home · electrical safety · How to clean the refrigerator from the smell inside. How to clean a refrigerator? How to eliminate odor in the refrigerator

How to clean the refrigerator from the smell inside. How to clean a refrigerator? How to eliminate odor in the refrigerator

Household requires knowledge of many skills that will help clean kitchen appliances from pollution. It is especially important to properly clean the refrigerator inside and out. This manipulation is carried out constantly, because if washing is irregular, a lot of microorganisms and unpleasant odors will accumulate inside the device. And since it stores food that the whole family eats, it is important to know the nuances and tips for cleaning. How to get rid of pungent aroma and dirt?

Carrying out daily cleaning does not cause difficulties, but how to carry out a general cleaning of the inside of the device? In this case, it is worth following an action algorithm that will remove dirt and odor.

Rules on how to properly clean a refrigerator:

  1. First of all, turn off the power to the device so that it has time to defrost a little before washing. Usually the process is carried out once every 2–4 months - this is done for any model of kitchen appliances.
  2. Open the door and remove all the food. Because spring-cleaning lasts a long time, the products are put away in a cool place or in a special container. If you start cleaning in advance, it is advisable not to buy perishable products.
  3. We remove all the shelves from the cells, metal elements and plastic stands. They are washed and dried separately from the main container. And besides, with them it will be problematic to thoroughly wash every corner of the device.
  4. To avoid odor, wash the most contaminated areas first, washing out hard-to-reach areas. To clean your refrigerator, you should choose a safe and effective remedy. Usually these are chemical products and folk recipes. They remove dried dirt, wash yellowed plastic, and remove stains from food debris.

Attention! Folk recipes not only help to wash the base of the chamber and freezer, but also to carry out disinfection - as a result, harmful microorganisms will die, which means you can use the refrigerator without fear for food.

  1. To wash inner part, pay attention to all recesses and corners. The rubber seals on the door are washed, since bacteria may also be present under them.
  2. The last stage is wiping the parts with a wet cloth and then with a dry cloth.

You can only plug in the device after it has completely dried!

The outside of the refrigerator is wiped with a cloth with foam, and then wiped dry. The back part should be brushed to prevent dust from accumulating in the mechanism. Folk remedies are usually not used for outdoor cleaning.

To remove odors, wash only after defrosting.

What is the best way to clean a refrigerator so that it does not stink and does not accumulate difficult-to-remove contaminants? It is better to use folk remedies that carefully clean the cameras from dirt. It is not recommended to use abrasive compounds, as their particles scratch the surface.

General cleaning of the refrigerator - video:

If the internal contaminants are strong, they are soaked in advance, and then wiped off with improvised compounds, and not with chemicals.

Methods for cleaning a refrigerator from dirt, yellowness and grease

It is necessary to wash the refrigerator with folk remedies in stages - this will remove dirt, yellowness and pungent aroma.


How to make a solution:

  1. Mix vinegar and water in equal proportions. For example, you can take 100 ml of warm water and the same amount of essence. It is not worth diluting the solution with more vinegar, since then the parts will smell unpleasant.
  2. Mix the liquids in a small container.
  3. Let's take it soft cloth or a sponge, dip it in the solution and begin to clean the refrigerator. First, grease stains are removed, and then the entire chamber is wiped. Even if there are clean areas in the device, they should also be treated to remove the odor and also disinfect the plastic.
  4. Let the chamber dry - to do this, leave the doors open.

If there are any drops of water left on the plastic, they can be removed with a dry cloth. Containers and grates are washed separately with a vinegar solution, then dried and installed in their original places.


The most famous and common product that removes dirt and eliminates odors:

  1. We take 2 tablespoons of this bulk substance, and then mix them with half a liter of clean water.
  2. Stir the powder thoroughly until the grains that have settled to the bottom are completely dissolved. To do this faster, it is recommended to take warm water.
  3. We wet the rags in the liquid and begin wiping. The door and back wall are wiped last.
  4. The final step is to wipe the unit with a dry cloth.

7 steps and the refrigerator is perfectly clean - video:

Baking soda does not leave a pungent aroma or streaks, so it can be used frequently to remove yellowness from parts.


I wash the refrigerator with alcohol 1-2 times a month - with more frequent use of the product, it can damage plastic parts.

  1. Mix 30 ml of ammonia with 300 ml of water.
  2. Mix the solution and saturate the sponge with it.
  3. We wipe the inside of the refrigerator.

This product disinfects the surface, removes yellowness, as well as stains of various origins.

Attention! Before using the refrigerator for the first time, it is treated with this product.

Lemon juice or citric acid

The solution is prepared as follows:

  1. Take 2 tablespoons of juice or powdered acid and mix with water (0.5 l).
  2. Mix the product well. The water is taken warm.
  3. We wet a rag in the solution and start wiping. The rag is wrung out firmly so as not to accumulate moisture on the parts.
  4. Wipe the camera thoroughly with a dry cloth so that it remains completely dry.

Leave the refrigerator open to allow the smell to evaporate. To prolong the disinfection effect, you can place a cup of lemon zest on the shelf. In this case, you will need to wash the device less often, especially if it will always be in a “tidy” condition.

To eliminate the smell and also wash the glue from the sticker, you can use this method.

How to remove unpleasant odors from rotten meat and other foods

An effective method for getting rid of odors in the refrigerator - video:

You can also use non-aggressive modern means, for example, dishwashing detergent. It will be able to clean dirt and also give the parts of the unit a pleasant aroma. To quickly remove bad smell, as well as to clean various types of dirt, you need to place a rag soaked in dish soap on the place where the product has deteriorated. After 15 minutes, wipe the treated area with it.

How to wipe a refrigerator to get rid of an unpleasant odor:


To get rid of the unpleasant aroma, it is recommended to use any soap that you have on hand.

  1. We take any soap (it is better to use laundry soap, since it does not contain fragrances or fragrances) and foam it in warm water.
  2. Apply foam to the inside of the refrigerator and wait 15–20 minutes.
  3. Then we wipe it with a damp cloth until the foam is completely removed (it is especially good to wash with foam new refrigerator).

If the parts of the unit are too dirty, you can grate the soap and then add a little water to it to make a thick paste. This product is good for treating hard-to-reach places, as well as rubber seals. 30 minutes after application, the slurry is completely removed and the chamber is wiped dry.


Old stains and strong unpleasant odors can be wiped off with toothpaste.

  1. We take a paste without dyes or flavors, and then apply it to a sponge.
  2. Lightly distribute the product over its surface and begin processing the parts. In this case, it is worth taking out in advance all the drawers and shelves that interfere with the processing of the camera.
  3. After 15 minutes, the paste is removed with a damp cloth.
  4. Drawers and grates should be washed separately.

The paste perfectly removes any odor the first time, so if you need to quickly remove an unpleasant odor, you can use this product.


Apple cider will help effectively cope with the unpleasant aroma of rotten meat or other odors, as well as carefully remove glue from stickers.

  1. Take a glass of cider and dilute it in a liter of water.
  2. Mix the solution thoroughly and wet the sponge in it.
  3. We wipe the drawers, shelves and door of the unit with the product.
  4. Wipe the inside of the refrigerator with a damp cloth to remove any remaining cider.

Important! Wash the refrigerator parts and components hot water prohibited, as their surface can be significantly damaged. Also, before washing, you should use the know frost function, which will help defrost the refrigerator before cleaning it.

Not all household chemicals are suitable for cleaning the refrigerator. Inside the unit is in contact with food products Therefore, aggressive chemicals cannot be used. The outer walls and the door on the outside have another feature: if the refrigerator is standing near the stove, drops of grease get on it, which are then difficult to wash off. And washing with a hard sponge harms the enamel or stainless steel surface. To get rid of dirt and any kind of stains on the refrigerator, you can use gentle but effective store-bought and folk remedies.

It is advisable to wash every purchased item before first use, especially the refrigerator, because it will contain food. It is unknown under what conditions it was stored and transported until it arrived at the house. It may contain not only dust, but also industrial chemicals. Although your refrigerator may appear clean in appearance, it has been through many hands that could leave behind bacteria and germs.

Before using for the first time, simply wash all parts of the refrigerator with soap and water, dishwashing detergent or soda solution. In the latter case, dilute 1 - 2 tbsp. spoons of soda in a liter of water and a sponge with this composition wipe all surfaces, drawers, shelves and grates. After washing, rinse everything clean water and wipe dry with a rag or napkin. And only after the unit has completely dried, it can be connected to the outlet and food can be laid out.

You should not clean a new refrigerator with abrasive cleaners. It has not yet become contaminated with household stains, and solid particles can leave scratches.

If you want to disinfect the shelves and the inside of the refrigerator, you can wipe them with alcohol wipes, which are sold in pharmacies, or with a napkin soaked in vodka. An alternative to alcohol is vinegar or hydrogen peroxide.

How and with what to clean the refrigerator?

Not all products are stored in the refrigerator in packaging. Therefore, only non-toxic products should be used as cleaning aids. The most delicate way is to regularly and often wipe all shelves and walls with a damp sponge and wipe dry. Scrub stains with soap or soda. If they do not wash off immediately, it is better to soak them with water than to use aggressive chemicals.

The outside of the refrigerator can be washed with any means: soap, soda, dishwashing detergent, special cleaning agents. It is advisable to use a soft sponge to avoid leaving scratches.

After washing everything is plastic and enameled surfaces you need to wipe it dry. If left wet, they may develop streaks and smudges. Microfiber cloths or non-woven wipes are best for wiping, but cotton and paper towels leave behind lint.

Recently, such a new product as a melamine sponge (melamine eraser) has appeared in stores. She does a great job with different types even without contamination chemicals- just moisten it with water. The sponge contains foamed melamine resin and synthetic microfibers. They act as a soft abrasive, penetrating even the smallest cracks and cleaning out dirt and grease.

Housewives immediately adopted the new product, but doctors are wary of it. The effects of melamine on the body have not yet been sufficiently studied. It is known that it does not cause allergic reactions, but the ingestion of small particles of material into the body is undesirable. They can accumulate in the kidneys and lead to urolithiasis. Therefore, it is necessary to exclude any contact of the sponge with food products, and wear rubber gloves while working. You can only clean the refrigerator from the outside with a melamine sponge.

A stainless steel refrigerator should only be washed with a soft cloth or sponge, even if it is heavily soiled. The hard side of the sponge and any abrasive products leave scratches. Even if they are invisible at first, the appearance of the refrigerator will gradually deteriorate. The surface is wiped with a solution of vinegar or soda, then wiped dry. paper towel and polish. It is necessary to determine the direction of the fibers and carry out movements along them: only left-right or up-down. Then the refrigerator will shine more and cracks will not appear on it. Any liquid oil (vegetable, mineral, baby) is suitable for polishing a stainless steel refrigerator. If you wipe the surface with a cloth with a few drops of oil, it will shine brighter. But an oil layer, even imperceptible to the touch, gets dirty faster and dirt sticks to it better.

Effective folk remedy to remove stains on the refrigerator - toothpaste. They smear it small area and leave for 5–10 minutes, and then scrub the stain with a sponge or toothbrush. The paste contains an abrasive, but its particles are so small that they do not even damage tooth enamel.

How to remove different types of dirt?

Regular household dirt on the refrigerator can be easily washed off with detergents, but some stains turn into a real problem. The most difficult thing to get rid of is drops of grease and soot, stickers and yellowness on the enamel and plastic parts of the refrigerator. Special tools will be needed here.

Fat and soot

If the refrigerator is located next to the stove, splashes of grease from the frying pan will fall on it. Over time, they harden and absorb dirt. The cleaning method depends on how long ago the stains were left. It is advisable to wash off the fat immediately after cooking. If the drops have not yet hardened, they are washed off with soap and water, dishwashing detergent or soda. It is more difficult to clean the refrigerator when the grease has stuck for a long time and mixed with soot.

You can find many grease removers in stores. Housewives have proven themselves to be brands such as “Anti-fat”, “Shumanit”, Cillit Bang and the like. They are much more active than soda, but to remove old fat you still have to put in a lot of effort.

Dried fat on the refrigerator is first soaked with warm water, soda or soap solution, after which it will be easier to remove the drops. Don't scrub it off greasy spots metal sponge - it can easily leave scratches on enamel, especially on stainless steel. If u use mechanical method removal, you can carefully scrape the refrigerator with a knife. You need to keep it under acute angle to the surface, not scratching, but prying up the drops.

Oven and grill cleaner is suitable for removing stubborn stains and grease drips. They are sprayed onto dirt, left for 15-20 minutes, and then washed off with soap and water.


Plastic parts and the enamel of the refrigerator turn yellow either due to the formation of plaque or when the composition of the material changes (for example, due to sun rays). In the first case, regular washing with detergent or soda will do.

Stores sell special bleaching sprays for plastic. They not only remove yellowness, but also protect the surface in the future, creating a film on it. Bleach old refrigerator You can use folk remedies:

  1. Washing powder and soda in equal proportions. The mixture is diluted with water to a liquid consistency and left on the surface for at least 2 hours. Then the refrigerator is washed with clean water and wiped dry. This method is suitable for delicate color restoration.
  2. Chlorine bleach. The most effective, but also the most time-consuming method. While plastic boxes can simply be soaked in a bleach solution, this technique will not work for vertical walls and doors. The bleach must be in contact with the surface for several hours: at least 2, and preferably 5-10, otherwise the result will not justify the effort. The walls can be covered with napkins soaked in bleach and covered cling film, securing it on top and pressing it tightly against the walls. Then the structure will not slide down, and the water will not evaporate. Chlorine smells strongly and emits toxic fumes, so you need to take care of ventilation during the entire treatment.
  3. Stain remover for plastic. They can be found in auto chemical departments or hardware stores.
  4. Vinegar essence. Ordinary table vinegar has a slight whitening effect, but a concentration of 3% or 6% is too weak to remove old yellowness. Therefore, they take vinegar essence, which contains 70 - 80% acetic acid. You need to wear gloves when working with it, as this concentrate leaves burns and irritation on the skin. The yellowed areas are wiped with the essence and then washed off. There is no need to leave it on the refrigerator for a long time.
  5. Hydrogen peroxide. The whitening effect of pharmaceutical peroxide (3%) is weak, so wiping must be used frequently and regularly. You can make a more saturated composition that will be more active. To do this, take dry hydroperite and dilute it with water until completely dissolved. Hydroperite tablets are sold in pharmacies. Inexpensive hair lighteners contain powdered hydroperite as one of the components. It is placed in a separate package in the package and is also suitable for restoring the whiteness of the refrigerator after dissolving in water.


The door and sides of the refrigerator are often decorated with stickers. Over time, their edges become frayed, and the homemade design becomes boring. If the sticker is torn off, a sticky spot remains in its place, which is not easy to clean off.

The main task is to soften the dried glue, then it will be easier to come off the surface. The stain is moistened with vinegar, vegetable oil or alcohol and leave for 5 - 10 minutes. To prevent liquid from flowing down the door, place a napkin on top. After this, the stain is washed with a soapy sponge. Heating with a hairdryer can also be used to soften the glue. A stream of warm air is directed onto the stain and held until the glue heats up. Then it can be easily removed with a piece of plastic, and the remaining stain can be washed off. Stickers can be easily removed with acetone or other solvents. But it is better not to use them for the refrigerator - the enamel may be damaged.

It happens that the refrigerator doors are almost completely filled with stickers, and cleaning them with improvised means is long and tedious. Then specially developed products that are sold in hardware stores will come to the rescue. They thoroughly soften the glue, but it will still have to be removed mechanically, although the process will be greatly simplified.


If there is an unpleasant odor in the refrigerator, but there is no spoiled food there, mold may have appeared. Black mold is a fungus that grows in damp environments without ventilation. It manifests itself as spots or plaque of black and dark gray color. It must be dealt with immediately as soon as the first signs are discovered. Mold- not only a household nuisance, but also a health hazard. When hitting Airways it can cause allergic diseases.

Sold in hardware stores special drugs for killing mold, but they are not suitable for the refrigerator. As a rule, they contain chlorine compounds, and their contact with food is unacceptable - chlorine is poisonous. Therefore, to combat mold in the refrigerator, it is better to use folk remedies:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • soda solution (teaspoon per glass of water);
  • table vinegar;
  • essential oil of monarda or tea tree (a few drops per quarter glass of water);
  • medical antifungal drugs.

Any product is applied liberally to the mold colony. Then you need to wait half an hour or an hour for the fungus to die. The surface is washed with soap and water until no traces of mold remain. If they cannot be removed the first time, it is better not to rub with force, but to repeat the chemical treatment.

How to properly clean a freezer?

Before you start cleaning the freezer, you need to set the thermostat to zero, then disconnect the refrigerator from the power supply and wait until it is completely defrosted. It is not recommended to speed up the process by heating: the temperature contrast has a negative effect on the plastic. It will not deteriorate instantly, but it will imperceptibly and gradually become covered with microcracks and turn yellow, which shortens its service life.

The freezer is wiped with a soda solution (a teaspoon per liter of water), then the remaining product is washed off with clean water and wiped dry. After this you need to leave the refrigerator with door open at least for half an hour. During this time, even the smallest particles of moisture will evaporate. The smaller it is, the longer it will take for ice to appear.

Many people are faced with the problem of odor in the refrigerator. This can happen due to spoiled food or simply strong flavors. And housewives immediately have a question: “How to clean the refrigerator so that there is no smell?” We have the answers to this question.

Getting rid of the smell

Sooner or later in refrigeration chamber he appears. This can happen if food is not stored in airtight containers. But it also happens that even a newly purchased refrigerator has a smell. To remove it, you need to wash it from the inside with detergent or soda solution. The method of washing with water and ammonia or vodka is also widely known. After this procedure, you must open the doors wide and ventilate. As for refrigerators that have already been used, we also have our own advice.

Method one: use vinegar

Usage household chemicals or absorbers is the most simple solution on the question of how to clean the refrigerator so that there is no smell. You just need to wipe it with a cloth soaked in a solution of water and vinegar (1:1). Then put a jar of cotton wool soaked in this very vinegar inside for several hours.

Method two: baking soda

Using baking soda is also great for removing odors from your refrigerator. A prerequisite is that it should be used. A regular container with it or a glass of soda solution should be placed in the chamber. The “cleaner” can remain in this form for up to three months; after this time has elapsed, it must be changed.

Method three: charcoal cleansing

In order to remove the smell in the refrigerator, activated or activated is good. A handful of coal must be crushed, placed in a plate and placed in the refrigerator for six to seven hours. It absorbs the smell very well and does not lose its properties over time, so you can do the same as in the second method - leave the coal inside.

Method four: products from our table

Surprisingly, some products also solve the question: “How to clean the refrigerator so that there is no smell?” They just don’t even need to be washed. Let's get to know some of them.

Lemon - great helper. All you need to do is just cut it into slices and put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

Black bread - cut into slices and put inside.

Garlic or onion - rub the cloves onto the sides of the refrigerator and leave for 12 hours.

Turmeric, cloves, cinnamon, celery - arrange on shelves.

Thyme, tarragon, basil, salt, sugar, and cheese also have good odor-absorbing properties. If you spread them inside in small quantities, they will help a lot.

How to clean a refrigerator so there is no smell

One more good remedy is a combination of chemistry and regular products. For example, cut a lemon, pick out the pulp, put baking soda inside and put it in the refrigerator for a week.

There are also ionizer-fresheners that can be purchased at any supermarket. They are battery operated and very easy to use. An alternative to them are odor absorbers, which are also hung in refrigerators.

Refrigerator care rules

Each individual type of unit requires different care. Modern technology designed so that defrosting is either done very rarely or not at all. The No Frost system, for example, prevents frost from forming on the walls of the freezer. Old devices require maintenance and defrosting once every two months.

Caring for your refrigerator is very simple. The outside can be wiped with a damp cloth and detergent to remove dirt, grease stains and handprints. Care products should be liquid so as not to damage or scratch the surface. Alkaline or acid agents won't fit. They can “eat” the enamel or coating. A sponge or cellulose cloth is the best helper in this matter. They are easy to wash, do not leave streaks and remove residues of household chemicals well. If you don’t know how to clean the inside of the refrigerator, it doesn’t matter. You can use the same products as for outside care.


In summer you need to do this procedure much more often, since the production of frost in hot weather is much higher. To find out if your camera needs defrosting, pay attention to its walls. If there is a layer of ice there, then it is necessary.

The first step is to disconnect the device from the network and remove all products. You should not force defrost with hair dryers or improvised means, everything should happen naturally. If the process has taken too long, in a good way will put a pan with boiling water inside. Steam speeds up defrosting, but be prepared to warm up the water as it cools very quickly.

Water from the freezer usually drains into a drip pan, which needs to be drained periodically. The shelves need to be washed with a cloth. If there is a smell, you need to take care of how to clean the refrigerator from the smell. In this case, you can use the tips that we gave earlier, but only after defrosting is complete.


As you already understand, timely maintenance of the unit will help you prevent many problems and breakdowns. Food should not be allowed to spoil; it should be stored in airtight or closed containers. Store vegetables separately from other foods in special containers. Under no circumstances should meat or fish or other food with a strong odor be left unpackaged. Defrost and maintain your refrigerator regularly. If you want flowers or other plants to stand on it, it is best to purchase plastic pots so as not to scratch the surface.

We hope you found our care tips valuable and helped you cope with some everyday problems in your life.

Refrigerator, like any new one Appliances, has its own smell. To prevent it from mixing with the aroma of your favorite food, the smell of a new refrigerator must be eliminated before use.

To do this, use a warm solution of water with baking soda or any detergent. Don't forget to wash the outside of the refrigerator as well. Then wipe all surfaces dry and leave the door open for a couple of hours to ventilate the working chambers. After this, you can safely load the refrigerator with food.

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...and if old

Even if you tightly close all jars and containers of food, over time the symphony of aromas from your refrigerator ceases to please the sense of smell. Unidentified food objects fill it with dubious notes. This means it’s time to wash the refrigerator or at least clean the special drain hole inside the chamber (it tends to get clogged). Manufacturers usually recommend doing this procedure once a year.

Folk remedies will help get rid of the acquired smell.

1. Vinegar: wipe the walls of the refrigerator with a cloth soaked in a vinegar solution (diluted 50 to 50 with water).

2. Baking soda : Wash the refrigerator with a water solution of soda. And then put an open container of soda in it and change it every 3 months. Baking soda perfectly absorbs odors.

3. Ammonia: will help in the most severe cases, when the refrigerator is cleaned but the smell remains. Rub the inside of the refrigerator walls with ammonia and leave the door open all day.

4. Wood or Activated carbon . Grind a handful of coal, pour it into a saucer and leave it in the refrigerator for a day.

5. Lemon juice. Wash the inside of the refrigerator or at least wipe it with a damp cloth with a drop of water lemon juice.

Operation Prevention

To prevent the smell from happening in the future, food absorbents will help. Choose the one you like from the list and let it be registered in your refrigerator.

1. Rye bread: Cut regular black bread into pieces and place on several plates. Place one on each of the refrigerator shelves.

2. Rice grains: place on a saucer and place in the refrigerator.

3. Cut onions, apples and potatoes also absorb odors perfectly. Only such natural absorbents will have to be changed every few days.

4. Aromatic herbs and spices: storing basil, turmeric, cloves, tarragon, cinnamon, celery, thyme in the refrigerator, you thereby prevent the formation of unpleasant odors. Vanilla extract will also help - if necessary, wipe the shelves with a cotton swab soaked in aromatic liquid.

5. Orange, lemon: you can use orange peels or lemon slices as an air freshener.

6. Salt, sugar: just put an open container with salt or sugar in the refrigerator, and very soon there will be no trace of the unpleasant smell.

It is impossible to imagine a kitchen without a refrigerator, this is the most important household appliance for storing food. In order for it to serve for a long time, it is necessary to properly care for it and promptly clean it from dirt.


The refrigerator definitely needs cleaning. Even a new household appliance is unusable until it is washed. And it's not about appearance, because it will be flawless and without visible contamination. But you still can’t immediately start storing food in a new household appliance. After all, he for a long time stayed in the store, it was opened and closed by strangers, it attracted a lot of bacteria, so After purchase, it is important not to connect the refrigerator to the network immediately, but first let it stand for a while, and then properly wash it both inside and outside with home remedies or special chemical solutions.


There is a wide variety of products that will help get rid of dirt in the refrigerator.

Can be purchased in store special cleaning solutions. They are usually sold in spray form, which saves a lot of time and effort. With them, you don’t need to take out and pull out each shelf, you just need to spray the product on all areas in the refrigerator and wipe them with a sponge. Despite the fact that the instructions say that after using the spray the refrigerator does not need to be wiped again, it is still better to play it safe and rinse the refrigerator with water again to avoid getting chemical substance for products.

Some housewives use a spray with an antibacterial effect, which effectively disinfects all surfaces of the refrigerator, thereby protecting them from bacteria.

It is not necessary to buy products in stores; you can make them at home. For cleaning, you should use soda, which effectively removes both internal and external dirt. It’s good for her to carry out the first cleaning of a new household appliance immediately after purchase. If you can’t wash off the dirt with soapy water, you can try this dishwasher detergent.

Lemon will help get rid of unpleasant odors. It is cut into several slices and the surface of the refrigerator is wiped with them. Thanks to this simple remedy, the unpleasant aroma will not only disappear, but also harmful bacteria will be destroyed.

Every housewife probably has vinegar at home. It can be used as a refrigerator cleaner, but not in pure form, but dissolved in water. Vinegar cleanses both internal and external surfaces, even a freezer. At the same time, do not forget about safety precautions and work with rubber gloves.

Regular hydrogen peroxide can work wonders in clearing stains. It perfectly fights not only dirt, but also unpleasant odors.

If the dirt in the refrigerator is old, then ordinary soda is unlikely to help, but ammonia will come in handy. You just need to dilute it in hot water in a ratio of 1: 7, moisten the cloth in this solution (you need to work with rubber gloves), put it on the dirt and wait half an hour. After this, the stain can be easily wiped off with a soft sponge.

Toothpaste also removes old dirt. Use a sponge with toothpaste to wipe off stains from shelves, drawers and trays. After the procedure, the surfaces are wiped dry with a cloth.

If you have apple cider at home, you can also use it as a cleanser. It is diluted in the amount of one glass in 1 liter of warm water, then a sponge is soaked in the cider and the surface of the refrigerator is washed with it.

Despite the variety of different store supplies, better use folk recipes to clean the inside of the refrigerator without resorting to aggressive substances.

Types of pollution

May form in the refrigerator different kinds contaminants, each of which has its own cleaning agent.

Traces of grease can be effectively removed by soda; it should be applied to a sponge moistened with water, wipe the contaminated areas, then secure with a damp cloth. If you don’t have baking soda on hand, you can use dishwashing detergent, which also moistens the sponge. To avoid foam stains, be sure to finish cleaning with a damp cloth.

New household appliances always have stickers that can be removed quite easily. To do this, you just need to use a hair dryer to dry your hair. Need to point to sticker hot air and remove it with smooth movements. If after removing the stickers there is a trace of glue left, then you need to moisten a cotton pad with sunflower oil and rub the surface.

Yellowness is another enemy of the refrigerator. But here, in addition to special cleaning solutions, home remedies will come to the rescue. Can be mixed Apple vinegar with water, apply the solution to a sponge and wipe the yellow areas of the plastic with it. The product does not need rinsing; just hold the refrigerator door open for a while.

Lemon juice in the amount of two tablespoons mixed with ammonia can help prevent yellowness. The prepared solution is filled with water and applied to a sponge. This product will also be effective in eliminating odor. It also doesn't need to be washed off.

Instead of ammonia you can use vodka. To do this, you need to mix 100 ml of lemon juice and 200 ml of vodka and apply this composition to the yellowed areas with a sponge.

Ammonia and vinegar can also be used as independent cleaning products, without mixing them with anything. Moreover, after removing the stains, you do not need to wash off the products used; you just need to keep the refrigerator open for a couple of hours to a day until the smell disappears.

Another unpleasant problem that can appear in the refrigerator is mold. It may appear due to high humidity and products that have long gone bad. To prevent this problem, you need to promptly throw away food that has expired, and also cover each pan with a lid to avoid increased humidity. But if mold has already appeared, then special cleaning products will help get rid of it. Only before the procedure is it important to read the instructions for use.

In addition to household chemicals, you can use simple laundry soap. It must be grated and added to warm water. Soak a sponge in this foamy solution and wipe each shelf, chamber and tray with it. After the cleaning procedure, you need to remove soap stains with a damp cloth. The method is simple, but extremely effective. Laundry soap is a real enemy for mold.

Vinegar and baking soda will also help. Apply baking soda dissolved in water to a stiff brush and thoroughly wipe all areas with mold. Then wipe off the stains with a dry cloth. And only after this, wipe the refrigerator again with 6% vinegar, the smell of which will disappear on its own over some time.

Dirt from felt-tip pens is inevitable if there are children in the house. Baking soda in tandem with toothpaste can help here. Use this cleaning agent to wipe off areas with marker marks, and then remove the stains with a dry cloth. You can use an eraser dipped in water. Another option is to remove stains with sunscreen, which is applied to the stained area and then removed with a damp cloth.

Freezer After defrosting, it also needs to be cleaned. It can be wiped with vinegar, ammonia, soda, laundry soap or dishwashing detergent.

All of these listed remedies will help get rid of unpleasant odors that appear various reasons. The most common of these is food stored without packaging or food that has expired. The problem may also be a clogged drain hole, which should be cleaned with a simple cotton swab.

Sometimes your new refrigerator may smell like plastic, metal, or grease. You can get rid of this smell by wiping the product with a damp cloth.


It is important to regularly clean the refrigerator inside and out, observing the following sequence of actions:

  • First you need to empty the cells, sort through the food, throw away everything unnecessary. Frozen foods need to be kept cool and should not be moved to a warm place.
  • Before washing the refrigerator, it must be unplugged or placed temperature regime to 0.
  • Then you need to defrost the chambers, which usually takes from three to ten hours.
  • After defrosting, each shelf, side rack and container is removed from the refrigerator and can be cleaned in the sink or bathroom.
  • The selected product (store-bought or homemade) directly cleans the device. It is better to use the same product for internal and external cleansing.
  • On the outside, not only the plastic is wiped, but also the seals. It is better not to use vinegar for them; a soap solution is enough.
  • It is important to clean the condenser inside back wall, on which dust accumulates. Here you can use a vacuum cleaner or brush.

  • The pan also needs to be cleaned, but first it needs to be freed from melt water.
  • Glass shelves cannot be washed with hot water. Cracks may form on the glass due to sudden changes in temperature. To quickly wash glass, use warm or cool water. If the shelf is not wiped in the refrigerator itself, but separately from it, then you need to give it time to warm up to room temperature, and then you can use hot water on it.
  • You need to effectively wash every wall, the corners between the rubber, every recess, not missing even hard-to-reach places. This refers to the drain hole, which may become clogged. You can clean it with a thin wire 30-50 centimeters long. You need to make a loop at its end, insert it into the drain hole and twist it. This way you can remove dirt.
  • After the refrigerator is completely cleaned, you need to wait until it dries and then return the food to its original place.

Thus, you can clean your refrigerator at home different ways, the main thing is not to neglect this activity, otherwise yellowed plastic is not the worst consequence that can happen.

It is important to regularly wipe down your appliance, including hard-to-reach areas, to avoid mold and other problems.

In order not to have to frequently clean the refrigerator, you should follow the following recommendations for prevention and care:

  • To avoid unpleasant odors, you need to regularly ventilate the refrigerator. It must be turned off so that you can keep its door open for up to several hours.
  • It is important to carry out an “audit” in the refrigerator (preferably every day). This should include inspecting food and discarding old food that is no longer food. Perhaps somewhere on a high shelf you will find a rotten product that emits an unpleasant odor. All expired food should be thrown away immediately.
  • To prevent smells from mixing with each other in the refrigerator, it is important to store cooked food in pots with lids. If there are no lids, you can replace them with plates. In any case, the food container must be closed. Benefits can also be found in cling film, which will also block the spread of odors. Otherwise, there is a risk that, for example, the prepared salad with garlic will smell like soup, puree, and desserts.