home · Appliances · What to plant in the garden against mosquitoes. Plants against mosquitoes and midges are a natural salvation from bites. Protection of vegetable and garden crops

What to plant in the garden against mosquitoes. Plants against mosquitoes and midges are a natural salvation from bites. Protection of vegetable and garden crops

Plants against mosquitoes sounds like the name of a science fiction action movie. But we admit that summer is not inferior to action films in terms of plot intensity.

You can rely on fumigators and repellents, but what if there is a child in the house who is sensitive to chemicals? Just figure out which plants repel mosquitoes and plant them on your windowsill or on your lawn.

And don’t forget to regularly mow the lawn on your property, because dense thickets of grass keep high humidity, which promotes the breeding of mosquitoes.

Mosquito repellent plants: what to plant

So, we stock up on seeds, seedlings and form an “anti-mosquito” flowerbed.


One of the plants that mosquitoes are afraid of. Its extract is one of the most popular ingredients in repellents. This is an herb with a strong scent that confuses mosquitoes and prevents them from smelling a person.

Citronella grows in bunches and feels great both in the garden and on the windowsill. To make the bushes more luxuriant, plant them in containers and put them in warm rooms for the winter.

When the mosquito season is over, citronella can be used as a seasoning for meat or as an additive to tea.


We know that it makes tea fragrant, but we don't suspect that it can repel mosquitoes. Another advantage of lemon balm is that it grows easily and survives even cold winters in the ground.

It will also look great on the windowsill and fill the room with the smells of mint and lemon.

A decoction of lemon balm has a sedative and relaxing effect, helps with digestive disorders and relieves muscle spasms.

Lemon catnip

This plant can also be planted to prevent mosquitoes.


This herb is more often called catnip and looks similar to lemon balm. Mosquitoes cannot tolerate the intense odor of catnip.


We used to call them Chernobrivtsy.

Thanks to their pungent spicy smell, these plants repel mosquitoes in the countryside and near city houses. The flowers are completely unpretentious in care and, as they grow, form beautiful borders.


Two in one! Seasoning and mosquito repellent.

Basil has many varieties that differ in shape and color, so you can also decorate a window sill or garden bed with unusual combinations. The plant is an annual plant and is quite easy to grow.


A beautiful plant that mosquitoes are afraid of.


The essential oil of this plant is one of the the best means to repel mosquitoes and spiders. And peppermint juice rubbed into the place mosquito bite, relieves itching.


It is better to plant garlic in the winter (second half of September - first half of October) if the harvest is important to you. If we are talking exclusively about the ability to repel mosquitoes, then you can plant it in the spring.

Mosquitoes dislike the smell of garlic. But not what is formed if you eat it, but what grows in the garden. The essential oils of fresh garlic leaves repel insects.


This type of mint smells very strong. So, if you are wondering what kind of plant you can plant against mosquitoes, choose this one.

Its smell is too strong for the house, but outdoors, where it cannot concentrate, this herb can be planted.


In a flowerbed, the plant behaves in the same way as pennyroyal: it repels mosquitoes and attracts butterflies. And great seasoning, of course.


Garden geranium is easy to plant, easy to care for, and the choice of species and varieties is beneficial landscape design. And, of course, garden geranium repels mosquitoes.

It is not necessary to plant garden geraniums; you can take indoor ones to summer holidays to the dacha: plant it in the ground or just put tubs on the street.

Now you know how to ward off insects, and what plants should be planted in your dacha to prevent mosquitoes.

If you are one of the people who cannot spend an hour outside without being bitten by mosquitoes, then this article is for you. Don't want to spend another summer frantically trying to protect yourself from getting bitten? So, the time has come to deal with this problem once and for all. By spending a little time in the garden, you can create a life-saving oasis of plants that will repel annoying insects. You can use them as indoor plants or plant it in an open area near the house.

1. Basil

This plant is very effective at repelling mosquitoes, but it also imparts a delicious aroma. Italian cuisine your home! You can grow it anywhere: on windowsills, sheds, in the garden near your house... The possibilities are endless!

2. Catnip

Some studies show that catnip (catnip) is 10 times better at repelling mosquitoes than sprays, so this plant is best choice for gardeners. Bonus: If you have a cat, she will have a lot of fun when you plant this plant.

3. Ceiba

Repellent manufacturers often use the flower of this tree because of its repellent odor (for mosquitoes, not humans). Although it is not the easiest plant to grow, it makes a wonderful addition to any garden.

4. Geranium

This plant is easy to care for, looks great in the garden, and also gets rid of pesky mosquitoes. Do you have any reason not to plant geraniums in your garden?

5. Melissa

To harness the repellent properties of lemon balm, take a few fresh leaves, rub them between your palms, and then apply to bare skin.

6. Flea mint

This flower is used not only to repel mosquitoes, but also to rid gardens of fleas and other annoying insects. You can also add it to hot water to make a tea that will soothe periodic pain in women.

7. Citronella

This plant can relieve pain after mosquito bites. It is necessary to grind citronella leaves (it can be combined with other repellent plants) and make an ointment, or simply apply them to the skin.

8. Lavender

Lavender oil repels mosquitoes and gives a good aroma. Your garden will never smell better than when lavender is in bloom!

9. Lemon thyme

The citrus scent of this plant repels annoying insects (such as mosquitoes) and attracts beneficial ones (such as bumblebees). Additionally, the leaves can be crushed to make a skin ointment that will not cause irritation.

10. Marigolds

These flowers have a scent that repels insects, including mosquitoes. Marigolds are also very easy to grow and beautiful to look at. This plant contains pyrethrum, which is commonly used to create many insect repellents.

11. Peppermint

The scent of peppermint repels mosquitoes that would otherwise attack your home. In addition, the plant can be used for culinary purposes, to make fresh mint tea, for example.

12. Rosemary

This plant will naturally repel mosquitoes from your garden, but it can also be combined with other herbs to create a skin ointment.

Success in the fight against mosquitoes is permanent. Even after hanging all the windows mosquito nets, entrance doors- with special curtains on magnets, having been sprayed and coated with repellents from head to toe, and charging fumigators overnight with odorous plates, no one can guarantee that 1-2 stray mosquitoes will not overcome all the barriers.

And that's enough. When the silence and freshness of the night is suddenly cut by a thin, annoying mosquito squeak, it is almost impossible to maintain iron calm even for “reinforced concrete” men with a square jaw.

It would seem that let the mosquito sit down, do its job and calm down. But no, after several unsuccessful attempts to slam down a blood-sucking insect that had silently landed in the dark, the light immediately turns on, a rolled-up newspaper is taken into hand, and a careful search with the eyes begins. And again, great, the mosquito is nowhere to be found, just like sleep is not in either eye.

It is impossible to talk about any peace after such nervous shocks until the cause is guaranteed to be eliminated - the mosquito is killed. And then it will definitely come and take away the desired dream into the fairy-tale world of Morpheus, and let them bite as much as they like.

Despite a small lyrical digression, today nothing will be written about which product is better: “Fumitox” or “Raptor”. On the contrary, we will talk about deeper things - how to prevent mosquitoes from appearing on the site at all or, what is more realistic, reduce their concentration significantly.

They will help us with this garden plants that need to be planted in different parts Your site:

  1. Marigolds can be found in almost every country house. These long-lasting, unpretentious flowers amaze with their brightness and variegation - orange lights on a green background. Plant them around the perimeter country house, and not a single mosquito will want to make an evening promenade to your chambers.
  2. Geranium is an easy-to-care flowering plant, actively used in landscape compositions. The smell of its flowers is not to the liking of mosquitoes.
  3. Lemon catnip is extremely popular with domestic cats and is completely unsuitable for mosquitoes. They cannot stand the smell of this plant, so as a sign of protest they will certainly go on a hunger strike, albeit temporary (we all have a break).
  4. Citronella is a base ingredient in many mosquito repellents sold on the market today. This grass grows well in summer middle lane Russia. Its strong aroma is guaranteed to overwhelm the smell of humans, causing mosquitoes to become disoriented. This perennial can be planted in tubs outside and stored indoors for the winter. warm room. Some gardeners grow citronella as an annual.
  5. Melissa is an unpretentious plant completely acclimatized to our climate. The main thing is to make sure that it does not turn into a malicious weed over time. IN evening time lemon balm will fill the air around with the refreshing aromas of lemon and mint. Works similarly to citronella.
  6. Peppermint with its strong smell will repel not only the ubiquitous mosquitoes, but also spiders and ticks from the area.
  7. The mint smells the most pronounced. If you are ready to put up with its aroma, then feel free to plant it.
  8. Rosemary often appears in culinary recipes, where it is used as a seasoning. Moreover, during growth, this plant repels mosquitoes no worse than pennyroyal.
  9. Basil is also known to us as a seasoning, but at the same time this aromatic plant also performs another important function - it effectively repels mosquitoes.
  10. "Lavender, mountain lavender“Our meetings with you are blue flowers,” Sofia Rotaru sang in a well-known song. It is better to grow these plants in the middle zone in tubs, just like citronellas (put them indoors for the winter). Mosquitoes really don't like lavender essential oils.
  11. Garlic is not very strong during growth, but it repels mosquitoes. For this reason, it is better to place beds with this plant next to gazebos and benches.

Plant the plants you like from the list on your site and think less about mosquitoes. If that doesn’t help, make a tent out of solid mesh over the bed - it’s guaranteed not to let in a single insect until it breaks.

In one of our previous articles we already talked about how to protect yourself from annoying blood-sucking insects working for summer cottage. There we considered options for local protection of our body. Today we have a similar topic - we will try to answer the question, what plants repel mosquitoes in the country?

Many flowering plants They emit a pleasant aroma for humans, but a strong repellent for mosquitoes. This phenomenon is often used experienced summer residents, planting these flowers around the perimeter of the plot or beds.

general information

As the work season approaches outdoors, many summer residents and simply lovers of outdoor activities are looking for ways to combat mosquitoes. With the current turmoil surrounding the Zika virus, anti-mosquito treatments are becoming increasingly popular. However, it must be remembered that many commercial insect repellents contain from 5% to 25% of complex chemicals such as DEET. Current research has raised concerns about the potential toxic effects of this product, especially when used by children.

Considering all of the above, today, more than ever, mosquito repellents based on natural remedies are relevant, and as for protection environment under open air, the best effect is still exerted by plants that contain aromatic essential oils, which are characterized by repellent properties for insects, including mosquitoes.

What to plant in your dacha to prevent mosquitoes?

We bring to the attention of our readers a serious selection of plants that have a mosquito repellent effect, which can be cultivated with varying degrees of success, depending on the specific climate. The peculiarities of growing each of these plants can be found out from additional sources.

Citronella - heat-loving plant, the oil of which is the most common natural ingredient used in the manufacture of mosquito repellents. Distinctive feature citronella is a strong scent that masks other scents that attract mosquitoes. This effect makes it more difficult for the mosquito to find a person. Although citronella is used in many forms such as scented candles, torches and soaps, live plants are more effective means, because it has a stronger, inexhaustible smell.

According to their own biological characteristics, citronella is a bushy perennial plant reaching a height of up to one meter. It can be grown directly in the soil in climatic zones where there is no frost. If the plant is cultivated directly in the garden or next to a living space, it is advisable to plant it on background", for example, behind rows with small decorative flowers and bushes. In the northern zones, citronella can be grown in large pots or flowerpots, which ideally have wheels so that this weighty baggage can be transported indoors during the winter.

Garden centers usually sell citronella as small potted plants, ready to be transplanted into larger containers or raised beds.

On next year new plants can be planted from a common bush, which can be propagated in this way in early spring by dividing large roots into smaller parts. New plants should be planted in the same way as last year’s first bush.

Citronella is considered unpretentious plant, like most grasses, however it does best in areas that receive direct sunlight and good drainage. Periodic application of nitrogen-rich fertilizers will ensure rapid plant growth, but similar treatment It is better to use no more than once a year, preferably in early spring.

When purchasing citronella, it is best to look for true varieties, such as Cybopogon Nardus or Citronella winterianus. This type of terrestrial flora has many lookalikes, so often other plants may be sold as citronella, but they do not have the same repellent effect as true citronella.

Monarda doublet

It was good for those summer residents who were able to get hold of a plant from the mint genus for their personal cultivation, which grows primarily on the North American continent, where it is also called horsemint. Besides the fact that this plant has wonderful flowers, the aroma of its leaves and flowers is good repellent, which mosquitoes fly around.

Monarda - easily adaptable to warm climates perennial, which repels mosquitoes almost as well as citronella. The plant emits a strong incense-like odor, which among other things masks the human odor that is so attractive to mosquitoes.

It is a fast-growing, shade-tolerant and drought-resistant plant that reaches a height of up to one and a half meters. Monarda prefers dry, sandy soils with added salt. These are the conditions that are native to horsemint, which is why in its homeland it can often be found in coastal areas and near beaches.

In the Russian climate, monarda seeds can be sown in indoors in early spring in separate trays or trays for subsequent planting of seedlings. In the southernmost regions of the country, sowing directly into the ground is practiced at the end of summer. It is recommended to cover horsemint planting sites for the winter.

Mature plants can be divided into small roots in spring and autumn and transplanted into permanent places growth. Monarda can also be planted in pots for moving indoors in cold climates. However, growing this plant indoors is not suitable for everyone, due to the very strong smell.

Among other things, monarda leaves can be dried and used to make herbal teas, and beautiful flowers They will definitely attract bees and butterflies to the garden plot.

Marigolds are usually grown as ornamental plants in the border areas of beds or plot boundaries. These are the hardy ones annual plants, which have a characteristic odor that mosquitoes, and even some summer residents, find particularly offensive. Marigolds contain pyrethrum, a natural compound that is used to make many commercial repellents.

Marigolds prefer full access sunlight and fairly fertile soil. Although the plant can be started from seed, flower seedlings are inexpensive and readily available in most garden centers and in the markets. In addition, anyone who decides to grow marigolds in their summer cottage can easily collect seeds for future sowings.

These flowers should be planted as close as possible to places where you want the number of mosquitoes to be minimal. Therefore, flower beds with them are often organized near the entrance to the house and around the beds. There is an additional benefit to this - it is believed that marigolds save you from mole crickets, although this information has not been scientifically verified.

Thus, the line of flowering marigolds is an almost insurmountable limit for insects to overcome, both through the air and through a layer of soil. It is worth additionally noting that not everyone likes to plant marigolds near residential premises or recreational areas, since bright flowers a plant that blooms almost constantly attracts more serious insects, such as wasps.

Well, who is not familiar with this beautiful, long-flowering small plant like ageratum? These small blue-violet fluffy flowers seem to grow in every amateur gardener, decorating the drab working life. Over the past 200 years, which is exactly how long ageratum has been growing on our continent, the flower has earned its aesthetic recognition, but not every gardener knows that this plant has a smell that mosquitoes find especially frightening. Ageratum flowers secrete coumarin, which is widely used in commercial mosquito repellents.

Biologically, ageratum is a low-lying annual ornamental plant, which reaches a small height and is easily recognized by its blue flowers, although there are varieties with pink, white and purple flowers. This plant will thrive in full or partial sun and does not require rich soil. It is often planted on the north side of houses to prevent woodlice from developing.

This plant also has some contraindications. People are often allergic to it; in addition, the leaves and flowers of this plant are rubbed on the skin to repel mosquitoes, which is strictly not recommended.

Catnip or catnip

This plant grows everywhere in our country and is unfairly treated as a weed. The results of one of the most recent American studies, dating back to August 2010, reported that catnip is ten times more effective than DEET - Chemical substance, which is used in the production of most commercial insect repellents. However, oddly enough, it is not known what has a repulsive effect on mosquitoes, most likely the smell, but not a fact.

Catnip is very easy to grow. This is perennial herbaceous plant It grows easily, both as a weed and as a commercially cultivated plant, the products of which are used to make perfume oils.

While catnip will repel mosquitoes in close proximity to the plant, some people use crushed leaves or pressed oil for more reliable protection for external skin treatment. It should be borne in mind that cats will react to a person treated with mint in the same way as they react to the plant itself. Therefore, owners of this type of pet may not like this method of fighting mosquitoes.

When growing plants whose aroma has mosquito repellent properties, you need to remember that the quality of this process can be influenced by several factors, which are more correctly called environmental variables. A light breeze can direct odors in the opposite direction from where the plants are grown in the garden, for example, thereby reducing the beneficial effect of the plants. Therefore, with such methods of repelling insects, for a better effect, still take care alternative methods protection.

Along with chemicals against mosquitoes and midges, there are plants that effectively repel blood-sucking insects. Such plants contain natural repellents or insecticides. The method of using plants to protect against blood-sucking insects is simple and inexpensive, and its good efficiency combined with health safety.

Midges and others harmful insects with the help of plants – old folk method, which is partially adopted modern manufacturers various repellent and insecticidal agents.

Today, many ointments and sprays against mosquitoes contain plant extracts. Some plants interrupt the odor of the human body, other plants repel mosquitoes with their aroma, and there are others that kill insects.

The method of using herbs in the fight against insects is popular primarily because of its environmental friendliness and accessibility, because plants for the most part are completely safe for health, and it is generally not difficult to grow them or find them in nature. Many of these plants are generally habitual “inhabitants” of gardens and vegetable gardens, and in addition to having natural repellent properties, they also have nutritional and decorative value.

A big plus in the effect of aromatic herbs on insects is their versatility: most herbs that repel mosquitoes and midges also repel ants, bedbugs, cockroaches, caterpillars, flies, horseflies and other vermin. Let's find out what plants mosquitoes are afraid of and how to properly place these plants on the site.

How to repel mosquitoes and midges from your plot of land

To prevent mosquitoes and midges from bothering you in your dacha or local area private house, you can plant on the site:

It is necessary to distribute mosquito repellent plants throughout the area, taking into account the wind rose of a particular area. The most effective protection will be if these plants are placed at different points, and some of them must be planted on the windward side of the site.

Perennial plants gradually reduce their aromatic properties over the years, so it is useful to rejuvenate the plantings from time to time. Young sprouts always smell stronger and contain more insect repellent substances.

How to repel mosquitoes and midges from your home

To protect your home from mosquitoes and midges, it is useful to grow in pots:

  • indoor geranium (pelargonium);
  • lemon tree;
  • myrtle;
  • indoor laurel;
  • citronella.

The fragrance of indoor plants repels insects from open window, so it's useful to keep flower pots on the windowsill. And to drive insects out of the room in the evening, just gently move the leaves of the plants.

In addition, you can place fresh food in different parts of the house. spices, which were written above, and make aromatic sachets from dried plant materials.

Best suited for sachets:

  • lavender;
  • sagebrush;
  • Bay leaf;
  • thyme;
  • tansy;
  • chamomile.

These plants retain their aroma for a long time after drying, so a sachet made from them does not lose its repellent properties for many months. To enhance the effect of such aromas, you can put a piece of cotton wool soaked in a few drops. essential oil citronella, eucalyptus, any citrus and coniferous trees.

Smoke from smoldering twigs of juniper, laurel, wormwood and tansy can be used to fumigate a room to kill insects. To do this, you need to set the dried plants on fire and extinguish them after a few seconds so that they do not burn, but smolder.