home · Networks · Treating fruit trees with copper sulfate before winter. How to properly treat fruit trees from diseases and pests in the autumn. How to spray conifers in the fall

Treating fruit trees with copper sulfate before winter. How to properly treat fruit trees from diseases and pests in the autumn. How to spray conifers in the fall

IN well-kept garden Shrubs and fruit trees will become healthy and fruitful if they are properly prepared for the new season. In addition to whitewashing trunks and trimming branches, a necessary condition will be nitrogen-containing spraying, the main component of which is urea. Nitrogen irrigation of trees performs several functions simultaneously.

When working with urea in the fall, remember:

  • Ureas are organic fertilizers, but their composition is determined by mineral nitrogen-containing components;
  • This is a fast-acting concentrate whose properties last for a long period;
  • the fertilizer quickly erodes, therefore it requires irrigation directly of the soil, including greenhouse and greenhouse soil;
  • the connection is effective in waterlogged areas;
  • biologically active soil retains more nitrogen than alkaline or neutral soil environments;
  • nitrogen-containing fertilizers are more effective and safe for the garden in the autumn, when the foliage does not burn if the concentration is disturbed;
  • urea slows down the growing season, delaying flowering from being fatal to the ovary spring frosts. This will have a fruitful effect on the preservation of early ripening varieties of plum, peach and apricot, and the fruit trees themselves preserve the developing buds;
  • after spraying in the fall they die garden pests, and also eliminated various diseases garden crops;
  • after combining with earth, urea turns into ammonium carbonate;
  • nitrogen-containing compounds do not accept compounds with chalk, lime and simple superphosphates;
  • urea helps get rid of old stumps, causing them to quickly rot;
  • Autumn treatment of the garden with nitrogen concentrate protects garden plants from early frosts.
How to improve productivity?

We are constantly receiving letters in which amateur gardeners are worried that due to the cold summer this year there will be a poor harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS on this matter. But unfortunately, many did not listen, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we would like to recommend plant growth biostimulants that will help increase the yield by up to 50-70%.


Pest Elimination

Urea is effective against purple spotting, monilial burn, scab, etc. dangerous diseases for garden and fruit crops. For the composition, dilute 500 g of nitrogen-containing fertilizer in 10 liters of water. The solution is irrigated on the foliage, which will inhibit the infectious pathogen, and as a result, they will stop reproducing. The same concentrate should be poured over fallen leaves in which insects intend to overwinter.

Seasonal processing of fruit trees

The second procedure for protecting fruit trees from the invasion of aphids or other infectious agents is carried out during the period when ants appear in the grass under the trees. In order not to be left without a harvest, you should prepare the trees:

  1. Dig up the ground around the trees, remove damaged branches, whiten the trunks.
  2. Spraying the garden is best done on a calm, sunny day. If the heat has already set in, work should be moved to early or evening hours.
  3. You need to use the prepared solution wearing protective clothing, gloves, goggles and a mask.
  4. For more effective fight with insects 700 g nitrogen fertilizer combine with 50 g of copper sulfate and dilute with 10 liters of water. This treatment is useful for killing pests and fertilizing the soil.
  5. Very suitable for spraying tall trees gardeners recommend using a sprayer.
  6. When treating the crown, do not skimp on the composition; it is harmless to plants.

Organize the next spraying of the garden during the flowering period, and then after fruit set.
If the concentrate is washed away by precipitation, nitrogen irrigation must be repeated.
For root feeding of cherry and plum crops during the period of fruit ripening, dilute 120 - 150 g of fertilizer per 10 liters of water; For apple trees, prepare a solution of 250 g of crystals for the same volume of water.

When adding urea under the trunks, it is necessary to thoroughly fill the holes with water.

If organic fertilizer is added to the trees, the urea rates are reduced by almost half.

The optimal time for nitrogen irrigation is late autumn

Treatment of garden trees with urea in more early period threatens trees with burns and premature loss of leaves, which will affect their lack of frost resistance or insufficient nutritional content.

A dry and windless day is suitable for the spraying process. The procedure in such weather will have a greater effect.

Late autumn to prepare 6-10 summer trees before neutralization, obvious signs of damage to the cortex should be eliminated. To do this, the infected areas are cleaned manually using a metal brush. This will allow you to spray the affected area and rid the trees of insects that have gathered to spend the winter on them.

Moreover, even for discarded leaves affected by diseases, treatment with such urea is mandatory. Gardeners recommend subjecting it to the same thorough spraying. In the spring, the remains of overwintered leaves will become additional compost for fruit crops.

The urea irrigation solution for fertilizing is less concentrated than for disinfection purposes. To compile medicinal composition should be diluted to 700 g of drug granules in a 10 liter container with water.

Features of nitrogen prevention in autumn

The entire crown of the tree should be sprayed with urea, and thorough irrigation is necessary, which will ensure the destruction of existing lesions and also prevent the subsequent proliferation of the infection.

Safety precautions

Treatment with nitrogen-containing compounds requires compliance with safety instructions. Special protection will help protect your health: a respiratory mask, which can be replaced with a thick gauze bandage; protective glasses; latex gloves. After work, you should wash your hands and face, work clothes wash and clean shoes.

Urea treatment garden plot in autumn

And a little about the author’s secrets

Have you ever experienced unbearable joint pain? And you know firsthand what it is:

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Now answer the question: are you satisfied with this? Can such pain be tolerated? How much money have you already wasted on ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end this! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish an exclusive interview with Oleg Gazmanov, in which he revealed the secrets of getting rid of joint pain, arthritis and arthrosis.

Attention, TODAY only!

I have been gardening for many years. At one time, I turned to experienced gardeners for help, because they gave me something that was not in any books. And the Internet did not exist then. Now they turn to me for advice. So decide to write an article to help as many people as possible.

Autumn is coming and many people make one mistake - they believe that after the harvest fruit trees collected, care for them ends until spring. This is not true - after all, trees need to be prepared for winter.

The thing is that pests also want to hide from winter and therefore make their shelters in the bark of trees. And in the spring, immediately after awakening, the plants that protected them attack. Of course, gardeners carry out spring cultivation of the garden, but if this procedure even in the fall, then in the spring there will be much less work.

Before starting to describe the procedure itself, talking about their quantity and choice, as well as the choice of drugs, it is advisable to list a number of factors that are very important to consider:

  • You need to know the pest enemy “by sight” or what he has instead of...;
  • You need to know his taste preferences so that the poison (as the gardener believes) does not become feeding;
  • Have an idea of ​​the cycles of its life: when it comes out of hibernation, when it enters it, where it spends the winter;
  • When it begins to actively destroy trees, namely, absorb their juices, destroy foliage.

For general information Let us note that today there are more than 30 species of various insect pests seeking to feast on not only the fruits (of your gardening labor), but the leaves, sap and roots of trees and shrubs.

So, what kind of insects attacked the garden depends on what to spray trees and shrubs against pests in the fall.

Preparatory stage

First of all, it is necessary to collect from the ground all fallen leaves, fruits and weeds in which insects can hide. It is recommended to put everything collected in special pits. In which they will rot and turn into excellent fertilizer.

If the fallen leaves and fruits are damaged by something, then it is better to burn them and preferably away from the trees.

From plants older than six years old, old bark and lichen must be removed, under which pests “like” to hide. This can be done using metal brushes. All wounds and cracks on the plant must be covered with a special compound.

Many people also advise pruning trees from old branches; I would recommend doing this only in those regions where winters are not very cold. Otherwise, the branch may die at the cutting site.

Afterwards you can proceed directly to spraying. It is not difficult, the main thing is to follow the instructions.

Biological drugs

On modern market biological preparations and outright toxic chemicals are presented. Biological products are preferred, and their choice is much wider. These include:

  • Trichodermin - used in the bud phase and throughout the season;
  • Planriz is an enemy of lepidopteran insects and a number of diseases;
  • Gaupsin is a universal drug against ailments and pests;
  • Nemabact is a special drug that penetrates the body of larvae and destroys them.

Among the advantages of using biological drugs are the following:

  • Do not accumulate in fruits and soil;
  • Plants do not experience burns after use;
  • Economical - they are not used in large quantities.

Therefore, when the choice fell on biological products, it is worth understanding that for early spring treatments they are not suitable, but for spraying throughout the season, they are quite effective and also safe.


Speaking of what to process fruit trees early autumn against diseases and pests, if biological products are not effective, you should understand that the alternative is small and you will have to choose chemicals.

The latter are actively used in industrial gardening together with biological products. During the entire season, tree plantations are sprayed up to 100-150 times, which makes it possible to obtain marketable fruits.

In private gardening, it is recommended to use chemicals in early spring. Despite their unsafety, it is absolutely impossible to refuse their use. They are effective in combating the most common pests. This is due to a number of undeniable advantages of chemicals. drugs:

  • Fast action;
  • Long lasting and good effect;
  • Good solubility in water.

Thus, chemicals provide the greatest protection against pests and diseases.

Among the disadvantages of chemicals are the following:

  • It is important to maintain concentration, otherwise there is a risk of causing burns to the trees;
  • Unsafe for the environment;
  • Pests can get used to the drug during the season, which forces it to change or increase the dosage;
  • There is a risk of harm to pets;
  • With frequent use, they can accumulate in soil and fruits;
  • Requires precautions used garden tools requires disinfection.
  • Copper sulfate is a remedy suitable for pests and diseases;
  • Iron sulfate – saturates plants with iron, simultaneously acting as a fertilizer;
  • Bordeaux mixture or blue spray;
  • Carbamide or urea is a remedy for caterpillars and aphids;
  • Drug or composition No. 30 is also effective against crawling insects, including the green caterpillar.

Despite a number of shortcomings, processing chemicals gardeners continue.

What to process

Now there are quite a few different drugs, but many experts, and I join their opinion, advise using three products - iron and copper sulfate and urea. Next I will tell you about each of them in more detail.

But I’ll immediately make a reservation that each of them has a narrow focus and therefore when spraying it is necessary to take into account the final result. The treatment procedure itself is recommended to be carried out at the end of October, after the first frost.


After processing it fruit plants receive the entire required set of microelements. Besides inkstone improves the oxidative process in the soil.

Folk remedies

In some cases, gardeners do not disdain traditional means from the people. Yes, the most famous folk recipe based on soap solution and lime.

This composition is used for whitewashing, which many people carry over into the fall. But it is advisable to use such a solution in the spring.


  • Laundry soap - 1 liter or a piece, allowing it to swell in a liter of water;
  • Slaked lime or paste – 1 kg;
  • And another liter of water, maybe one and a half, so that the household solution is not very thick.

During autumn treatment, the solution can be made less concentrated and the entire tree can be sprayed, as well as the soil around the trunk.

The spraying itself should be carried out in mid-October. This measure will seal up all the damage on the tree, and the pungent smell of soap and lime will repel insects.

The number of treatments can be reduced if you use tank mixtures for spraying.

For example, this one is Fitover and Alirin-B. the first is an insecticide, the second is a fungicide. You can also add an adhesive to this mixture, which can be used as ordinary laundry soap. This will increase the effectiveness of Alirin-B.

Apple trees can be protected from worms with the following drugs - Fufanon, Karbofos, Karate, Alatar - these are chemicals. Among the biological preparations, Fitoverm and Lepidocid are recommended.

Bark beetle larvae infect garden trees quite rare. But if they appear, then treatment with a 5% solution of ferrous sulfate is recommended.

Thus, spraying against pests is one of the important points care for fruit trees, allowing not only to maintain their health, but also the key to productivity.


With the onset of autumn, many gardeners, as well as ordinary summer residents, become hostages of the situation, faced with the need to prepare trees for winter and protect their property from various pests and diseases. A set of special measures will confidently keep them healthy in the new season, which will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the crop in the future. How are gardens treated in the fall? What drugs are used to treat it? You will learn the answers to these and other questions by reading this article.

Treatment of trees in autumn - key features

To care for trees, they should be treated correctly - whitened, sprayed or installed protective equipment. The need for this event is due to the following functionality:

  • destruction harmful insects;
  • fight against microorganisms that cause many diseases;
  • protection from cold weather and rodents - mice, hares, etc.

To prevent tree diseases, it is advisable to treat them with fungicides. If this procedure is ignored, then microorganisms that cause diseases can spread throughout all plantings. Warm and humid weather contributes greatly to this. If protective measures are not taken during this period, then by spring the garden risks suffering from various fungi and diseases.

Autumn is the period when it is necessary to spray trees. This can easily be explained by the fact that it is at this time that many insects huddle in the bark and branches of plants for subsequent wintering. Most types can be gotten rid of in a simple way- trim and dig tree trunk circles. You can destroy the insects that are hidden deep in the pores of the old bark by whitening the trunks.

In general, autumn treatment of tree trunks includes the following steps:

  • using a scraper or a metal brush, the trunks are cleaned of old bark;
  • putty with garden varnish, which will help plants heal the damage received;
  • whitewashing with a special composition is necessary to destroy the “nests” of insects.

This procedure is also aimed at destroying eggs and pupae of insect pests. For greater effectiveness, insecticides can be added to the whitewash composition.

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Preparation for processing

It is worth noting that before the process of protecting your beloved garden by special means, careful preparation must be made. First of all, it is important to prepare necessary materials and tools:

  1. sprayer - models are characterized by increased power, which allows you to cover a large area in one day. Also gasoline units can be refueled anywhere, but they are heavier and bulkier than battery-powered ones. In addition, the models are characterized by lower noise levels during operation, but at the same time their power is less than gasoline ones;
  2. protective respirator or gauze bandage with many layers;
  3. rubber (ordinary gardening gloves are not suitable for such an operation);
  4. preparations for spraying (selected in each specific case);
  5. (required element to protect eyes from spray).

Before starting work, you should carefully inspect the components of the trees (branches and trunks) for the presence of lichens and moss. If found, remove it with a wire brush. It would also be a good idea to inspect the device with which you will be spraying.

Treat trees only completely, as such a partial procedure may not bring the desired result and even harm the plant. Consider the consistency of the solution - it should be as homogeneous as possible. Before pouring the solution into the apparatus, mix it thoroughly with water. If this rule is not followed, there is a possibility of heterogeneity, which will lead to uneven treatment - some trees are sprayed with plain water, and some will be exposed to the undiluted substance.

How to spray trees

There is a misconception that spraying fruit trees is a completely optional procedure. However, if this procedure is not carried out, harmful microorganisms will penetrate through the juices into all parts of the plant, which will have a detrimental effect on its health. Under the influence of this, many plants do not emerge from their dormant state in the spring. In addition, in such trees, vegetation processes slow down significantly.

Spraying young gardens in the autumn is of particular importance, since such immature plants are almost completely devoid of immunity against diseases.

Now there are several most popular options for processing in the fall:

  1. Copper sulfate is a fungicide with a wide range of effects. It copes well with scab, rot, spotting, as well as coccomycosis;
  2. Bordeaux mixture - in its composition it is a mixture of copper sulfate and lime in equal proportions(approximately 50:50). This solution effectively destroys not only pathogens of plant diseases, but also burns out harmful insects;
  3. carbamide or urea - this product has a similar principle of action to Bordeaux mixture. It should be remembered that spraying with urea a month before the onset of the first frost is no longer carried out. This is explained by the saturation of the tree with nitrogen under the influence of such a solution, which in turn activates the plant’s vegetation. This manipulation will delay the preparation of the plant for sleep.

Let us dwell on the processing by these means in a little more detail.

Spraying with copper sulfate

This method is used in the fall for prevention not only to prevent plant diseases, but also to destroy insect pests. Treatment with copper sulfate after leaf fall is preferable. Its benefits are due to the following factors:

  • the presence of a noticeable admixture of free sulfuric acid in copper sulfate leads to an acidic reaction of copper sulfate. It is noteworthy that chemical burns of foliage and fruits with the solution are almost completely eliminated when applied in the fall;
  • copper sulfate affects exclusively the sporangia of fungi, without affecting their mycelium, since this solution does not penetrate the plant tissues of the tree;
  • The need of any fruit plant for copper is maximum at the time of flowering, and by the time the fruit ripens, this need is minimal.

If by the time the growing season begins the plants have already received the necessary degree of protection and satisfy the need for copper, then the effect of the treatment will be maximum.

Spraying with Bordeaux mixture

Despite all its effectiveness, it is the acidity of copper sulfate that is its main drawback. Of course, its value can be artificially reduced, but a much more effective solution in this case would be the use of Bordeaux mixture. This substance obtained by combining copper sulfate and slaked lime in equal proportions.

There are two types of spray solution - strong 3% and gentle 1%. In the first case, you need 10 liters of water per 300 grams of vitriol and 400 grams of lime, and in the second - 100 grams of vitriol and lime are diluted in the same 10 liters. In autumn, a strong mixture is used. The gentle option is more suitable for the growing season.

The disadvantage of this substance is its complete incompatibility with other drugs, as well as with soap. Interesting fact is that for processing grapes this type of solution is used exclusively in the fall. In other seasons, the solution is not suitable for this crop.

Spraying fruit trees with carbamide (urea)

This substance is the most popular when treating trees. Depending on the season, it can be used for different purposes, which indicates its versatility. However, when using it, it is important to remember that this substance is not used in pure form, since in this case it can cause irreparable harm to plants by simply “burning” them. This composition must be diluted according to the instructions.

When spraying trees with urea, make sure that the solution does not get on their leaves and buds. In autumn orchards sprayed to feed them. This is explained high content nitrogen in this substance, which is so necessary for plants. If you do not know the exact concentration of urea, then you should not take the risk. In this case, do not treat your plants completely. Try a few branches first and look at them in a couple of days. If everything is in order, then you can continue the event.

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Spraying the garden in the fall is an integral part preventive measures that will help keep your trees healthy for for a long time. Remember that all this should be carried out in calm and dry weather, while not forgetting about your own safety measures. Use safety glasses and a respirator to protect your eyes and respiratory system from chemicals.

The Foresta brand takes care of its consumers, producing not only high-quality, but also reliable. By following the information from this article and using our equipment, you guarantee yourself high-quality protection of your precious garden from harmful diseases and annoying pests.

It is difficult to ignore losses caused by diseases and pests of the apple tree, because not only the quality of the fruit and the quantity of the harvest deteriorate, but also the likelihood of its complete destruction, and often even the harvest, increases next year. That is why it is so important in the fall to treat apple trees and other fruit trees in one eradicating spraying, using one of the preparation options (only one, you don’t need to spray them all at once!). We will tell you in our article about when it is optimal to carry out treatment in the autumn, what products can be used, in what combinations and doses it is necessary to spray.

When to treat apple trees in the fall

Autumn eradication treatment of apple trees from diseases and pests is carried out strictly after leaf fall, when the tree has completely gone into a dormant state, its buds have “closed” and become inaccessible to powerful and strong solutions (they will not burn) with which we will spray the tree. In this case, it is important to do it before frost sets in, that is, the temperature should be above 0 degrees (including at night).

Thus, the approximate timing of spraying an apple tree in the fall is middle lane(Moscow region) - this is the second half of October - the first half of November.

Note! Autumn spraying of fruit trees is most often carried out at a temperature of +5 degrees, so when choosing products for treatment, you should pay attention to their operating temperature, since very often many products work in conditions above +10 degrees.

Video: autumn eradicating spraying of fruit trees (apple trees)

How to spray apple trees and other fruit trees in the fall: rules and recommendations

Before you start autumn gardening, you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules and recommendations:

By the way! Similarly to the apple tree, you can process other fruit trees, as well berry bushes. But this article lists only diseases of pome crops (apple, pear, quince), which are combated by drugs. However, this does not change the essence of the need for spraying.

  • Shortly before the procedure remove all plant debris (leaves, twigs) from under the trees. If the tree is not sick, then they can be thrown onto compost heap, but if it hurt, then you need to burn it or bury it very deeply.

Don't forget about safety measures. Before spraying, wear a special mask, safety glasses and rubber gloves. It's even better if you wear a special robe.

  • The treatment should be carried out on a fine day (in dry and windless weather), and it should be sprayed in the morning so that the bark is dry by the evening. If the rain quickly washes everything away, then spraying will be useless. It is very good if the solution stays on the tree for at least 2-3 days.

Advice! If it rains, and after it they promise a drop in temperature to sub-zero values, then you will have to leave the trees without autumn processing until spring. Unless you suddenly find a “window” with plus and no rain.

  • For example, and very poorly soluble in cold water, so first the vitriol should be diluted in warm water(40 degrees), and then dilute to the desired concentration with cold water.

Important! Iron and copper sulfate should be diluted or dissolved only in glass or plastic container, but not metal at all.

  • Do not forget to filter the solution when pouring it into the sprayer (especially if the product is difficult to dissolve). As a rule, you should have a special mesh. If there is no such mesh, then you can strain, say, through tights.
  • Autumn spraying of fruit trees should be as thorough as possible, and not only the crown and all branches of the tree should be treated (especially for old trees with cracked bark), but also the soil in the tree trunk. However, you should not process lawn grass, which grows next to the tree (alternatively, you can throw a film on the ground under the tree before processing).

Important! This applies to the use of all means for treating apple trees against diseases and pests in the autumn, which will be listed below.

  • Ideally, during spraying you create a whole cloud of solution, similar to fog.
  • If you are near fruit trees conifers grow, then processing must be done very carefully, trying not to get on them, especially if the garden is sick and you are using a strong solution that can burn evergreens.

Note! If you treated the apple tree in the fall, this does not mean that it is not necessary - it is still necessary. Autumn eradicating spraying is actually similar to early spring garden treatment (the very first).

How to spray apple trees and other fruit trees in the fall against diseases and pests

To prevent diseases and insect infestations, the autumn treatment of trees is very important in mind, that is, in the right combination and dose, and also depending on the condition of the trees, use your chosen means of protecting apple trees and other fruit and berry crops.

By the way! All the products that will be presented below are of contact action, which means they are washed off by rain and do not accumulate, that is, they cannot harm anyone, either people or plants, especially in the fall, when the trees are already “hibernating”.

Urea (Urea)

Urea is a very “powerful” means for autumn treatment of apple trees and other fruit trees in your garden.

At high concentrations, this fertilizer (under these conditions This is not a nitrogen fertilizer) actually burns out all fungal and viral infections , and effectively fights many pests who decided to spend the winter in the trees. Thus, urea plays a role both fungicide, and insecticide. In other words, spraying an apple tree with urea in the fall is an excellent prevention of spotting, powdery mildew, and even.

What concentration of urea solution is needed to treat apple trees and other fruit trees in the garden?

Dose Firstly depends on whether your trees were sick this year and how severe the infection was:

Important! The concentration does not depend on the age of the tree.

  • if the trees were not sick (the garden was “clean”) - 200-300 grams per 10 liters of water;
  • if the trees were sick - 500-700 grams per 10 liters of water.

Note! Indeed, urea (carbamide) is a nitrogen fertilizer, which in the autumn can provoke the growth of shoots, but due to the fact that the treatment is carried out shortly before the first frost, urea will not cause any effect other than “eradicating” (fungicidal and insecticidal).


Another excellent broad-spectrum preparation for autumn treatment of fruit trees. For example, for an apple tree will greatly help in the prevention and protection against such fungal diseases and infections, such as powdery mildew, various rots, including black cancer. It will help get rid of mosses and lichens (in theory, after treatment they will die and fall off the bark on their own).

Iron sulfate supposedly also works against harmful insects, which overwinter in the bark.

However! Many experienced gardeners They believe that it is useless to fight pests during eradication spraying in the fall, because They themselves died, and they had already laid all the eggs long ago, and their larvae pupated and hid.

Naturally, the consumption of the product again depends on the condition of your trees this season - whether they were sick and how severe the infection was. Thus, the dosage is as follows:

  • if the trees were not sick or practically not sick - again, 200-300 grams per 10 liters of water;
  • if the trees were sick - 400-500 grams per 10 liters of water.

Important! You can apply urea and iron sulfate at the same time by preparing a sort of tank mixture. That is, for example, dissolve 200 grams of urea and 200 grams of iron sulfate in 10 liters of water. Urea will certainly act against the larvae of harmful insects.

Video: autumn treatment of apple trees and other fruit trees and shrubs

By the way! Read more about use of iron sulfate in gardening read

Copper sulfate

In general, the spectrum of action (specifically for treating apple trees) is similar to iron sulfate, except that you definitely cannot defeat mosses and lichens with such spraying.

By the way! Iron and copper sulfate are often used as disinfectant(antiseptic) for wounds that remain after.

Copper sulfate consumption for preparing a working solution for autumn spraying:

  • if the trees were not sick or practically not sick - 100 grams per 10 liters of water;
  • if the trees were sick - 300 grams per 10 liters of water.

Advice! Do not mix iron and copper sulfate (or). Better in autumn treat with iron sulfate (with urea if desired), and in the spring - copper sulfate(Bordeaux mixture).

Bordeaux mixture

Thus, spraying an apple tree with Bordeaux mixture (similar to copper sulfate) helps in the prevention and control of other spots, as well as powdery mildew, various rots, including.

You can buy ready-made Bordeaux mixture either. For example, for a 3% solution you will need to take 300 grams of copper sulfate and 400-450 grams of lime. Copper sulfate is dissolved in 5 liters of warm water, then lime is dissolved in a separate bucket (5 liters). Next, pour the vitriol into the lime solution in a thin stream, stirring constantly.

Required concentration of Bordeaux mixture solution when processing apple trees in the fall:

  • if the trees were not sick - 1% (100 grams of copper sulfate and 100-150 grams of lime per 10 liters);
  • there was contamination - 3% (300 grams of copper sulfate and 400-450 grams of lime per 10 liters).

Important! Do not be alarmed if, after treating with Bordeaux mixture, your garden becomes blue color. It's simple: the solution has a bluish color due to the presence of copper, and adheres to the branches thanks to lime. Sometimes this spraying is called “blue”.

Video: spraying fruit trees in autumn - scheme and means

What else can you spray trees in the fall?

Worth understanding! There is no point in treating with drugs that you used in spring and summer, because... they are intended for processing by foliage, and autumn eradicating spraying is carried out precisely after all the foliage has fallen.

Some gardeners process their apple trees and other fruit trees in more sophisticated ways, for example, by making a tank mixture based on "Skora"(from illnesses) and "Karbofos"(from pests), they are perfectly compatible).

If you think that Karbofos is too “powerful”, then it can be replaced with "Bison"(from pests), in this case it is better to carry out 2 separate treatments with each drug (without mixing into one mixture).

Video: autumn treatment of the garden (apple tree and other fruit trees) from diseases and pests for the winter using “Skor” and “Karbofos” (or “Bison”)

In order to properly and safely for you and your garden, in one eradicating spraying, treat apple trees and other fruit trees from diseases and pests in the autumn, it is necessary to: optimal timing, in the appropriate combination and correct dose, use one of the effective drugs you have chosen.

Note! In the fall, only one eradication spray is carried out. There is no need to treat the tree with all the preparations at once and several times. That is, for example, it is enough to treat only with urea and either (as a rule, experienced gardeners choose one of them). But in subsequent years, try to change the drug.

In contact with

When we bought ourselves a dacha with a garden, in the very first autumn we began to think about what to spray the fruit trees with. There were many options, now there are a lot of offers from different sources. The most common options are copper and iron sulfate, urea (urea), and Bordeaux mixture.

I already wrote about Bordeaux style here -. Well, we decided to focus on carbamide, or urea. Why on this substance?

This is a 46 percent nitrogen fertilizer concentrate, sold in crystalline form, looks like salt, and has no odor. IN dacha business used for fertilizing plants, as well as for spraying them. Active substance urea - nitrogen, which is necessary for all plants to develop and grow.

In addition, nitrogen destroys all pests on the plant, which makes it possible fruit crop produce a clean, not rotten or spoiled harvest.

The benefits of autumn tree treatment

By spraying your garden with a urea solution in the fall, you prevent the spring feast of insects on your trees and eliminate pathogens that actively multiply in wet autumn weather.

It is imperative that you spray all your fruit trees. in the fall, before frost. Apple trees, pears, cherries, plums, apricots and cherries. In general, I recommend treating all fruit plants with urea. Believe me, it will be beneficial in any case!

By treating your trees you will eliminate scab, various fungal infections, spotting, various types of rot, as well as insect pests hiding in the bark and dormant buds for the winter. All these parasites will have a hard time, and they will die, giving the trees the opportunity to be full of strength.

Rules for autumn garden spraying

For your area optimal time spraying with urea - when all the leaves fall. This is the main guideline specifically for your region. Be sure to wait until the leaves fall, otherwise you may burn the foliage, which will affect the health of the tree. It should shed its leaves on its own, prepare for the winter, fall asleep, and after that, you can start spraying with urea.

The second most important condition is dry, windless weather.Everything here should be clear - dryness promotes better impregnation of wood, and the absence of wind will allow you to target the crown with a spray gun. Be sure to use protective equipment when processing plants!

The spray solution must be prepared sufficiently concentrated, experienced gardeners recommend taking 500-700 grams of fertilizer per 10 liters of water. This concentration is optimal for controlling pests and infections.

The entire crown should be sprayed, from the bottom of the trunk and ending with the top of the crown. Therefore, you may need a garden ladder for your work. That is why it is best to spray in calm weather, so that air currents do not carry away the solution flying out of the spray bottle.

The soil around the tree should also be treated urea solution. Urea will destroy the larvae that have hidden for the winter, simply chemically burning them.

These simple rules Autumn cultivation of the garden will allow you not to worry about your future harvest, will rid your plantings of insect pests and will prevent the development of diseases of fruit trees.