home · Other · When the myrtle tree blooms. How to grow myrtle at home. Creating optimal conditions for a shrub or tree

When the myrtle tree blooms. How to grow myrtle at home. Creating optimal conditions for a shrub or tree

Myrtle is one of the gardener's most favorite indoor plants. This is not surprising, because myrtle tree incredibly beautiful and useful. In addition, it has a rich history of origin and very beautiful symbolism. There are many legends and beliefs associated with this deciduous beauty.

Myrtle is a plant from the genus of evergreen shrubs and trees. It belongs to the myrtle family and has its origins in Ancient Greece. For many centuries, this tree has been considered a symbol of beauty and youth, and it also symbolizes happiness and well-being in the family. As decorative flower The myrtle plant took 400 years to form. In indoor conditions, the flower can reach 1 m in height, in natural conditions it grows upward by 3-4 m.

Leaves of a woody shrub

The woody shrub has straight stems that branch quite densely. The leaves of this beauty are dark green, dense, leathery. The shape of the myrtle leaf is oblong, slightly tapering towards the edge. The leaves grow very abundantly on the stems and are held on small petioles. The length of one leaf reaches from 2 to 5 cm. Leaves can have various shapes Depending on the plant species, for example, myrtle hequen has wrinkled edges on the foliage.

Myrtle leaves are shiny and have a pleasant smell. The thing is that the leaves contain small glands that can be seen close up in good lighting. It is thanks to these glands that the plant leaf releases essential oils and aromatic substances. Myrtle essential oil helps relieve fatigue, has a calming effect and treats insomnia. However, you should be careful with the myrtle scent; too much of it can cause nausea and dizziness.

Flowering indoor plant

Myrtle flowers grow singly in the axils of the leaves, or the blooms are collected in whole clusters. Flowering mostly white, sometimes found pink shades flowers. The flowers themselves are small, very fragrant and fragrant. Bloom indoor myrtle pollinated by a brush. The tree blooms in early summer and bears fruit in the fall. The fruits of this plant contain spice, they are edible and juicy, dark blue or deep red in appearance.

Popular types of myrtle

Today there are about one hundred different species of myrtle. This fragrant foliage beauty is represented by a wealth of species around the world, but the most common is the common myrtle or, as it is also called, communis. And this is not surprising, because flower growers consider the common myrtle plant to be the most unpretentious flower from the myrtle family. Characteristics This tree has five-petal flowers with golden stamens in the center, as well as a highly branched trunk, quite short.

Species such as small-leaved myrtle, lush myrtle, Ralph's myrtle, and hequen myrtle are very popular. Also included in the description of the myrtle plant is a species such as Tarentina Granada, dwarf flower, which gives its owners beautiful wild bloom. All these species have differences in the shape of the leaves and branches, as well as in the color of the fruits, but they are all incredibly beautiful and unique.

Medicinal and beneficial qualities of the myrtle plant

It is not at all in vain that the characteristic of myrtle is as follows: interesting point: The word “myrtle” is translated from Greek as “balm.”

One could go on and on about the benefits of myrtle and how it is valued in medicine. This southern plant has a huge storehouse medicinal properties. Today, everyone who cares about their health is interested in the topic - the myrtle plant: its properties and uses, because this small indoor dweller is very rich in useful qualities.

The flower is able to purify the air in the apartment, protect the inhabitants of the house from bacteria and annoying viruses, for example, from ARVI, from tuberculosis and diphtheria bacilli. The antibacterial properties of myrtle plants are widely known, as well as the fact that the flower promotes anti-inflammatory processes in the body.

Various tinctures are made from the tree, which help with intestinal diseases, help fight cancer, help cope with heart disease, and have healing effects for sinusitis, diabetes, liver and kidney diseases. Interestingly, myrtle is also used for various allergic symptoms.

The essential oil, which is contained in the leaves, bark and flowers of the tree, perfectly tones and soothes. This oil is widely used for cosmetic purposes, because it treats the skin from acne, gives it freshness, and strengthens the hair. Myrtle oil also invigorates and improves mood. And the beneficial properties of the myrtle plant do not end there. This evergreen flower softens the cough of a heavy smoker, improves immunity.

Proper care of myrtle at home

Many amateur gardeners are wondering how to care for myrtle so that it grows healthy and strong. Any indoor flower needs tender and attentive care, because it needs to feel cared for. If caring for the myrtle plant at home was complete, then this indoor beauty will certainly please the gardener with its lush growth. To do this, you need to follow a few simple tips.

Place and lighting for the flower

Myrtle loves sunlight, but the sun's rays should be in moderation, especially on hot summer days. You should not keep a flowerpot with a myrtle tree in the heat. It is best to place the flower in a well-lit area, or on a windowsill. It will be great if the tree is on the western or eastern side. In summer, caring for a myrtle plant requires less effort; you just need to take it out into the fresh air, for example, onto a balcony. In winter, you need to provide the flower with good lighting.

Air temperature and humidity

Favorable atmosphere for the myrtle flower: how to care for it, what temperature to maintain, how to refresh it and not dry it out? It's all quite simple. The myrtle tree grows well at moderate air temperatures; in winter it will feel good at temperatures up to eight degrees below zero. If you keep myrtle cool in winter, then in summer this beauty will bloom thickly and profusely. In the summer season, the flower should simply be kept in the fresh air, but protected from the sultry heat.

This evergreen tree requires high air humidity and copes very poorly with dry indoor air. The plant needs constant spraying in the summer, as well as in the spring and warm autumn, when it grows intensively and strengthens. When cold weather sets in, you don’t have to spray it.

Soil, fertilizer, and watering

The soil in the flowerpot with the myrtle plant should remain fairly moist. It is recommended that the flowerpot contain sand, humus, peat soil and turf soil in equal quantities. You can also make soil from clay, humus, peat and turf soil in equal quantities and add sand. An indoor tree should be watered regularly, but in moderation; do not overfill the flowerpot. Warm water is used for irrigation.

How much fertilizer does the myrtle houseplant require: cultivation and care during feeding, are there any special features? The fact is that feeding depends on what result the grower expects. If you need to achieve good flowering, you can, for example, use fertilizer with phosphorus, and fertilizing with nitrogen is suitable for growing a small ornamental tree. Whatever the gardener’s choice, the main thing is not to forget to feed the myrtle flower once a week.

Replanting woody shrubs

Woody shrubs should be replanted as needed, and this should be done carefully and carefully.

During this important procedure, it is necessary to ensure that the trunk does not sink into the ground along with the roots; it is recommended to leave it on the surface of the flowerpot. While the deciduous beauty is young, you can replant it once a year, but try not to overdo it, because very large flowerpots will not do the tree any good. Also, it is necessary to remember that the flower is replanted in the spring before it begins to bloom.

Trimming and pinching

Myrtle needs pruning in order to achieve a beautiful shape. This foliage flower will be pleasing to the eye in any case, but if you give it the desired look with trimming, it will look unique. If you trim the top of the flower, it will decorate the interior of the room in the form of a bush, but if you trim the side parts, the myrtle will stretch upward like a slender tree. It is recommended to remember the following: woody plant It is pruned when the trunk is already strong, and this procedure must be carried out in the spring.

You can pinch the deciduous beauty as needed in order to increase the density of the crowns. The myrtle will become fuller and healthier after pinching, but it is not recommended to do this too often, as the tree may lose the density of flowering. Experienced flower growers know that procedures of this kind should be carried out in moderation, taking into account all the subtleties of the issue of myrtle vulgaris: care at home, because each plant loves an individual approach.

Myrtle tree propagation

In nature, there are two ways to propagate myrtle: from seeds and using cuttings. Both methods require enough a lot of attention and caring attitude. The grower propagates by cuttings twice a year; to do this, it is necessary to remove them from the myrtle and plant them for rooting in peat with sand. The cuttings are covered with a bag to retain moisture, and after a month, when the roots grow, they can be planted in a small flowerpot. This myrtle blooms already in the third year of its growth.

For seeds, it is necessary to prepare the soil from peat and sand, distribute them evenly on the surface, sprinkle on top thin layer soil and cover with film. It is recommended to place this soil in a well-lit place and water it regularly. After about 2 weeks, when the seedlings have two leaves, they can be transplanted into small flowerpots. This myrtle will begin to bloom in the fifth year of life.

What threatens myrtle?

Is myrtle healthy: diseases and treatment, what should you be wary of and how to properly protect a woody plant? Flower growers definitely need to know what myrtle diseases are in order to prevent their occurrence. The most common scourge is aphids, which are very unpleasant spider mite, as well as scale insects. These, as well as similar myrtle pests, can manifest themselves if the flower is not provided with good lighting and proper watering is not observed. Treatment is carried out with insecticides; it is also recommended to spray the beautiful myrtle with water, paying special attention to the underside of the foliage.

Every gardener who can boast of a gorgeous myrtle plant in his collection is incredibly proud of it, because this flower carries many useful nuances. We can talk forever about the symbolism, history and beauty of this leafy favorite, but it’s better to just enjoy the sight of it in your home! A lot of useful information in the article:

Today, indoor myrtle is happily grown at home in flowerpots, but few people know that this plant came to us from warm Mediterranean countries. There, it counts tree of paradise, a symbol of prosperity, love and fidelity.

Mention of myrtle can be found in many ancient books, including the Bible. The ancient Romans decorated the bride with a myrtle wreath, and the plant itself was given to the newlyweds.

It is no coincidence that this particular wreath adorned the head of the god of marriage, Hymen. In the photo below you can see what the plant looks like.

What kind of plant is this

Myrtle is valued for its beauty and nobility. In the Mediterranean, this tree or small bush reaches four meters in height, and the indoor flower has a much more modest size (up to 1 m).

Myrtle delights people with its bright green leaves. They are small in size and lanceolate or oval in shape. The diameter of the flowers is up to 2 cm, they are pink or white with rounded petals and numerous stamens. A special feature of myrtle is its aroma emanating from both flowers and leaves.

It is important to know: This indoor plant attracts people not only with its beautiful appearance, but also being an obedient representative of the flora, it is used for growing bonsai.

Myrtle contains phytoncides and perfectly cleanses the room from the accumulation of pathogenic microorganisms in it. .

Also, the value of myrtle lies in the extraction of essential oil from it, which has a wonderful aroma, bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory properties. Interestingly, no people have been identified who react to the smell of the plant with an allergic reaction.

Names of varieties with photos

The most common among the myrtles is the common myrtle. This is a very decorative tree, with small, glossy leaves and fragrant white flowers.

Note: Common myrtle seedlings, grown even from one mother plant, are distinguished by their variety of shapes and growth vigor.

Through selection, new varieties were obtained. They may differ from their ancestor in other sizes, different shapes and color of leaves.

The “Boethica” variety is a slow-growing plant that has large plates of bright green leaves, up to 7 cm long. During growth, the plant trunk can twist.

Variety "Boetics"

Variety "Variegata" - yellow-green color of leaves of variegated elongated shape.

Variety "Variegata"

The “Flore Pleno” variety differs from other varieties in its double flowering.

Variety "Flore Pleno"

The “Compacta” variety is a low specimen with a dense crown and fluffy white flowers.

Variety "Compact"

Variety "Tarentina" is a small plant (leaves 1-2 cm), profusely flowering.

Variety "Tarentina"

Whatever type of myrtle you prefer, it will become wonderful decoration interior, will add a touch of freshness and give an unforgettable enchanting aroma.

How to care for a flower at home

This is not to say that the myrtle flower is not whimsical; it requires a lot of attention and care from the gardener.


  • provide correct lighting and temperature;
  • water and apply fertilizer as needed.
  • replant the flower as it grows;
  • make formative pruning.

Plant care is divided into 2 periods: warm and cold. Each of them has its own characteristics.

This exotic, from spring warming to autumn coolness, needs optimal temperature conditions- about 23°C.
Lighting should be sufficient, but direct Sun rays contraindicated. The plant is shaded from the heat using screens.

Myrtle is not at all afraid of open space, so you can safely take it out onto the veranda or balcony. Under room conditions, it is recommended to regularly ventilate the room.

Since myrtle is native to the subtropics, it requires frequent watering. The crop also responds very responsively to leaf spraying.

Feeding is carried out once every 2 weeks during the warm period of the year. To do this, water with diluted universal fertilizers.

Plants whose crown is growing strongly are pruned so that its branches do not become thinner and the tree itself takes on a compact appearance. After spring formation, the myrtle becomes overgrown with young leaves and then begins to bloom.

Winter plant care is radically different from summer care. This is a dormant period for myrtle. Watering is reduced, but the soil should not be allowed to dry out. The frequency of feeding is 1 time per month.

Advice: The main task of caring for a plant is to provide the flower with coolness in winter. For the rest period, it is necessary to find a place where the temperature will be about 10°C. This could be a glazed loggia or veranda.

It doesn’t matter if the plant loses some leaves, it will restore them again in the spring.


This tree can be propagated by two methods:

  1. Sowing seeds.
  2. By cuttings.

Each of them has its own disadvantages and advantages. To preserve the maternal properties of the plant, propagation must be carried out using cuttings, and if necessary a large number of myrtle specimens, it is better to sow the seeds.

Let's consider each of the reproduction methods in more detail:

  • Sowing seeds. sow them into the soil in early spring. To do this, prepare a sand-peat mixture. After sowing, the seeds are covered and watered. Then glass is placed on the container or covered with film to maintain high humidity. The lighting should be diffused and the temperature should be about 21°C. After a few weeks you can see the first shoots. After the appearance of 4 or more leaves, the myrtle is dived. Pinching is done at the required height to form the crown of the plant.
  • Cuttings. The material is cut from side shoots about 9 cm high. The cut is treated with a root former, and the lower leaves are removed. The substrate consists of sand and peat. After planting the cuttings, the soil is moistened and covered with film. The temperature is kept at 25°C. Provide systematic watering, and after about a month the cuttings should have a root system.

Material for cuttings is cut in mid-summer or winter.


When replanting, prepare a pot with a hole to drain excess moisture. Each transplant should be carried out into a larger container.

The drainage ball is created with a height of 5 cm or higher. The composition of the substrate is prepared from turf soil, sand, humus and peat in equal parts. When planting, the trunk of the plant should not be deepened.

Later, when transplanting, the plant is simply transferred to a larger pot. Thus, the root system is completely preserved and the plant does not experience stress.

Diseases and pests (treatment and prevention)

If abundant yellow, then the reason may lie in rotting of the root system. This comes from the overflow of myrtle. But don’t worry, the flower can be restored to its former healthy appearance.

To do this, examine the roots and remove the affected ones. The cut sites are treated with crushed activated carbon, then Kornevin. The crown of the plant should also be cleared of unhealthy leaves and pruned.

Leave only living parts of the plant. When transplanting, the soil should be room temperature. Watering is carried out light solution Kornevin.

Take note: after applying all the procedures, there is great hope that the flowerpot will be restored, but it is better to never bring it to this state.

When leaves fall and dry, it is necessary to carefully examine the plant through a magnifying glass. It is quite possible that you will see aphids or scale insects on it.

A sign of this is the yellowing of some leaves. In such a situation, it is necessary to purchase the appropriate products and treat the flowerpot.

Myrtle lives where it is loved. Don’t forget to give the plant your care and warmth, and it will thank you with its luxurious appearance.

How to properly prune myrtle and how it reproduces, see the following video:

The houseplant Myrtle vulgare is a compact and beautiful tree with an unsurpassed aroma, unpretentious character and amazing appearance, which makes it a very valuable addition to interior design. Special attention deserve graceful inflorescences and truly tiny sizes. At the same time, myrtle does not make high demands on the environment, so it grows quietly in any indoor conditions.

Caring for a myrtle tree at home remains a very simple and affordable task, due to which even novice gardeners grow it. Nevertheless, in order for the growth and development of a flower to be successful, it is necessary to take into account a number of important subtleties and features of the upcoming growing procedure.

The myrtle tree can be a graceful independent flower, or used in composition with other house plants. There is an opinion that the presence of this type in the room has a beneficial effect on functionality nervous system. In addition, when kept indoors, the plant not only performs decorative role, decorating the interior with its elegant appearance, but also practical. Delicious leaves and flower cuttings are a very valuable means for seasoning various dishes.

IN different regions world, indoor myrtle is a bright embodiment of moral purity, love and fidelity. Even in biblical times, such traditions were highly valued, and they managed to maintain their relevance to this day. For example, giving a tree as a wedding gift is very creative because... the flower symbolizes peace and prosperity of family life.

In the wild, the myrtle bush is found in the subtropical Mediterranean regions. climatic zone. As for appearance, it is presented as follows:

  • myrtle has small and shiny leaves with a characteristic elongated shape;
  • white and pink flowers contain different essential oils;
  • Myrtle fruits are nuts or individual drupes with a characteristic dark blue color;

Gallery: myrtle tree (25 photos)

Due to its attractive myrtle color, the bush is a favorite guest in all rooms. It fits perfectly into both classic interior style and high-tech hi-tech, and can be placed in the kitchen or in any other room. But as mentioned above, aesthetic properties are not the main advantage of myrtle. Among useful properties The following plants should be distinguished:

Varieties of myrtle tree

Currently, so famous plant is represented by a large number of varieties and varieties, which are characterized by different parameters, including:

  • color;
  • leaf shape;
  • fruit color;
  • tree height;

Among the most famous and attractive varieties, the following should be highlighted:

  • Flora Plenno with double inflorescences;
  • Tarentina Variegata;
  • Microphylla Tarentina;
  • La Clape Blanc;

But even such a wide variety of varieties does not prevent the common myrtle from being the most popular and widespread, which is not surprising. Caring for myrtle at home is a simple and rewarding task. The right attitude towards a flower will definitely result in a very beautiful flowering and a chic decorative addition for home interior. For this reason, every novice gardener should carefully study all the intricacies of caring for this tree.

How to care for myrtle at home

Before purchasing your first copy of a myrtle tree, be sure to look at what such a plant looks like in photographs. You can find them on various flower growing portals or in the public domain. It is important to understand that beautiful shape directly depends on compliance with certain rules of care in a room environment.

Do not forget that myrtle is a member of the subtropical flora, as a result of which it requires balanced watering. Such conditions can be ensured by regular spraying with settled soft water. Special water softening cannot be carried out; however, the presence of limestone deposits in the soil can harm the flower. The composition of the substrate used should resemble the natural one as much as possible. The soil for myrtle is created in the following proportions;

  • 1/3 part of turf land;
  • 1/3 part of peat;
  • 20 percent sifted or river sand;
  • 20 percent compost;

In addition, you can give preference to greenhouse compositions or purchased mixtures from flower shops.

One thing to consider important feature– even a short-term lack of normal humidity levels can be detrimental to the myrtle tree. The result of this problem is accompanied by yellowing or wilting of the leaves. If the soil is too dry, you need to immerse the flower in water, being careful not to allow dangerous stagnation of water in the container. When choosing plant fertilizers, you need to pay attention to ready-made complex formulations for indoor flowers.

It is known that myrtle prefers regular exposure to fresh air, so it is not afraid of drafts. In a home environment, it is placed on a windowsill or balcony. As a result, phytoncides begin to be released more intensely, improving the microclimate and internal atmosphere in the room.

It is best to place the flower pot on a south-lit windowsill. Of course, you can give preference to other places, but this option is the most different abundant flowering and high growth productivity. Features of caring for a myrtle tree are determined by the time of year. Let's talk about them in more detail.

How to care for a tree in summer

The indoor myrtle flower grows well in temperate conditions. temperature range. The most comfortable temperature stays at 23 degrees Celsius. Experts recommend installing the plant in bright places, first shading it from the aggressive effects of heat, using curtains or special screens.

If there is such an opportunity, it is better to move the world to the balcony or veranda, where there is an abundance of air. If the flower remains in the room throughout the summer, for its normal growth and development it is necessary to regularly ventilate the building.

As for summer watering, it is carried out regularly, but not too often. Feeding is done once a week. In the spring, you can trim off excess parts of the myrtle for sanitary purposes or to create the necessary crown. Replanting is necessary every two years.

How to care for myrtle in winter

IN winter period the myrtle tree begins a period of hibernation, when all life processes are suspended. The watering procedure should be moderate, but the soil should not be allowed to dry out. It is enough to water the flower at least once a week. Spraying is necessary when placing the plant in a warm room. The optimal intensity of feeding activities is once every 4-5 weeks;

In winter, it is better to store myrtle in a bright and cool place at temperature indicators about 10 degrees. If leaf dropping is detected, it is necessary to reduce the average temperature level. Don't worry if your myrtle tree loses a lot of leaves. With the arrival of spring, they will quickly recover, giving the plant an attractive and lush appearance.

Features of propagating indoor myrtle at home

Myrtle bush can be propagated using seeds and cuttings. To save characteristic features mother variety, it is better to give preference to the second method. At the same time, the soil temperature should be at least 25 degrees Celsius. As for cuttings, with their help myrtle is propagated in winter time or in the middle of summer, following the instructions:

Concerning seed propagation, then this method has one significant drawback - the inability to preserve varietal characteristics in their original form. In addition, the ripening period will be very long, which will force you to put a lot of effort into stimulating growth.

When sowing, the seeds are planted in a sandy-peaty soil composition in early spring, after which they are covered with a small layer of soil. Next, you should cover the pot with glass or film and provide optimal conditions in the form of diffused light and a temperature range of 21 degrees.

In a few weeks, the first healthy seedlings will break through the ground. When at least four leaves appear on them, you can transplant them into a pot.

An important feature: in order for the crown to form correctly, when propagating by seeds, the sprout should be pinned at a specific height.

The indoor plant cannot boast of too intense growth, so frequent replanting is not necessary. However, when it becomes crowded in the container, it is better to transplant it. Such an event can be done no more than once every three years, usually in winter.

To make it easier to remove the plant from the container, it should not be watered for several days. After this, the tree is carefully removed from the ground, holding the trunk.

In order for the roots to take root successfully, it is better to treat them with a reliable growth stimulator. In a pot with drainage layer and the substrate is placed with expanded clay, after which the myrtle is laid and the soil is poured out. At the last stage, all that remains is to level the soil and provide the flower with optimal watering. As it develops, the pot is transferred to a shaded place.

Features of flowering, diseases and pests

Descriptions of the common myrtle variety mention that its flowering period lasts from early to mid-summer. Flowers can have a simple or double structure and are placed in the axils of the leaves individually, or in racemose inflorescences. In most cases, the blooming of flower buds is noticed in the upper part. In order for flowering to be successful, you should follow some care rules, including:

  • proper pruning after the flowering period ends. It is impossible to prune myrtle in early spring;
  • regular ventilation and feeding;

If there is a poor drainage layer in the substrate, the likelihood of putrefactive processes developing will be maximum. Also, such improper care can cause the appearance of the most various diseases. Among dangerous pests for myrtle the following should be highlighted:

  • spider mite;
  • thrips;
  • scale insect;
  • whitefly;

Control methods depend on the degree of damage and the type of pest.

To avoid irreparable consequences when growing a myrtle tree indoors, you should regularly inspect it for the presence of strange rashes or other unnatural formations. If you notice strange things, the plant needs to be treated with special means.

Myrtle- a charming and delicate tree that will decorate any interior: an office furnished in classic chic, a bedroom in vintage style, will add a touch of freshness to minimalist high-tech.

Usually, looks like a short (grows up to 60 centimeters in indoor conditions), but spreading tree or bush.

Evergreen, small leaves, placed opposite each other. The leaves are leathery and shiny, as if watered by rain.

In the spring at the age of five the plant begins to bloom. The inflorescences are single, white, cream or pale pink, with a large number of stamens. These long and thin stamens create the impression of fluffiness, incredible tenderness and lightness of flowers. If the plant manages to become dusty at home, fruit may appear.

Myrtle species

In the world of decorative culture, only one species is widespread - the common myrtle (Myrtus communis). The plant industry knows about ten varieties, which are bred with interest by amateurs.

Watering and air humidity

Subtropics- homeland of myrtle. Therefore, when choosing a watering regime, you must strive to create conditions native to the plant. In summer, you should water abundantly, but do not allow excessive overflow of the substrate.

The tree also likes daily spraying of foliage, and on the hottest days - several times a day. At the slightest drying out of the soil, the leaves of the tree may turn yellow. With a longer drought, they fall off, and then the death of the plant follows.

Caring for a myrtle houseplant requires the presence of high humidity . It can be increased if the flowerpot is placed on a tray with wet gravel or expanded clay, or by placing containers of water around the flowerpot.

In winter the plant has a pronounced rest period. Therefore, it requires a more moderate supply of moisture: you can water it 1-2 times a week, spray it 2-3 times. During this period, the frequency of watering and spraying depends on the temperature, air humidity and amount of light.

For watering and only settled water is suitable for spraying myrtle.

Choosing a location and lighting

Winter and summer myrtle may be in different places. The plant is very light-loving, but scorching midday sun rays can burn the foliage. Insufficient lighting can cause a lack of flowering.

Growing indoor plant myrtle in the fresh air in summer - the most favorable places O. A balcony or veranda will do here. You can even plant a tree on personal plot along with the pot.

In indoor conditions, western or eastern windows are well suited. When placed near a south window, it is recommended to shade it to prevent burns. In the northern one, it may result in poor flowering due to insufficient light.

Dry air from a battery in winter can lead to adverse consequences when placed on a windowsill. In this period alternative option It may be the kitchen: the temperature there is higher and the air humidity is higher.

It is advisable to gradually change summer and winter lighting mode, gradually moving the flowerpot closer or further away from the window.

Top dressing

Myrtle loves feeding. In summer it is recommended to fertilize 2-4 times a month, in winter – once is enough. You can use fertilizer for indoor flowerpots. The use of fertilizers containing phosphorus will lead to frequent flowering of the tree. And fertilizing with nitrogen will help preserve its miniature size.

Pruning and crown formation

Myrtle lends itself well pruning. As a result of many years of work, you can create a crown shape to suit every gardener’s taste. If pruning is not done, the plant takes on an unattractive shape.


The optimal time for transplantation is the winter dormant period.
Substrate composition:

  • turf land (30%);
  • peat soil (30%);
  • humus (20%);
  • sand (20%).

When transplanting you need to use drainage.


Basic method of reproduction, which allows you to preserve the maternal varietal characteristics of the tree, cuttings, and you can also grow myrtle from seeds.

Cutting 6-10 cm in size, it is advisable to cut it from a lateral non-flowering shoot. The lower leaves are cut off, and the resulting cut is treated with a root formation stimulator.

Cuttings planted in a moistened substrate and covered with polyethylene or glass. After 3-4 weeks, the cuttings should take root, after which they are transplanted into separate pots.

When breeding seeds the possibility of maintaining varietal characteristics is reduced. Myrtle seeds are poured onto a wet substrate, after which they are sprinkled with another layer of earth. The seedlings are also covered with polyethylene or glass. The sprouts should sprout in 2 weeks. They are transplanted into separate pots when leaves appear.

Improper care

When exposed to direct sunlight leaves may fade. The edges are curled into a pipe. If there is not enough light, on the contrary, the leaves turn pale and the stems lengthen.

If suddenly leaves began to fall in winter– the room is too warm or there is not enough light. The same reaction will occur if watered the tree in winter too violently. Move the myrtle pot to a brighter, cooler location.


If suddenly the myrtle began to wither and the main stem began to rot, it may have suffered from a fungus. Then there is no salvation. You will have to get rid of the diseased myrtle.

If the leaves curl, turn yellow, and when touched, white flies fly off the bush, then the plant is tormented by whiteflies. The pest can be washed off with a stream of water. And if it’s a little above zero outside, ventilating in the fresh air for a few hours will help.

Spider mite.
The leaves begin to turn yellow and crumble if it settles on the plant. If you look closely at the base of the petiole, you will notice a thin web. The diseased plant must be doused with acaricide.

The stems were covered with small brownish spots. It feels sticky when touched. Conclusion: it harms the plant. The flowerpot itself cannot be saved. But you can propagate myrtle by cuttings using intact shoots.

myrtle tree- not just a house plant. This is an ancient symbol. There is a legend that he was taken out of heaven. The famous Roman tribunes wore myrtle wreaths. And English brides still consider it a luxury worthy of queens to include a sprig of a fragrant flower in their bouquet, on par with the famous orange blossom.

Indeed, the plant is very fragrant. Its valuable essential oils are used in perfumery and folk medicine. Growing indoor myrtle and caring for it at home will not only bring joy, but may also help maintain health.

And for those who like to know more, we suggest you watch a video about caring for and growing myrtle

This delicate romantic tree will easily decorate the interior of any room. It is often presented as a gift, as a symbol of peace, love, and prosperity. Externally, this plant grows up to 55 cm, with evergreen small leaves and single inflorescences of white, light pink or cream color.

Myrtle is a sun-loving plant, but direct sunlight can harm the plant. The tree loves spraying and frequent watering.

The pet blooms no earlier than after 4-5 years. Thin and long stamens appear fluffy and airy from the outside. It gives off a pleasant aroma if you mash a couple of leaves. It is one of the valuable sources of essential oils throughout the world. Caring for it is simple and does not take much time.

Growing and care

Location, lighting and temperature

Loves bright, but not scorching sun. Can be placed on the windowsill of east, west or south (requires shading at noon) windows. The north side is not suitable. Here the foliage loses its shiny surface and rich color, growth slows down and flowering is missed. With the coming sustainable heat At night, the pots are taken out onto a glassed-in balcony or terrace. A representative of the flora needs a regular supply of fresh air. If the owners live in the private sector, then it and the pot are planted in the ground.

In winter, it is removed from the windowsill and moved to the kitchen, where there is higher humidity.

In the cold and warm time Each year the requirements are different: in summer and spring the flower easily tolerates temperatures from 20 to 25 degrees. In autumn and winter, 9 to 11 degrees are acceptable. But the decrease in temperature must occur slowly, otherwise the myrtle will suffer a lot of stress and may slow down its growth. Higher rates from December to February will result in leaf shedding.

Humidity and watering

IN natural conditions indicators are no more than 60%, but in a city apartment with the arrival heating season twice smaller. It is important to ensure compliance comfortable conditions. Regular spraying is carried out from spring to autumn. Use exclusively purified or melt water room temperature. You can arrange Summer shower, having previously closed the container with a bag to avoid erosion of the upper layer of soil.

Water-loving flower. Severe drying out of the earth is detrimental to it. In this case, the root system will become sick. Water with melted, filtered or boiled liquid. There should absolutely be no lime in it. Once a week add a small amount to the moisture citric acid or juice. Such components help the trunk strengthen. If there are not enough of them in the soil, then you need to add them yourself. With the establishment of hot days, daily spraying is recommended. If this is not possible, then the pot is placed on a pallet with expanded clay. Avoid contact of the root system with moisture.

Choosing a pot

The pot plays an important role in the development of the plant.

To transplant an adult myrtle (that has reached maximum height) select a container that is 3 times larger than the very first one. Tall and wide plastic flowerpots are ideal. Root system quite powerful, grows quickly and is capable of destroying a container made of natural raw materials.

Oversized dimensions are not required. This is fraught with stagnation of moisture and rotting of the roots.

Soil and fertilizers, care during the dormant period

Myrtle grows best in a soil mixture consisting of the following components:

  • sand;
  • humus;
  • turf land.

All ingredients are taken in equal parts and mixed thoroughly. If you don’t have free time to prepare the substrate, you can buy soil for palm trees in the store. It also meets all the requirements.

Fertilizers are especially required during the period of active growth (from early spring to late summer). In the store you can buy ready-made complexes “Kemira universal” or “Kemira mix”. Other species suitable for indoor crops are also used. The concentrate is diluted in half with water. Added every 2 weeks.

The rest period begins in October and ends in February. Requires keeping in a cool room, reducing watering and stopping fertilizing. Otherwise, it will shed its leaves.

Transplanting and pruning myrtle

Required for the following reasons: active growth a young specimen, the container does not match the size of the roots, a recently purchased tree, an attack by pests. A young myrtle requires a change of “place of residence” every spring, and a mature representative only once every 2-3 years. The right time is the dormant period (winter or early spring). The new container is slightly larger than the previous one.

The plant is transported by transshipment.

If the crop was recently purchased at the market, then the earthen lump must be washed off. If she has already undergone a transplant, then this is not necessary.

The first layer is drainage. It includes pebbles, perlite, sand or brick fragments.

The second is one third of the soil mixture. A small depression is made in it and an earthen ball is placed. If it is washed off, then the roots are carefully straightened.

Then the remaining part is poured into the container, but the root collar is not deepened. It should remain on the surface. After the process is completed, the plant is transferred to a cool place. If changing the vessel was necessary, then the transplant ends with watering, and the myrtle is placed in the preferred place.

It tolerates molding well and, if desired, myrtle can be given any shape. If no measures are taken, the crown will take a natural shape - a pyramid. A crown tree is created by cutting off the top and side shoots. When pruning young specimens, take into account the temporary fragility of the trunk and do not get carried away with removing side branches.

Diseases and pests

Improper living conditions lead to unpleasant consequences - illnesses and insect attacks.

The uninvited guest is very small in size, but getting rid of it is not easy. The first sign of its settlement is the appearance of small brown spots, which are growing rapidly. If you do not respond in a timely manner, the colony will multiply and the decorativeness of the bush will begin to disappear.

First, the leaves will fall, and then the death of the entire indoor pet will occur.

Located on the lower part of the foliage, green juice is its nutrition. Twisting of the stems and a change in color to dark brown is a signal for the need for inspection. Effective means insect control - solution of tobacco and soap, manganese.

Falling leaves and blackening of shoots

This unpleasant phenomenon calls for the grower to reconsider the conditions of detention. There are several reasons - too warm air during dormancy and more dangerous - rotting of the root system. If the first option is excluded, then the roots are reviewed and the infected ones are removed. In this case, an emergency transplant is required.

The roots are first soaked in a weak solution of manganese, then dried on paper for 2-3 hours.

Plant propagation


The most effective and simplest way to transmit maternal signs. Green stems without lignification are cut off from a healthy specimen. The optimal length is 10-12 cm. For quick rooting, spray with a phytostimulant. The cuttings are deepened into the prepared soil at an acute angle.

The soil mixture must be constantly moist. Rooting occurs in 1.5-2 months. After 2.5 months, you can transfer the young culture to separate containers.


Used less frequently, but just as successful. Late March or early April planting material sow in a pre-prepared mixture (equal parts sand and peat). The depth of the box is about 6-7 cm. Covering with film will help create greenhouse conditions. Optimal temperature- 20-2 degrees.

If necessary, carry out ventilation and spraying. Condensation is wiped off the cap. Seedlings sprout in 2 weeks. The appearance of 3-4 leaves signals the need for replanting. To do this, use small pots with the same soil composition. They “move” to a full-fledged container after 2 months.

How to choose a healthy plant in the store

Healthy appearance, shiny rich green leaves, slightly moist soil and a pot that meets the standards are the reasons to choose myrtle. If there are dry tips, yellowness, stagnant or overdried soil, or disproportionately large containers, it is better to refuse such a purchase.

After transportation, the exotic plant needs to be replanted; the existing earthen clod is disposed of.

Types and varieties

There are more than 100 species. The most decorative and most popular of them:

  • ordinary;
  • sugar;
  • wrinkly;
  • obcordate;
  • Lilliputian