home · Lighting · What year does clematis bloom after planting? When does clematis bloom and what is needed for abundant flowering? Pruning clematis step by step instructions

What year does clematis bloom after planting? When does clematis bloom and what is needed for abundant flowering? Pruning clematis step by step instructions

Clematis began to be grown in Europe in the 16th century. These flowers first came to Russia as greenhouse flowers. Gradually, breeding scientists began to develop winter-hardy varieties. Since the middle of the last century, a large number of winter-hardy varieties with beautiful flowers have appeared.

Clematis: description

Clematis belongs to the ranunculaceae family. Its name translated from Greek means curly. Most species of this plant actually twine around any support using leaf petioles. The main popular name is clematis. In total there are about 3 hundred species of clematis.

Clematis are herbaceous, subshrubs and leaf-climbing vines.

The root system of most species is fibrous. But there is also a rod one, like Tangut and serrata. She doesn't like transplants. The shoots are thin, brown, 4-6-sided. The leaves grow in pairs, each with 3-5-7 leaflets. The flowers are most often collected in inflorescences of the corymb.

There are panicles and half-umbrellas. 4-8 sepals serve as petals. They can be almost any color. There are varieties with double flowers. Their flowering period is up to 3 weeks, while the usual one is 2 weeks. The fruits are achenes collected in fluffy heads.

All clematis can be divided into groups according to the principle of flower formation:

  • Jacquemant - branches reach 4 m. They are decorated with large blue, violet and purple flowers. They don't smell. Flower buds form only on young vines. Blooms for a long period.
  • Viticella is a relatively low bush, up to 3.5 m. Young vines bloom. Flowers of pink shades, with a beautiful velvet tint.
  • Lanuginosa - even lower, about 2 m. bush with thin branches. Light flowers are located on last year's vines.
  • When does clematis begin to bloom after planting?

  • Patens are strong, long vines. Flowers reach 18 cm, different colors, are formed on last year's branches. There are varieties with double flowers.
  • Florida - reaches a height of 3 m. The flowers are often light in color, located on old vines.
  • Integrifolia are subshrubs. They grow 1.5 m. Original flowers in the form of bells, reach a size of 12 cm, bloom on the shoots of this year.
  • Clematis varieties are divided according to the size of their flowers. Large-flowered are considered to be those exceeding 8 cm in diameter. Small-flowered – up to 8 cm. Small size flower does not mean less decorative plants. Typically, small-flowered clematis are very decorative, grow quickly, and bloom for a long time (from 2 weeks to 4 months). Many of them have a pleasant aroma:

  • Burning
  • Straight
  • Paniculate
  • Armanda
  • Clematis Davida
  • There are creeping clematis, the height of which does not exceed 8 cm (Marmoraria variety), low-growing ones - up to 1 m, tall ones reaching 5 m or more.

    Growing conditions

    Clematis love sunlight. In the shade, the number of flowers is significantly reduced. You can plant it in partially shaded areas. Do not grow clematis in drafts, where it often blows strong wind. He will break and confuse his whips, cut off flowers.

    Clematis are demanding on soil moisture, as they do not tolerate drought well.

    But waterlogging is even more detrimental to them. If they lose their decorative properties due to lack of moisture, then excess leads to rotting of the plant roots. Therefore, they cannot be planted in places where groundwater approach the soil surface at a distance of less than 1.2 m. If there are no other options, then the soil is drained by laying grooves to drain water.

    The soil for growing should be rich in nutrients, loose, sandy or loamy, and well-drained. The reaction is slightly acidic, neutral or slightly alkaline. You cannot plant clematis in lowlands and under roof slopes, where water constantly runs off. You need to retreat about a meter from the place where the water enters. With proper care, clematis grows in one place for up to 25 years.


    Planting clematis

    Plants with an open root system are planted in April-May. Their buds begin to develop very early. Therefore, you need to plant them before they begin to grow. Otherwise, the plant may weaken and will not survive transplantation well. When planting clematis in the fall, give it time to take root. You can start planting in August. Planted in September usually take root. They are planted in the same way as in the spring, but closer to winter they are insulated with covering materials.

    Clematis with a closed root system (in special pots for transportation) can be planted in open ground all summer. They can wait for appropriate weather if they were purchased too early.

    Landing rules:

  • To plant plants, dig a hole measuring 60x60x60 cm. It is filled with specially prepared soil for further cultivation.
  • The top fertile layer is mixed with 2 buckets of humus and a bucket of sand. Add 200 g of complex mineral fertilizers. Analyzing the quality of the soil, add bone meal or lime (for acidic soils), peat, and clay.
  • If more than one bush is planted in a row, they usually dig one hole. Its bottom is covered with a layer of drainage: brick, crushed stone, expanded clay. The distance between bushes should be at least 1 m.
  • Then pour the prepared soil so that it fills the hole halfway. A mound is formed on top.
  • Place the seedling in the hole. Level the roots down so that they are directed evenly in all directions from the mound.
  • Carefully sprinkle with soil, compacting it slightly with your hands.
  • The root collar is sprinkled with sand, which will protect it from rotting.
  • Water generously. When water is absorbed into the soil, it is loosened.
  • The soil around the planted bushes is mulched with a thick layer of grass, which is constantly replenished.
  • You can plant annuals near the bushes, which will protect the roots from overheating in the summer. The depth of immersion of a seedling depends on its age and size. Two-year-old and one-year-old seedlings are immersed by 10 cm, older plants by 20 cm. But to subsequently form a powerful bush, several buds are also immersed, from which young shoots will form.

    Support for clematis

    Huge value for creation beautiful bush has support. It must be strong, because in a few years it will have to hold a large bush. You can install it immediately or use a temporary one. But such supports are justified only for bushes in which flowers form on young vines. After flowering, they are cut short, and it becomes possible to replace the support.

    For varieties that bloom on last year's stems, it would be correct to set a constant. After all, the stems of clematis so firmly embrace everything that comes their way that it can be very difficult to separate them.

    When installing a support, take into account that it should be beautiful, the size should correspond to the size of the ground part of the bush.

    Then the plant will be able to show itself with the best side. With little support, it will look like a cocoon with flowers huddled to one side. It is better to make the support frame from metal. And you can use wire or ropes as guides. It is better to tie up the lignified parts of the stems. When placing young vines, take into account that more flowers grow on horizontal ones.

    Caring for clematis

    Clematis - quite unpretentious plants. In dry weather they are watered. Water is not poured onto the root, but made sure that it spreads around the bush, under the mulch. It is better to use warm water. 1-2 buckets are poured under one young bush at a time, up to 4 buckets under an adult bush.

    After watering, if it is not covered with mulch, the soil is loosened and weeds are removed.

    Almost all clematis are placed on supports only until they themselves begin to do this. The lashes are tied to show them the direction. Varieties of the Intergrifolia group are constantly tied up because they do not have tendrils that allow them to cling to a support. Having planted a new clematis, the gardener wants to see it bloom as soon as possible. But there's no need to rush. If flower buds appear during the year of planting, they should be removed without regret. This will allow the root to become stronger.

    Sometimes young clematis has only one stem. To quickly form side shoots, pinch the top of the central one. This can be repeated several times during the season with all the shoots.

    Feeding clematis:

  • In order for clematis to bloom as long and luxuriantly as possible, its bushes need to be fed regularly. starting from 2 years of age.
  • Once a month you need to water them with a solution of chicken droppings or mullein. For a bucket of water, take 1 liter of solution, which has previously been fermented for 10 days.
  • You can use complex mineral fertilizer. Better to use alternately different types fertilizers
  • Do not apply fertilizers only during the flowering period. In August they stop adding nitrogen.
  • Once every 4 weeks, water with boric acid or potassium permanganate.
  • Conduct foliar feeding clematis, spraying with urea solution.
  • In the 2-3rd year, liquid fertilizing is carried out 2 times a month.
  • At the beginning or end of the growing season, a bucket of humus mixed with a handful of wood ash is brought under the bush.
  • Diseases and pests of clematis

    Plants are susceptible to gray rot and powdery mildew. In cloudy cold summers, clematis leaves can suffer from the fungal disease of septoria. Dark heels may appear on the leaves, inside which a gray center forms. To prevent the disease from interfering with the plant’s development, it is treated with fungicides.

    You can treat the soil before planting with a solution of foundationazole (0.1%). The soil under previously planted plants is treated, starting from the period of bud break, several times. About 3 liters of solution are used per bush.

    A dangerous disease of clematis is infection with a nematode. This small worm attacks various parts of the plant. Damage to the root system is especially dangerous. Most often it leads to the death of the entire plant. The first signs of damage by leaf nematodes are changes in the shape of the leaves. They become ugly, thickened in some places. Then dark spots with a gray center appear.

    To repel pests, marigolds are planted near clematis bushes. mint, garlic.

    When affected by root nematodes, the shape of the roots also changes, and thickened galls appear on them. Nematodes destroy the vessels of the roots on which the plant feeds. As a result, the roots die. But it is more difficult to see their destruction than leaf damage. When the plant's signs of damage become obvious, it is usually impossible to save it. It is very difficult to fight nematodes. Her eggs remain in the ground for many years. They can be destroyed by removing all affected roots from the area. Then you need to thoroughly treat the soil with steam. This is difficult to do at home. Each portion of soil needs to be steamed for about an hour.

    Therefore, you need to very carefully monitor all plants that enter the site. At the slightest suspicion of nematode infection, they should be removed. Plant roots must be healthy correct form. Diseases can be prevented by following temperature regime soil around the root system. If it does not rise above 15 degrees, then the nematode does not develop. Therefore, it is mulched with peat. When fresh manure is used, the soil temperature rises, which promotes the rapid proliferation of nematodes.

    Preparing clematis for winter

    Clematis are quite frost-resistant plants. They are able to survive at -45°C. Waterlogging of the soil or night frosts can destroy them. At this time, the moisture that fell on the center of the tillering during the day freezes, expands and can tear it apart.

    Therefore, the main task in preparing for winter is to isolate the base of the bush from moisture.

    In autumn, the bush is cut, the leaves are removed from the rest. Circumcision is done differently various groups clematis. All clematis are conditionally divided into groups according to the method of pruning. But in fact, the plants in these groups differ in the way they produce flowers:

  • In the first group, they are located on young shoots. Those that lay flower buds on young shoots are pruned low, leaving several pairs of buds on each stem. Can be cut at ground level. These are representatives of the Vititsella, Zhakman, Integrifolia groups. Bushes prepared in this way are sprinkled with dry earth or peat. For each bush, 3 buckets are poured. The soil will freeze and become covered with snow, and a mound of earth will protect the roots from moisture. Preparation for wintering is carried out as late as possible, when the soil begins to freeze and the temperature outside drops to -5°.
  • In the second, first on last year's, closer to autumn - on the young. Clematis of the second group is cut no higher than a meter from the ground. In the summer, after last year's branches have faded, they are cut off.
  • In the third group - only on last year's vines. Plants of the Patens, Florida, Lanuginoza groups are pruned weakly, removing only the part of the vine on which the flowers were located. After all, next year it will be on these vines that there will be flower buds. Therefore, first they build a mound of earth or peat. The remaining part of the lashes is carefully rolled up and laid on the ground. Cover with available materials: boards, spruce branches, roofing material. In winter, make sure that this shelter is constantly under the snow. In the spring, they first remove the shelter from the branches, and after the establishment of dry and warm weather, I remove the earth and peat.
  • Uses of clematis

    Clematis is used for landscaping gardens, parks, and buildings. Wide choose colors and timing of flowering allows you to create a flowering conveyor from late summer to frost. The earliest ones begin to bloom from the end of May. Late - in September. In order to correctly select the sequence of varieties, the concept of the flowering coefficient is used. The higher it is, the more flowers the bush forms. In this case, the flowering part is located lower, closer to the ground.

    Clematis is used both as a dominant in the garden and with other plants.

    They decorate gazebos, buildings, columns. With their help you can create a background of the desired color. Groups are created from the clematis themselves, or combined with other plants: roses. rhododendrons.

    For planting single landings use the most beautiful and long-flowering varieties with a high flowering rate. This:

  • Margot Costel
  • Carmencita
  • Madame Herouard Andre
  • Neodynamia
  • Victoria
  • They create hedges. backstage. Wind-resistant varieties are used for them. Clematis are used to create rock gardens. To do this, varieties are planted that grow without support and spread along the ground.

    More information can be found in the video:

    Rules for growing snapdragons summer cottage, read on our website.

    You can find out the features of caring for petunia at home here.

    The most favorable seasons for planting clematis are autumn and spring. Seedlings can go much worse during the engraftment period in the first year if the planting of the flower is delayed.

    As soon as the buds begin to swell or have not even begun to grow, from about April or early May, you can safely plant clematis.

    For proper planting of the plant, wide and deep enough pits for planting should be made - 60 cm each.

    Find out the features of planting irises and decorate your site with them.

    1. Plant transplant tolerance is excellent, which allows you to plant them on a simple bed to grow and strengthen, and after a year or two, plant them in permanent places.

    2. Clematis seedlings are disinfected before planting in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

    The support should be no more than 2 cm in diameter. In general, during the growth process, the vine needs to be tied up twice or even three times to the shoots that have grown.

    This must be done to ensure that the plant does not suffer from diseases and to reduce the risk of mechanical damage.

    4. Active growth of only one stem is observed in large-leaved clematis species in the first year of planting. And in the year when the plant is planted, the top should be pinched, so the lateral shoots will begin to grow. The pinching procedure itself can be done again.

    7. If the plant is planned to be planted against a wall, then on the best side will be the southwest or south side of the building. The distance for good plant growth should be at least 50 cm from the wall. Under no circumstances should water from the roof get onto it.

    Where you should not plant a vine plant called clematis:

  • where there is deep partial shade or absolute shade;
  • It is also not recommended to plant clematis close to buildings.
  • How to care for clematis in spring

    Luxurious and beautiful flowering is the result of proper watering.

    During the first year of growth of the vine plant, roots actively develop and only about 3 shoots are added.

    Therefore, in order to develop many dozens of clematis shoots and obtain a lush shrub with hundreds of charming flowers, you need to properly and carefully care for the plant for about 5-6 years. To do this, it is better to pick off flowers that grow in single quantities.

    Already from the 3rd year of growth, clematis gains strength, many shoots begin to appear on it. The timing of clematis flowering can be well controlled by procedures such as pinching and pruning.

    Except mineral fertilizing 1 cup of wood ash per individual plant is also suitable. Another very good fertilizer is mullein (manure).

    When the cold comes it is necessary to cover the root system of the plant. but when spring comes, there is no need to rush into opening clematis.

    This precaution is due to the fact that the vine is afraid of intermittent frosts and the sun, which shines brightly, which can lead to kidney damage.

    As soon as the spring frosts pass, you can safely remove the cover from the plant.

    It is better to do the process of undressing the plant in less sunny, better cloudy weather. It is recommended to even give them a little shade so that the clematis gets used to sunlight gradually.

  • Water the plant generously, but under no circumstances overwater it!
  • Clematis planting, growing and care

    Hello friends. I first saw this plant when I was walking around the city, the sight of huge purple "butterflies" attracted my attention, and I really wanted to know what kind of flowers these are so unusual. This was my first acquaintance with him, clematis seemed to me such a chic plant and I began to look for information about him, I was looking for how the planting is carried out, what kind of care he needs and much more. I was also looking for where to buy it, at the moment when I saw the plant, it was a curiosity for our small town. So there was simply no one to ask for a cutting, since I had not seen such a plant with my friends. I had to buy it. And while I was looking for clematis seedlings, I learned a lot about it.

    Firstly, it turns out that clematis is on sale as annual seedlings and biennials. When buying, it is better to leave your choice on a two-year-old, but annual ones are much cheaper. Also, these plants can be sold with an open root system or with a closed one, it’s up to you to decide which one to choose. For example, when choosing clematis with open system, you will have to adhere to the planting time: spring or autumn and purchase this plant at this time. Of course, there are different cases, for example, you bought seedlings when the cold weather set in, then you can do it in two ways. The first is to dig the roots in the garden and plant them in the spring. permanent place, or store in a cool place, such as a basement.

    When storing indoors, clematis roots need to be sprinkled with something: sawdust, damp sand, or light soil. Indoors, clematis tend to germinate, so you will have to regularly pinch out the sprouts; this action stops growth for about 2 weeks. If the basement is warm, then clematis will begin to germinate very quickly, and when transplanting clematis with sprouts into the garden, you will have to shade the plant with something at first until the plant acclimatizes.

    When purchasing clematis with a closed root system (in a container), planting can be done at any convenient time, of course, except winter.

    When purchasing clematis seedlings, choose a root with a small stem. I would like to warn you here that if you are dealing with clematis for the first time, it may seem to you that the stem has dried out, but in fact this is normal. Very often plants are sold without stems, just one root system, this is also not a problem, the main thing is that they have awakened buds or small sprouts.

    Planting clematis

    Before planting clematis, and even before purchasing it, you need to decide on the place where it will grow and, of course, you must take into account some requirements, without which you will not be able to successfully grow clematis. The rules are simple: the planting site should be bright, windless, the soil should be light, easily permeable to air, and nutritious. Before planting, the soil also needs to be fertilized. But if you plant the plant in a place where the soil is heavy, acidic and contains a lot of moisture, then do not expect success when growing clematis. Oh, I almost forgot to write, don’t add it to the kidney fresh manure And sour peat, the plant not only doesn’t like it, but doesn’t tolerate it. Also, when choosing a place for planting, choose a place where there is no nearby groundwater, since the roots, in constant contact with water, begin to rot.

    If you are unlucky with the soil and it is heavy and clayey, then before planting you will have to dig a large hole with a diameter of 60 by 60 and a depth of 60 cm. Place a drainage layer (small bricks, crushed stone, etc.) at the bottom of the hole And the pit itself needs to be filled with fertile soil, which must be mixed with rotted humus and added mineral fertilizers (160 grams of superphosphate and 400 grams dolomite flour, can be replaced with lime). From the hole you also need to dig a small ditch along which the water will flow. excess liquid, sprinkle the groove itself with sand. Ideally, the planting pit is prepared a year before planting clematis, so that the soil settles and the lime does its job (neutralizes the acidity of the soil).

    Even before planting clematis, you need to install supports up to 2.5 meters. Under no circumstances should you plant plants near the walls of your house, as due to the extreme dryness of the soil, your plant will grow poorly, bloom poorly, and may even die. In addition, during rains, water will flow onto your flowers, which is absolutely unacceptable for clematis. But if you still want to plant the plant next to the house, then install the support at a distance of 30 cm from the wall.

    Clematis: planting and care

    So, I hope you have prepared everything: you have chosen the right place, prepared the planting hole, installed the support, then congratulations, now you can proceed directly to planting clematis. First, carefully examine the plant; if the root system is dry, then place them in water for several hours before planting. After this, dig a hole, at the bottom of which you need to make a small tubercle. You need to place the plant on this tubercle and straighten the root system and sprinkle it with earth, make sure that the root collar is also covered with 5 cm of earth. If there is a stem, then it can also be covered with earth until the first internode (in the spring). Afterwards After your plant is planted, you need to water it with 1 bucket of water.

    Clematis: care

    Caring for clematis is not complicated, it consists of removing weeds (weeding), watering, loosening the soil and, of course, fertilizing. Feeding should be done 2 times a month. For fertilizing you can use any universal fertilizer. In the first year after planting, you don’t have to worry about fertilizing and don’t need to carry it out. The plant needs to be watered every spring. lime mortar. If the soil where clematis grows is heavy, then after each rain it is necessary to sprinkle the lower shoots wood ash, this will help prevent rotting and wilting of the shoots. On light soils such actions are not necessary.

    After seven years, clematis flowers begin to shrink, as they no longer receive enough nutrients. The thing is that by this time the root system has grown deeply and the water when watering does not reach their level (especially if there is no rain). However, this matter can be fixed. To ensure that water gets as deep as possible, you can dig several pots with holes around the plant into which you need to pour water during watering. Thus, during irrigation, water will not spread over the surface of the earth, but will go deep into the root system.

    It is also very important to protect the soil surface around the vine from overheating, as this does not have a very good effect on the plant. In order to protect the soil from overheating, it is necessary to put a layer of mulch (rotted manure, straw, etc.) around the plant. Or you can do it a little differently by planting other low-growing flowers that you like around the plant, this way you will catch two birds with one stone: protect the clematis roots from overheating and create unusual design in your garden. Or you can simply plant lawn grass around the plant.

    When growing clematis, it is also necessary to tie up young shoots, directing them in the right direction. You just need to do this very carefully, as young shoots are very fragile and break easily. If the weather is warm and the nights are also warm, then the vine grows very quickly; in one night its shoot can grow by 5 cm or more.

    At young seedling over the summer it grows up to 5 shoots, although there are varieties that produce 30 shoots per season.

    Caring for clematis: pruning

    Pruning is also an important part of care when growing clematis. With the help of pruning, you can give the plant an attractive appearance and regulate flowering. The plant needs to be pruned only after the flowering period has passed; all weak shoots are removed completely, and only the upper part of strong shoots is cut off. This pruning is carried out for those varieties of clematis whose shoots bloom the following year.

    Clematis varieties whose shoots bloom the same year can be pruned completely in the fall, before covering them, or in the spring, leaving a few buds.

    There are varieties of clematis in which both old and young shoots bloom. Flowering in such varieties occurs in waves: first, last year's shoots bloom, and then young shoots begin to bloom. In such varieties, the old shoots are cut off completely after flowering, and in the fall, before sheltering, the upper part of the young shoots is cut off. Accordingly, all weak and diseased shoots are also completely removed.

    Clematis propagation

    The main method of propagating clematis is cuttings. In spring, it is necessary to cut off part of the shoot with 2 nodes, completely removing the leaves. The cutting is placed in a container containing a mixture of peat and sand. You can sprinkle the lower tip of the cutting in Kornevin powder for a better formation of the root system.

    After the stalk has been placed in the substrate, it is covered with oilcloth to create greenhouse conditions, and to permanently retain moisture, since for rooting it is necessary to keep the ground moist.

    Rooting from cuttings is never 100% effective, so it is important to root multiple cuttings. In the fall, the cuttings must be completely dug into the ground, covered, and the next year you will see the result, or rather, it turned out or failed to root the cutting.

    But I like the propagation of clematis by layering: in the spring, dig last year's shoot to the ground (you can immediately place it in a container), and in the fall you will already have a young, separate plant.

    For 6-7 years, clematis loses its decorative appearance, and during this period it can be updated: dig up the plant, only very carefully and divide it with a pruner.

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    Transplanting clematis

    Clematis are very popular among gardeners. They decorate beautifully. personal plots, do not require a scrupulous attitude towards themselves, are not whimsical. But still, if you do not pay attention to the liana, it will not please with its flowering and beautiful appearance. This article will discuss when and why this plant needs to be transplanted, where it will be better for it, and how to do it correctly.

    Why you need to replant clematis

    Lianas tolerate transplants quite problematically, the reason for this is the root system that goes far underground. It is especially difficult for hybrids whose roots are taproots. Gardeners strongly recommend planting clematis in a permanent place, but there are times when replanting is simply necessary:

  • Initially, the landing site was chosen incorrectly.
  • The plant shows signs of disease and begins to wilt.
  • The bush has grown significantly and should be divided.
  • In rare cases, replanting is required due to any construction work or updating the garden design.

    Choosing the right place

    Clematis are tropical plants; they love a lot of sun and light, but they also feel quite comfortable in the shade. Severe overheating will not do them any good, and a wind-blown area or drafts will completely destroy the vine.

    The moisture content of the soil where the flower will live is of great importance. It loves moisture very much and needs frequent watering, but the area is high level groundwater won't suit him. If there is no other option, you can get out of the situation by organizing a good drainage layer. To do this, use brick chips or gravel.

    Excessive moisture leads to putrefactive processes in the root system, which subsequently dies. Also, when choosing a place, you need to pay attention to windiness. Snow cover protects flowers from freezing, and it cannot be blown away by snow.

    Fertile soil that is quite loose is suitable for clematis. It can be fertilized with humus. The best option– clay or loamy soil.

    How does the transplant take place?

    If the location was initially chosen correctly, and there are no other reasons for replanting, then clematis can grow in a permanent location for about 20-25 years. In this case, the root system grows very much and can reach 1.5 meters.

    To transplant plants, a hole is dug in the shape of a cube of impressive size, approximately 60 by 70 centimeters. The soil that is removed from the hole is well cleared of weeds and their roots. Add to it:

    • 2, or even 2.5 buckets of compost.
    • 1.5 buckets of peat.
    • 1.5 buckets of sand.
    • 100-200 grams of ash.
    • 100-200 grams of lime.
    • 100-200 grams of fertilizers (superphosphate and complex).
    • If the soil is too light, it will need to be compacted. To do this, increase the amount of compost and humus. When, on the contrary, the earth is too dense, a drainage layer is laid.

      Half of the prepared soil mixture is placed in a pre-dug hole. It is recommended to immediately install a support in the center of the hole. Only after this the seedling is lowered into the hole and slowly dug in. Planting depth depends on the age of the clematis:

    • Saplings that are no more than 2 years old are deepened by a maximum of 12 centimeters. The lower pair of main buds should be covered with soil.
    • Shrubs older than 2 years are deepened by 18 centimeters.
    • The further growth and development of the vine depends on the extent of the deepening. Mistakes made during this process will lead the plant to wither and make it vulnerable. In addition, the tillering process will be disrupted.

      When to start transplanting

      Clematis can be replanted both in spring and autumn. It all depends on what kind of root system your clematis has:

    • A vine with closed roots can be replanted in both autumn and winter.
    • Bare-rooted vines should be replanted in the spring, before buds form.

    If clematis is transplanted in the fall, the best time is October-November. A procedure carried out earlier can be detrimental to a plant that is already under stress. The reason for this is the hot weather, which makes it difficult to organize proper care. Optimal time when the air temperature drops.

    When replanting in the fall, the root shoots of the plant are removed.

    On a note! In autumn, the planting hole with the vine is completely buried.

    If the transplant is carried out in the spring, the best period will be April. It is at this time that the earth will have warmed up enough and the plant will take root better. Planting in spring does not entail any special features. The processes are the same as when planting in the fall. Clematis after transplantation, both in spring and autumn, requires abundant watering and loosening of the soil.

    Before planting, carefully inspect the root system of the vine to ensure there is no damage or painful roots. It is allowed to replant only those shrubs that have a strong, healthy and undamaged root system.

    The support cannot be ignored. Unfortunately, this is the most common mistake made by beginners. They often use a strong rope as a support, which is absolutely forbidden to do.

    When replanting adult clematis, choose a strong support for it, since lignified shoots are quite weighty. It should be wooden or metal. Nylon mesh with large cells is often used. The liana weaves along it very beautifully.

    Various buildings can also serve as supports, for example, columns of buildings, walls of terraces and houses. Also, clematis can weave through trees and large shrubs, which makes up a rather unusual composition.

    Diseases and pests of clematis

    Very often, diseases or pests are the reason for replanting clematis. The plant is most susceptible to fungal diseases. They lead to withering. Almost always, the source of fungal bacteria is located in the soil and primarily affects the root system.

    The most common and dangerous disease of clematis is wilting. It would seem that a healthy flower suddenly begins to wither, the shoots dry quickly. The disease comes from the soil, so the roots of the plant deepen almost a meter, where harmful spores are located. The disease mainly manifests itself in early spring, due to the large amount of moisture. The carriers of this infection are weeds, which must be removed. As soon as the disease is detected, all affected shoots should be cut off and the plant should be watered with foundationazole.

    Another problem encountered with clematis is rust. It appears in the form of red spots on foliage and shoots. The plant quickly dries out and the shoots lose their shape. Damaged parts of the flower must be cut off, and the entire bush is treated with Bordeaux mixture.

    Clematis can be affected by powdery mildew. The entire plant is covered with a whitish coating. Clematis stops growing and does not bloom. Most often, powdery mildew attacks during hot periods. You can fight it with a soap solution mixed with vitriol.

    Snails and slugs are a big danger in spring. They suck the juice from the awakened plant. The plant is carefully inspected, collecting all pests. Next, they are destroyed.

    The most dangerous diseases– containing fungal spores. It is always possible to cure clematis from them. In some cases, the vine is dug up and burned, and in its place it is better to plant nothing in its place for a few more years.

    Preparing for winter

    If you do not organize proper wintering of clematis, it may die or get sick. As you know, diseases weaken plants and they become weak.

    For wintering to be successful, you should:

  • Before you arrange a shelter for the vine, you need to cut off all the dried foliage.
  • The neck of the plant is treated with vitriol solution.
  • A bucket of humus is poured under the bush.
  • The mandatory procedure is hilling up to 10 centimeters. You can use ash and sand.
  • The shelter will protect the plant from excessive moisture; it should be dry in autumn, winter and spring.
  • The shelter is made loose so that air can flow in.
  • Material such as sawdust is not suitable for shelter. They have the ability to absorb moisture, which will have a very detrimental effect on clematis.
  • Remove the shelter with the onset of warm weather, when night frosts no longer threaten the plant.
  • The shoots are carefully aligned and strengthened on a support.
  • Right organized wintering will allow the plant to gain strength in the spring and fully bloom. It will not be susceptible to diseases that may require a transplant.

    Good to know

    It is better to plant low-growing flowers near clematis; they will create shade for the root system, which will protect it from overheating.

    The first year after planting the plant, it is recommended to cut off the buds that have formed. Then clematis will direct all its forces to the formation of the root system.

    Irina Mart

    Clematis - planting, care, reproduction, diseases

    • 28.07.2017
    • Trees and shrubs
    • Irina Mart

    Clematis (lat. Clematis), or clematis, belongs to the buttercup family. A beautiful fast-growing plant with thin and flexible stems, delicate greenery and graceful beautiful flowers. These are woody or herbaceous, growing mainly in the temperate and subtropical zones of the Northern Hemisphere.

    There are about 300 species of clematis in the world, differing in flower shape and size, color and some other parameters. There are deciduous and evergreen clematis. Most often, clematis are vines with a length of 1.5 to 20 m. There are shrub forms with shoots up to 1.5 m, as well as herbaceous perennials height from half a meter to 1.5 m.

    Clematis flowers are collected in inflorescences different shapes– broom, half-umbrella, shield. Clematis also amazes with its variety of colors. Clematis are divided into small-flowered (flower diameter up to 5 cm) and large-flowered (from 6 to 25 cm). Large flowers, as a rule, produce hybrid, varietal clematis with white, pink, lilac, purple and crimson flowers.

    This perennial is known not only for the variety of its flowers. It has the ability to cling to the branches of bushes, trees and other supports that come across its path, entwining them with its strong cuttings. Thanks to this property, clematis is indispensable in vertical gardening and is considered one of the best plants used in landscape design. Any dull or unsightly object in the garden is transformed into a charming one thanks to the fast-growing clematis vines.

    Clematis propagation

    Clematis are bred by dividing the bush, layering, grafting and cuttings.

    Dividing the bush is a very simple way to propagate clematis. Division is carried out with plants for 4-5 years in early spring, as soon as the soil thaws. It is advisable to do this before the shoots begin to grow. The dug up bush is carefully freed from the ground and cut with a sharp knife so that each new bush has at least one bud and a good root system. The cut areas should be powdered with charcoal or moistened with a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate.

    Cuttings, layering and grafted annual plants are also suitable as planting material. In all these cases, they are grown throughout the year in pots or in cold greenhouses.

    Best time for cuttings - late May - early June. This is the time when the buds of the plant are laid. Cuttings are cut from the middle part of the shoot and planted in light, breathable soil. Perlite, vermiculite, coconut fiber and so on.

    The upper part of the shoot and nodes with buds are not suitable for cuttings.

    It is convenient to root clematis in cups. To do this, you need to make a drainage hole in the glass, fill it with soil or perlite, spill it well and then insert the cutting into it. It is better to dip the cutting itself in the root before planting. A greenhouse constructed over the cuttings (in the form of a film or trimmed plastic bottle) will help create a microclimate that is comfortable for clematis. Since the cuttings need a moist environment, they must be sprayed 2 times a day with plain water and once a week with a zircon solution. Rooting in such greenhouses occurs in approximately 1-1.5 months.

    Significantly simplifies the process of rooting cuttings in a plastic bottle planted directly into the ground. To do this, the bottle is first cut in half, the cutting is planted as described above, then the upper part of the bottle is put in place and secured with tape. After this, the bottle is planted directly into the ground to the level of the soil poured into them. The place should be chosen in the shade so that young plants do not overheat. After two weeks, you can begin to ventilate these greenhouse bottles by simply unscrewing the cap for about half an hour.

    Reproduction of clematis by layering is considered the most in a simple way. To do this, the selected clematis shoot must be completely buried in the ground (if necessary, pressed in several places with wire) and wait for it to grow from each internode. young plant. It is best to do this in the spring, immediately after you open the clematis after wintering. Bushes that have taken root over the summer will need to be replanted next spring.

    Propagation of clematis by seeds is only suitable for small-flowered species, since large-flowered varieties do not set seeds well. Before planting, the seeds are stratified. If you sow seeds in the fall, they will undergo natural stratification in the winter and germinate in the spring.

    Many varietal clematis do not set seeds at all, or produce too few seeds. Therefore, to obtain seed material it is necessary to use artificial pollination.

    Planting clematis

    You can plant clematis in both spring and autumn. But still, experts believe the best time for planting is April - early May. Choose a place for planting that is sunny and protected from the wind. Ideal conditions are shading in the midday heat.

    Clematis likes fertile, slightly alkaline soil with a low groundwater level. Areas with acidic, heavy clay soil, as well as wetlands, are best avoided. Planting pits are located at a distance of one and a half meters from one another. The size of the planting holes is 60x60x60. Considering that clematis bushes will reach full development only after 3-4 years, in order to save space, you can initially plant them at a distance of 70-80 cm, and only after 2-3 years plant them at the required distance in a permanent place.

    If groundwater is close in your garden, clematis are planted in artificially elevated areas, providing them with good drainage. To do this, 10-15 cm of pebbles, gravel, brick, expanded clay or other material are poured into the bottom of the hole. Add humus or compost to the soil for planting. Manure and acidic peat should not be added. Clematis don't like this.

    If the soil in your garden is heavy, it is better to completely replace the soil dug out from the hole with suitable soil. Clematis love loose soil. If your site has slightly acidic or neutral soil, you can add 0.6-0.8 kg of slaked lime or 1.5 kg of chalk to each hole. You can also add 150-200 g of complete mineral fertilizer.

    A mound of fertile soil is poured onto the drainage layer, the plant is positioned so that the roots are neatly distributed, and covered with prepared soil, deepening the neck of the plant.

    Immediately after planting, clematis must be watered, mulched with peat, and it is advisable to shade the soil around the plant to avoid overheating of the root system. It is important! Root shading can be achieved by planting low annuals next to clematis.

    Autumn planting (September-October) of clematis is acceptable in the southern latitudes of our country. If a seedling has developed vegetative buds, such a plant will most likely have time to take root by winter.

    It is not advisable to plant clematis close to the wall of a house or other fence in order to minimize water flowing down after rain.

    If you bought clematis in the fall, but did not have time to plant them, store them in a cool room (no higher than +5), sprinkling the roots with moist, loose soil, for example, sawdust and sand.

    If before planting you notice that the roots of the plant have dried out, soak them in cold water for several hours.

    Clematis care

    If you chose the right place and provided clematis with everything when planting the necessary conditions, caring for clematis is simple. Clematis are watered rarely, but abundantly. Excess moisture can cause root rot. The usual frequency of watering is once a week. On particularly hot days, you need to water more often - 2-3 times a week. The soil around the plant must be kept loose. Mulching (for example, with peat) will help retain moisture and slow down the appearance of weeds.

    In order for clematis to develop well and build up the root system, it is necessary to carry out at least 4 liquid feedings per season. However, in the first year after planting you should not overuse fertilizing. It is necessary to allow the young clematis to take root and gain its own strength. Otherwise, the weak young plant may die.

    During the period of active growth in the second and third years, clematis are fertilized with nitrogen fertilizers, and during the budding period - with potassium fertilizers. Experts do not recommend feeding clematis directly during flowering. It was noticed that this stopped flowering. But after flowering, clematis needs phosphorus feeding to restore strength. And the last feeding - after summer pruning - with full mineral fertilizer in accordance with the instructions.

    Clematis does not like stagnant water and waterlogging. If the summer turns out to be rainy, it is necessary to sprinkle the near-trunk part of the plant with wood ash to prevent rotting of the roots.

    Like all vines, clematis need support. The diameter of such supports should not exceed 2 cm, otherwise the petioles will not be able to wrap around them securely. Today on sale you can find the most various types supports - arches, pyramids, etc. However, when preparing supports for clematis, consider the fact that mature plant becomes heavy, especially after rain. That's why support structures must be durable. Supports for clematis are best installed at the pit stage.

    Advice: Clematis looks amazing on mushroom-shaped supports with a frame-hat. This design can be made independently from thick wire.

    The support in the form of a cylinder made of a rare metal mesh, similar to an openwork pipe, is also a spectacular sight. Clematis planted inside this pipe will eventually cover the entire structure with its leaves and flowers.

    Also, dried (or fading in early summer) trees and shrubs are suitable as supports.

    With the onset of frost, clematis are hilled to a height of 10-15 cm and cut off at this level. This rule applies to varieties that form flowers only on the shoots of the current year. Cut shoots must be removed from the supports, burned or used for shelter.

    For varieties that form flowers on last year's shoots or bloom twice during the summer, it is necessary to leave shoots about 1 m long. To do this, clematis is also hilled and the shoots are cut to the specified length, after which they are carefully pressed to the ground and pinned with wire. Then they cover it with spruce branches or brushwood, and on top - with a waterproof material (tar paper, thick film, etc.) and press it down with stones, boards or bricks. In the spring after the onset sustainable heat, all this cover is removed.

    Clematis can only be replanted at a young age - 3-4 years, when the root system is still small. It is preferable to replant in spring. if you have suitable plant, during transplantation it can be carefully divided, being careful not to damage the roots. Replant clematis in a previously prepared place.

    At good care and good soil, clematis can grow in one place for 10 to 15 years.

    Clematis diseases

    Clematis, like many plants, are susceptible to viral and fungal diseases. Failure to apply the necessary measures in a timely manner can lead to death and can also become a source of infection of neighboring plants.

    The main diseases of clematis are wilt, powdery mildew, fusarium, rust, brown spot, alternaria, gray mold. You can read more about diseases and pests, as well as methods of combating them.

    Wilt is perhaps the most common disease of clematis. Signs of the disease: flowers wither and fall off within a few hours. As a rule, young apical shoots are affected. By taking timely measures, the plant can be saved. To do this, you need to remove and burn diseased shoots. It has been noticed that young clematis get sick more often than adult plants. The plant itself needs to be sprayed with a solution of potassium permanganate or foundationazole.

    At the first signs of disease or pest damage, infected shoots should be removed and burned. And in the fall and spring, for preventive purposes, the entire area should be treated with a foundation solution. To do this, the solution prepared in accordance with the instructions is sprayed around the plant and at the base of the shoots.

    Clematis in landscape design

    Clematis can be safely called a favorite in. Rapid flowering of clematis begins in June and continues, depending on the variety and weather conditions, until the end of October. In warm autumn, in some places they can bloom even in November.

    Clematis look most advantageous against the background. This can be either a solo plant or a whole group of magnificent clematis.

    Clematis are often used to decorate the walls of houses and gazebos. They decorate arches and flower beds. Some types of clematis can be grown in pots and then transferred to a new location.

    Clematis goes well with roses. Having selected the right varieties and color scheme, you can achieve a stunning spectacle.

    Let's talk about how to grow luxurious clematis in the country, because many experienced and novice gardeners have seen these spectacular flowers, but at the same time heard that they are capricious to grow. Well, most of these popular garden vines are quite hardy, and if you care for them properly, they can grow successfully in your garden. After all, all they need is water, ash, fertilizing and proper pruning.

    Clematis Jackman photo

    Of course, these flowers do not grow in every dacha, but those who grow them are simply in love with them. This resilient, profusely flowering plant is ready to enhance the most unsightly corner of your garden. Liana is used to decorate the walls of houses, fences and terraces. Even an old, withered tree can “bloom” if such flowers are planted next to it.

    Amazing huge flowers and the bush looks decorative even without flowers. And flowering lasts all summer - from early June to August.

    Variety “Polish Spirit” combined with hyssop, rose and hosta

    Clematis planting and care in open ground.

    Indeed, choosing your variety from this variety of luxurious flowers is quite difficult. One is more beautiful than the other - huge, bright, terry, each simply strives to outshine the others in beauty. Each type promises to turn our dacha into a real Garden of Eden! After all, any variety looks beautiful both on its own and in combination with other flowers, especially with.

    But, because We plan not just to admire the flower, but to grow it, then we need to know the features of caring for it. It is best to buy seedlings in pots, and when choosing a variety, we first look not at the shape of the flower, but at its group. It is she who will determine how we prune it, how to cover it for the winter and when to expect it to bloom.

    Types of clematis by group and pruning method:

    • First group.
      The liana will produce flowers only on last year's shoots. Therefore, if you cut off all the old shoots in the winter or spring, you will never see flowering. Flowers from this group are the most luxurious, fashionable and amazing, but they definitely need to be covered for the winter.
    • Second group.
      In these varieties, flowers appear both on last year's shoots and on new shoots. But, if the variety is double, double flowers appear only on last year’s shoots. Only simple-shaped inflorescences appear on young shoots and with a short break after the first flowers on old shoots.
    • Third group.
      Flowers appear only on young shoots. There is no need to cover it - I cut it almost to the root and that’s it. These species are the most unpretentious - they are ideal varieties for beginners, because... Caring for the liana is simple and straightforward. And although there are almost no terry species in this group, believe me, there is plenty to choose your treasure from.

    Variety ERNEST MARKHAM. Group 3, height 2.5 m

    When you solve the problem of how to grow healthy clematis, remember that it does not tolerate transplantation at all, so immediately plant them in a permanent place. And in this place it can grow for up to 40 years, provided that you have prepared the planting hole correctly.

    Clematis Comtesse de Bouchaud photo

    How to preserve a seedling before planting.

    If you bought your plant in the supermarket in early spring and still need to get to your dacha, or perhaps it’s still too cold to plant, you need to make friends with the plant at home.

    Place the pot with the seedling on the sunniest windowsill. Now we must disinfect the soil in the pot, because... here it’s better to play it safe than to hope that it will pass - you don’t want to then treat diseases in our vine. We use Fitosporin for the soil. And in order to support the small vine itself, we use spraying with Epin solution. And for the roots we will buy vermicompost (instructions on the label). We repeat these procedures every ten days.

    How to plant clematis yourself correctly.

    A seedling in a pot can be transplanted into the soil after the night frosts have passed. Before planting, the pot with the plant should stand on the street in the shade for a couple of days to adapt.

    The main thing to remember is that you need to dig a hole for it wide and deep enough - almost the same as for planting an apple tree 60X60X60 cm. If you have close groundwater, do not forget to put gravel or broken brick on the bottom of the hole to The clematis roots did not rot.

    Everything depends on how the root system of the plant feels: abundant flowering, brightness of flowers, number of new shoots and buds. And if the root system grows well and develops stably, then everything will be fine. It is necessary to add peat, humus and turf soil to the planting hole, and be sure to add a glass of ash. Mix this nutrient mixture in the pit and compact it lightly. We plant the seedling in a hole at the same level as it grew in a purchased container - the roots cannot be buried too deep.

    Clematis Etoile Violette photo

    Advice. If you want to get a bush with lush flowering, then you need to take care of the intensive formation of roots. To do this, make a hole in the middle of the hole 10 cm below the general level and plant a seedling in it. At the same time, pour a little sand onto the root collar of the vine to prevent it from being damaged by putrefactive fungi. During the summer, we gradually pour fertile soil into the hole until it is completely equal to the general level of the planting hole. This way we simulate the formation of roots, and with a strong root system the bush will be healthier and there will be more shoots.

    Why doesn't clematis bloom?

    Some plant varieties take root very well and can bloom in the first year, others need more time to form the root and therefore they will begin to delight us with flowers only in the second or third year.

    Where to plant clematis.

    Wet, swampy soils are completely unsuitable for the plant, so we exclude areas where there is stagnant water or water from roof drains for planting them. Such places guarantee fungal diseases and death of the vine. Also, you should not plant the vine near big trees– the roots of the plant are large and will begin to compete with the huge roots of the tree.

    I would like to remind you that the flowers of the vine love a sunny place, and the roots love the shade. Therefore, it is good to plant low-growing flowers next to it or ornamental grasses. For example, hostas are excellent companions for vines. Another option is to mulch the roots. Pine needles, sawdust or straw are ideal as mulch.

    Features of watering.

    When watering, we try not to water the plant in the center. It is better to make a hole at a distance of 15-30 cm from the stems and pour water into this hole. If you water randomly in the center of the bush, you will quickly see how your shoots will begin to wither - this means that Wilt disease (withering) has appeared and after that the plant can only be pulled out and burned, disinfecting this place with a solution of copper sulfate. Therefore, it is better not to let this happen.

    How to feed clematis.

    Clematis Hania photo

    The plant throws out a large mass of flowers over the course of a season, so the bush cannot do without serious feeding. Once every 10 days it must be supported with fertilizers that promote lush flowering. This is Agricola for flowering plants, Agricola Fantasy, Grow-Up, Effecton for flowering plants.

    In the fall, be sure to feed the plant in winter: 1 tbsp. spoon of superphosphate and 1 tbsp. spoon of potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water - move carefully. Water one bucket of this solution per adult plant, then next spring the flowers will bloom faster and will delight you until the fall.

    Tricks of experienced gardeners for lush flowering.

    To grow beautiful clematis, you need to be aware that they are real gluttons, they should not be fed, but fed regularly and plentifully!

    1. When to feed clematis. Fertilize the vine once every 10 days with small portions of fertilizer, always in liquid form. We begin fertilizing in May, when shoots begin to grow.
    2. What to feed:
      • 1 tbsp. spoon of ammonium nitrate per 10 liters of water or
      • cow manure in a ratio of 1:10, or
      • bird droppings in a ratio of 1:15 or
      • 2 tablespoons of vermicompost per 10 liters of water.
        We use one bucket of solution per bush.
    3. How to fertilize. Alternate mineral fertilizers with organic ones. When the buds appear, give organic and mineral fertilizers at the same time.
    4. We protect from pests. If the soil is acidic, to prevent wilt disease, you need to deacidify it with lime milk (200 g of lime per 10 liters of water). Ash is also suitable for these purposes.
    5. We strengthen the plant. These garden vines love growth stimulants - so spray them with Epin extra once every 10 days. This protects them from stress, helps them survive spring frosts successfully and makes them more active growth shoots.

    How to propagate clematis by cuttings and shoots.

    There are three ways: cuttings, shoots and dividing the bush.

    Clematis Hagley Hubrid photo

    Propagation by cuttings. We prepare cuttings at the moment of bud formation, place them in Kornevin’s solution and, when roots appear, plant them in loose soil. Keep in mind that the average percentage of root rooting ranges from 10 to 60%, depending on the variety.

    Method of propagation by shoots gives a higher percentage of rooting. Some of the vine branches, falling to the ground, begin to form roots. If at this time, without cutting off the shoot from the branch, place it in the soil in a peat pot, then in a month, you will be able to separate a healthy rooted seedling from the main bush. It is important to water the seedling in the pot abundantly.

    The division of the bush assumes you are breaking old bush shovel into several parts and plant each part in a new place.

    How to properly prune clematis to produce more flowers.

    Liana definitely needs support, moreover, the grid cells should be large enough - up to 15 cm, then it is easy to remove the vine from them, cut them off and cover for the winter.

    Clematis Blue Angel photo

    If you have a plant for the first year, then in the fall it is cut off almost completely - leaving one bud above the ground. This way we stimulate the bush to form new roots and shoots. All subsequent years with the help correct pruning we continue to shape and strengthen it.

    How to prune clematis of the first group, which form flowers only on last year's branches: in the fall we remove the vine from the support, if the bush is thickened, we cut off part of the shoots to the roots, we also cut out weak thin shoots, we cut all other shoots to a height of 1 to 1.5 m.

    How to prune clematis of the second group, which form flowers both on last year's and on new shoots: in the summer, after flowering, we cut off the flowering part of the old shoot, in the fall we cut out thickened and weak shoots, cut the remaining shoots at a height of 1-1.5 m, then shorten part of the shoots by another half and part is cut very short - so we form a lush bush for the next year.

    How to prune clematis of the third group, where our flowers will only be on young shoots, is to cut the shoots almost completely - to the first bud.

    If you bought a new seedling of a group unknown to you, trim it for the second group, and this way you can determine the group of your vine.

    Do clematis need to be covered for the winter?

    In order to prevent freezing of the lower bud and roots, these vines need to be protected from frost. Therefore, before covering the shoots, we remove all the leaves from them to prevent rotting. Then we remove the mulch at the base of the bush and fill the neck of the vine with compost or peat. After this, we lay out the stems in a circle in a ring, fasten the stems to the ground with thick wire clips, cover the top with mulch and cover with waterproof material, leaving holes for ventilation. In early spring, we free the shoots and tie them to a support.

    For all their beauty, clematis frighten some summer residents with the difficulties of growing and caring for it. But, if you care for this amazing liana correctly, then you will be able to grow wonderful and luxurious flowers in the country, which look especially beautiful when paired with.

    Do you want to get a beautiful vine, but don’t know how to grow clematis in your country house? We have prepared for you answers to common questions that most often interest beginners.

    Clematis (clematis) is easy to grow yourself from seeds or from green cuttings. But in order for the plant to please you with its attractive appearance, you need to know a few important nuances in care.

    1. When is it better to plant clematis - in spring or autumn?

    Clematis are planted both in spring and autumn (until October). Seedlings with a closed root system can be “planted” in the garden in the summer. But seedlings with an open root system - exclusively in April - early May, when the buds have not yet had time to swell. At the same time, regardless of the time of planting, the plant must be shaded until it takes root.

    2. How to transplant clematis to another place?

    Transplanting clematis to a new location is complicated by the fact that the plant has a fairly powerful root system, and the climbing shoots have to be cut off. Transplantation is best done in spring (late April - early May) or late summer. If spring is in no hurry to come, and the soil does not warm up until May, then “relocation” should be postponed until August.

    The clematis bush needs to be dug to the depth of a spade bayonet, remove the plant along with a lump of earth, then shake off the soil, straighten the roots and use sharp knife Divide into pieces consisting of 4-6 stems. For each division, you should remove the roots that are not attached to the root collar and shorten those that are too long. When planting, divided clematis should be slightly deepened and covered with soil or a mound should be made around the plant.

    3. How to properly care for clematis?

    Clematis love light, grow well in a place protected from the wind and do not tolerate heavy soils with high acidity levels. In addition, the plant needs good drainage, otherwise the roots may rot.

    Basic care for clematis comes down to regular (at least once a week, and in hot weather - 2-3 times) and sufficiently abundant watering, loosening the soil, removing weeds and fertilizing organic fertilizers 1-2 times a month (starting from the second year). To retain moisture in the soil and inhibit the growth of weeds, it is recommended to mulch clematis with humus or moss.

    During prolonged rains, the lower parts of the vines should be dusted with wood ash. This prevents the shoots from wilting. It is recommended to plant calendula at the base of the plant. These yellow-orange flowers will protect your clematis from nematodes.

    Adult plants themselves climb onto a fence, gazebo, pergola, and building walls. And for young specimens you need to build a support. Clematis also need proper pruning.

    4. How and when to prune clematis?

    After the first year of growing season, all clematis are heavily pruned in the fall - to the first bud. This stimulates the growth of new shoots from dormant basal buds next year. In the second and subsequent years, different types of clematis are pruned differently.

    Depending on whether clematis blooms on the shoots of the current or last year, gardeners divide plants into three groups. And each of them has its own pruning features. Detailed diagrams You will find pruning of clematis in our article Everything you need to know about pruning clematis.

    5. Why doesn’t clematis bloom and what to do about it?

    The most common reasons lack of clematis flowers:

    • bare root collar (clematis planting should be deep enough; it is important that the root collar is thoroughly mulched for the winter);
    • high acidity of the soil (most varieties prefer a slightly alkaline reaction, so in the spring it is recommended to water each plant with a chalk solution - 1 tablespoon of chalk per 10 liters of water);
    • metal support (in summer the metal heats up - heat inhibits the plant);
    • unsuitable place in the garden (clematis does not develop well with a lack of sun and poor drainage);
    • improper pruning;
    • soil pests - nematodes (the damaged plant is dug up along with the adjacent soil and disposed of);
    • insufficient care and poor shelter for the winter.

    To achieve spectacular flowering, the plant must be properly cared for and fed. For a comfortable winter at the end of August - beginning of September, superphosphate and any potassium fertilizer should be applied around the clematis bush (0.5 tbsp of each fertilizer is dissolved in 10 liters of water).

    6. What support does clematis need?

    The shape of the support can be different: in the form of a fan, arch, pyramid, etc. The main requirements are imposed only on the material of this structure. It is best to use wood. Supports made of reeds and willow twigs have proven themselves well.

    The thickness of the rods and wooden blocks to which the clematis petioles cling should ideally not exceed 10-15 mm. The supports are constructed with a height of 1 to 5 meters or more.

    7. How can clematis be propagated?

    Clematis is propagated in several ways:

    • cuttings;
    • layering;
    • seeds;
    • divisions of the bush.

    Large-flowered and all varietal clematis are propagated exclusively vegetative way. Seed propagation is used only for small-flowered species, in which species characteristics are preserved and transmitted from generation to generation.

    8. How to prepare clematis for winter?

    When preparing clematis for wintering, it is very important to take care of protection from rodents. It is recommended to place bait with poison under each bush. To prevent fungal diseases, the soil at the base of the bushes should be sprayed with Fundazol (20 g per 10 liters of water). The plants should also be covered with peat, humus or compost (1-2 buckets are poured under each bush). This is necessary so that in the spring melt water does not stagnate at the base of the bush.

    In addition, clematis that bloom on last year's shoots are thinned out in the fall, and the current year's growth is carefully removed from the support and covered (if the plant is young and not winter-hardy enough). Clematis that bloom on the shoots of the current year are heavily pruned (leaving branches 20-30 cm long), hilled (to a height of about 15 cm) and also covered.

    9. How to properly cover clematis for the winter?

    Clematis are usually covered in October, when the air temperature drops to –3ºС. The main task is not to protect plants from frost, but to protect them from icing, high humidity and wind. Therefore, there is no need for too dense cover. It is important to ensure that clematis do not die out in the spring.

    Sawdust is not suitable for this because it can get wet and slowly thaws in the spring. It is better to use dry leaves, spruce branches or brushwood. In this case, the covering material must be laid on rigid frames made of wooden boxes, panels or from the remains of cut vines.

    First, clematis are sprinkled with dry leaves (5-7 cm layer) or covered with spruce branches, then placed on top wooden box, a waterproof material (for example, plastic film) is placed on it and sprinkled with a 25 cm layer of earth or peat.

    For several nearby bushes, you can organize a common shelter from wooden panels (boxes), under which bricks are placed. The top of the box is covered with roofing felt or thick film and the edges are pressed with bricks so that the structure is not blown away by the wind.

    In spring, the cover is gradually removed and care is taken to ensure that return frosts do not damage the plants. In cold spring it is better not to rush with this. To prevent clematis from drying out, you first need to make holes in the structure, and only remove it completely when warm weather sets in.

    Don't be upset if your clematis is damaged by frost. Within 2-3 years, this plant can sprout new shoots from the root collar and recover. Next year, be more careful when caring for clematis, provide it with a comfortable winter - and in a couple of years the plant will again delight you with abundant flowering.

    Let's continue the conversation about our proud beauty - clematis. Many gardeners love it, but not everyone decides to plant it on their site.

    They are afraid that both planting and caring for clematis will require significant time and attention. And completely in vain!

    Clematis is quite independent and not capricious. Like every plant, it has its own preferences, knowing which we can find a common language with our king of vines. And it will delight us with its lush and long-lasting flowering.

    What determines the attractiveness of clematis?

    Planting and care, done competently and competently, guarantee good health and longevity of the beautiful flower. A hastily planted vine will not please the owner with rich flowering.

    Planting correctly

    Flower growth begins in early spring. The buds wake up already when the air warms up to +4-6° C, the shoots actively begin to grow at +7-13° C.

    For gardeners middle zone In Russia, the ideal planting time will be April-May, and for garden owners in southern latitudes - September-October.

    • Such rules do not apply to flowers sold in containers (with a root system closed type). These plants can be planted at any time convenient for the owner of the site in the summer.

    ♦ Clematis planting and care, soil preparation. Land for handsome men should be light or medium density, rich in organic matter.

    Flowers also grow well on loam that is well loosened and fertilized.

    Unsuitable! Clematis will not feel good on clay, peaty, damp and acidic soils. If your garden is distinguished by this type of soil, you need to improve its structure.

    When planting in spring, work to improve the soil is carried out in the fall, when autumn planting processing is done a month before the event.

    To do this, the following is added to the soil simultaneously with digging:

    • Clay soil. Peat, sand and leaf soil in equal quantities.
    • Peaty. Sand and garden soil in equal parts.
    • Sandy. We need to dilute it with clay.
    • Acidified soil. Lime at the rate of 300 g of lime per m².

    ♦ Preparing pits. We clear the selected areas of remaining weeds. Planting holes should have dimensions of 50x50x50 cm (for light soil) or 70x70x70 cm (for heavy soil).

    If the soil of your site is too wet, place a layer of drainage (construction waste, broken brick, gravel or pebbles) at the bottom of the hole.

    We fill the holes with a nutrient mixture:

    • Humus (2-3 buckets). Rotted compost or manure will do.
    • Granulated superphosphate (200 g).
    • Dolomite flour (150-200 g).
    • Wood ash (2-3 cups).

    A small trench should be dug from the prepared planting pit at a distance of 10-15 cm - along it, excess water will leave the plant, preventing the roots from becoming waterlogged.

    ♦ Preparation of seedlings. Carefully inspect young seedlings before the event. If you notice a damaged root, cut it off, and treat the cut with a weak manganese solution, then sprinkle with ash or crushed coal.

    On the above-ground part of the plants, before planting, all shoots located above the first / second bud are cut off.

    ♦ How to grow clematis, planting. In the central part of the prepared pit, pour a small mound of enriched soil (we will do this so that tender seedlings do not burn sensitive roots).

    1. We place the seedling on the mound and straighten the roots.
    2. Carefully deepen it to the root collar.
    3. Sprinkle with a small amount of moistened nutrient mixture.

    For younger clematis, the depth will be about 5-10 cm, for adults 10-12 cm. If the plant is deeper, its growth and development will slow down.

    To further reduce the possibility of overheating of the soil at the roots, the following plants can be planted with flower beauties: lavender, calendula, subulate phlox, tagetes.

    After planting, we mulch the soil (use peat or humus). Don't forget the supports!

    They need to be installed when planting seedlings (to avoid accidental injury to delicate roots). In this case, the diameter of the support should be no more than 2 cm.

    Caring for a flower

    ♦ Watering. Clematis are very fond of drinking (their root layer must be constantly kept moist). How more mature flower- the more moisture it needs. The lack of moisture will immediately affect the size of the flowers; they will become much smaller.

    • First-year seedlings in spring, in summer we water once every 5-10 days (in hot, dry weather 3 times a week).

    When watering, make sure that the stream does not hit the central part of the vine.

    Clematis do not like frequent and shallow watering. The earth should get wet quite deeply (60-70 cm) so that the water reaches the roots, and does not spread over the surface.

    To ensure such watering, dig in several pieces at once when planting. plastic pipe(3-4), directing them slightly obliquely towards the center of the plant.

    And then, if watering is necessary, pour water into them. This way we will know for sure that every drop of moisture will reach the target.

    Can also be used for watering plastic bottles(5-liter ones are best). We cut off the bottom of them and dig them in near the clematis bush with the neck down. This structure is also very good for feeding plants.

    After the procedure, be sure to loosen the soil. At the same time, remove any weeds that appear.

    Feeding. The kings of the flower world need to eat a lot and eat well, because: firstly, they bloom for a long time and magnificently, and secondly, they annually renew almost the entire above-ground mass.

    They need to be fed twice a month. It is better to feed the flowers with liquid fertilizers and always in small portions after watering.

    1. Clematis in the spring needs to be fed while the shoots are growing. For fertilizers, we use ammonium nitrate (for 10 liters of water 20 g of the substance), chicken manure (proportion 1x15) or mullein (1x10). Consumption of 10 liters of feed for 1-2 bushes.
    2. Then the food should be alternated (organic with mineral).
    3. During the budding of plants, we combine organic matter and mineral supplements.
    4. In summer, it is necessary to give flowers monthly weak solution potassium permanganate (2-3 g) and boric acid(1-2 g) per bucket of water. At this time, spray clematis with urea (10 liters of water ½ tbsp. L).
    5. At the end of summer, the plant needs additives that activate the ripening of shoots (ready-made dressings "Kemira Autumn", "Autumn" are suitable). You can dilute the flower diet during this period with ash.
    6. In preparation for winter time, during digging, mineral (superphosphate granulated 20-50 g per m²) fertilizers or organic matter should be added. During this period, it is necessary to add potassium magnesium or potassium sulfate (10-30 g per m²).
    7. At the location of the tillering node, you need to sprinkle a mixture of charcoal, ash and sand.

    ♦ Garter. Many varieties of clematis need help in guiding their long vines. To do this, in the spring, the plant is tied to a support, positioned in the required direction.

    Otherwise, flexible shoots may become tangled, resulting in damage to the flower. Over time, our handsome man will weave around the support and grow.

    • The only plants that cannot wrap around supports are Clematis of the Integrifolia group. These flowers require constant help from the gardener. Such crops need to be tied up every summer.

    But even an adult flower must be regularly adjusted on a support, directing the vines in the right directions.

    Otherwise, flexible shoots can become intertwined so that it will be very difficult to unravel them without damage later.

    ♦ How to cover clematis for the winter. Delicate and very sensitive flower beauties must be covered before the onset of the winter cold.

    We will hold such an event with the onset of the first frosts in dry weather.

    • As winter protection the plant is suitable for dry peat, sand, loose earth. The hilled layer should be 15-20 cm high.

    How to cover clematis in another way? The air method of shelter has proven itself very well.

    To do this, low wire frames are built above the plant, you can use wooden boxes without a bottom. Layers of roofing material, film or roofing felt are placed on top of them.

    But do not wrap them too tightly, otherwise the plants may dry out.

    Pruning Clematis

    Pruning clematis is important stage in plant formation. The first pruning is carried out before planting, the next - in the middle of the summer season (this time the shoots are cut to ½ of their length).

    The third pruning takes place in the fall - during the event, the clematis will need to leave only 1-2 nodes. This will stimulate active root development.

    • At this time, plants are pruned, focusing on the Clematis group.

    If flowers form on young shoots that appear in this year– in autumn they should be shortened to 2-3 buds.

    When flowers form on last year's shoots, we cut off all the leaves in the fall, lay these shoots on soil covered with spruce branches, and cover the top with the same mulch material that we used to cover the base of the bush. We put spruce branches on top.

    In addition to basic pruning, clematis need decorative pruning throughout the season to form a beautiful bush.

    Spring Awakening

    In spring, you shouldn’t rush and wake up the plant by removing the covering material from it. Liana is very afraid of unexpected frosts and too bright spring sun - it can burn young buds.

    In early spring, you can only slightly lighten the shelters.

    • Covering materials should be removed from plants only after possible spring frosts have stopped. It is better to wake up Clematis in cloudy weather.

    We immediately feed the plants with nitrogen fertilizers. Urea (40 g per 10 liters of water) is perfect.

    If the soil of your site is acidic, use lime milk for the first watering (dilute 200 g of lime in 10 liters of water for each m²).

    Don't forget to loosen the soil.

    Dangers to clematis

    ♦ Diseases. The most common ailments of the gentle beauty are powdery mildew, rust, wilt (withering), gray rot, brown spot and fusarium.

    The most dangerous condition for a plant is wilting.

    • Suddenly, young shoots, sometimes the entire above-ground part of the flower, begin to rapidly fade. This is an infection that penetrates into lesions near the base of the shoots.

    It is necessary to cut off all affected parts of the clematis and burn them. Treat the rest of the plant and soil with one of the following preparations:

    • Foundation solution.
    • A weak solution of manganese (light pink).
    • Soap-copper emulsion (20 g of vitriol, 200 g of soap per 10 liters of water).

    To prevent other diseases, our beauties (in early spring, also before leaving for the winter) should be sprayed with foundationazole (20 g of substance per 10 liters of water).

    Spraying is carried out at the base of the shoot; the soil also needs to be treated.

    The most dangerous is the root-knot nematode (small worms that live in the roots of the plant). Swellings (galls) appear on the root system, the growths merge and form a continuous shapeless formation.

    • Diseased plants develop poorly, stop growing, flowers become smaller, and roots dry out. This condition can lead to the death of the entire vine.

    Plants affected by nematodes must be completely destroyed, and the soil must be thoroughly treated with nematicides.

    Additionally, you can protect plants from nematodes by planting calendula, watercress, dill, coriander, marigolds or parsley next to them.

    • Mulching the soil with finely chopped mint or wormwood will be very useful. You can add various mineral supplements containing ammonia (ammonium sulfate or ammonium nitrate).

    How flowers are propagated

    It is not difficult to propagate clematis; there are many ways, the easiest of which are:

    ♦ Seed propagation. Many varieties of clematis bear fruit successfully (especially those growing in southern gardens).

    The ripening time and number of seeds are not the same (indicators depend on weather conditions and plant varieties).

    • The seed method is not suitable for propagation large-flowered hybrids(flowers grown in this way lose their properties). This method is ideal for small-flowered varieties.

    Seeds are collected independently, given that clematis with small seeds form them after flowering after 1-2 months, and large seeds after 3-4 months.

    Seeds should be stored in paper bags in conditions of temperature + 18-23 ° С.

    Clematis are divided into three seed groups:

    1. Large seeds (6-10 mm). They germinate unevenly and for a long time (sometimes it takes more than a year).
    2. Medium sizes (5-6 mm). Such seeds germinate more quickly, within 2-3 months.
    3. Small seeds (3-5 mm). The most germinating seeds. They germinate after 3-4 months.

    Seed propagation of clematis with small seeds is recommended in April-May, large seeds in autumn or winter.

    If large seeds are stratified, they can also be sown in the spring. To do this, place the seeds in a single layer in boxes with a mixture of sand and earth (in equal parts).

    Sprinkle them with sand on top in a layer equal to 2-3 times the diameter of the seed itself.

    The seeds are watered as needed using a fine sieve and weeded. Cover the crops with a net or glass.

    As soon as the seedlings produce 1-2 pairs of true leaves, they are planted in ridges or boxes and shaded with shields for the first time.

    The shade should be removed as soon as the clematis has 2-3 pairs of fresh leaves.

    Caring for seedlings is the same as for adult plants. Clematis are transplanted to a permanent place after a year.

    ♦ By dividing the bush. If clematis has long been firmly established in the garden, it can be propagated by division. To do this, choose healthy, strong plants up to 6-7 years old.

    1. Dig up the vine and shake off the soil from the roots.
    2. Carefully cut the plant, leaving a root bud on each part.

    This procedure is best carried out in spring or autumn. If the vine has grown very much, it is enough to simply dig it up on one side and separate part of the crop.

    ♦ Cultivation by layering. Using this method, you can get up to 10 new seedlings. The method is especially good for autumn propagation of the crop (clematis grow stronger and form well over the summer).

    This method is very simple:

    1. Make grooves 8-10 cm deep around the bush.
    2. Select mature shoots and place them there (after removing all the leaves).
    3. Secure the internodes with a wire arch.
    4. Cover the shoots with nutritious soil on top.

    Ultimately, only the tops of 20-25 cm should protrude from the groove. They should be tied to a small support.

    Water and feed the grooves with shoots regularly. The next year, in the spring, vertical shoots are separated from the donor bush.

    ♦ Cuttings. The best time for cuttings is during the budding process. During this period, the shoots accumulate a large amount of biostimulants.

    And the short lateral shoots that appear after complete pruning have better root formation abilities.

    • The cut shoot is divided into several shoots with one node. It is better to cut cuttings from the middle of the shoot. The lower cut is made obliquely, the upper cut is straight.

    The cuttings are rooted in water (you can use a substrate) at a temperature of +18-22° C and air humidity of about 85-90%.

    • To do this, the cuttings are planted in a greenhouse or the boxes are covered with glass/film. Spray the leaves with water periodically.

    After 1.5-2 months the plant takes root. As soon as this happens, remove the film/glass or remove the clematis from the greenhouse.

    Young plants must gradually get used to the light in order to withstand winters.

    Advice. When taking cuttings from one plant, do not cut off more than a third of the shoots. To quickly form new ones, after cuttings, feed the plant with a mineral complex fertilizer.

    The flower can also be propagated in the fall (after the growing season) using lignified cuttings. The process is the same as with green cuttings.

    The cuttings are placed in boxes, where after 90 days they give roots. In the spring they are planted in pots, and next autumn they are moved to a permanent place of residence.

    Now we know how to properly plant and care for clematis. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this.

    If you don’t have this wonderful plant growing yet, I advise you to definitely plant it, because the flowering of clematis is an unforgettable sight.

    It often happens that flower shops begin selling seedlings long before the time when they can be planted in open ground. And you couldn’t resist and still bought the variety you liked. What to do in such cases? You will find the answer to this question in the next video.

    See you soon, dear readers!