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I know who caused the damage and what to do. How to identify the evil eye on yourself? Simple methods for determining spoilage

If you suspect that a negative magical effect has been made on you or someone close to you, then you must take all measures to find out who exactly did this. There are several ways to solve this issue, all of them show remarkable results.

You should know your enemy by sight and under no circumstances let the fact that someone wished you harm go to chance. It is clear that this person will receive his boomerang of retribution, but do not forget that after yours he can continue to communicate with you as if nothing had happened. Moreover, without knowing what he did, you will continue to trust him and initiate him into your deepest secrets. Not to mention the fact that he will have the opportunity to damage you again, but this time with a stronger effect.

Before you find out who damaged you, remember that you are doing this only to protect yourself in the future, and not for the purpose of retribution. Under no circumstances should you take retaliatory measures, because by doing so, you will only narrow the vicious circle of negativity around you, and not break it.

Moreover, do not forget that any magic that harms another person has a fee, and often very high and not commensurate with what was originally expected. Therefore, once you find out who has damaged you, simply stop communicating with this person and take appropriate protective measures.

Ways to find out who did the damage

You can find out who tried to make a negative magical effect on you in two ways.

  1. Turning to a magician or sorcerer. Professionals can help you not only in removing damage and the evil eye, but will also help you find out who did it.
  2. Find out the identity of the offender yourself. If you were able to carry out a ritual of cleansing from a negative program on your own, then with the help of certain rituals you can easily find out at home who damaged you.

Despite the huge number of rituals that help to find out who exactly has cast the evil eye, all of them can be combined into three groups.

  1. Rituals after which the offender somehow comes to the performer.
  2. Conspiracies that allow you to see your ill-wisher during dreams.
  3. Rituals performed with certain magical objects and things.

Ritual to identify an ill-wisher

When performing this ritual, you will need to turn to higher powers. This ritual is not difficult to perform, but at the same time it requires clarity and precision, since black magic is involved in it.

You need to go to the cemetery on the waning moon. While walking along it, find an old nail. It will be ideal if you raise him from some grave. Please note that under no circumstances should you handle this item with your bare hands. Therefore, take a piece of cloth from home in which you can wrap your find.

The found nail must be driven into the house above the front door from the street side and at the same time the following words must be said: “ I call my enemy into my house, just as the sun sets three times and he crosses the threshold of my house. If he doesn’t fulfill this order, bad things await him and retribution is inevitable. An unexpected death will overtake him in six days and six months. Just as there is an open coffin in a cemetery without a nail, so I am waiting for it at home.».

The person who damaged you must come to your home within the next three days after the ritual.

How to find out who caused damage through a dream?

This ritual is considered the most common, since it is very easy and does not require special skills in magic. With the help of this ritual, you will not only be able to find out the name of your ill-wisher, but also discern him.

Before going to bed, concentrate on the fact that in a dream you need to see your offender, but do not try to picture his intended image in your mind. Try to focus on the result and your desire to find out who tried to negatively influence you using black magic.

When you reach this state, say the following spell: “ I descend into the kingdom of Morpheus, I plunge into a blissful sleep. Let the gift of broadcasting be revealed to me this night, and the whole truth about the enemies will be seen. Through a dream I will see the face of my enemy and find out his real name. The Lord himself guards my sleep and protects me from all my enemies. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen».

After you have read the plot, immediately go to bed without talking to anyone or being distracted. At night, you will definitely dream about the person who spoiled you.

Ritual with a candle

A candle is a magical attribute, using which during a ritual you can recognize the person who used the magical effect on you.

To perform this ritual you will need a basin of water. At midnight, light a candle and, taking it in your left hand, pour wax into the container, saying: “ As I pour wax into water, I reveal the mask of my enemy " Once you've poured out all the wax, look what you've got:

  • flowers, plants - the damage was caused by a woman;
  • figures, birds, animals - the damage was caused by a man;
  • symbols - indicate the initials of the offender;
  • numbers - the date of the ritual.

Unlike the evil eye, which can be imposed involuntarily, in order to damage a person, special rituals are required, often associated with. It is very important to avoid all negative influences and protect yourself from people who could cause harm. That is why it is important to understand, because limiting communication with this person can help in the future and protect against malicious intent on his part.

There are situations when everything goes wrong. Plans and meetings are disrupted for no reason, good health is replaced by a streak of serious, long-term illnesses, and a blockage occurs at work. As a rule, problems attack a person from all sides, and a natural question arises: is this not damage? Some people have doubts can they cause damage? in our time, and, unfortunately, the answer to this question is yes.

What to do with negativity

Before you begin cleansing, you need to make sure whether the cause of your troubles actually lies in corruption. Out of ignorance, it can be confused with the evil eye, but these are completely different things. The evil eye is much more harmless than damage. It can be inflicted unknowingly, feeling strong emotions towards you and even white envy.

There is also the concept of “self-eye,” that is, you could bring trouble upon yourself on your own, and there is no one to blame for it. To inflict damage, special rituals and rituals are needed; strong emotions are simply not enough. A person who resorted to and damaged you or your home is dangerous to others. Because of his fault, people may suffer, and dark book spells may mark the beginning of a family curse.

Not only the evil eye or damage can cause misfortune. If you recently turned to a warlock witch or performed a love spell on blood yourself, this can lead to negative consequences. Before resorting to such problem solving, you need to understand.

If you have not done anything like this, and you cannot find reasonable explanations for the hail of failures, you need to immediately study. If you notice some of them on yourself, then, unfortunately, you are surrounded by a magical negative field. You need to start fighting this immediately, otherwise troubles will develop into constant apathy and can even lead to depression and thoughts of suicide.

How to get rid of damage

If signs of damage are detected, you must immediately begin to get rid of it. There are a great many ways, but the most effective for many years are amulets and talismans that have been proven over the years (pin, bow, red thread, red bag), rituals using locks and mirrors, and prayers. But even the most time-tested methods will only help if you have no doubts about what you are doing. If, when performing a magical ritual, thoughts are spinning in your head that you are doing something wrong or that your actions are absurd and ridiculous, the universe will not tolerate ridicule of itself. In addition, such thoughts may well be generated by a negative entity that is too deep in your heart.

It is important to know, how to recognize damage and find out who caused it. Even if you don't want to do something just for your own well-being, think about your children and loved ones. Negative energy can spread from you to them, and give rise to a real curse, which is almost impossible to remove without the intervention of a strong hereditary magician.

There are times when a person feels much better while away from home. When he goes on a long business trip, it’s as if he gets a second wind. The troubles end, as soon as you move away from home, but upon returning to it, the black streak is restored. In this case, the damage is caused to the housing itself, and not to the individual person. In this case, individual cleaning does not make any sense; you need to clean the room itself completely. Otherwise, even a person cleansed of negativity will, when he comes to your house, “catch” negativity and troubles onto himself.

Do not doubt, can they cause damage? for the whole room without you noticing it. This does not require large-scale rituals, and you could easily miss a barely noticeable needle or other magical object left in your house by ill-wishers. Sometimes, in order to understand whether a house is negative, it is enough to inspect doorways, sort through things, and listen to the emotions of pets.

Signs of induced negative influence in humans

1. It happens that the so-called “king of parties” and the most hospitable host seems to lose his ability to organize cozy gatherings. Guests complain that it’s becoming difficult to stay in your house for a long time, even your best friends refuse to spend the night, and relatives prefer to stay in living rooms and cheap hostels, just not on your sofa? Inspect the living space for the presence of other people's scissors, needles, and other items used in curse rituals.

2. Answer to the question, how to determine who did the damage, quite light in the case when the negative is aimed specifically at the room. If foreign objects are found specifically inside the apartment, the list of “suspects” is reduced to those people who were in your house shortly before the start of your life’s dark streak.

3. If troubles are accompanied by terrible nightmares, constant fatigue and insomnia, inspect the pillow. In the pillowcase you can find various magical things: enchanted hair dolls, needles, eggshells, animal fur. Carefully inspect clothing and bedding for suspicious items.

4. Take a day to look through old letters and photographs. Also pay attention to old editions of Bibles that are stored in your home, leaf through prayer books. Between the pages of books you can find suspicious notes, which became the reason for your failures. If in the photographs you see scratched areas around the eyes and aggressive inscriptions that include wishes for torture and death, then this is a direct sign of damage. Perhaps this is even a family curse cast on your ancestors depicted in the photograph. If any of these people are alive, show him the photographs and discuss who might wish him harm and cause him misfortune.

5. It happens that after cooking you find animal hairs in your food. At the same time, you have neither cats nor dogs, and none of your household could bring wool to your clothes. This is a sure sign that there is a curse on your home or one of your family members. Be careful and start removing the curse quickly. If you are confident in your abilities, do it yourself. If your biofield is not strong enough and you are afraid of doing something wrong, contact a professional. You can also ask him a question.

6. Inspect the walls of the home. If strange stains appear on the walls, there may be several conclusions. At first glance, this may seem like a sign of dampness and, as a result, mold, and in this case you need to take a closer look at the signs and inspect the home. In this case, the lines of the drawing are abstract and do not evoke any associations. If in the stains you see a five-pointed star, an inverted cross or some other devilish drawings, move away from the wall as far as possible. Do not touch the stains or try to erase them yourself. Only rituals to protect you from dark forces and sincere prayers can help you. The biggest danger comes from drawings of a low door with a dark spot where the handle should be. This is the door to, and at night dark entities can appear from it. If you find such a door in your apartment, leave it for a while until you prepare everything for the magical cleansing ritual. Otherwise, entities from the Astral can move into you, confuse your thoughts and not allow you to carry out saving rituals. You will become obsessed.

What other signs can you use to recognize negativity?

In most cases, damage sets your life in a bad way, leading to unpleasant, but not fatal, health problems. But if a person experiences negativity towards you of amazing strength, he can order damage to death. In this case, the logical end of your dark streak will be an untimely death.

Often people who, when going to a fortune teller, discover that they have been fatally damaged, ask in defeat why they are still alive. There are several options here. The first is that a person has done too many positive deeds, saved other people’s lives without expecting gratitude, and the universe simply cannot leave such a person without protection. But there are very few people in this world to whom a large number of people owe their lives. Therefore, most often in this case the second option works: you are not just damaged to death, but with a previous painful life.

You cannot leave damage without a solution, put off its removal until later, or wait for it to go away without external intervention. Damage and family curse are things that can drive a person to suicide, and, as a result, ruin the lives of his loved ones and relatives. If the damage was caused by a person who felt not just slight envy or hostility toward you, but real hatred, it can develop into a family curse, and hundreds of years after your death, your children’s children and other descendants will suffer because you day after day they postponed treatment for evil magic. By the way, delaying the removal of the evil eye is also the reason why you are under a curse.

Get rid of everything unnecessary and cleanse

If you find a hundred urgent things to do (and believe me, they seem so only to you) and are able to do anything to avoid starting the cleansing ritual, you are deceiving yourself. The otherworldly entity that has taken up residence in you creates these thoughts of being busy in your head, and evil magic drives away the elusive future and happiness from you.

In addition, it is worth conducting rituals for the presence of the evil eye or damage periodically, like going to the doctor. If you inspect your living space after each guest, then the question is: how to find out who spoiled me, will resolve itself. If one day you find magical objects in your home, you will easily understand that your last guest left them, and he needs to be immediately erased from your life. Don't invite people into your home who might have negative feelings towards you. Be especially careful if there are small children in the house.

It is important to identify the presence of a curse at an early stage so that you are able to cope with them yourself. On our website you can read about many available ways to remove negativity at home. You can learn, or wax, using paper and pen, mirrors and candles. Be careful and take care of yourself.

More and more often I receive letters asking how to recognize negativity, and then find out and determine who caused the damage. In this article I will tell you about the most well-known methods for identifying damage and the ill-wisher who caused it.

Damage and evil eye

Written by: Hades the Magician

The life of a modern person consists of black and white stripes. And this is quite normal, because around us in society there can be a huge number of events that somehow affect our way of life. Most of us are quite calm about such alternation if good and bad luck can be logically explained. But a prolonged black streak, which is destructive in nature, always suggests a negative third-party impact. Therefore, it is important to know how to identify damage.

Before you find out how to determine damage to a person, you should know by what signs you can suspect the presence of a negative impact. Firstly, it is important to listen to your intuition; as a rule, it rarely deceives.

And if you have a strong inner conviction, you should pay attention to the following external symptoms:

    Fatigue; Insomnia; The appearance of thoughts of suicide; The appearance of cravings for alcohol or drugs; The appearance of internal fear, the development of phobias.

To confirm suspicions, baptized people need to go to church. As a rule, people under the influence of negative external influences in church experience discomfort, and they cannot stand near the images and look at the flames of burning candles.

When wondering how to determine damage, you can pay attention to other signs. This:

    Frequent quarrels with others and the feeling that no one understands you; Constant financial losses; Problems with procreation in a completely healthy body, according to doctors; The emergence of internal hostility towards one’s appearance.

Close people can detect damage by a shifting gaze and the appearance of a habit of sighing frequently. In addition, you should be wary of a depressive state, which is always a companion to negative influences.

The first thing that damage affects is the emotional state of a person. And if it is very difficult for him to suspect that something is wrong, then those close to him should definitely pay attention to the change in his character for the worse. As a rule, a person who has been subjected to a negative program. He gets irritated over trifles that were not noticed before. A clear symptom of external negative influences is unexplained mood swings.

Since, under the influence of negativity, the victim begins to see the world around him in dark colors, people who are damaged are in constant depression. Against this background, they begin to think about suicide. Since corruption leads to an endless streak of failure and bad luck, it systematically brings a person closer to realizing the meaninglessness of life. First of all, you need to understand that some negative programs are aimed precisely at driving a person to suicide. Sometimes this is achieved by the victim hearing voices calling for suicide, or some hallucinations of the same nature may appear.

A victim of damage can often be haunted by obsessive ideas. This may indicate that he is being manipulated through magic. If you are a strong person, then if any strange, irresistible desires arise that shock others, you should think about whether these are your ideas.

Very often, people with well-developed natural intuition experience bad premonitions. In addition, they experience a decrease in self-esteem. For example, a person may be dissatisfied with his image in the mirror, although people close to him tell him that he looks good.

The question of how to determine whether there is damage is absolutely easy to answer. There are a huge number of different ways. But you can suspect damage immediately after the loss of a pectoral cross or another amulet that is important to you, or sometimes just jewelry that is dear to you. In addition, the fact that it becomes unpleasant for a person to touch consecrated water and other church attributes also indicates an energy attack. It also becomes difficult for him to enter the temple. But such signs can only appear in sincerely believing people.

For example, you can take advantage of the magical and healing properties of the herb St. John's wort. It needs to be hung in the house in the corners of living spaces. If the grass in your bedroom dries faster than in other rooms, it means you have the evil eye or damage. The thing is that during sleep there is a surge of human energy, and if it is negative, then St. John's wort, trying to absorb it, quickly withers.

Pets will also help determine damage or the evil eye. Cats are especially sensitive to negativity. They stop making contact with the owner who is under damage or the evil eye and do not allow themselves to be petted. And with strong negativity, the once affectionate animal becomes aggressive and may even attack.

You can determine the presence of damage or the evil eye using a pair of fresh chicken eggs. To do this, you need to place a cup filled with cold water on your head and carefully break two eggs from a domestic chicken into it. Of course, such a ritual is quite difficult to perform on your own, so you will need an assistant.

After this, you need to sit for a couple of minutes, and then examine the condition of the eggs:

    If the yolk is in the white and the broken egg itself has retained its oval shape, then there is no damage, and poor health or bad luck is not caused by external negativity; If the yolk has separated, and thread-like structures have appeared in the white, then it means that you are not subject to severe damage or the evil eye. Moreover, if the threads touch the bottom of the bowl, then this is damage; a serious negative effect is indicated by the blistering of the protein.

Similar information about the presence of damage or the evil eye can be obtained by carefully breaking a homemade chicken egg into a jar of water and placing it at the head of the bed overnight.

Various church attributes may indicate the presence of damage. For believers, the most suitable ritual is the ritual with candles. For diagnosis, you should first purchase three church candles. Candles brought from the temple must be lit in privacy in a separate room. You need to distract yourself from all everyday problems, focusing on the desire to find out if there is damage to you. When you realize that you have succeeded, you should begin to read the prayers that you know. It is advisable to start reading prayers with “Our Father.” Also an effective prayer for this case is the Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is allowed to use any other prayers in the ritual, but it is important to first learn them by heart and pronounce the phrases without stuttering.

When reading prayers, you need to look at the flame of one of the candles without stopping. At the end, you need to make the sign of the cross three times. If during such a ritual the candles burned brightly and the flame was even, then there is no negative program for you. Your poor health can be explained by some other reasons, and sometimes by a slight everyday evil eye. In this case, there is no need to carry out a ritual of removing damage; it is enough to carry out a ritual of cleansing and install protection.

If the candles began to smoke while reading prayers, and their flames began to swing in different directions, then the person has a negative program. In this case, you should not waste time trying to find out who caused the damage to you, but you need to start removing it.

There is a very indicative sign of damage or a strong evil eye. A person on whom a negative program has been imposed cannot cross the threshold of the church. Sometimes, to determine damage, magicians bring a burning church candle to the chakra area and observe how the flame behaves. But this method requires a professional approach and is not suitable for independent use.

To determine damage, believers can do the following:

    Buy three church candles; When you are alone, light the candles; Read the well-known prayers “Our Father” and “May God rise again”; Pray in your own words to the Most Holy Theotokos; Sign yourself with the cross three times.

After this, you need to pay attention to the flames of the candles. If it begins to sway strongly, as if from a blow of wind, and crackle, it means that you have been damaged.

Diagnosis using wax

Also, the presence of negative effects is often determined using natural wax. To do this, you need to perform a ritual in which you will need the help of another person. Of course, this should be a close relative or friend whom you completely trust.

In order to determine damage, you must perform the following steps:

    Melt several wax church candles in a steam bath; Pour a thin continuous stream of molten wax into a bowl of water, which must be held over the head of a person who is suspected of damage; While pouring the wax, say the following magic words:

    “I don’t pour out the wax, but I pronounce the damage from the Servant of God (s) (person’s name). I appeal to the Most Holy Theotokos with a request to gather all the Heavenly Patrons and help the Servant of God (name of person). Amen".

    You need to let the wax cool and at this time continuously read the “Our Father” prayer.

The resulting wax figurine should be carefully examined:

    If it is smooth with small waves, then there is no damage; If it has pronounced flaws, the person is under a negative influence and needs to get rid of it urgently.

Diagnostic methods for which eggs are used have been known since ancient times. The advantages of such methods are that the egg is a living structure, and therefore it partially draws out negative energy already at the moment of its detection.

For diagnosis, it is better to use a fresh egg from a domestic chicken. It has greater energetic power, so with its help you can detect even a minimal negative program.

First, you need to take an egg and warm it in your palms for a while, filling the natural attribute with your own energy. Then you need to start moving the egg along the entire body. This process should continue for at least five minutes. After this, the egg should be broken into a pre-prepared liter jar with clean water.

You can verify the presence or absence of a negative program by looking at the state of the egg in the jar:

    If the yolk is torn, then there is a gap in the biofield - this means that you have been severely damaged, possibly leading to death. If you see that the white is cloudy, this means that the damage has begun to actively work and serious diseases are developing in your body. The more white threads, cobweb-like formations in the protein, the worse the state of your health and you need to urgently remove the damage. If the protein is transparent and a small amount of cobwebs is visible in it, then this indicates slight damage caused by a non-professional, that is, it is not difficult will get rid of it on its own. If there are a large number of air bubbles on the entire surface of the egg, then this indicates that there are holes in the biofield, and most likely the cause of this is household damage or the evil eye. If the protein looks scalded, but the protein is pure, then this indicates that the negative program is aimed at limiting a person, that is, the victim always feels dependent and not free. But if, when the yolk is boiled, there are bubbles in the white, then this indicates damage to torment, which is very dangerous and almost always leads to death. A blackened yolk and cloudy white indicate damage to death, which has already begun to actively work.

In addition, there are simpler ways to determine spoilage using an egg. For one of them, you need to hold a jar of water over a person’s head for several minutes, and then break a pre-prepared egg into it. For another method, you need to crack a fresh egg into a jar and then place it at your head overnight. In the morning, based on the condition of the egg, it will be possible to draw conclusions about the absence and presence of spoilage.

A black cat can help detect damage. If you do not have an animal of this color, then you need to bring it from the street. Within a few days, the animal should get comfortable in your home. After this, you should take a cat that is already accustomed to being held in your arms. If the animal begins to break out, this indicates severe damage. If a black cat lives in your house, then its behavior will change greatly after the owner is subjected to an energetic attack. The animal will begin to behave very restlessly, the cat will not be able to sit in one place for a long time and will begin to rush around the premises. There is an old way of determining damage using matches. To do this, you will need to use a new box of matches and a container of water. First, you should take out three matches and squeeze them in your hand, thus transferring your energy. After this, you need to open your palm and randomly turn to them with a request to tell you whether you have a negative program. Then the matches are lit one by one and thrown into the water. Decryption is performed as follows:
    If all the matches do not sink and at the same time float on the surface without intersecting, then this indicates that there is no damage; If the matches intersected and tilted down, then most likely you have been jinxed; If the matches sank inward under the water, then this indicates for damage.
Nettle, linden blossom and oregano will also help determine spoilage. These plants should be collected at the edge of the forest. The herbs must first be crushed and dried. After this, you need to put them in a container and pour boiling water over them. Over such an infusion it is necessary to read the prayer “Our Father”. After the decoction has infused, you need to drink it yourself with your family members. If after this someone experiences acute headaches, this means that this person has damage. You can also determine damage using St. John's wort. Its branches should be hung in all corners of the rooms of your home. The strongest smell will be in those rooms where the person who is damaged spends the most time. A well-known method is to determine damage using a gold ring. First, wash it three times under running water using soap. In addition, you need to wash yourself thoroughly. This is done to remove all makeup. After this, you need to run the ring along your cheek and pay attention to whether any mark remains. If it is present, it means that the person has damage. If you suspect that someone has tried to harm you or have discovered some signs that indicate possible damage, then you should carry out a diagnosis as soon as possible. This approach is the key to timely provision of assistance and prevention of destruction of the body. Timely diagnosis of damage is very important, as it guarantees timely removal of negativity and minimization of damage to a person’s protective energy field.

How to find out who did the damage? The first signs of a curse + 4 effective ways to identify the offender + how to return damage to a magician using a nail + how to ward off a curse using salt + how to identify damage between spouses?

When troubles suddenly appear in life, causeless illness, poor health and things don’t go well, a suspicion arises that something is involved.

If just such a thought has appeared in your head, this article will be very useful to you. After all, it describes how to find out who caused the damage, in what way and what you can do to protect yourself.

Indeed, there are some fairly simple magical rituals that make it possible to determine even the gender and name of the culprit of trouble. Our detailed guide will help you understand how to perform these rituals

Signs of spoilage – when should you worry?

Before trying to find out who caused the damage, it would not hurt to determine whether it is present in a person’s life at all.

Damage is a curse, which is a powerful energy flow of a negative nature.

The first signs that you have suffered from magical influence are the following:

  • There is an invasion of “uninvited” guests in the home - from rats to ants.
  • The doctor cannot find the cause of the woman's infertility.
  • Blurred vision, nausea, upset stomach, fever and general weakness.
  • A person is bothered by nightmares where there are spirits and dead relatives.
  • Insomnia.
  • While reading prayers, a person yawns profusely.
  • Sudden weight loss or, conversely, weight gain.
  • The pectoral cross becomes dull, lost, and even heavier. Sometimes, when damaged, an obsessive desire to get rid of it arises.
  • Family problems arise.
  • Diseases caused by spoilage cannot be cured; more often than not, they even increase.

Having identified at least some of the “symptoms” in your life from those listed above, you can safely conclude: . The next stage is to move on to figuring out who pointed it at you.

Why is it necessary to know the name of the one who caused the damage?

Knowing who caused the curse is no less important than protecting against negativity and eliminating the damage itself. Having seen your enemy in person, you can break off any contact with him and protect yourself from further harmful attacks. Using the name of an ill-wisher also increases the effectiveness of some rituals.

How to find out who caused damage: 4 main methods

You can determine who cursed a person or his relative in at least four ways:

  1. A ritual that gives a chance to see the culprit of witchcraft during sleep. Please note: in order to receive the necessary information through dreams, the right attitude is important. Which one? Read more below.
  2. Appeal to the Higher powers (spirits), which can point to the enemy. When using this method, the offender who damaged you often reveals himself.
  3. Performing special actions using certain magical attributes.
  4. Rituals that allow you to use the energy of the magician himself, who, as a rule, leaves a little of his own material after inflicting damage.

Now let's look at the methods by which the creator of damage is determined in more detail.

No. 1. How can you find out in a dream who has spoiled you?

Sleep is one of the easiest ways to find out general appearance features and even the name of the sorcerer.

Before going to bed, it is important to get rid of negative thoughts and completely relax. You need to concentrate on what you want to know and see your enemy, who dared to damage you.

Having adjusted correctly, all that remains is to say to yourself:

I walk in rows, I look with my eyes.
Among the ranks of the bright ones there is Saint Samson.
In the name of God, eternal and living, I speak the holy word
Saint Samson, show me a prophetic dream.
Let Saint Samson show me my enemy,
Through a dream, the prophetic face will show it to me.
Living and Holy Trinity, help,
Lord Jesus Christ, bless my dream,
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Having uttered the text, the person “falls on the pillow,” and in the morning, when he wakes up, he writes down everything he saw in his dream. It is highly likely that the “author” of the damage will come to you. Therefore, it is important to put a pen and notepad next to your bed since yesterday.

When you wake up, you should also not touch your head, so as not to drive away the memories of what you saw.

No. 2. How to find out from the Higher Powers who damaged a person.

Dark forces often provide assistance in catching a sorcerer. It is they who usually indicate the one who brought the curse on the person, and not the “side of good.”

To receive full assistance from certain forces, you must prepare:

  • container with boiling water;
  • 7 keys, always rusty.

The keys are lowered one at a time into a container of boiling water, saying:

Whoever wants to harm the servant of God (name) should bring the devil into his house. There will be no peace for the evil man; the devil will drive him out of his chambers. Amen.

If you are well enough tuned in to the desire to find out the one who damaged you, in the morning the offender will already be standing at your door to talk.

No. 3. How can you use a magical attribute (candle) to find out who caused the damage?

It has long been considered a powerful magical remedy.
To determine who damaged you with its help, it is enough to stock up on a container of water and, in fact, a wax candle.


  1. The wax should be thoroughly melted.
  2. Pour into prepared container.
  3. Speak:

    “I pour wax into water, I pour out the name of my enemy.”

Having completed the above, the wax is allowed to cool, and then see what happens:

  • It seems that you can see the moon, a row of trees or many flowers - which means a woman is behind the witchcraft.
  • The geometric figures indicate damage caused by a man.
  • The numbers that appear indicate the period of damage, how long ago it was done.
  • Sometimes the figures indicate the hobbies or profession of the offender.

No. 4. How to find out who caused damage using the energy of a sorcerer.

First, it is important to determine what kind of energy material was used to cause damage. Can I do this myself?

Yes, if you learn to identify your energy flow - biofield. Having mastered this science, you can easily distinguish “foreign” energy from your own.

How to do this? To master the flow of your own energy, you have to meditate daily, trying to visualize your own biofield. Daily practice allows you to better understand its temperature, structure and even color.

Having filled your hand, you can quite easily identify a gap in the integrity of the entire biofield and separate foreign energy.

But how do you find out who is the culprit of the “triumph” after you discover this very extra energy? You will need black tourmaline. This one should be kept in a separate box and attached to a chain.

Take this magical amulet by the chain and start asking questions:

  1. Do I know who spoiled me?
  2. Have I messed with him before?
  3. Will I be able to see him soon?
  4. Is this a woman or a man?

How can a stone give a sign to a person? Before the ritual, it is enough to “explain” to the stone at the energy level that it will answer “Yes” by swaying left and right, and “no” - back and forth.

Thus, by asking questions, you can determine as accurately as possible who damaged you.

How to find out who caused the damage using a nail?

Please note: this ritual is applicable only when a person is sure that there really is damage, and also wants to return it to the offender.

To carry out the ritual, you need to find a nail in the cemetery and take it with a black cloth (not with your bare hands).

Then they drive him into the threshold, saying:

“Let my enemy, who sent trouble to me, come to me in three days. And if he doesn’t show up, he’ll die in a year. The cemetery, the coffin and the nail are connected, and I’m waiting for you, you’re the destined nail for me.”

This method of identifying and returning damage also requires serious preparation:

  • Refrain from drinking alcohol and meat products.
  • Do not let bad thoughts enter into yourself, do not quarrel with anyone.
  • It is better to live outside the city (in silence) for three days of waiting for the culprit of the damage.

Compliance with the above rules is necessary for cleansing at the mental level and strengthening the physical condition of the body.

Salt helps not only to find out who cast the spell, but also to ward off this witchcraft.

On Monday (only on this day) they buy salt in any store, but do not take the change. They wait until midnight, take a handful of salt, put it in a frying pan and heat it well. When the spice begins to crackle and turn black, it is wrapped in a black scarf.

That same night they go to the nearest crossroads, saying:

“Whoever harms me, God will return him and force him to come to me. Amen."

This method is not only the answer to the question of how to find out who caused damage using salt, but also an opportunity to cleanse yourself of negativity.

Please note: if there is a strong magical influence, you must seek help from specialists in the magical field.

How to find out the name of the person who caused damage:

Is there damage between spouses?

Sometimes, when quarrels and family problems begin in the house, you should not pack your things to run to your mother, but get two church candles and an icon of the Mother of God.

On the candles (important - only on Friday) the names of the husband and wife are written. Next, they light it with one match and humbly stand in front of the icon of the Mother of God, reading the “Trinity” prayer.

Prayer to the Most Holy Trinity

Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us;
Lord, cleanse our sins;
Master, forgive our iniquities;
Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Thy name's sake.
Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

If at the same time the candles begin to smoke and deviate to the sides from each other, this indicates the presence of damage.

To summarize, we note: there are two ways to find out who caused the damage.

First- seeking qualified help from a magician or psychic. He can give an answer not only to the question of whether there is damage, but also tell everything that is possible about the one who caused it.

Contacting such a specialist is justified if you know for sure that he is not a charlatan. The best option is to use recommendations from friends.

Second- determining who caused the curse - use one of the methods listed above. This provides an opportunity to save money and also learn something new.

Complete collection and description: prayer to find out who has damaged the spiritual life of a believer.

Damage is a strong flow of negative energy of directed action. Signs of external influence are quite obvious, so diagnosing external influence is not difficult. But often people are interested in the question of how to find out who did the damage. This will help you beware of future communication with an ill-wisher, and, therefore, avoid a repeat energy attack.

You should not set a goal to identify your offender in order to take revenge on him. This will have a negative effect on yourself. If the sorcerer has serious protection, the reverse wave of negativity can greatly harm his health.

Any person who discovers the presence of a negative impact, first of all, strives to get rid of it. But when everything is over and the healing is successful, then almost everyone has the question of how to find out who caused the damage? After all, knowing the name of your enemy, you can exclude him from your environment and prevent him from sending negativity again.

Some believe that there is no point in being interested in the question of how to determine who caused the damage. After all, when the harmful influence is removed, the negative in large quantities returns to the ill-wisher. Indeed the issue is controversial. Therefore, the decision about whether or not to know how to determine who caused the damage is made by each person for himself. You should be prepared for the fact that negativity is sent, very often, by those closest to you.

Independent methods for determining damage and the customer

Rituals that answer the question of how to find out who did the damage can be carried out independently. The main thing when carrying out the ritual is to believe in your own strength and have a strong desire to recognize the attacker.

All magical rituals can be divided into conditional categories:

  • Rituals, the actions of which are aimed at appealing to the Higher Powers. As a rule, such methods are used by professionals who, immediately after performing special magical actions, report the name of the attacker;
  • Rituals in which the victim pronounces special spells. In this case, the culprit of the damage appears in a dream or is encountered in reality, and intuition will tell you that it is he;
  • Rituals using special attributes.

Using natural wax

The most popular ritual for determining the culprit of damage is a ritual using wax, which is very easy to perform at home. First you need to prepare a container with cold water and natural wax. Paraffin should not be used for this ritual. A little wax should be melted in a water bath, and then you will need to carefully pour it in a thin continuous stream into a container of water.

In this case, you need to pronounce the following magic words:

The cooled wax figurine must be examined carefully. As far as you can visualize it, the answer to the question of who caused the damage will be as correct.

If the damage was caused by a woman, then the wax figure will have the outline of a moon or a flower, and if the culprit is a man, then the casting will be in the form of a rhombus, square, bear or raven. A recognizable image of a person will be obtained if severe damage has been caused. Sometimes a wax figure indicates the enemy's occupation. If a person has been damaged, then when examining a wax figurine, he will certainly recognize the ill-wisher, and if there is no negativity, then he will not be able to see anything.

Attracting the person who caused damage

You can attract the person who caused the damage to you with the following ritual, which is performed at sunset. To carry out the ceremony, you must first prepare seven old keys. As soon as the sun begins to disappear below the horizon, you need to put a pot of water on the fire.

As soon as the water boils, throw the keys into it with the words:

The next day, the one who sent the damage will definitely meet you, most likely, he will even knock on your door.

So that the offender dreams

There is a strong ritual that allows you to see your offender in a dream. In order to reproduce the plot of a dream as accurately as possible, you should put a pen and a sheet of paper near you in the evening to make notes before the dream begins to be forgotten. If you do everything correctly, you will be able to understand who exactly tried to harm you.

After you go to bed, you need to try to relax as much as possible and get rid of obsessive everyday thoughts. It is important not to try to guess the enemy, this will only do harm and will not allow you to obtain reliable information.

After you feel complete relaxation, you should whisper the following conspiracy:

After pronouncing the magic words, you need to fall asleep as soon as possible. If you were in a relaxed state, then you will be able to do this very quickly.

In a dream, the image of the offender will definitely appear. But in order not to forget anything, you should urgently make notes in a previously prepared notebook. It is important to remember that you should not touch your head, this will drive away the memory of the dream and you will not be able to remember anything.

Using black magic

Black magic can also be used to identify the offender. There is a ritual that is not complicated, but very dangerous. Therefore, it is not recommended for beginners to use it.

To carry out the ritual, you need to go to the cemetery in the daytime and find an old nail there. It would be good if we could raise him from his old grave. It is important not to touch it with bare hands. You need to first prepare a piece of black cloth and take it with you to the cemetery. It is in this that you will need to carefully wrap the nail without touching it. Then, without entering the house, you should drive a nail under the door.

During this process, the following conspiracy is spoken:

After such an action, the person who tried to harm you will definitely appear on your doorstep. The danger of this method lies in the fact that you not only call the offender to you, but are also ready to inflict damage on him, and for this you will have to pay something.

Therefore, after you see your offender, try to suppress the desire to take revenge. Revenge is not a Christian act, so just try to distance yourself from this person and try not to cross paths with him. And in order to minimize possible negative consequences, you should definitely visit the temple and light a candle for your own health.

Christian ritual

A pressing question today is how to find out who caused the damage in connection with rituals that can be performed independently.

To identify the enemy who caused the damage, baptized believers can perform the following ritual:

  • You need to put on a pectoral cross and go to the temple, where you buy the seven most expensive church candles and the image of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God and the Great Martyr Panteleimon;
  • In the temple you need to take some water in a container you bring with you;
  • On the same day at midnight, in complete solitude, you need to install icons, light church candles next to them and put holy water;
  • Read the Lord's Prayer seven times;
  • Drink a few sips of holy water;
  • Concentrate on the flames of the candles and say the following magic words seven times:

The next day, the person who caused the damage will definitely come to you himself. He will try to ask for something and immediately leave. Under no circumstances should you give him anything. In addition, it is important not to tell anyone about the ritual performed.

If the ritual was not effective, it means that the ill-wisher has strong energy and can resist. In this case, the ritual must be repeated in the near future.

A simple ceremony with a candle

To carry out the ritual, you should retire to a separate room and light a thin church candle. It must be placed in a faceted glass filled to the middle with clean water. After this, the candle is set on fire and a special plot is read. His words should be spoken towards a window or open door. The best time for the ceremony is the witching hour, from three o'clock in the morning until the first rooster crows.

These words are spoken all the time while the candle burns:

After such a ritual, you should be attentive to everyone around you for a week. You need to understand that the ill-wisher who tried to harm you may not come to you with repentance or ask for forgiveness. It's just that during this time period someone will behave in an unusual way. Most likely, someone will be very intrusive towards you. This person may also come to you with unusual requests or offer their services at a completely unnecessary moment. If you understand that this particular person was trying to harm you, then you should not come into contact with him. It is important to draw conclusions and try to distance yourself from your enemy.

It should be understood that knowing who caused the damage is necessary not in order to take revenge, but in order to distance oneself from the enemy and put up reliable protection. After all, it is possible that in the future this person will try to harm you with messages of negative programs.

Find out who wished you harm

A conspiracy to find out where the damage came from

“The blessed fire will open all evil things, let the one who spoils the slave (name) howl. Just as no one can touch this knife without pain, so let the one who spoils the slave (name) run to her and moan. Just as this metal heats up and becomes red-hot, so let the one who spoils the slave (name) walk and stumble. So that all roads lead him to the slave (name), so that he can come to the slave (name) without reason. Let your heels itch and bake until your feet are brought to the slave (name). Amen".

Place this hot knife on a saucer and you can repeat the ritual during the day, but no more than six times. Anyone who does bad things against you will find any excuse to enter your house. If he doesn’t come running, he’ll call or write, remind everyone of himself and ask for something.

Salt spell

“Oh, I’m a housewife and a craftswoman, come to me, offender, and treat yourself to some bread and salt. I cooked for you, set the table, come to me and open up so that I can recognize you by sight. And after dinner, you can drink whatever you want, so it’s already poured for you. Amen".

If you say this three times, you can put the plate by the window. When you find a place near the window, whisper once:

“Come to me without being called, here is your treat. Amen".

Within three days, the one who causes damage will appear. Yes, he will certainly want something to drink, or he will ask for dinner.

Conspiracy on seven keys to find out who spoils

Seven keys to seven locks At sunset, this method will help you find out who is harming you. Go through your mansions and collect seven different keys. Even though they lie idle, even though they discover what they really are, they will still be useful. Place a vessel with water on the fire and wait for it to boil. As the water boils and becomes pitch, carefully throw the keys into it and read the plot seven times:

“Once the water boils, no one can hide from it. Whoever decides to bring illnesses to slave (name) will suffer from terrible melancholy. Whoever sends a wicked spell to a slave (name), let him kick the devil with his hoof towards her house. Amen".

When it cools down, pour the water under your threshold to lure the harmful one.

The next day you can meet someone who is doing dirty tricks on you. He'll be hanging around your house somewhere.

Find out who is doing the damage using wax

If this is not your first time dealing with witchcraft, then you can still use wax to reveal the spoiler. Place a wide, light bowl of cold water on the table. Melt a little wax over the flame of a church candle and carefully pour it into the water. Pour slowly, direct a thin stream and look into the water to see what happens.

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A conspiracy that helps to find out who caused the damage

Spoiling another person is not that difficult. The Internet is full of conspiracies and descriptions of magical rituals. Thousands of sorcerers and witches are ready to do this dirty deed for money. There is nothing to say about the evil eye. All you have to do is look at a child or an adult filled with negative thoughts, how the baby is capricious, and everything is falling out of your hands. How to find out who did the damage? Before answering this question, let's establish whether it is necessary to know.

A conspiracy that helps to find out who caused the damage

Do I need to know the source of damage?

Is it so important who caused the damage or the evil eye? Yes, it is very important.

Everyone has heard the word “evil eye.” In this case, the victim did not necessarily annoy her offender, and he wanted to deal with her. This may be an unintended impact. Imagine that a girl is walking next to her husband, holding a child’s hand. Meeting her is another who has no personal life and no children. She is filled with anger. She has no complaints against this particular girl, she has not done anything wrong to her, but the second one has a negative attitude towards life, anger, envy, etc. An exchange of energy occurs, and the first one receives a negative message. It is easy to remove it yourself, and it returns to the person from whom it came.

Is it good? What good can be in negativity, in such an aura that suddenly appears around a person. Therefore, you need to know where this energy comes from. If you know that some person is walking down the street and punches everyone in the face, you will not wait for the next blow. Something similar happens in spiritual life. You need to know who is constantly “hitting” you energetically in order to protect yourself from negative influences.

There are ways that help you independently determine who has jinxed a family or an individual. It's easy to recognize. But one point is important here. You can't judge this person or be angry with him.. The anger comes back, and you yourself will join the ranks of those who can cast the evil eye. Better have pity on this man. Deeply unhappy people get angry. Just isolate yourself from him, avoid him, and don’t take revenge or get angry.

There are ways that help you independently determine who has jinxed a family or an individual

Why know who did the damage? If severe damage is caused, then not only the victim herself suffers from it, but also her relatives up to the 7th generation, and the children and grandchildren of the victim, and the relatives of the customer himself, because the damage returns to the one who caused it. Now these two are connected by magic, and only a white magician can break this connection and neutralize the effect of damage.

What to do to save the family? Only white magic will help here, which should eliminate the consequences of damage and establish protection. To do this you need to know who did it. But this protection can only be targeted, i.e. block the actions of a specific person. Therefore, you need to know where this evil came from. You need to get rid of the damage, but it is already present, the negative cannot simply dissolve into thin air, the magician must direct it to someone. It would be unfair to choose another victim for this purpose. Then you yourself turn into a customer and will be punished for this. Therefore, the magician directs it back to the one who himself caused the damage. Revenge is bad, but in this situation the white magician has no choice, because... There are some damages that cannot be removed in any other way; they return to the one who caused them.

How to find out who jinxed

What to do in case of an evil eye? If you want to recognize that the evil eye has hit your family, you need to make sure that the evil eye is present. Then a ceremony is carried out to remove it. And you need to read the plot itself, which will help you find out who jinxed it, the very next night after the first ritual. You can do this yourself, without turning to witches. At this time, someone else’s energy is just coming out of you, and you can influence it so that it indicates who has jinxed the family. It returns to the person it came from, so it can point to a specific person.

You can find out who jinxed it yourself, without turning to witches

The ritual itself

To find out who is bringing the evil eye on you or your family, stand in front of the mirror in the evening and read the Cyprian Prayer 3 times. Look in the mirror, at the point next to your head, and say the words of the spell, also three times:

“Remember the Slave (name) for health, and his enemy for peace! Calm all his angry thoughts! Let him appear before me! So that we are not bound by the same fate! Amen!".

Then go to bed.


After you read the plot, wait for it to work, it will be the next morning. If a friend has jinxed you, he will come to visit you or call you. But sometimes we get the evil eye from a random person. But even in this case, you will encounter it in these 3-7 days. He will either ask you something or push you, i.e. there will be some contact. But an accidental evil eye is not so terrible, because... there is a high probability that you will not see this person again.

It is much worse if the ogling person is your relative or acquaintance. Then he will definitely make himself known, i.e. will come or call. Sometimes the evil eye comes from the Internet, because... Many people post their photos on social networks. And there this person will show himself, leave a comment or write a message, etc. In this case, you need to somehow protect your photos from prying eyes.

How to find out who did the damage

If you suspect that you have been damaged, first make sure that this is not your fantasy. There is damage to illness, to family, to home, to death, etc., each with its own symptoms. Read about this or go to a good magician who will tell you whether you are damaged or not. Carry out the ceremony yourself, read the plot. When you are sure that there is damage, act.

Try to understand who could damage you

Before you begin magical rituals, sit and think about who could be planning evil against you. We are afraid of some people, and this happens at the level of intuition, because... they can be outwardly pleasant, and even ingratiate themselves with us. There are people who consider everyone hypocritical and live filled with hatred and anger. A wave of negativity emanates from them, so both the person himself and his loved ones suffer from depression and begin to have nervous breakdowns. These are the people we suspect first, but they are not necessarily guilty. What to do if you or your family have been damaged?

First, sit down and think.

  1. Remember the moment when you started having troubles. If you find it difficult to do this right away, take a piece of paper and write down individual events until you get to the starting point.
  2. You managed to remember when it all started. Now think about who you communicated with during this period, what you could have done at that moment. Did someone come to visit you or invite you to your place and give you gifts?
  3. Make a list of your contacts. Don't cross out anyone, write everyone down. If you have already forgotten all the events, ask a loved one for help. When the list is ready, go through it with your eyes, trying to intuitively determine who is guilty. How to do it? Say each person's name and introduce them. What do you feel? If these are warm feelings, cross them out, if they are hostility, leave them. You have no more than 10 people on your list.
  4. The list of suspects is ready, you will need to meet and talk with them. Catch the first emotion on a person's face when he sees you. You may notice fear and rage, and your inner feelings may become stronger. Watch the conversation, the person will try to ask you how you are doing. He is only interested in that part of life that is associated with corruption. After that, he will try to leave, citing being busy. The person does not look you in the face, clenches his fists or crosses his arms when talking, licks his lips, etc.
  5. Buy some trinket and try to give it to your potential offender. What will he do if he is guilty? He will not take it under any circumstances, he may panic and run away.

To find out who caused the damage, make a list of your contacts

If you are not sure that this is the same person, read the conspiracy. There are many options for simple rituals that you can perform yourself.

It must be read the night before any Orthodox holiday. Before going to bed, you need to say the cherished words, after which it is forbidden to eat or drink or talk. This night you will see in a dream the culprit of the damage. If the sorcerer drowned or burned, then the damage was not strong, and you have already gotten rid of it.

“Saint Samson will appear and send me a prophetic dream,

Who thought dark thoughts

Who said an unkind word

Who did evil?

Let him appear to me in a dream. Amen".

It is held on a waxing moon, on a night when there are many stars in the sky, at exactly 12 o’clock. At this time, pour half a glass of salt into a hot frying pan and leave it on the fire for about 20 minutes. At this time, stir it and repeat constantly:

“I will feed and drink all seventy-seven. Show and tell who did evil and slander to the Servant of God (name) - it’s not a fish, not a bird, not a beast, but an evil man.”

The salt will become dark and crackle. It's time to wrap it in a napkin and take it outside. Stand under the starry sky, count 21 stars on the right and say:

“Queen stars, return the evil that was brought to me neither by fish, nor by bird, nor by beast, but by man - return it to the one who did it, and God will forgive!”

Take the salt to the crossroads and pour it there.

For three days after the ceremony, you must communicate with people as little as possible, do not take any gifts from them and do not give anything yourself, do not borrow money, etc. In the morning, go to church and order a service for health in the name of the person you suspect, light 2 candles for his health. If it makes itself known within 1-2 weeks, it was definitely the culprit of the damage.

  • 12/11/2017 Anonymous I want to meet the buyer in person so that he can.
  • 12/10/2017 Maria I wonder if I will get my very first copy.
  • 12/09/2017 and the authors’ obscurantism is impressive. black magic devils.
  • 12/08/2017 Aki I want to kill God.

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