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How to prune royal pelargonium correctly. Autumn pruning of geraniums guarantees lush flowering. "Autumn pruning of geraniums"

Vida regala is truly an aristocratic flower. During the flowering period, it looks like a very lush and bright ball. At home room conditions This flower is not easy to grow. Care, feeding, pruning and propagation require scrupulousness and precision technology. Experts advise how to do this correctly step by step, based on the photo.

Royal geranium: plant description

Unlike classic varieties of pelargonium, the royal one has a wider bush. Peduncles are located at the level of the shoots, and not above them. In addition, the flowers are larger, reaching 15 cm in diameter ( average- 5-7 cm). By appearance and in color they resemble pansies. As they bloom, the flowers tightly cover the bush, forming a bright cushion in the shape of a ball.

Botany classifies geranium as perennial plants. At favorable conditions it can grow and bloom in summer on the veranda or balcony, and not just on the indoor window sill.

Royal geraniums can have flowers of different shades

The flower varieties determine the color of the buds: from white to deep purple. Moreover, the petals are not only smooth, but also terry, with a wavy or corrugated texture. Unlike other varieties, they do not have the characteristic aroma of pelargonium.

Attention! The peculiarity of royal geranium flowers is that the shade of the upper petals is much brighter and more saturated than the lower ones. This property is used by decorators and flower growers.

The leaves of royal pelargonium are the same in all varieties:

  • in shape - smoothed, maple-shaped;
  • there are jagged edges;
  • the coating is rough.

The flower does not grow higher than 50 cm. Its compactness allows it to be placed on a loggia or hung in a flowerpot. In spacious containers, pelargonium feels uncomfortable and may not even bloom.

What conditions do royal pelargonium need for normal development?

The plant is considered capricious and requires increased attention from its owners. The main difficulties of caring for it:

  1. Does not tolerate excessive moisture or drying out of the soil.
  2. Does not tolerate direct sunlight and does not like drafts. On open balcony or veranda, choose a place that is not blown by the wind. The optimal placement of the flower is a little sun in the morning and partial shade in the afternoon.
  3. Royal geranium needs intense light throughout the year. Without it, it does not grow and does not lay buds. You can use special luminescent sources for indoor plants.
  4. To extend flowering time, you need to regularly pick off wilted flowers.

Attention! For this variety it is very important temperature regime. In the winter months, when buds are forming, it needs coolness - a strict thermal range of +12...+15°C. If it is hotter, the plant will not bloom and may even wither.

How to prune royal geranium

This variety of pelargonium requires mandatory pruning twice per season: in spring and autumn. The procedure has a positive effect on the development of geranium:

Royal geraniums need to be pruned twice a year.

  • extends flowering time;
  • stimulates the growth of shoots and inflorescences;
  • improves the absorption of nutrients;
  • opens the plant elements to air and light;
  • helps geraniums withstand cold weather.

Pruning requires preparation of pelargonium. First, bring her into the room if she was on the balcony. Then proceed like this:

  1. If necessary, transplant the geranium into a winter container.
  2. Leave the plant for a couple of weeks to acclimatize, otherwise you will put it in a state of stress: the leaves will turn yellow and fall off.
  3. Think about what shape you are going to give the bush. Evaluate what and how you will cut.
  4. Remove dry and yellow leaves. It is better to get rid of fading greenery.
  5. Prepare for the procedure. For work, use scissors, sharp knife or pruning shears. The instrument must be sterilized in any way. Hands should be washed with soap.
  6. Start pruning.

In general, the procedure is performed according to the same algorithm. While working, keep the following points in mind:

  • correct removal of shoots - above leaf nodules;
  • be sure to cut off branches that grow towards the center of the bush or cross each other;
  • It is better to remove the ends of the branches after 4-5 buds - this will free up space for young peduncles;

Royal geraniums can be placed on the balcony in summer

  • treat the cut areas with crushed charcoal, ground cinnamon or alcohol - this will heal faster;
  • The process of healing and normalization of plant life will be accelerated by a small portion of nitrogen fertilizer.

Advice. To form a rounded plant shape, pinch the tops of the shoots. This is done with bare hands - just tear off the desired process.

Propagation of royal geranium

Florists recommend propagating flowers by cuttings at home. In autumn or spring, a cutting of no more than 10 cm in length is cut from an adult plant with a sharp knife (the cut is made at an angle of 45°). Then two leaves are cut off at the bottom of the branch and placed in water for 7-10 days. During this time, roots will appear on the cuttings. Now it can be rooted in a small pot with a light substrate. The soil is prepared by mixing ordinary soil with sand in a 1:1 ratio.

Advice. The mixture should be disinfected for 2 days before planting.

The plant should remain in a temporary pot for 2 months. At this time, it is important not to miss the period when the cutting begins to grow. At this point, shorten the top of the sprout by 1 cm to give free rein to the side shoots. Water young geraniums so that the soil does not dry out, but the water does not stagnate. After two months, the plant will be ready for transplanting into a permanent container.

Pruning is one of the main measures for caring for geraniums. She stimulates abundant flowering bush and prolongs the formation of buds, forms a beautiful crown, and also plays an important role for the health of the plant. Pelargonium can be trimmed in spring and autumn. If everything is done correctly, on time and regularly, geranium will delight you with a well-groomed appearance and lush flowering.

Types and methods of pruning geraniums

Without this sanitary procedure, pelargonium will eventually look like an untidy, shapeless bush, produce single buds, or stop blooming altogether. Periodically shortening the shoots will help to form a symmetrical crown correct form and thin out too dense areas.

Pruning turns the geranium into a nice spherical bush, stimulating the formation of side branches that will not wake up without artificial intervention. In addition, it improves metabolism, lighting and leaf nutrition. Depending on the purpose, there are the following types of pruning:

  • the main one - forms the bush and encourages it to actively, abundantly bloom;
  • sanitary - performed in autumn or spring;
  • pinching - carried out as needed.

Different varieties of pelargonium require the procedure to be carried out at a certain time:

  • the zonal variety can be pruned in spring and autumn, since it quickly sets buds and forms buds early;
  • The ivy-leaved type of geranium is also pruned twice a year. If the bush becomes very elongated during the winter, it is shortened in early spring;
  • Royal pelargonium is pruned to stump level, but this is not done regularly. The flower does not develop too intensively;
  • variegated geraniums are shortened in the spring. The same time of year is usually chosen for hanging varieties;
  • dwarf species are formed only for decorative purposes.

How to prune geraniums in autumn

The autumn procedure of shortening shoots is considered more natural than the spring one. From November to February the plant is in a state of hibernation. Its development is slowing down, but the bush continues to receive nutrients. Maintaining a lush crown in good condition is quite difficult, while pruning makes it easier for the flower to overwinter.

Advice. Don't wait until the geranium stem reaches a significant size. Trim young bushes from the first months of their life.

Properly prune geraniums autumn period The following step-by-step instructions will help:

Attention! Immediately after this, pelargonium needs abundant lighting, moderate watering and fertilizing with nitrogen.

Features of spring pruning of geraniums and pinching

The haircut, which is carried out after hibernation, is more superficial and gentle. At this time, it is easy to harm the crop and delay its flowering indefinitely. Therefore, you need to trim the branches very carefully. The main purpose of the procedure is to remove shoots that have become very elongated or weakened. Also, spring pruning helps geraniums grow greenery and form buds, awakening dormant buds.

You need to do it like this:

  1. Plan your haircut for the end of winter or the first half of March. The faster, the sooner pelargonium will begin to grow rapidly.
  2. Remove diseased, bare, long stems. There should be at least 3 buds left on each of them.
  3. If necessary, use cuttings to propagate geraniums. They take root well.
  4. Provide the bush good light, normal watering and spraying with Epin three times at weekly intervals.

At the same time, start pinching - forming the crown of young geraniums. Remove the growing point of the central stem. Treat the area with talcum powder or ash. Left without a top, the flower will begin to produce side branches.

There is nothing complicated in the procedure itself, but inexperienced gardeners manage to make mistakes that negatively affect the plant. To ensure everything goes well, follow these rules:

  • Pruning should not be combined with a sudden change in conditions. The bush may not survive two stresses in a row;
  • Excess crowns need to be removed after all the inflorescences have withered. Permanently blooming pelargonium is pruned at any time of the year;
  • we must not forget about disinfection;
  • it is necessary to avoid intensive watering of a plant that has just undergone a haircut - this is fraught with rotting of the roots;
  • For formative purposes, pelargonium grown from seeds should be pinched after the 7th leaf, and obtained from a cutting - after the 9th or 10th.

Different varieties of geraniums usually bloom from spring to late autumn. Their decorativeness, health and overall appearance depend on how correctly and timely you trim and shape the bushes.

How to prune geraniums: video

Pruning geraniums is a mandatory process for lush flowering. Despite the fact that this activity is not difficult, there are certain points that should be taken into account so as not to destroy the plant.

The main rule of pruning is its regularity; you should not allow the stems to grow excessively.

Why is it done and what does it give?

It is worth noting that There are a lot of types of geraniums, they are divided into:

  • dwarf;
  • tall;
  • ampelous;
  • with erect stems;
  • subshrubs.

And each of them requires a separate approach.

Systematic formation of a pelargonium bush, begun immediately after planting, will help:

  • stimulate the growth and development of side shoots, and as a result of new buds;
  • give the flower a beautiful and compact appearance;
  • help the plant bloom magnificently and for a long time;
  • obtain high-quality cuttings for further propagation.

If you leave geraniums unattended, the stems will stretch out over the course of the season, the foliage will remain only at the top. The specificity of pelargonium is that without outside intervention it does not produce lateral shoots, despite the fact that there is a dormant bud in each internode. If you trim geraniums in time, the dormant buds begin to wake up, and flower stalks begin to form.

Basic Rules

Eat certain rules, according to which pelargonium is pruned:

  • the formation of a bush is carried out twice a year - in spring and autumn;
  • The procedure must be carried out with a sharp sterile instrument;
  • be sure to treat sections with antiseptic compounds;
  • competent aftercare.

On a note! It doesn’t matter what kind of plant you have on your windowsill - a perennial geranium or an annual, pruning should be done regularly.

Step-by-step instructions on how to prune a plant correctly and when?

Before starting the pruning process, you need to carefully consider the plant and think about the form you want to get in the end. Then prepare the instrument and antiseptic and you can begin.

Features of the spring procedure

The algorithm for performing spring pruning of geranium is as follows:

  1. Tear off dry and yellowed leaves, cut off crooked, injured shoots.
  2. All weak lateral layers are removed without regret; only strong and healthy ones should be left.
  3. Remove all side shoots that are located below from the remaining stems.
  4. If the stem is very elongated, it should be shortened by cutting off the top.
  5. If the stems are crooked, then they are cut off completely, leaving only 10 cm of the stem from the ground. After some time, young leaves and shoots will appear in place of the stumps.
  6. Apply a disinfectant (ground cinnamon, brilliant green, charcoal) to the cuts.

Pruning geraniums in spring may delay flowering slightly. since the plant will have to regain its strength. It is also worth considering that when carrying out such a procedure, you cannot cut off more than 20% of the shoots for lush flowering. If you carry out local pruning, the geranium will bloom only next summer.

We invite you to watch a video about spring pruning of geraniums:

Is it possible to “cut” it in the fall?

Yes, you can and even need to prune the plant in the fall. Many novice gardeners do not know what time to start pruning in the fall. The first thing you need to do is observe the geranium, as soon as the pelargonium stops forming new flower stalks, and the existing ones begin to fade - it’s time to prune, which needs to be done as follows:

  1. Remove from the plant all wilted inflorescences, stems and leaves that are dry or damaged. This procedure will make your work easier. Then you should inspect the plant and remove all weak and damaged shoots, and those that have become elongated should be shortened. This will allow the plant to retain strength for further growth and flowering.
  2. Before deciding on the cutting location, you need to understand that new shoots are formed from dormant buds.
  3. In autumn, pelargonium can be cut back by 1/3, but you should not think that this will be too heavy for the plant. Over the long winter it will gain strength and produce many new lateral shoots.
  4. But pruning alone is not enough; during the dormant period, young shoots should be pinched after every 4 internodes. This is the only way in the spring you will get a bushy geranium that will produce many flower stalks and delight you with a cap of buds.

Pruning is carried out until December, at which time it is time for pruning for pelargonium to be painless. Then you should leave the plant alone until spring. It is worth noting that during periods when daylight hours are very short, geranium will have a very difficult time withstanding any interventions.

We offer visual video on how to prune geraniums in the fall:


Useful secrets

How to prune geraniums for lush flowering? This question is asked by many gardeners. But don't forget that The duration and frequency of flowering directly depends on the plant variety and on the conditions of care and, of course, on proper pruning. If you want a lush plant in the spring, do proper pruning in the fall.

  • If in winter the plant did not have enough light and the stems became very elongated, then at the end of February they should be shortened by 2/3. And in the spring, start pinching new lateral layers.
  • If the plant has branched heavily over the winter, then in the spring only those side stems that stand out from the general mass of the bush are removed - there is no need to carry out global pruning, the plant will spend energy on restoration and will not bloom.
  • If you want to get a lush plant in the spring, leave only 7-10 cm stumps in the fall and constantly care for the geranium, pinching it in a timely manner. In this case, the pelargonium should stand in a well-lit place so that the side stems do not stretch.
  • We draw your attention to the fact that geranium flower stalks are formed only from young shoots, therefore, as soon as the bud begins to dry out, it is removed and the stem is pinched.

What to do to make the flower fluffy?

Good condition and vigorous growth depend on the quality of pruning. geranium flowering, therefore, pruning is carried out with a sharp blade or knife, which must be disinfected, the execution algorithm is as follows:

  1. Experienced flower growers advise pruning with a sharp blade or a stationery knife. You should not use scissors, as during this process the stem is pinched and receives additional injuries in the form of cracks.
  2. The cut is made above the node from which the leaf grows, facing outwards - if the leaves are facing inside the bush, then the shoots will interfere with each other's growth, while the density of the plant will be increased, and this may cause diseases and insects.
  3. If you need to remove a young shoot, you can simply carefully pinch it with clean, dry hands directly from the main stem, being careful not to damage the main layer.
  4. Be sure to treat the cut areas, otherwise the plant may become rotten. You can use crushed coal, cinnamon or simple brilliant green.

If you want the geranium to produce more greenery after pruning, you should feed it with nitrogen fertilizer.

Forming a standard tree from a bush at home

If you want to make a compact geranium out of bushy geraniums standard tree, worth producing correct pruning– remove side layers. A support is installed to which the main stem is tied in several places.

The garter of the central stem must be done very carefully, since in pelargonium it is very fragile. The stem must be secured so that the support helps it support the weight of the growing crown. Some gardeners simply wrap the trunk and support with soft cloth.

The main stem is cut at the level of the support, maybe 2-3 cm higher, it all depends on the last dormant bud at the top. After pinching, intensive branching will begin. 5-7 strong layers are left on the top of the head - they will be the basis of the future crown.

After every fourth leaf, pinching is done on each new stem. Over time, as a result of such intensive formation, a beautiful miniature tree is formed, but you need to understand that it will bloom only a year later, after the crown has formed. If you want the plant to set buds, stop pruning and pinching two months before the expected flowering.


Care after pruning should be more thorough, so that the plant has the strength to recover. Geranium is placed in a room with a temperature of +15-18 degrees, the number of waterings is reduced to a minimum so that the flower does not rot. Lighting should be maximum, but without direct sun rays. For growth large quantity greenery, fertilize nitrogen fertilizers.

As soon as the wounds from the cuts heal, you can move the plant to a more warm room, it is better to install a pot with geraniums on the southern windowsill, or arrange additional lighting.

It must be remembered that geranium is a light-loving plant that does not tolerate heat and stuffiness, so the room in which it stands must be constantly ventilated.

Constantly pruning pelargonium is necessary not only for the formation of a bush. If excess, dried out and unhealthy growths are removed, free space is created. The thinned bush is well ventilated, the threat of infection by fungal diseases is significantly reduced. The appearance of the plant becomes more neat and attractive. The mass of greenery becomes small, while the number of inflorescences and their quality increases.

Video on the topic

We invite you to watch a video about how and when to prune geraniums correctly:

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Geranium (pelargonium) is the most popular resident of our window sills. It's hard to find a house that doesn't have this unpretentious flower. When growing geraniums, pruning is done to ensure their lush flowering. It is required not only for the formation of more flower stalks, but also for beautiful decorative form plants. If too long shoots of pelargonium are not shortened in time, its lower leaves fall off and the branches become bare. This makes the flower quite unattractive. Many people throw it away precisely because the bush becomes “ugly.” And it is enough just to remove old stems in time to maintain the beauty of the plant for many years and admire its flowering.

When to prune geraniums?

There is no need to wait until the stems lengthen and the leaves remain only at the top. The peculiarity of pelargonium is that it very rarely produces lateral shoots, but “sleeping” buds are present in all nodes. Pruning causes them to wake up. This stimulates the formation of shoots and the formation of new flower buds.

There are three ways to trim:

  • main;
  • topping;
  • autumn

The main procedure is carried out in order to obtain abundant, lush flowering and form a beautiful bush. Autumn pruning is prevention. Pinching is carried out as needed.

Important! Due to the lack of light in winter, geranium can become very elongated, which affects its decorative effect and flowering. But it is not recommended to shorten the shoots at least until the end of winter. IN last decade February shoots can be shortened by 2/3 of their length. To prevent the stem from being pulled into winter time, it is better to add illumination with a phytolamp.

The main pruning of geraniums at home is carried out immediately after the dormant phase. The best period for this manipulation is considered to be the very beginning of spring. At this time, the plant has not yet begun to grow. Therefore, before the vegetative period begins, all the “wounds” will have time to heal.

When pelargonium fades, autumn pruning occurs. During this procedure, dry leaves and peduncles are removed. Such manipulations do not affect the future flowering of the bush, but are simply decorative. This operation is carried out in mid-autumn. Previously, it was possible only if diseased branches appeared. In such a situation, they are removed so that the damage does not spread to the entire plant.

Pinching can be done at any time, but not in winter. During this period, geranium is in the dormant stage. The exception is those types of pelargonium that bloom in the cold season.

Important! It is very important to prune on time and correctly. If this procedure is performed too late, the flowering of the plant will be delayed. Or it may not please you at all with its luxurious inflorescences.

How to trim?

Among indoor pelargoniums there are species with straight and lodging stems, tall and dwarf, ampelous and shrubs. Each variety requires special attention and a special approach. Therefore, you should know how to prune geraniums correctly so that they are always beautiful. But, in any case, correction of the stems must be carried out for each variety.

Correct cutting:

  1. Stimulates the appearance of lateral shoots and the formation of inflorescence primordia.
  2. It will give the flower a beautiful, well-groomed shape.
  3. Provokes abundant and long flowering.
  4. Allows you to get high-quality planting material.

The perennial plant is adjusted twice a year. Such procedures increase the splendor and duration of flowering. It is not recommended to prune a young flower. In such a bush, the stems are only partially removed to give it shape.

Important! If the bush large sizes, it is not recommended to radically cut the plant. This is due to the fact that pelargonium will devote all its energy to growing stems and leaves, and the inflorescences will either appear late or will not appear at all. In very large flowers, it is enough to just shorten the diseased branches that are too long without leaves.

When deciding how to prune geraniums in order for them to bloom, you need to take into account the type and variety of the plant. Since improper processing can lead to the death of the flower. Experienced flower growers for this procedure advise using a blade or knife with a very thin blade. It is not recommended to use scissors, since in the process of manipulating this object you can crush the stem, disrupting the structure of the tissue at the cut site.

Before trimming a flower, you need to carefully examine it and decide which parts will need to be removed so that a beautiful bush will subsequently form. A correctly carried out procedure stimulates the growth of branches and intensive flowering. On pelargonium there will be no “empty” areas without leaves and inflorescences.

Important! If the geranium begins to fade, it must be pruned. If after this procedure the main stem remains green, the flower will survive and new leaves will appear in a few days. When, after all the manipulations, the trunk darkens and begins to dry, the flower will die.


  1. First you need to remove dry, fading leaves and flowers.
  2. The cut should be made with a disinfected tool above the leaf node facing the outer part bush.
  3. To prevent the stem from rotting, the wound should be sprinkled with crushed activated carbon.
  4. After the procedure, the flower must be fertilized with a mixture that contains nitrogen. This will contribute to the rapid appearance of shoots.

The plant is cut off, leaving only half of its height. Thanks to this manipulation, there will be excellent air exchange inside the bush, and the lower leaves will receive the required light. In addition, the likelihood of fungal infections will be significantly reduced.

It is not for nothing that many gardeners love geranium. It is easy to care for, undemanding to soil and watering. But there is something that is necessary in the formation of a beautiful lush pelargonium bush and its long-term flowering. This is trimming and pinching. If these operations with geranium are not carried out in a timely manner, then very quickly the flower will lose its shape, bare shoots will stretch out, and the number of inflorescences will disappear. When and how to trim and form the crown of a flower correctly? This is what experienced geranium lovers advise.

  • 1 How to prune geraniums correctly in the fall
  • 2 Crown formation
  • 3 Pruning: necessary or useless procedure?
  • 4 Mistakes when pruning geraniums at home

How to prune geraniums correctly in autumn

The purpose of autumn pruning

There are many varieties of geranium: indoor or garden plant, with lodging or climbing stems, tall or short, bushy or hanging. For each flower, you need to choose your own pruning method, comparing it with the desired shapes that you would like to give to the pelargonium.

Geraniums need help to form a beautiful bush

The ultimate goal of pruning geraniums is to obtain beautiful bush with lush blooming inflorescences. Related is the improvement of the bush.

For all types of geraniums, it is important to adhere to the main requirement: pruning and control over the shape of the bush should be done regularly. It is impossible to trim once and get the intended design. Engage in formation beautiful view Geraniums need to be grown constantly, starting immediately after planting. There is no need to wait a year or two for the stems to grow long and bare, retaining only a few leaves at the very top. Pruning stimulates the growth of side shoots and stimulates the conception of new inflorescences.

The correct place to trim geranium cuttings

The geranium itself does not throw out additional side stems without human intervention. But dormant growth buds are located in each node. Their growth should be provoked. After pruning, the plant begins to grow compactly, without bare and ugly branches jumping out. In addition to the side shoots, flower buds are also activated. Such geraniums bloom longer and more luxuriantly than their unkempt counterparts. After flowering is completed, the bush produces high-quality planting material, which allows you to propagate your favorite pelargonium variety.

Time spending

Pelargonium is a smart plant. She herself will tell you when to start pruning. Geraniums are pruned after the bush has stopped flowering and the last inflorescences have withered. If the plant is planted for the summer in open ground or stays in the garden all year round, then remove half the height of the stem. If a flower spent the summer on outdoors, before pruning, you should keep it in the room for ten days so that it gets used to the new living conditions. Removing excess crown improves air exchange, the lower leaves open to sunny color. This reduces the risk of fungal diseases.

Formed flowering bush geraniums

Winter is a resting time for the plant, but not for the grower. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the cuts. If the cut has turned black or has become an unnatural color, it is necessary to repeat the pruning, removing the non-healing wound on the stem.

Features of the procedure for different types of pelargonium

You can determine whether a particular plant needs pruning by its appearance. If the bush is compact and the branches are neat, then pruning can be postponed until spring. For example, zonal geraniums often grow obscenely, exposing the trunk uncovered by leaves. Then, of course, pruning is required. Ampelous pelargonium is beautiful with long shoots, but decorated with foliage and flowers. If the type of plant is quite presentable, then it is better not to touch the bush until spring.

Variegated geraniums experience severe stress after pruning, so if you can avoid trimming, then don't. Eat interesting variety- mini pelargoniums. The name itself indicates their miniature size. Therefore, pruning is a rare event for them. Is it just to remove something that suddenly sticks out from the general compact design. Royal geraniums need pruning after the bush grows. In the fall, they cut off everything unnecessary, leaving only little escape with kidneys.

Scheme of work

Geranium shoots must be removed with a disinfected instrument. This is a sharp knife (kitchen or stationery) or blade. Scissors are not suitable for this procedure, as they pinch the stem. The trunk of the geranium is cut three to five millimeters above the leaf node. The cut is made under acute angle. Nodules should be selected that are aimed at outside bush. When shoots grow from such a bud, the shoots will not lead to thickening of the crown, as they will tend to separate from the center of the bush.

Preserved shoots with growth direction from the center do not lead to thickening of the crown

Step-by-step instructions for autumn pruning of geraniums

  • Remove yellowed or damaged branches, leaves and all faded inflorescences. This will reveal the bush's true form.
  • Prepare your tools. You will need a sharp knife, blade, as a last resort pruning shears or scissors. You can disinfect instruments with alcohol by wiping them work surface. Another way: heat over a flame or boil in water for 10–15 minutes.
  • Make the cut above the leaf node. If a branch directs its growth inside the bush, it is better to remove it. Shoots that cross each other should also be cut off. Weakened branches are pruned without pity.
  • You should start pruning from the outer stems, gradually moving to the center of the bush. If it is necessary to remove about half of the bush, pruning should be done in two or three passes. Between each approach, give the plant a two-week break.
  • You can trim the ends of the stems after four or five leaf nodes. New sprouts with flower stalks will form here.
  • Process slices disinfectant(ash, coal, cinnamon, alcohol solution).
  • Apply nitrogen fertilizer to support the plant. Create appropriate thermal and light conditions for wintering.
  • Hint on video

    Features of caring for geraniums after pruning

    The place where the geranium stem is cut must be disinfected. Suitable for this Activated carbon. It needs to be crushed into powder and then sprinkled on the cut area. Another remedy - wood ash. She is also good antiseptic. Cinnamon powder is considered a natural stimulator of wound healing. They can also process a cut.

    The treated plant must be fed with nitrogen fertilizers. This vitamin complex will help cope with stress and stimulate the growth of shoots and greenery.

    For the lushness of greenery and flowers, the plant must be fed

    Watering must be reduced. Since there will be very little green mass left, excess moisture will not be able to evaporate. This can lead to disease and death of the plant. It is already weakened by the ordeal it has experienced.

    Wintering conditions: table

    Crown formation

    It is necessary to form the crown of geranium almost immediately after planting the cutting. The main actions to achieve this goal are pruning and pinching. If geraniums are pruned in the fall, you can prune or pinch them in the spring. What is the difference? Pinching is the removal of a plant's growing point. In its absence, the geranium throws out side shoots and turns into a small branched tree. The first pinching is done on the 8th or 10th leaf. It is held at the end of February-March. Side shoots are also pinched as they grow. There is no point in delaying spring manipulations with geraniums. The later the pinching is carried out, the longer time before the flowers appear.

    Pinching young shoots accelerates the growth of side shoots

    Spring pruning is cutting off large stems at the level of the second or fifth leaf from the root. The time of the operation is autumn or early spring.

    Basics of proper crown formation

    • Carry out all manipulations with geranium only with treated tools and clean hands.
    • First of all, shoots growing inside the bush are removed (cut or pinched) to prevent thickening.
    • At long distance between pairs of leaves, cut the stem immediately above the leaves, making an indent of up to five millimeters.
    • First of all, diseased shoots are removed, capturing up to five centimeters of the healthy part.

    Step-by-step instructions for spring procedures

    Spring work with geraniums is very similar to autumn pruning. The first three steps are completely the same. But it also has its own nuances.

  • Carefully examine the plant and carefully think about what kind of result you would like to get.
  • Remove yellowed or damaged twigs and leaves.
  • Prepare your tools. You will need a sharp knife, blade, or, in extreme cases, pruners or scissors. You can disinfect the tools with alcohol by wiping their working surface. Another way: heat over a flame or boil in water for 10–15 minutes. To pinch, wash your hands thoroughly.
  • Cut off all the stems, leaving the healthiest and most beautiful. The lower side shoots must be removed from it.
  • A stem that is too tall needs to be shortened by removing part of the top. The side buds will grow and the geranium will turn into a small tree on the trunk (or a ball on a stick).
  • Pelargonium stems that are too long or crooked can be trimmed, leaving stumps up to ten centimeters. In a few weeks, fluffy bushes will appear in the pot instead.
  • Pay attention to the direction of bud growth. It should tend to grow in the opposite direction from the main stem.
  • Treat the sections with a disinfectant (ash, coal, cinnamon, alcohol solution).
  • Formation of a geranium crown (video)

    Spring pruning and pinching perform an important agrotechnical function - they stimulate the formation of new buds, branches and inflorescences.

    It is important to remember: after spring pruning and/or pinching the geranium will bloom later.

    The explanation for this is simple: the flower needs time to recuperate. Therefore, you need to decide what you want to achieve: early flowering or its pomp and longevity. If you consider that pinching is a more gentle procedure than pruning, then in the spring you can choose the first option. Young shoots need to be pinched not only in the spring, but also as the plant grows.

    Geranium requires constant monitoring by the grower over the growth of shoots and the removal of unnecessary shoots

    Unless strictly necessary, pruning in the spring may not be carried out. You can trim only up to 20% of all shoots. Extensive thinning can significantly delay flowering time. Also, the plant may spend all its energy recovering from stress and not bloom at all this season.

    Care after work: table

    Geraniums that have suffered spring pinching or pruning need the most favorable conditions.

    Conditions for keeping geraniums Required indicators
    Temperature Comfortable temperature is above +12 degrees. Can be exposed to fresh air at night temperatures from +4 degrees.
    Light mode South side of the house. Geranium loves the sun very much and tolerates direct sunlight. Doesn't like drafts.
    Watering Water every other day or two. You can check the need for watering by looking at the top dried layer of soil.
    Air humidity Under no circumstances should you spray the plant. This is dangerous for geraniums.
    Top dressing Loves nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. You need to apply it twice a month. You can purchase ready-made fertilizers “For flowering plants" Can't stand it organic fertilizers(fresh manure).

    Pruning: necessary or useless procedure?

    Of course, geraniums do not need to be pruned. But will the plant turn into a beautiful flowering bush? Most likely no. Geraniums have a tendency to stretch their stems. The elongated stem does not become covered with leaves and does not throw out inflorescences. The plant will grow, but there will be nothing to please the eye. Some gardeners suggest not to bother with old plants, pruning and pinching them. They think the best option trim old bush in the fall, throw away the root, root the cuttings and get a young plant.

    Without pruning, geraniums stretch upward and become bare and ugly.

    If you save old faded geraniums, then it is important not to forget that pruning is the greatest test for the plant. Therefore, it is better to carry it out when the daylight hours increase, that is, at the end of winter or beginning of spring. Autumn pruning is less tolerated by pelargonium and the plant may not have enough strength to recover.

    Mistakes when pruning geraniums at home

    Pruning geraniums is not so difficult process. The only thing that must be observed is the timeliness of its implementation. But incorrect pruning will lead to an unplanned result or the death of the plant.

    Geranium pleases the human eye beautiful flowers and a unique aroma. Every gardener can create a well-groomed pelargonium bush. To do this, it is enough to trim the plant in time and provide it with proper care. Lush blooming geranium needs potassium supplementation. This is where all the secrets of creating a spherical crown or fluffy geranium bush end. A pleasant sight for your eyes.