home · On a note · How to poison butterflies in a warehouse. How to remove food moths from the kitchen? Folk ways and methods. Preventive measures to combat food moths

How to poison butterflies in a warehouse. How to remove food moths from the kitchen? Folk ways and methods. Preventive measures to combat food moths

The name “food moth” is popularly understood to mean several types of moths - small butterflies whose caterpillars feed on cereals, nuts and groceries. Each of these types has its own characteristics, however, despite the fact that outwardly different types food moth differ well from each other, no one particularly wants to understand them and is simply looking for ways to get rid of these pests as quickly as possible.

At the same time light and universal instructions, how, no - due to the specific feeding habits of these butterflies, conventional methods such as aerosol insecticides are not suitable (after all, the poison can get into food). Therefore, the fight against food moths is always quite a troublesome and resource-intensive undertaking.

This is interesting

Before the development of human civilization, all types of moths were fairly inconspicuous participants in natural biocenoses, and their caterpillars fed on the seeds of grasses and trees. But with the advent of granaries, barns and warehouses, and especially with the beginning of active transportation of goods between countries and continents, food moths quickly spread throughout the world and became a real cosmopolitan, equally effectively infecting grain in Argentina, China and Chad. And today, even industrial methods of combating food moths do not always cope with their destructive activities.

Types of food moths and features of their morphology

If you look at photos of different types of food moths, you may be surprised how they are generally confused and combined under one name. For example, in the photo below there is a flour moth, one of the most common types of food moths in an apartment:

But the southern barn moth, which has beautiful drawing on the wings. Getting it out is often the hardest thing to do:

And in the photo below you can see what the cocoa moth looks like - a common food moth, which can easily be confused with a clothes moth due to the inconspicuous light yellow color of the wings:

But in general, any food moth looks inconspicuous, even despite the pattern on the wings of some of its species. All of them are butterflies of discreet colors and small sizes.

Usually the length of their wings does not exceed 7-8 mm, and when sitting on the surface, the insect folds them and becomes like a small protrusion on the surface. It is not surprising that the simple glance of a city apartment resident is usually not able to discern the difference in the color of these butterflies.

On a note

For an unprepared resident of a big city, food moths and clothing moths are very similar. The easiest way to distinguish them is by their meeting places - clothing moths rarely catch your eye in the kitchen, while food moths, on the contrary, do not favor wardrobes and bedrooms with their attention.

But the larvae of food moths all look the same. These are small (up to one and a half centimeters) white-yellow or white-pink caterpillars without any hair or outgrowths on the body. It is usually impossible to determine whether a caterpillar belongs to a particular moth by its appearance. Fortunately, they can all be hatched using the same methods, and it is not necessary to determine the species of the larvae for this.

For example, in the photo below is a larva of the meal moth:

And in the next picture is a cocoa moth larva. Even despite the obvious differences in the color of adult butterflies, their larvae are very similar:

On a note

Food moth larvae lead a secretive and sedentary lifestyle. They are usually encountered either in contaminated products or when crawling out of cabinets to pupate. In this case, they move along the walls and greatly attract attention. The photo shows an adult food moth larva ready to pupate.

Food moth: a little biology

Food moth is a pest with a fairly short reproduction cycle. At suitable temperature and humidity, it takes about two months, and sometimes six weeks, from egg to egg.

The optimal conditions for the development of food moth butterflies are a temperature of about 25°C and a humidity of about 50%. At these air parameters, they develop most quickly, and it turns out to be very difficult to remove them.

Adult food moth butterflies do not feed at all: their oral apparatus is not developed and the digestive system does not function. And they don’t live very long - about a week, mating literally on the first or second day after emerging from the pupa. The females devote the remaining few days to laying a hundred to one and a half eggs where future offspring will find enough food, and the males look for other females or die.

In general, taking into account the larval stage, the food moth lives for about a month and a half. Of these, a week or two is spent on metamorphosis in the pupal stage.

Almost always, food moths reproduce in the same place where their larvae live. Only in some cases do adult insects mate away from the grocery store, and the females then return to the feeding environment.

Pest in an apartment: how does it get here, where does it live and what does it eat?

Food moth larvae feed on groceries. Moreover, food moths eat almost everything indiscriminately: cereals, flour, sugar, cocoa, nuts, dried fruits, bread, crackers, cookies, not very hot spices, unground grains, etc.

Food moth larvae are especially numerous in grain warehouses, which can cause significant damage. Each species has its own food preferences, but in general the range of food products for each moth is wide. In an apartment, any type of food moth feeds on almost any grocery product.

Thus, wherever there is dry food, food moths can appear.

The photo shows dry apricots, among which the larvae of food moths are visible. In case of mass infestation of large volumes, it can be extremely difficult to remove moths from such a product:

Each food moth larva not only eats the product in which it lives, but also constantly weaves itself into a cocoon of silk. This is how “incomprehensible” lumps and pellets appear in cereals or flour, and neat nests with a worm inside appear in nuts.

It is important to understand that food moths are very poor fliers. Spread between houses, and even more so between food warehouses And she can’t live in apartments herself, and in the apartment food moths are taken only with purchases and products from the supermarket. Food moths also breed in industrial warehouses: their larvae are transported in grain from one warehouse to another, and their descendants already master the abundant food sources.

Harm from food moths

The main harm of food moths is food spoilage. Moth-infested groceries are no longer edible, and in industrial warehouses, contaminated food is unsuitable for sale.

If there is a serious infestation in a warehouse, food moths are dangerous big losses product and a strong decrease in its quality.

On a note

It is moth-infested and secondary purified products that enter the market at bargain prices - after all, they need to be sold somehow. And by buying them, an ordinary city resident risks bringing a pest into his home with them.

Food moths do not eat clothes and are not dangerous to the wardrobe. This, however, does not mean that if there are food moths in the room, you should not worry about things: clothes moths and food moths do not interfere with each other and can easily coexist in the same apartment, while mainly food moths will be seen. In any case, you need to remove the moth from the first signs of its detection in the house.

Fighting food moths: measures and means

It is necessary at all stages of its development. It is incorrect to say that if only the larvae are harmful, then only them need to be destroyed: each flying female moth lays eggs in different places up to 160 eggs, from which new caterpillars will hatch within a week.

Therefore, it is necessary to destroy food moths in a comprehensive manner:

A good tool for catching butterflies is the Aeroxon food moth trap. It attracts butterflies with its smell, and its adhesive surface does not dry out for a long time. You can buy such a food moth trap online or at some hardware stores. Its cost is about 200 rubles:

More simple methods control of food moths has not yet been developed. On industrial enterprises against moths, phosphine-based fumigators and grain spraying with contact insecticides are used. Conduct similar treatment No food allowed indoors.

Measures to protect your home from food moth infestation

Knowing how to kill food moths is useful, but not enough to protect the premises from the pest. It is much wiser not to let him into the house at all, taking several steps to prevent infestation of the apartment with food moths. Among these measures:

  • thorough check of all products upon purchase
  • avoidance of grocery products with obviously low prices
  • purchasing food that will be eaten within one week
  • use of moth repellents.

To comply with the last point, it is useful to know. Among the substances that repel it are strong-smelling herbs (wormwood, tansy, lavender, rosemary), essential oils, fresh orange peels, laundry and strawberry soap, vinegar, horse chestnut cones.

Despite its small size, food moths can cause a lot of trouble for humans. After all, as it turns out in reality, fighting food moths is very difficult. It starts even in those kitchens that are always in perfect order.

Despite its small size, food moths can cause a lot of trouble for humans. After all, as it turns out in reality, fight food moths very difficult. It starts even in those kitchens that are always in perfect order.

So, if you have food moths, this does not mean at all that you are a bad housewife. To find out how to remove food moths, you need to find out more information about what kind of insect this is. After all, in pest control, everyone has their own approach.

What does food moth look like: description and photo

The food moth resembles a butterfly about 1 centimeter in size. The wings have an inconspicuous color from light gray to brown. She moves chaotically through the air, sits on walls, ceilings, on food, circles before her eyes, causing irritation.

How long does a food moth live? Food moths do not live long - on average about 2-3 weeks. The moth larva can live peacefully for 2 months. It is the moth larvae that spoil food with waste from their vital activity. After all adult moth, which flies around the apartment, no longer eats anything, but only drinks, and is constantly looking for sources of water. This is why adult moths can be found in glasses of water or near the sink.

The main harm that an adult moth causes is that it is capable of laying up to 400 eggs in places that are difficult for humans to reach, from which larvae emerge after a few weeks.

There are different species of food moth: barn moth, grain moth, nut moth, mill moth, etc. Regardless of what type of moth has settled in your kitchen, they all feed exclusively on foods food moth does not eat clothes.

What do food moths eat?

Many people are interested in the question what exactly do food moths eat?, more precisely, what do its larvae eat?. Most often, food moths are found in cereals, flour, dry foods, nuts, dried fruits, tea, chocolate, spices, legumes, and even in animal feed that is stored in the apartment. It enters the house through already contaminated products that were purchased at the store. This happens when manufacturers and suppliers improperly process products, violate storage conditions, etc. In the warm environment of an apartment, moths multiply quickly, the population increases sharply, and other products are gradually infected. Sometimes food moths can get into an apartment from neighbors, but this is quite rare.

Harm from food moths

Food moth larvae They gnaw through bags of food, eat them, infect them with waste from their life: feces, the skin that they shed when they are reborn, dead larvae. You cannot eat such products - experts recommend throwing away all contaminated products.

Adults are annoying by constant flashing before their eyes, by the fact that they sit on food, fall into water and jam. And also adult individuals reproduce quite quickly and produce offspring.

Although it is quite difficult to get rid of these pests, there are still many food moth remedies. Among them are folk remedies and products made industrially. Regardless of which method you prefer, the first step in fight against food moths becomes a search for the source of infection.

That is, before you start any processing, you need to find out in which product the food moth larvae. Review the buffet and cabinets in the kitchen where cereals, flour, and nuts are stored. If you find traces of contamination in a product, it is better to get rid of it. This way you will avoid repeated insect infestations. If some products remain untouched, pour them into hermetically sealed containers and special storage jars, or put them in the refrigerator for a while.

Then the cabinet in which the contaminated products were found should be washed from the inside, first with warm soapy water and then plain water. All cracks in the cabinet should be coated with a brush dipped in vinegar. Then leave the cabinet open for a while until completely dry.

How to remove food moths using folk remedies

There are folk remedies to combat moth in the kitchen.

1 Garlic

It is believed that the smell of garlic repels moths and forces them to leave their usual habitat. After slightly removing the layer of husk from the garlic cloves, they should be placed in all the cabinets in the kitchen.

2 Lavender

Lavender is widely known in the fight against moths. Many industrial traps have a lavender scent, which is very unpleasant to insects. Bunches of lavender should also be placed in cabinets.

3 Mint and wormwood

These are 2 more plants that repel food moths. Instead of lavender, you can place them in the cabinets.

4 Spices

Food moths do not tolerate the odors of some spices, such as Bay leaf and cloves.

Traps for food moths

Nowadays, special food moth traps. The traps attract insects with their smell, they fly to it, stick and die. Such traps are highly effective against male moths, which means they can dramatically reduce the moth population as a whole. Buy traps for food moths available in many supermarkets or places where insecticides are sold. The most popular traps are Raptor food moth traps.

The set contains 2 sticky traps that can be placed in different parts kitchen, inside the cabinet, so that they are not visible. The picture below shows the trap in action.

Such traps are harmless to humans, have no odor that irritates the human sense of smell, and do not emit toxins.

Aerosols against food moths

These chemicals are very toxic and harmful to human health and other living beings. Although the effect from them is almost always good - the moth disappears. These products should only be used in accordance with the instructions. Be sure to remove dishes, aquariums, pets, and food from the area being treated. After treating with an aerosol, after some time it is necessary to ventilate the room well, and then wash all areas where the chemical may have come into contact.

We hope that some of the above tools will help you in this difficult task - fight against food moths!

Various pests can appear in the house if favorable conditions are created for them. One of the insects that become frequent guests in the kitchen is the food moth. It multiplies quickly and can spoil many products that become unfit for consumption.

If traces of the presence of food moths are detected, it is necessary to take action as soon as possible. The approach to pest control must be comprehensive. First you need to find and eliminate the source of infection, carry out a thorough cleaning, and then treat the food and all surfaces.

Causes of the pest

Adults live only about 1 week. But during this time they manage to lay up to 400 eggs. These will hatch into larvae, which are the main food eaters. The butterflies themselves drink only water.

If food moths are found in the house, this does not mean that it is not kept clean. Larvae can get into products before they are purchased. This may be due to improper storage in the warehouse or violation of processing rules.

How to remove food moths? There is no universal remedy that can cope with insects forever. The fight against moths must be consistent and comprehensive.

Finding the source of infection

The first step is to discover where the moths lay their eggs. They are sticky grains similar to semolina. The larvae are small worms up to 12 mm. Everyone is examined first kitchen cabinets and the products that are stored in them. Explore open grocery stores (tea, coffee). Pay close attention to the lids of the jars; you may find cobwebs on them. All containers with cereals must be inspected. Pet food and fish bait can also be contaminated if they are not stored in the refrigerator.

After checking the kitchen cabinets with food, you can begin to inspect the ceiling, baseboards, edges of wallpaper, and chandeliers. Food moths prefer to hide in secluded dark places (corners, crevices). You can inspect the room at night by turning on the lamp. Adult moths will congregate around the light source.

Total purge

After identifying the source of infection, you need to get rid of it. Contaminated cereals and groceries must be destroyed or thrown away. It is better to burn such products. All kitchen cabinets should be emptied and their inner walls should be vacuumed. Clean corners and crevices especially carefully. After cleaning, throw away the vacuum cleaner bag or freeze it for several days so that the eggs and larvae that get into it die. Then wipe all furniture with vinegar or soap solution, you can use special means from food moths (Raptor, Antimol). Leave cabinet doors open to allow surfaces to dry. All containers in which food was stored must be washed, heated in the microwave for 5 minutes or frozen for 3 days. These measures will help get rid of moth eggs and larvae.

Destruction of adults

To attract adult male moths, you can use special traps impregnated with pheromones. They flock to the attractive aroma and fall into a trap. Females, accordingly, will not be able to reproduce without males. When using such traps, it is advisable to leave the windows closed so as not to attract moths from neighboring living spaces.

On a note! Industrial moth repellents are produced in the form of aerosols and solutions. But spraying them is not recommended in the kitchen where food is stored. It is better to place repellents in the form of tablets and plates around the kitchen that will repel insects (Prayer, Dezmol, Arsenal).

Prohibited actions

It is better to take care in advance that food moths cannot multiply in products than to throw them away later after infection.

General rules and features of care indoor rose described on the page.

Go to the address and read about how and what to clean a carpet at home.

  • do not stock up on food for future use;
  • check them after purchase for pests;
  • store cereals and groceries in tightly closed glass containers or food-grade plastic;
  • Store fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator;
  • conduct regular ventilation premises;
  • After purchase, it is better to heat cereals in the oven at 60 degrees or freeze them for 3 days;
  • place sections or bags with repellent aromas (lavender, garlic, bay leaf, orange zest) in kitchen cabinets;
  • thoroughly wipe kitchen surfaces from excess moisture;
  • Periodically wash cabinets with vinegar solution.

  • fur coats- feed mainly on animal hair, have a yellowish-clay color and slightly pubescent wings;
  • wardrobe- they prefer woolen products, they can chew through even a thick sweater or coat in just one day, they have purple wings turning into yellow, and a white head;
  • furniture- the golden hue of this butterfly attracts attention, but you can rarely see it, but the caterpillars feel quite at ease in the upholstery of furniture made of horsehair and other natural materials;
  • food or cereal lay eggs in places where cereals and flour are stored, which the larvae subsequently feed on; they can be distinguished by their halo of habitat - mainly near food supplies.

As a matter of fact, it is food habits that are the only reliable sign that distinguishes some types of winged pests from others.

Rules for preventive control

Bright sunlight, regular ventilation and maintaining low air humidity in cabinets and pantries make it possible to create conditions that are not suitable for the development of insects. Another important point- timely cleaning and washing of clothes put away for storage. Sweat stains and dirt contain substances that attract pests the most. Accordingly, it is from these areas that the caterpillar will begin its breakfast, lunch or dinner. Fur items put away for seasonal storage must be shaken periodically, thus getting rid of possible deposits of eggs that have not yet reached the larval stage. Clothes should be stored in special cases or bags.

Regular cleaning and ventilation is the best preventive measure. Before removing moths, as well as after getting rid of the pest, it is worth making a habit of regular wet cleaning of carpets and upholstered furniture using disinfectants (monochloramine or its analogues) and a vacuum cleaner.

Traditional methods of destruction

If food moths appear in the house, how to remove them will be a rather pressing issue on the agenda. You won't be able to use chemicals here. Safer processing is needed. So, if you find translucent “worms” in jars or bags of cereals, it is better to get rid of the already affected stocks immediately. And the rest, “clean” at first glance, groceries must be processed thermally, subjecting them to heating in microwave oven.

Among the so-called “folk” remedies for clothes and fur coats of winged “gluttons”, the following options are especially popular:

  1. Naphthalene. This chemical was actively used to scare away adults by our grandmothers. True, today it is considered too dangerous from the point of view of releasing carcinogens into air environment and are not recommended for use in residential premises. Moreover, this remedy has no effect at all on larvae and eggs.
  2. Another option for an effective repellent is lavender. It can be used in the form of sprigs or essential oils. Coniferous woods also have a similar effect: pine, fir and cedar.
  3. Vinegar fumes- a very effective repellent that can expel the pest from the depths of the cabinet. True, it only affects adult males and females.
  4. Pyrethrum, obtained from certain types of chamomile, is an effective broad-spectrum insecticide. It can be bought in special stores.
  5. Dried geranium leaves, orange peel, tansy flowers- all this can be classified as homemade repellents. True, their effectiveness still leaves much to be desired. But it will not be at all difficult to spoil the surface of clothing during the use of pollen or essential oils of plants.

Chemical attack

Usage household insecticides- a good solution if you want to quickly put an end to the “occupiers” inhabiting the premises. However, it is worth remembering: children and pets should be removed. This rule applies to the use of sprays and liquids sprayed using a spray bottle. In particular, this category includes the well-known “Suprozol” and “Supromit”, which is similar in composition, as well as the good old “Dichlorvos”.

Repellents are another option produced chemicals . In this form you can find plates for fumigators of various manufacturers, as well as tablets placed in wardrobes and storage rooms. They operate for a certain period of time and require regular replacement. Special sections against moths - chemical ones - are also popular today. scented products, intended for placement in cabinets.

Food species are destroyed by steaming or heating in an oven or microwave. Packages infested with larvae are thrown away. Cabinets are emptied of contents and processed special drugs(aerosols) from the inside and outside, paying special attention to the rear wall.

Alternative solutions

If you are not ready to resort to using household chemicals, it is worth paying attention to alternative solutions to the problem. For example, exposure to direct sunlight or quartz radiation can be used as an auxiliary measure. Under their influence, caterpillars and eggs that do not have natural protection, die within 30 - 60 minutes without any additional effort.

As a measure of influence on eggs and larvae, you can use boiling water or wash in very hot conditions. hot water. If items of clothing, curtains or furniture covers have no contraindications to thermal effects, they should be subjected to this particular type of treatment. It is better to have carpets dry cleaned or vacuumed using disinfectants.

Freezing out is another one effective method destruction of newly hatched individuals. It is enough to leave a closet or bags of clothes for a day in an unheated room (a balcony will do) at a temperature below zero and shake each item thoroughly before bringing it into the house.

Help from ECO-STOLITSA professionals

How to remove moths once and for all? It is enough to turn to the help of professionals. Experienced specialists have a whole arsenal of means to combat clothes, fur coats and food species insects, and will also help you select drugs of low toxicity that lose their danger to humans a few hours after application.

As the most effective control measures, professionals use hot and cold fog generators - units that allow insecticidal preparations to be supplied under pressure, ensuring their uniform spraying on all surfaces in the premises of a house or apartment. It is worth considering that when processing in a cold way it is necessary to provide access to back walls cabinet furniture - this will increase the chances of success. The hot fog method does not require additional preparation for processing and allows you to destroy insects at any stage of their development.

The most common types of food moths that can be found in our kitchens are:

  • flour moth;
  • mill fire;
  • southern barn moth.

All of these insects have a similar appearance, discreet camouflage coloring of the wings and small sizes, therefore for ordinary people they are indistinguishable. An adult moth looks like an inconspicuous butterfly, having a scaly body and small wings of gray or Brown with various patterns. Its larva is a small, hairless, white-yellow caterpillar.

A favorable habitat for this insect is an air temperature of 25°C, humidity more than 50%, and the presence of a sufficient food supply. The pest prefers to lead an evening and nocturnal lifestyle.

The development cycle of food moths is short and averages 2 months. It can be divided into 3 important periods:

  1. 1 Masonry adult eggs, from which caterpillars soon emerge.
  2. 2 Active development of caterpillars, pupation.
  3. 3 Transformation of a pupa into a butterfly.

Adults live no more than 2 weeks. During this period, they mate, attracting partners by releasing special pheromones. The moth is extremely prolific: when favorable conditions capable of laying up to 400 eggs. Taking care of her offspring, she places eggs in hard-to-reach places near food. Interestingly, the adult moth does not eat anything, only drinks water, because it has an underdeveloped digestive system. After completing her mission, she dies.

After a few weeks, caterpillars emerge from the laid eggs and begin to feed intensively, eating food products and rapidly increasing in size. Moth larvae spoil food products with their waste products. After about 1.5 months, the caterpillars pupate; to do this, they crawl out of their hidden shelters en masse and move up the walls, becoming very noticeable. The moth remains in the pupal stage for several weeks. A young moth, only emerging from the cocoon, is capable of mating. And the development cycle of this pest is repeated again.

Signs of a pest presence

Determining the appearance of a pest in the kitchen is not difficult. But first, it’s worth understanding how food moths get into our home.

The pest most often enters the house along with food brought from the store. Especially if the products are packaged. Moths spread on a large scale due to improper storage conditions and violations during the processing and transportation of food products.

The pest, once in the kitchen, in a favorable habitat, begins to multiply quickly, sharply increasing its numbers. Stop this process development is very difficult: neither plastic packaging, nor hermetically sealed containers, nor increased temperature and humidity can help.

Food moth larvae can be found in flour, various cereals, pasta, baby food, dried fruits, groceries, nuts and seeds. An adult tries to lay eggs on these products.

When feeding on food, moth caterpillars constantly weave themselves into a silk cocoon. Upon careful examination of the affected products, you can notice thin threads, lumps, and nests with caterpillars.

You need to figure out how moths and their larvae harm humans. The main harm of food moths is food spoilage. By inadvertence, eating contaminated foods that contain moth larvae, their waste products, and replaceable skins can result in serious poisoning of the body.

Having noticed signs of the presence of food moths or an adult moth in your kitchen, you must immediately take all possible measures to destroy it.

Food moths should be combated comprehensively, by all available means and in all directions. It is necessary to destroy the pest simultaneously at all stages of its development:

  • an adult;
  • eggs;
  • caterpillars;
  • pupae.

If at least one insect remains alive, then in a short time the entire population will be revived. Therefore, the fight against food moths must be taken seriously.

  1. 1 Determination of the insect’s habitat as a result of a thorough inspection of the premises.
  2. 2 Complete disposal of products in which traces of the pest are found.
  3. 3 High-quality kitchen cleaning: viewing all products, washing cabinets, walls, baseboards, floors.
  4. 4 Selection suitable remedy to get rid of moths.
  5. 5 Periodic implementation of preventive measures.

Exist various means from food moths. They can be divided into 2 large groups:

  • industrial;
  • folk.

More effective, but harmful to human health, are industrial chemicals. Their use is justified when faced with insect pests on a large scale. After using these products, it is necessary to carefully remove the effects of disinfection and protect the poison from food and pets. Folk remedies have a gentler effect, they are harmless and are most often used as preventive measures.

Among the industrial means of combating food moths and their larvae, the following groups of drugs can be distinguished:

  • aerosol insecticides (Antimol, Raptor, Combat, Armol), capable of destroying an insect in any phase of its development;
  • insecticidal pencils (Mashenka);
  • microcapsules of prolonged action (Get);
  • pheromone traps that attract adult male moths;
  • sticky tapes, fly swatters for adults;
  • repellents based on plant components that create a repellent effect (Globol, Raptor).

A prerequisite for using chemical agents to combat food moths is strict adherence to all safety measures when working with them. After treating the kitchen against moths, it is necessary to ventilate the room, wash all cabinets, walls, and floors with soapy water, and then clean water.

Folk methods of struggle

Many housewives prefer to fight food moths using time-tested folk remedies. They are harmless, gentle, and have no negative impact on the human body. The action of these products is based on repelling moths with a pungent odor. Food moths do not tolerate the smell:

  • garlic;
  • aromatic spices;
  • lavender;
  • carnations;
  • mint;
  • wormwood;
  • bay leaf;
  • orange peels;
  • rosemary;
  • camphor;
  • vinegar;
  • any perfume.

The use of folk remedies in pest control consists of several stages:

  1. 1 Disposal of food containing detected moth larvae.
  2. 2 Thorough washing of kitchen utensils, furniture, walls, floors with soapy water.
  3. 3 Treating food shelves with vinegar.
  4. 4 Roasting unspoiled bulk products food in the oven at a temperature of 60°C.
  5. 5 Placement in places where pests are expected to accumulate in the selected natural remedy: orange peels, lavender, etc.

When using garlic, to enhance its effect, you need to remove the husk. Herbs and plants should be placed dried on kitchen shelves or placed in fabric bags.

Preventive measures

Preventive measures taken in a timely manner will help protect any home from the appearance and spread of food moths. Prevention includes:

  • When purchasing all bulk products, groceries, sugar, nuts and seeds, carefully check for the presence of moth larvae;
  • preventing the purchase of products of dubious quality at reduced prices;
  • lack of large food supplies at home;
  • keeping kitchen shelves and cabinets perfectly clean;
  • frequent ventilation of the kitchen;
  • proper storage of bulk cereals, sugar, groceries, etc.;
  • immediate disposal of damaged products;
  • use for storing glass or metal dishes with tight-fitting lids;
  • constant use of folk remedies that are harmless to humans but repel pests - spices, forest herbs, garlic, essential oils, etc.

In the future, as preventive measures, it is necessary to periodically check the condition of food products in kitchen cabinets. Only A complex approach in the fight against food moths will help get rid of the pest.

Thus, the fight against food moths can be crowned with success only if all the recommendations of specialists for its destruction are followed and comprehensive preventive work is carried out in this direction.

Care when purchasing food products, timely checking of their quality and perfect cleanliness in the kitchen are factors that will protect your home from food moths.