home · Installation · One-time weight lifting for women. Norms of maximum permissible loads for women when lifting and moving heavy objects manually. Acceptable norms for moving heavy objects manually for men and women

One-time weight lifting for women. Norms of maximum permissible loads for women when lifting and moving heavy objects manually. Acceptable norms for moving heavy objects manually for men and women

Tell me, please, how long is it necessary to lift a load with your hands from the floor per shift? They tell me that under 2nd grade working conditions I can lift up to 435 kg from the floor with my hands in an hour. Is this statement true or 435kg per shift (8 hours).
Thank you in advance. Michael

Expert answer:

Dear Mikhail,

Norms are extremely permissible loads for men and women when lifting and moving heavy objects manually approved By order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection RF dated January 24, 2014 N 33n“On approval of the Methodology for conducting a special assessment of working conditions, the Classifier of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors, the report form for a special assessment of working conditions and instructions for filling it out” (as amended as of November 14, 2016).

Thus, in Table 2 of Appendix No. 20 to the Methodology for conducting a special assessment of working conditions, approved by this Order for men whose class of working conditions is defined as acceptable, total mass of cargo, moved during each hour of the working day (shift) from the floor is up to 435 kg. On average, it turns out that with an eight-hour work shift in an hour You can move about 54 kg load.

At the same time, the total mass of goods transported under the same conditions with work surface should not exceed 870 kg. If lifting and moving weights one time alternates with other work (up to 2 times per hour), you can lift up to 30 kg. And when lifting and moving constantly during the working day (shift), that is, more than 2 times per hour, the weight of the load should not exceed 15 kg.

In order to protect the health of workers, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation limits the employment of certain categories of citizens when carrying heavy loads.

Chapter 41. Article 253.

... It is prohibited to employ women in jobs that involve manually lifting and moving heavy loads that exceed the maximum permissible standards for them.

Lists of productions, works and positions with hazardous and (or) hazardous conditions labor in which the use of women's labor is limited, and the maximum permissible load standards for women when lifting and moving heavy objects manually are approved in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation, taking into account the opinion of the Russian Tripartite Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations (as amended by Federal Law dated June 30, 2006 N 90-FZ - Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, N 27, Art. 2878).

Chapter 42. Article 265.

… Carrying and movement by workers under the age of

Eighteen years of hardships exceeding those established for them

Limit standards. The list of jobs in which the employment of workers under the age of eighteen is prohibited, as well as the maximum weight standards are approved in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation, taking into account the opinion of the Russian Tripartite Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations.

The standards for maximum permissible loads for women when lifting and moving heavy objects manually were approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on February 6, 1993 and include the following requirements: when lifting and moving heavy objects in cases where the work performed alternates with other work (up to 2 times per hour), the maximum permissible load weight is 10 kg; when lifting and moving heavy objects constantly during a shift - 7 kg; the amount of dynamic work performed during each hour of a work shift should not exceed: from the working surface - 1750 kgm, from the floor - 875 kgm.

The weight of the lifted and moved cargo includes the weight of the container and packaging. When moving loads on trolleys or in containers, the applied force should not exceed 10 kg. These standards are mandatory for use from the moment they are put into effect during development project documentation design, engineering and technological organizations. From this time on, the standards must also be observed in work where lifting and moving heavy loads manually is not due to technological processes or the characteristics of the machines and equipment used.

As for organizations where the application of these standards requires preliminary measures to mechanize the work performed by women, they are allowed to gradually introduce standards for carrying and moving heavy loads manually.

The standards approved by the Decree of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR and the Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated January 27, 1982, provide for maximum permissible weight 15 kg, with constant lifting and moving heavy objects during the work shift and when lifting heavy objects to a height of more than 1.5 m - 10 kg. The total weight of goods moved during a work shift should not exceed 7000 kg. The load standard includes the weight of containers and packaging. When moving loads on trolleys or containers, the applied reinforcement is only allowed within 15 kg. Limit standards for carrying and moving heavy objects by persons under 18 years of age approved. mandatory decree of the People's Commissariat of Labor of the RSFSR dated March 4, 1921 and are: for male adolescents from 16 to 18 years old - 16.4 kg, for female adolescents from 16 to 18 years old - 10.25 kg. At the same time, it has been established that the carrying and movement of heavy objects by adolescents of both sexes within the limits of the specified norms is allowed only in those cases if they are directly related to the constant work performed by the adolescent. professional work and take up no more than a third of their working time. Persons under the age of 18 should under no circumstances be assigned to work that consists solely of carrying or moving heavy objects weighing more than 4.1 kg.

Restrictions on lifting and carrying heavy objects for males are established by the rules of loading and unloading operations. In accordance with Hygienic requirements to the organization of technological processes, production equipment and working tools (SP, approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on May 23, 2003, and the Guidelines for Hygienic assessment factors of the working environment and the labor process. Criteria and classification of working conditions (R 2.2.2006-05), approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on July 29, 2005 (the specified regulatory legal acts have higher legal force compared to POT RM 007-98), the maximum permissible load weight when lifting and moving (one-time) weights when alternating with other work (up to 2 times per hour) for men is: up to 15 kg ( optimal conditions labor - light physical activity);

Up to 30 kg (permissible working conditions - average physical activity); up to 35 kg (harmful working conditions - hard work of the 1st degree); more than 35 kg (harmful working conditions - hard work of the 2nd degree), and the maximum permissible load weight for men when lifting and moving (one-time) weights constantly during a work shift is: up to 5 kg (optimal working conditions - light physical activity); up to 15 kg (permissible working conditions - average physical activity); up to 20 kg (harmful working conditions - hard work of the 1st degree); more than 20 kg (harmful working conditions - hard work of the 2nd degree).

A fixed posture is typical for professions that perform work using optical instruments, during welding work, seamstresses, computer operators when typing text, ticket cashiers, crane operators, drivers, many jobs on the assembly line, etc. Free postures include comfortable “sitting” or “sitting-standing” postures, when the employee can, at his discretion, at any time change the position of the body or its individual parts(lean back in the chair, change the position of your arms and legs, stand up). Free positions include those of administrative and management personnel, dispatchers, and mainline locomotive drivers ( workplace designed to be operated while sitting or standing), etc. Figure 4 Figure 5 The choice of position for assessment should be made depending on the time spent in it. The basis should be the position in which the employee should spend more time during the shift, i.e.

How much weight, according to labor protection, can a man lift?


The norm for valid class working conditions are up to 20,000 movements per shift. Let's do the calculation in a similar way. 20,000 movements / 3600 sec / 8 hours = 0.7 movements per second. 4. Static load – the amount of static load per shift when holding a load and applying force (kgf*s).

Rated as:
  • the magnitude of the static load per shift when holding a load with one hand;
  • the magnitude of the static load per shift when holding the load with both hands;
  • the magnitude of the static load per shift when holding a load with the participation of the muscles of the body and legs.

Figure 2 The static load associated with a person holding a load or applying force without moving the body is calculated by multiplying two parameters: the magnitude of the force held and the time it is held.

Standards for lifting and moving heavy objects

Energy consumption during physical labor, depending on the severity of the work, is 4000 - 6000 kcal per day, and with mechanized labor energy costs are 3000 – 4000 kcal. During very hard work, oxygen consumption continuously increases, and oxygen debt may occur when unoxidized metabolic products accumulate in the body. An increase in metabolism and energy consumption leads to an increase in heat generation and body temperature by 1 – 1.5°C.
Muscular work affects the cardiovascular system, increasing blood flow from 3 - 5 l/min to 20 - 40 l/min to ensure gas exchange. At the same time, the number of heart contractions increases to 140 - 180 per minute. and blood pressure up to 180 – 200 mm Hg.

2.4. standards for carrying heavy loads

The standards for this indicator are greatly overestimated. It is very difficult to meet the standard established even for an acceptable class of working conditions. Let's look at a few examples. Example 1. With a regional load (with the predominant participation of the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle) when moving a load over a distance of up to 1 m, the permissible load for men is 5000 kg. m. (2nd grade). For example, let’s make a calculation for moving a load of 30 kg by 1 meter 2 times per hour.
Accordingly, during an 8-hour shift, an employee must move the load 16 times: 16 times x 30 kg x 1 m = 480 kg*m If we calculate from the reverse, we get: 5000 kg*m / 30 kg / 1 m = 166 times Thus, For an 8-hour shift, an employee must move a load weighing at least 30 kg every 3 minutes. 480 min/166 times = 2.9 min = 3 min Example 2.

The severity of the labor process

If we are talking about weight according to the law, then we need to remember the existence of light, medium and heavy working conditions. And for each job, the standards vary accordingly. So, if we are talking about a light load, then a man can lift 15 kilograms or less in two hours, and if for the entire shift, then no more than five times. If we are talking about average difficulty of work, then in two hours no more than 2 times thirty kilograms, and during the shift the number of times lifting should not exceed fifteen.
Now it remains to consider hard labour: work of the first degree provides for the possibility of lifting 35 within two hours, but the number of lifts during the entire shift should not exceed 20; but work of the second degree provides for the possibility of lifting a load exceeding 35 kilograms within two hours no more than twice, and no more than 20 times per shift.

Handling heavy loads manually: a reminder for the employer

Labor Code of the Russian Federation). This applies, for example, to work involving manual lifting and moving of heavy objects. Women's labor when moving heavy loads The use of women's labor is limited to work related to lifting and manually moving heavy loads that exceed the maximum permissible standards (Part 2 of Article 253 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In pursuance of this restriction, by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 02/06/1993 No. 105, standards for maximum permissible loads for women when lifting and moving heavy objects manually (hereinafter referred to as the Standards) were approved and are in force, namely:

  • no more than 10 kg, including containers and packaging - when alternating lifting and moving heavy objects with other work (up to 2 times per hour);
  • no more than 7 kg, including containers and packaging - when lifting and moving heavy objects constantly during the work shift;
  • force no more than 10 kg - when moving goods on carts or in containers.


Nature of work Maximum permissible load weight Lifting and moving heavy objects when alternating with other work (up to 2 times per hour) 10 kg Lifting and moving heavy objects constantly during a work shift 7 kg The amount of dynamic work performed during each hour of a work shift is not must exceed: from the working surface 1750 kg*m from the floor 875 kg*m + RESOLUTION of May 26, 2003 N 100 ON THE INTRODUCTION OF SANITARY AND EPIDEMIOLOGICAL RULES SP table. OPTIMAL AND ALLOWABLE VALUES OF HEAVY AND STRESS INDICATORS OF LABOR PROCESS FACTORS: Total mass of goods moved during each hour of shift, kg: - from the working surface 870 kg / - from the floor 435 kg = 7000 kg from the working surface for 8 hours or 3480 kg gender

  • Note: 1.

The mass of the lifted and moved cargo includes the mass of containers and packaging.

Norms of maximum permissible loads when lifting and moving heavy objects manually


Loads of class no higher than 2 are permissible if the mass of the lifted load falls under class 3.1. or 3.2. - such work is considered harmful. That is, a man is allowed to lift up to 30 kg without harm to his health no more than 2 times an hour! You can lift a load weighing 50 kg, but only two people.
Unfortunately, few people comply with the requirements “according to the law” - loaders often carry objects heavier than 50 kg. This is precisely the limiting figure for the weight of luggage that is carried in hands without special equipment and technology for a distance of more than 10 steps. Perfect option— this is the carrying of a load not heavier than 15 kg.

This is the figure recommended by doctors, but it is rarely followed. similar works. You can read more about these standards in the Labor Code at this link: https://base.safework.ru/info?print&nd=77700251&_r=77700001&razdel=77700001 Do not confuse hygiene recommendations with restrictions. And the main thing is that the load should be humane, because loaders are not machines.

There will be no complaints, no problems with the law.
There are two indicators that evaluate maximum weight load lifted or moved by an employee at one time:

  • lifting and moving (one-time) weights when alternating with other work (up to 2 times per hour);
  • lifting and moving (one-time) heavy objects constantly during the work shift.

The weight of the load to be lifted and moved manually should be assessed according to the maximum values. The total mass of goods moved during each hour of the shift is valued as:

  • total mass of cargo moved from the working surface per hour of shift or how
  • the total mass of cargo moved from the floor per hour of shift.

The working surface is a surface 0.5 meters above the floor level on which the worker stands. Everything else is flooring.

Standards for lifting and moving heavy objects manually

legally established maximum permissible physical exercise per person, expressed in the mass of the load moved manually (in kg) or in external units mechanical work per shift (in kgm). Such standards are legally established for women, persons under 18 years of age and certain categories of male workers. The carrying and movement by women and minors of weights exceeding the maximum standards established for them is prohibited (Part 3 of Article 160 and Part 3 of Article 175 of the Labor Code). The norms of maximum permissible loads for women when lifting and moving heavy objects manually are approved. by the Government of the Russian Federation on February 6, 1993 and include the following requirements: when lifting and moving heavy objects in cases where the work performed alternates with other work (up to 2 times per hour), the maximum permissible load weight is 10 kg; when lifting and moving heavy objects constantly during a shift - 7 kg; the amount of dynamic work performed during each hour of a work shift should not exceed: from the working surface - 1750 kgm, from the floor - 875 kgm. The weight of the lifted and moved cargo includes the weight of the container and packaging. When moving loads on trolleys or in containers, the applied force should not exceed 10 kg. These standards are mandatory for use from the moment they are put into effect when developing project documentation by design, engineering and technological organizations. From this time on, the standards must also be observed in work where lifting and moving heavy loads manually is not due to technological processes or the characteristics of the machines and equipment used. As for organizations where the application of these standards requires preliminary measures to mechanize the work performed by women, they are allowed to gradually introduce standards for carrying and moving heavy loads manually. The standards approved by the Decree of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR and the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions dated January 27, 1982, stipulate in cases of lifting and moving heavy objects manually when alternating this work with another, a maximum permissible weight of 15 kg, with constant lifting and moving heavy objects during a work shift and when lifting heavy objects to a height of more than 1.5m-10kg. The total weight of goods moved during a work shift should not exceed 7000 kg. The load standard includes the weight of containers and packaging. When moving loads on trolleys or containers, the applied reinforcement is only allowed within 15 kg. Limit standards for carrying and moving heavy objects by persons under 18 years of age approved. obligatory post People's Commissariat of Labor of the RSFSR dated March 4, 1921 and are: for male adolescents from 16 to 18 years old - 16.4 kg, for female adolescents from 16 to 18 years old - 10.25 kg. At the same time, it has been established that the carrying and movement of heavy objects by adolescents of both sexes within the specified norms is allowed only in cases where they are directly related to the permanent professional work performed by the adolescent and take up no more than 1/3 of their working time. Persons under the age of 18 should under no circumstances be assigned to work that consists solely of carrying or moving heavy objects weighing more than 4.1 kg. Limitations when lifting and carrying heavy objects for males are established by the rules for loading and unloading operations.