home · On a note · Removing rust from the toilet bowl at home. How to clean a rusty toilet. Acidic cleaners

Removing rust from the toilet bowl at home. How to clean a rusty toilet. Acidic cleaners

It is impossible to ignore the pollution of the toilet sink: a disgusting view, bad smell in room. During cleaning, fresh contaminants are first washed off, but rust is more difficult to clean, eating into the enamel. Rust and old stains on the toilet can be removed with the help of improvised means.

Folk remedies have the same effectiveness in the fight against rust as specialized detergents. Most of them remove contaminants in a mode that is more gentle on the enamel of the sink and are not as harmful to humans when cleaning as artificial chemical compounds.

Preparation for cleaning the toilet from rust:

  • prepare thin medical gloves for hands or tight ones for chores;
  • you need to open the windows, the door to toilet room for ventilation, turn on the hood or toilet fan;
  • prepare a container to receive the desired cleaning solution.

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

Prepare a solution of 5 grams of ammonia and 100 grams of hydrogen peroxide. Apply the resulting solution to hard-to-reach and particularly rust-contaminated places for half an hour.

After the time has elapsed, clean the surface with a stiff brush, rinse clean water.

Battery electrolyte

If this was at hand inorganic acid, it can be used for, and avoiding unpleasant contact with the surface.

The electrolyte should be kept on the stains for half an hour, then the acid should be thoroughly washed off.

Hydrochloric acid

Not a large number of acids should be applied to the spots and left for the action of the substance for 20 minutes.

Hydrochloric acid is a corrosive substance! When using it, you should wear gloves, a respirator and it is desirable that the room is well ventilated.

Rinse off hot water. Boiling water should not be used for the toilet sink, a split may form.


In dissolved form, Whiteness will have less effectiveness. In preparation for cleaning, it is necessary to turn off the water supply to the toilet, which will help prevent premature flushing of the cleaning composition. If it is possible to drain the water from the tank, this should be done.

The whiteness is poured into the toilet bowl and left to long time, for example, at night or at least a few hours. If it is not possible to leave the liquid in the toilet for a long time, then keep it for an hour. At the end of this time, remove old stains with a stiff brush, then rinse with clean water.

Acetic essence

The liquid should act within 15 minutes. It is necessary to moisten a dense cloth with acetic acid and cover the toilet bowl with it. After the time has elapsed, it is necessary to rub the remaining acid with a stiff brush, removing especially strong dirt, remove the remnants of the product and rinse with running water.

You can also use vinegar to prevent the formation of rusty smudges in the toilet: periodically pour vinegar into cistern.

Lemon acid

Citric acid is often used in home cleaning, including helping.

It is necessary to make a concentrated solution of citric acid and rub the surface with a stiff bristled brush.

Combination of acetic and citric acids

These organic acids successfully cope with the dissolution of rust and various old stains.

The proposed method is suitable for those who did not have a brush or other means for mechanical cleaning spots.

Dilute two sachets of citric acid in a glass of water. Spray the resulting solution on the surface of the toilet with dirt. Pour into a jug acetic acid. When mixed, these liquids will enter into chemical reaction, thanks to which rust stains are successfully dissolved. Keep in a state of reaction for about five minutes or until the characteristic foaming has passed.

With such cleaning, not only stains will go away, but also a blockage in the pipe.

Dry oxalic acid

It acts quickly and removes stains, stains and rust smudges without a trace.

Cleaning must be done with gloves!

Dip a damp cleaning cloth in oxalic acid and rub over the rusted area.

For convenience, you can use liquid composition: dissolve the acid in such a way as to obtain a five percent solution.

Caustic soda

If there is no time for cleaning, you should pour caustic soda into the drain tank and rinse. It is necessary to carry out such a procedure periodically.

There is one significant disadvantage this cleaning method: it is quite difficult not to damage the enamel with soda, as well as with other abrasives.

Carbonated drinks (Coca-Cola) and toothpaste

Experienced housewives prefer this tool. This drink helps in the fight against old spots toilet bowl, while improving the patency of the pipes. Use the liquid in the same way as described for Whiteness.

If rust spots have appeared recently, then a thick strip of toothpaste will help to remove them. For this purpose, it is better to use bleach. Apply the paste in a thick layer, hold for 5-10 minutes, rub with a stiff brush and wash off the residue with running water.

To prevent rust in the toilet, it is recommended to carry out daily.

In this article, we will understand why rust appears on the toilet bowl and how to prevent it. Of course, we will also touch upon a topic that worries many newly minted apartment owners of the secondary fund: how to clean the toilet bowl from rust.

Why does rust appear?

Where does rust even come from?

The answer to this question is simple and obvious. In our country, non-galvanized steel pipes are widely used for water transportation. Yes, new highways are being laid more and more often from polyethylene; however steel pipes will still be used for a long time, and there is no escape from this sad fact.

Water - universal solvent. It gradually carries away particles of the substance of the pipe with it. Erosion by sand and other suspensions accelerates the process of destruction of the walls.

In addition, in some regions of the country, soils are rich in iron compounds. They are also saturated with water in the lower aquifers, which, after disinfection, enter the water supply system.

However, in order for rust to remain on the toilet, two more factors are needed:

  • Long-term surface contact with running water. It is possible when the toilet cistern runs through, water continuously runs through the toilet.

All you need to do is adjust the float

  • The surface should have micropores, be rough.

Please note: most smooth surface have porcelain toilets.

Sanitaryware is cheaper, but also has a more porous structure.

However, glazing allows the faience surface to approach porcelain in smoothness.

How to prevent rust?

Of course, you can’t do anything with the composition of the water: only a distiller is capable of this.

However, it is still possible to prevent the formation of rusty stripes, so as not to look for how to wash the rust from the toilet bowl.

  • Adjust the tank so that the water does not run through. In most valve sets, this can be done by simply bending the float arm.
    In some cases, however, major repairs or even replacement of fittings may be necessary.
  • Get pills for the tank. They dissolve within a few weeks, give the water a pleasant color and smell, and prevent the formation of any deposits. Including rust.

How to get rid of rusty stripes and stains?

Most often, you encounter the problem of cleaning accumulated rust after moving. It is logical to start life in new apartment With general cleaning and repair; however, there is not always money to replace plumbing after moving. How to put the old one in order, first of all, how to clean the toilet bowl from rust?

Household chemicals

How to remove rust from the toilet using an arsenal from a household chemicals store?

There are three solutions.

  1. Abrasives. Bright representative- Pemolux powder. Actually, the process of cleaning the toilet from stone or rust is simple - we apply an abrasive on a rag and three until the rust disappears.
    Effective but tedious. In addition, the surface of the toilet bowl acquires a mass of micro-scratches, in which rust and other deposits will linger more easily in the future.
  2. Alkaline products. The same "Domestos". The caustic soda solution contained in it dissolves rust without damaging the surface underneath.
    How to wash the rust in the toilet with an alkaline composition? The sewer cleaner is applied to the stain, after which it is washed off after 15 minutes, leaving a snow-white surface.
    Advantage: does not require any effort, unlike abrasive products. Disadvantage: may not cope with very strong pollution.
  3. Acidic cleaners. Of the imported ones, Sillit is remembered. They are used in exactly the same way as alkaline ones: the agent is applied to rust; then wait 15 minutes and wash off.
    Acid copes with all stains, which in principle can be dissolved.
    However, acid is acid: hands should definitely be protected with gloves. In addition, do not forget: the product is perfect for toilet bowls and sinks made of faience and porcelain, but it is better not to apply it to the enamel of bathtubs. As a result of acid etching, the surface will become rough and will quickly get dirty.

Tip: if a rusty strip adorns the middle of the toilet bowl (as it most often happens) and the tank runs at least a little, turn off the water on it, rinse it off and let the residue drain.

Otherwise, just from a rusty spot, the product will be washed off with a stream of water within a few seconds.

Folk remedies

How to clean rust from the toilet without household chemicals? If you do not want to spend money on imported drugs, you can remember why they are effective. Alkalis and acids, right?

If so, there are no boundaries for the quirky mind.

  • Dry oxalic acid can remove rusty streaks in minutes. Just pour it on a damp cloth and wipe the place of contamination. Don't forget, of course, gloves.
  • The electrolyte for the battery is still the same acid. Car enthusiasts are aware. Cleaning is no different from using an acidic imported product: we apply electrolyte to the stain, wait 15 minutes, rinse off and enjoy life.
  • How to wash the toilet if the store is far away and you do not work at a chemical plant and are not a car enthusiast? Let's go to the fridge.
    Oh, vinegar essence! Do you bake pies and pancakes? Delicious, perhaps? Wonderful. But a concentrated essence is also an acid, and concentrated.
    What we need. Sachets of citric acid are somewhat less effective, but will also come in handy.

In any refrigerator you can find a product no worse than "Sillit"

  • Finally, you can remove minor rusty spots with ... Coca-Cola or Sprite. Just put a rag soaked in these liquids on the rust stain, and wipe it after half an hour.
    By the way, the ease with which drinks dissolve rust makes you think about the safety of your teeth.


As you can see, there are a lot of ways to defeat rust, and some of them do not even require a trip to the store. Good luck cleaning!

The reasons for the appearance of rust on the walls of the toilet, unfortunately, do not depend on the efforts of the hostess. Worn-out urban plumbing supplies already polluted water to homes. Therefore, with prolonged contact of the surface of the toilet bowl with water from the tank, rusty traces inevitably remain.

Most of all pollution is retained by a surface with a rough structure, such as that of sanitary ware. It is in the micropores of the toilet bowl made of sanitary ware that rust accumulates faster, forming ugly brown smudges. In the presence of a constantly leaking tank, such traces appear rather quickly, but even with perfectly working plumbing, rust eventually appears on the walls of the toilet - most often in the center of the bowl, as well as under the rim.

Before cleaning the toilet from rust, prepare a sponge, rags, thick rubber gloves and a toilet brush. If the tank is leaking, turn off the water supply and drain the water from it, otherwise it will be impossible to clean the rusty spot in the center of the bowl.

Cleaning toilet rust can help special means. Often, cheap abrasive powders are used for this. However, their efficiency is low, and it will be impossible to cope with strong pollution in this way. Also, when choosing a toilet cleaner, you should consider Negative influence abrasive substances on the surface of the processed bowl. Granular particles leave micro-scratches on the walls, which only exacerbate the situation with pollution: in the future, rust is deposited on such a surface faster and deeper, and it becomes more difficult to clean it.

To remove rust, you can use any acid that is in the house: citric, acetic, oxalic. These improvised means can help out in the case when it is not possible to buy household chemicals in the store right now, and you need to clean the toilet from rust immediately. All manipulations must be carried out only with rubber gloves, as acid cleaners harm the skin. If you have taken concentrated acetic acid, additionally cover your mouth and nose with a protective gauze mask.

Soak any rag well with the acid of your choice and cover the rusty stains, leave for 10-20 minutes. After some time, remove the rags and rub the rusty spots with a toilet brush, rinse the bowl with plenty of water.

From folk remedies for cleaning the toilet, you can also use hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. Take 100 ml of hydrogen peroxide, mix with 5 g ammonia Soak the rusty toilet bowl stains with the resulting solution and leave for 30 minutes. Rinse with plenty of water, using a brush or sponge.

But for effective and safe cleaning of rusty toilet stains, it is advisable to use special household chemicals, for example, Domestos Active Shield toilet cleaner.

His innovation system Multi Jet allows you to apply the product to the most inaccessible places. "Active shield" destroys even stubborn dirt, rust and limescale. The active formula of the composition creates protective layer on the surface of the toilet, prolonging its cleanliness and radiance. For maximum results, it is recommended to use Domestos Active Shield twice a week.

The hygiene in the house and the cleanliness of the living can be judged by the state of the plumbing. Dirty toilet with yellow smudges does not add to the image of the owners, and you can clean the toilet from rust with household chemicals or improvised compounds. You just need to want to remove the pollution.

We use household chemicals

The most effective and easiest way to clean rust in the toilet is with the use of professional store trains. Let's consider them in more detail.

Abrasive "Pemolux" and its analogues ( "Komet", "Sarma", "Sorti", "Sanita"). The powder is applied to the pre-moistened contamination with a napkin and the composition is left to interact with the surface for up to half an hour. Then they are cleaned by rubbing with a hard sponge or brush, the powder is washed off with water.

The use of abrasives is effective, but there is one caveat. When used, microcracks appear on the surface. With each time, the destruction intensifies, the pollution penetrates deeper and more difficult to cleanse. It turns out that the more often the toilet is washed with Pemolux or the like, the dirtier it becomes.

When choosing a toilet, give preference to porcelain sanitary ware, which, unlike faience, is less porous and less prone to contamination.

Alkaline compounds like Domestos, Dosya, Sarma gel. They corrode the dirt without harming the surface. Apply the product, applying to the area with rust and leaving for 15-20 minutes. Then washed with water. The method is simple and not laborious, but severe pollution may not succumb to it.

Alkaline compounds with chlorine are used to clean plumbing and bleach to a dazzling shade.

Special means "From rust" with acid in the composition, primarily oxalic. Among these stand out efficiency "Silit", "Sanita", "Toilet Duck". The principle of cleaning them is based on the dissolution of contaminants, as with the use of alkaline compounds. Therefore, the method of their use is the same - the liquid is applied to the contamination, left for 10-20 minutes and washed off with water.

The acid is caustic and should not be used on enamelled plumbing. But for faience and porcelain, compositions with acid are just that.

Cleansing folk remedies

At home, you can use improvised acid and alkaline substances: soda, vinegar, citric acid or juice.

Vinegar Soda

The inside of the toilet bowl is whitewashed using several household methods using vinegar and soda. With their help, you can remove not only rusty smudges from the toilet, but also a yellowish urinary stone.

Method 1:

  1. 1 cup vinegar essence or table vinegar heated up to 45°C.
  2. Mixed with 1 tbsp. l. soda.
  3. If the product is prepared from 9% vinegar, then a few drops of iodine should be added to the prepared mixture.
  4. The resulting composition is applied to the problem area of ​​plumbing. If you need to clean the toilet under the rim, then use a container with a narrow opening.
  5. Leave for up to 12 noon.
  6. Wash off with water.
  7. If you are not satisfied with the result, the procedure is repeated as many times as necessary.

Method 2:

  1. Pour half a glass of soda into the toilet.
  2. Then it is carefully poured with vinegar.
  3. The hissing mass is distributed with a brush throughout inner surface toilet.
  4. They wait half an hour, clean the dirt well with a brush.
  5. Washed with water.

Baking soda

It belongs to soft abrasives and has a safe action. A gruel is prepared from soda and water, which is applied to the area with rusty stains. After drying, the product is washed off with water.

table vinegar

To wash the plumbing, they are abundantly impregnated with a cloth napkin and well moistened with rusty marks. Leave for half an hour or an hour, then rinse with water.

In this way, it is effective to wash the stepped toilet (“with an oblique outlet”). Water is first removed from the upper part of the bowl, and during soaking, the drained vinegar is periodically lifted and distributed again along the walls.

ammonia and hydrogen peroxide

They are used in a similar way to vinegar:

  1. Mix peroxide and ammonia in a ratio of 1:5.
  2. The agent is applied to the contamination.
  3. After waiting half an hour, rub with a brush and rinse with water.

Ammonia has a pungent odor, so be sure to turn on the hood or ventilation amplifier, and cover your nose and mouth with a medical mask, and preferably with a respirator.

Lemon acid

Its crystals are more effective than vinegar, and the product does not drain from the walls so quickly. Clean with lemon in two ways.

Method 1:

  1. Sprinkle citric acid powder on a napkin.
  2. Wipe the pre-moistened rust stain.
  3. Leave for up to an hour and a half;
  4. Washed with water.

Method 2 - if you need to remove rusty coating and yellow stone

  1. Several packets of acid are poured into the toilet.
  2. Leave for 10-12 hours. The urinary stone softens and can be cleansed.
  3. Rub with a brush and rinse with water.

Oxalic acid powder

Many housewives call this substance the most rust cleaner.

The powder is used like this:

  1. Apply to the surface moistened with water with rubbing movements.
  2. Leave for half an hour.
  3. Wash with water.

It is necessary to work with alkaline and acidic compounds, observing safety measures. And be sure to wear rubber gloves.

"Whiteness" and other chlorine bleaches

Method 1:

  1. The liquid composition is poured onto the contaminated surface.
  2. Leave overnight and then wash off.

Method 2 - radical, but fast:

  1. Alkaline powder (for example, "Sanitary") wipe the toilet from the inside, giving Special attention rusty stains.
  2. Leave for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Pour "Whiteness" into the toilet and wipe all surfaces and drains, distributing the bleach over the powder.
  4. Wash well with water.

In the second method, alkali and acid neutralize each other, and chlorine is actively released into the air. Therefore, it is allowed to use this method only with the hood turned on and in protective equipment. Children and animals should move away.

Carbonated drinks

Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Sprite, others dissolve limescale and remove fresh rust stains.

Cleaning Methods:

  1. The drink is poured into the toilet. If you need to clean the plumbing under the rim, soak a napkin with soda and apply it to the place with pollution.
  2. Leave for an hour.
  3. Washed with water.

Water leaking from the tank significantly reduces the cleaning efficiency, and it also - main reason rusty track at the flush site.


It is advisable to take bleaching and without color inclusions. Toothpaste- means of soft abrasive influence and helps to get rid only of fresh pollution. Her

Mode of application:

  1. The paste is rubbed into a moistened dirty surface.
  2. Leave for half an hour.
  3. Wash off with water.


The cause of rust spots and yellow deposits is water. There is always iron in its composition, and if it leaks from the flush, rust quickly grows on the wall and around the sump in the toilet bowl. If there is a lot of rust in the water, then it remains on the walls even with a fully functional tank. In the first case, it is enough to adjust or replace the flush mechanism, soluble tablets for the tank or fresheners with a cleansing effect that are attached under the rim help in part.

In case of extreme hard water more drastic measures are required. Source of water pollution - non-galvanized metal water pipes corroded from prolonged use. Accordingly, ideally, the pipes are replaced. As a compromise, a filter is installed on the water conduit entering the house and it is checked monthly and, if necessary, washed or changed. Both procedures are quite expensive.

Rusty coating on the tank and the surface of the toilet spoils appearance bathroom and reduces the life of plumbing. Helps prevent stubborn dirt regular care: weekly washing with anti-rust and lime deposits, timely repair of the tank and replacement of pipes with metal-plastic ones with a cleanable filter.

Every self-respecting housewife keeps the bathroom clean, carefully removing rusty smudges and limescale from the toilet. Often this painstaking task takes a lot of time, and therefore it's time to learn how to clean the toilet from rust and plaque quickly and for a long time, saving time for more pleasant chores.

Causes of rust and lime

Agree, a dirty toilet is disgusting for each of us, and in fact most often we ourselves are to blame for its neglect. The main causes of stains and smudges:

  1. water quality;
  2. old pipes;
  3. malfunction and constant flow of the tank;
  4. high level toilet roughness;
  5. lack of water-repellent coating;
  6. a large amount of calcium salt in the water;
  7. uncleanliness of the household.

Rust and limescale have different causes. Yes, too much hard water with an excess of iron will certainly cause traces. This situation will worsen if the tank leaks. And if excess iron leads to rust, then excess calcium salt in the water will certainly lead to limescale accumulating at the rim of the toilet bowl.

However, the purchase of a toilet bowl itself can already cause stains to appear quickly. A rough version without a water-repellent coating and improper cleaning quickly leads to scratches and clogging of dirt, rust and lime. The reason, which lies in the uncleanliness of the household, can gradually lead to serious and difficult to remove spots from the urinary stone.

You can avoid its appearance if you introduce a habit in the family to flush after each trip to the toilet or pouring out the pot by children.

Cleansing methods

Any contamination on the toilet is important to wash and clean as soon as possible. The fact is that it is very difficult to wipe off the ingrained rust without harming the coating of the bathroom. Cleansing at home can occur in many ways, most of which are as accessible and effective as possible.

Household chemicals

It is easy to get confused in the proposed toilet cleaning products today, confused in the widest range. In fact, each of them belongs to one of four groups created on the basis of differences in composition. Types of means to combat limescale and rust:

  1. alkaline;
  2. powder;
  3. based on acids;
  4. based on chlorine.

It is recommended to give preference to gel-like and balm-like textures here.. They are able to provide not only high-quality, but also safe cleaning without damaging the toilet cover. TO alkaline agents applies to all products from plaque and rust smudges, created on the basis of sodium. They are considered absolutely safe means with ease of use and high efficiency. Among the well-known brands, Dosya and Bref products stand out.

Powder formulations are among the most powerful in their action. So, they are practically the only ones in whose power to cope with urinary stone. Using a stiff brush, the powder is rubbed into the surface, on the one hand removing difficult stains, and on the other, creating microcracks for future accumulation of dirt. That is why drugs such as "Pemolux" and "Flash" should only be used in extreme cases. Chlorine-based products are also suitable for do-it-yourself toilet stain removal. Applying it from the inside, you can see how the plaque literally slides down, and the surface is disinfected.

Unfortunately, bleach and chlorine-containing products have a strong odor, causing some users to turn to improved products. This category includes funds "Komet" and "Silit".

Means based on oxalic, formic, hydrochloric and other acids are not inferior in cleaning bleach. Products like " Santry" or "Toilet Duck" do not have pungent odors, however, with prolonged use, they can adversely affect human health. Such products should be used periodically, not forgetting the prohibition of their use when washing faience and ceramic toilet bowls.

Folk remedies

As you can see, most ready funds for cleaning have certain restrictions in use. Some housewives avoid such difficulties, deliberately using only folk sparing means in cleaning:

  • so, one of the popular methods of washing is a solution of iodine with vinegar. small capacity filled with vinegar, a few drops of iodine and a pinch of baking soda. The solution is thoroughly mixed and applied to the surface to be cleaned for 6-8 hours, and then washed off with clean water;
  • an interesting and popular method is pouring Coca-Cola into the toilet or cistern. Yes, exactly the drink that, without exception, all children love. Leaving the solution overnight, rinse the bathroom with water in the morning;
  • by the same principle in cleansing are used lemon acid and soda. This or that product is poured onto the contaminated surface and left to act overnight. In the morning, the product is washed off with water or rinsed thoroughly if the cleaning took place from the inside of the tank;
  • hydrogen peroxide in tandem with ammonia can be a good alternative to products from the store. The proportion is 5 ml of ammonia per 100 ml of peroxide. The solution is qualitatively applied to the surface and kept for about half an hour, after which it is cleaned with a medium soft brush and washed off.

It is worth noting that folk methods They also contain acids. So, for cleaning pure form oxalic and hydrochloric acid. As mentioned earlier, the method is not the safest, and therefore it is important to work in advance armed with strong gloves and a respirator. Inhaling such compounds is extremely harmful.

It must be said that they are ready and folk remedies are equally effective, however, those who want to get a quick result still turn to purchased products, because hardly any of them require settling at night.

How to prevent the appearance of rust and plaque?

The appearance of rust can and should be prevented, especially since it is not difficult to do this at all. So, first of all, the owners of the apartment should adjust the toilet bowl float and completely eliminate the constantly running thin stream of water. Even hard water with an adjusted bathroom will have a much lesser effect on the appearance of rust and limescale. It is worth noting that replacing old rusty pipes will also help fill the drain tank with clean water without unnecessary impurities.

Unfortunately, not everyone decides to take such a laborious step, but when it is done, the result pays for all the time and money spent.

If the replacement of pipes is still not included in the plans, softening tablets placed daily inside the tank will help improve the condition of the water. Additionally, such products envelop the bathroom with pleasant aromas, which plays an important role. A more capital method is considered to be the installation of a water filter in the drain structure. It is not cheap, but cleaning the water when using it ceases to be a daily procedure with the participation of a housewife.

Sometimes even with all the recommendations and preventive measures the bathroom continues to quickly accumulate rust and plaque. Most likely, the problem here lies in improper cleaning sometime in the past, because a stiff brush can thoroughly spoil the coating in just a few applications. If scratches are visible to the naked eye, best solution will be the replacement of plumbing and careful observance of the rules for its cleaning. Untouched by potent agents quality coating the toilet bowl is able to serve, delighting with cleanliness and aesthetics, for more than one decade.

For more information on how to quickly and effectively clean the toilet, see the following video.