home · Appliances · Installing a door closer on a metal door. Installing a door closer. Standard diagram for installing a door closer

Installing a door closer on a metal door. Installing a door closer. Standard diagram for installing a door closer

Before installing a door closer, the user must study the features of its design, check the kit and draw up a rough action plan for himself. The installation instructions describe all the necessary steps and list the tools that will be needed.

But there are several nuances in each stage of door closer installation that require a separate explanation. So, self-installation hidden closer - not best activity for someone who is doing something like this for the first time. In this situation, it is better to take the advice of a professional or ask someone who has experience to help determine the markings and other installation details.

Procedure for installing a door closer

At home, closers are most often used for installation on interior doors. rack type with a lever mechanism - a kind of “knee” that is noticeable. Devices with slider rods are used a little less frequently. Hidden closers are used less frequently, but you cannot do without them if the installation takes place on glass structures or the interior requires strict adherence to style. Critical differences in in general terms There is no DIY installation of the door closer.

First stage: determining the installation diagram

The installation pattern of the door closer depends on the direction of door opening. There are several types:

  1. The door opens to where the door closer will be placed. In this case, the body is installed on the canvas, and the lever system is installed on the frame.
  2. Opens outward from the closer. The scheme becomes the opposite - the sliding channel is installed on the moving web, and the body on the jamb.

Please note that the equipment adjustment bolts will be located towards the hinges (on the graphic instructions, find the designation in letters or numbers).

Stage two: applying the template

Included with the closers is a mandatory installation diagram, made on a scale of 1 to 1. With its help, installation of the device is noticeably easier, requiring only precise movements and certain tools. The diagram shows markings for attaching the lever and the housing.

Remember! The template always assumes all options for mounting the structure - on the left or right door, internal or external opening.

The template also takes into account what classes of doors the closer is intended for, which is why the mounting location may change (when purchasing equipment, class En is chosen according to the weight and size of the door leaf). For each type of application on the diagram there are lines of different colors or types (solid, dotted).

Example of a template for installing a door closer

Third stage: step-by-step installation

Before installing the closer, the template from the kit is carefully and very accurately attached to the door leaf, following the instructions (along the lines). To do this, use thin tape. Then the centers of the holes for drilling are marked with a center punch. Next, proceed with the installation:

  1. The housing is installed with fasteners, determining the correct installation by the position of the adjusting screws.
  2. Then install the knee lever system on the opposite side of the door. Sometimes the parts of the lever equipment in the kit are supplied connected. The hinge needs to be removed temporarily; its installation is returned during the process of adjusting the closer.
  3. Install the non-adjustable part of the lever system - the knee. To install it, use the closer axis and secure it with a nut and a key.
  4. If the door closer is installed for the purpose of smoothly closing the doors without unnecessary noise, then the door closer elbow should be installed perpendicular to the door. The lever is placed at an angle relative to the blade. The connection of the door closer parts must be carried out completely closed door.
  5. If the purpose of installing the closing mechanism is finishing reinforcement (when using a seal or latch on the door leaf), then the rigid lever is installed perpendicular to the door. The length of the adjustable elbow is adjusted to the rigid mechanism. This installation strengthens the spring of the closer and allows for faster closing when closing.
  6. The installation is completed by connecting both parts of the knee using a hinge.

The door closer installation kit includes all the necessary fasteners for installation on wooden, plastic and metal doors (if the use of the mechanism is suitable for these classes of door panels). So, screws for wood will look different from fasteners for metal.

Nuances of non-standard installation

Sometimes use is required alternative scheme installing a door closer for interior doors or heavy entrance panels. The process uses mounting plates and angles. Some models have them included, others need to be purchased separately:

  • If the doorway is too deep and does not allow installing the lever bracket on the frame, then use a mounting bracket.
  • Sometimes the opposite situation is possible, and the corner is used for installation together with the equipment housing.
  • The design features of the door do not always allow the installation of a closer body (patterned carvings or high glass); in this case, a mounting plate is used on which the equipment body is placed.
  • If the door protrudes beyond the frame or the space above the leaf does not allow attaching the closer lever, then a mounting plate is used to align the position of the body and fastening.

The choice of plate or corner will depend on the design of the blade and the size of the closer. A store consultant will help you decide.

Features of installing hidden closers

Hidden mechanisms can be floor-mounted, top-mounted, or presented in the form of hinge closers. The first type is used for installation together with glass structures, less often with plastic and wooden ones. Its installation occurs during the installation of doors. Upper hidden mechanisms require special precision in operation and extreme care. Before installing them, you need to make a special hole in the canvas into which the housing of the finishing mechanism will be installed.

The general principles of installation of such structures are similar to installing a lever-type closer with your own hands. However, not all interior designs offer this option because the fabric is too thin. Metal doors, on the contrary, turn out to be too heavy for such equipment, and the use of mechanisms with an external lever becomes the best solution.

Hinges with an integrated closer are hidden mechanisms and are designed for lightweight structures. Ideal for interior doors, completely invisible and easy to install. It is enough to use the installation diagram for conventional hidden or overhead door hinges.

Remember! Externally, a hinge with a closer is not much different from standard fittings. It only has a slightly enlarged body cylinder.

It is not recommended to install door closers on massive wooden, plastic and metal doors. The fragility of their design will cause wear and tear, which will lead to rapid failure. The traction force of such products is suitable only for the lightest fabrics.

The most difficult thing in the process of installing a hidden hinge door closer is determining the correct axis. This design is installed with slight disruption vertical position. If the installer has too few skills in working with such mechanisms, then it is better to use the services of a professional.

Adjusting door closers after installation

It is impossible to correctly install a door closer for entrance or interior doors without final stage– adjustments and last settings. Primary installation does not always allow achieving proper operation equipment, which leads to breakdowns. Also, the mechanisms need periodic adjustment, which occurs during the changing seasons.

The first thing people pay attention to is the speed of the door:

  • If the door opens too slowly, adjust the closer spring.
  • A special nut, marked in the instructions with a special letter or number, is responsible for its compression.
  • The valve head is turned, following the instructions, clockwise or counterclockwise, but no more than 2 turns in one direction.

Typically, closers have 2 adjustment valves. In rare models there is a third valve. If the first one is responsible for adjusting the speed, then the second one is used to close the door tightly - a slam. The third valve is responsible for the movement of the blade structure at angles of 90 or 80 degrees.

The hold-open function makes it possible to fix the door in the open position at a given angle (usually 90 degrees). However, not all door closers are equipped with it. If necessary, the option can be purchased along with the mechanism or installed later if necessary.

During use, many door closers need to change the oil, as it can lose its viscosity during operation and exposure to temperature changes.

Many people probably remember the various ingenious devices that were used to close doors completely and tightly. What could be invented for this!

These include simple springs, entire systems of counterweights with blocks and cables, and even parts of old tires and rubber bands.

Today the problem is solved much easier and more effectively. A special door closer has long been developed and successfully used.

The device may have the most different designs, they are available in the market with many different models. However, buying such a device is not enough - it still needs to be installed. You can turn to the services of specialists, or you can try to figure it out and do it yourself.

What is a closer?

Internal working mechanism of the closer- this is a spring, cam mechanism or gear that compresses when the door is opened rack. Closers that are purchased complete with a digital lock often use the second type of mechanism, which is characterized by increased force at the very end of closing: this is necessary for reliable latching of the lock. Cam mechanisms are usually used in rack and pinion closers; they provide smoother closing.

Installing a door closer

The door closer is selected according to the weight and width of the door, guided by a special standard table. For example, if a door weighs twenty kilograms and has a width of 75 cm, an EN-1 class mechanism is sufficient, with indicators of 40 kg and 85 cm - EN-2, then similarly. The device's passport indicates its class.

Standard Installation Options

The overhead door closer can be installed outside or inside the room. In the case of interior doors, the standard installation method is preferred. On the opening side, a closer body is mounted on the door, and a rod with a shoe is mounted on the door frame.

  1. if "on yourself", the body of the device is attached to the very top of the door from the hinge side;
  2. if the door opens “from itself”, those. in the opposite direction, the body is mounted on the frame, and the lever is attached to the door leaf.

Regardless of the type of traction, lever or channel, overhead door closers are installed using the same technology.

The installation diagram in natural scale is applied to the jamb and door leaf at the same time, and the location of the holes is marked through the paper. The circuit usually comes with the closer.

Holes of the required size are drilled in the frame and door leaf. For a door from aluminum profile or thin-walled metal should be used special devices for fastening - bonks. At the place where the fixing elements are attached, they prevent the metal from deforming.

Fasten the rack strip (or lever shoe) and the device body directly through the prepared holes using self-tapping screws. The mating part of the lever is attached to the body with a special screw (it is included in the kit): the lever is connected at the knee.

The knee lever must be adjusted: it must be located at a right angle to the plane of the door leaf. The required force for closing the doors is adjusted using special screws. To do this, open the door, evaluate the speed at which it closes, and bring it to the required speed.

If the closer needs to be adjusted in the “latching” mode, which is used on a door with a combination lock or latch,
then the closing force and its speed are regulated in two zones. This is the starting range, from 180 degrees to 15, and the ending range, from 15 degrees to 0. In the end zone, both of these indicators (force and speed) should be slightly higher. But it is better to avoid very noticeable differences between speeds.

Important! If you overdo it when adjusting the screws, the mechanism housing may become depressurized, oil will leak out of it, and it will become unusable.

Some models have additional options, such as opening inhibition. They are also regulated and brought to the required values.

Custom installation options

Sometimes the situation develops in such a way that it is not possible to install the device according to the standard scheme. Then you have to resort to installing an additional corner or special strips. In every specific case their design has to be developed on site, taking into account the initial data.

  • It is not recommended to make any effort when closing the door: holding it back or, conversely, rushing it. If the door needs to be locked (when furniture is carried through it, for example), then it is better to disconnect the lever from the closer.
  • Do not insert spacers or bricks.
  • The closer located on the street side of the door should be protected from oil freezing and protected from precipitation.

If it didn't remain open, they installed a closer. Previously, a stretched thick spring was responsible for this action. The disadvantage was the sudden slamming of the sash. Modern products smoothly close the canvas and ensure its tight fit to door frame. The design of the mechanism is simple. However, the specifics of installing closers of different models differ.

To select and install a door closer, you need to take into account the design of the product. By installation location The following models are distinguished:

  • Invoices install from above door block. The elements are fastened to the canvas, frame, wall or additional structures.
  • Models floor type is more often used for glass sashes. The product is attached from below to the canvas and the floor.

  • Hidden closers are hidden inside the door block. Installation is very difficult, maintenance is inconvenient.

Models vary transfer of force from the working spring to the lever mechanism:

  • Products with knee, lever or articulated rod. The device is the same, it just has three names. A design feature is a metal lever perpendicular to the door leaf. The mechanism works reliably, but requires a lot of effort when opening the door, and also looks ugly on the door block.

  • Models sliding type the operating lever is constantly parallel to the blade. Appearance not spoiled by a protruding knee. The door opens smoothly with less effort.

Door closers differ internal device:

  • Cam more often used in hidden installation systems or models with channel traction. The heart-shaped cam is located on the lever axis and is pressed on both sides by rollers. When the sash opens, the cam compresses the operating spring. When the blade begins to close, the spring returns to initial position. At the same time, the cam rotates in the opposite direction, which creates a smooth closing of the sash. The cam mechanism is adjusted using an eccentric.

  • Toothed or hydraulic The mechanism has a rack and pinion transmission of working force. Mounted on the lever axis gear. When the sash opens, the gear begins to rotate. The teeth push the rack, driving the piston, which compresses the working spring. As the sash closes, the tension releases. The spring expands, pushes the piston, and the entire mechanism operates in reverse order. Smooth opening is ensured by the channels through which engine oil flows inside. The mechanism is adjusted by screws that change the diameter of the entrance of each channel.

Hydraulic ones are usually equipped with a lever arm and are the most popular models.

Where to put it?

In the building, the automatic closer is installed on the entrance doors from the side of the room. The mechanism body must be protected from the aggressive effects of adverse weather conditions. There are models open installation, not afraid of frost and rain, but it is also better to place them on the side of the room. If necessary, you can install a closer on the wicket or gate.

What to consider when choosing?

When choosing a model for installing a door closer, the width and weight of the sash are taken into account. All products are classified according to the EN 1154 standard. An incorrectly selected model will quickly fail or create certain difficulties in closing the door. Closers are divided into seven gradations with the designation EN 1 – EN 7. Each class is designed for a certain weight and width of the sash.

The width and weight of the door do not always match the data specified in standard classification. The product is selected according to the maximum indicator. You can install an automatic closer, where the characteristics indicate the permissible maximum and minimum limits. The manufacturer indicates the force range, for example, EN 2–EN 4.

For outdoor installation, special street models are chosen. If the product is intended for internal use, in the cold, the viscosity of the oil will change, the hydraulic system will stop working normally, which will create certain difficulties with opening the door.

The standard functions of all door closers include adjusting the speed and force of movement of the sash in the sector of 180–15° and 15–0°. Models with additional features allow you to:

  • set a pause for closing the door;
  • prevent sudden opening;
  • adjust the clap force;
  • fix the door leaf in the open state.

How to properly install a door closer?

The entire process of installing a door closer with your own hands consists of three steps. First, the installation diagram is determined, and it depends on door opening directions:

  • If the sash opens towards the closer, the lever is attached to the door frame, and the mechanism body is attached to the door.
  • When opening back, the lever is fixed to the sash, and the body to the frame.

For any installation scheme, the adjusting bolts point towards the canopies.

The second step is to study the instructions. Inside the product packaging you need to find a diagram for installing the closer, drawn on a scale of 1:1. Sample applied to the door and marked exact places fastenings

The third step involves installation, consisting of the following actions:

  1. Using the applied template markings, the mechanism body is first attached. Then proceed to install the lever. If the product was sold assembled, the hinge is temporarily disconnected.
  2. An elbow is installed on the axle. Fixation occurs with a nut. When installing the knee and lever, their location is taken into account, which depends on the purpose of the closer. To close the door smoothly, the knee is placed perpendicular to the sash, and the lever is placed at an angle. The joining of elements is carried out with the blade in a closed position. If the purpose of installing the mechanism is the closing function, then the lever is placed perpendicular to the sash. Then adjust the length of the knee.
  3. After attaching the two halves of the mechanism, they are connected with a hinge.

The kit includes fastening elements that allow you to install the closer on plastic door or from any other material. Usually there are differences between screws, for example, for wood and metal.

On non-standard doors It is not always possible to install the mechanism according to the template. For such cases, auxiliary elements are used:

  • in a deep opening, the lever or mechanism body is fixed to the door frame through a mounting bracket;
  • in order not to damage the pattern on the door or high-mounted glass, attach the mechanism to an additional mounting plate;
  • if the thickness of the sash protrudes beyond the boundaries of the frame or the frame is too narrow, the alignment of both parts of the mechanism is performed using mounting plates.

Auxiliary installation elements may be included with the product, but usually corners and plates are purchased separately.


After installing the door closer, adjustments are made; at this time, the knee lever should be positioned at an angle of 90° relative to the door leaf. The automatic door closer is adjusted using screws located on the mechanism body. After each turning with a screwdriver in the directions indicated by the arrows, the speed of the sash is tested.

The closing mode is adjusted in two door opening zones: 180–15° and 15–0°. The screws cannot be completely unscrewed. Depressurization of the housing may occur followed by oil leakage.

Operation and care

The automatic closer does not limit the opening of the sash. To prevent the mechanism from breaking, install a stop that prevents the door from swinging open too much. For models with a slider lever, the limiter is mounted in the guide channel.

Blocking the door open with various supports or manual force to quickly close the door wears out the mechanism, and sometimes even breaks parts. At outdoor installation The closer body is protected by a visor from precipitation and sun. To extend service life, all moving parts are lubricated.

If the doors have no defects and the conditions of use are met, the closer will serve the time guaranteed by the manufacturer.

Before installing a door closer, you should find out what this mechanism is, why it is needed and how to choose it correctly. A door closer or door closer is a device that provides automatic soft, silent and smooth closing door leaf.

A steel spring placed in a housing with special oil is its main element. Through the valve system, oil flows from one chamber to another when opening, and then returns back when closing. The viscous shock-absorbing liquid allows you to open the sash smoothly and silently, and then also slowly and silently return it to its original position.

The prototype of the door close was an ordinary spring, attached with one edge to the gate or door, and the other to a post or door hatch, near the awnings. Setting up such a mechanism was very difficult, and the door was difficult to open and hit hard when closing.

Today's closers are silent and allow you to open and close the doors without effort. Today, this mechanism has become an integral part of the doors of shops, offices and institutions, and such a device in our time will not surprise anyone. You can install the closer on the door yourself, having first studied the instructions. The devices differ from each other in the type of mechanism, installation location and mode of operation.

Depending on the installation location, these devices can be floor-mounted, hidden, or overhead. The place of installation of the latter is usually the upper section of the door or hatch, the hidden ones are the upper end of the leaf, and the floor closers, or, as they are also called, door closers lower location, bottom edge of the door and floor. They are usually used for glass structures. The installation of such mechanisms can be seen in video 1.

The most popular and easy to install are overhead door closers. The set includes instructions, a case with a mechanism inside, a lever and a moving rod with a mounting shoe. There are special screws to regulate the force and speed of closing the door. Attached to the kit is a mounting template in life size. You can easily make markings on it by simply applying it to the canvas.

The procedure for installing a door limiter with your own hands

The overhead door closer can be installed either on inner side canvas, and on the outside. For interior doors, a template installation method is chosen: the body of the device is attached to the door leaf on the opening side, and the rod with the shoe is attached to the door jamb. On outer door It is advisable to install the mechanism from the inside, this will save it from the destructive effects of dust and humidity.

And then, in frosty weather, the device attached to the outside will freeze and will not allow you to open or close the sash freely. Installation of the device depends on the specifics of door opening. According to the rules, external door must open to the street, so the closer body must be attached to the door frame or to an auxiliary mounting plate. The procedure for attaching the device with your own hands is as follows.

    1. You need to choose a door closer, taking into account the weight of the door and its width, using the table of the European standard EN 1154. If the width is less than or equal to 75 cm, and the weight is up to 20 kg, an EN-1 class device will be sufficient; if the leaf width is 85 cm and the weight is 40 kg, then it is necessary select EN-2. The limiter class is specified in the documents. How to install a closer when the canvas is non-standard, heavy, and it is not possible to select a mechanism of the required class? You can install two mechanisms that will evenly distribute the load.
    2. Select the installation location and installation method of the device. To do this, you need to take into account which direction the canvas opens (right, left). When swinging doors “towards you”, the device body is mounted at the top of the product not far from the awnings, if “from you” - on the door hatch, and the lever is attached to the door.

Scheme of door closer installation types

  1. To install a door closer with your own hands, you need to prepare tools: a hammer, a screwdriver or screwdriver, an electric drill and a wrench for adjusting the device.
  2. The installation diagram included in the kit is applied to the door leaf, simultaneously to the door frame, and the holes are marked through the paper using a core.
  3. Drill holes of the required caliber in the core and canvas. For an armored door, you need to prepare rivets (rivets) that prevent the iron from deforming in the places where the elements will be attached.
  4. The device body and lever are attached to the drilled holes with self-tapping screws. Using the screw included in the kit, the closer is fastened to the lever and connected at the knee.
  5. The knee lever is installed at a right angle to the canvas.
  6. Having finished installing the limiter, adjust the speed of closing the door. Having opened it, observe how quickly it closes, and adjust the closing speed to the desired level using the adjusting screws.
  7. When adjusting with your own hands, you must not overdo it with unscrewing the screws, so that the device body does not depressurize and oil leaks, which will make the mechanism unsuitable for use.

DIY custom installation methods

If it is impossible to mount the device according to the standard scheme, install a corner or auxiliary strips. For a non-standard installation, the following methods can be used.

  1. The lever cannot be attached to the door hatch. In this case, the mounting angle is secured with screws and the lever is attached to it from the inside.
  2. The body of the device is fixed to a corner mounted on the upper bevel of the box, and the lever is fixed to the door.
  3. A mounting strip is attached to the canvas, on which the closer body is placed. The lever is fixed to the door hatch.
  4. The mounting plate is fixed to the door hatch and the mechanism itself is mounted on it, and the lever is mounted on the door.
  5. The device is attached to the canvas in the usual way, and the lever is fixed to the mounting plate.

The listed installation options make it possible to independently attach the lock to any non-standard doors. In order for the device to serve for a long time, there is no need to forcefully close the doors during use. If you need to block the door leaf, you just need to disconnect the lever from the closer, and not hold the door different ways. Now you know how to install a door closer with your own hands.

Many of us remember the simple devices that were previously used to ensure independent and tight closure of entrances, gates, entrances, etc. For this, ordinary springs, counterweights with cables and block systems were used, and often craftsmen even adapted rubber bands or pieces of old tires for such purposes. Today, such problems are solved much easier and more efficiently, since there is always the opportunity to buy a door closer - the range of them on sale is very wide.

Purchasing such a mechanism is only half the battle, since you still need to install it correctly. You can, of course, turn to the services of craftsmen, however, if you carefully figure out how to install a door closer, it turns out that similar work It’s quite possible to do it yourself.

General information about the design of door closers

The closer is mechanical device, accumulating potential energy when opening the door, which is then spent on closing it tightly. The “battery” is most often a powerful spring.

The transfer of force to the spring and back to the door leaf can be carried out according to one of two schemes:

1. Closers with an internal hydraulic circuit and rack and pinion force transmission.

  • When the door is opened, the gear mounted on the lever axis rotates and transmits translational motion through the rack to the piston ( top part drawing), and he, in turn, compresses the spring.
  • When the opening external efforts removed, the spring tends to return to its original position (in the figure - below). It pushes the piston, causing rotation of the gear, which transmits force to the lever system of the closer.

Smooth operation is ensured by a system of cavities and channels through which oil flows, which fills the entire body of the closer. By changing the internal clearance of the channels, you can precisely adjust the smooth operation of the entire mechanism.

Such a scheme is the most widespread, especially on closers with lever transmission.

Video: device and installation diagrams of a closer with a rack and pinion mechanism

2. Closers with cam mechanism

On the axis of the lever there is a cam of a complex eccentric shape (“heart-shaped”), supported on both sides by rollers. When the door is opened, the protruding part of the cam compresses the spring, which on its reverse causes the cam to rotate in the opposite direction, which leads to a smooth closing of the door. The torque is adjusted by changing the geometry of the eccentric profile.

This scheme is more often used in closers with a channel arrangement of traction or in hidden placement mechanisms.

The next parameter for the classification of closers is their installation location. The vast majority of devices are designed for surface-mounted installation at the top. However, sometimes for reasons of unesthetics or the impossibility of installing the mechanism on top (for example, glass doors, or in cases where the closer’s appearance will disrupt the intended design of the room), other schemes can be used - hidden installation in the floor, frame or door leaf.

In turn, overhead door closers are divided into two types:

  • Mechanisms with a hinged (lever) rod consisting of two knees. Advantages - simplicity and reliability of design, good power transmission, large built-in potential possible adjustments and additional functions. Disadvantage - the protruding lever system may not be to everyone’s taste for aesthetic reasons. In addition, it is more susceptible to vandalism.

Closer with a guide channel - slider system

  • Slider system closers – with a sliding channel. The free end of the lever is equipped with a roller and moves in a closed box-shaped channel. Advantages - aesthetics, less susceptibility to vandalism, the possibility of placing a door opening limiter in the channel. The absence of protruding parts makes it possible to install such closers on doors closely located to the walls. Disadvantages - more significant effort is required to open the doors (spring compression), limited adjustments and additional functionality.

What to consider when choosing a door closer

If you want to equip the door in your apartment or house with a closer, before purchasing this mechanism you need to decide on its “size”. Under this concept lies the classification according to the European standard EN 1154. Thus, there are seven gradations of closers according to the magnitude of the closing force, which are selected based on the size and weight of the door leaf:

Standard gradation of door closer “sizes”

  • When selecting the desired model it is necessary to focus on maximum rate your doors. For example, if the width of the canvas is 900 mm, but at the same time weighs 70 kg, then you will need to purchase a door closer with size EN -4.
  • For maximum consumer convenience, developers of such mechanisms often provide a certain range of their capabilities. For example, in technical documentation limits “EN -2 ÷ EN -4” can be set. The specific amount of force in this case will be determined only by the installation features of the closer.
  • In those rare situations when the effort of one closer may not be enough, they resort to installing them in pairs.
  • It is worth purchasing the model that best suits the existing doors. Understating the characteristics will lead to rapid failure of the closer. Too much big size– these are unnecessary difficulties with normal opening of doors.
  • If you plan to install the closer on the street or in an unheated room, you must check whether this option is available on a specific model. The problem is a significant change in oil viscosity in hydraulic system during thermal changes. Typically, the product data sheet indicates the permissible operating temperature range.
  • You can immediately evaluate functionality the selected model. Basic adjustments of most door closers include changing the spring force, speed and force of closing the door in the sector from 180 to 15º and in the final section (finishing) - from 15 to 0º. In addition, other parameters may be provided:

— A special adjustable hydraulic damper will help prevent sudden opening of doors due to excessive force or in a draft or gusty wind. He will protect the doors from breakage, from impact along adjacent walls, will prevent accidental injury.

— Often the operating conditions of the premises require leaving the door open for a long time. To do this, you will need a closer with a locking mechanism in the open position.

— There are situations when after each opening of the doors and before they begin to close, a certain pause is required, about half a minute (for example, warehouses, storage rooms, utility rooms). This feature can also be implemented in closers with a closing delay function.

— If the doors have an elastic seal, or they are equipped with latches, the function of precise control of the speed and closing force will be useful.

— If the doors are double-leaf, then an additional mechanism may be needed to coordinate the uniform closing of both leaves.

— For “cold” doors, it is better to purchase a door closer with a “thermal damper” system, which reacts to changes external temperature, expands or contracts to compensate for changes in oil viscosity in the hydraulic system.

Approximate procedure for installing a door closer

Since the most common in apartment conditions are closers with hydraulic rack and pinion system and a lever mechanism, the installation process will be discussed using their example. By by and large. Installing door closers with a slider system is not particularly different, and in some cases it is even a simpler task.

  • First of all, you should decide on the installation diagram, which depends on the direction of opening the doors:

— If the door opens in the direction of placing the closer, then its body will be attached to the door leaf, and the lever system will be attached to the door frame.

— When opening the door outward, away from you, the scheme changes to the opposite - the body is on the jamb, and the lever system bracket or sliding channel is on the door.

In both cases, the adjustment screws on the closer body must face the hinges.

  • The kit of almost any modern door closer necessarily includes a template made in full size, which extremely simplifies the process of accurately marking the mounting locations for both the body and the lever bracket.

Typically, templates are available for all intended installation methods - for left and right doors opening outward or inward.

In addition, if the closer has the ability to work in several standard classes according to EN, then this will also be indicated on the template. There are different lines for its application to the corner of the door (as in the example presented), or the centers for drilling mounting holes for each level (size) are indicated in different colors.

So, if the master has decided on the required size and location of the parts, you can proceed to installation.

  • The template is attached with maximum precision using strips of adhesive tape to the door leaf along indicated lines. The centers of the holes to be drilled are marked with a center punch.

  • Using an electric drill, holes are drilled to the diameter required by the installation instructions.

  • The door closer body is secured with the supplied fasteners (screws). In this case, you should once again check the correct orientation of the adjusting screws.

  • The next step is to install the bracket (foot) with the adjustable knee of the lever system.

If the parts of the lever mechanism included in the delivery set are connected to each other, then this hinge must be temporarily disassembled - its final assembly will be carried out when adjusting the closer.

One more nuance. The bracket may be asymmetrical, so you should check its location with the required door closing force. In the case under consideration (in the figure) two positions are shown - for EN -2 and for EN -3 and 4.

— In the case where the priority is to close the door smoothly without knocking, and the door itself is not equipped with a latch or seal, the adjustable lever arm is placed perpendicular to the surface of the door, and the rigid lever is placed at an angle to it. The connection is made with the door completely closed. The length of the adjustable lever can be easily changed by tightening or unscrewing the screw part of it a few turns.

Door slam closing required

If an accentuated finishing force is required to close the door (a lock with latch or seal), then the scheme changes slightly. In this case, the rigid lever must be perpendicular to the door leaf, and the length of the adjustable elbow is adjusted to this location. Thus, the closer spring initially becomes slightly loaded, which will increase the force when the door is completely closed.

  • After adjusting this “triangle”, the joint between both knees is assembled.

In fact, this is where the standard procedure for installing the closer ends and you can proceed to adjustment. However, as practice shows, the door design can present certain “surprises”, which will require the use of special mounting strips (plates) or corners:

  • A doorway that is too deep does not allow the lever bracket to be placed directly on the door frame. In this case, it is installed on the mounting bracket.

The opposite situation - the closer body is installed on the mounting angle

  • “Mirror” situation, when installation on the mounting angle requires the closer body itself .

  • The design of the door leaf does not make it possible to install the closer body on its surface (for example, high-positioned glass). In this case, first attach mounting plate, and then, to it, the body itself.

  • The door leaf protrudes slightly beyond the frame, or the space above it does not allow attaching a bracket to it. To align the housing and the mounting of the levers at the same level, to create conditions for reliable fastening, you will need to install a mounting plate.

  • The complex shaped shape of the door casing does not provide a level platform for mounting the closer body. The solution is to pre-install the mounting plate.

Mounting angles or plates, as a rule, are not included in the delivery package of the closer, but are usually available for sale in a fairly wide assortment for most models.

Find out interesting things interior solution, from our new article -

Adjusting the installed door closer

After installing the closer, it is necessary to make the necessary adjustments so that its operation is most comfortable for the owners.

The door closing speed is adjustable in two ranges. The location and markings of the installation screws may vary significantly between models - this should be clarified in the instructions supplied with the product. The principle of adjustment is approximately the same.

  • First, by rotating the corresponding screw, adjust the adjustment of the door to closed state. Strength and speed installed“latches” directly depend on the weight and design of the door, its equipment with a lock with a latch (for example, on entrances with combination locks, the latch can be quite tight), and the sealing circuit installed around the perimeter of the opening. In any case, the speed of the door in the finishing sector should not differ too much from the movement in the initial sector.

  • Then set the most acceptable speed from the fully open position to an angle of approximately 15º (before the start of finishing). The door should move smoothly, without jerking or stopping.

  • The adjusting screws rotate very smoothly, in a small sector - this is quite enough. Excessive tightening or unscrewing of the screws can lead to either breakdown of the mechanism or depressurization of the housing with oil leaking out of it.
  • If there is a need to increase the closing force, you can use a special screw to increase the preload of the working spring of the closer.

As already mentioned, some models also have a door closer additional functions. The installation and operating instructions for a specific product will indicate adjustment rules that must be strictly followed.

Prices for popular types of door closers


Video: example of adjusting a door closer

  • In no case should the door closer be considered as a limiter for the maximum opening of the door - the lever mechanism will not last long with this approach. For these purposes, it is better to use shock-absorbing door stops mounted on the floor or wall. The exception is some models with a slider lever arrangement - sometimes you can install a limit opening limiter in the guide chute.
  • It is prohibited to block a door with a closer in the open position by placing heavy objects in the path of the door leaf or by tying it to the handle. If there is a need to keep the entrance open for a long period of time, it is necessary to disconnect the lever system during this time.
  • You should not try to forcefully increase the speed of closing the door manually - this will cause rapid wear of the mechanism.
  • It is forbidden to hang on doors, allow children to ride on them, or hang significant loads on the handles.
  • The door closer will function correctly if the door structure itself is free of defects. Even before installation, you should check for looseness or sagging in the hinges, distortions of the fabric, correct fit of locks and latches, and constantly monitor this during operation.
  • If the closer has to be installed outdoors, it should be protected from precipitation and direct sun rays. Mechanisms installed in such “cold” conditions will require seasonal adjustments twice a year.
  • It is necessary to regularly (at least once a year) lubricate the hinge units of the lever mechanism with grease.

Find out installation instructions from our new article.

If the owners comply with the operating rules, the door closer must conscientiously work out the period guaranteed by the manufacturer.