home · Installation · DIY money tree Sapegina. A wonderful DIY gift: money topiary. Topiary design options

DIY money tree Sapegina. A wonderful DIY gift: money topiary. Topiary design options

at 03/19/2018 4,484 Views

Money topiary makes a great souvenir and an excellent gift idea for friends, family and loved ones

Everyone inevitably faces the problem of finding a gift for a friend, relative or colleague. It’s not always possible to choose a good souvenir, even if you know the person, his habits and tastes well. What can we say if the hero of the day is not so close, and asking about preferences on the eve of the celebration is not always appropriate. In such cases, it will help to get out of a difficult situation original gift- made with your own hands, which will always find its place in the house.

    • Description and features
    • Money tree: master class
    • DIY money cake


Description and features

The history of the appearance of topiary began with the heyday landscape design, when perfectly straight plants with beautiful haircuts began to decorate the gardens of aristocrats. All kinds of figures were cut out of the tree crowns, competing in skill and flight of imagination. Over time, topiary began to be used in garden floristry, creating bouquets of incredible beauty.


Today, the art of creating crafts in the form of a tree, consisting of a trunk, crown and pot, has gone beyond strictly defined boundaries, and topiary is called not only flowers and trees, but also all kinds of crafts.


Money topiary occupies a special place in needlework, as it is great for gifts. This souvenir has a number of features, among which are the following:

    • Originality of idea and unusual implementation. When making a gift, you can come up with many options by making a topiary in the shape of a ship or a cake.
    • Demonstration of creativity and the opportunity to give a gift without spending a lot of money. A homemade gift always evokes more emotions than buying a banal set.
    • An interesting legend that the money tree brings good luck and prosperity to the house. Such superstitions are inherent in many nations and are ancient traditions that are carefully protected and passed on from generation to generation.

There are many ideas for creating a money tree.

Advice! The choice of denomination of banknotes, as well as their authenticity, completely depends on the master. If you plan to give a small amount, you can add one real bill to the place of honor.

Money bouquet - another super gift idea

Money tree: master class

One of the most popular types of topiary is a money tree made from bills and coins. Making such a gift is not at all difficult if you follow the instructions step by step.

To make a souvenir you will need:

    • small pot for indoor plants or mug;
    • coins and bills;
    • glue and double-sided tape;
    • leg-split;
    • scissors;
    • alabaster;
    • sushi stick.

It is better to have the necessary tools at hand

      • Take a sushi stick and tie a knot of twine at the end, then wrap the rope around the entire stick to create a tree trunk. Place the finished barrel in a pot and secure it with alabaster, leaving space on top for coins.

Of course, the money tree for decoration is made from drawn banknotes

        • Take the bill and fold it in half, slightly moving the edges. It should be folded unevenly so that the edges move, after which uneven edge needs to be secured double-sided tape and glue. Make an envelope from the folded bill, securing the edges with the glue-coated side.

Technique for folding banknotes

          • For a flower you will need 15 such envelopes; use the same technology to make 14 more pieces. From the resulting 15 envelopes, assemble a flower; the corner of the envelope should be in the center, expanding towards outer edge. Lubricate right side each envelope and secure all the bills to each other using double-sided tape.

Connect the elements together using a glue gun or tape

            • Take two identical coins and glue them to the center of the resulting flower, one on each side, to secure the flower. Take a pot with a trunk and smear glue on the top of the trunk, putting a flower from envelopes on it so that the trunk is hidden inside. Secure with glue the back side of the barrel that covers inner part envelope.

Elegant tree with your own hands

              • All that remains is to decorate the pot with coins. To do this, take the resulting tree and coins. Lubricate each coin with glue and fix it under the tree trunk in a random order, placing one on top of the other to make a pile of coins.

The money tree is ready!

Advice! When working with coins, it is better to use a more reliable glue so that the structure does not fall apart. A glue gun or superglue is suitable for this.


DIY money cake

This master class is perfect for a gift with genuine banknotes, since the money will remain intact, without traces of glue or creases. A cake made from banknotes will be an excellent gift for a wedding, where a monetary souvenir is especially relevant, and the presentation will become more impressive and memorable.

For production you will need:

              • thick and thin cardboard;
              • thin satin ribbon and elegant bow;
              • paper clips;
              • double-sided tape and glue;
              • bills (at least 100 pieces).

Blanks for money cake

Important! The largest one should be about 30 cm in diameter, and each subsequent one should be 2-3 cm smaller.

                  • Glue the edge of the base satin ribbon to hide the cut. From thin cardboard, cut 3 strips for each base. The height of the strip should correspond to the bill rolled into a tube, and the length of the rolled strip should be adjusted to the circle.

The base of the cake is the largest part in diameter.

Advice! The folded strip should be slightly smaller than the base so that the money tubes can fit on it.

                  • When cutting out strips, make 6 equal-spaced triangles in diameter around one side of the circle and the other entirely from jagged edges. Fold these edges and spread with glue, securing the edge of the cake to the base.
                  • Take a bill, roll it up and secure it with a paper clip. External side paperclip the bill and place it on the side of the cake. Do the same around the entire circle. Using the same principle, make the remaining 2 bases and decorate each with banknotes.
                  • From thin cardboard, cut out another circle corresponding to the diameter of the smallest base. A circle of thin cardboard is the top of the cake. In its center you need to secure a bow with glue.
                  • Assemble the cake by gluing one tier to the other by the visible triangles.

Cash trade is ready!

Custom handmade gift

Advice! If dollars are used, the tube should not be rolled all the way so that the president's face can be seen. Each subsequent bill is attached to the left, covering the tail remaining from the previous one.


A selection of master classes on how to make a money tree (topiary) from coins, banknotes and beads with your own hands. Step-by-step instructions and video tutorials.

Tools and materials Time: 6 hours Difficulty: 5/10

  • pistachio shells;
  • coins, souvenir bills;
  • beads;
  • Bath salt;
  • plastic plates;
  • coil of wire;
  • building gypsum;
  • golden paint;
  • small flower pot;
  • drill;
  • FUM tape or thread;
  • glue.

A tree that brings happiness. Who would refuse such a gift? We suggest making this magical tree with your own hands.

Money tree (topiary) golden color

We will need:

How to make a money tree

Step 1

We make holes in the pistachio shells. To do this we use our drill

Step 2

In order to make leaves for the tree, we will use wire and shells with holes made.

Cut 15-20 cm of wire and tie it to the shells

Step 3

Twist the wires into a spiral

Step 4

To get a small twig, twist several leaves together

Step 5

For a whole branch you need to connect 2 - 3 small ones. We try to replicate the structure of a real tree

Step 6

We connect several whole branches together - we get a small tree (to make it more natural, we copy the structure from living trees)

Step 7

To make the barrel strong, we wrap it with thread or FUM tape

Step 8

Apply golden paint

Step 9

While the paint dries, take a small pot and fill it with plaster. We stick the tree in and wait for it to harden.

Step 10

Painting the pot

Money tree made from coins

We will need:

  • Coins
  • Drill or drilling machine
  • Gold paint
  • Newspaper
  • Copper wire
  • Aluminum wire
  • Disposable plastic plates (deep and shallow) or pot
  • Glue (PVA and instant)
  • Stone
  • Gouache
  • Bath salt
  • Zelenka (if there is no green gouache)
  • Figurine of a toad with a coin in its mouth (optional)

Step 1

We take coins of the same size and make holes in them. To do this, use a drill or machine for drilling holes.

Step 2

In the place where we will paint the coins, we cover it with newspaper so as not to stain everything around. Lay out the coins and apply gold paint. Don't forget that they need to be painted on both sides.

Step 3

We make small branches. To do this, we fasten 3 coins with copper wire

Step 4

We make large branches. We fasten 3 small branches into one big one

Step 5

From aluminum wire, we make an American dollar sign (you can make any other one you like :))

Step 6

Connecting with copper wire

Step 7

Now we attach the large branches to the dollar sign. To do this we use copper wire

Step 8

Making a pot for a money tree. For this we need deep and shallow plastic plates, PVA glue diluted with water 1 to 1, which must be mixed with plaster. Fill a deep plate with the mixture, insert a chalk into it and fill everything again (tree trunk too). We put a stone on top, for beauty and to make the structure heavier.

Step 9

Take gouache and paint the trunk and pot with brown paint

*We applied more on top gold paint, you don't have to do this

Step 10

For shine, we coat our wood with varnish

Step 11

That's not all, let's move on to decorating the tree. To do this, we use bath salt mixed with brilliant green or gouache. We glue it around the tree using Moment or any other instant glue

This master class is almost finished. For decoration, we added a toad with a coin in its mouth, you don't have to do this.

We will need:

  • Clay pot
  • Paralon cone
  • Wooden chopsticks (you can use sushi chopsticks)
  • Money
  • Pins
  • Toothpick
  • Paper
  • Scissors

How to make a money tree from banknotes

Step 1

Cut off part of the cone and put it in the pot

Step 2

Place a cone on wooden sticks and place it in the pot.

Step 3

Using pins, we attach the bent money to the cone. We do this gradually, in rows, starting from the bottom.

Step 4

After we hang the entire cone, we examine the tree from all sides so that there are no gaps

Step 5

Cut out a star from paper and glue it to a toothpick

Step 6

Place the star on the top of the cone

You can decorate a dollar tree with festive ribbons and bright tags

Beaded money tree (bonsai)

We will need:

  • Green beads
  • Copper wire (thick and thin)
  • Old plate
  • Foil
  • PVA glue
  • Construction gypsum
  • Gouache

How to make a money tree from beads (bonsai) with your own hands.

Step 1

We take a thin wire and string 9 pieces of beads - we get 1 small leaf. We make 5 of these things and connect them. It turns out to be a small twig

Step 2

Press all 5 branches to form a “heap”

Step 3

From such branches we make full-fledged branches. It all depends on your imagination and ability to be creative. You can make an unlimited number of them

Step 4

We take out thick wire and make a frame for the tree (note again, you don’t have to do it like we did, experiment). We connect thick twigs with thin wire

Step 5

Place it on a plate (pre-wrapped in foil) and see how it looks

Step 6

Lubricate the frame with the mixture (recipe: dilute glue and water 1 to 1 and add building plaster). Don’t forget to coat the bottom of the frame, this will act as a kind of stand

Step 7

Using thin wire, screw the branches to the frame

They will still be happy to make them DIY money tree. Moreover, this beautiful craft will serve as a wonderful decoration for the interior and, after practicing, you can easily make a wonderful gift for your friends and family, giving them either a topiary with banknotes, or a tree whose branches are hung with jingling lucky coins. Our master classes today will tell you five various options construction of similar crafts.

DIY money tree made from coins

Manufacturing process DIY money tree made from coins, which we will consider first, can be called a classic of such bonsai crafts, both bringing financial well-being and decorating the interior. But, despite the elegant and expensive appearance of the craft, we will use simple and accessible materials for the process. What you will need to buy specifically for these are souvenir Chinese coins with a characteristic square hole inside. This is what we will use to decorate the wire branches.

You need to tie pieces of wire (copper, with a standard diameter of 0.3 mm) to a coin, and you don’t have to worry too much about the same length for all the pieces, it’s okay if some are longer and others are shorter, in any case it will even out in progress. To form the branches, we need to sequentially connect five pieces of wire with coins screwed to them. Focus on the photographs that show the process of creating something like this DIY money tree step by step. When you have managed to weave all the coins together (50 pieces were used in our master class) into a dozen branches, you can start decorating them. Thin wire is good for working with square coin holes, but it will not be able to properly support the weight of all five coins at once, so each branch must be strengthened with an additional piece of wire at the base; for this purpose, take material one millimeter thick, fold it in half and this width should be enough for strengthening. We wrap everything together with dark floral tape and connect it into a single trunk. If necessary, we also add thickness to it using copper wire.

The second stage is to form the tree, because now you need to decorate it, create a stand for it. This stage can take up to half an hour, because we will be plastering the base. To do this, make a solution of alabaster, cement and sand, dilute it with water and pour the resulting mixture into a plastic box of a suitable shape, immerse the wire barrel inside and fix it until the mixture begins to set. After 20-30 minutes, remove and begin to shape the trunk. It needs to be given additional volume, for this again take alabaster, plaster, which is used for cement, dilute it construction glue PVA (or stationery diluted with water), apply this mixture to the trunk, scratching the grooves with the material at hand.

Painting can be multi-layered: a layer of bronze paint, a layer of gold paint, acrylic lacquer+ sparkles. You can proudly give the finished product to your friends, telling how much it is powerful magnet for money, supplementing this with other knowledge, for example, about.

DIY money tree: master class

If you weren’t able to buy Chinese coins, and a lot of unnecessary little things have accumulated in your household, then you can use them to make an excellent DIY money tree. Master Class, which we will look at, is precisely distinguished by the use of real, circulating coins, combined with beautiful, delicate beaded leaves. Creating with bead weaving is much more difficult than weaving standard scheme several dozen leaves, using thin wire as a basis for weaving.

Your blanks should be such leaves on legs, and coins of different denominations, the wire on which is fixed in a small drilled hole at the top. Drilling metal will be somewhat more difficult than when performing, but here we are talking, rather, about dexterity and the presence of a special thin drill for metal. If no one in your family can dare to do such delicate work, then simply make loops on the wire pieces and glue them to the back of the coins. This is exactly what was done in our case. Again, as in the previous example DIY money tree made from coins, master- the class of which we examined earlier, the assembled barrel needs to be further strengthened by using a thicker, but still quite flexible wire. We thicken the trunk, together with decoration, with a plaster bandage, which is very convenient to wrap from top to bottom, or with its more modern analogue - floral tape.

We insert the base into a glass with unhardened plaster or finishing plaster, since we will not remove the craft after hardening, then initially it is worth choosing a glass that is both elegant and, at the same time, one that you don’t mind. It is convenient to use this method, since it allows you to put additional decor on the surface of the still plastic retainer, for example, another portion of coins, beads, seashells, which after complete drying will be securely glued. This way of decorating the interior is an excellent replacement for " " ideas.

DIY money tree photo

The following ideas to create a great talisman are: DIY money tree, photo which from step by step instructions you will see below are dedicated to special trees. They do not resemble Japanese bonsai, because these are traditional European topiaries. But the use of coins and banknotes for them as the main and practically the only decoration gives us every right to call them money plants. In the end, it is only our beloved fat woman who deserves this proud title (we remembered about her when studying the issue).

Topiary number one has a classic round shape and a single trunk, a real tree of happiness and good luck. Those who are engaged in this type of crafts know that stores sell round foam plastic blanks for topiary, so as not to have to worry about creating your own. But for this job, a small foam ball (not rubber, as it will need to be pierced to install the base) will work perfectly for you. Select the center of the ball and stick one coin on it. All of them for this work must be of the same denomination, that is, the same size and appearance, this is very important for the overall effect of the finished product. Four more coins are glued slightly overlapping onto the first coin, then, next row, you also glue the next eight coins overlapping, moving in a checkerboard pattern. The texture and coating that appears on the ball should remind you of snake scales, or, if you like, a bump. Naturally, having crossed the equator, you will have to reduce the number of elements in the reverse order.

In the opposite center of the ball, leave an empty hole with a diameter of one coin. You will need to pierce it using scissors or a knife to insert the straight stem inside. Additionally, during installation it should be fixed with a layer of transparent silicone glue. To disguise this junction, take a piece of beautiful fabric with a suitable texture, pull it together with thread and form a skirt, which will need to be glued to the base. The other end of the trunk is inserted into a pot with filler, which should be decorated with matching fabric (golden shades). The filler can fix the craft securely (gypsum, plaster) or be temporary.

How to make a money tree with your own hands

The craft that we will consider next is similar to the previous topiary, so the first part of the master class how to make a money tree with your own hands, you can skip. The main difference is that you need to form not one ball with iridescent golden scales, but three.

Continuing the creation of an unusual triple DIY money tree, step by step master class which is in front of you, you can move from the process of decorating the balls to the stage of creating the barrel. For someone who knows how to do it, even a triple barrel will not be a problem. Each makes up three pieces of strong steel wire, wrapped with tape. A decorative effect will be provided by twine, which is carefully wound in a dense layer on each trunk, but not from the beginning and not to the end. The beginning is a segment that will be inside the ball of the workpiece and there is no need for twine there and in the same way it is not needed at the ends, which will be woven into one wide trunk.

The connector can be hot glue, which must be applied both to the wire shafts themselves before insertion into the ball, and to the finished joint. If necessary, decorate it with coins or twine. Also, in our example, twine was used to decorate flower pot– stand for topiary.

DIY money tree from banknotes

And the last example of topiary - DIY money tree made from banknotes. Since it’s difficult to find banknotes that you wouldn’t mind using for crafts, you can get the job done using souvenir banknotes, which appearance and you can’t tell them apart from the real ones.

In the third example, we probably don’t need to dwell in detail on creating a ball and a leg. It is worth taking a closer look at the process of rolling banknotes. There are two main types in this craft - rolls tied with a piece of twine, and small fans for which the paper is folded like an accordion.

When you have made a sufficient amount of decor, paste it over the base ball (previously paste it over with several bills so that it is single color), using hot glue. It is best to move from top to bottom, then you will calculate the amount of material correctly and maintain the shape of the ball. Additionally DIY money tree from banknotes master- the class we are considering can be decorated with souvenir coins, and with them, complete with a couple of rolls, you can decorate the top of the pot.

Today I want to introduce you detailed master class with photos on making a “Money Tree” panel from coins with your own hands.

    - wooden frame; - a piece of burlap, canvas or denim; - acrylic paints and sponge; - coins; - PVA glue; — thermal gun; - napkins.

DIY coin panel master class step by step

First, remove the glass from the frame and take out the cardboard base. This is what we will be working on. Take a piece of embossed fabric (burlap, canvas or jeans) and cut it to the size of the cardboard. Thickly cover the cardboard with PVA glue and glue the fabric.

We cut the edges to the size of the base. To prevent the cardboard from deforming, place glass and a press on top.

As soon as the glue dries, we begin to work on the tree trunk. We cut the napkins into strips 1.5 cm wide and twist them into flagella.

Need to cook enough a large number of flagella to form a full-fledged trunk.

Based on this we draw the outline of our tree with branches.

It all depends on your imagination. Someone can do something simple classic wood with a straight trunk, some like intricate shapes with bends and curls. In any case, the tree will end up looking very good due to the fact that it is made from individual flagella. This technique makes the tree realistic, almost repeating the structure of the bark. Lubricating the flagella with PVA glue, we begin to lay them out along the drawn contour in several layers, making the tree trunk textured.

The trunk is ready, let's start decorating the tree crown. Depending on whether your frame is rectangular or square, select suitable shape tree crowns. It can be extended horizontally, then the tree will be more branched. I have it in a fairly simple form. We begin to glue the coins using a hot-melt gun. First glue the coins along the contour of the tree.

Then we fill the middle, and then glue the coins in several layers so that the crown is voluminous and the empty spaces do not show through.

All is ready. We take black acrylic paint (preferably pearl or metallic, it will look better and not so dark). We cover the entire picture, both fabric and wood, with paint.

Now we take gold acrylic paint and, using a foam cup, cover the surface of the picture with gold, especially the coins. Don't overdo it, you just need to achieve the gilding effect.

Before putting the picture in a frame, we will also decorate the frame itself a little and add a golden shine using the same acrylic paint.

That's all, a wonderful gift in the form of a money panel made of coins is ready.

Based on materials from http://svoimi-rukami-club.ru

According to the ancient Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui, the money tree is a talisman for attracting wealth to the home. It could be like living plant fat woman, and artificial tree-bonsai, topiary or panel depicting a coin tree. This tree should stand in the middle of the south-eastern part of the living room. You can buy it, but it’s better to make it yourself - then it will contain your energy and more actively attract the flow of wealth into the house.

What talismans you can make with your own hands:

  • Bonsai - bonsai, grown on a flat surface: dish, lid, tray; its evenly spread branches symbolize stability.
  • Topiary is a tree whose crown is trimmed in the shape of a ball, on a straight trunk in a pot.
  • Panel.

Money Tree Bonsai

The most difficult of DIY crafts, you will need to work hard.

To make it we will need:

  • traditional Chinese coins with square holes (you can buy them at a souvenir store) or ordinary pennies of approximately the same denomination and color, but holes need to be drilled in them - we take 50 pieces;
  • thin wire for branches (you need one that bends well, but does not sag under the weight of coins);
  • thick wire;
  • floral tape;
  • decorative cover (stand, saucer);
  • materials for mortar: cement, alabaster, PVA glue, finishing plaster;
  • gold acrylic paint in aerosol packaging.

How we will proceed:

  1. We take a piece of wire 40 cm long, string a coin on the middle and twist both ends of the wire, twist further, make a branch with a leaf 2 cm long. Now we put a coin on the middle of the free end of the wire again, twist it, and from the other end as well. We make a branch of five leaves.
  2. We make 10 branches. We wrap the base of each branch with floral tape.
  3. We twist them together, forming a tree and a crown. We put a thick wire in the middle, maybe insulated.
  4. Now we lower the “roots” into the pan and fill it with solution. We prepare it like this: mix cement, sand and alabaster in equal parts, add water.
  5. We make a new solution, coat the trunk and branches with it. Mortar: alabaster, finishing plaster, cement, PVA glue equal parts, water.
  6. After drying, cover the money tree with gold paint.

Money Tree Topiary

Master class difficulty level: medium (an adult and a schoolchild under the guidance of an adult can handle it).

Let's take:

  • coins;
  • foam ball (diameter 10 cm);
  • stick for the trunk (branch, thick wire);
  • a gold ribbon 5 mm thick for wrapping the trunk and decoration;
  • golden rhinestones for decoration;
  • materials for drainage (gypsum);
  • flower pot;
  • gold paint;
  • glue gun


  1. Using a glue gun, we begin to glue the coins to the ball.

    A money tree made from coins will help you get rich

    We lay them out in rows, leaving empty space for the trunk.

  2. We wrap the stick with a ribbon and secure it with glue.
  3. We make a hole in the ball, insert a stick there and glue it well.
  4. Preparing the drainage. Pour gypsum solution into the pot, place the tree there and wait until it hardens.
  5. We cover the pot, drainage and money with gold paint.
  6. We selectively glue rhinestones onto coins and decorate the pot with rhinestones. We form bows from the ribbon and attach it to the trunk or pot.

Deciding on a place for an artificial tree

A homemade wealth amulet can decorate your room. Determine where the southeast is in your apartment and think about what type of money tree will best suit the interior. If this open wall, then a picture would be appropriate; if there is a shelf, table or flower stand in this place, then choose a tree craft.

Important! According to Feng Shui, the southeast does not coincide with the cardinal points. If you know that the windows of your apartment face east, then according to Chinese teachings, it will be west. Choose living room, we stand facing the window. Therefore, the southeast will be at the beginning of the left wall of the room - place the money tree there.

Painting “Money tree made from unnecessary coins”

This is a simple type of work. We will make panels with our own hands using the applique technique, so everyone can cope with the task, and such work will look very stylish in the interior.

We prepare materials:

  • small change of the same size;
  • a sheet of thick cardboard for the base;
  • a piece of burlap to fit the background;
  • napkins;
  • glue gun or strong glue (“Dragon”, “Moment”);
  • PVA glue;
  • bronze (gold) acrylic paint;
  • frame;
  • piece of sponge.

Now let's get started:

  1. We glue burlap onto the cardboard, level it, fold the edges and glue it.
  2. Cut the napkins into strips 2 cm wide; starting from the corner of the strip, twist the flagellum, coating it with PVA glue. We make a lot of these flagella.
  3. Draw the outline of the tree with a pencil. Now we moisten the flagella with PVA glue so that they become damp, and lay out the trunk and branches from them. Let it dry.
  4. We glue coins with a glue gun.
  5. We cover the tree crown, trunk and background with gold paint using a sponge.
  6. Glue the frame to the picture.

Everything is ready: our handmade money trees will decorate the interior and attract prosperity to the house.

DIY coin painting: money tree that brings wealth

Perhaps every home has a piggy bank with an impressive handful of pennies, foreign coins and other unnecessary little things. Where should all this “wealth” go? There is a great idea for creative people - a painting made from coins with your own hands. Below is a detailed master class with step by step photos for making a painting-amulet with the image of a money tree.

Necessary materials

  • Any coins of different diameters;
  • Base for the picture (thick cardboard 1-2 mm thick);
  • A piece of burlap;
  • Multilayer napkins of any color or rope (lace);
  • Glue gun;
  • PVA glue;
  • Aerosol paint black;
  • Acrylic paint in bronze or silver color;
  • Auxiliary tools: brush, scissors, brush, etc.

Coin preparation

Before use, coins must be thoroughly washed with soap and water and a brush, then dried and degreased with alcohol. To restore tarnished coins' shine, you can clean them with toothpaste, dry them, and polish them with a piece of felt.

Preparing the base of the painting

  1. Cut out a piece of cardboard to the required size.
  2. Cut a piece of burlap slightly larger than the cardboard blank. Make sure that the fabric does not have any foreign inclusions, holes, irregularities or other defects.
  3. Apply a sufficient amount of PVA glue to the cardboard and glue the burlap to the cardboard blank, pressing firmly over the entire surface and avoiding the formation of bubbles.
  4. Allow the base to dry for several hours. To prevent the cardboard from warping, you can place a weight on top.

Making blanks for a tree trunk

First you need to make a sufficient number of blanks for the future barrel. For this purpose, ropes or laces cut into pieces 15-25 cm long are suitable.

Very neat blanks are made from multi-layer paper napkins. You will need 2-3 large napkins of any color. Each napkin should be cut into strips about 1.5 cm wide and moistened generously with water so that the paper is completely saturated and slightly swollen. Twist the strips into a tight rope. There is no need to strive to obtain perfectly even flagella; blanks with some defects will produce a more realistic and interesting money tree trunk.

Drawing outlines of a drawing

On dried burlap using a simple pencil draw the contours of the future tree. It is advisable to draw the crown in the simplest possible shape, because it will be filled with coins, and a complex design simply will not work. But with a tree trunk, you can show your imagination: make it curved, highlight individual branches or powerful intertwined roots.

Gluing tree trunk blanks

Now you can begin the most difficult and important part of the work - forming the trunk of the money tree. Using PVA glue, applied in sufficient quantities to the burlap, you need to glue the flagella from napkins (pieces of rope or lace), trying not to go beyond the contours of the pattern. There should be no distance between the workpieces. To obtain a more interesting pattern, you can bend, twist and cross the blanks, trying to imitate the bark of a real tree.

Tree crown formation

The crown of the tree is formed by coins.

Money tree made from coins

A glue gun is used to glue coins. It is not allowed to apply excessive amounts of glue to coins, as it will be difficult to remove.

First, glue the coins along the contour, then fill free space. We glue the coins overlapping so that the burlap fabric does not show through.

At the end, remove the remaining glue from the surface of the coins using a brush or manually.

Painting a painting

  1. We cover the entire surface of the painting with black spray paint, leaving no bald spots. If necessary, the paint can be applied in 2 layers.
  2. After drying spray paint You can start painting the money tree. To do this, apply a small amount of bronze or silver acrylic enamel to the surface of the sponge and carefully distribute it over the coins and tree trunk. It is recommended to first make a test print on a sheet of paper. There is no need to paint the coins and the entire trunk; there must be gaps of black color (the pattern of the crown and “cracks” in the tree trunk). The smooth transitions of color on the tree crown look very beautiful. Don't be afraid to experiment with the amount of paint.

After drying, the picture of coins can be framed and the handmade masterpiece can be hung in a prominent place.

Video compilation

And if you still have unnecessary coins, you can make other versions of paintings and panels using the master classes below:

The most interesting articles:

Painting money tree - a souvenir with meaning

These days, products are more valuable than ever. self made. A gift made with one’s own hand always contains a piece of the soul of the person who worked on it; it can say a lot: about a special attitude, love, respect, warm feelings. A DIY money tree painting, among other things, promises to improve financial condition its owner.

The money tree, according to Feng Shui, symbolizes wealth and prosperity; it is responsible for the well-being of the family.

Crafts from coins: panel “Money Tree”

By the way, in the East it is believed that for such a tree to really “work”, it needs to find a place in the house on the southeast side.

With the help of our clear instructions, photos and videos, this interesting talisman will be easy for anyone to make if desired. This product can please anyone!

Preparing materials for the painting

To make this financial souvenir, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • base for the picture (burlap, canvas or canvas) and frame;
  • dense paper napkins or kitchen towels;
  • various coins;
  • glue gun;
  • PVA glue;
  • kitchen sponge, brush;
  • brown and golden acrylic paint.

Please note that the coins make the panel quite heavy, so you should choose a fairly strong frame.

This could be, for example, an ordinary wooden frame, but the base for the photo should be dense and strong, since simple cardboard may not withstand the weight of the decor over time and become deformed. Coins for the painting are suitable for any denomination, including the smallest ones. You can specially purchase souvenir plastic coins; they are lighter in weight.

Technique for making a painting

We will describe every step of making such a picture, so that anyone can easily repeat it.

Preparing the base

The background for the painting can be thick textured paper (for example, wallpaper), canvas, canvas or burlap. It needs to be glued using PVA to the base for the photo and carefully straightened. In order for the base to be smooth and beautiful, it needs to be pressed away from the frame with glass before it dries and pressed down on top with something heavy. After everything is well glued, the excess fabric at the edges will need to be carefully trimmed or folded to the wrong side and fixed with glue.

Making a trunk

On paper we will draw a stencil for a tree trunk with roots and branches, cut it out, and outline the picture on a fabric base.

We will cut paper napkins into strips 1.5-2 cm wide, from which we will make a trunk, branches, and roots. To do this, we moisten them a little in water and twist tight strands; you will need about 30 of them, or even more, depending on the width and height of the tree.

We lubricate the trunk on the base a little with PVA glue, and completely saturate the flagella themselves in it and glue them to the future picture.

After the barrel is ready, it must be allowed to dry completely.

Glue a crown of coins

The crown of the tree is made of coins; they are glued using a hot-melt gun with transparent glue. You can arrange the money to your liking. Coins glued randomly in two layers look beautiful. In this case, the wood turns out textured and really rich!


When all the elements are firmly fixed on the base, the entire picture, including the background, is covered with brown acrylic paint. The product must be painted very carefully, leaving no gaps, and left to dry.

After complete drying Brown, using a sponge, apply a loose layer of golden acrylic paint. Special attention It’s worth paying attention to the coins, painting them more brightly than the rest of the panel. Let it dry. The frame also needs to be lightly coated with golden paint, so the picture will look more harmonious and holistic.


After everything has dried, all that remains is to insert the picture into the frame.

It’s amazing what a rich panel you can create with your own hands from such simple things! Taking into account the drying time of the paint, it will take no more than four hours to make it. Moreover, such a souvenir will be appropriate for any occasion, for both men and women, and will undoubtedly please the owner of even the most refined taste. After all, such a picture with a money tree not only looks stylish, but also has a certain meaning!

Video selection of instructions for making paintings from coins

In order to clearly see the whole process of creating this interesting souvenir, we have selected master classes in video format. Here you can find several other ideas for decorating such a souvenir.

Making a money topiary with your own hands is not at all difficult; the main thing is to understand the principle of making this art object, which is popular today among needlewomen and lovers of unusual room decoration. And if you know about options for replacing parts of the craft and in various ways decorating the pot and crown, then you can even create your own unique tree of happiness, unlike anyone else’s.

Why from money?

Topiary or the tree of happiness in the form that will be discussed further has existed in Europe for many decades. Craftswomen from Russia and the CIS countries relatively recently began to master the art of making topiaries, but have already succeeded quite greatly in this.

Money topiaries, popular today as a decorative element in an ordinary apartment

Initially, topiar is the art of landscape design, which consists of trimming the crowns of trees and bushes in a special way (not only in the form geometric shapes, but also in the form of animals, birds, etc.), and the topiary is a topiary master. Over time, there was a confusion of terminology, and today topiary is an artificial tree with a round crown, which is not related to any real plant and is only a figment of the imagination of designers and needlewomen.

Topiary is an artificial homemade tree “planted” in a pot. small sizes with an unusual spherical crown. There are no more strict rules and regulations regarding making a tree of happiness and there cannot be any more. This is definitely helpful creative people, because the space for imagination opens up extraordinary!

So, topiary today is made from paper and feathers, coffee and fabrics, flowers and sweets! It is made according to the style of the room or designer’s find, in honor of a personal or family celebration.

Topiary made from banknotes is one of the most unusual options the embodiment of the tree of happiness, which has been rapidly gaining momentum lately.

Money topiary

Why make topiary out of money and how much can it cost?

You won’t believe it, but a topiary whose crown consists of banknotes will cost you no more than a craft made from artificial flowers or coffee. The fact is that no one ever makes money topiary from real paper bills, coins can be real, but this is not at all necessary.

Of course, one could be puzzled and make a tree from ten or fifty ruble banknotes so that the craft would be relatively inexpensive, but the fact is that such a topiary will look cheap or undignified. A tree made from banknotes of 100 dollars, 50 euros or 5 thousand rubles looks much more interesting, “more expensive” and more presentable!

Why make such a tree of happiness? Tasks and goals can be very different:

If you are trying to create unusual interior, unlike anyone else and reflecting your individuality, then such an art object is what you need.

  • A tree of happiness made from banknotes is an original gift for a birthday, anniversary or other holiday, and not necessarily a joke gift, because the crown is made from counterfeit money You can also attach a couple of real impressive ones.
  • Money topiary can also be used to attract capital into your life, if you do it with a certain mood and a desire to get rich in the future.

One way or another, no matter what goal you pursue, topiary made from banknotes will delight you with its simplicity of execution and an unusual and very beautiful result of the work.

Step-by-step master class

In order to make a money topiary with your own hands at home you will need:

  • gypsum and water for diluting it
  • polyurethane foam
  • flowerpot
  • car spray paint
  • joke bank banknotes
  • tree branch
  • glue gun
  • scissors
  • toothpicks
  • sesal
  • decorative ribbon (organza, satin), wrapping and other materials to choose from for decoration

The sequence of actions when making a money topiary is as follows:

Preparatory stage: securing parts of the future topiary

  • Form a ball from polyurethane foam and place it on the branch before the foam has time to dry.
  • Dilute the plaster with water to obtain the consistency of thick sour cream. Pour the resulting mixture into the pot to the edge, insert a branch into the pot and hold until the mixture hardens.
  • When the plaster is completely dry, carefully paint the entire structure in the color of your choice and wait until it is completely dry before continuing to work.

The process of making “leaflets” from banknotes

  • Make “leaves” of banknotes: put each one in a bag (for this you may need to first fold the bill in half), fill the sharp end with glue and insert a toothpick into it, as shown in the photo. The number of leaves will depend on the size of your tree's crown.
  • Cut out squares measuring 10 by 10 cm from felt, bend them in half and also glue a toothpick in the middle (see photo). It will be decorative element future topiary.

Decoration of the crown of the money topiary

  • Begin to form the crown of the topiary by sticking the banknote leaves into the foam ball. The main part of the crown should be banknotes, and felt leaves can occasionally be found in the upper part among banknotes and completely form bottom part topiary
  • Distribute the rest of the decor, in this case sesal, over the crown of the topiary.

Decorating a money topiary pot

  • Decorate the topiary pot with the remains of the sesal, securely gluing it to the plaster with a glue gun.
  • Roll up a real bill, if you plan to give real money, carefully tie it with a ribbon and place it near the trunk of the topiary.

Ready tree of happiness

Manufacturing options for individual parts

Making a tree of happiness in general and a money topiary in particular is a process that cannot be regulated by any strict laws and framework from beginning to end. Everyone is free to work in any order and use any available materials, based on financial and other realities and possibilities. Here are a few examples of using scrap materials for individual components topiary

The ball, which is the basis of the topiary crown,can be made not only from polyurethane foam, but also from:

  • foam spherical blank, purchased at any hardware and craft materials store;
  • a homemade ball from newspaper, PVA glue and twine (to do this, just roll up a tight ball from newspapers, wrap it with rope and carefully glue it so that it does not open in the future);
  • from a floral sponge, which is sold in any flower shop;
  • made from a soft children's foam ball.

As a basis for the topiary crown, you can use, among other things, a children's foam ball.

For the topiary trunkalso not only a branch will do natural wood, but also other materials and solutions:

  • skewers placed together and wrapped in rope;
  • a plastic stick from a flower shop;
  • wooden base from a brush or other similar object;
  • sushi sticks;
  • a homemade stick, for example, from a wire frame and foil or plaster, if you want the shape of the trunk to be unusually curved or different thicknesses in different areas.

As topiary pot The following options are suitable:

  • an ordinary inexpensive flowerpot from the nearest garden store;
  • a beautiful coffee cup or mug;
  • plastic cup;
  • any compact box.

In order to secure the topiary trunk in a pot, you can use not only plaster, but also sand and/or pebbles.

Decorative pebbles and pebbles can be used not only for decoration, but also to secure the topiary trunk in a pot

Composition design options

When making a money topiary with your own hands, you are not limited not only in materials, but also in the design of the finished composition.

  • Banknotes can be folded not only into a bag, but also into an accordion, an airplane, a fan, a tube, etc.

Fold banknote for topiary you can use any method you like

  • The crown can be decorated not only with paper money, but also with a combination of bills and coins, both in the crown of the tree of happiness and on the trunk or in a pot.

Money topiary can combine paper bills and real coins

  • There is also an option when the money topiary is made entirely of coins, and this is certainly a stunning sight.

A money topiary made entirely of coins is a very, very impressive sight.

  • The color scheme of the money topiary can be dictated as decorative material, available to you (sesal, felt, etc.), and the color of the banknotes.

Sometimes color scheme topiary suggested by the color of the banknotes themselves

  • A ready-made artificial tree can serve as the basis for a money topiary, and a combination of paper bills and natural color foliage will make your tree of happiness even more unusual.

Money topiary, the basis of which is an artificial tree, can combine “natural” leaves and leaves from banknotes

  • And, of course, there are an endless variety of design options for flowerpots: from the simplest and minimalist to those filled with all sorts of interesting details (figurines, ladders, beads, grass, bags, wallets, etc.). The materials can also be very different: paper, various kinds of fabrics, ribbons, etc.

In design money topiary Burlap and twine are often used both to decorate small details and as the main decor for flowerpots

So, making a money topiary with your own hands is not a difficult task, but it is fascinating, and the result will be an unusual art object that will decorate any home or office.

Video master class: another simple way to make topiary from banknotes