home · On a note · How to sew a pillow for pregnant women with your own hands. DIY decorative pillows. Schemes, description. Ideas for creativity DIY baby pillows with patterns

How to sew a pillow for pregnant women with your own hands. DIY decorative pillows. Schemes, description. Ideas for creativity DIY baby pillows with patterns

A toy pillow will be a cute and cozy piece of furniture for a nursery. With their own hands, mothers can sew surprisingly functional things that will delight their little ones. There are no limits to creativity and imagination in creativity. Get acquainted with the master classes from this article, and you will understand that there is nothing difficult in sewing a toy pillow. With your own hands original patterns Even a novice seamstress can draw.

Donut pillow

Want to surprise your little sweet tooth? Sew him a huge donut! He may not immediately understand that this is a toy pillow. You can sew a sweet donut with glaze with your own hands and decorate it as your imagination dictates.

For sewing you will need:

  • Base fabric beige colour. Fleece or felt will do.
  • Fleece for glaze. Choose your own color (pink, mint, chocolate)
  • Holofiber or synthetic fluff for stuffing.

Think about the size of the future toy pillow. Draw a circle with your own hands or using a compass. You can use available materials as a shape for the circle: a bowl, a bucket. To depict the hole of a donut, outline, for example, a plate.

Take the glaze fabric and cut out the same blank from it. Using a pencil, draw a wave along the edge. Cut off any excess.

Cut out thin strips of felt of different colors - this is the donut topping. Machine stitch them. Sew the icing onto the donut base using a zigzag stitch.

Place the two donut pieces together, leaving holes for stuffing. Fill the pillow with holofiber. Close the hole with a decorative seam. So the toy pillow is ready. You can decorate it with your own hands to your taste.

Shirt pillow

A rather boring, but not yet completely worn out thing can be turned into stylish accessory- pillow case. On men's shirts, the first places to wear are the cuffs and collar, but the front and back look pretty good.

Fasten the item with all the buttons. Cut off top part with sleeves and collar. Turn the shirt inside out. Sew along the cutting line.

Place a sofa cushion in the middle of the fabric and trace its outline with chalk. Sew the pillowcase along the line. Unfasten the buttons and turn them inside out. Insert the pillow into the pillowcase and fasten it.

Anti-stress pillow

It is also called a cushion pillow. Due to the filler, the item is pleasant to hold in your hands, wrinkle and lie on it. During manipulation, a light massage occurs due to the granules with which it is filled, which stimulates the nerve endings. Pillows are made from bright fabrics that will lift your spirits.

Such products can be purchased in the form:

  • geometric figure;
  • toys;
  • semicircle under the neck.

There is nothing difficult in sewing such a toy pillow. It’s not at all difficult to draw patterns with your own hands. This could be, for example, an image of the beloved cat Simon from the cartoon of the same name.

If your artistic abilities are difficult, then you can simply cut out two ovals, sew cat ears, paws and eyes onto it, and draw whiskers with a permanent marker. They can also write a funny phrase on the product that will improve your mood.

What to stuff the toy with?

Most often, such accessories are filled with synthetic material - polystyrene balls. The material does not crumble and is pleasant to the touch. It does not absorb moisture and does not breed dust mites. That is why it is considered the safest for children. The big advantage is the low price.

When sewing with your own hands, you can fill the pillow with wool, buckwheat, peas or buckwheat husks.

DIY pillow toys: original patterns

Not enough in the nursery or living room bright accents? Want to do unusual gift little birthday boy? Then think about sewing a toy pillow with your own hands. Original products you can see in the photo below. Perhaps they will inspire you to create exclusive things.

Is your child a dreamer who likes to retreat to his room with a book? Do it to him wide window sill a corner where you can sit and look at the stars. Decorative pillows will help you create a special atmosphere different forms and sizes.

Pillows with appliqués

Little princesses will be delighted with a pillow with an appliqué in the shape of a ball gown.

You can give a boy something with a picture as a gift. wise owl. It’s not at all difficult to draw templates according to which you can sew products by hand!

A couple of cute birds will decorate not only the nursery, but also the living room or bedroom.

Get creative and come up with your own designs. There are a huge number of bright fabrics and accessories on sale - it’s so easy to get creative! You will definitely end up with more than one designer pillow toy.

With your own hands you will create a small fairy-tale Universe in the nursery - an island of comfort and peace for the child, which will belong exclusively to him.

Every woman is a craftswoman at heart, striving to create comfort and beauty in family nest with his own hand. A good way to refresh the interior and give it originality is to make sofa cushions with your own hands, which will not only serve as decoration, but also make your stay in the living room more comfortable. Or maybe they will even become the subject of fun pillow fights? In any case, creating a sofa cushion will not take much effort from you, but it will give you joy from final result and the admiration that your household and guests will reward you with. In this article you will learn best ways, how you can make decorative pillows for a sofa with your own hands, and see photos that inspire creativity.

How to make sofa cushions with your own hands

You can spend hours shopping, but still cannot find pillows of the right color, shape and size. But handmade sofa cushions are guaranteed to fit into the interior and will only emphasize the individuality and style inherent in your home. Handicraft allows us to experiment with design as much as we like, using independently selected and available materials. Among the ways to do beautiful pillows on the sofa, the following are especially interesting:

  • Painting old pillowcases and hand painting with various effects;
  • Sewing sofa cushions (from new fabric, from old clothes, creating appliqués, etc.);
  • Knitting a pillow for a sofa using a hook or knitting needles;
  • Decorating pillows using embroidery, buttons, pieces of fabric, etc.

We tried to collect for you here photos of the most stylish ideas which were brought to life with their own hands. Take note of the best ones!

We create decorative pillows for the sofa with painting

We sew pillowcases for sofa cushions with our own hands

The last part of the photos in this article will clearly show you how you can sew pillows on a sofa. Make sure that if you have a sewing machine, a lot of imagination or a ready-made pattern, you can also create stunning decorative sofa pillows that cannot be found in regular store. This method is also suitable for those who do not want to spend money on new pillows, but only want to replace old pillowcases or disguise a stain. Look at the photo!

Also read:

Also read: Finally, useful patterns to sew beautiful pillowcases for sofa cushions:

We hope that our article gave you at least a little inspiration for creativity. Create something beautiful with your own hands, it’s very interesting and exciting!

35 ideas to make your own sofa cushions updated: November 25, 2016 by: Evgenia Elkina

Nothing makes a home feel more cozy than cute pillows. In order to sew them, you don’t need to have any talents, just find the time and put a piece of your soul into the product!

Agree, things that you make yourself according to your own design bring a much more cozy and pleasant atmosphere to your home than those that were purchased even in the most reputable store, produced “in multiple copies.”

Homemade things turn out the way you want them to be. Have you ever thought about sewing a pillow? It's very simple! You can create a piece of furniture that perfectly matches the design of your room. In addition, such products can be considered truly exclusive, which means that you definitely will not find a similar product at home with friends or relatives. In this article we will tell you how to sew a pillow that will give you comfort, sweet wonderful dreams and a good mood.

It must be said right away that in general creative process can be roughly divided into two stages: this is the production of the pillow itself, as well as the pillowcase for it. Note that for one pillow you can sew several different covers at once and change them all the time depending on your mood or changes in the interior.

How to sew a pillow. Things to consider

  • So, we note that sewing a decorative pillow is practically no different from sewing regular pillow for sleep. By the way, let’s say right away that it is better to sew a product with a replaceable pillowcase, because this is practical, since from time to time any pillow needs to be washed.
  • You will need a variety of sewing supplies: needles, threads, pins, etc., filler (wadding, padding polyester, down and some other similar materials can serve as filler), and, finally, fabric for making the pillow itself.

  • First you need to prepare the pillow parts. There will be only two of them: either two rectangles or two squares, it all depends on the shape of the pillow you want to get. When cutting out individual pieces, remember that you need to leave a few centimeters on each side for seams.

  • Once the pieces are cut, you put them together right sides and sew on three sides. Then you need to turn the product inside out, stuff it with material to the required density (here you can safely rely on your own feelings) and carefully sew up the fourth side. That's it, the pillow is ready! Now you can safely decorate own room such an exclusive product. By the way, a homemade pillow can protrude a wonderful gift for loved ones. To make it, you can use a variety of fabrics: satin, linen, velvet, velor, etc.

In order for your pillow not to seem boring, but to look different all the time, you, of course, need to sew several pillowcases. Their design depends only on you: you can make plain covers, with a pattern, embroidery, created from various scraps of fabric - in a word, in this case everything depends only on your own tastes and preferences.

How to sew a pillowcase for a pillow

In general, there are several main types of pillowcases: with buttons, with a zipper, or, finally, a simple pocket option.

For a pocket pillowcase, the pattern will be completely elementary. There should be only one part: the width is equal to the width of the pillow, and the length is two times the length of the pillow. Naturally, do not forget to leave a few centimeters for the seams. Fold the fabric in half, stitch on both sides, and leave the third open - it is into this hole that you will put your pad. Carefully finish the seams so that the pillowcase looks aesthetically pleasing, and voila - your exclusive hand-made product is ready!

As for the option with a lock, here the pattern will repeat the pillowcase-pocket, however, when you fold the fabric and sew two sides, you need to sew a zipper into the third. It can be hidden or, conversely, decorative - it’s up to you to choose.

Finally, when we talk about a pillowcase with buttons, we assume that buttons should be sewn on the third side, which serves as a hole for putting on, and loops for them should be prepared in advance.

Ways to decorate pillows

Most simple method The use of different colors of fabrics is considered. You can sew different pillows that differ in color. For example, in the hall, you can sew products, different color and textures. In a children's room, brightly colored cartoons or pillows featuring characters from a child's favorite cartoon look unusual.

More complex decor is considered:

  • relief;
  • applique;
  • embroidery;
  • knitting.

WITH decorative elements create original compositions For different styles interior

Applications in the form of flowers made from ribbons look great on the material pastel color. It is better if the flower is satin with different petals. You can complement the pattern with sequins, beads, beads, and buttons.

How to sew a pillow. Photo ideas

To diversify the interior of the living room, it is not at all necessary to rearrange the furniture or change the wallpaper. Original and unusual pillows, which are easy to sew with your own hands. How to do this is very simple, show a little imagination, and they will also help you bright fabrics and shreds.

The shape of the pillow can be very different - from simple rectangular to stylish and unusual hearts or animal figures. Take a fairly dense material for it - satin, brocade, fleece, you can sew fur pillows or products made from scraps. Choose the color scheme at your discretion, but the fabric should be in harmony with the shade common interior sofa and room. “Cool” fabrics, such as satin or silk, are good for summer. The pillow should be stuffed with padding polyester or padding polyester, you can also use foam rubber or fibertek. These fillers hold their shape well after washing, give the product fluffiness and softness, and are hypoallergenic. Do not stuff with feathers or cotton wool, they will quickly become crumpled, lose their shape and can cause allergic reactions. The pillow can be decorated various elements. For example, do embroidery on the finished product or sew on a figurine cut out of fabric. Suitable for decorating zippers, bows, buttons, beads, lace.

To sew a simple rectangular pillow for a sofa, you will need:
  • Thick plain fabric for the pillow itself;
  • Bright and original fabric for a pillowcase;
  • Decorative elements;
  • Threads matching the tone;
  • Filler;
  • Needle, pins, scissors, thread;
  • Sewing machine.

Decide on the size of the pillow. The optimal size for a sofa is a square of 40x40 cm.

Fold the plain fabric in half, front side inside. Mark a square on the fabric required size, plus 2 cm on each side are left for allowances. We cut out a square with sharp scissors and pin it around the perimeter, or you can baste the pieces with a loose seam. We sew the base of the pillow on a machine, leaving a small space for stuffing, turn it inside out and stuff it with filling. The hole through which we stuffed the pillow can be sewn up by hand, or you can sew in a zipper - this makes it more convenient to replace the filling and wash the pillow. The main part of the product is ready. Now let's start sewing a bright pillowcase or pillow cover. The cutting principle is the same - cut out 2 squares, 3 cm larger than the base. You can make a cover with a zipper, or you can cut out the back part 20 cm longer and fold it according to the principle of a regular pillowcase. We sweep the cut parts by hand and sew them on a machine. We sew a zipper into one of the sides. Turn the finished pillowcase inside out and put it on the pillow. A stylish DIY sofa pillow is ready.

Decorate the pillow with a ribbon or lace edging, sewing it around the perimeter. Or sew any others onto the cover interesting elements. Also, after a little practice, sew a pillow of an interesting shape - round, oval, heart-shaped.

Useful tips

A handmade pillow will not only decorate your home, but will also add individuality.

Moreover, this is a good gift to your loved one.

Just turn on your imagination and you can do not only all kinds of patterns on the pillows, but also the pillows themselves fancy (in in a good way this word) forms, and we will help you take the first step.

DIY pillow. Master Class. Origami pillow.

1. Prepare any fabric you like and cut out 2 squares (2 halves of a pillowcase). In this case, the squares measure 42 x 42 cm.

2. Now use a zipper to connect two squares on one side and sew the remaining 3 sides with a sewing machine.

3. After stitching the remaining sides of the squares, screw in the finished base of your pillowcase to place it on the pillow.

4. Cooking decorative flower for a pillow. To do this, you need to cut out 2 identical circles from fabric - in this case, the circles have a diameter of 17 cm.

4.1 Center points must be marked on the front sides of each part. After this, fold your blanks, sweep them and stitch them. In this case, you need to leave a small hole that will allow you to turn the workpiece out.

4.2 Using scissors, make several cuts around the perimeter of the workpiece and turn it inside out.

4.3 Use a blind stitch when sewing up the hole, then iron the module.

4.4 Look carefully at the images - the four segments of the module need to be bent inward, towards central point. Using pins, secure the segments and press the folds, but only through the fabric. The tops of the segments need to be sewn on with neat stitches.

4.5 Now you need to turn out the edges that are next to the segments by 1.5 cm and smooth out the fold lines.

4.6 Turn the module over and bend its corners to the center. As before, the crowns need to be secured in the center of the module using several stitches. After this, the workpiece needs to be ironed.

5. Attach the finished flower to the pillow using a hidden seam. You can add a cord to the decor.

DIY decorative pillows. Stone pillow.

1. Prepare wool of any color and wrap it tightly around a regular Plastic container. You should end up with a “ball” like this.

* To ensure that your layers of wool do not move out while you are making blanks in the washing machine, you need to wrap the layers of wool using knitting thread.

2. Pieces of wool gray, torn off the strands with your hands, cover the inner layer of the base. These pieces need to be secured with thread.

*You need to completely cover the base.

3. Now you need to put the workpiece in a thick stocking and tie both ends.

4. Now your workpiece needs to be placed in washing machine, to which you also need to add a handful of baby washing powder. Wash the workpiece at a temperature not exceeding 50 degrees Celsius.

5. After washing, remove the workpiece from the machine, remove the stocking from it and dry it at room temperature.

7. To hide the seam and gaps in the workpiece, use pieces of wool torn from the strand. You can nail the wool with needles or special tool for felting.

8. You can make the pillow even more realistic by adding white wool, nailed with needles.

9. If you make the surface of your artificial stone a little uneven, it will take on an even more natural look.

DIY sofa pillows

You can make several different applications.


1. Have some leftover fabric ready. Outline color scheme and texture of materials. It is also worth paying attention to color design interior, so that the pillow matches not only the pattern, but also the color scheme.

2. First you need to cut the trunk from one piece of fabric. You can choose more dark color. From other pieces you can cut out leaves for the tree.

3. Use basting stitches when sewing pattern elements to the front side of the pillowcase. For sewing you can use sewing machine.

4. Sew both sides of the pillowcase.


Draw the silhouette of your favorite dog breed on the fabric and cut it out. IN in this example The silhouette of a terrier is used.


1. Prepare white felt and cut out poinsettia flower “petals” from it. You need both large and small petals. Large petals should be half the length of the pillow.

2. Using a sewing machine, stitch the petal down the middle and all the way to the middle. You need to sew 3-4 layers of petals.

3. You can sew a button into the middle of the flower.

How to sew a decorative pillow

To make such a decorative pillow with your own hands, prepare several scraps of three colors, as well as scissors, threads, needles and an iron.

1. First you need to make a blank, namely a square of cardboard or plastic. In this case, the workpiece measures 8 x 8 cm.

2. Now you need to make one large one from 9 small square pieces of fabric, cut using blanks. Lay out the squares however you like.

3. Start connecting the squares with a thread and a needle in lines of 3 squares.

4. Make sure that the joints are neat and that the alternation order is not disturbed.

5. To achieve a seamless look, press each seam.

This is what it should look like if you put all three lines side by side.

6. Sew all 3 strips one by one.

7. Press the seams.

8. You have one side of the pillow. Now repeat steps 1-7 to make the second half.

9. Connect both halves.

This is what the reverse side should look like.

And here is the front side.

10. Prepare a suitable fabric and cut 2 strips from it - in this example, the strips are about 10cm wide and their length is equal to the length of half the pillow.

11. Sew stripes on the sides.

12. Now you need to cut out a flap - this is the back part of the pillow.

13. Place seams on 3 sides from the wrong side.

14. You have a pillow blank ready. All that remains is to fill it with foam rubber or padding polyester. Once you've filled the pillow, simply sew the remaining side closed with a blind stitch.

How to sew a pillow with your own hands from leftover fabric

1. Prepare the remaining fabric and cut out circles with a diameter of approximately 10 cm.

2. Sew along the edges, tighten and tie a knot in the thread.

3. Sew the resulting “pancakes” to the main piece of fabric.

4. Carefully sew the edges between the pancakes.

5. All that remains is to iron it from the wrong side and sew the edges of your pillowcase.

How to sew a pillow with an applique with your own hands

1. Prepare beige crepe satin and linen, and cut out 2 squares of the same size. These will be parts of the front side of the cover for your future pillow.

2. Fold the squares as follows: the crepe-satin square should lie right side up. Now sweep it along the edge.

3. Prepare scraps of colored crepe satin and cut out images of vegetables from them. You need to baste the first part, not forgetting to bend the sections. At the end, leave a small hole to fill the part with padding polyester. Then you need to stitch this part along the edge with a zigzag.

4. It is worth noting that vegetables that are in the background need to be sewn on first. Baste all the details and sew them in the same way. Fill with padding polyester.

5. Using a needle-forward stitch, sew stitches that resemble the veins of a lettuce leaf. They will add volume to the surface of the peppers. Use pieces of felt to cut out stalks that you can then sew on.

6. From crepe-satin of the main color you need to cut out the back side of the cover, which is made up of two parts, between which you need to sew a zipper.

7. All finished parts of the cover must be folded with their front sides facing each other. Baste them and then topstitch them and turn them out through the open zipper.

DIY pillow toys. Pencil pillow.

1. Prepare a fabric (in this case light blue) and cut out a strip 6cm wide and 50cm long.

2. Repeat step 1 11 more times to get enough strips for your pillow. You can use fabrics of different colors.

3. Use your sewing machine to connect all the strips together. You need to sew from the wrong side, then finish the edges and press the seams.

4. Sew the last two sections so that you get a pipe. In order to fill the workpiece with padding polyester, leave a hole measuring 10 - 15 cm.

5. Now you need to cut out 2 circles from the fabric: one with a diameter of 22cm and the other 9cm.

6. In the center of a circle with a diameter of 22cm, cut a hole of a suitable diameter and sew in a second circle (with a diameter of 9cm). This will imitate the lead of a pencil. Next, press the seams.

7. The part made in step 6 must be sewn into the base of the future pencil.

8. Now you need to prepare another piece of fabric to make a semicircular piece with a diameter of 15cm.

9. The side sections need to be sewn so that you form a cone - it will play the role of a sharpened pencil lead.

10. Make a circle of paper with a diameter of 22 cm, and in its center cut a hole with a diameter of 15 cm. Now divide this pattern in half.

11. Using a pattern, cut a half ring from the fabric. The side sections of this part need to be connected, and the stylus part must be sewn into the hole of a smaller diameter. Sew the pencil core blank on the back side.

12. Through the hole that you left in advance, turn the workpiece inside out. After this, fill the product with padding polyester. Next, sew the hole closed using a blind stitch.

How to make a stylish pillow with your own hands

You will need:

Cushion 25 x 45cm.

Orange felt 57 x 47cm and 50 x 45cm.

Zip 45cm.

Sewing supplies

Sewing machine

1. First you need to cut out 3 parts of the pillowcase: front (27 x 47cm) and 2 back (there will be a zipper): 14.5 x 47cm and 15.5 x 47cm.

2. To decorate the pillowcase, cut out 60 circles of fabric with a diameter of 7cm, and roll each circle into a rosette and secure with a stitch.

3. You should start from one edge of the front part. It is advisable to sew the rosettes tightly one to one. You should have a tight row in the center. Be careful to decorative strip was level (you need to have the same indentation on both ends).

4. Use two pieces to sew the back flap of the pillow. It needs to be stitched together with the front shelf and then put the pillowcase on the pillow.

Here are several ways to sew a pillowcase:

Without clasp

This method is the simplest.

* Open the front and back shelves (each size is 27 x 47cm).

* Decorate the front shelf with rosettes.

* Fold both halves right sides inward and sew on three sides (1 cm indentation).

* Turn the pillowcase inside out, place it on the pillow, and then sew it by hand using a blind stitch.

The downside of this pillowcase is that if you want to wash it, you have to rip it apart to get the pillow out. After washing you will have to sew it again.

With zipper

This option will require more time, care and skill from you. At the same time, it is not so complicated, and quite practical, since the zipper will help you easily remove the pillow and wash the pillowcase, which can then be easily put back on the pillow.

The shelf at the back is made of two transverse parts that are connected with a zipper.

* For the back shelf you need to cut out two parts: 14.5 x 47cm and 15.5 x 47cm.

WITH external parties the indentations should be 1 cm, and on the side of the zipper it should be like this: on one part - 2 cm, on the other - 3 cm. On the larger half, you need to bend the edge 2cm and iron it.

* The fastener must be sewn to the curved edge of the larger half (1 cm indentation). The other part of the fastener needs to be sewn to the inner edge of the second half.

*Now make a zipper stitch on the front side. Hide the zipper behind the folds of the fabric.

* All that remains is to sew the two halves, having previously folded them right sides together and fastened the zipper (1cm margin along the edge). Turn the pillowcase inside out and place it on the pillow.

DIY pillows (video tutorial)

DIY pillows (photo)