home · Appliances · Store-bought slime. We make slime at home. From soap and salt

Store-bought slime. We make slime at home. From soap and salt

Today I will tell you several ways to make slime.

Slime is a very popular and exciting children's toy that will keep your child occupied for a long time.

The cartoon character was so loved and popular that in 1976 a children's toy was invented that brings pleasure not only to children, but also to adults.

Since slime is not a durable toy, you need to buy a new one every time.

But there will always be craftsmen.

In order not to waste money, it is best to try to prepare it at home and be sure that it is safe for your baby’s health.

Moreover, special materials it is not required, and there is no time to make it either.

Believe me, your child will really like this toy.

I want to tell you how to make slime at home from scrap materials.

How to make slime without glue from toothpaste

You will need:

  • Toothpaste
  • Food coloring

First, squeeze a little toothpaste into a glass, I want to say right away that it is better to use a thick, gel paste

Now add a little dye, the more you add, the richer the color will be

Mix the mixture well until the color becomes uniform and no grains of dye remain.

To do this, place the mug with the prepared mixture in a pan of boiling water in a water bath and keep for 15 minutes.

Children's fun is ready.

If the resulting composition turns out to be dry, then you need to slightly grease your hands with any oil and knead it.

The size of your slime depends on how much paste you use.

How to make slime from PVA glue and sodium tetraborate


  • PVA glue
  • Sodium tetraborate
  • Dye
  • You can also add glitter if you wish.

How to do:

Pour the glue into the container.

Essential glitter. Mix well

Add sodium tetraborate, it is very easy to purchase at the pharmacy

Stir, then knead with your hands

Our slime is ready, its production does not require much work.

Making a toy from shampoo and salt

It is very easy to make, it only takes 20-25 minutes.

Take 3-4 teaspoons of shampoo

The next step is to add salt little by little, stirring constantly. Determine the amount of salt based on the thickness of the mixture

Place the mixture in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes

Lizun is ready!

If after this the prepared mass sticks to your hands, try adding a little more salt

How to make slime without glue from flour

We will need:

First we need to pour out a glass of flour

Pour a glass of water, if the mass turns out thick, you need to add more water to get the consistency of sour cream

Divide the resulting mass into three parts

Paint the first one with food coloring

The second with acrylic paints

And the third with ink from a felt-tip pen, mix each until smooth

There are several ways to prepare a soft consistency

Place the first one in the microwave for 1 minute, medium power, do not forget that the dishes must be suitable for the microwave oven

Take it out and let it cool

We send the second part to a heated frying pan; you need to heat it, stirring all the time, until it thickens.

Pour the third into molds, put in the oven at 160 degrees for 5 minutes

All these methods are suitable

True, all this is only for one time

While the slime is warm, it is elastic and stretches well, but after cooling it becomes not so soft

Slime made from detergent and hand cream

Makes a fun, jelly-like toy

Need to:

  • Detergent "Fairy"
  • Hand cream
  • Food coloring
  • Plastic cup
  • Stirring stick

How to do:

  1. Pour a tablespoon of detergent into a glass
  2. Add a little less than half a teaspoon of soda, mix thoroughly
  3. Squeeze out the hand cream, there should be a little more “Fairy” and mix it too
  4. Add a little dye, stir until completely dissolved, dye – color of your choice
  5. Drain everything into a bag and put it in the refrigerator for 4 hours.
  6. You will get an excellent jelly-like toy, if you don’t like its consistency, try adding or reducing the amount of hand cream

Very interesting ways I recently read about making this funny toy on the blog “Altynai – Women’s Blog” http://myaltynaj.ru/kak-sdelat-lizuna.html I advise you to read it too, and if you like it, then do it.

5 ways to make slime, video

All these methods of making it at home are very accessible, and the children will like the resulting toy, and they themselves will probably be happy to knead it in their hands, stretching it and folding it into spirals.


Relevance. Childhood is unthinkable without toys. Toys provide a child with an environment that allows him to explore. the world, form and realize your creative abilities, express your feelings, teach you to communicate and know yourself. “A toy is a thing used for play,” this is how the meaning of a toy is explained to us Dictionary Russian language (Ozhegov S., Shvedova N). There are different types of toys: wooden, plastic, rubber, fur, etc.

We were interested in a toy that is sold in a plastic jar. On the one hand, it looks like jelly, but does not melt. On the other hand, you can pour it, take it in your hands, and it will not leak. And its name is kind of strange... Lizun...

Lizun? What it is? Why is this toy called that? What does it consist of? How does it retain its properties?

Problem: Is it possible to make slime at home to use as a toy?

An object: slime

Item: ways to make slime at home.

Target: making slime at home.


    Explain the meaning of the word “lizun”.

    Study the history of slime.

    Study what components are included in the slime

    Conduct experiments (make a toy).

    Determine storage conditions.

Hypothesis: If you know the composition of the components and observe their correct proportions, it is possible to make slime at home.

Research methods:

Studying literature on this issue;

Analysis and search of information on the Internet;



1. Theoretical part

1.1. What is "lizun"?

According to the first objective of the study, we turned to literature and Internet sources in order to clarify the meaning of the word “lizun”.

    The meaning of the word Lizun in the explanatory dictionary of Efremova T.F.:

Lizun - 1. One who loves to lick, lick.

    The meaning of the word Lizun in the mythological encyclopedia:

Lizun, Lizunko - a spirit that lives behind the stove or in the underground of a house, which, according to legend, licks people’s hair, the hair of livestock at night, and licks dishes left anywhere. Slime can resemble a furry animal. The peasants used the mysterious furry slime to frighten children: “The slime lives under the stove, in the kitchen, in the closet. Don't cry, the licker will eat you there. Lizun lives underground” (Volog.). In the Smolensk region, lizun is a “children’s scarecrow,” but lizun is also a “sheaf of fire and flame.”

Slime, which lives under the stove and comes out when no one is there (can also appear in bathhouses), was used to scare children in the Smolensk region, as well as in the Yaroslavl, Tver, and Kostroma provinces.

1.2. The history of the appearance of “lizun”

Slime is a very interesting and unusual toy. Initially, slime was called slime and was the brainchild of the huge American toy concern Mattel. It was released quite a long time ago - in 1976. Consists of a viscous jelly-like material. The main component of slime was guar gum. It was green and sold in a plastic jar. Since then, many other companies have produced it, and the name “slime” has become a household name.

In the CIS, slimes, renamed slimes, became popular after a television cartoon about a ghost catcher was shown, in which one of the characters, a green ghost, was called Lizun. And indeed, they are very similar with their stretchy sticky and elastic texture.. Soon this nickname became the real name of this toy.

Slime from the cartoon "Ghostbusters"

Then the slimes were balls of elastic jelly-like mass, which, when thrown against a wall, smeared on it and stuck, after which it returned to its original state.

The slime collected all the dirt and hair of pets and was easily washed with water, so it was often used by adults to clean clothes. Over time, the slime became so contaminated that it lost its properties.

It is strictly prohibited in educational institutions, as it left greasy oil stains on the ceiling and blackboards. Was very popular in the early 1990s.

Currently, slime is a viscous jelly-like liquid that is sold in plastic jars.

1.3. Composition and properties of “slime”

The main components are polysaccharide (guar gum) and borax. Instead of the polysaccharide, other polymers can be used. Interesting for its properties non-Newtonian fluid. The material is similar to slime, but it does not spill and is easy to collect. If the slime is left alone, it begins to spread over the surface, and with a sharp impact it becomes denser, and, for example, when you hit a piece of material, you can see how it tears.

The first "lizun"

The main components are polysaccharide (guar gum) and borax.

Guar gum, guar, guaran (E412) - food supplement, belongs to the group of stabilizers.

Guar gum is used in Food Industry as a consistency stabilizer and has the following properties:

    increase in viscosity;

    gelling properties.

Borax is a mineral. It is used as a raw material for boron production.

Modern "lizun"

Interesting for its properties. Its base is mucus, but it does not spill and is easy to assemble. If the slime is left alone, it spreads like a liquid, and with a sharp impact it becomes denser, and, for example, when you hit a piece of slime, you can see how it tears.

The slime sold in the store (aka "Smart Plasticine") is the result of a mixture of: 65% dimethylsiloxane, 17% silica, 9% Thixatrol ST (castor oil derivatives), 4% polydimethylsiloxane, 1% decamethylcyclopentasiloxane, 1% glycerin and 1 % titanium dioxide.

The basis of modern Lizun isPVA glue , since the glue has the property of ductility and a certain thickness. The glue must be fresh; like everything else, it has a date on the jar. Otherwise, the lifespan of the slime itself will be significantly reduced.

Sodium tetraborate gives the slime viscosity; sodium teraborate contains glycerin, which allows the slime to stick well to hands and objects.

Chapter Conclusions

After studying the literature, we decided to try to give our own definition of the “lizun” toy. So, slime is a toy that is a jelly-like mass, reminiscent of the ghost of the same name from the cartoon “Ghostbusters”.

2. Practical part

Having studied all the compositions for making slime, we decided to try making our own using the proposed recipe.

From the literature we learned that the basis of Lizun is PVA glue. However, you can try using different types of glue as a basis: PVA glue, transparent stationery glue, wallpaper glue.

When making slime, it is important to follow safety precautions: you must wear gloves when mixing the components.

2.1.1. Experience No. 1


PVA glue – 150 g.

Watercolor paints

Sodium tetraborate - 10 ml.

Preparation method

    PVA glue. White, preferably fresh.

    Then use watercolor paints to give Lizun a green color.

    Mix everything well until smooth and add sodium tetraborate.

    Mix until a jelly-like homogeneous mass is obtained. Then we put the resulting Lizun in a plastic bag and knead well until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Result: The consistency of the slime resembles very soft plasticine. It stretches well, holds its shape for a while, and then spreads out. Leaves no traces. It's very good to play with this slime. Especially sculpting faces.

2.1.2. Experience No. 2


Transparent stationery glue – 150g.

Watercolor paints

Sodium tetraborate - 10 ml.

Preparation method

    To make a small slime, we need about half a glass, about 150 g of glue. Pour the glue from the bottle into a bowl.

    Add green watercolor paints and mix everything well.

    Add a few drops of sodium tetraborate.

    Mix until a jelly-like homogeneous mass is obtained.

Result: The structure of the slime is very soft. Stretches well. Keeps its shape. Leaves no traces. It is very pleasant and convenient to play with this slime.

2.2. Identification of storage conditions for “slime”

We will store the slimes in different containers:

    Slime made from PVA glue in a glass jar

    Slime made from transparent office glue in a plastic jar

    Slime from the store in store packaging

Based on the results of observation for three days, we noticed that the slimes remained at their original consistency.This means that Lizunov can be stored in different containers, but with hermetically sealed lids.

Chapter Conclusions

Having studied all the compositions for making slimes, we decided to try using PVA glue and office glue as a basis.

The slime, which is based on PVA glue, has a consistency similar to soft plasticine, stretches well, holds its shape for some time, and then spreads. Leaves no traces. It’s very good to play with this slime, especially when sculpting faces.

The slime, which is based on transparent office glue, has a very soft structure, stretches well, holds its shape, and leaves no marks. It is very pleasant and convenient to play with this slime.

Experiments have shown that funny slime should be stored strictly in a closed container. It can be a plastic box, plastic or glass jar. Slimes love cool weather and dry quickly in the heat.


Experimentally, we solved the problem of making slime at home so that it could be used as a toy.

In accordance with the first task, we revealed the meaning of the word “lizun”. Having studied the literature, we did not find a clear formulation, so we decided to give our own understanding of the word, based on the information received: slime is a toy that is a jelly-like mass, reminiscent of the ghost of the same name from the cartoon “Ghostbusters”.

In accordance with the second task, we studied the history of the appearance of “lizun”. It turns out that the toy was first released in 1976 by Mattel and was a viscous jelly-like material. The slime was green and sold in a plastic jar.

After getting acquainted with the composition, we learned that the basis of modern slime is PVA glue.

Having studied all the compositions for making slimes, we decided to try using PVA glue and office glue as a basis. As a result, we came to the conclusion that such slimes are suitable for play.

Experienced way proved that you should store funny slime strictly in a closed container. It can be a plastic box, plastic or glass jar. Slimes love cool weather and dry quickly in the heat.

The assigned tasks have been solved. The goal of the study has been achieved. The hypothesis has been proven.

We don’t consider the work finished, since we plan to make slime by replacing sodium tetraborate with 20% starch.


1. Mythological encyclopedia. - Access mode:

2. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. Ozhegov S., Shvedova N. - M.: Az, 1992.

Slime is a toy that gained popularity back in the 90s; it is a jelly-like mass. Previously, slime was bought only in kiosks and small shops, but today there are many recipes, so everyone can make the slime from childhood at home. Next we'll look at toy recipes, so if you're interested in learning how to make your own slime, keep reading!

How to make slime with your own hands

We have collected proven and best recipes slimes that you can repeat in 10-15 minutes. You don't need any special knowledge of chemistry to make slime, but it's better to prepare them in the presence of your parents. Make sure that the active ingredients for slimes do not get into your eyes and mouth, but if this happens, rinse immediately cold water.

Recipe one

This type of slime is the simplest and most affordable, since to create slime in this way you only need three components that are available in any home.

Alas, not every shampoo makes this recipe, we hope you succeed.


    • Salt;
    • Activator (for example, sodium tetraborate);
  • 60 ml thick shampoo.

    • It is necessary to pour the selected shampoo into a mixing bowl; the thicker it is, the better the result. It’s better to use the simplest one; even the common Schaum shampoo will do. Although Head&Shoulders smells nice, the slimes it makes are fragile and can fall apart.
    • Pour two pinches of table salt into the shampoo, then mix thoroughly. After this, add the activator and mix again.
    • Next, let the solution sit for a few minutes, and then check the condition of the slime.
    • If you notice that the slime is liquid, then you need to add table salt or a couple of drops of activator.
    • Continue the process until the slime reaches the desired consistency. Unfortunately, there is no exact amount of salt, since everyone’s shampoos have a different composition. In some cases, salt will be enough after the second step.
  • When the mixture thickens, put the future slime in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Lizun is ready! It turns out that you can also make slimes from such accessible ingredients. Of course, it will not be as durable as store-bought and will vary slightly in consistency.

Recipe 2

The next recipe also does not require any special ingredients. Making slime from these ingredients will be no more difficult than in this recipe.


    • One block of plasticine of any color;
    • A packet of gelatin;
  • Water.

How to mix ingredients correctly:

    • Mix gelatin with cold water following the instructions on the back of the packet.
    • Leave the mixture to sit for about an hour.
    • While the gelatin mixture is swelling, you need to work on the plasticine. It should be kneaded thoroughly.
    • In a separate container, mix softened plasticine and 50 milliliters of water room temperature. Stir the mixture thoroughly.
    • After 1 hour, place the gelatin on the stove and cook over low heat. The mixture must be brought to a boil, stirring constantly.
    • Remove the gelatin from the stove; it needs to cool to room temperature.
    • When the gelatin has cooled, it must be mixed with a mixture of plasticine and water.
  • Next, stir the mixture until smooth. The mixture should be comfortable temperature, and you can knead it with your hands.

Now you need to let the mixture cool, then the slime is ready!

Recipe 3

Slime according to this recipe is also as easy to make as the previous two. There are no difficulties here, but strictly observe the proportions.

Required ingredients:

    • 100 milliliters of water;
    • 15 grams of soda;
    • Dye;

How to mix ingredients:

    • In a specially prepared container or plate you need to mix PVA glue and 50 ml. water at room temperature. Stir the mixture thoroughly.
    • Next, add a couple of drops of dye to the resulting solution and mix the ingredients well. It's better to use food coloring.
    • In a second plate, mix soda and the remaining water, that is, 50 ml.
  • Pour water and soda into the glue mixture and mix thoroughly.

As a result, you will get a very viscous slime that you can immediately start playing with.

Recipe 4

This recipe is a little more complicated, as it requires pharmaceutical ingredients, which are sometimes not so easy to find. The activator costs a penny, but, alas, not every pharmacy sells it.

Required ingredients:

    • Zelenka, used as a dye;
    • 100 milliliters of glue;
  • 10 milliliters of sodium tetraborate.

How to mix ingredients correctly:

    • Take an unnecessary plate, mix PVA and a few drops of brilliant green in it.
    • Pour sodium tetraborate into the resulting solution and mix it all well.
    • As you stir the mixture, the slime should thicken. If in the end the solution is still liquid, then add more sodium tetraborate.
  • When the consistency of the mixture is thick and suitable, you can remove the mass from the bowl and begin to knead it in your hands until it stops sticking to your palms.

Now your slime is ready! You can experiment and make the slime transparent by using a special transparent glue to create it.

Recipe 5

The following recipe is very popular among foreign video bloggers. Try to make such a slime, you will definitely succeed. We only need two ingredients + optional dye.

Required ingredients:

    • Any food coloring (can be added as desired);
    • Tube of PVA glue;
  • Liquid laundry concentrate 30 milliliters.

How to mix ingredients correctly:

    • In a bowl, combine both ingredients and beat well using any method.
  • The mixture should begin to thicken. You can also add dye here if you wish.

That's all! If you didn't add any coloring, your slime is ready. This is how easy it is to make a good slime that will last you a long time.

Recipe 6

Now you can try making the next slime. Use regular paste and shampoo, without additional effects. For example, shampoo and conditioner are not suitable.

Required ingredients:

    • A little salt;
    • Sodium tetraborate (or other activator);
    • 50 milliliters of thick shampoo;
    • You can add dye to the solution (optional);
  • 25 milliliters of white toothpaste.

How to mix ingredients correctly:

    • First you need to mix shampoo and paste. Mix the ingredients thoroughly until smooth.
    • Add two pinches of salt to this and stir again until smooth.
    • Start adding sodium tetraborate to the mixture - a few drops. Start introducing it gradually with one teaspoon. Stir the mixture each time after adding.
    • When you get the required consistency, you no longer need to add tetraborate. If the slime is too runny, add more activator.
  • Take out the mixture and start kneading with your hands. Knead until the mass stops sticking to your hands.

Ready! You can add any liquid dye, then you will succeed beautiful colour noah licker.

Recipe 7

Now let's make a transparent slime. Some call it vitreous because it is transparent like glass. There may be bubbles, there is nothing wrong with that, we have already written what to do. Place the slime in the refrigerator for a couple of hours to rest.

Required ingredients:

    • Stationery silicate glue of transparent color;
    • 15 milliliters of borax;
  • Glass of water.

How to do:

    • First you need to mix water and borax.
    • Now begin to gradually pour glue into the resulting liquid, while constantly stirring the mixture.
  • When the mass is thick enough, you can stop pouring glue.

Just like that, you became the owner of a glass slime. You can add various sparkles and transparent beads to it to make the slime more interesting.

Recipe 8

The next recipe will also be very simple. The cost of the ingredients is very low, so the recipe will be budget-friendly.

Required ingredients:

    • Any dye;
    • Regular PVA glue;
  • Boric acid.

How to mix correctly:

    • Pour into a bowl required amount glue. Based on this, the size of your future slime will be set. If you want a big one, add the whole tube.
    • Add a little dye to the glue. Don't overdo it, otherwise the slime will get your hands dirty.
    • Add 5 milliliters boric acid and stir thoroughly. If the mixture does not begin to thicken, add another portion of boric acid.
  • When you have a mass of the required consistency, you can start kneading it with your hands. This will help the components mix completely into one whole.

Lizun is ready! You can play with it for a very long time if stored correctly.

Recipe 9

With this recipe you can get no less high-quality slime than in previous recipes.

Required ingredients:

    • Mixing bag;
    • 20 milliliters of liquid starch for washing;
    • Dye;
  • Quarter bottle of PVA glue.

How to mix correctly:

    • Pour liquid starch into the bag and add a drop of dye to it.
    • Add glue here and start kneading with your hands. Do this carefully so as not to damage the package.
  • When the mass is well mixed, the bag must be closed and put in the refrigerator for several hours. It is better to check the consistency of the slime every half hour, since the time spent in the cold depends on your refrigerator. In some cases, the slime will be ready after half an hour.

Ready! This slime will only live for a few days, but that’s not a big deal, since you can always make a new one and try to make the slime according to.

Recipe 10

Now let's make a snow slime! Try it and you will definitely like the result.

Required ingredients:

    • Acrylic paint blue;
    • 125 milliliters of transparent PVA glue;
  • 10 milliliters of Persil washing gel.

How to mix correctly:

    • First of all, mix the dye and glue in the prepared container. Try to make it rich Blue colour, but do not overdo it with dye.
    • Now foam or artificial snow is used. If you use polystyrene foam, first crumble it into small pieces so that it looks like snowflakes.
    • Mix the mixture until smooth.
    • Now start adding Persil to the mixture and mix thoroughly.
    • Stir until the slime begins to pull away from the sides of the dish.
  • Then take the mixture out of the bowl and start kneading it with your hands. This will help achieve complete homogeneity of the components.

Upon completion of step six, your slime will be ready. Its appearance will surprise many, since this slime is quite unusual due to its texture. It will be very pleasant to play with it if foam plastic was used, as this material will rustle pleasantly.

Recipe 11

Be sure to try making golden slime. We've already made a separate one, but this one is a little different.

Required ingredients:

    • 200 milliliters of PVA glue;
    • Golden glitter;
    • Sodium tetraborate;
  • Dye.

How to mix correctly:

    • IN plastic container mix the dye with the glue. Take golden dye, which is easy to find in specialized stores. You can also use bronze color.
    • Now add the glitter and mix until the mixture is completely homogeneous.
    • Next, add 10 ml of sodium tetraborate and mix thoroughly. The mass should begin to thicken.
  • When the future slime begins to lag behind the walls of the dish, you need to pick it up and begin to actively knead it.

That's all! The slime is ready and shines very beautifully during the game. For variety and more pleasant tactile sensations, you can add beads to match the color of the slime.

Recipe 12

And finally, try making this slime. It is the most complex and interesting in our selection.

Required ingredients:

    • Blue, pink and purple dye;
    • 25 grams of soda;
    • Silver glitter;
    • 150 ml. water at room temperature;
    • 500 ml. hot water(not boiling water at least 40 degrees Celsius);
    • 30 ml. liquids for lenses;
  • 400 ml. transparent PVA glue.

How to mix correctly:

    • In a separate bowl, mix hot water and baking soda. Mix well and leave to cool.
    • Now, while the water and soda are cooling, combine the glue and water at room temperature. Stir well.
    • Add lens liquid to the glue and water. Add it gradually, while thoroughly stirring the mixture.
    • Next, combine both liquids. Glue mixture start pouring water and soda into the solution. Stir thoroughly. The mass should begin to thicken.
    • Now the slime needs to be divided into three parts.
    • Add a drop of dye to each part of the slime and mix again.
    • Next, pour an equal amount of glitter onto each slime and mix again with your hands, distributing them evenly over the surface of the slime.
  • Mix the slimes. Place them next to each other and connect. Do not overdo it, otherwise the colors will mix, which will not give the desired effect.

Ready! You've got a galactic slime!

Store slimes only in sealed containers, otherwise the components will erode and the slime will quickly dry out, making it unsuitable for play.

Many slimes contain substances that are dangerous for children. chemical substances, so if the slime is made for a child, then carefully watch how he plays. If slime ends up in your baby's mouth, there is a high chance of getting food poisoning!

Do not use cold water during the preparation of slimes, since with such water it will not be possible to thoroughly mix the ingredients. It will make the components hard and they simply will not be able to connect to each other.

If you are using liquid dye, add drop by drop. You can very easily overdo it and eventually the slime will spoil, as it can stain your hands and all the objects it touches.

What to do if the slime doesn't work

Very often such a nuisance as a bad result happens. The slime may easily fail if you use low-quality and expired materials.

    • Many people are often in a hurry and carry out the cooking steps in the wrong order. This may also affect the quality of the future slime. All instructions are step-by-step, you cannot violate them, and change them according to your preferences, only if your goal is not to spoil the slime.
    • Perhaps you made a mistake and added more of some ingredients, and less of others. It is best to use kitchen scales and measuring cups. These attributes can help in maintaining the correct amount of ingredients.
    • If your slime has lumps, it can still be saved. Just continue to knead the mass with your hands, paying attention Special attention these lumps. It may take more time, but in the end you will get a high-quality slime.
  • If the slime is, but still stretches well, then you should simply add a little more binding material to the mass. This can be sodium tetraborate, flour, starch, washing gel and other components. It all depends on the recipe you used to make the slime.



Slime is not only fun to play with, but also fun to create! If you have a child over six years old, you can invite him to participate in this process. This way you can spend your time usefully, and your child will be busy with a useful activity and will have a lot of fun.

There are incredibly many options for making slime, so you are sure to find one that only works well for you. And by connecting your imagination to the process, you can add various decorations so that you end up with a slime with an individual appearance, which will not be like the others.

During mass production, some chemical components are introduced into slime (or handgam), which are not always harmless to children. Caring parents They can make slime without glue and without sodium tetraborate from available ingredients, and delight the child with a bright, interesting toy. Making handgams takes a little time; anyone can cope with the task.

Convenient to prepare slime in tall dishes. This promotes uniform and quick kneading of the toy.

Child psychologists believe that slime is a good anti-stress toy. Handgam does not contain glue, helps to develop motor activity, interest in plastic forms, fine motor skills, and creative imagination. To make slime at home without glue and sodium tetraborate, you can use different components. Will come in handy toothpaste, potato starch, wheat flour, hair shampoo, baking soda, liquid, laundry soap, children's plasticine. Everyone has these ingredients, so you can make slime at home without sodium tetraborate, without using glue, quickly, inexpensively, and the resulting slime will not contain harmful ingredients.

Airy slime made from soap and paste

You will need one and a half tablespoons (25 g) of toothpaste: you need to visually divide the tube into required quantity parts. Take in equal quantity liquid soap, add five teaspoons of wheat flour. How to form a slime with your own hands without using glue and borax:

  1. Squeeze the required amount of paste into the bottom of a metal bowl and pour in soap.
  2. Mix the liquid base, pour flour into the resulting mixture little by little.
  3. It is convenient to first stir with a spoon, and when the mass becomes thick, use your hands.

At the end of the work, the slime is lightly moistened with water and kneaded. Using simple ingredients, you can make a slime without PVA glue and sodium tetraborate in a couple of minutes. The resulting toy is in no way inferior to store-bought plasticine handgams.

Viscous toy made from soda and detergent

A quick, easy way to make a fun toy is to use dishwashing liquid, regular baking soda, and some food coloring to give the toy a nice color. Preparation of slime:

  1. Take some dishwashing liquid and pour it into a container.
  2. Add soda a pinch at a time, dilute the thick mixture with water.
  3. Add two to five drops of food coloring of the desired color.
  4. The mass is stirred until a homogeneous substance is added, water is added.

Depending on the ingredients included in the recipe, the slime results in a different texture and degree of transparency.

According to this recipe, there is no exact indication of how much detergent to add, since they differ in consistency, foaming, and viscosity. After several attempts, you will get a toy that retains its shape well, does not melt in your hands, does not tear into pieces and does not contain glue. If the mixture is thin, add half a teaspoon of soda, and to reduce the thickness, add dishwashing detergent.

Gelatin-plasticine slime

Every family with children has plasticine. It can be used to quickly prepare a slime toy. To make the slime pliable and elastic, add food gelatin. Handgam making process:

  • Take 15 grams of gelatin, pour one glass of cool water - cook in small capacity made of metal.
  • After the product swells, place the dishes on the stove, bring to a boil over low heat, and remove.
  • Five to six bars of plasticine (100 g) are kneaded, heating the substance, placed in a container, 3 tbsp are added. water, mix with a plastic spatula.
  • The prepared mass of plasticine and water is combined with gelatin, mixed until smooth, and cooled for half an hour in the refrigerator.

Made without sodium tetraborate and PVA glue, the toy acquires a viscous jelly-like consistency, holds its shape well, and has the required plasticity and elasticity. It is recommended to ensure that children, when playing with handgam, do not stick it to the wallpaper, so that stains do not remain on them. According to recipes, instead of detergent, you can use hair shampoo, shower gel or washing gel.

To get a real space slime, pearlescent dyes and glitter are added to the mixture.

Recipes containing sodium tetraborate and glue

The attractiveness of homemade slime preparation methods is their accessibility. component composition. The necessary ingredients are available in every home, and the missing substances can be purchased cheaply at a pharmacy, hardware store, office supply department, etc. household chemicals. Simple recipes will help you make slime from sodium tetraborate and PVA glue, stationery or universal.

Laundry soap with boric acid

To prepare slime you need a quarter of a bar of soap, 50 ml of hot water, stationery silicate glue, a teaspoon of boric acid:

  1. Cut laundry soap into thin sheets and fill with water.
  2. Add a teaspoon of boric acid solution to the mixture and mix.
  3. Add stationery glue to the composition in small portions, stirring.

Mix the finished mixture thoroughly until the glue thickens, knead it well with your hands - the slime is ready. It is recommended to use protective gloves.

Starch-adhesive composition

Methods for making slime often involve the use of glue. When interacting with other components, the substance quickly hardens, but at the same time the toy retains its ductility and plasticity. How to quickly make slime from starch, hydrogen peroxide, PVA glue:

  1. Combine water (1 cup) and 100 grams of potato starch.
  2. Knead until a jelly mass is obtained, add a glass of glue.
  3. To make the mixture bright and colorful, food coloring is added, and a little hydrogen peroxide is added to make it soft and airy.

A slime recipe made from pencil glue with borax hardener also gives good results. The glue is released from the packaging using the cores of four glue sticks, heated in a glass container to a viscous consistency (a microwave or oven is suitable), and a little dye is added. After this, a teaspoon of borax is diluted with a small amount of water and gradually introduced into the glue until the composition thickens. All that remains is to knead the mass well, it will turn out interesting toy for children.

Parents can use prepared slime to develop their child’s motor skills: pour into the mixture small balls or hide small toys

Common manufacturing option

Of all the methods listed, the fastest way to make a slime is from PVA glue and tetraborate. As a coloring component you can use brilliant green, gouache, acrylic paints, food colorings. How to make a large handgam from glue:

  1. Take a container made of any material - plastic, metal, glass.
  2. Pour PVA glue into the selected container - a 100-gram package.
  3. Add green, blue, red, purple dye.
  4. Pour in a small amount of sodium tetraborate, add gradually.
  5. Stir the mixture until thickened, transfer to a plastic bag.
  6. Mash the mixture well in the bag, take out the mixture and knead thoroughly.

The consistency of the finished glue slime should be spreadable, elastic, the slime stretches easily, quickly takes its original shape, and sticks to the surface. You need to understand that the basis popular toy serves as gel, toothpaste, detergent, glue, soap, shampoo, plasticine. To harden the mass, use a recipe with the addition of borax and soda, starch and flour. The ingredient should be introduced gradually and mixed well. A mixture that is too thick will tear into pieces, while a liquid mixture will spread over the surface and stick to your hands.

According to reviews, not everyone is able to make slime from glue and borax and other components on the first try. Since the components of the popular toy are always at hand and are inexpensive, you can practice making slime at home - you will definitely succeed in handgaming. Some useful tips will help:

  1. In order for the slime to retain its properties longer, you need to store the toy in a cool place, using a bag or jar with a lid.
  2. You should play with slime on a smooth, clean surface, otherwise it will quickly become dehydrated and “collect garbage.”
  3. If the composition contains chemical components (glue, borax, chemicals), after playing, children need to wash their hands thoroughly and do not let them taste the slime.
  4. To make the slime glow unusually in the dark, add fluorescent paint, PVA glue can be replaced with silicate glue, or use polyvinyl alcohol.
  5. The toy is intended for games and children's creativity, but has practical use– perfectly collects dust between the keyboard buttons.
  6. To remove bad smell glue added to slime cosmetic oil, flavoring, extract.

Slime can perform completely non-childish functions. Cleaning dust in hard-to-reach places is the advantage of slime

If the glue slime sticks to your hands and does not stretch, there is not enough liquid, you need to add glycerin, water, liquid starch. When the toy stretches well, but has too elastic a consistency, the slime does not stick to the surface, add a binder.

Making slime at home is interesting creative process, which you can involve children in. Every child will love watching a fun toy appear before their eyes. But the process of preparing handgam should be supervised by adults.