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Can the air conditioner break if the window is open. Why can't windows be opened when the air conditioner is on. How air conditioner works

Greetings to all visitors to the Conditioner site! Many users ask the question - is it possible to open windows when the air conditioner is on? Today I will tell you how the room is cooled, and why open windows lead to breakdowns of “splits”.

Air conditioner according to the principle of operation is an ordinary household refrigerator , which also has two heat exchangers - one inside, the second outside. The power of the compressor of the refrigerator is calculated on the volume of its refrigerator compartment. The door of such a household assistant is always closed, thanks to which a constant temperature is maintained inside. At the same time, the refrigerator motor works in normal mode for a long time and properly.

Now we understand the principle of cooling, but how is it supported desired temperature in the room? Everything is simple! In indoor unit temperature sensor installed. As soon as the electronics of the “conder” understands that the temperature has been reached, the compressor turns off (the freon stops moving through the tubes). When the temperature rises in the room, the compressor turns on again. Maintaining the desired temperature, the motor turns on and off.

And now back to the topic of our article. If the windows are open, then cold air from the room constantly goes to the street! And since the electronics “understands” that the desired temperature has not been reached, then compressor does not turn off AT ALL! Because of this electricity consumption increases. We can also refer to the disadvantages of such operation increased clogging of filters"split".

If the installed air conditioner is designed for only one room, but additionally cools neighboring rooms, then the “heart” of the air conditioner is loaded. Although this has a small effect in the form of lowering the temperature in the rooms. But cooling the street is generally a pointless exercise! If the compressor “threshes” without stopping, then sooner or later this will lead to its overheating and breakdown.

Try to ventilate the room with the air conditioner turned off! Or adjust the ventilation in such a way that the loss of cold is minimal. But keep in mind, if you are next to the window, then a cold stream can easily "through" you. Leave comments, and if the article was useful to you, then share it with your friends using social buttons!

Conventional air conditioning allows you to cool the air in the room. But at the same time, it does not carry out an influx of fresh air, only powerful and functional ducted air conditioners and air handling units. As a result, an unfavorable stuffy microclimate is formed in a room without a sufficient amount of oxygen. In this case, the question arises: what will happen if you turn on the split system and open the window at the same time? However, experts do not strongly recommend doing this.

You don't know why you shouldn't open a window while the air conditioner is running. Today we will tell you more about this. In the event that it is very stuffy and hot outside in the summer months, then keeping the doors ajar while the device is running is pointless and even dangerous in some cases, because:

  • equipment under such conditions functions inefficiently, and the room will still be very hot;
  • the device in such a situation works constantly, as a result of which all internal components wear out and break faster;
  • such an enhanced mode of operation can also lead to maximum electricity consumption and significant financial costs.

If you want to keep your home fresh and cool, then you should find out why you should not open the window while the air conditioner is running. Indoors with windows closed doorways the air becomes dry and cold, but if you open them, then the operation of the device will be reduced to zero.

Experts say that with open windows, the volume of air in an apartment or house increases significantly and is regularly updated. As a result, if an air conditioner is installed in this room, it will be forced to work hard and spend a large number of electricity to lower its temperature. In this case, the newly cooled air mass will exit the window opening to the street. Thus, a vicious cyclical circle is obtained.

As a result, the equipment will constantly work, which will lead to its frequent breakdowns and wear. Such air exchange is not optimal, since it negatively affects the functioning of the equipment. At the same time, the amount of electricity used to operate the device will lead to large financial costs.

The most common reason why you should not open windows when the air conditioner is on is the possibility fast clogging filters installed inside the device. When the window opening is wide open, a large amount of dust, pollen and small particles of debris enter the room. At the same time, a dirty filter leads to inefficient operation of the device, indoor air pollution and possible damage to the device.

Another reason is the risk of colds. In the event that a window opening is opened in the room with the split system turned on, then cold and warm air masses circulate. As a result, a person can initially cool down, and then overheat, which leads to illness.

Thus, the room should be regularly ventilated. At least two or three times a day, and even more often in the hot summer months. Only then should you enable climatic equipment. Also in this case, the installation of a compact supply structure will help, which will allow you to regulate the flow of fresh air into the apartment.

Most indoor air conditioners are only able to reduce the temperature, but they do not supply Fresh air. As a result, in rooms where there are many people, there is sometimes a lack of oxygen, which provokes a state of suffocation. That is why many are interested in whether it is possible to open windows while running. The relevance of this topic is also determined by the results of the experiment, that if the windows are closed and for a long time the air conditioner is on, then there is an overabundance in the room carbon dioxide, which is known to be detrimental to general condition organism. That is why it is worthwhile to understand this situation in as much detail as possible, taking into account all the nuances.

Why can't you turn on the air conditioner with the window open?

If the cooling technique is working, then the open window not only opposes the cooling of the room, and sometimes even makes it meaningless, but also causes several negative consequences, which cannot be ignored.

Why you shouldn't open windows when the air conditioner is on:

  1. The volume of air in the room increases, which means that in order to reduce its temperature, the equipment has to work in an enhanced mode, spending more time and energy on cooling the room. In addition, the cooled air goes outside, being replaced by warm air. This mode of operation negatively affects the condition of the air conditioner, and also increases energy consumption, which will affect utility bills.
  2. Operating with an open window, the air conditioner becomes clogged much faster. To avoid equipment breakdown, you will have to clean the filters more often than usual. This is due to the fact that when the window is open, a large amount of dust, pollen and other debris enters the room. As a result, the air conditioner does not work as efficiently and the air in the room itself is also polluted.
  3. Many people know that if you sit under the air conditioner for a long time, you can catch a cold. Scientists have proven that the operation of the air conditioner at open windows significantly increases the risk of developing the disease, since in such a situation it will not be possible to avoid drafts. This is especially dangerous for children.

From this we can conclude that air conditioning and an open window in a room are two incompatible concepts. It is best to ventilate the room several times a day, but the equipment must be turned off. In this case, you will receive cooled air saturated with oxygen.

Often, if an air conditioning system is installed in the room, there is controversial issue Can the windows be opened when the air conditioner is on? Some open window vents to supposedly quickly ventilate the room, others say that this should never be done. So what to do in such a situation to open or not open windows?

What is a comfortable temperature for a person

For human body comfortable temperature ranges are from 18 to 25 degrees above zero. If the air is cooler, we begin to feel chilly and freeze, if it is higher, a person quickly overheats, efficiency drops, with too high rates and a poorly ventilated room, even heat stroke is possible.

In hot weather, to avoid uncomfortable conditions, an excellent solution to the problem is to use air conditioning.

The principle of operation of the air conditioner

IN living conditions Three types of air conditioners working in different ways can be used.

  1. Supply type air conditioners work using air from outside the room.
  2. The recirculation type uses air masses only inside the building for its work.
  3. Recuperative types of air conditioners can work both according to the first and second principles.

But all three types of devices work on the principle of cooling the air passing through the system with a cooler, which is freon gas.

From this comes the answer to the question of whether to open the window or not when the air conditioning system is running.

A few reasons why you should not turn on the air conditioner with the window open

  • A sharp increase in air volume

When the windows are open, indoors, the amount of air increases sharply and in significant volumes. The recirculation air conditioner working for cooling has temperature sensors, and the supply of more heated air forces it to work more to cool the increased volume of air masses. For this it takes large quantity energy and resource of the device, while the cooled air will go out through the open windows, and the lighter heated air will enter the room. This will affect the operation of the air conditioner very negatively, as the device will constantly increase the power of its work. And of course, the consumption of electricity for enhanced operation of the air conditioning system will increase significantly.

In this case, the air temperature in the room may not change at all.

The supply and recuperation types of air conditioners under conditions of open windows will also increase the power of their work.

  • Dirty filters of the device

If a window with street air is open, dust will also enter the room. The busier the place near the house, the more dust is in the air masses. The operation of the air conditioner with open windows will be associated with filtering more polluted street air, and as a result, this will lead to accelerated clogging of the device filters.

To avoid damage to the air conditioner, the filters need to be cleaned, and ignoring this issue will lead to a decrease in the service life.

  • Risk of colds

When the air conditioner is on, a colder air flow is created in the building, simply a draft, and a person who is under such a flow for a certain time can easily get a cold. Manufacturers of air conditioning systems take this into account, so the operation of the device is based on a thermostat.

When the room temperature reaches the set temperature, the cooling operation is slowed down. The air conditioner picks up speed again when the sensor detects an increase in the indicator. That is, the device does not blow constantly. If you open the windows, a constant influx of hot air masses is forced to constantly cool the air, and the device will constantly create cold air flows. As a result, a cold is guaranteed. To avoid this, you need to close the windows when the air conditioner is running.

Can the air conditioner break when the window is open?

Most often, the main reason for the breakdown of air conditioning devices is water hammer. It can occur for several reasons, but two are directly related to the issue.

  1. Low temperatures. The air conditioning system may fail negative temperature premises. It is clear that no one opens windows in winter enough to cool the air below zero, but it's worth knowing.
  2. As mentioned above, this is clogging of the filters as a result of the ingress of polluted air.

And finally, if there is an air cooling system in the room, then why open the windows? After all, it is the hot outdoor air that causes the temperature in the room to rise, the building itself, with closed and tightly curtained windows and doors, warms up very slowly and to achieve outdoor temperature it won't take a day. If you turn on the air conditioner in the room, then with the windows closed, the temperature in the room will quickly drop, and will remain so for a very long time even when the device is turned off.

Using the air conditioner, you can hear that the windows must be closed at the same time. At the same time, some continue to open windows, while arguing that in this way it is possible to ventilate and cool the room faster. It is worth understanding the problem and understanding whether it is worth turning on the air conditioner with the windows wide open?

Increase in air volume

Experts say that with open windows, the volume of air in the room increases significantly. An air conditioner that cools the air in the room at this time to certain temperature, is forced to spend more energy and time on cooling the ever-increasing volume of air mass. At the same time, already cooled air will go out the open window, warm air, in turn, will again enter the room. Such air exchange negatively affects the operation of the air conditioner, which constantly increases its power in order to maintain the set temperature. Also don't ignore unjustified expense electricity, which goes to the enhanced operation of the air conditioner, since, in turn, this will lead to unjustified financial expenses.

Rapid clogging of filters

Another reason why it is not recommended to use the air conditioner with the windows open. Air conditioners have filters that tend to get clogged from time to time. Manufacturers recommend cleaning the filters from time to time to avoid problems and interruptions in the operation of the cooling unit. An air conditioner running with the windows open runs the risk of clogging the filters much faster. Which can damage the device.

The risk of catching a cold doubles

Almost everyone knows that under the air conditioner you can easily catch a cold, and therefore they try to stay away from the device at the time of its operation. Also, with open windows, they try not to sit in a draft, as you can imperceptibly harm your health. With the windows open and the air conditioner turned on at the same time, the risk of catching a cold from drafts doubles, so those who practice the simultaneous ventilation and cooling often suffer from colds and complications caused by respiratory diseases. Experts recommend cooling the room with air conditioners only if necessary, since, in addition to a cold, allergic complications can also be earned.