5 m and the slingers bring the main slings into the gap formed, after which the load is lowered into place, and the auxiliary sling is removed from the hook and the main slings are hung on it. The slingers retreat to a safe place, after which, at the signal of the senior slinger, the crane operator can move the load to the stowage site. Laying is done on linings or gaskets. This order is observed until the end of the work;

3) when unloading sheet metal with a crane with a magnetic washer, you must:

indicate to the crane operator where the magnetic washer should be lowered onto the load, after which the slinger must move to a safe place visible to the crane operator and give the command to lift the load;

the cargo is raised above the side of the gondola car to a height of at least 0.5 m, moved and lowered above the stowage area by 1 m, and with the position adjusted using improvised means (hook, guy lines), the cargo is stacked. This order is observed until the end of the work.

72. When loading and unloading timber and lumber, the following requirements must be observed:

1) load timber and lumber into vehicles, taking into account a possible increase in the weight of the cargo due to changes in wood moisture content;

2) when loading and unloading timber and sawn timber by cranes, grabs are used;

3) when loading timber and lumber into rolling stock by cranes using slings, slings equipped with self-release devices are used, eliminating the need for the slinger to be on the rolling stock;

4) when unloading timber and sawn timber from rolling stock, it is necessary to:

Before unloading the rolling stock, make sure that locks, racks, and gaskets are in good working order and intact;

when opening the rack locks, be on the opposite side of the unloading;

maintain a safe gap between adjacent platforms (cars) being unloaded, equal to at least one platform length;

5) unloading of log bundles from the water by winches is carried out along guide slopes;

6) when unloading timber from water, elevators ensure uniform (without distortions) loading of logs onto the hooks of the transverse conveyor, preventing the loading of two or more logs onto the hook, logs with double curvature and large logs whose diameter exceeds the size of the hook mouth.

When work stops, leaving logs on the conveyor (elevator) chains is prohibited.

73. Unloading of bulk and small-sized materials from vehicles is carried out using gravity, scooping or pushing the load:

1) gravity unloading is used when unloading dump trucks, dump cars and bunker cars, gondola cars into a receiving bunker or on elevated tracks (overpasses);

2) unloading using scooping devices (bucket-elevator unloaders, cranes with grabs) is used when unloading gondola cars;

3) unloading by pushing is carried out using scraper-type unloading machines when unloading railway platforms moved above the receiving hopper by shunting devices.

74. It is prohibited to fill the loader bucket by driving into a stack of bulk and small-sized materials from acceleration.

75. Frozen cargoes are loosened to restore flowability and ensure unloading. Such cargo should be protected from freezing in winter by:

dehydration of material;

layer-by-layer division of material with antifreeze additives;

material granulation;

adding surfactant hydrophobic substances that do not prevent freezing, but reduce the strength of the frozen mass.

76. Work on unloading frozen cargo is carried out under the supervision of an employee responsible for the safe performance of work.

77. Large blocks of frozen cargo are broken off using crowbars, picks, wedges, and jackhammers.

1) be in the receiving device and in the body of the rolling stock during the operation of unloading machines of all types.

2) be in the operating area of ​​shunting devices when moving railway cars at the loading and unloading area.

79. To clean cars from remnants of unloaded materials, vibration-type devices, dynamic impact on the cargo with a jet of compressed air, gas or water, as well as cleaning with brushes and scrapers are used.

80. When unloading cars with frozen cargo using picks, wedges and jackhammers, workers in the car are positioned in such a way as to eliminate the risk of injury to those working nearby, the risk of injury to workers from the collapse of hanging frozen blocks and flying pieces of cargo.

81. It is prohibited to unload wagons with frozen cargo by picking the cargo along the side of the wagon. Picking is carried out evenly across the entire width of the car.

82. Powdery material suspended during the unloading process is removed using vibrators or special shovels (screws) with elongated handles.

83. Manual work on unloading cement at its temperature of +40 C and above is not allowed.

84. Opening the top hatch of a cement tank car with pneumatic unloading and cement trucks of all types is permitted only after checking that there is no pressure in the tank.

85. It is allowed to place a tank with powdered materials on support stands on a flat surface with solid ground or using special spacers.

86. Before filling a tank with petroleum products, it is necessary to inspect the tank and check that it is complete necessary equipment, serviceability of valves, breathing valve, tightness of tank neck caps, presence of petroleum product residue. Tanks and transport containers supplied for filling should be used for homogeneous petroleum products.

87. Gasoline, diesel fuel, and oils should be taken primarily from tanks that are less filled, as well as from tanks with a shorter fuel shelf life.

88. When loading and unloading petroleum products, the following requirements must be observed:

1) filling of petroleum products into vehicles and draining them from them is carried out using pumps or by gravity due to the difference in liquid levels in the tank and the vehicle;

2) when filling a container with petroleum products, 2% to 5% of the volume of the container is left unfilled to dampen the volumetric temperature expansion of the petroleum product;

3) it is prohibited to fill tanks, reservoirs and other containers with a freely falling stream. To fill liquid petroleum products, the filler hose is lowered into the container to its bottom;

4) to remove static electricity, tanks and tanks, all metal parts of trestles, loading telescopic pipes, hoses and tips are grounded during draining and loading of petroleum products;

5) carefully, without impacts, open the lids of the necks of tanks and reservoirs and insert the tip of the filling or intake pipes.

89. Wooden barrels with plastic lubricants with a capacity of 200 liters are loaded into a vehicle in two tiers, smaller containers - in three tiers. Barrels of the first and second tiers are installed on the end with the plugs facing up, and the third tier of barrels of smaller volume is installed in a rolling position.

When loaded into a vehicle, barrels with lubricants are placed on the end with the plugs facing up and secured to prevent movement during transportation.

Between the tiers of barrels with grease, a flooring of boards is laid, and the barrels laid in the roll are secured with gaskets.

90. Manual loading of barrels of petroleum products onto a vehicle is permitted when the weight of the barrels is no more than 100 kg and when rolling along slopes with an inclination of no more than 30.

91. When working with petroleum products, the use of open fire and smoking is prohibited. It is allowed to use electric heating for liquid bitumen if the heaters are reliably insulated.

92. When unloading bunker cars with oil bitumen, it is prohibited for workers to be in the bunker overturning zone.

93. When loading and unloading reinforced concrete structures The following requirements must be met:

1) when loading a reinforced concrete structure, its position on the vehicle corresponds to or is close to its working position in the structure under construction, with the exception of columns, piles and other long products that are located in a horizontal position on the loading area of ​​the vehicle;

2) when loading reinforced concrete structures onto a vehicle, they are laid on two transverse wooden supports made of boards with a cross-section of at least 40x100 mm;

3) when multi-tiered loading of reinforced concrete structures, linings and gaskets are located strictly along one vertical of the entire stack. Linings and gaskets are made with a width of at least 25 mm and a thickness greater than the height of the gripping loops and other protruding parts of the transported products;

4) fastening reinforced concrete structures on the loading platform of a vehicle eliminates their longitudinal and transverse displacement, as well as their mutual collision or movement during transportation;

5) loading of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures onto a vehicle is carried out on pads equal to the thickness of the floor of the vehicle and providing the possibility of slinging and securing the load.

94. When loading and unloading small pieces wall materials The following requirements must be met:

1) packages of small-piece wall materials are prohibited from being lifted on pallets to workplaces using lifting devices without fencing devices, as well as unloaded and lifted to workplaces using slings;

2) when lifting packages of small-piece wall materials on pallets with three-post lifts - cases, the angle of inclination of the rear wall relative to the vertical is at least 12. After lifting the load to a height of no more than 1 m, it is necessary to inspect the open side of the package and remove unstable bricks and their fragments;

3) when lifting packages of small-piece wall materials without pallets using self-tightening grips, the danger of bricks falling out when the jaws of the safety device are closed is eliminated. If the jaws are not closed, the gripper with the load is lowered onto the platform and the work stops until the malfunction is eliminated;

4) the bricks are unloaded manually onto pre-prepared flat areas, cleared of snow and ice in winter.

95. When loading and unloading crop products, the following requirements must be observed:

1) work with crop products on slopes is prohibited when the soil is wet, causing vehicles to slide, as well as in dense fog (visibility less than 50 m), in the presence of snow cover, frozen soil, or at night;

2) crop products loaded onto a vehicle in bulk are distributed evenly over the entire area of ​​the vehicle body and do not rise above its sides;

3) loading of bales with crop products into stacks, hay sheds or into the body of vehicles is carried out in a dressing. In this case, the bales are fed consistently, and workers do not approach the edge of the stack (body) at a distance of less than 1.5 m;

4) when loading unpackaged crop products in bulk manually, workers are located on one side of the vehicle body.

96. When manually dismantling stacks (stacks), the formation of overhanging peaks is not allowed.

It is prohibited to work under the overhanging canopies of stacks (stacks).

Occupational safety requirements

during transportation and movement of goods

97. When transporting and moving goods, the following requirements must be observed:

1) loads on vehicles are installed (stacked) and secured so that they do not shift or fall during transportation;

2) during transportation, the cargo is placed and secured on the vehicle so that it does not endanger the driver of the vehicle and others, does not limit the driver’s visibility, does not impair the stability of the vehicle, does not cover the light and signaling devices, license plates and registration numbers of the vehicle, did not interfere with the perception of hand signals;

3) a load protruding beyond the dimensions of the vehicle in front and behind by more than 1 m or on the side by more than 0.4 m from outer edge side light, is indicated by the identification signs “Large cargo”, and in the dark and in conditions of poor visibility, in addition, in front - by a flashlight or reflector white, at the back - a red flashlight or reflector;

4) when transporting packaged cargo, packaging is used using pallets, containers and other packaging means. In packages, loads are fastened together.

The load on the pallet should not protrude more than 20 mm on each side of the pallet; for boxes with a length of more than 500 mm, this distance can be increased to 70 mm;

5) when transporting long cargo with a length of more than 6 m, they are securely attached to the vehicle trailer;

6) when transporting long loads of various lengths at the same time, shorter loads are placed on top.

It is prohibited to place long cargo diagonally in the body, leaving the ends protruding beyond the side dimensions of the vehicle, or to block the vehicle cabin doors with the cargo;

7) in order to prevent the load from moving onto the vehicle cabin during braking or moving the vehicle downhill, the load is located on the vehicle higher than on the trailer by an amount equal to the deformation (settlement) of the vehicle springs from the load;

8) large structures made of lightweight concrete, not designed for bending, as well as products less than 20 cm thick are installed in a vertical position for transportation;

9) when transporting wall reinforced concrete panels in a vertical position, the panels are laid with their entire supporting plane on the vehicle platform or rest on pads located at a distance of no more than 0.5 m from each other;

10) in an inclined transport position, the wall panels rest with their bottom and side surfaces on pads located from each other at a distance of no more than 0.5 m;

11) in a horizontal transport position, the floor panels are supported at the places where the embedded parts are installed;

12) panels transported vertically are fastened on both sides, and in an inclined position - on one side, above the position of the panel’s center of gravity;

13) when transporting several panels at the same time, separation spacers are installed between them to prevent the panels from touching and possible damage from impact or friction during transportation;

14) reinforced concrete trusses for transportation are installed on the vehicle in a vertical position with support at the ends in places where embedded parts are installed or in nodes of the lower chord, which have a more developed reinforcing mesh in these places;

15) reinforced concrete slabs of coverings and floors are transported in a horizontal position with support at the locations of the embedded parts. During transportation, the slabs can be stacked on pads 20 mm thicker than the height of the mounting loops;

16) small-piece wall materials (bricks, ceramic wall stones, concrete and small cinder blocks, limestone stones) are transported using the batch method on pallets or inventory devices using general purpose lifting and transport vehicles;

17) placement of packages of small-piece wall materials on a vehicle depends on the dimensions of the transport package and the method of loading and unloading:

in the bodies of cars, semi-trailers and trailers with a lifting capacity of 5 tons, when using pick-ups for loading and unloading, single-belt or T-shaped installation of bags is advisable;

in heavy-duty road trains - installation of packages across the body in separate stacks.

98. The movement of vehicles and loading machines along the pile storage sites is organized according to approved patterns without counter flows.

99. Transporting workers in the back of a vehicle is prohibited.

If transportation of workers is necessary, they are located in the cabin of the vehicle.

100. When moving loads manually, the following requirements must be observed:

1) it is prohibited to walk on stacked loads, overtake workers in front (especially in narrow and cramped places), and cross the road in front of moving vehicles;

2) manually moving a load weighing up to 80 kg is permitted if the distance to the place where the load is placed does not exceed 25 m; in other cases, carts, trolleys, and hoists are used. It is prohibited for one worker to manually move a load weighing more than 80 kg;

3) lifting or removing a load weighing more than 50 kg requires two people. A load weighing more than 50 kg is lifted onto the employee’s back or removed from the employee’s back by other employees;

4) if the load is moved manually by a group of workers, everyone keeps pace with everyone else;

5) when moving rolling loads, the employee is behind the load being moved, pushing it away from himself;

6) when manually moving long loads (logs, beams, rails), special grips are used, while the weight of the load per worker does not exceed 40 kg.

101. The movement of goods of unknown mass using lifting equipment is carried out after determining their actual mass.

It is prohibited to lift a load whose weight exceeds the lifting capacity of the lifting equipment used.

102. The area for lifting and moving cargo by electromagnetic and grab cranes is fenced.

103. When moving cargo with forklifts and electric forklifts (hereinafter referred to as forklifts), the following requirements must be observed:

1) when moving loads with forklifts, the load is positioned evenly relative to the forklift grip elements. In this case, the load is raised from the floor by 300 - 400 mm. The maximum slope of the site when moving loads with forklifts does not exceed the angle of inclination of the forklift frame;

2) moving containers and placing them in a stack using a forklift is carried out individually;

3) the movement of large loads is carried out when the loader is moving in reverse and only accompanied by an employee responsible for the safe performance of work, who provides warning signals to the driver of the loader.

104. The roofs of containers and devices for moving cargo are freed from foreign objects and cleaned of dirt.

It is prohibited to stand on or inside the container while it is being lifted, lowered or moved, or on adjacent containers.

105. Before lifting and moving a load, check the stability of the load and the correctness of its slinging.

106. When moving boxed cargo, the following requirements must be observed:

1) to avoid injury to hands, each box is first inspected. The protruding nails are driven in, the ends of the iron strapping are removed flush;

2) if it is necessary to remove a box from the top of the stack, you must first make sure that the cargo lying nearby is in a stable position and cannot fall;

3) moving the load along a horizontal plane by pushing it by the edges is prohibited.

107. It is prohibited to carry timber on shoulders immediately after they have been treated with an antiseptic. Workers without special clothing and filter-type personal respiratory protection equipment are not allowed to work with timber treated with antiseptics.

108. When moving heavy cargo, the following requirements must be observed:

1) heavy, but small-sized loads are moved along the stairs of buildings using a cable along boards laid on the steps of the stairs. To facilitate movement, rollers are placed under the base of the load;

2) it is prohibited to be on the steps of a ladder behind a heavy load being lifted or lowered using a cable;

3) heavy loads are moved along a horizontal surface using rollers. In this case, the path of movement is cleared of all foreign objects. To bring the rollers under the load, crowbars or jacks are used. To prevent the load from tipping over, additional rollers should be placed under the front of the load;

4) when lowering a heavy load down an inclined plane, measures are taken to prevent possible rolling or sliding of the load under the influence of its own gravity or its tipping over.

109. The movement of an undisassembled stack by dragging one or more tractors is carried out along a pre-selected and prepared route under the guidance of an employee responsible for the safe performance of work.

110. When carrying out loading and unloading operations and work on placing packaged fruit and vegetable products (bags, boxes, containers, nets, bags, pallets) in specially equipped places long-term storage Stationary and mobile belt conveyors, inclined slopes, package stackers, forklifts and electric forklifts are used.

The speed of the conveyor belt for transporting packaged fruit and vegetable products should not exceed 1.2 m/s.

111. Long loads are moved manually by workers on the same shoulders (right or left). Raising and lowering long loads must be done at the command of the employee responsible for the safe performance of work.

112. When moving a load on a stretcher, both workers keep pace. The command to lower the load carried on the stretcher is given by the worker walking behind.

Moving cargo on a stretcher is allowed at a distance of no more than 50 m horizontally.

Occupational safety requirements

when placing cargo

113. When placing cargo, the following requirements must be observed:

1) placement of cargo is carried out according to technological maps indicating placement locations, sizes of aisles and driveways;

2) when placing cargo, it is prohibited to block approaches to fire-fighting equipment, hydrants and exits from premises;

3) placing cargo (including at loading and unloading sites and in temporary storage areas) close to the walls of the building, columns and equipment, stacking stacks is not allowed;

4) the distance between the load and the wall, column, ceiling of the building is at least 1 m, between the load and the lamp - at least 0.5 m;

5) the height of the stack during manual loading should not exceed 3 m, when using mechanisms for lifting the load - 6 m. The width of the passages between the stacks is determined by the dimensions of the vehicles, transported goods and loading and unloading machines;

6) cargo in containers and bales are stacked in stable stacks; cargo in bags and sacks is stacked in a dressing. It is prohibited to stack cargo in torn containers;

7) boxes and bales in closed warehouses are placed ensuring the width of the main aisle is at least 3 - 5 m;

8) cargo stored in bulk is placed in stacks with a slope slope corresponding to the angle of repose for a given material. If necessary, such stacks are fenced with protective bars;

9) large and heavy loads are placed in one row on pads;

10) placed loads are stacked in such a way that the possibility of them falling, tipping over, or falling apart is excluded, and at the same time ensuring the accessibility and safety of their removal;

11) loads placed near railway and ground crane tracks are located from the outer edge of the head of the rail closest to the load no closer than 2 m for a stack height of up to 1.2 m and no less than 2.5 m for a higher stack height;

12) when placing cargo (except for bulk cargo), measures are taken to prevent them from pinching or freezing to the surface of the site.

Placement methods and parameters individual species cargoes are given in the appendix to the Rules.

114. When placing cargo in warehouses with an area of ​​up to 100 m2, it is allowed to place cargo on racks and in bulk in stacks close to the side walls of the premises and to the walls opposite the entrances to the premises, provided that there are no mounted electrical equipment or fire extinguishing control systems on the walls of the warehouse premises, as well as hatches in the floor adjacent to the walls and cable channels.

115. When placing rolled metal, the following requirements must be observed:

1) passages between rows of stacks or racks are at least 1 m, between stacks or racks in a row - at least 0.8 m;

2) placement of rolled metal into a stack is carried out on pads previously laid on the floor. Placing rolled metal on the floor of a warehouse or on the ground of a site without pads is not allowed;

3) the height of a stack or rack when placing rolled metal products manually does not exceed 1.5 m;

4) ingots and blooms with a cross-section of 160 x 160 cm or more are placed on the floor in stacks or individually;

5) the height of the stack does not exceed 2 m with a hook grab and 4 m with an automated load grab;

6) when placing rolled metal in a stack or on a rack, metal square spacers with a thickness of at least 40 mm are placed between the bundles and bundles to allow the slings to be released from under them and for greater stability of the placed load. The ends of the spacers should not protrude beyond the stack or rack by more than 100 mm;

7) the mass of rolled metal placed on racks does not exceed the maximum value permissible load on them. The maximum permissible load on the rack shelves is indicated on each rack. To avoid rolled metal rolling out, it is prohibited to fill shelves (cells) above the rack racks;

8) long and shaped steel products are placed in stacks, Christmas tree or rack racks; pipes are placed in stacks in rows separated by spacers;

9) blanks measured length from long and shaped steel, semi-finished and finished products are placed in containers;

10) thick sheet steel (steel with a thickness of 4 mm or more) is laid on edge in racks with support platforms inclined towards the support posts, or flat on wooden pads with a thickness of at least 200 mm;

11) thin sheet steel (steel up to 4 mm thick) is laid flat on wooden pads placed across the stack of sheets. Thin-sheet steel in bundles weighing up to 5 tons can be stacked on edge in racks so that bends do not form at the ends;

12) metal products supplied in coils are stacked end-to-end in enclosed spaces on wooden flooring in no more than two tiers;

13) cold-rolled strip is placed on flat wooden pallets in frame racks. The placement is done in tiers, with each subsequent tier shifted relative to the previous one by half the radius of the skein. The third tier is laid in the same way as the first, the fourth - like the second, and so on. Skeins in upper tier are not placed in extreme places;

14) it is prohibited to place rolled metal, metal structures and workpieces in the security zone of power lines without agreement with the organization operating these lines. Rolled metal and metal structures placed in the security zone of power transmission lines, if an electrical voltage higher than 20 V occurs on them under the influence of an electromagnetic field, must be grounded (except for cases of their storage directly on the ground, conductive metal structures, overpasses and structures).

116. Electrodes are placed in a dry indoors in original packaging on pallets in frame racks.

117. When placing timber, the following requirements must be observed:

1) the area where timber is located is leveled, the soil is compacted, and surface water drainage is ensured;

2) for each stack, a stacking base is equipped from logs-linings with a height of at least 15 cm for wet storage and at least 25 cm for dry storage. On soft soils, a continuous flooring of low-grade logs is laid under the support logs;

3) round timber in a timber warehouse is stacked in rows, cages or bundles;

4) the formation and dismantling of timber stacks with a height of 7 m or more is carried out with grabs. Reloading of individual logs or packages of timber weighing more than 50 kg is carried out with the mandatory use of mechanization;

5) the height of the timber stack is no more than:

1.8 m - when stacking manually;

3 m - when stacking with a jaw loader;

6 m - when forming stacks using a cable crane;

12 m - when forming stacks with bridge, tower, portal and gantry cranes;

6) rise and fall from stacks and packages of timber when placing and disassembling them should be along the inclined surface of the head or tail of the stack (package) or along an extension ladder.

118. When forming stacks of round timber, the following requirements must be observed:

1) the intervals between individual groups of stacks comply with fire safety standards for the design of timber storage facilities;

2) individual logs do not protrude beyond the stack by more than 0.5 m;

3) spacers are laid symmetrically to the longitudinal axis of the stack at a distance from the ends of the logs no more than 1 m on each side;

4) inter-row spacers along the height of the stack are laid in one vertical plane;

5) the gaskets along the stack are laid in one line, and their ends at the joints overlap for a length of at least 1 m;

6) it is allowed to stack round timber of different lengths in one stack:

no more than 1 m - for coniferous species;

no more than 0.5 m - for hardwood wood;

7) the ends of the row stack have a slope, for which each new row is made shorter than the previous one by the diameter of the log on each side. The outermost logs of each row are placed in nests cut out at the ends of the spacers with a depth of no more than half the thickness of the spacers;

8) at the end of dense, close-row and pack stacks, devices are installed that prevent arbitrary rolling out of logs. In the absence of such devices, the ends of the stacks have an angle equal to the angle of natural rolling of the logs (no more than 35);

9) at railside warehouses, round timber of the same length is placed in one stack;

10) in riverside warehouses for moth rafting, it is allowed to place round timber in one stack with a difference in length of no more than 2 m;

11) when forming stacks of densely stacked logs with winches, workers on the stack are prohibited from going to the edge of the stack while the winch is operating and approaching the moving rope closer than 1 m. While the winch is pulling out the slings from under the loose stack of logs, workers are positioned away from the winch at a distance not less than the length of the slings;

12) when placing logs by crane into dense and bundled stacks, at the moment the bundle is lowered, workers are located at a distance of at least 10 m from the stacking site. It is allowed to approach the place where the pack is placed in a stack after the pack is stopped at a height of no more than 1 m when lowering. It is allowed to guide the packs and adjust the gaskets only with hooks no less than 1.5 m long;

13) the signal to pull out the slings from under a stack of logs lowered onto a stack is given after the workers move away from it at least 10 m;

14) not allowed:

dump timber from the vehicle and simultaneously form a stack;

dump logs onto a stack from a timber conveyor before installing guide rails (slopes), the number of which is at least one for every 2 m of the length of the logs moved along them and in all cases - at least two;

be closer than 20 m from a dense stack when collapsing it with a winch using an auxiliary sling;

take logs from the lower rows when dismantling the stacks until the upper rows are removed;

make vertical cuts of the stack;

roll away logs while being in the path of their movement;

15) when disassembling bundle stacks with winches, it is not allowed to pull out bundles from the lower rows. For this purpose, stepwise dismantling of the stack or dismantling of the stack in rows is used;

16) the distance from buildings to stacks of roundwood and lumber is at least 15 and 30 m, respectively;

17) in case of strong wind (6 points or more), heavy rain, dense fog (visibility less than 50 m) and snowfall, the formation and dismantling of stacks more than 2 m in height is prohibited.

119. When placing lumber in stacks, the following requirements must be observed:

1) when forming a stack of lumber, the worker moves at least 3 m away from the package being lifted in the direction opposite to its movement, and to guide the package uses a hook with a handle no less than 1 m long; the gripping devices are removed after the package is completely lowered; the slings from under the package of lumber are pulled out manually so as not to collapse the package;

2) it is prohibited to stand on the edge of the stack or on the ends of the interpacket spacers, as well as use a crane to climb onto or down the stack;

3) stacks of lumber are located with the long side along the roadway of the warehouse. Each stack is divided into packs every 30 cm in height by horizontal spacers with a cross-section of at least 125x125 mm. In this case, the ends of the gaskets do not protrude from the stack. Lumber with a moisture content of more than 25% should be stored in stacks under sheds that provide natural drying;

4) forming, disassembling and rearranging stacks of dry lumber during rain is not allowed;

5) packages of lumber stacked must be the same height; the width of the packages in a vertical row should also be the same;

6) packages of lumber in stacks are separated by spacers - wooden blocks cross section 100x100 mm made of coniferous wood;

7) the height of stacks of lumber should not exceed:

when formed manually - 1.8 m;

when forming with forklifts - 7 m;

when forming with cranes - 12 m;

8) when forming stacks of lumber manually, simultaneous work on the stack by more than two workers is prohibited. It is allowed to manually lay lumber weighing no more than 15 kg.

120. Each completed vertical row of packages is closed with an inventory roof using a forklift or crane. Forming a roof from boards manually on a separate vertical row of packages is not allowed.

121. When placing plywood and veneer, the following requirements must be observed:

1) plywood and veneer are placed in stacks on underfloor areas. The bases of the underfoot areas are aligned horizontally and have a height from the floor of at least 0.2 m to ensure natural ventilation;

2) the height of the plywood stack with mechanized placement is no more than 5.2 m, with manual placement - no more than 1.5 m;

3) the intervals between stacks of the transverse row are at least 0.5 m, longitudinal - 0.2 m;

4) placing plywood and veneer close to walls and columns is not allowed. The distance between the wall, column and stack is at least 0.8 m, between the ceiling and the stack - at least 1 m, between the lamps and the stack - at least 0.5 m.

122. Wood boards placed in stacks in under-stack places having a height from the floor of at least 0.1 m. The height of placing slabs in stacks by loaders should not exceed 4.5 m. It is allowed to place slabs in stacks higher than 4.5 m in mechanized warehouses serviced by cranes.

123. Rigid metal and soft loaded containers may be stacked in three tiers when stored.

124. When organizing the storage of petroleum products, oils and greases in barrels are placed on a rack of no more than three tiers and no more than 10 barrels along the length of the stack. Wooden pads are placed under the barrels.

When mechanized stacking of barrels, the barrels are placed on each tier of the rack in one row in height and in two rows in width.

125. When placing petroleum products in containers, the following requirements must be observed:

1) the container is protected from direct exposure to sunlight and precipitation;

2) open placement of petroleum products in containers is allowed under canopies made of flammable roofing materials;

3) empty containers for petroleum products are placed in stacks no more than 10 m in length, 6 m in width, 2 m in height. The distance from the top of the stack to the protruding structures of the warehouse floor is at least 0.5 m. The stacks are placed from the walls at a distance of at least 1 m; the gap between stacks is at least 2 m, and in a stack every two rows of barrels - 1 m.

126. When placing crop products, the following requirements must be observed:

1) the site for placement (stacking) of crop production is horizontal, free from foreign objects, has access roads and is located from air lines power transmission at a distance of at least 100 m;

2) after the placement of the stack (stack) is completed, the placement site is plowed around the perimeter with a strip of at least 3 m wide;

3) in mountainous areas, the placement of small stacks is allowed on slopes, while the area for maneuvering vehicles is located above the stack and has a slope of no more than 6. The speed of vehicles on such a site is limited to 5 km/h;

4) it is prohibited to store or place storage facilities for crop products (including temporary ones), stacks and stacks in the security zone of power lines.

127. When placing hay or straw in a stack or stack, the following requirements must be observed:

1) stacking is carried out only during daylight hours and at a wind speed of no more than 6 m/s. Stacking during a thunderstorm is prohibited;

2) the number of workers simultaneously on the stack does not exceed six people and they are located no closer than 1.5 m from the edge of the stack;

3) when the stack reaches a height of 2 m, a layer of straw 2 m wide and 1 m thick is laid around it (to soften the blow if a worker falls from the stack);

4) when feeding straw (hay) onto a stack with a haystack, workers are positioned no closer than 3 m from the raking grid;

5) to lift workers onto the stack and to lower them from the stack, ladders or rope ladders are used, equipped with safety ropes secured in the ground with metal rods at the bottom of the stack on its reverse side. The use of a baler thrower for lifting workers onto and off the stack is prohibited;

6) completion of the formation of the stack is carried out with no more than 2 workers on it.

128. The slope of entrances and exits to silage storage areas (trenches, piles, mounds) should not exceed 20.

Burts and mounds are laid on horizontal sections of terrain. In mountainous areas, trenches on slopes are allowed.

The trenches are embanked on the vehicle unloading side at a distance of 1 m from the edge of the trench. A safety bar is installed on the vehicle unloading side.

It is prohibited to locate silage storage sites in close proximity to wells and reservoirs with drinking water and in security zones power lines.

129. When placing rolls and bales of crop products in stacks using lifting machines, the presence of workers in the operating area of ​​the machines is prohibited.

130. When placing fruits and vegetables in storage, the following requirements must be observed:

1) the distance from the bottom of the protruding storage structures to the top of the embankment is at least 0.8 m, to the top of the stack - at least 0.3 m;

2) the distance of the stack from the wall, column, battery is at least 0.6 m in the storage room and 0.3 m in the refrigerator;

3) the distance in a stack between boxes is at least 0.02 m, between box pallets - at least 0.05 m;

4) the height of placement in bulk is no more than: for potatoes - 5 m, cabbage, carrots - 3 m, beets - 4 m, onions - 3.5 m;

5) the height of placement in the container is no more than: for potatoes, cabbage, beets - 4.6 m, carrots, onions, apples, pears - 5.0 m, tomatoes, grapes, melons - 4.5 m;

6) the weight of fruits and vegetables placed in containers when loaded into storage chambers is (per 1 m of chamber volume) no more than: 0.5 tons - for potatoes; 0.3 tons - for cabbage; 0.345 tons - for carrots; 0.46 tons - for beets; 0.38 tons - for onions; 0.29 tons - for apples, pears; 0.4 tons - for melons;

7) crop products in boxes and bags, not packaged, are placed in tied stacks. To ensure stability of the stacks, slats are laid every 2 rows of boxes, and boards are laid every 5 rows of bags;

8) placement of crop products in paper bags is carried out with the laying of boards between the rows. When manually stacking bags, no more than 8 rows can be stacked, when mechanized stacking - no more than 12;

9) when placing boxes of fruit on pallets, the length of the stacks is no more than 10 m, the height is no more than 4 m.

Boxes with vegetables and fruits when manually stacked are allowed to be installed with a height of no more than 1.5 m;

10) barrels with crop products are placed in stacks in a horizontal position (lying down) in no more than 3 rows in the form of a truncated pyramid with boards laid between each row and all outer rows wedged together.

When installing barrels standing up, it is allowed to stack them in no more than 2 rows in a bandage with laying boards of equal thickness between the rows.

Small-sized barrels weighing up to 100 kg can be placed lying down in 6 rows, weighing from 100 to 150 kg - in no more than 4 rows.

131. Dust from the floor of premises for both containerized and bulk storage of flour, cereals, grain, sugar is removed at least once per shift, and from the walls - as it accumulates.

132. When placing pesticides, the following requirements must be observed:

1) pesticides are placed in stacks, on pallets and racks;

2) stack height when storing pesticides in bags, metal drums, barrels with a capacity of at least 5 liters, cardboard and polymer boxes, boxes, flasks are allowed in three rows. When using racks, the storage height can be increased;

3) the minimum distance between placed pesticides (load) is at least 0.8 m, between the ceiling and the load - 1 m, between the lamp and the load - 0.5 m;

133. When placing medicines, the following requirements must be observed:

1) premises for storing flammable and explosive medicines are equipped with fireproof, stable racks and pallets;

2) racks for storing medicines are installed at a distance of 0.25 m from the floor and walls, the width of the racks should not exceed 1 m and, in the case of storing pharmaceutical substances, have flanges of at least 0.25 m;

3) longitudinal aisles between racks are at least 1.35 m;

4) when manual way During loading and unloading operations, the height of storage of medicines is no more than 1.5 m.

IV. Occupational safety requirements when working with dangerous goods

134. During loading, transportation and movement, as well as unloading and placement dangerous goods The following requirements must be met:

1) loading, transportation and movement, as well as unloading and placement of dangerous goods are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the technical documentation of manufacturers for these goods, confirming the classification of dangerous goods by type and degree of danger and containing instructions on compliance with safety measures;

2) loading and unloading of dangerous goods is not allowed if the containers and packaging are faulty, as well as if there are no markings and warning notices (danger signs) on them;

3) places of loading and unloading operations, means of transportation, lifting equipment, used mechanisms, tools and devices contaminated with poisonous (toxic) substances are subjected to cleaning, washing and neutralization;

4) loading of dangerous cargo onto a vehicle and its unloading from a vehicle is carried out only with the engine turned off, with the exception of cases of loading and unloading carried out using a driven pump installed on the vehicle and driven by the engine of the vehicle. In this case, the driver of the vehicle is located at the pump control location.

135. When transporting compressed, liquefied, gases dissolved under pressure and flammable liquids, the following is prohibited:

1) smoke in the cabin and near the vehicle, as well as in areas where dangerous goods await loading or unloading, at a distance of less than 10 m from them;

2) load and unload in in public places populated areas without special permission from the relevant authorities for supervision and control of the following substances: anhydrous hydrobromic acid, anhydrous hydrofluoric acid, hydrogen sulfide, chlorine, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide, carbon chloride (phosgene).

If for any reason loading or unloading of the above substances is necessary, then the packages with the above substances should be separated from other goods and ensure their movement in a horizontal position, guided by the notes on the labels.

136. Transportation of flammable liquids and gas cylinders is carried out by special vehicles equipped with spark arresters on exhaust pipes and metal chains to remove static electricity charges, equipped with fire extinguishing equipment and having appropriate symbols and inscriptions.

When transporting flammable liquids in separate containers installed on the vehicle, each container is equipped with protective grounding.

137. Electric vehicles for transportation of flammable liquids and toxic substances It is allowed to be used only as a tractor, and it is equipped with fire extinguishing equipment.

138. Fluorine should not be loaded into a vehicle together with explosives, as well as with objects charged with explosives.

139. During loading and unloading of flammable substances (cargo), the vehicle engine is inoperative if it is not used to drive pumps or other devices that ensure loading or unloading. In the latter case, fire safety measures are taken.

140. The use of flammable materials is prohibited for securing cargo items with flammable liquid.

141. When loading and transporting cylinders, the following requirements must be observed:

1) when loading cylinders into a vehicle body in more than one row, spacers are used to protect the cylinders from contact with each other. Transportation of cylinders without gaskets is prohibited;

2) the combined transportation of oxygen and acetylene cylinders, both filled and empty, is prohibited.

It is allowed to transport acetylene and oxygen cylinders together on a special trolley to the welding station within the same production building.

142. Transportation of cylinders to the place of loading or from the place of unloading is carried out on special carts, the design of which protects the cylinders from shaking and shock. The cylinders are placed on the trolley lying down.

143. When loading, unloading and moving oxygen cylinders prohibited:

1) carry cylinders on the worker’s shoulders and back, tilt and handle, drag, throw, push, hit cylinders, use crowbars when moving cylinders;

2) allow workers to work in oily clothes and with oily, dirty gloves;

3) smoke and use open fire;

4) to carry cylinders, grasp the cylinder valves;

5) transport cylinders without safety caps on valves;

6) place cylinders near heating devices, hot parts and stoves, leaving them unprotected from direct exposure to sunlight.

If an oxygen leak is detected from the cylinder (identified by hissing), the employee immediately reports this to the immediate supervisor of the work.

144. It is prohibited to load cylinders with dissolved under pressure, compressed, liquefied gas, flammable liquids together:

1) with instantaneous detonating wicks;

2) with railway firecrackers;

3) with detonating fuses, anhydrous hydrochloric acid, liquid air, oxygen and nitrogen;

4) with combustion-supporting substances;

5) with toxic substances;

6) with nitric acid and sulfonitrogen mixtures;

7) with organic peroxides;

8) with food products;

9) with radioactive substances.

145. It is prohibited to throw or jolt containers containing compressed, liquefied or dissolved gas under pressure.

146. Vessels with compressed, liquefied or dissolved gas under pressure are secured during transportation in the body of a vehicle so that they cannot tip over and fall.

Vessels with liquid air, liquid oxygen, liquid nitrogen, a mixture of liquid oxygen and nitrogen, as well as flammable liquids are transported in a vertical position.

147. When loading, unloading and transporting acids, alkalis and other caustic substances, the following requirements must be observed:

1) transportation in glass containers from the place of unloading to the warehouse and from the warehouse to the place of loading is carried out on stretchers, carts, wheelbarrows adapted for this purpose, ensuring the safety of the operations performed;

2) loading and unloading bottles with acids, alkalis and other caustic substances, and installing them on vehicles is carried out by two workers. Carrying bottles with acids and other caustic substances on the back, shoulders or in the hands in front of one employee is prohibited;

3) unloading and loading areas are provided with lighting;

4) the use of open fire and smoking are prohibited;

5) carrying bottles of acid by the handles of the basket is permitted only after a preliminary inspection and check of the condition of the handles and the basket and by at least two employees;

6) if broken bottles or damaged containers are discovered, transportation is carried out with special precautions taken to avoid burns from the substances contained in the bottles.

148. It is prohibited to carry out loading and unloading operations and placing cargo with acids and other chemically active substances using lifting mechanisms, with the exception of elevators and mine hoists.

149. Barrels, drums and boxes with caustic substances must be moved on carts.

150. It is prohibited for workers not involved in servicing these transportations to be in the cabins of vehicles transporting flammable liquids and gas cylinders.

It is prohibited for workers to be in the bodies of vehicles transporting flammable liquids and gas cylinders.

The maximum rate of carrying heavy loads on a flat and horizontal surface per person should not exceed:

for male teenagers from 16 to 18 years old – 4 kg;

for women when alternating with other work (up to 2 times per hour) – 10 kg; constantly during the work shift – 7 kg;

for men over 18 years old – 50 kg.

Loads weighing more than 50 kg must be lifted by at least two workers (men). Manual lifting of loads stacked more than 3 m high is not permitted.

When carrying loads at the same time, the distance between workers (or groups of workers) carrying a unit of cargo (box, bag, etc.) must be at least 2 m.

Carrying loads on a stretcher is allowed along a horizontal path for a distance of no more than 80 m. The stretcher should be tipped over and lowered at the command of the worker walking behind. Carrying loads on stretchers up stairs is not allowed.

Long materials (logs, pipes, etc.) should be carried with special grips and devices. Carry long materials on crowbars, wooden beams, etc. not allowed.

Turn over heavy piece cargo and packaged equipment using roller crowbars and other devices. It is not allowed to roll or tilt the load onto yourself.

When manually carrying parts of tractors and agricultural machines assembled in small bundles, you must first check the strength of the bundle.

Carrying and loading of antiseptic timber is allowed only in special clothing (canvas jackets, trousers, leather mittens).

For manual loading (unloading) of long cargo (logs, beams with a length exceeding 1/3 of the length of the car body, tractor trailer, etc.), at least two people must be allocated, and they must use ropes of sufficient strength. TIOT - М-Р-001-2000 carrying out loading and unloading operations.

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State supervision and control over compliance with labor protection legislation
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Responsibilities of the employer for organizing the investigation of industrial accidents

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Responsibilities of the employer to ensure safe conditions and labor protection
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Accidents that are subject to investigation and recording as industrial accidents
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Microclimate parameters. Microclimate regulation
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Extraordinary testing of knowledge on labor protection of managers and specialists of enterprises
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About each accident that occurs at work, the victim or an eyewitness to the accident notifies the employer (his representative), who is obliged to: 1. Immediately organize

Dangerous and harmful production factors. Classification
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Ergonomic requirements for workplace organization
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Organization of training and testing of knowledge on labor protection for managers and specialists
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Compensation for harm caused to an employee by injury or occupational disease
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Introductory training on occupational safety. Procedure and registration
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Repeated instruction. Procedure and registration
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Providing first aid for injuries
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Internal labor regulations
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Unscheduled briefing. The need for it
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Rights and guarantees of the right of workers to work in conditions that meet labor protection requirements
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Requirements for workplace organization
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Responsibilities of an employee in the field of labor protection
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Providing first aid for electric shock
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Organization of labor protection rooms and safety corners
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Organization of supervision of the technical condition of buildings and structures
To ensure the safety of buildings and structures, the organization conducts a general technical inspection of buildings and structures, which is documented in an Act (drawn up twice a year in spring and autumn). General

Formation of labor protection services at enterprises
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Organization of storage and care of personal protective equipment at the enterprise
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Safety requirements when carrying out temporary hot work
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The procedure for forming examination commissions to test knowledge of labor protection
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Basic methods of protection against electrical injuries
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Disagreements regarding the investigation, registration and recording of industrial accidents, non-recognition of the accident by the employer, refusal to investigate it and draw up the corresponding

Standardization of noise levels in workplaces
Levels sound pressure in octave bands with geometric mean frequencies in rooms with a PC Sound frequency, Hz 31.5

Committees (commissions) on labor protection, their composition and functions
In organizations, at the initiative of the employer and (or) at the initiative of employees or their representative body, committees (commissions) on labor protection are created. Their composition on a parity basis includes pr

Basic safety requirements for the design and maintenance of tracks, roads, driveways, passages
Driveways and passages adjacent to production, administrative and sanitary premises must be watered in the summer, and cleared of snow in the winter and, in case of icing, sprinkled with sand or mud

Basic requirements for office premises equipped with PCs
– the area of ​​one workplace with a PC must be at least 6 square meters, and the volume must be at least 20.0 cubic meters; – optimal microclimate standards: air temperature - no more than 22-2

Requirements for the enterprise territory
The territory of the enterprise must be fenced and kept clean and tidy. Garbage, production waste, unusable spare parts, etc. must be promptly cleaned in specially designated areas

The procedure for developing and approving labor safety instructions
Labor safety instructions for an employee are developed based on his profession or type of work performed. The development of labor protection instructions for employees is carried out on the basis of

Act on the investigation of a group industrial accident, a serious industrial accident, a fatal industrial accident with documents and materials

Safety requirements for conveyors
Conveyors must be equipped with light or sound alarm, interlocked with the starting device. All moving parts accessible to touch must be covered and firmly secured with

Rights of employees of the enterprise's labor protection service
Employees of the Service have the right to: At any time of the day, freely visit and inspect production, service and household premises organizations, to get acquainted within their competence

Safety requirements for portable ladders
Portable ladders and stepladders must have devices that prevent the possibility of shifting and tipping during operation. The lower ends of portable ladders and stepladders must have frames with wasps

Providing first aid for burns with acids and alkalis
1. If the skin is burned by alkali, rinse the affected area with plenty of water and apply a lotion with the solution. boric acid or a weak solution of acetic acid. 2. If the skin is burned by acid,

Priority measures taken in connection with an industrial accident
About each accident that occurs at work, the victim or an eyewitness to the accident notifies the immediate supervisor of the work, who is obliged to: immediately organize

The procedure for considering disagreements regarding the investigation, registration and recording of industrial accidents
Disagreements regarding the investigation, registration and recording of industrial accidents, non-recognition of an accident by the employer, refusal to investigate it and draw up an act

The procedure for revising labor safety instructions
The employer organizes the verification and revision of labor safety instructions for employees. The instructions must be revised at least once every 5 years. Occupational safety instructions for

Safety requirements when working at height
Only specially trained personnel are allowed to work after receiving all the necessary instructions. If necessary, workers are provided with personal protective equipment. Jobs and

Responsibilities of the administration for investigating and recording industrial accidents
The employer is obliged to ensure timely investigation of an industrial accident and its recording. The employer immediately creates a commission consisting of at least 3 people. Member of the commission

Organization and conduct of preliminary and periodic medical examinations
Periodic medical examinations are carried out for the purpose of dynamic monitoring of the health status of workers under conditions of exposure to occupational hazards, prevention and timely

Hygienic requirements for the organization and equipment of computer science classrooms
Premises with VDTs and PCs must have natural and artificial lighting. Natural lighting should be provided through light openings oriented predominantly to the north and northeast

Types of labor safety briefings
Conducting occupational safety briefings is regulated by GOST 12.0.004-90 SSBT "Organization of occupational safety training." Responsibility for organizing timely and quality